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m (fixing a couple "wich"s that should be "which"s. I hope you don't mind burro.)
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national_anthem = ''Bulwark of Sakhaliya'' |
national_anthem = ''Bulwark of Sakhaliya'' |
official_languages = Russian / Sakhaliyan Dialect |
official_languages = Russian / Sakhaliyan Dialect |
capital = Khabarovsk [Хабаровск]
capital = [[Khabarovsk]] [Хабаровск]
''(Buriyagrad [Бурияград])''  |
''([[Buriyagrad]] [Бурияград])''  |
largest_city = Khabarovsk [Хабаровск] |
largest_city = Khabarovsk [Хабаровск] |
government_type = Urist Utopian State |
government_type = [[Urist Utopian State]] |
leader_titles = Premier of the Sakhaliyan People <br /> Commissar Prime <br /> Generalissimo of the Red Fist |
leader_titles = Premier of the Sakhaliyan People <br /> Commissar Prime <br /> Generalissimo of the Red Fist |
leader_names =  Uri Petrolanskya Buriya <br /> Nikolai Demidov Savlovich<br /> Lev Evgeniy Nikitin|
leader_names =  [[Uri Petrolanskya Buriya]] <br /> [[Nikolai Demidov Savlovich]]<br /> [[Lev Evgeniy Nikitin]]|
area_magnitude =  180,000 |
area_magnitude =  180,000 |
area=  180,000 | area_rank= 90 |
area=  180,000 | area_rank= 90 |
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footnotes = }}
footnotes = }}
'''Peoples Republic of Sakhaliya''' [Russian - ''Сахалинcкая Народная Pеспублика''] was formed in 1948 to end the disputing over who should claim ownership of the Area [Russia or China]. After a short 2 year occupation by Soviet and US forces it was decided that the Region should be free to Govern itself, leading the speedy birth of the nation. It is a small Country that occupies the far Easterly border of Russia and also lays claim to the Island of ‘Sakhalin’ which the country derives its name from. The country has coasts with the Pacific Ocean, Sea of Okhotsk, Sea of Japan, the Sakhalin Straight and shares its borders with Russia to the East, China to the South East and the KSSR to the North East [which, due to high Tensions between the Governments, Sakhaliya refuses to acknowledge the existence of].
Sakhaliya has a Council Seat in the Independent Pact of Nations [IPON], its main focus is the promotion of workers and Union rights amoungst the Pact members although it is occasionally critisized itself over the lack of Democratic establishment and poor Economic Development. Dispite this, it has well established Diplomatic relations with many nations, including the United States whom many still believe are trying to supress Communism from existance. Sakhaliya's two large Neighbours, Russia and China, both support Sakhaliya in many ways including Militarily and Finacially. This is seen as the main contributing factor to why the United States will not interfere with the developing Nation by any means.
'''Peoples Republic of Sakhaliya''' [Russian - ''Сахалинcкая Народная Pеспублика''] is a small Nation that occupies the far easterly border of Russia and also lays claim to the Island of ‘Sakhalin’ which the country derives its name from. The country has coasts with the Pacific Ocean, Sea of Okhotsk, Sea of Japan, the Sakhalin Straight and shares its borders with Russia to the East, China to the South East and the KSSR to the North East. It is often described as 'Stalin's last resting place', due to a poignant history it shared with the dictator who was uncharacteristically benevolent towards it's people.
The geography of Sakhaliya is made up of rugged hills and vast marsh lands wich are extremely hard to construct on. The largest of the marshlands is the Komsalomsk Area wich is widely though to have been the River Amur's pre-historic flood plain. Much of Sakhaliya sits roughly over half a km above sea level, and consequently suffers from high winds daily, the wind erosion has made Sakhaliya's soils very thin and useless for farming except in some of the sheltered valleys away from the sea.
Sakhaliya has a Council Seat in the [[IPON]], its main focus is the promotion of workers and Union rights amoungst the Pact members although it is occasionally critisized itself over the lack of Democratic establishment and poor Economic Development. Dispite this, it has well established Diplomatic relations with many nations, including the United States whom many still believe are trying to supress Communism from existance. Sakhaliya's two large Neighbours, Russia and China, both support Sakhaliya in many ways including Militarily and Finacially. This is  seen as the main contributing factor to why the United States will not interfere with the developing Nation by any means.
Sakhaliya's main industries are Coal Mining and Machinery Building, although Garment Mills are on the rise as an increasing amount of Women are leaving the household to find work. In 2003, oil and natural gas deposits were found beneath Sakhalin Island and Sakhaliya's Territorial Waters. Once  extraction begins in 2008 the oil revenues could profoundly affect Sakhaliya's economy
== History ==
''Main Article: [[History of Sakhaliya]]''
Peoples Republic of Sakhaliya was formed in 1948 to end the disputing over who should claim ownership of Sakhalin; Russia or Japan. After a short 2 year occupation by Soviet and US forces it was decided that the Region should be free to Govern itself. Complications in the electorate procedure that conflicted with US demands lead to a military standoff between the Soviet Union and America. After a short non-violent stalemate, the US Army decided that the Region was a lost cause and all remaining US forces were shipped to Japan to help with reconstruction. The birth of the nation under a Communist banner is believed to have been a major catalyst that lead to the esculation of the Cold War in its early stages.
== History ==
Sakhaliya had a brief relationship with Stalin's regime; both Sakhaliya and the Soviet Union had an open border and trade policy and goods moved freely between the countries. The line between what was Soviet and what was Sakhaliyan soils was so thin that borders were only drawn up following the months after Stalin's death in 1953 when newly appointed Nikita Khrushchev initiated a fierce de-Stalinization  campaign; cutting off most ties to Sakhaliya.
During the 1960's Sakhaliya went into economic recession due to lack of trade and a series of crippling winters brought Agriculture to a halt. After some international assistance the nation was soon back on form, but not without a massive debt to pay. Come the discovery of Oil wealth on the island of Sakhalin and the appointment of Chairman (now Premier) Uri Buriya who loosened regulations on certain kinds of Commerce and Private ownership, Sakhaliya soon started to reap the rewards of homegrown business and used the majority of the new funds on Infrastructure such as Power Plants, Ports and Transit systems. Alot of money was also allocated to the formation of regional Councils who in turn built towns, managed roads and let large areas of landscape be de-forested.
In the early 90's Chairman Buriya reformed the Politburo from a unkept morass to an efficient council-based mock Multi-Party system where only high ranking Military Officials could get into power and council members are chosen Technocratically.
Presently, Sakhaliya is persuing advances in Nuclear technology, much to the distrust of the US and the EU nations. Sakhaliya assured the UN on the 30th May 2008 that its intentions were purely 'Civil'  and had no intentions to persue Weapons of Mass Destruction, although it is believed that Sakhaliya may already have at least 5 Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missiles with a range of about 2,000 miles.
==Government and Politics==
The Peoples Republic of Sakhaliya is officially a Single Party state. Leaders are chosen democratically in National Elections, but thre are no limits to term times so elections can only happen when a leader abdicates or dies. There have only been 2 Elections in Sakhaliyan History, 1948 and 1972. The Politburo is divided into two separate Soviets (councils) forming a mock Multi-Party system. The official Ideaology is 'Urist Utopianism', a Socialist Ideal unique to Sakhaliya where the Premier holds the majority of the power over the two Soviet cabinets of the Politburo; The Industry Soviet and Military Soviet. The Cabinets are not seperate Parties as such, but have idealogical differences within the single party which they settle over debates, usually daily. This leads to more effective Governing by the Premier, who in a normal Single part democracy, would not be challenged to his decisions for fear of puishment. The Urist Ideaology surfaced after the collapse of the Soviet Union, with the prospect that China may be next to collapse economically, Premier Buriya outlined Sakhaliya's first State Constitution, officially known as the ''Proletariat Reformation Bill'' [ Zakonoproekt Reformirovaniya Proletariata / Законопроект реформирования пролетариата]. It outlined the basis of a new form of Government wich would see the formation of two Soviets within the Politburo.
==Krai Provinces==
There are 5 Krai in Sakhaliya; Amur Dolnya, Khabarovsk Krai, Komsalomsk Krai, Sakhalin and Vostov Krai. They are controlled locally by Commissar Councils that can act by themselves but only under the strict guidance of the Politburo. The Councils generally look after local happenings such a road maintainence, Education and Healthcare funding and stablisation of the local economy. The National Government tends to take care of the more major tasks in the Krai, such as Construcion (usually done by Army Engineers), Resource extraction and Mining. The Krai are devided up usually into the Township areas of any surrounding built up area, but apart from that, the Krai tend to be considered whole and without any devisions.
==Geography and Climate==
The geography of Sakhaliya is made up of rugged hills and vast marsh lands wich is particularly hard to construct on. The largest of the marshlands is the Komsalomsk Area which is widely thougth to have been the Amur River's pre-historic flood plain. Much of Sakhaliya sits roughly over half a km above sea level, and consequently suffers from high winds daily, the wind erosion has made Sakhaliya's soils very thin and useless for farming except in some of the sheltered valleys away from the sea.
Sakhaliya's climate makes for sandless beaches and rocky shorelines, yet, although the climate is harsh, Sakhaliya's mountains are thick with Coniferous Tree's and the many wate from melted glaciers and snow make Sakhaliya's rivers and lakes some of the cleanest in the world, despite the rapid deforestation and huge amounts of factories. Most lakes are used to distribute water straight to urban centres as well as out-lying towns and villages with very little filtration going into the process. The largest Filtration plant in Sakhaliya is on the edge of Khabarovsk that removes mainly Iron and Nickle from the Glacial waters that run down the side of Mount Dakov.
'''1945-1948 - Emergance of the Republic'''
Throughout much of the territory there are only two distinct seasons — winter and summer; spring and autumn are usually brief periods of change between low temperatures and high. Winter in Sakhaliya is longer the further north you go. In Khabarovsk it snows about 10 days out of the year average, compared to 30-40 in the Northern most Sakhalin town of Potemkin-Sakhalinsk.  Max summer temperatures can reach a 25 Degree's Celcius in the south as opposed to only 10 in the north due to the Subarctic conditions while the lowest winter teperatures can dip below -20 all over the country in some years, although the average is -12.
The Peoples Republic of Sakhaliya was formed in 1948 to end a dispute between Russia and China over who claimed ownership of the area formerly occupied by the Japanese. The US put forward that it should become an Independent Nation, free from either's control (although it is widely believed that the US wanted an Ally in the Area incase it needed to take action against the USSR or the increasingly Communist China).
Although the USSR had forced the Japanese out of Sakhalin, they let Sakhalin self Govern, yet the Island itself was only populated by a few thousand Japanese farmers so the Soviets under US guidance also set up a what was ''supposed'' to be a temporary Government in the  city of Khabarovsk. In 1947 The US argued that the new State would never be able to survive with the resources on Sakhalin Island and held talks with the USSR about a possible hand over of Khabarovsk and its surrounding Krai to the new nation. The USSR refused to the deal, they were only willing to do so on a single condition; Sakhalin was to to be Governed by whom ever the USSR saw fit. The US disagreed, they wanted to see full democratic elections take place to decide who Governed. In the end, they came to a compromise and held democratic elections with a choice of two candidates chosen by the Soviets.
[[Image:GorchenkoStalin1948.jpg|upright|left|thumb|150px|Gorchenko and Stalin meet in 1945 after the Soviet Union's Great Patriotic War Victory]]'''The 1947 Sakhalin Statemate'''
Sakhaliya's thick forests are a haven for Animals large and small; more noteably however, the 'Amur Tiger'. There are said to be no less than 350 wild Amur Tigers in Sakhaliya, and although nobody has died from a direct attack from one, the Government keeps a close eye on their numbers. Police have strict instructions to incapacitate or kill any Tigers that stray into Urban area's. The Amur Tiger has become the unofficial Sakhaliyan National Animal and the Politburo has considered plans to make it Official, but conservation of the Animal seems unlikely for the forseeable future.
Andrei Gorchenko [b.1904] was to be one of the candidates. The son of a Farmer, Andrei Lanskya Gorchenko was at the time one of Josef Stalin's top advisors. Stalin personally chose him to be a Candidate for the Sakhaliyan Governing seat, if elected he was to turn Sakhaliya into a Soviet style Republic keeping close ties with the USSR. After the first choice was announced, the US insisted that they chose a Candidate that was more democraticly minded next time or they would be forced to withdraw all previous offers and continue occupation of the area untill either China or the USSR backed down from claiming the area. Josef Stalin was furious at the US, he felt that since it was Soviet land it should be under some kind of loose Soviet Juristiction. He ordered a large company of Red Army soldiers to be sent to Sakhalin and Khabarovsk to occupy the Territory and keep the US from gaining a majority occupation foothold in the area and a stalemate ensued.
The Stalemate lasted a full 8 months from 24th April 1947 to 10th January 1948, there was no official fighting between the US and the USSR during the Statemate, it has thought to have been a major catalyst for the Cold War. In the end the there were a total of 250,000 Red Army soldiers stationed in Sakhalin and Khabarovsk and just a mere 30,000 US soldiers. The US was under too much pressure to ensure that Communism didn't spread to Japan after they had left it in ruins. The US disbanded from Sakhalin on the 1st of January 1948 under a wave of celebration and parading of the Soviet Victory in Khabarovsk. The US had given up on Sakhalin and set their sights soley on the re-construction of Japan.
Sakhaliya's main industries are Coal Mining and Machinery Building, although Garment Mills are on the rise as an increasing amount of Women are leaving the household to find work. In 2003, oil and natural gas deposits were found beneath Sakhalin Island and Sakhaliya's Territorial Waters; extraction began in early 2008 by the government owned 'Commission of Sakhaliyan Oil Reserve Drilling' [Комиссия сверлить нефтяного запаса Сахалинcкая].
'''1948-1976 The Gorchenko Era'''
Not wanting to break his promise to his good friend Gorchenko, Stalin appointed him as the first Sakhalin Premier during the Khabarovsk May Day Celebrations on the 1st of May 1948. During an Address to the Khabarovsk people, Gorchenko announced the new collective name of the Khabarovsk Krai and Sakhaliskaya; The Peoples Republic of Sakhaliya. There was mass applause at the announcement, Stalin was even noted to muse "''These people are very joyful. We should trade occupations''".
[[Image:May_Day_Parade_1948_Khabarovsk.jpg|upright|centre|thumb|350px|Gorchenko and Stalin in Khabarovsk to announce the formation of the CHP on May 1st 1948]]
He worked closely with the Soviet Union for the next 5 years, industrial goods moved freely between the USSR and Sakhaliya, the country didn't seem to even exist, the US even rejected to acknowledge it as a country, it was merely a Soviet 'Puppet State'. No Borders were drawn between the USSR and the CHP, there were no border guards and all CHP good were shipped from Vladivostok wich was outside of Sakhaliyan juristiction.
[[Image:Winterca1.jpg|upright|right|thumb|150px|The Border between Sakhaliya and Primorsky Krai USSR 1961]]On the announcement of Stalin's death on March 5, 1953 things started to change. The Soviet help slowly ground to a halt, and the new USSR Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union 'Nikita Khrushchev' [Elected September 7, 1953] who denounced Stalin and proceeded a de-Stalinization program, decided to cut Sakhaliya's umbilical and started taxing all shipments going to and from the Country. As a result, CHP and USSR relations dropped dramatically, Khrushchev called Sakhaliya the "''Only remenants of the dead Dictator's mind''", they were helpless without the resources the USSR had given to them in the past and it started to impact the country badly. Construction on Sakhaliya's first Airport and Seaport stopped in its tracks, Gorchenko shifted all production to the Industrial sector in a hope that mass production would make up for the deficit the Taxes had created but it was hopeless. The Sakhaliyan's toiled effortlessly to sustain the country, but with more and more effort being put into Manufacturing, the Farming secor soon started to fail from a lack of workers. Soon people were starving and were too weak to work, about 15,000 Sakhaliyan's starved to death between 1954-1960 in a 6 year period refered to as "'''Голодать от тягла'''" [The Tax Starving], another 30,000 fled from the food shortages accross the border to the southern USSR Krai of Vladivostok, prompting Gorchenko to order the construction of a rough border fence along the chinese Border and the border of the Krai's, although, there were limits to how much land they could claim as Stalin had left no predefined Borderlines. The border fence later became the official Sakhaliyan border and was lightly Militarized.
From 1960-1970 Gorchenko struggled to stablize the country, every coming year looked up economically with the production of goods getting stronger, but come the winter the production would drop to depressing levels as snow storms could leave many place in Sakhaliya isolated and entire Industial districts without power. Food was scarce and those who were'nt starving to death were freezing to death. In 1962 Gorchenko managed to appeal to the US for funds to construct new Power stations, they loaned him $400 million but it wasn't near enough to repair the economic damage Khrushchev had caused. Sakhaliya was now in debt to the US and this made Communists all over the world view Khrushchev with a degree of malice, although no-one more than Mao Zedong who vowed to help Sakhaliya by whatever means possible, he told Gorchenko "''Socialists are to each other what the heart is to the brain. Without partnership the body [Communism] cannot function.''"
In 1965, China and Sakhaliya signed the "''Bejing Treaty''" wich is an Economic and Human Development colaboration between the two ountries. The treaty had a profound impact on Sakhaliya and is still in effect to this day. Goods were able to move freely from Sakhaliya to China, the fence and border guard between the two countries was removed and the USSR stopped getting the Taxes from Sakhaliya's Imports. This made the new General Secretary of the Communist Party, Leonid Brezhnev who had been elected the year before look very foolish for not adressing Khrushchev's mistake sooner rather than later, his impotence had cost them a valuable comrade and a loss of income, but all was not lost. Brezhnev spent a good while trying to get Sakhaliya back on favourable terms, and it worked to an extent, but Sakhaliya found greater friendship in Mao's China than the Soviets who had shunned them before already; Gorchenko, even though being from the Soviet Union himself, could never see himself trusting a future Soviet leader for as long as he lived and for as long as they kept denouncing his good friend, Stalin.
For the next decade Gorchenko continued to keep ties with China strong, in 1968 Mao personally offered him a holiday home near the City of Dalian for his 20th year as Premier of the Sakhaliyan Peoples. Gorchenko reluctantly declined, however, he asked Mao that he hoped this would not affect their friendship, Mao replied "''My friend, the Tiger does not hate his fellow Tiger for refusing offered Meat. He embraces the fact that there is more for himself and it only strengthens the fellowship!''". Needless to say, Gorchenko admired Mao's wisdom, he soon became an aficionado of Mao's teachings and writing, he read the 'Little Red Book' as if it were a Bible. Gorchenko found a friendship in Mao that he could have never found in Stalin, but it became more and more apparent that with Mao's deteriorating health and his own age [64] the friendship would not last forever. On the 22nd January 1970 he announced his resignation would officially take place on his 70th Birthday [20th August 1976], until then however, he handed the majority of Governing over to his Commissar Prime [2nd in Command], "''Uri Petrolanskya Buriya''" [b.1931]. Uri quickly and secretly ordered the construction of Military bases in various locations around Sakhaliya, so when he took full control of the Politburo in 1976 he could begin a swift Militarization programme and use it, in his own words, as a "Self-propelled propaganda machine", this, Uri predicted, would lead to widespread Sakhaliyan Nationalism and Pride for ones country, raising the moral of the masses so they could soon forget about the tough economic hardships they had endured under Gorchenko.
Uri was also a visionary, he was bent on constructing an ideal workers Utopia even if it meant breaking and bending the rules Marx had laid down; his theories never went down well in the Politburo, many asked the 'Revisionist Scumbag' to be removed from office and replaced with a 'Good Old Conservative'. Gorchenko, being a seasoned Socialist also disagreed with many of Uri's philosophies but would still defend him if ever there was an 'Idealogical' outcry over his reforming policies. Gorchenko declared him a 'Political Darwinist' - Evolving the Socialist Ideal so it can survive the harsh realities, instead of being bound to the preverbial 'creationist' theories of Marx - As a result of his theories, Sakhaliya gave way to a new breed of Socialist revisionists wich would soon turn into Sakhaliya's Official Socialist Ideaology; Urist Utopianism.
For the next 6 years of Gorchenko's rule, Uri kept the old but wavering Stalinist state stable by stemming Inflation and increasing Taxes wich de-moralized many workers sicne they now had to work twice as hard to earn the same amount they would have without the tax hike. Moral amoungst Sakhaliyan's had a slight increase however when Uri introduced worker bonuses in 1974, many of them included monthly 'Contests', each Industry was ordered to run a private 'Lottery' and whoever could be the most productive in the month were awarded with an 'Recognised Outstanding Productivity' Medal from the Premier and a week off from work. Instead of being paid, they were given an 'Extended Ration' Card wich let them purchase items of food, clothing and electronics for free, some things  they wouldn't have been able get or even afford on a regular basis [luxury items like Belgian Chocolates, silk garments, colour Televisions], all paid at the governments expense of course.
I've been working on this all day and I start to become moronic when i'm Tired, lol
I've been working on this all day and I start to become moronic when i'm Tired, lol

Current revision as of 19:42, 17 July 2010

Сахалинcкая Народная Pеспублика
Peoples Republic of Sakhaliya
Image:125-flag_of_sakhaliya.jpg Image:Coatofarms_of_Sakhaliya.png
Flag Coat of arms
Motto: "Коммунизм вытерпит для вечности"

"Communism will endure for eternity"'

Location of Sakhaliya
Capital Khabarovsk [Хабаровск]

(Buriyagrad [Бурияград])

Largest city Khabarovsk [Хабаровск]
Official language(s) Russian / Sakhaliyan Dialect
Premier of the Sakhaliyan People
Commissar Prime
Generalissimo of the Red Fist
Urist Utopian State
Uri Petrolanskya Buriya
Nikolai Demidov Savlovich
Lev Evgeniy Nikitin
Recognised Communist State


1948 from USSR
 • Total
 • Water (%)

180,000 km² 
 • 2007 est.
 • 2006 census

 • Density
1,350,000 (148)

34/km² (140)
 • Total
 • Per capita

$42.00billion USD
HDI 0.730
Currency Srou [Cpoy] (CP)
Time zone
 • Summer (DST)
Vladivostok Time (UTC+10)
+11 (UTC+1)
Internet TLD .cp
Calling code +71


Peoples Republic of Sakhaliya [Russian - Сахалинcкая Народная Pеспублика] is a small Nation that occupies the far easterly border of Russia and also lays claim to the Island of ‘Sakhalin’ which the country derives its name from. The country has coasts with the Pacific Ocean, Sea of Okhotsk, Sea of Japan, the Sakhalin Straight and shares its borders with Russia to the East, China to the South East and the KSSR to the North East. It is often described as 'Stalin's last resting place', due to a poignant history it shared with the dictator who was uncharacteristically benevolent towards it's people.

Sakhaliya has a Council Seat in the IPON, its main focus is the promotion of workers and Union rights amoungst the Pact members although it is occasionally critisized itself over the lack of Democratic establishment and poor Economic Development. Dispite this, it has well established Diplomatic relations with many nations, including the United States whom many still believe are trying to supress Communism from existance. Sakhaliya's two large Neighbours, Russia and China, both support Sakhaliya in many ways including Militarily and Finacially. This is seen as the main contributing factor to why the United States will not interfere with the developing Nation by any means.


[edit] History

Main Article: History of Sakhaliya

Peoples Republic of Sakhaliya was formed in 1948 to end the disputing over who should claim ownership of Sakhalin; Russia or Japan. After a short 2 year occupation by Soviet and US forces it was decided that the Region should be free to Govern itself. Complications in the electorate procedure that conflicted with US demands lead to a military standoff between the Soviet Union and America. After a short non-violent stalemate, the US Army decided that the Region was a lost cause and all remaining US forces were shipped to Japan to help with reconstruction. The birth of the nation under a Communist banner is believed to have been a major catalyst that lead to the esculation of the Cold War in its early stages.

Sakhaliya had a brief relationship with Stalin's regime; both Sakhaliya and the Soviet Union had an open border and trade policy and goods moved freely between the countries. The line between what was Soviet and what was Sakhaliyan soils was so thin that borders were only drawn up following the months after Stalin's death in 1953 when newly appointed Nikita Khrushchev initiated a fierce de-Stalinization campaign; cutting off most ties to Sakhaliya.

During the 1960's Sakhaliya went into economic recession due to lack of trade and a series of crippling winters brought Agriculture to a halt. After some international assistance the nation was soon back on form, but not without a massive debt to pay. Come the discovery of Oil wealth on the island of Sakhalin and the appointment of Chairman (now Premier) Uri Buriya who loosened regulations on certain kinds of Commerce and Private ownership, Sakhaliya soon started to reap the rewards of homegrown business and used the majority of the new funds on Infrastructure such as Power Plants, Ports and Transit systems. Alot of money was also allocated to the formation of regional Councils who in turn built towns, managed roads and let large areas of landscape be de-forested.

In the early 90's Chairman Buriya reformed the Politburo from a unkept morass to an efficient council-based mock Multi-Party system where only high ranking Military Officials could get into power and council members are chosen Technocratically. Presently, Sakhaliya is persuing advances in Nuclear technology, much to the distrust of the US and the EU nations. Sakhaliya assured the UN on the 30th May 2008 that its intentions were purely 'Civil' and had no intentions to persue Weapons of Mass Destruction, although it is believed that Sakhaliya may already have at least 5 Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missiles with a range of about 2,000 miles.

[edit] Government and Politics

The Peoples Republic of Sakhaliya is officially a Single Party state. Leaders are chosen democratically in National Elections, but thre are no limits to term times so elections can only happen when a leader abdicates or dies. There have only been 2 Elections in Sakhaliyan History, 1948 and 1972. The Politburo is divided into two separate Soviets (councils) forming a mock Multi-Party system. The official Ideaology is 'Urist Utopianism', a Socialist Ideal unique to Sakhaliya where the Premier holds the majority of the power over the two Soviet cabinets of the Politburo; The Industry Soviet and Military Soviet. The Cabinets are not seperate Parties as such, but have idealogical differences within the single party which they settle over debates, usually daily. This leads to more effective Governing by the Premier, who in a normal Single part democracy, would not be challenged to his decisions for fear of puishment. The Urist Ideaology surfaced after the collapse of the Soviet Union, with the prospect that China may be next to collapse economically, Premier Buriya outlined Sakhaliya's first State Constitution, officially known as the Proletariat Reformation Bill [ Zakonoproekt Reformirovaniya Proletariata / Законопроект реформирования пролетариата]. It outlined the basis of a new form of Government wich would see the formation of two Soviets within the Politburo.

[edit] Krai Provinces

There are 5 Krai in Sakhaliya; Amur Dolnya, Khabarovsk Krai, Komsalomsk Krai, Sakhalin and Vostov Krai. They are controlled locally by Commissar Councils that can act by themselves but only under the strict guidance of the Politburo. The Councils generally look after local happenings such a road maintainence, Education and Healthcare funding and stablisation of the local economy. The National Government tends to take care of the more major tasks in the Krai, such as Construcion (usually done by Army Engineers), Resource extraction and Mining. The Krai are devided up usually into the Township areas of any surrounding built up area, but apart from that, the Krai tend to be considered whole and without any devisions.

[edit] Geography and Climate

The geography of Sakhaliya is made up of rugged hills and vast marsh lands wich is particularly hard to construct on. The largest of the marshlands is the Komsalomsk Area which is widely thougth to have been the Amur River's pre-historic flood plain. Much of Sakhaliya sits roughly over half a km above sea level, and consequently suffers from high winds daily, the wind erosion has made Sakhaliya's soils very thin and useless for farming except in some of the sheltered valleys away from the sea. Sakhaliya's climate makes for sandless beaches and rocky shorelines, yet, although the climate is harsh, Sakhaliya's mountains are thick with Coniferous Tree's and the many wate from melted glaciers and snow make Sakhaliya's rivers and lakes some of the cleanest in the world, despite the rapid deforestation and huge amounts of factories. Most lakes are used to distribute water straight to urban centres as well as out-lying towns and villages with very little filtration going into the process. The largest Filtration plant in Sakhaliya is on the edge of Khabarovsk that removes mainly Iron and Nickle from the Glacial waters that run down the side of Mount Dakov.

Throughout much of the territory there are only two distinct seasons — winter and summer; spring and autumn are usually brief periods of change between low temperatures and high. Winter in Sakhaliya is longer the further north you go. In Khabarovsk it snows about 10 days out of the year average, compared to 30-40 in the Northern most Sakhalin town of Potemkin-Sakhalinsk. Max summer temperatures can reach a 25 Degree's Celcius in the south as opposed to only 10 in the north due to the Subarctic conditions while the lowest winter teperatures can dip below -20 all over the country in some years, although the average is -12.

[edit] Nature

Sakhaliya's thick forests are a haven for Animals large and small; more noteably however, the 'Amur Tiger'. There are said to be no less than 350 wild Amur Tigers in Sakhaliya, and although nobody has died from a direct attack from one, the Government keeps a close eye on their numbers. Police have strict instructions to incapacitate or kill any Tigers that stray into Urban area's. The Amur Tiger has become the unofficial Sakhaliyan National Animal and the Politburo has considered plans to make it Official, but conservation of the Animal seems unlikely for the forseeable future.

[edit] Economy

Sakhaliya's main industries are Coal Mining and Machinery Building, although Garment Mills are on the rise as an increasing amount of Women are leaving the household to find work. In 2003, oil and natural gas deposits were found beneath Sakhalin Island and Sakhaliya's Territorial Waters; extraction began in early 2008 by the government owned 'Commission of Sakhaliyan Oil Reserve Drilling' [Комиссия сверлить нефтяного запаса Сахалинcкая].

[edit] Military


[edit] Transport


[edit] Demography


[edit] Science


[edit] Culture



I've been working on this all day and I start to become moronic when i'm Tired, lol

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