Exam 1 Physical Diagnosis Objectives

From Iusmicm

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(b5muSQ You are my breathing in, I own few web logs and occasionally run out from brand . Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. Few people are interested and the frog dies of it. by E. B. White.)
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*Note, much borrowed from generous, previous IUSM medical students.
b5muSQ You are my breathing in, I own few web logs and occasionally run out from brand . Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. Few people are interested and the frog dies of it. by E. B. White.
===Chapter 1===
*Apply the guidelines for using a medical interpreter when a medical interpreter is needed for a patient interview.
**need to be trained in med. Terminology
**same sex and age as patient
**establish an approach with interpreter before talking to patient
**speak and look at patient
**do not expect word for word translation
**ask interpreter about patient fears and expectations
**use short questions
**use simple language
**keep explanations brief
**avoid using "if", "would" and "could" questions and statements
**avoid idiomatic expressions
*Define the “rule of 5 vowels” and use the 5 vowels in a patient interview.
**AEIOU: audition, evaluation, inquiry, observation, understanding
**audition: listen to story
**evaluation: determine what is relevant
**inquiry: ask appropriate questions
**observation: importance of non-verbal communication
**understanding: show empathy and signs that you understand and care
*Recognize the difference between a “symptom” and a “sign”.
**A symptom is what a pt feels.
**A sign is what a physician detects.
*Select the appropriate terminology and questions to begin a medical interview.
**Greet with your name, ask their name, make eye contact, shake hands, smile, state your purpose and intent.
*Apply the use of open-ended questions when conducting a medial interview.
**Start with open ended questions, focus down with direct questions.
*Apply the use of direct questions when conducting a patient interview.
**ROS should be demarked with a transition statement explaining that you're not looking for simple yes or no answers.
**Follow positive ROS responses with open ended and OPQRST questions.
*Discriminate patient symptoms using the O-P-Q-R-S-T mnemonic.
***onset (time, activity);
***provoke / palliate (what makes it worse or better);
***quality (characteristics like blurry, sharp, burning, deep, etc.);
***radiation (does the symptom occur anywhere else or associate with any other symptom);
***severity (1-10);
***characteristics (quality, severity)
***location (and radiation)
***onset (and duration)
***symptoms associated
***exacerbating factors
***relieving factors
*Discriminate which questions to avoid and not use when interviewing a patient.
**Avoid rapid-fire questions; "have you lost or gained weight or had any nausea or vomitting?"
**Avoid medical jargon; "where you tachypnic when the pain started?"
**Avoid leading or biased questions; "you don't have any heart problems do you?"
*Describe the parts of the medical history and include each part when writing a medical history.
**Chief complaint
**History of Present Illness
**Past Medical History
**Social History
**Family History
**Psychosocial and Spiritual History
**Sexual and Reproductive History
**Review of Systems
===Chapter 2===
*Describe the various responses to illness in a patient.
**There are several major responses to illness, including: anxiety, depression, denial, projection, and regression.
**Anxiety: characterized by uneasiness and a sense of impending danger
**Depression: a chronic state of lowered mood
***The most common reaction to illness and perhaps the most overlooked.
***20% of pts with major illnesses express depression (especially cancer pts).
***Noted by brief answers, slow speech, and low volume.
***Thoughts are negative, with lots of (perceived) inadequacy, defeat, and worthlessness.
**Denial: acting and thinking a part of reality is not true.
***Recall that denial is a defense mechanism used to guard against an inner tension that causes anxiety.  Denial prevents the turmoil from producing overt anxiety.
***The more acute the illness, the less room for denial; the more insidious the illness, the more denial.
***May need to interview a reliable informant when denial is so severe accurate answers cannot be secured.
**Projection: perceiving one's own emotions in another being
***Recall that projection is a defense mechanism that guards against an inner tension and manifests as the pt  perceiving their own emotion in the interviewer (fear, anger, for example).
***A danger for the Doctor-Pt relationship.
**Regression: an unconscious return to an earlier stage of physical or emotional development in which the pt was free from the demands of disease and was often gratified.
***Regression is a defense mechanism.
*Describe the variety of patient types and how to approach them during an interview.
***Characteristics: shy, insecure, easily embarrassed normally or silent from fear of illness.  May be depressed.
***Approach: Use directed questions, not open-ended.
***Approach: use courteous interruption followed by another direct question. Avoid open-ended questions. 
***Characteristics: many have personality disorder and have fantasy of intimacy with doctor.
***Approach: Keep empathy and reassurance to minimum.  Keep professional distance.
***Approach: Realize reactions are to illness and not personal. Confront about anger and allow to vent, proceed slow, avoid interpretations and ask questions about present illness.
***Characteristics: Reassurance tends to be threatening.
***Approach: Complete questioning and don’t try to convince about false ideations.  Avoid any anger.
***Character: never satisfied.
***Approach: Handle with firm, noncondescending approach.  Use definite closing statement.
***Character: attempts to please interviewer.
***Approach: Try to give “right” answer.  Stress importance of accuracy
***Character: often has personality disorder, easily irritated and can fly into rage.
***Approach: Stay away from provoking anxiety early and establish rapport.
***Character: seen many experts and no one can figure out what is wrong.  Return saying suggestions didn’t work.  New symptoms appear after one goes away.  Blame “illness” for disappointments.
***Approach: Use strong emotional support and gentile reasoning
***Character: Use intimidation and guilt to force others to take care of them. See self as neglected, may have outburst of anger and have power struggle with doctor.
***Approach: Provide firm boundaries, elicit and set clear expectations.
***Character: concerned about every detail, use projection
***Approach: Provide detailed and specific info in a straight forward way
***Character: finds life hard without help.  Need to care for closely, but they can take advantage of doctors by demanding time.
***Approach: Be direct about limits without leaving rejected.
***Character: go thru life suffering mentally, but don’t seek physical abuse or pain. Feel they self-sacrifice and handle illness well, but may feel threatened by recovery.
***Approach: Don’t promise cures, attend to all aspects of illness.
***Character: personality disorder with instability, splitting, impulsiveness and unstable moods.  Are always afraid, but may mask with anger.
***Approach: Use lots of reassuring words.
*Describe how disease can influence the type of patient response.
***Theme is mistrust of healthcare; response is assurance.
***Sort out emotional problems for physical ones.
***Smile and nice words help them cooperate.
***Don’t like their routines changed.
***If hearing impaired sit in front so they can read your lips or speak louder, write things down if needed. 
***If vision impaired: occasionally touch patient’s arm so they know where you are.  Avoid non-verbals. 
***Developmentally delayed need guardian to give history.
***-5 major concerns: loss of control, pain, alienation, mutilation and mortality.
***Doctor may be afraid of patient’s questions about death and patient feels rejected.
***Doctor needs to recognize their limitations.
***Allow patient to vent and promote dialogue.
***Fearful for life and being stigmatized which may result in delay of seeking care.
***Denial is important and may fear doctors.
***Fear worsened by anxiety of health care workers who care for them.
***Unsympathetic rejection of AIDS patients leading to anxiety, hostility and depression.
***Be supportive with out false sense of hope.
***Give facts and make sure staff is educated.
***Impairment of speech and can’t arrange words correctly.
***Always assume patient is aware if talking with them in the room.
***Give patient pen and paper and or ask yes / no questions.
***Impaired reality testing abilities and can’t communicate effectively.
***May have hallucinations and delusions.
***Remain calm and get assistance if violent episode.
***May have Munchausen’s and be malingerers.
***Many self injure.
**Demented or Delirious
***Demented are more confused out of their environment especially at night ("sundowning").
***Fear is common.  Be sensitive and allay their fears.  Avoid question that may seem threatening to them.
***Need mental status exam.
***History may not reliable.
**Acutely Ill
***Need concise history and physical.
***May need to interview while doing exam.
***Finish interview after stable.
***Frightened even if calm appearance.
***Feel helpless and out of control.
***Lack of communication from surgeon makes worse.
***Depression if loss of body part.
***Allow time to release tension and feelings of loss during interview
***Feel castigated and alone.  Alcohol is only friend.
***Often ready to talk and may have low self esteem.
***May be self destructive. May have fears of sexual inadequacy or homosexuality.
***Psychological problems create physical ailments.
***May be unaware of emotional distress.
***Identify disorder, teach patient to cope with psych problems.
***Somatization is unconscious and patients are really suffering.  Acknowledge their suffering is real.  Never say problem is in your head.
***Use open ended questions to get insight.
***Conscious of taking up doctor’s time and will start asking fewer questions.
***Don’t avoid dying patients because of own fears.
***Many fear process of dying more than death.
***May have anger or guilt or resentment.
***Envy healthy and deny imminent death.
***May deny disease even when asked directly.
***Most reach acceptance which may include apathy and withdraw.
***Dying patient needs to talk to someone.
***Appropriate response to an expression of grief may be period of silence.
===Chapter 6===
===Chapter 7===
*Describe the “Four Principles of Physical Examination”, their importance, and clinical application.
**Four principles are inspection, palpitation, percussion, and auscultation.
*Describe what the examiner should observe while taking a history and how to apply clinically when evaluating a patient.
**General appearance: state of consciousness and personal grooming, distress? Groggy? Alert? Clean?
**State of nutrition: sunken eyes, temporal wasting, loose skin, thin, frail
**Body habitus:
***Asthenic: a condition of weakness, feebleness, or loss of vitality
***Ectomorphic characterized by a lean slender body build with slight muscular development
***Mesomorph: intermediate to asthenic and ectomorphic
***Hypersthenic or endomorphic: is short, round with good muscles, but weight problem
**Posture and gait: foot drag? Shuffle?, limp?
**Speech: slurred? Appropriate words? Hoarse? High pitched?
*Apply the “preparations for the physical examination” clinically when evaluating a patient.
**Have all necessary equipment and place at bedside
**Close curtains for exam
**Wash hands – lather 10 seconds or use alcohol product in no visible soilage
**Have patient wear gown
**Do in order that requires least movement of patient
**Perform exam from right side of patient
**Expose only areas that are being examined at that time
**Continue speaking to patient during exam
*Discriminate which comments to refrain from when performing the physical examination.
**Avoid using "that's good", "normal", and "that's fine" as they may have unintended consequences with regard the pt's perception.
*Apply the precautionary guidelines for health-care workers from the CDC and OSHA and how to apply them when examining a patient.
**Use gloves when doing physical exam or handling blood soiled or body fluid sheets
**Wear gloves with patients with exudative lesions or weeping dermitis
**Use fluid resistant gowns, masks and eye covers when doing procedures
**Wash hands immediately if accidently soiled with blood or body fluids
**All sharps must be handled with care
**Don’t re-cap needles and dispose in puncture resistant containers
**Use mouthpieces for mouth to mouth
**Handle blood and body fluid samples with gloves
**Clean and decontaminant soiled surfaces with disinfectant
**Process reusable items according to recommendations
**If sharps injury or exposure to blood or body fluid clean area immediately and report
**All heath care workers should have Hep B vaccine
**Responsibility of health care worker not to transmit their disease to patient
===Chapter 9===
*Describe and recognize common symptoms of diseases involving the neck: neck mass and neck stiffness.
**Two most common physical findings are masses and stiffness.
*Interpret the signs and symptoms of diseases involving the neck: neck mass and neck stiffness.
**If there is associated pain with a mass in the neck, an acute infection is likely.
**Consider the age of the patient:
***Thyroglossal cyst occurs with patients under the age of 20, while thyroid disease occurs in older patients
**Consider the location of the mass:
***Lateral masses are more commonly neoplastic
***Midline masses are not associated with neoplasms but hyperplasia
***Superior masses correlate with head / neck tumors
***Inferior masses correlate with breast / stomach masses
**Neck stiffness is usually cause by spasm of the cervical muscles and commonly causes tension headaches.
**Depression is a common symptom of head and neck disease.
*Apply the components of the physical exam of the neck to a patient.
**No special equipment is required, and the patient is seated facing the examiner
**Inspection: position, scalp, masses, eyes, veins, nodularity
**Auscultation for carotid bruits
**Palpation: along muscles and major lymph node tracts using pads of fingers from posterior to anterior; thyroid gland
*Clinically correlate the symptoms and physical findings for the following disease processes: hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroid nodules.
***Proptosis: forward displacement of the eyes from thyroid dysfunction or orbital mass
***Thyromegaly: Graves’ disease causes bilateral proptosis and thyromegaly
***Thyroglossal duct cysts: are smooth, firm and midline
***Venous distention and nodularity may be associated with a goiter
***Tender nodes are associated with inflammation, whereas firm nodes are associated with malignancy
****Two methods for palpating the thyroid: anterior and posterior
****Rarely felt in it's healthy state.
****Hardness is associated with cancer or scarring
****Tenderness is associated with acute infections or hemorrhage
****Enlargement warrants auscultation
****A to-and-fro bruit of the superior pole highly suggests a toxic goiter
***Supraclavicular nodes: important; enlarged nodes can be felt with inspiration
*Using the symptoms and / or physical exam findings pertaining to the neck, generate a diagnosis and a differential diagnosis.
**Grave’s Disease: proptosis, heat intolerance, hyperhidrosis, anxiety, insomnia, hyperpigmentation, palpitations, sweats, erythema, etc.
**Plummer’s Disease: toxic adenomatous goiter – frequently see atrial fibrillation
**Malignant thyroid nodule: male, one nodule, no FHx, change in voice, prior radiation for H/N
**Benign nodule: female, >1 nodule, FHx of benign thyroid disease, no voice change
**Hypothyroidism: weight gain, fatigue, chilly, lethargy
===Chapter 10===
# Describe the actions and innervations of the eye and extraocular muscles.
# Identify the major symptoms of eye disease.
# Interpret the symptoms of the major diseases of the eye and apply them clinically to a patient: loss of vision, eye pain, diplopia, tearing or dryness, discharge, and redness.
# Apply the components of the physical examination of the eye to a patient.
# Clinically correlate the symptoms and physical exam findings pertaining to the eye for the following disease processes: visual field defect, red eye (acute conjunctivitis, acute iritis, narrow-angle glaucoma, and corneal abrasion), diabetes, hypertension, and papilledema.
# Give a differential diagnosis based on symptoms and/or physical exam findings pertaining to the eye.
===Chapter 11===
*Describe the structure and innervations of the ear.
**External ear consists of pinna and external auditory canal
**The middle ear or tympanic cavity consists of connections to the mastoid antrum and nasopharyx through the Eustachian tube
**The tympanic membrane forms the lateral boundary of the middle ear, while the cochlea forms the medial boundary
**Sound is conducted from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear by the malleus, incus and stapes
**The tensor tympani [CN V] and the stapedius [CN VII] are also located in the middle ear
**The inner ear is the end-organ for hearing and equilibrium containing the semicircular canals, vestibule and the cochlea
**The hair cells of the organ of corti convert mechanical force into electrochemical signal
*Identify the major symptoms of ear disease and how these symptoms can identify diseases involving the ear: hearing loss, vertigo, tinnitus, otorrhea, otalgia, and itching.
**Hearing loss
***conductive: blocks transmission of sound waves in external canal or middle ear; caused by wax, effusions, foreign bodies
***sensorineural: inner ear structures, auditory nerve or brain stem are dibilitated; caused by prenatal rubella, and lots of other causes.
***'''Patients with sensorineural talk loudly, conductive speak softly.'''
**Vertigo: spinning or turning in position; can be otologic, neurologic, psychological, or iatrogenic.
***Meniere’s disease: severe paroxysmal vertigo as a result of labyrinthine lesions
**Tinnitus: sensation of hearing sound such as buzzing or ringing
**Otorrhea: bloody discharge associated with carcinoma or trauma
**Otalgia: pain related to inflammatory conditions or may be referred
**Itching: from primary disorder of external ear or discharge from middle ear
*Apply the components of the physical exam of the ear to a patient.
**Inspect external ear structures: tophi, “cauliflower ear” from trauma, cancer, discharge
**Palpate the external ear structures
**Auditory acuity testing: occlude one ear and speak softly into the other; use of 512Hz fork
***Rinne test: air conduction vs bone conduction using fork; placing stem on mastoid process compared against vibratory hearing; usually AC > BC [Rhine positive]
***Weber test: compares bone conduction in both ears by placing fork in middle of forehead; sound heard on ipsi side of conductive problem and contra side of a sensorineural problem
***Example: Rinne positive on both sides -> sensorineural problem; Rinne negative on one side identifies conduction problem on that side
**Otoscopic examination: pull posterior and superior and look at the canal and tympanic membrane (should be pearly gray)
***Injection: dilation of tympanic vessels
***Retraction pocket can indicate Eustachian tube blockage and decreased pressure
**Determination of mobility of tympanic membrane: also uses otoscope; useful for middle ear infection possibility (decreased movement will be detected if fluid present)
*Clinically correlate the symptoms and physical exam findings pertaining to the ear for the following disease processes: conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, otitis media, serous otitis media, otitis externa, and vertigo.  Interpret the symptoms of diseases of the ear and apply them clinically to patient.
**Acute otitis externa: p. aeruginosa
***Severe pain accentuated by manipulation of the pinna; lymphadenopathy; fever; normal tympanic membrane
***Summer time
**Bullous myringitis: localized form of external otitis
***Acute viral URI; severe pain; lesions on the skin of the deep external ear canal;
**Acute otitis media: bacterial infection of the middle ear
***Usually in children;
***Pain, malaise, no pain on external manipulation, fiery red tympanic membrane;
**Advanced acute otitis media: rupture of membrane
***Perforations can be central or marginal (more serious and may dispose to a cholesteatoma)
***May result from either otitis media or trauma
**Serous otits media:
***Adults with viral URIs or sudden atmospheric pressure changes
***Tympanic membrane appears yellowish-orange as a result of the amber-colored fluid
**Partial obstruction of the Eustachian tubes:
***Air bubbles or an air-fluid level in the middle ear
**Chronic otitis media: rupture and recurrent middle ear infections
***Foul-smelling, not usually painful
**Retraction pockets: chronic negative pressure within middle ear
***May progress to an acquired cholesteatoma
***Treat with T-tube (tympanostomy)
***Child: conductive via cerumen, chronic/acute otitis media; sensorinueral via mumps, rubella
***Adult: conductive via tube blockage, viral myringitis, otosclerosis; sensorineural via Meniere’s, ototoxic drugs, acoustic neuroma
*Generate a diagnosis and/or differential diagnosis based on symptoms and/or physical exam findings of the ear.
# Describe the structure of the nose.
# Illustrate how the major symptoms of nose diseases are used to identify nose diseases.
# Interpret the symptoms related to the nose and apply them clinically to a patient.
# Apply the components of the physical exam of the nose to a patient.
# Clinically correlate the symptoms and physical exam findings pertaining to the nose for the following disease processes: allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, and nonallergic rhinitis.
# Generate a diagnosis and/or differential diagnosis based on symptoms and/or physical exam findings of the nose.
===Chapter 12===
*Know the structures of the oral cavity and pharynx.
*Know the functions of the pharynx.
**Subdivisions: nasopharynx, oropharynx, hypopharynx.
**Fxn: provides swallowing, speech, and an airway.
*Know the important symptoms of disease of the oral cavity.
**Ulceration, bleeding, mass, halitosis, xerostomia (dry mouth).
*Apply the components of the physical exam of the oral cavity and pharynx to a patient.
**See cd.
*Clinically correlate the signs and symptoms of the following conditions:
**Aphthous ulcer
***Single canker sore. Most common acute oral ulcer. 
***Relatively superficial w/ raised borders.  On buccal or labial mucosa.
**Herpetic ulcer
***acute multiple ulcers, associated w/ vesicles.
***On mucocutaneous junction, hard palate, or gingivae.
***Crusting when bullae break.
***Painless, single lesion on lips or tongue.
***Lesion w/o central necrotic material.
***May have tender lymphadenitis.
**Squamous cell carcinoma:
***Single indurated sore on lips, tongue, mouth floor, or tongue (esp. on lateral borders)
***Erythroplakia of mouth floor and soft palate.
***Raised border, absence of necrotic material in crater.
***May have painless lymphadenopathy in neck.
***Burning tongue, inside of cheek or throat.
***Whitish pseudomembrane.
***Peeled off to reveal raw, red area that may bleed.
***Painless, red area.
***Granular, red papules that bleed.
***Painless, white area.
***Hyperkeratinized.  Can’t be scraped off.
***Looks like flaking white paint.  Often speckled w/ red spots.
***If associated with adenopathy, could be malignancy.
***Painless mass on inner surface of cheek or tongue.
***Yellowish, soft, freely mobile.
**Lichen planus
***Usually no symptoms.
***Erosive form causes burning sores on inner cheeks and tongue.
***White reticulated papules bilaterally in lace-like pattern.
***Erosive form is hemorrhagic, ulcerated w/ possible white areas or bullae.
***May have pseudomembrane covering.
***Intermittent painless swelling of lower lip, or inside cheek.
***Slightly bluish.
***Dome-shaped, freely-mobile cystic lesion.
**Hairy Tongue
***Gagging sensation.
***Large brown or black painless lesion on top of tongue.
***Elongation of filiform papillae and color change.
===Chapter 13===
#Describe the topographical landmarks of the chest and utilize that knowledge to describe physical findings of the chest.
#Recognize the main symptoms of pulmonary disease and how these symptoms can identify disease.
#Interpret the symptoms of pulmonary disease and apply them clinically to a patient.
#Apply the components of the physical exam of the chest to a patient.
#Clinically correlate the symptoms and physical exam findings pertaining to the chest:
##Pulmonary Edema
##Pulmonary Embolism
##Pleural Effusion
#Generate a diagnosis and/or differential diagnosis based on symptoms and/or physical exam findings of the chest.
===Chapter 17===
# Describe the topographical landmarks of the abdomen and utilize that knowledge to describe physical findings of the abdomen.
# Recognize where abdominal structures are located by topographical quadrants of the abdomen.
# Recognize the main symptoms of abdominal disease and how these symptoms can identify disease.
# Interpret the symptoms of abdominal disease and apply them clinically to a patient.
# Apply the components of the physical examination of the abdomen to a patient.
# Clinically correlate the symptoms and physical exam findings pertaining to the abdomen.
# Generate a diagnosis and/or differential diagnosis based on symptoms and/or physical exam findings.
===Chapter 21===

Current revision as of 20:39, 2 September 2015

b5muSQ You are my breathing in, I own few web logs and occasionally run out from brand . Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. Few people are interested and the frog dies of it. by E. B. White.

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