Transport of O2 and CO2
From Iusmphysiology
Transport of O2 and CO2
Henry's law of dissolved gases
- The amount of gas dissolved int he liquid is proportional to the partial pressure of the gas in the liquid.
- So 0.3 percent of PO2 is physically dissolved in plasma.
- Must be dissolved for cells to uptake the O
- PO2 determines how much is dissolved and how much is dissolved dtermines how much cells can take up.
- If you double PO2, the amount of O in plasma doubles.
Oxygen delivery and consumption
- Normally, about 250 ml O per minute is consumed.
- IN the absence of Hb (no oxygen carrier), the P02
- 5L is a normal cardiac output; 20 is (textbook) maximum.
- 83.8 L / minute of CO would be needed if we had no Hb.
- PO2 of 100 with no carrier for O is death.
- Hb increases O content of the blood for a given PO2.
- There are four binding sites.
- OxyHb is Hb with oxygen bound.
O2 dissociation curve
- Oxygen saturation on the y
- This is how much Hb has O on it.
- PO2 on the X
- The saturation of Hb is directly dependent on PO2!
- As PO2 goes up, there is an initial exponential increase in saturaiton.
- Eventually, as PO2 goes up, the curve levels off.
- This means that PO2 decreases faster than saturation, initially.
- P50 = the PO2 at which Hb is half-saturated.
- P50 is 27mmHg.
- Recall that PO2 is a measure of the blood.
FActors decrease Hb O2 affinity
- Hb's affinity for Oxygen is changing as we shift left or right.
- Metabolic biproducts:
- High levels of PCO2
- decreases low pH
- Leads to Bohr effect
- Shifts dissociation curve right
- At a given PO2, a lower percent of the Hb is saturated.
- Bohr's effect occurs whenver there is low pH (respiratory or metabolic)
- Hb is holding on less well to O
- Low PCO2:
- increases pH
- Shifts curve to the left
- SAturation is higher at a given PO2
- Hb is binding better
- Left shift reduces the P50 (decreases the pressurea t which 50% saturation occurs)
- High levels of PCO2
Arterial vs venous blood
- Oxygen leaves and CO2 enters as blood moves from arterial blood to venous blood
- So pH goes up and p50 goes up
- As oxygen leaves the blood, we work our way down the curve.
- PO2 is going down.
- CO2 is going up
- PCO2 is going up.
- So the curve ends up shifting to the right
- This is important because tissue wants oxygen and Hb's affinity for O is going down.
- Recall that normal venous PO2 is 40.
- This is the bohr effect: decreasing pH maps with decreasing affinity for oxygen.
Calculation of O2 content
- O2 content is the sum of the oxygen on the Hb and the oxygen in the plasma:
- O2 carrying capacity of Hb is 1.34 ml of O / gm of Hb
- Healthy patient example:
- O2 content = 19.35 ml O2 / dL
- Anemic patient example:
- Note that anemics have normal PO2 and have a normal O2 saturation, they just don't have much Hb.
- O2 content = 6.5 ml O2 / dL
Effects of blood O2 capacity
- O content! is on the y axis
- PO2 is the x axis
- The anemic pt
- has a lower oxygen content.
- PaO2 is 100
- Saturation is 100
- Oxygen content is lower
- Venous PO2 is lower (20s when 40 is lower) because the same amount of O gets used by the tissues but we started with less.
- CO poisoning pt:
- Hb affinity for CO >>>>> Hb affinity for O
- Similar to anemia
- Overall oxygen content levels go down
- Normal PO2 and normal Hb concentration
- P50 decreases; the oxygen that IS bound to Hb is bound more tightly
- This causes less release at the tissue.
- Left shift of curve with CO
CO2 transport
- CO2 must get out at the lungs.
- ABout 200 ml of CO2 produced per minute
- 8% of CO2 is dissolved in plasma
- Most of CO2 travels as HCO3- (bicarb)
- Some of this is in the plasma, some in the Hb
- 11% travels as CO2 on Hb
CO2 Transaport - tissue
- At the tissue, O2 is on RBC
- O2 comes off, dissolves
- O2 gets picked up by cells.
- CO2 is in the cells
- Released and dissolve dinto plasma
- Combines with water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3)
- Breaks down into H+ and HCO3-
- Impt for pH
- Bicarb will leave the RBC
- Cloride is taken in to balance the loss of HCO3- form the RBC.
- This is called the chloride shift.
CO2 Transport - lungs
- Run everything in the shift
- Pressures cause O2 and CO2 to move, recall.
- PACO2 = 40, PaCO2 = 46.
- Cl goes out, bicarb comes in, joins H+, turns into CO2.
- Most of the CO2 is carried as bicarb
Carbonic anhydrase reaction
Any diseases of CA? Do pt's live?
- Recall bohr: increase CO2 promotes loss of Hb.
- Haldane effect: opposite of Bohr; a lower PO2 carries more CO2
- At a given PCO2, deoxygenated blood is carrying more CO2 on Hb than does oxygenated blood (which has a higher PO2).
- This matters at the lungs because PO2 is going up so Hb's affinity for CO2 is going down.
- In fact, all three ways to carry CO2 are decreased (because they are all related through the carbonic anhydrase rxn).
CO2 and Control of ventilation
What is VA?
- PaCO2 direclty affects pH because CO2 will go through the rxn.
- pH = 6.1 + log HCO3 / 0.03 PaCO2
Acid-base balance
- Dataport diagram demonstrates relationship between
- Normal pH = 7.4
- EAch line represents a different PCO2
- What regulates pH?
- PaCO2: as they go up, the pH goes down.
- Bicarb: acts as a buffer
- Hypoventilate: Point B is respiratory acidosis: PCO2 is going up, pH down
- Hyperventilate: Point C is respiratory alkalosis: PCO2 is low, pH is up
How does bicarb buffer?
Acid-base baance
- Same points A (normal), B (acidosis) and C (alkolosis).
- B: Hypoventilation
- High CO2
- Acidoti
- Kidneys can retain HCO3- to buffer
- This causes pH to normalize
- We call this respiratory acidosis with metabolic
- C: Hyperventilation
- Low CO2
- Metabolic alkalosis
- Kidney retians too much HCO3-
- PCO2 will be normal,
Review this; reread CPS paper.
- This is called a "Davenport diagram"
Base excess
- Metabolic acidosis: there is not excess bases so it is negative
- etc.
- Compensatory mechanisms are never perfect.
- So when doing acid-base problems:
- First look at the pH (high, low, normal).
- Now to determine cause:
- respiratory is CO2
- metabolic is HCO3-
- Ask which one is going in the direction of the problem.
- If CO2 is low the pH goes up, so in an alkalotic pt, if CO2 is low we would call it respiratory alkalosis.
- Whichever one is going in the direction of the pH problem is causative and whichever is going in the opposite direction is the compensating mechanism.
- stopped here on 02/16/11 at 12PM.