Main Page
From Jaggedthrone
This is the main page for the Exalted Chronicle, A Jagged Throne. Everything written here is entirely fictional, and entirely over the top. Exalted is the property of White Wolf Studios, yadda yadda.
Contents |
Dramatis Personae
People and Personalities in "A Jagged Throne".
* The Autumn Bringer (Spite) * Marrow * Disinheritance * The Cerulean Caliph * Straight Spear * Tall Stone
Great Cities, terrible wastelands, jewel bright oceans, enthralling Bazaars, and palaces of the great and noble.
* Sand-Covers-Jade
Scroll of the Ages
Tales as the scribes would tell them. Facts as unbiased as the victors.
* Prelude: The Return of the Autumn Bringer
Songs of the Ascended
Stories of the Heroes and Villains that color the Age of Sorrows.
The Hall of Arguments
In the Celestial City of Yu-Shuan, the Gods argue over the Laws that bind this realm. In the Hall of Arguments, such debates are vented and settled, for the good or ill of all who dwell in Creation.
* The Law of Familial Heroes