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Jawarism, from the word JAWAR, the name of this religion's one true and almighty god, is a new religious movement which follows the teachings of their founder, whom the adherents believe to be the chosen one sent by the almighty JAWAR, their god, in 2213 at a small town in southeast FAWZIA from there religion is now gaining more members in many countries around the continent. The new movement is a monotheistic religious movement but is described by the Sifian church leaders as somewhat a cult because of their belief in polygamy, a practice by which a man had more than one wife, which is considered as inappropriate by the other religion's members. The groups chief religious scripture is known as the EB'R HAT EGAHIM, a collection of the teachings and words of the prophet IKALUM. IKALUM was born in 2153 but his teaching only spread after his death in 2210 at the age of just 57 years old. The church by which his teachings are the primary doctrines came into being three years after his death by a good friend of his. The first EB'R HAT EGAHIM was published only in 2215 from the collection of accounts by IKALUM's closest friends. The new religion is centered in the country of FAWZIA, however there are now many adherents spread around the continent. Each church are semi-autonomous, however all its adherents are to abide strictly to the EB'R HAT EGAHIM. Each independent church may form together as a conference and is headed by a chief priest known as the AJADIN, or in the Sifian religion his position is comparable to a bishop. All the conferences in a specific region tend to form together into a group known as a province headed by the Chief AJADIN, who is the highest religious person in that region. Their clerics are not allowed to have a wife nor are they permitted to have children. They also only allow men to become members of their holy orders and only an AJADIN may admit a person to become a cleric. The new religion is quiet known for their own set of religious and civil laws which renders very severe and harsh punishments to those who violated them. When a person violates their laws, known as a FAQH, they are then brought to a special court with a judge, who is both learned in the religious scriptures and the faqh, presiding over the trials. The highest punishment that they render to an offender is execution. They tend to believe that the just punishment for a crime should be equal to the severity of the crime they violated. JAWARIST men are allowed to have more than one wife, which is a practice known as polygamy, as long as they can provide for the needs of their family. Many JAWARIST family puts special importance to their male offspring, because they believe that they will be the ones to continue their bloodline. Education in the JAWARISTs is extremely important and many of their churches offers a some form of education but these schools' instructions are primarily based on their religion. Students who are qualified may then continue studying in JAWARIC universities which offers religious studies, and JAWARIC laws, literature, history, and caligraphy studies.

See Also

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