OBGYN - Review

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OBGYN Review

  • 2-3 question per hour

guy in gynecoloe

  • 2-3 very easy questions
  • Semmelweis: figured out would prevent disease.
  • Liability
    • Failure to dx breast ca is number 1 lawsuit
    • bad baby is #2 lawsuit

Early preg loss

  • 1 scenario with 3-4 related quesetions
  • Pregnancy test is first.
  • know the definitions of the abortions
    • Abort is any loss before 20 weeks gestation
    • threatened, 25% bleed in second trimester
    • septic is "any of the above" with maternal infection

  • 70% of spontaneous abortions are because of ch abnormalities.
    • Trisomies are mosst common

  • Tx:
    • threatened: expectant management, pelvic rest, reassurance
    • inevitable / in complete: d&c, methergine, anti rh

  • 98% of all ectopics are in the fallopian tubes

  • etiology: not important

  • dx preg sample:

Family Planning

  • 3 basic questions
  • 85% chance of getting pregnant with absolutely no protection
  • Know the contraindications to CHC
    • dvt, prolonged immobility
    • smoking over the age of 35
    • Hypercoagulatory state (like Leiden mutation)
    • poorly controlled HTN

    • Know the indicators, contraindications:
    • Contra:
      • preg
      • unexplained vag bleeding
      • infection (uterine)
      • uterine fibroid / septum
      • pelvic tb
    • indicators:

  • contraception sample?
    • cervical cancer is not an hereditary disease but a lifestyle disease (HPV)
    • IUD is the least appropriate because it causes peritonitis and endometriitis upon infection.

Maternal Fetal Phys

  • 3 questions, case presenation; gi, heme, and pulm phys
  • first trimester: progesterone causes n/v by slowing smooth muscle
    • average weight gain is 20 pounds
    • not uncommon to lose weight first
  • physiologic anemia
    • plasma up by 50%
    • rbc up by 30%
    • more fluid compared to rbc (both increased)
    • hb is around 11.5

  • normal preg state
    • compenstated respiratory ?
    • relative hypervent to blow off co2
    • po2 is elevated (106-108)

  • Questions

prego gone wrong

  • 2 cases, focus on case management; 1 case on dx
  • preelampsia, previa, and ?

  • definitions are important
    • chornic htn is before 20 and after 12 wpp
    • preeclampsia: no bp issues until 20 weeks, then 300 mg proteinuria.

  • eclampsia:
    • tx: stabilize mom (before delivering).
    • magn sulfate, abcs, hypertensions in the severe malignant range (could stroke out)
    • once stable: vag, induce, c/s

  • placental abruption
    • separte from the uterus
    • abnd pain, non-reassuring heart rate, u/s is bad a dx of abruption
    • trauma increases suspicion
    • causes: cocaine, smoking, fibroids,

  • placenta previa
    • even partial is indicator for c/s
    • low=lying
    • vaso previa: major vessel between baby and os
    • tx: conservative management, monitor
    • tx: with bad heart tones or bleeding after 34 weeks, deliver the baby

labor: normal, abnormal, etc.

  • 3 questions: placenta acreda, pelvimetry,

  • diag cong: indirect measurement of the obstetric conjugate.
    • should be 11.5 cm
    • obst is diag - 1.5/2 cm (9.5-10)
    • fetal head is about 10 cm
  • palpate the ischeal spines; convergent or deconvergent walls
  • bituberous diameter: 6-8cm is ideal
  • Pubic arch: 90 degrees
  • if all are adequate, assume delivery without difficulty
  • even if diagonal is slightly small, still try vaginal
  • ischeal spines are not usually contraindicators of vag delivery

  • fetal monitor
    • 120-160 normal
    • variability, should go up and down
    • accelerations are good
    • some decels are normal
    • hr during contractions

  • decels:
    • early: with contractions (dip with contraction), vagal (head compression)
    • late: after peak contraction, fetal hypoxia (poor fetal reserve)
    • early and late are smooth curves, usually.
      • delivery qucikly if not near to vag delivery
    • variable: sharp v, any time; cord compression (usually not worrisome unless deep or many)

  • c-section:
    • uterine rupture, prior c/s, placenta previa
    • accreta:
      • nitty box layer borked, placenta can't attach, may grow into womb and even into the bladder.
      • occurs after vaginal rupture
      • if prev c/s, pre
  • chance of pp with 1 c/s chance is 24%

  • question:


  • 3 questions, 1 focuses on the type of anomaly, 1 on incidence of congenital anomalies,
  • malformation: intrinsically abnormal dev process (begin)
  • dysruption: end organ starts normal but then encounters teratorgen that interferes
    • because it is so early, amniotic bands can be considered a disruption
  • deformatioN: abnormal form or shape
    • oligohydraminos: hose over head
    • many secondary to low fluid
  • dysplasia: abnormal cellular formation
    • renal dysplais with obstruction
  • single minor anomalies are common: 14%
  • 3% of inftants have a major anomaly

  • teratology:
    • all or nothing is the first 2 weeks: cleavage, implantation
    • 75% of pregnancies are aborted

  • questions:
    • B

abnormal uterine bleeding

  • cut your grass
  • 3 questions, AUB
  • know the chart of the uterine / ovarian cycle
    • before ovulation: follicular ovarian (estrogen) cycle, proliferative uterine cycle
    • after ovulation: corpus luteum (progesterone) ovarian cycle (luteal phase), secretorial endometrial phase

  • dysfunctionl uterine bleeding:
    • anovulation is the cause
    • when you don't ovulate, no corpus luteum
    • progesterone turns endomet to secretory
    • without ovulation, entire endometirum (cycle dominated by estrogen) keeps prolifearting; outgrows the blood supply; build more and more wihtout bleeding; then heavy bleeding / spotting
      • amenorrhea

  • terminology
    • menorrhagia: heavy, prolonged
    • metorrhagia: light, irregulart
    • menotomorrhagia; heavy, irregular
  • amenorr: abscent for 3 cycle
  • oligo: interval is > 35 days (21-35 norm, 28)
  • polymen: interval is < 24
  • intermenstrual is between reg periods
  • spotting: before reg cycle
  • ?: bleeding after intercourse

  • intermenstrual cycle:
    • cause: polyp, cerv cancer, IUD, infection
    • ovulation
    • VWD: with bleeding gums
  • anovulatory cuases: POD

  • etiology:
    • hormonal: anovulation
    • anatomical: coagulopathies

  • questions:
    • atrophic vaginitis

Menopause and hormone repl

  • 3 questions: 1 clinical scenariso, sx w/ menopause, menopause workup
  • FSH is increased when menopausal
    • No end organ means no estrogen to feed back on hypothal to inhibit fsh release.
  • checking estrogen doesn't help

  • declining fertility in menopause is not absolute
    • can't still get pregnant (52!)

  • contraindications to estrogen replacement:
    • undiagnosised abn genital bleeding
    • active thrombosis
    • pregnancie
    • ?cancer?

endometrial cancer and breast cancer are contraindications

  • eavl of post menopausal:
    • menopausal stage, diagnoses, mamogram,
    • rule out pregnancy
    • blue slide: don't worry about it

  • questions
    • endometrial cancer suspicion
    • all the rest are not contraindications
    • loss of concentration is a s/e of menopause
      • others are: decrease libido, decreased vag lubrication, depression


  • 3 questions that center on evaluation and diagnositics for infertility
  • def: 1 year reg coitus w/o conception
  • infertility: single factor or several factors
  • don't do every test, work it up
  • careful history and pe is important to narrow tests
  • normal fertility:
    • reg ovulation
    • patent fillopian tubes
    • receptive endometrium, with hormone cascasde
    • cervical mucus (favorable state)
  • Male:
    • spermatogenesis
    • erectile and ejaculatory competence

  • anovulation associated with ovarian failure:
    • details are in excess
    • turner syndomre: primary amenorrhea, ovarian streaks, no secondary sexual characteristics (because of primary gonadal failure)
  • Primary gonadotropic deficiency: no lh / fsh; hypogonadic; anosmia (can't smell);
  • functional chronic anovulation: athletes, anorexics; stress suppresses gonadotropic release at hypothal; good for famine; certain amount of body fat needed to maintain lh / fsh levels;
  • polycystic ovarian disease: most common cause of anovulatory; hirsuitism, high bmi; oligo / amenorrhea; insulin resistance;

  • anovulation workup:
    • fsh, lh, prolactin (prolactinemia can cause amenorrhea)
    • ct of sela tercica for prolacitnoma
    • ovaries via pelvic u/s: present?, multiple follicles? (pod)

gyn cancers

  • 1 questions on risk factors of endometr, 1 on dx, 1 on appropriate tx for pelvic mass
  • endo cancer: risk sinclude age, an null-gravis, unopposed hormone replacement
    • presentation: abnormal bleeding, post-menopausal (or pre_
    • factors: obesity, hypertension, diabetes
  • uterine cancer:
    • prego test first
    • office biopsy (pipelle), 98% sensitivity
    • histeroscopy is gold standard
      • can show cancer lesion for direct biopsy
    • in known cancer, fluid may push cancer into peritoneal cavity (contraindication)
  • u/s: endo should be less than 6 mm, over is indicator for biopsy

  • endo cancer epi:
    • paps catch most: 60% in stage 1
    • mintorities and undersreved have higher risk
    • multiparity, early pairty, early ccoitus increase
    • HPV: 16, 18, 31, 33
  • screening:
    • 21 yo, not based on time of first coitus
    • some young cases resolve on their own (hpv) b/c of high turn over (whereas older poeple have lower turnover)
    • paps every 1-2 years; until 70 or total hysterectomy

  • no stats

  • adnexal mass:
    • asymptomatic is good, cystic means benign, young 15-45 is good, may resolve
    • bad: solid, painful, persistent, complex, ascities, omental caking, lymphadenopathy
    • ddx:
      • do pelvic exam
      • do ca125 as triage for gyn onc as backup
      • u/s > ct for dx
    • tx: operate on large, mass with ascites in a 60 yo

  • questions:
    • c; ovarian cancer: ?
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