Exam 2 PD Objectives

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*Exam 2 covers covers the following chapters:
**SWARTZ Textbook, Chapter 21 – Neurological Exam, pages 641-695,
**SWARTZ Textbook, Chapter 13 – Pulmonary/The Chest, pages 362-390,
**LANGE Textbook, Chapter 18 – Headache, pages 287-304,
**LANGE Textbook, Chapter 14 – Dyspnea, pages 229-247.
**SWARTZ Textbook, Chapter 17 – Abdominal, pages 477-514,
**LANGE Textbook, Chapter 3 – Abdominal Pain, pages 26-48,
==Chapter 3 (Lange): Abdominal pain==
==Chapter 3 (Lange): Abdominal pain==
*List the differential diagnosis of abdominal pain according to location in the abdomen.
**Right upper: renal colic, diverticulitis, biliary disease, hepatitis
===List the differential diagnosis of abdominal pain according to location in the abdomen===
**Right lower: appendicitis, PID (pelvic inflammatory disease), ovarian disease, ruptured extopic pregnancy
*Right upper: renal colic, diverticulitis, biliary disease, hepatitis
**Middle upper: MI, PUD (peptic ulcer disease), pancreatitis, biliary disease
*Right lower: appendicitis, PID (pelvic inflammatory disease), ovarian disease, ruptured extopic pregnancy
**Middle lower: IBD (irritable bowel disease), bowel obstruction / ischemia, appendicitis, AAA, IBS, DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis), gastroenteritis
*Middle upper: MI, PUD (peptic ulcer disease), pancreatitis, biliary disease
**Left upper: renal colic, splenic injury, diverticulitis
*Middle lower: IBD (irritable bowel disease), bowel obstruction / ischemia, appendicitis, AAA, IBS, DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis), gastroenteritis
**Left lower: PID, ovarian disease, ruptured ectopic pregnancy
*Left upper: renal colic, splenic injury, diverticulitis
*Left lower: PID, ovarian disease, ruptured ectopic pregnancy
===Define the descriptors of pain and how they relate to the underlying diagnosis.===
*Location, character, and acuity are three important descriptors of pain.
*The location of pain can help narrow the differential (see the above division of diagnoses via quadrant of the abdomen).
*The character and acuity help prioritize within the ddx.
===Know the key factors in the history and on physical examination and initial diagnostic evaluation that accompany each of the following diagnoses===
**diffuse pain that migrates to (focuses into) the RLQ (McBurney's point)
**octogenarians less likely to report diffuse->RLQ pain, symptoms persist longer
**PE: guarding, rebound
**CBC: elevated white count: WBC > 7000/mcl (high sensitivity, low specificity); WBC > 17000/mcl (low sensitivity, high specificity)
**Urinalysis: can be confusing, may show pyuria or hematuria (from infection adjacent to bladder)
**Xray: to identify SBO
**CT: confirms dx; CT > US; '''results in lower overall costs'''
**US: use to confirm dx in pregos
**Monitor urinary output and vitals
**IV fluids
**Broad antibiotics
**Urgent appy
====Biliary Colic====
**discrete episodes of pain (intense, RUQ / MUQ, radiating to back / r. scapula / r. flank / chest) that last > 30 min (< 4 hours) and begin 1 hour after eating
**pain associated with n/v
**Liver function tests, lipase, and urinalysis are ''normal'' in uncomplicated cases.
**US: (sens: 89%, spec:97%); US > CT (opposite as with appendicitis)
**ETUS (endotracheal ulstrasound): 100% sensitive, use when transabdominal US is negative but biliary colic is suspected
**Lithotripsy is not advised
**Dissolution therapies (like ursodiol) are reserved for surgical non-candidates
====Irritable bowel syndrome====
**intermittent abdominal pain with d/c (diarrhea / constipation) for ''years''
**diarrhea with cramping, alleviated by defecation
**weight loss or anemia should '''point away from IBS'''
**''new'', ''persistent'' bowel habits should not be assumed to be IBS but should be evaluated for colon cancer and IBD.
**IBS dx requires the lack of a alarming signs: fecal occult blood, anemia, weight loss > 10 lbs, fever, persistent diarrhea causing dehydration, severe constipation / fecal impaction, family hx of colon cancer, onset of symptoms at > 50yo, major changes in symptoms, nocturnal symptoms, recent antibiotic use
**Rome criteria for IBS: recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort (of > 6 months duration) at least 3 days per month for the past 3 months, associated with two or more of the following:
***Improvement with defecation
***Onset associated with change in frequency of stool
***Onset associated with change in form (appearance) of stool
**Note: No known structural or biochemical markers
**Test for occult fecal blood
**Serology for celiac sprue for pts with diarrhea as primary symptom
**Routine chemistries
**For pts with alarm symptoms: Colonoscopy with biopsy, TSH levels, basic chemistries, stool culture for C. diff
**reduce offending dietary entities
**pharma: anticholinergics, nitrates, low does tri-cyclic antidepressants, smooth muscle relaxants
**CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy): as effective as pharma
**etiology a combination of motility, visceral hypersensitivity, autonomic function, and psychological factors
====Chronic mesenteric ischemia====
**recurrent, postprandial pain (0-120 min), ''food fear'', and '''weight loss'''
**often a hx of tobacco use, peripheral vascular disease, or CAD
**Weight loss
**documented stenosis ''does not'' confirm the diagnosis,
**'''duplex ultrasonography''' (sens >90%) is first choice tool
**CT and angiogram can also be used given difficult ultrasound results
**revascularization: aanglioplasty with stent
====Acute mesenteric ischemia====
**abrupt onset, severe pain
**n/v (56%/38%), diarrhea
**'''pain out of proportion to physical exam'''
**elevated lactate level, specific > sensitive (3.3 mmol/L, norml: <2.0)
**xray: may show thickened loops
**CT is insensitive (64%)
**'''direct angiography''' is the gold standard
**emergent revascularization, surgical resection of necrotic bowel
***less than 12 hours of onset is the goal
**broad-spectrum abx
**volume resuscitation
**preop and postop anticoag
*NOMI: non-occlusive mesenteric infarct
**Tx: improve perfusion via '''intra-arterial papaverine''' (a drug dropped directly into the arteries).
====Ischemic colitis====
**left sided abdominal pain (sens: 84%);
**bloody / maroon stools (spec: 90%, sens: 46%),
**diarrhea (sens: 40%)
**''profuse bleeding is abnormal for ischemic colitis''
**''rebound tenderness is abnormal'' (sens: 15%)
**risk factors: age > 60, hemodialysis, HTN, diabetes, hypoalbuminemia
**xray: demonstrates free air, perforation
**angiography is usually normal (except in the rare case of right-sided ischemic colitis)
**'''support with bowel rest, IV hydration, and broad-spectrum antibiotics'''
**segmental resection for the few with infarction
**sx if: peritonitis, sepsis, free air on xray, strictures, clinical deterioration (fever, leukocytosis, lactic acidosis)
*Define the descriptors of pain and how they relate to the underlying diagnosis.
**Location, character, and acuity are three important descriptors of pain.
**The location of pain can help narrow the differential (see the above division of diagnoses via quadrant of the abdomen).
!Ischemic Colitis
**The character and acuity help prioritize within the ddx.
!Acute Mesenteric Ischmia
|occlusion of SMA or celiac
!precipitating event
|not usually identified
|MI, afib, etc.
!Patient Gestalt
!Pain severity
|not present early on
|uncommon until very late
!Dx of choice
*Know the key factors in the history and on physical examination and initial diagnostic evaluation that accompany each of the following diagnoses:
**RUQ pain, fever, jaundice
***diffuse pain that migrates to (focuses into) the RLQ (McBurney's point)
***octogenarians less likely to report diffuse->RLQ pain, symptoms persist longer
***PE: guarding, rebound
**Elevated alkphos
**Elevated bilirubin
***CBC: elevated white count: WBC > 7000/mcl (high sensitivity, low specificity); WBC > 17000/mcl (low sensitivity, high specificity)
**Elevated amylase
***Urinalysis: can be confusing, may show pyuria or hematuria (from infection adjacent to bladder)
**US: dilated CBD (''not sensitive'' as it is with cholelithiasis)
***Xray: to identify SBO
**'''ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography), MRCP (magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography), EUS (endoscopic ultrasound)''': gold standards with sens and spec 90-100%
***CT: confirms dx; CT > US; '''results in lower overall costs'''
***ERCP is best choice b/c it can also act as tx
***US: use to confirm dx in pregos
***MRCP is non-invasive (unlike ERCP which requires sedation and contrast)
***EUS can be converted to an ERCP upon dx
***Monitor urinary output and vitals
**'''broad spectrum abx via IV'''
***IV fluids
**decompression of the biliary system via '''ERCP'''
***Broad antibiotics
***Urgent appy
*Biliary Colic
====Ascending cholangitis====
***discrete episodes of pain (intense, RUQ / MUQ, radiating to back / r. scapula / r. flank / chest) that last > 30 min (< 4 hours) and begin 1 hour after eating
**'''Charcot triad''': jaundice, elevated temp (>= 38.0C), RUQ pain
***pain associated with n/v
***Liver function tests, lipase, and urinalysis are ''normal'' in uncomplicated cases.
**Elevated alkphos (sens: 91%)
***US: (sens: 89%, spec:97%); US > CT (opposite as with appendicitis)
**Elevated bilirubin (sens: 87%)
***ETUS (endotracheal ulstrasound): 100% sensitive, use when transabdominal US is negative but biliary colic is suspected
**Bacteremia (sens: 74%)
**'''broad spectrum abx via IV'''
***Lithotripsy is not advised
***Dissolution therapies (like ursodiol) are reserved for surgical non-candidates
*Irritable bowel syndrome
====Acute cholecystitis====
***intermittent abdominal pain with d/c (diarrhea / constipation) for ''years''
**'''''persistent'' RUQ / epigastric pain''', fever, n/v
***diarrhea with cramping, alleviated by defecation
*Signs: (''no sign is sensitive enough to rule out cholecystitis'')
***weight loss or anemia should '''point away from IBS'''
**fever (35%)
***''new'', ''persistent'' bowel habits should not be assumed to be IBS but should be evaluated for colon cancer and IBD.
**Murphy sign (sens: 65%, spec: 87%)
***IBS dx requires the lack of a alarming signs: fecal occult blood, anemia, weight loss > 10 lbs, fever, persistent diarrhea causing dehydration, severe constipation / fecal impaction, family hx of colon cancer, onset of symptoms at > 50yo, major changes in symptoms, nocturnal symptoms, recent antibiotic use
**Leukocytosis (sens: 63%)
***Rome criteria for IBS: recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort (of > 6 months duration) at least 3 days per month for the past 3 months, associated with two or more of the following:
**''does not usually alter lipase or LFTs''
****Improvement with defecation
**US: gallbladder wall thickening, pericholecystic fluid, gallbladder enlargement (sens: 88%, spec: 80%)
****Onset associated with change in frequency of stool
***'''US = gold standard''': less expensive, faster, avoids radx, can image adjacent organs
****Onset associated with change in form (appearance) of stool
**HIDA scan (cholescintigraphy): absence of dye collection in gallbladder suggests obstruction
***Used when US is equivocal.
***Note: No known structural or biochemical markers
***Test for occult fecal blood
**parenteral antibiotics
***Serology for celiac sprue for pts with diarrhea as primary symptom
***Routine chemistries
***For pts with alarm symptoms: Colonoscopy with biopsy, TSH levels, basic chemistries, stool culture for C. diff
***reduce offending dietary entities
***pharma: anticholinergics, nitrates, low does tri-cyclic antidepressants, smooth muscle relaxants
***CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy): as effective as pharma
***etiology a combination of motility, visceral hypersensitivity, autonomic function, and psychological factors
*Chronic and Acute mesenteric ischemia
====Acute pancreatitis====
**''constant and boring'', mod-severe pain, beginning epigastrically and radiating to the back
**n/v (75%)
**low grade fever, abdominal distension
**pain exacerbated in sitting position (50%), guarding (50%)
**''rare: rebound, periumbilical brusing (Cullen), flank brusing (Turner)''
**elevated lipase (sens: 94%, spec: 96%); really high suggests pancreatitis 2-2 (secondary to) gallstones
***amylase is less sens, less spec, and returns to normal earlier so ''should not be ordered routinely''
**LFTs (bilirubin, alk phos, ALT, AST): elevated when pancreatitis is 2-2 obstruction of CBD (common bile duct)
**xray: rule out free air or SBO (small bowel obstruction)
**US: demonstrates pancreatitis and can also show complicating cholelithiasis
**CT: can be used if US is not clear but ''is not good at determining if gallstones are involved'' (see ERCP)
***Requires contrast which is bad for the kidneys
**ERCP / MRCP: use when US doesn't clearly determine if gallstones are involved
**FNA (fine needle aspiration) if infection is suspected
**Cultures of aspirate
**carefully monitor vitals
**IV fluids
**NPO (none per oral)
**parenteral pain medication
**NG tube (if recurrent vomiting)
**''prophylactic antibiotics'' for pts with pancreatic necrosis (controversal)
**ERCP and sphincterotomy
**alcohol abstinence
**enteral feeding via NJ tube (for complicated pts)
*Acute pancreatitis
*Ischemic colitis
====Large bowel obstruction====
**severe, '''crampy''', incapacitating pain that initially '''comes in waves''' and eventually becomes constant
**vomiting is common (75%)
**bowel movements initially occur but eventually cease, to the point that even gas isn't passed
**'''bowel distension'''
**'''bowel sounds''' proceed from hyperactive to '''absent'''
**peritoneal signs may develop upon infection
**CBC, electrolytes: '''Leukocytosis, left shift, or anion gap acidosis''' are ''late findings'' that '''suggest bowel infarction 2-2 obstruction'''
**xray: demonstrates air-fluid levels and distension
**barium enema / colonoscopy: ''highly sensitive and specific'', can be tx, too, for pseudoobstructions
**CT: used if colonoscopy is unclear
**aggressive rehydration, urine output monitoring
**broad spectrum abx
*Ascending cholangitis
====Small bowel obstruction====
**same as LBO, except '''more pts have a hx of surgery'''
**same as LBO
**same as LBO, plus...
**xray: shows >= 2 fluid air levels, unlikely to show the actual obstruction
**US: may be useful in pregos
**'''CT: gold standard''', used more than in LBO b/c SB is not accessible by colonoscopy
**'''[[Exam 2 PD Objectives#Acute_mesenteric_ischemia must rule out ischemia / infarction]]'''
**fluid resuscitation, monitor urine output
***vomiting + decreased oral intake + third spacing of fluid in gut = bad dehydration
**NG suction (after the CT scan)
**broad spectrum antibiotics
**frequent plain films
**frequent CBC
**sx: signs of ischemia, CT showing infarct, SBO 2-2 hernia, SBO NOT 2-2 adhesions
*Acute cholecystitis
====Abdominal Aortic aneurysm====
**male, hx of HTN
**Triad: severe abdominal pain, pulsatile abdominal mass, hypotension
**PE sucks at detecting AAA
**Bruits ''do not'' confirm the dx
**'''palpable mass is unusual in pt with ruptured AAA'''
**US: ''bedside, emergent''; sens: 96-100%, spec: 98-100%; also used for routine screening
**CT: w/ or w/o angiography or aortography for pre-op evaluation
**ruptured: do not pass Go, do not collect $200, go directly to ER.
***screen men age 65-76 w/ one time US
***repair when aneurysm >= 5.5 cm ''or is tender or increased by >1 cm in >= 1y''
***screen AAA 4.0-5.4 cm every 6 mo
**Sx options:
***open versus endovascular stent
***30 d mortality lower with stent but may require reintervention
**Medical management: stop smoking, statins, blood pressure control
*Small and large bowel obstruction
**rapid onset, ''excrutiating back and flank pain'' that radiates to the abdomen or groin
**'''intensity of pain is dramatic leading to writhing and moving about''' to find a comfortable position (which is not to be found)
**n/v, dysuria
**Hematuria (80%)
**Urinalysis and culture
**Serum chemistries: including ''multiple measurements of Ca''
***Pts with recurrent stones should have a more extensive '''24h urine analysis''' including '''calcium, oxalate, uric acid, sodium, creatinine, and citrate'''; additionally, ''the stones themselves'' should be submitted for analysis.
**xray (kidneys, ureters, bladder = KUB): not sufficient to r/o nephrolithiasis (rule out)
**US: not sufficient to r/o nephrolithiasis
**'''Noncontrast helical renal CT''': gold standard, sens: 95%, spec: 98%
**Pain control: NSAIDs (diminish spasms, avoid 3 days before lithotripsy), opioids
**Sepsis: broad spectrum IV abx for ''gram negative and eneteroccocus''
**Renal failure: if present, get the stone out ASAP via percutaneous nephrostomy tube or ureteral stent
**Stone passage: '''nifedipine and tamsulosin''' help passage, '''lithotripsy and ureterosocpy''' can manually remove stones.
***'''Collect the stone for analysis'''
**Prevention: increase fluids, moderate Na and protein intake, thiazides (decrease Ca excretion), allopurinol (for nephrolithiasis concomitant with hyperuricosuria)
*Abdominal Aortic aneurysm
**''constant'', gradually increasing, LLQ pain, present for days.
**''guarding or rebound may be seen''
**Fever (insensitive)
**Leukocytosis (insensitive)
**xray: may demonstrate free air or obstruction
**'''CT is the test of choice''': sens: 93-97%
***may demonstrate diverticula, thickened bowel wall, pericolonic fat stranding, or abscess formation
**Acute colonsocopy ''not advised'' due to potential for perforation.
**Mild attacks = Outpt medicine:
***for mild attacks (no fever, no leukocytoiss, mild pain, oral intake +)
***ciprofloxacin, metronidazole (7-10 d)
***liquid diet
***high-fiber diet (after attack ends)
***follow-up colonoscopy
**Mod-Severe attacks:
***broad spectrum IV antibiotics
***CT guided drainage of any abscesses
***Emergent sx if: peritonitis, uncontrolled sepsis, clinical deterioration, obstruction / abscess that cannot be aspirated
***Maintain a '''low threshold for sx in immune compromised pts'''
***Post attack, high fiber diet
***Follow up colonoscopy
**Symptoms: history of PID, vaginal discharge,  
*PID represents a spectrum of clinical disease, from endometritis to fatal intraabdominal sepsis.
**Signs: cervical motion tenderness on pelvic exam
**bilateral abdominal pain, '''worse with coitus or with jarring movements''', '''onset after menses'''
**abnormal uterine bleeding
**new vaginal discharge, urethritis, proctitis (insensitive)
**fever, chills (insensitive)
**Cervical motion tenderness on pelvic exam
**There are multiple gold standards in use to establish the diagnosis, because no one among them is adequate alone.
**CBC: for inflammatory signs
**Microscopy, culture, and gram stain: cervical / vaginal secretions
**'''Pregnancy test'''
**'''HIV test'''
**Occult stool test
**amplification tests for chlamydia and gonococcus
**US: thickened, fluid-filled oviducts, increased cul-de-sac fluid (insensitive, nonspecific)
**Antimicrobials: beta-lactams, fluorquinolones, aminoglycoside, lincosamide, and macrolides.
**'''Doxycycline for C. trachomatis''' and '''clindamycin + gentamicin for N. gonorrhoeae and C. trach'''
**Fluoroquinolones are no longer recommended in US for gonorrhea b/c of increasing resistance.

Current revision as of 01:45, 7 March 2012

  • Exam 2 covers covers the following chapters:
    • SWARTZ Textbook, Chapter 21 – Neurological Exam, pages 641-695,
    • SWARTZ Textbook, Chapter 13 – Pulmonary/The Chest, pages 362-390,
    • LANGE Textbook, Chapter 18 – Headache, pages 287-304,
    • LANGE Textbook, Chapter 14 – Dyspnea, pages 229-247.
    • SWARTZ Textbook, Chapter 17 – Abdominal, pages 477-514,
    • LANGE Textbook, Chapter 3 – Abdominal Pain, pages 26-48,


[edit] Chapter 3 (Lange): Abdominal pain

[edit] List the differential diagnosis of abdominal pain according to location in the abdomen

  • Right upper: renal colic, diverticulitis, biliary disease, hepatitis
  • Right lower: appendicitis, PID (pelvic inflammatory disease), ovarian disease, ruptured extopic pregnancy
  • Middle upper: MI, PUD (peptic ulcer disease), pancreatitis, biliary disease
  • Middle lower: IBD (irritable bowel disease), bowel obstruction / ischemia, appendicitis, AAA, IBS, DKA (diabetic ketoacidosis), gastroenteritis
  • Left upper: renal colic, splenic injury, diverticulitis
  • Left lower: PID, ovarian disease, ruptured ectopic pregnancy

Abdominalpain.jpg abdo.jpg

[edit] Define the descriptors of pain and how they relate to the underlying diagnosis.

  • Location, character, and acuity are three important descriptors of pain.
  • The location of pain can help narrow the differential (see the above division of diagnoses via quadrant of the abdomen).
  • The character and acuity help prioritize within the ddx.

[edit] Know the key factors in the history and on physical examination and initial diagnostic evaluation that accompany each of the following diagnoses

[edit] Appendicitis

  • Symptoms:
    • diffuse pain that migrates to (focuses into) the RLQ (McBurney's point)
    • octogenarians less likely to report diffuse->RLQ pain, symptoms persist longer
  • Signs:
    • PE: guarding, rebound
  • Diagnostics:
    • CBC: elevated white count: WBC > 7000/mcl (high sensitivity, low specificity); WBC > 17000/mcl (low sensitivity, high specificity)
    • Urinalysis: can be confusing, may show pyuria or hematuria (from infection adjacent to bladder)
    • Xray: to identify SBO
    • CT: confirms dx; CT > US; results in lower overall costs
    • US: use to confirm dx in pregos
  • Tx:
    • Observe
    • Monitor urinary output and vitals
    • IV fluids
    • Broad antibiotics
    • Urgent appy

[edit] Biliary Colic

  • Symptoms:
    • discrete episodes of pain (intense, RUQ / MUQ, radiating to back / r. scapula / r. flank / chest) that last > 30 min (< 4 hours) and begin 1 hour after eating
    • pain associated with n/v
  • Signs:
  • Diagnostics:
    • Liver function tests, lipase, and urinalysis are normal in uncomplicated cases.
    • US: (sens: 89%, spec:97%); US > CT (opposite as with appendicitis)
    • ETUS (endotracheal ulstrasound): 100% sensitive, use when transabdominal US is negative but biliary colic is suspected
  • Tx:
    • Cholecystecomy
    • Lithotripsy is not advised
    • Dissolution therapies (like ursodiol) are reserved for surgical non-candidates

[edit] Irritable bowel syndrome

  • Symptoms:
    • intermittent abdominal pain with d/c (diarrhea / constipation) for years
    • diarrhea with cramping, alleviated by defecation
    • weight loss or anemia should point away from IBS
    • new, persistent bowel habits should not be assumed to be IBS but should be evaluated for colon cancer and IBD.
  • Signs:
    • IBS dx requires the lack of a alarming signs: fecal occult blood, anemia, weight loss > 10 lbs, fever, persistent diarrhea causing dehydration, severe constipation / fecal impaction, family hx of colon cancer, onset of symptoms at > 50yo, major changes in symptoms, nocturnal symptoms, recent antibiotic use
    • Rome criteria for IBS: recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort (of > 6 months duration) at least 3 days per month for the past 3 months, associated with two or more of the following:
      • Improvement with defecation
      • Onset associated with change in frequency of stool
      • Onset associated with change in form (appearance) of stool
  • Diagnostics:
    • Note: No known structural or biochemical markers
    • CBC
    • Test for occult fecal blood
    • Serology for celiac sprue for pts with diarrhea as primary symptom
    • Routine chemistries
    • For pts with alarm symptoms: Colonoscopy with biopsy, TSH levels, basic chemistries, stool culture for C. diff
  • Tx:
    • reduce offending dietary entities
    • pharma: anticholinergics, nitrates, low does tri-cyclic antidepressants, smooth muscle relaxants
    • CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy): as effective as pharma
  • Miscellaneous:
    • 2:1::female:male
    • etiology a combination of motility, visceral hypersensitivity, autonomic function, and psychological factors

[edit] Chronic mesenteric ischemia

  • Symptoms:
    • recurrent, postprandial pain (0-120 min), food fear, and weight loss
    • often a hx of tobacco use, peripheral vascular disease, or CAD
  • Signs:
    • Weight loss
  • Diagnostics:
    • documented stenosis does not confirm the diagnosis,
    • duplex ultrasonography (sens >90%) is first choice tool
    • CT and angiogram can also be used given difficult ultrasound results
  • Tx:
    • revascularization: aanglioplasty with stent

[edit] Acute mesenteric ischemia

  • Symptoms:
    • abrupt onset, severe pain
    • n/v (56%/38%), diarrhea
  • Signs:
    • pain out of proportion to physical exam
  • Diagnostics:
    • elevated lactate level, specific > sensitive (3.3 mmol/L, norml: <2.0)
    • xray: may show thickened loops
    • CT is insensitive (64%)
    • direct angiography is the gold standard
  • Tx:
    • emergent revascularization, surgical resection of necrotic bowel
      • less than 12 hours of onset is the goal
    • broad-spectrum abx
    • volume resuscitation
    • preop and postop anticoag

  • NOMI: non-occlusive mesenteric infarct
    • Tx: improve perfusion via intra-arterial papaverine (a drug dropped directly into the arteries).

[edit] Ischemic colitis

  • Symptoms:
    • left sided abdominal pain (sens: 84%);
    • bloody / maroon stools (spec: 90%, sens: 46%),
    • diarrhea (sens: 40%)
    • profuse bleeding is abnormal for ischemic colitis
    • rebound tenderness is abnormal (sens: 15%)
    • risk factors: age > 60, hemodialysis, HTN, diabetes, hypoalbuminemia
  • Signs:
  • Diagnostics:
    • Colonoscopy
    • xray: demonstrates free air, perforation
    • CT
    • angiography is usually normal (except in the rare case of right-sided ischemic colitis)
  • Tx:
    • support with bowel rest, IV hydration, and broad-spectrum antibiotics
    • segmental resection for the few with infarction
    • sx if: peritonitis, sepsis, free air on xray, strictures, clinical deterioration (fever, leukocytosis, lactic acidosis)

Parameter Ischemic Colitis Acute Mesenteric Ischmia
Etiology non-occlusive occlusion of SMA or celiac
precipitating event not usually identified MI, afib, etc.
Patient Gestalt non-ill ill
Pain severity mild severe
Tenderness mild-moderate not present early on
Hematochezia common uncommon until very late
Dx of choice colonoscopy angiography

[edit] Choledocholithiasis

  • Symptoms:
    • RUQ pain, fever, jaundice
    • cholangitis,
  • Signs:
  • Diagnostics:
    • Elevated alkphos
    • Elevated bilirubin
    • Elevated amylase
    • US: dilated CBD (not sensitive as it is with cholelithiasis)
    • ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography), MRCP (magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography), EUS (endoscopic ultrasound): gold standards with sens and spec 90-100%
      • ERCP is best choice b/c it can also act as tx
      • MRCP is non-invasive (unlike ERCP which requires sedation and contrast)
      • EUS can be converted to an ERCP upon dx
  • Tx:
    • broad spectrum abx via IV
    • decompression of the biliary system via ERCP
    • cholecystectomy

[edit] Ascending cholangitis

  • Symptoms:
    • Charcot triad: jaundice, elevated temp (>= 38.0C), RUQ pain
  • Signs:
  • Diagnostics:
    • Leukocytosis
    • Elevated alkphos (sens: 91%)
    • Elevated bilirubin (sens: 87%)
    • Bacteremia (sens: 74%)
  • Tx:
    • broad spectrum abx via IV
    • cholecystectomy

[edit] Acute cholecystitis

  • Symptoms:
    • persistent RUQ / epigastric pain, fever, n/v
  • Signs: (no sign is sensitive enough to rule out cholecystitis)
    • fever (35%)
    • Murphy sign (sens: 65%, spec: 87%)
  • Diagnostics:
    • Leukocytosis (sens: 63%)
    • does not usually alter lipase or LFTs
    • US: gallbladder wall thickening, pericholecystic fluid, gallbladder enlargement (sens: 88%, spec: 80%)
      • US = gold standard: less expensive, faster, avoids radx, can image adjacent organs
    • HIDA scan (cholescintigraphy): absence of dye collection in gallbladder suggests obstruction
      • Used when US is equivocal.
  • Tx:
    • admit
    • parenteral antibiotics
    • cholecystectom

[edit] Acute pancreatitis

  • Symptoms:
    • constant and boring, mod-severe pain, beginning epigastrically and radiating to the back
    • n/v (75%)
  • Signs:
    • low grade fever, abdominal distension
    • pain exacerbated in sitting position (50%), guarding (50%)
    • rare: rebound, periumbilical brusing (Cullen), flank brusing (Turner)
  • Diagnostics:
    • elevated lipase (sens: 94%, spec: 96%); really high suggests pancreatitis 2-2 (secondary to) gallstones
      • amylase is less sens, less spec, and returns to normal earlier so should not be ordered routinely
    • LFTs (bilirubin, alk phos, ALT, AST): elevated when pancreatitis is 2-2 obstruction of CBD (common bile duct)
    • xray: rule out free air or SBO (small bowel obstruction)
    • US: demonstrates pancreatitis and can also show complicating cholelithiasis
    • CT: can be used if US is not clear but is not good at determining if gallstones are involved (see ERCP)
      • Requires contrast which is bad for the kidneys
    • ERCP / MRCP: use when US doesn't clearly determine if gallstones are involved
    • FNA (fine needle aspiration) if infection is suspected
    • Cultures of aspirate
  • Tx:
    • carefully monitor vitals
    • IV fluids
    • NPO (none per oral)
    • parenteral pain medication
    • NG tube (if recurrent vomiting)
    • prophylactic antibiotics for pts with pancreatic necrosis (controversal)
    • ERCP and sphincterotomy
    • Cholecystectomy
    • alcohol abstinence
    • enteral feeding via NJ tube (for complicated pts)

[edit] Large bowel obstruction

  • Symptoms:
    • severe, crampy, incapacitating pain that initially comes in waves and eventually becomes constant
    • vomiting is common (75%)
    • bowel movements initially occur but eventually cease, to the point that even gas isn't passed
  • Signs:
    • bowel distension
    • bowel sounds proceed from hyperactive to absent
    • peritoneal signs may develop upon infection
  • Diagnostics:
    • CBC, electrolytes: Leukocytosis, left shift, or anion gap acidosis are late findings that suggest bowel infarction 2-2 obstruction
    • xray: demonstrates air-fluid levels and distension
    • barium enema / colonoscopy: highly sensitive and specific, can be tx, too, for pseudoobstructions
    • CT: used if colonoscopy is unclear
  • Tx:
    • aggressive rehydration, urine output monitoring
    • broad spectrum abx
    • sx

[edit] Small bowel obstruction

  • Symptoms:
    • same as LBO, except more pts have a hx of surgery
  • Signs:
    • same as LBO
  • Diagnostics:
  • Tx:
    • fluid resuscitation, monitor urine output
      • vomiting + decreased oral intake + third spacing of fluid in gut = bad dehydration
    • NG suction (after the CT scan)
    • broad spectrum antibiotics
    • frequent plain films
    • frequent CBC
    • sx: signs of ischemia, CT showing infarct, SBO 2-2 hernia, SBO NOT 2-2 adhesions

[edit] Abdominal Aortic aneurysm

  • Symptoms:
    • male, hx of HTN
    • Triad: severe abdominal pain, pulsatile abdominal mass, hypotension
  • Signs:
    • PE sucks at detecting AAA
    • Bruits do not confirm the dx
    • palpable mass is unusual in pt with ruptured AAA
  • Diagnostics:
    • US: bedside, emergent; sens: 96-100%, spec: 98-100%; also used for routine screening
    • CT: w/ or w/o angiography or aortography for pre-op evaluation
  • Tx:
    • ruptured: do not pass Go, do not collect $200, go directly to ER.
    • asymptomatic:
      • screen men age 65-76 w/ one time US
      • repair when aneurysm >= 5.5 cm or is tender or increased by >1 cm in >= 1y
      • screen AAA 4.0-5.4 cm every 6 mo
    • Sx options:
      • open versus endovascular stent
      • 30 d mortality lower with stent but may require reintervention
    • Medical management: stop smoking, statins, blood pressure control

[edit] Nephrolithiasis

  • Symptoms:
    • rapid onset, excrutiating back and flank pain that radiates to the abdomen or groin
    • intensity of pain is dramatic leading to writhing and moving about to find a comfortable position (which is not to be found)
  • Signs:
    • n/v, dysuria
  • Diagnostics:
    • Hematuria (80%)
    • Urinalysis and culture
    • Serum chemistries: including multiple measurements of Ca
      • Pts with recurrent stones should have a more extensive 24h urine analysis including calcium, oxalate, uric acid, sodium, creatinine, and citrate; additionally, the stones themselves should be submitted for analysis.
    • xray (kidneys, ureters, bladder = KUB): not sufficient to r/o nephrolithiasis (rule out)
    • US: not sufficient to r/o nephrolithiasis
    • Noncontrast helical renal CT: gold standard, sens: 95%, spec: 98%
  • Tx:
    • Pain control: NSAIDs (diminish spasms, avoid 3 days before lithotripsy), opioids
    • Hydration
    • Sepsis: broad spectrum IV abx for gram negative and eneteroccocus
    • Renal failure: if present, get the stone out ASAP via percutaneous nephrostomy tube or ureteral stent
    • Stone passage: nifedipine and tamsulosin help passage, lithotripsy and ureterosocpy can manually remove stones.
      • Collect the stone for analysis
    • Prevention: increase fluids, moderate Na and protein intake, thiazides (decrease Ca excretion), allopurinol (for nephrolithiasis concomitant with hyperuricosuria)

[edit] Diverticulitis

  • Symptoms:
    • constant, gradually increasing, LLQ pain, present for days.
    • diarrhea
    • guarding or rebound may be seen
  • Signs:
    • Fever (insensitive)
  • Diagnostics:
    • Leukocytosis (insensitive)
    • xray: may demonstrate free air or obstruction
    • CT is the test of choice: sens: 93-97%
      • may demonstrate diverticula, thickened bowel wall, pericolonic fat stranding, or abscess formation
    • Acute colonsocopy not advised due to potential for perforation.
  • Tx:
    • Mild attacks = Outpt medicine:
      • for mild attacks (no fever, no leukocytoiss, mild pain, oral intake +)
      • ciprofloxacin, metronidazole (7-10 d)
      • liquid diet
      • high-fiber diet (after attack ends)
      • follow-up colonoscopy
    • Mod-Severe attacks:
      • broad spectrum IV antibiotics
      • NPO
      • CT guided drainage of any abscesses
      • Emergent sx if: peritonitis, uncontrolled sepsis, clinical deterioration, obstruction / abscess that cannot be aspirated
      • Maintain a low threshold for sx in immune compromised pts
      • Post attack, high fiber diet
      • Follow up colonoscopy

[edit] PID

  • PID represents a spectrum of clinical disease, from endometritis to fatal intraabdominal sepsis.
  • Symptoms:
    • bilateral abdominal pain, worse with coitus or with jarring movements, onset after menses
    • abnormal uterine bleeding
    • new vaginal discharge, urethritis, proctitis (insensitive)
    • fever, chills (insensitive)
  • Signs:
    • Cervical motion tenderness on pelvic exam
  • Diagnostics:
    • There are multiple gold standards in use to establish the diagnosis, because no one among them is adequate alone.
    • CBC: for inflammatory signs
    • Microscopy, culture, and gram stain: cervical / vaginal secretions
    • Pregnancy test
    • HIV test
    • Urinalysis
    • Occult stool test
    • amplification tests for chlamydia and gonococcus
    • US: thickened, fluid-filled oviducts, increased cul-de-sac fluid (insensitive, nonspecific)
  • Tx:
    • Antimicrobials: beta-lactams, fluorquinolones, aminoglycoside, lincosamide, and macrolides.
    • Doxycycline for C. trachomatis and clindamycin + gentamicin for N. gonorrhoeae and C. trach
    • Fluoroquinolones are no longer recommended in US for gonorrhea b/c of increasing resistance.
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