Banner motd

From Joe

Revision as of 01:03, 1 April 2012 by (Talk)



banner motd



Yea all of these niggas came soft. But; for sure neehtir one of these dudes wanna see the boy Nickel!!! I don't know why Cannibus called out Kid Vishis he not a threat; but he gonna get Royce blood heated. Arsonnal called out Royce as well I like dude but he is gonna get it; cant wait to here it!!!!! Hurry up Royce drop that shit!!!! Similar to what you did to Mister Fab!!!! Please!!!!!

Szintaxis leírása

k: Felhasználó által választott szövegvéget jelző karakter, például (%) jel. fejléc szöveg: Felhasználó által begépelt, megjelenítendő szöveg.

Parancs leírása

A MOTD a message-of-the-day (napi üzenet) fogalom rövidítése. Ha valaki belép az eszközbe a motd fejléc jelenik meg a belépési prompt előtt. A sikeres belépés után az exec fejléc, vagy a bejövő fejléc fog látszódni a kapcsolódás típusa szerint. A fordított telnet belépés esetén a bejövő fejléc, minden más kapcsolódás esetén az exec fejléc jelenik meg. A no banner motd paranccsal a MOTD fejléc kikapcsolható. A motd fejléc minden rákapcsolt terminálon megjelenik, az üzenetet minden felhasználó megkapja.

A parancsot paraméterek nélkül kiadva, az az alapértelmezett értékkel tér vissza, azaz törli a fejlécet. Minden banner motd parancs felülírja az előző fejléc értékét.


1. Példa. motd fejléc létrehozása. A szövegvéget jelző karakter a példában a (%) jel:

c2940(config)#banner motd  % Ez a Cisco 2940 switch konfiguracioja %

Happy Birthday to your step-son. He sure has been blessed to have you for his step-mom. Thanks for sonipptg by my blog! It's nice to have fellow blogger that is older and has older children. I am almost 40 and have three teens!

Dear Joe, I got to thinking about some more renegal-ish questions I have for you. Mostly in regards to stuff that I (and other readers) might be curious about but either haven't asked, or haven't thought much about.What is your daily routine like? Do you ever feel like you get stuck in a rut?Do you still have your job after being transferred out and back in?What time do the lights go out? Is it dark or is there still *some light* in your cell?Do you have a window?How long can someone stay in the same cell? Is there a time limit before they are forcibly moved by the staff?If you could bring anything into jail what would you bring?What is the most useful thing you can obtain on the inside? (regardless of contraband status)Is it possible to be happy in prison? Speaking of happiness as a feeling not necessarily in regards to the situation of being a prisoner. (unless some people are indeed happy to be a prisoner?)Do people have magazines sent to them? Is there a limit to how many?Are people with names mentioned frequently during mail call targeted (out of jealousy) more than people that seldom receive mail? Have you found that to be a problem in your situation? (I assume using e-mail is less public'?)Is there a sought after service provided within prison? Like-wise is it better to have a hustle in prison to get the things you need or is it better to lay low, and just buy the stuff with money sent to you?How does the check in' you mentioned in your previous reply work? How do people check in, is there a time limit, are there certain restrictions placed upon you if you do, is checking in considered a disciplinary act? Does it look bad to officials?Have you found that you rescind statements regarding a lot of the negative aspects you face (if any) on a day-to-day basis being an inmate when communicating with family or friends on the outside simply because you know that it would be hard on them to hear because there would be little to nothing they could actually do to help a situation that arose?Do you have an electrical outlet in your cell? Do inmates ever make anything useful that is powered by electricity?I know that there are a boatload of questions there, and some may or may not warrant an extended answer. Take your time, and answer in parts if you need to. I just wanted to send these questions to you that I thought about since reading your reply, and putting myself in an inmates shoes (as much as possible in thought) during this weekend. After reading your blog, and taking on a few of my own personal legal tigers at the moment I truly believe that at some point in my life I will help those being released from prison.A blog seems like such a frivolous thing these days with social media but I thank you so much for all your writings, and insight into a world foreign to most of us on the outside' with the exception of whatever National Geographic or the Discovery Channel feel like makes good tv' which is usually some crazy inmate in super max talking about daily stabbings and bad food.Thanks again,-Matt

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