MediaWiki talk:Accesskey-ca-nstab-help

From Joe

(Difference between revisions) (Talk)

Current revision as of 08:43, 29 March 2012


barak co will once again use the old israeli trick of dtnreeping to want peace talks in order to get what it really wants: the u.s. to tighten the screws on iran, for the u.s. to continue looking the other way with their land grab, and to con u.n. sec.gen. ban ki-moon into squashing the caugth red handed goldstone report. if the israels really wanted peace, they must first go way for the cure. just like alcohol,sex and drug addiction, they must seek help for their land stealing addiction. i hope 1 out of the 4 [forget clinton, maybe mullen,gates or mitchell] will stand up to barak's pending snow job. carl

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