Adrenal gland

From Iusmphysiology

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Adrenal glands

  • accidentally baleted notes



  • An impt stress response
  • Glucocorticoids bind with HSPs then homodimerize to go into the nucleus to be a txn factor.

Cortisol effects on various systems

  • Acts on many, many tissues.


  • Made by zona glomerulosa
  • Aldosterone
  • Effects:
    • Increases interstitial levels of ...?

  • skipped some material

Adrenal diseases

Addison's disease

  • JFK had Addison's disease.
  • ADrenocortico insufficiency:
    • Too little cortisol
  • Primary Cause:
    • Autoimmune
    • Infectious
  • Secondary cause
    • PIt doesn't make enough ACTH (1 in 100K)
  • Presentation:
    • Low cortisol,
    • hypoglycemia,
    • high ACTH
      • b/c no feedback, could lead to adrenal hypertrophy,
      • could lead to odd coloring
    • high sex hormone precursors like ADHEA.
  • Adrenal insufficiency occurs in pit in the 2nd and 3rd from the left.

Cushing's syndrome

  • Diseases of excess of cortisol
  • Could be an adrenal tumor making too much cortisol.
  • Causes really low ACTH b/c lots of feedback on the Pit
  • An umbrella term for overproduction of ACTH
    • If it is a pit ACTH-producing tumor, then it is the disease.

Cushing's disease

  • Tumor of the pit htat makes ACTH
  • Similar outcome to syndrome (too much cortisol)
  • Can tell the diff b/c ACTH is high.
  • Presentation:
    • Key are high bp and high blood sugar.


  • Other tumors that make ACTH or something that mimics ACTH.


  • He won't test us on enzyme names in the flow chart of steroid production.

  • spaced out a bit

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

  • stopped taking notes....

  • stopped here on 03/02/11 at 12PM.
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