Tientsin Isle Transport

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Tientsin Isle Transport (fr)
logo of the company
Slogan: Ma ligne de Vie
Short name, abbreviation TIT
Founded 1897
Type of Company Public Transportation Company
Headquarters TIT 32, Promenade des Remparts
989-001 Fort Bayart
Area Served Tientsin-Isle Region
Company Webste http://tit.ti

Tientsin Isle Transport or TIT is the public transportation system of Tientsin-Isle operation in Fort Bayart, Tai Po, [[Sainte Genevi�¨ve]], Saint George, Shai Pek. TIT has the monopole on Subway Lines, tramways and bus inside Tientsin Isle Area. TIT operates in colaboration with Chemin de Fer Tientsinois some train lines inside Fort Bayart or deperation from Railway stations within the metropolitan Area.



Following the creation of Tientsin Isle,the Tientsin Isle Transport (TIT) has been created in 1964 to merge most of the recently nationalized transportation companies: Chemin de Fer de Tai Po, Tramway Uni de Fort Bayart, Métropolitain Napoléon

The regional lines were attributed ot the Chemin de Fer Tientsinois and the Metropolitan one to the TIT. Since its creation, the TIT opened 3 new subway station, one new tramway line and one aerial train line.

Lines operated by the TIT

Aerial Train and Tramway System


The Tramway system uses numbers and circle as symbol for lines. The first line opened was the Ligne Lafayette, now Ligne 1, in 1897. Now the system is composed by 4 lines, 2 new lines and the prolongation of the Ligne 1 are envizioned by the TIT. The Aerial Train system uses letters and square as symbol. It's composed by 3 lines. fortbayarttransportsv3.jpg

Subway System

The subway system uses letters and diamonds as symbols. The first line, Ligne Napoléon , now Ligne D, was opened in 1919. Now the system is composed by 4 lines


Extralien has been created in 1979 to improve connection between Tientsin Isle and Metropolitan Area. Two differents lines of Extralien exists : lines that uses the railway system and subway lines

Cheung Chau Line

cheungchaulinecopyly0.jpg The Cheung Chau Line is an express line connecting major hubs on Tientsin Isle to Cheung Chau Aiport. The line will be opened in 2009, and will be the first MGV line(métro haute vitesse, hight speed subway) in Tientsin. Battersea Park|col=8CC63E

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