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[edit] Battle the Effects of Smoking with E-Cig

Nowadays, children ages 8 and above are now knowledgeable on how a cigarettes work. They could get their knowledge through television, movies, peers, family members, and much more. It is difficult to advice children on how dangerous smoking is when they see other people who are regularly smoking. According to researchers and geneticists, when a parent smokes they could pass that “smoking genes” to one of his or her offspring. Another theory is that, when one parent smokes, there is a 50% chance that one of his or her children could inherit or follow the smoker parent. It is easier to start smoking, than to stop it. Even though the government is trying their best to stop people to smoke, they put warning labels on every cigarette, there are no advertisements on television regarding cigarettes, but still there are new generations of teenagers and young adult who are starting to smoke and are already smoking.

Smoking cigarettes and tobacco is rampant nowadays. It is like the new trend of young adults. Peer pressure is one of the risk factors of teenagers and young adults to smoke. Smoking affects almost all of your organs in your body. There are almost 4,000 toxic substances that could be found in one cigarette. That’s how dangerous a cigarette is. With just a couple of puff you’ll be addicted to the nicotine that is present in it. One of the diseases that you could get in smoking is lung cancer. It will greatly affect your lungs thus making it hard to breathe in the future and eventually will lead to cancer then death. You may not be able to see it now, and every passing day, it will be harder and harder to breath.

If you’re already hooked to cigarettes, there is no turning back. You can’t stop immediately. There will be withdrawal symptoms if you quit without any proper program and thus it could lead to death. Another way to relieve the harmful effects of nicotine withdrawal is by using electronic cigarettes. In using these cigarettes, you’ll be able to get all the amount of nicotine that you need without absorbing all the harmful substances that are found in any regular cigarettes. It does not contain tar, filthy ashes, no need to bring lighters. It is helpful to people who wanted to quit cigarette smoking in a healthier way without sacrificing their oral fixations.

In electronic cigarettes, you’ll be able to battle the effects of cigarette smoking. e cigs or electronic cigarettes only contain water, nicotine and the atomizer so all of the other harmful 4,000 chemicals are not present in these e-cigs. It is also cost effective and all you have to do is to buy another set of cartridge. One cartridge is equivalent to 5 packs of cigarette. You don’t have to suffer so much just to quit smoking. You could enjoy quitting smoking by using e-cigs. You don’t need to experience all the harmful withdrawal symptoms of smoking cigarettes. So puff the harmful effects away with e-cigs.

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