Pulmonary Review

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Approach to Shortness of Breath

History and Physical Exam

Know the key details of the pulmonary history and physical exam • Interpret basic acid-base disorders • Diagnose pneumothorax, pleural effusion, and atelectasis on exam or xray (know what to look for!) • Know how to treat a pneumothorax, atelectasis secondary to mucus plug, and pleural effusion • Know basic bronchoscopic indications • Know the objective findings in vocal cord dysfunction syndrome

Pulm Function Testing

Peds Pulmonary




  • Time of onset informs the likely causative agent:
    • 0-2 days: bacterial
    • 0-2 days: mycoplasma, viral, legionella, pneumocystis, fungal
    • chronic: anaerobic, mycobacterial, fungal, nocardia, actinomycosis

  • Distribution informs the likely causative agent:
    • Lobar: bacterial, anaerobes
    • Diffuse: viral, pneumocystis, mycoplasma, fungal
    • Nodular / cavitary: mycobacterial, fungal, anaerobes


  • Workup for the pt with pneumonia:
    • H&P
    • CBC, electrolytes, glucose, BUN / Cr, LFTs
    • ABG, puls oximetry
    • Chest radiograph
    • Sputum gram stain, sputum culture (2 days)
    • Blood culture x2 (hospitalized pts, only)
      • Legionella
      • Fungi
      • Mycoplasma
      • Respiratory viral titers
    • Thoracentesis

Pulmonary Hypertension

Pulmonary Embolism

Obstructive Airways Diseases

Know the components of COPD (asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema) and their defining characteristics including: – Basic pathophysiology – Symptomatology – Diagnostic studies – Classifications (asthma & emphysema) – Treatment strategies (asthma & emphysema) – Factors indicating poor prognosis (emphysema) – Management goals (asthma)

The Pleura & Neurologic Disorders

• Recall the anatomy and physiology of the normal pleural space • List the signs and symptoms of pleural effusion and pneumothorax • Identify pathophysiologic causes of an effusion or pneumothorax • Differentiate a transudative from an exudative effusion • Identify the characteristics of pleural fluid analysis in common pleural diseases • Identify the pulmonary function abnormalities associated with neuromuscular weakness • List those neuromuscular diseases associated with respiratory failure

Interstitial Lung Disease and SPNs

Treatment of Respiratory Failure

• Be able to calculate the A-a gradient given an ABG and FiO2 • Define Shunt & V/Q Mismatch (increased and decreased) • Know what influences the Oxygen dissociation curve to the right and left • Learn the types and FiO2’s of various supplemental oxygen devices • Understand the types and indications for Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation • Understand the procedure of endotracheal intubation and indications for mechanical ventilation • Learn basic mechanical ventilation (not covered on exam) • Review for the Pulmonary Exam

Pulmonary & Critical Care Case Conference

• Introduce you to “real-world” clinical medicine through actual case studies • INSPIRE you to know your stuff! • Reassure you that hard work now will pay off in the years to come (the light at the end of the tunnel is not a freight train!) • Have fun • Think • Pay attention • Cases not on exam

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