Lung volumes
From Iusmphysiology
Revision as of 14:57, 14 February 2011 by (Talk)
- started here on 02/14/11 at 9AM.
Lung Volumes
Lung capacities
Lung volume and capaicity factors
- Gravity pulls the diaphragm down, so it starts at a lower position.
- So inspiratory capacity is lower.
- But when standing FRC is increased.
- Opposite is true when supine: FRC is down and IRV (inspiratory reserve) and IC are up.
Fxnal residual capacity
- FRC set by chest wall wanting t expand and the lungs wanting to contract and the balance they meet.
- Position can also matter.
- Normal FRC is about 2.5l
- Normal tidal volum eis about 0.5l
- This ratio mitigates fluctuation of gasses in alveoli.
- Use helium dilution to find the FRC b/c the pt can't blow the air out.
- FRC (V2) = V1(C1 - C2) / C2
- Body plethysmography is more accurate than helium dilution.
Anatomic dead space
- Dead space is where there is no gas exchange.
- Generations 0-16:
- Nose trhough bronchioles.
- Increased if breathing trhough a hose
- Estimated via Fowler's method
- Normal = 150ml of air
Partial pressures during expiration
- Air in dead space is exactly the same concentration of the air just consumed.
- So as we exhale, the concentration of the first air coming out is the same as the atmosphere (high oxygen, low CO2).
- The next stuff coming out will be mixed, PCo2 goes up, PO2 goes down.
- Then they flatten off because the last air is from the alveoli.
Fowler's principle
- Uses curve from last slide to estimate dead space.
- Normally, N concentration is high in the atmosphere and our lungs
- Pt breathes only oxygen.
- Hold breath, then exhale.
- N in lungs will be nearly zero
- First part of the air will havce no nitrogen (because it is dead air and no exchange occurred).
- Then N goes up until it reaches Alveolar gas.
- The midpoint between zero N and alveolar N concentration gives an estimate of dead space.
Physiologic dead space
- Physio dead space = anatomic dead space + any volume of lung not exchanging gas (not getting air -- alveoli collapsed, or not getting blood flow)
- Physio dead space is wasted ventilation.
- We measure physio dead space with Bohr's method.
Bohr's method
- Vd = volume of dead space
- Vt = tidal volume
- PaCO2 = alveolar PCO2
- Typically 40
- PeCO2 = mixed expired CO2
- Collect all of the air coming out of the pt,
- Typically 28.
- Normally only about 165 ml of physio dead space (that includes 150 ml of anatomic dead space)
Emphysema pt
- Tidal volume = 700
- Bohr's equation = Vd / Vt = PaCO2 - PeCO2 / PaCO2
- This pt has a ratio of Vd / Vt = 44%
- That means 44% of air breathing in is going to dead space.
- PeCO2 will be lower because less exchange is happening with atmospheric air so less CO2 comes out.
Pulmonary embolism
- PeCO2 is down because air from alveoli that are exchanging gas is mixed with alveoli that are not exchanging gas.
- COPD, emphysema, asthma (like an obstructive disease), CF, airway obstruction
- Breathing when there is an obstruction to air flow
- Can't get the air out.
- Residual and total capacity go up
- Loss of alveoli
- Loss of interdependence
- Elastic recoil is low
- Old balloon.
- Chest Xray
- Over inflation
- Flattening of diaphragm
- Narrow mediastinum
- Flow volume curve:
- Good at bringing air in, high compliance
- But blowing out is hard
- Pleaural pressure needs to go really high, which collapses the airways b/c of dynamic compression.
- The harder they push, the more their airways collapse.
- Can't get the air out.
Restrictive diseases
- Restrictive: interstitial lung disease, pulmonary edema, pulmonary fibrosis
- Edema dilutes sufactant to make breathing harder
- Typically involves pathologies with lungs or diaphgragm:
- Muscular dystrophy: can't expand lung cage.
- Can't get air in!
- Show reduced total lung capacity.
- Increased recoil, decreased compliance.
- Lower gas exchange in something like pulmonary fibrosis because there is a thicker membrane.
- Chest x-ray:
- Reduced lung volume
REstrictive and obstructive volumes
- Restrictive:
- Can't get air in.
- TD is normal but takes lots of effort
- RV is lower because elastic recoil is higher
- Obstructive:
- Can't get air out.
- RV is really high b/c can't get air out.
Dynamic functional measurements
- Forced vital capacity maneuver.
- FEV1 = forced vital capaicty at 1 second
- Around 3.5 L
- About 80% of the VC (4500 ml)
- FEF25-75 is the slope of the line
- Flow rate of the line.
Pattern of forced expirations
This will definitely be on the exam.
Question example
- Wheezing, dyspnea
- 15 yo, m
- No cyanosis
- cXRAy = over inflation
- give bronchodialator, albuterol
- b/c could be asthma
- a: no, would increase
- b: no
- c: no, already high
- d: no, "you lung capacity is your lung capacity"
- e: yes
- stopped here on 02/14/11 at 10AM.