Special Physical Diagnosis Session - Plastic Surgery

From Iusmicm

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Plastic surgery

  • Priorities in plastic surgery are: survival, function, pain, appearance, and efficiency.
    • Often a single surgery is desired to achieve all these priorities so that the pt has time to heal and live before their disease kills them anyway.
  • Reconstruction is all about blood supply, thus it matters if the pt had surgery in the past as that may have changed their blood supply.
    • The difference between a "flap" and a "graft" is that a flap has its own blood supply.
    • The "pedicle" is the blood supply for a flap.
    • "Composite harvesting" takes multiple types of tissue from a single harvest (i.e. a flap that includes skin, muscle)
  • A microscope is used to reconnect vasculature in a new location in a process called "microvascular free tissue reconstruction".
  • Radiation is an important part of the history to obtain for surgery patients because radiated arteries and veins are susceptible to rupture.
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