20110105 Lecture 4 notes.txt

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(Visual transduction)
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*Tranducin turns on phosphodiesterase which cleaves cGMP to straight chain GMP.
*Tranducin turns on phosphodiesterase which cleaves cGMP to straight chain GMP.
**This causes a closing of the cGMP-gated cation channels.
**This causes a closing of the cGMP-gated cation channels.
*Guanyly-cycase is constitutively activated, so there is a constant source of cGMP, but when phosphodiesterase is activated,  
*Guanyly-cycase is constitutively activated, so there is a constant source of cGMP, but when phosphodiesterase is activated, the levels decrease.
**The constitutive activation assures that the neurons will not become too desensitized (because there will always be basal levesl of Na and Ca influx.
the levels decrease.
**The constitutive activation assures that the neurons will not become too desensitized (because there will always be basal  
levesl of Na and Ca influx.
*K+ channels in the outer segment cause hyperpolarization of the neuron when they allow efflux of K+ from the neuron.
*K+ channels in the outer segment cause hyperpolarization of the neuron when they allow efflux of K+ from the neuron.
*There are three types of opsins which allows us to detect three colors of light.
*There are three types of opsins which allows us to detect three colors of light.

Revision as of 00:12, 9 January 2011

  • started here on 01/05/2011

  • quiz is over first three lectures (not today's).
  • Botox wrinkle mechanism:
    • Botox only affects lines.
    • The use of facial nerve sets a precedent such that we have a static state that cuases wrinkles.
  • Node of Ranvier vs. voltage gated K+ channels
    • The channels are only found under the myelinated areas of the axon.
    • None in the node.


Learning Objectives

  • Review the sensation modalities
  • Understand the basic steps and mechanisms in the sensory process
    • We are interested in the mechanism of function, not the anatomy

Steps in the process of sensation

  • First there is a stimulus.
  • Then there is activation of a receptor and stimulation of a receptor AP.
    • This is a translation of siganal into AP.
    • It can cause an increase in AP or decrease.
  • Then there is transmission to the brain.
  • Then interpretation and analyzed.
  • Then response is generated.

Sensory modalities

  • olfaction (smell)
  • vision (sight)
  • gustation (taste)
    • Russians love caviar and bread
  • audition (hearing)
  • somesthesis (touch, temperature, body position (proprioception), and pain (nociception))


  • Air passes through cavity onto olfactory epithelium.
    • Contains many types of cells:
      • Olfactory neurons / receptor cells
        • Have dendrites in the mucus with receptors
        • must be regnerated every 4-8 weeks
      • Support cells: like glial cells
      • Basal cells: differentiate into receptor (olfactorY) neurons
  • We can only smell water-soluble things.
  • Because the olfactory neuron is a true neuron:
    • we have passive spread of the AP where there is no myelination (electrotonic conduction)
    • They have a voltage of -70 mv
    • Once the AP reaches the axon hillock a saltatory AP is produced through the cribriform plate.

Olfactory meachanism

  • There are about 400 receptors in the olfactory epithelium.
  • Each neuron receives only one type of odor receptor.
  • The receptors are g-proteins which activate adenyly cyclase (ATP -> cAMP).
  • cAMP difusses up the dendrite and reaches the cAMP-ligand gated cation channel
    • Allows Na and Ca+ to pass into the dendrite.
    • This opens Cl- channels such that Cl effluxes.
  • This depolarization spreads electrotonically to the axon hillock.
  • At the hillock, an AP is generated.
  • Receptor potentials look much like APs.
Something about negative feedsback, missed it.

Olfactory bulb neuronal network

  • A single neuron expresses a single
  • Granular and perigranule cells are inhibitory to olfactory neurons.
    • They modulate stimulation and allow for desensitization to odors.
  • Up to 1000 afferent neurons converge to a glomerulus which is invervated by a single olfactory neuron.


  • The retina contains the photoreceptors.
  • The fovea contains more rods than cones.
  • The photoreceptor signals end up in the optic nerve (CN2).
  • We will focus on the fovea.

Fovea in detail

  • The retina is "inverted" (?).
  • The rods and cones are deep to the light, so light must travel through the many supporting cells to get to them.
    • However, the distance across these supporting cells is very short: 200 micrometers.
    • Because it is so small, there is no need to generate APs in the supporting cells.
    • We don't need to know the layers.
    • Therefore, we use simple electrotonic conduction of the AP along the dendrites.
  • At the point of the ganglion cells, the dendrites converge and the AP is conducted via saltatory conduction.
  • GABA
    • STimulated GABA sensitive Cl- channels.
    • This is important for determining which path the AP takes in bipolar cells.
  • Amacrine cells:
    • Role is not too clear so we won't talk about them.
  • Meuller cells:
    • Glial cells that support bipolar cells.
  • Pigment epithelium contains important supporting cells that absorb and pass on the nutrients needed by the photoreceptors

and supporting cells.

  • All the cells have ribbon synapses.
    • Recall that these are used so we can maintain constant stimulation.

Rod and cone anatomy

  • Cones = color vision
  • Rods = greyscale
  • Synaptic terminal,
  • inner segment:
    • Contains.Nucleus and mt
  • Outer layer:
    • Photosensitive membranes
  • Diff in rod and cone
    • Cones have infolding of outer membrane to increase area of membrane to increase photon absorption.
    • Rods have free floating disks from the outer segment which express rhodopsin to be given to vesicles and disks.
  • We have 1:16 rods:cones.
  • The fovea has predominantly cones, however.

Mechanism of phototransduction

  • Our photoreceptors are still secreting NT even when asleep because they are depolarized.
    • They are depolarized because the inner segment is secreting cGMP which activate cGMP-gated non-selective cation channel (Na

and Ca influxing).

  • Our voltage is not zero, however, because of K+ channels that move K+ outward (effluxing).
    • This will generate hyperpolarization (because we are asleep and we are effluxing more K+ than influxing Na and Ca+ so the

voltage is becoming more negative).

  • Deem = dim. :)

Visual transduction

  • The disks have opsins, a g-protein receptor (7 transmembrane domains, etc.).
    • These are diff because they are bound to cis-retinal which is isomerized when it absorbs a photon.
    • Cis-retinal then changes isomers to rhodopsin and we call it meta-rhodopsin because it is "activated".
  • Meta-rhodopsin activates transducin, the g-protein.
  • Tranducin turns on phosphodiesterase which cleaves cGMP to straight chain GMP.
    • This causes a closing of the cGMP-gated cation channels.
  • Guanyly-cycase is constitutively activated, so there is a constant source of cGMP, but when phosphodiesterase is activated, the levels decrease.
    • The constitutive activation assures that the neurons will not become too desensitized (because there will always be basal levesl of Na and Ca influx.
  • K+ channels in the outer segment cause hyperpolarization of the neuron when they allow efflux of K+ from the neuron.
  • There are three types of opsins which allows us to detect three colors of light.
  • Rods absorb 500nm light
  • Cones express three other types of opsins that absorb: 419nm (blue), 533nm (green), 564nm (long, yellow / red).
  • cis-retinal is inherently and tightly bound in the receptor (it doesn't leave to be converted back to cis from meta).

Gustation (the sensation of tasting )

  • Innervated by facial (CN7), glossopharyngeal nerve (CN9).
    • These innervate diferent parts of the tongue.
    • Anterior = facial; posterior = glossopharyngeal.
  • We have pillae that contain up to 150 tastebuds.
  • Tastebuds have many cells in them:
    • Taste cells (receptors)
      • Transformed epithelial cells, not neuronal cells.
      • Form electrical and chemical synapses.
      • Not all form chemical synapses but if they dont' they will have electrical synapses with other receptor cells that do have chemical synapses
    • Supporting cells

Putative mechanisms of taste transduction

  • We have multiple tastes: salt, sweet, umani (aa, generally), bitter.
    • Bitter is associated with toxins.
    • The mechanism is different for each "taste".
  • Salty comes from activity of epithelium sodium channels:
    • Highly expressed in kidney, too, so we know lots about them.
      • IMportant for na reabsorption and water retention.
    • Has three subunits.
    • Protein is constinutively active: always open, allowing Na into the taste cell to cause depolarization.
    • Depolarization causes activation of voltage gated cA channels, then AP, then release of serotonin in synaptic cleft of facial nerve.
  • Bitter test
    • detects Acids
    • Protien senstivie channels
    • mechanism is the same: Na permeability, Ca channels open, Ca influx, AP, release of serotonin
  • Sweet and Umani and some bitter:
    • Occurs through T1 / T2 (for sweet), T1 / R3 (Umani), T2 (bitter).
    • These are through g-protein which activate Phosphorlipase C which cleaves PIP2 to form DAG and IP3.
      • IP3 causes IP3R on the ER to release Ca+.
      • DAG cuases opening of Ca+ channels on the outer membrane (TRPM5) to augment Ca influx.
        • This channel has similar structure to the others we've seen.
    • Influx of Ca+ causes an AP.
  • All these receptors are expressed on all receptors (we think) but it isn't totally clear the distribution and differentiation mechanisms.
  • Type II taste cells don't express any voltage-gated Ca channels so they may not detect...?


  • The cochlea is important for sound sensing.
  • Our low is 20 kHz and high is 200 hz.
    • The cochlea is importnat for low and the helic? is for high.
  • There is a narrow membrane at the base but narrow at the apex (helic?).
What?  Something about the two membranes being opposite...
  • Place coding is the specific area of th emembrane that vibrates given the frequency of a sound wave.
  • There are three important parts:
    • The scalar media contains endolymnph which is rich in K+ (125 miliMolar). This causes a very high positive potential inside because marginal cells move K+ into that area. **The high levels of K+ make the potential positive for cells in scalar media.
    • Didn't talk about other two areas.

Organ of corti

  • There is a basalar membrane which helps determine the coding of place.
  • There are two types of hair cells:
    • Outer hair cells
      • Insures fine tuning of inner hair cell sensitivity.
      • Contain prestin which is able to contract when depolarized.
      • When depolarziaed, the outer cells contract and the change of physiologicl location fine tunes the inner hair cells.
    • inner hair cells
      • Important for hearing sound.
  • The rate of AP in cochlea is proportional to the sound amplitude. This is called rate coding.

===Mechanotransduction in the hair cells of the inner ear===

  • Hair cells have a potential of about -40 mV at rest.
    • This makes sense because the tectorial membrane pushes the villi toward the hair cells and cuases opening of some channel.
  • When Tectorial membrane goes up, the hair cells are caused to open K+ channels such that K+ rushes in.
  • This stimulates Ca+ channels which causes the cell to release glutamate at the synapse.
    • We use disks, not ribbons, for release as a mechanism of modulation.


  • We have several types of mechanically sensitive structures in our skin.
See slide for a nice table

Pacinian corpuscle

  • stopped here on 01/05/11.

  • This is a bundle of naked nerve fibers surrounded by an oniono of schwann cells.
    • Can be thought of as a form of myelination.
  • The schwann cells provide and regulate a viscous solution that moderates the depolarization of the nerve fibers.
  • The nerve fibers have DEG / ENac on their terminal which moves Na across the membrane to cause depolarization.

Spatial discrimination of skin mechanoreceptors

  • The ability to distinguish between two points is a function of:
    • the densitiy of specific mechanoreceptors
    • the receptive field size of specific mechanoreceptors
      • one cannot distinguish between two stimuli in the same field so when receptive fields are large, two distinct stimuli must

be farther apart than when the receptive field is smaller

  • Pacinian and ruffini have large receptive fields
    • And locations of highest sensitivity; near the nerve terminal, presumably.
    • Example: medial half of the hand from the 5'th digits proximal filange to the distal end of the ulna.
  • Meissner's corpuscles, Merkel's disks, and free nerve endings have small receptive fields
    • Example: about the size of a pea

  • started here on 01/06/11 at 11AM.

Pain (stimulus noxious to the body)

  • The major information is that sharp pain is transmitted by a-delta fibers (myelinated) and dull / burning pain is by c-fibers (unmyelinated).
  • Some NT peptides can sensitize for pain (increase the sensitivity).
  • Mechanisms are as follows:
    • P2x mechanism:
      • An ATP dependent mechanism
      • Nail in a hand causes cell damage.
      • ATP is released
      • ATP sensitive p2x anatropic channels are on the neurve terminals and are depolarized
      • This causes opening of voltage gated na channels and the propagation of an AP.
    • ASIC mechanism
      • Proton-sensitive
      • Organelles release protons
      • Proton sensitive channels cause depolarization and an AP via T2D channels
    • K+ release
      • Cells are damaged and release K+
      • Increases the ECF K+ concentration which causes depolarization of the neuron.

Mechanisms of Thermosensitivity

  • Pain and temperature are somewhat related.
  • A high temp induces burns, damages cells, causes pain.
  • It is important to know which mechanism is being used to sense temperature.
  • TRP channels are crucial for mediating temperature sensing.
  • TRP channels are thought to be mechanically activated, or kind of ligand gated; it's a little unclear, maybe kind of a form of voltage "sensitive".
  • These cover the entire range (30+C to 60+C).
  • Fibers that express TRP channels at nerve channels are unmyelinated.
    • These are the c-fibers we spoke of previously.
  • There are also nerve endings with TRPA1 and TRPM8
    • These are called sensors.
    • When temperature goes up, the channel opens; it is normally closed.
    • Then cations influx, voltage-gated Na open, AP occurs.
    • TRPA1 and TRPM8 are closed at room temp but open as temperature drops (and an AP occurs).
    • These receptors are expressed on different nerve terminals.
    • These are formed by 4 subunits, 6 transmembrane domains, d loops for selectivity.
  • All TRP proteins are non-selective cation channels.
  • C fibers are slow because they are unmyelinated.
    • These innervate the hot receptors: TRPV1-4
    • Dull or burning pain
  • A delta fibers are fast because they are myelinated.
    • These transmit cold sensors: TRPA1 and TRPM8
    • Sharp pain

Proprioception: the muscle spindle (MuS)

  • We have two types of skeletal muscle:
    • extrafusal: actually make things move
    • intrafusal: detect the position of our muscles
  • We have muscle spindles which are found on the interfusal muscle fibers.
    • These are deep in the muscles.
    • They measure the length.
    • They measure the rate of change of length of the muscles.
    • They have a complex structure:
      • chain fibers (nuclei are found in a chain)
        • important for static chain
      • back fibers (nuclei are in a specific location)
    • have a spiral shaped terminals on the chain or back fibers
    • When stretched, non-selective cation channels are activated which causes depolarization, vgna channels, AP
  • Muscle spindles are slow adopters which allows us to detect our muscle location very precisely.
  • More on intrafusal muscles:
    • Aligned in parallel with extrafusal muscles.
    • We need them to measure the length and stretch of our extrafusal muscles.
    • Chain fiber intrafusal muscles
      • Receive some motor efferten ("exit" the cns) fibers which can induce the contraction of the intrafusals.
      • However, there is no contractile apparatus in the middle of the fiber--only found at the periphery.
      • We need this motor stimulation so that the length of the intrafusal muscle will stay the same as the extrafusal muscles.
  • The brain integrates the information of the efferent motor stimulation and the afferent proprioception from intrafusal muscles to know precisely where the muscle is and is heading.

Proprioception: the golgi-tendon organ

  • In addition to the MuS, we have the golgi-tendon organ.
  • It senses the force generated by the muscle and the tension in the tendon.
  • It is set in series witht he extrafusal muscles.
  • There are collagen fibers squish the free nerve endings sucht aht the stretch receptors are activated, vgna channels are activated, and an AP is fired.

Primary sensory afferents innervatinghuman skin

  • There are several different types of afferent ("at" the cns) fibers for communicating sensation back to the CNS.
  • a-alpha
    • For proprioceptors
  • a-beta
    • myelinated
    • for touch or mechanosensitive
    • some proprioception
  • a-gamma
    • Motor to intrafusal fibers
  • a-delta
    • sensation of sharp pain
    • called stimuli
    • some touch receptors
  • All a-fibers are myelinated
  • b
    • pregangliotic fibers of the autonomic nervous system
  • c
    • pain stimuli
    • heat
    • some touch
    • unmyelinated


  • Baron W.F., Boulpaep E.L. Medical physiology, Elsevier Saunders, Second Updated Edition, 2009
  • Koeppen B.M., Stanton B.A. Berne and Levy Physiology, 6th Updated edition, Elseiver-Mosby, 2010
  • Guyton A.C., Hall J.E. Textbook of medical physiology, Elsevier­Saunders, 11th Ed., 2006
  • Purves D., Augustine G.J., Fitzpatrick D., Hall W.C., LaMantia A-S., McNamara J.O., Williams S.M. Neuroscience, Sinauer Associates, Inc., 3rd Ed., 2004
  • Netter F.H. Atlas of human anatomy. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2006

Review session

  • With regards to questions about how ECF (or serum) K+ levels affect resting membrane potential of neurons:
    • An example of ECF K+ increasing:
      • Initial case:
        • e = 61.54 / z * log ([xo] / [xi])
        • e = 61.54 * log ([xo] / [xi])
        • e = 61.54 * log ([4] / [40])
        • e = 61.54 * log (1/10)
        • e = 61.54 * -1
        • e = -61.54
      • With higher ECF (Xo) K+ (as in the case of cellular damage):
        • e = 61.54 * log (40 / 40)
        • e = 61.54 * log (1)
        • e = 61.54 * 0
        • e = 0
      • So we see that the neuron will become less negative and will hit it's AP-generating threshold and thus be stimulated.
    • An example of ECF K+ decreasing:
      • Initial case:
        • e = 61.54 / z * log ([xo] / [xi])
        • e = 61.54 * log ([xo] / [xi])
        • e = 61.54 * log ([4] / [40])
        • e = 61.54 * log (1/10)
        • e = 61.54 * -1
        • e = -61.54
      • With lower ECF (Xo) K+ (as in the case of dysregulation at the kidney):
        • e = 61.54 * log (1 / 40)
        • e = 61.54 * -1.60205999
        • e = 61.54 * 0
        • e = -98.5907718
      • So if ECF K+ [] goes down, the neuron will hyperpolarize (become more negative).

  • stopped here on 01/07/11.
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