Personality Disorders

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===Personality Disorders===
wvatEo Enjoyed every bit of your blog.Thanks Again. Great.
*The goal is that one understands the definition of a personality disorder, can identify the different types of personality disorders, and can recognize defense mechanisms in action.
*The definition of "personality": an enduring pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving that is uniquely recognizable in each individual.
*The definition of "personality disorder": the fixed use of a limited set of coping styles in all areas of living regardless of adaptability, resulting in
impaired functioning.
====Features of Personality Disorders====
*The common features of all personality disorders:
**pt has a fixed set of responses employed in all espects of life (home, work, play) even when these responses are not effective at achieving the pt's goals.
**pt is egosyntonic (has behaviors, values, feelings which are in harmony with or acceptable to the needs and ngoals of the ego or consistent with one's ideal self image, per wikipedia); that is, an egosyntonic patient is acting and thinking in ways that are in harmony with their ego--the part of the unconscious that regulates the id to make one socially acceptable.
**the disease state is lifelong and generally diagnosed in adulthood
====Causes of Personality Disorders====
*The causes of personality disorders are a fine balance of nature (biology, genetics) and nurture (one's environment).
**The character and temperament of the patient is shaped by both nature and nurture and has an impact on the development of personality disorders.
**The flexibility (plasticity) and inherent pathways of the pt also affect the development of personality disorders.
====Course of Personality Disorders====
*The course of personality disorders usually includes a diagnosis after the age of 18, is not caused solely by a stressful event, and a lifelong disease state that might deminish in severity after 35yo.
**Personality disorders may respond to treatment; we attempt to treat symptoms and the underlying cause.
*Note that "ideas of reference" are not held with the same conviction as are "delusions of reference"; that is, a pt with "ideas of reference" will, upon questioning, recognize that it is unlikely this or that phenomenon was directed toward them.
*"magical thinking": " In clinical psychology, magical thinking is a condition that causes the patient to experience irrational fear of performing certain acts or having certain thoughts because they assume a correlation with their acts and threatening calamities" (wikipedia).
*Splitting: a defense mechanism in which one rigorously classifies of everything, everyone and every action as "good" or "bad".
*Depersonalization: a defense mechanism in which the one separates from one's actions as if one is simply watching as the body acts on its own.
*Reaction formation: a defense mechanism described by the internal dialog of "I don't want to think this way about that stress so I'll force myself to think another way".
*Undoing: a defense mechanism described by the internal dialog of "I don't want to act this way toward this stress so I'll force myself to act another way".
====Personality Disorder Comparison====
|Short description
|Defense mechanism
|Paranoid Personality Disorder
|Looking for sources of danger
|Ideas of reference, grudge bearing
|Schizoid Personality Disorder
|Loner, emotionally cool
|Non-goal-oriented fantasy
|Schizotypal Personality Disorder
|Unusual and a Loner
|Social anxiety, odd beliefs / speech / perceptions, ideas of reference
|Magical thinking
|Antisocial Personality Disorder
|Deficit in Conscience
|Irresponsibility, defying of social norms, disregard for harm to self or others
|Acting out, rationalization
|Borderline Personality Disorder
|Fractured self identity
|Anger, intense relationships, mood swings, self-injurious acts
|Splitting, projection-identification
|Histrionic Personality Disorder
|Lives to convince
|Dramatic, seductive, center of attention, shallow
|Depersonalization, somatization
|Narcissistic Personality Disorder
|Entitlement, grandiose beliefs about oneself, exploitive behavior, lacks empathy
|Denial, projection
|Avoidant Personality Disorder
|Sensitive to rejection yet social
|Requires lots of reassurance in order to engage, befriend, or try anything new
|Dependent Personality Disorder
|Requires a subject for which to care / nurture
|Fearful of independent actions, absent of anger, stays in relationship beyond healthy bounds, finds new relationship quickly upon exiting another
|Denial, repression, identification
|Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
|Focused on structure and control (as a response to obsessions about losing either)
|Perfectionist, emotionally constrained, requires organization, lists, and details
|Intellectualization, isolation, reaction formation, undoing.

Revision as of 12:44, 8 March 2012

wvatEo Enjoyed every bit of your blog.Thanks Again. Great.

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