Pulmonary structure

From Iusmphysiology

  • started here on 02/08/11 at 1PM.


Pulmonary structure


Functions of the lung

  • Pulmonary gas exchange
    • ventilation = frequency * depth of breathing
    • perfusion = cardiac output (CO) of right ventricle
      • close matching occurs between ventilation and cardiac output

  • Maintenance of partial pressurs of gases in tissue

Non-respiratory functions

  • Phonation
  • Pulmonary defense
  • Blood filter
    • They remove clots and emboli
    • They keep the venous clots from getting to the arterial side where they can cause larger problems.
  • Acid-base balance
    • Use carbonic anhydrase reaction to help balance acid by breathing off CO2
  • Substrate conversion
    • Have lots of ACE to help regulate blood pressure
    • Inactivates lots of things, too

Functional anatomy

  • There are 23 generations of splits in the tubes
    • 1-11 have cartilage
      • Helps hold the airway open yet allows distension for esophageal distension
    • 1-16 have cilia
      • For moving mucus

Conducting zone

  • this is generations 0-16
  • Called deasd space because ther eis no gas exchange going on, no avleoli.
    • This protions receives blood flow from "systemic circ" = "broncheal circ"

Air conditioning

  • Heated, cooled, moisturized.
    • body temp met by the endo fthe lower trachea
  • Saturated with water
    • PH20 = 47 mmHg.

Mucociliary escalator

  • In the first 16 generations
  • Mucus on top of the cilia
  • Catches particles
  • Moves trapped crap up and out
  • Macrophages clean up in alveoi
  • In nasopharynx:
    • particles larger than 5 microns get trapped
  • In bronchi (medium sized)
    • 1-5 microns settle onto mucus and are trapped
  • In the small airways (the alveoli)
    • Hard to ge tup the tree so macrophages take care of them

Respiratory zone

  • Generations 17-23 are for respiratory functions.
  • Gas exchange!
  • Pulmonary circulation supplies these generations
  • Total surface area of the these generations is way bigger than the upper generations.
    • Approximately equal to a tennis court
  • There are around 1000 caps per alveoli
  • This is called the silent zone because degeneration in this area is largely silent.

Respiratory tract generations

  • Generations 12-23 are held open by radial traction of the tissue.
    • That is, they all hold on to their neighbors and eventually some neighbor holds on to the pleural sac.
  • Respiratory bronchioles start to have alveoli
  • The tube with alveoli and all its alveolar sacs is the acinus.

Alveolar capillary interface

  • Alveolus is very thing.
    • 0.2 to 0.5 microns
  • Alveoli are connected by "something of Kahn".
  • As the membrane thickens, diffusion decreases.

Alveolar surface

  • Has type 1 squamous epithelial cells.
    • Cover 95% of the surface
  • Type 2 alveolar cells make surfactant and regnerate type 1.
    • Much smaller than type 1
  • Also, macrophages.

Alveolar interdependence

  • As the chest wall expands, the alveoli expand and pull on their neighbors, etc.
  • As one alveolus tries to colapse, it will expand it's neighbors.
    • So the collapsing alveolus will be held open by its neighbors.

Emphysema (COPD)

  • Massive loss of alveolar interdependence.\
    • So interalveolar septum is lost and they don't hold one another open.
  • As the tissue collapses, outflow is prevented.

Elastic recoil of lungs and chest wall

  • How does air actually get into the lungs?
  • Must have a pressure gradient.
  • Lungs want to collapse, inherently.
  • Chest wall wants to expand, inherently.
  • To breathe in, we expand the volume in the interpleural space (become more negative in pressure).
  • The balance between the force fo the chest wantting to expand and the lungs wanting to collapse generates the functional residual capacity
    • FRC = the residual volume at the end of a normal exhalation

Transpulmonary pressure

  • Transpulmonary pressure = translung pressure.
  • This is the difference between the pressure in the alveolus and the pressure in the pleural sac.
  • Transpulmonary = PA - Ppl.
    • Ppl = pleural space pressure
    • PA = pressure in the alveolus
  • This difference sets the gradient for breathing.
  • The transpulmonary pressure is larger in magnitude with deeper breathing.


  • This is the active phase of breathing meaning you have to do work and use energy.
  • External intercostals move rips out and up
  • Diaphragm lowers (flexes)


  • No work or energy needed
  • Diaphragm relaxes (raises).
  • Internal intercostals move ribs in and down

Accessory muscles of breathing

  • Sternocleidomastoid and scalenes are the accessory muscles.
  • Diaphragm and external intercostals can also give extra effort to help even more.

Accesory muscles of breathing

  • Abdomiinal muscles will help force the diagragm up
  • Internal intercostals will pull ribs down and in to help.

Lung volumes and capacities

  • Just introduced now.
  • This is called spirometry.
  • Each tidal volume breath is 0.5L of air.
  • Maximal inhalation leads to maximum lung capacity, usually around 6L
    • Transpulmonary pressure will be really high.
  • Forced vital capacity is how much air an individual can move in and out of their lungs.
    • This brought us all the way down to residual volume = the volume of air in our lungs that we cannot get out.
    • Typically around 1.2L
Where does an unconscious, not breathing person sit?
  • Where does one start?
    • After normal exhalation is our functional residual capcity (balance of chest wall and lung recoil; varies on size and disease, etc.); this is the start.

Normal blood gas values

  • The lungs are for gas exchange.
  • In the air we breath:
    • PIO2 = 102 (really high)
    • PICO2 = 0 (negligible)
  • In the alveolus (PA):
    • PAO2 = 102
    • PACO2 = 40
  • In the pulmonary arteries:
    • PaO2 = 40 (low b/c systemic tissues used it all up and sent it to the right heart)
      • Pa = systemic arteriole
    • PaCO2 = 46 (high b/c systemic tissues gave it all up and sent it to the right heart)
  • In the pulmonary veins:
    • PVO2 = 102
    • PVCO2 = 40
    • Note that these "veins" represent what the systemic arteries will hold (once the blood gets through the left heart).


  • These are normal abbreviations for us to know.

  • stopped here on 02/08/11 at 2PM.
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