From Intl Surface Temp Initiative
Revision as of 14:14, 27 January 2012 by Jared.rennie (Talk | contribs)
All daily stage 2/3/4 sources are also converted to monthly stage2 sources. The criteria used to convert dailies to monthlies is based upon the WMO criteria
- No more than 5 missing days in a given month
- No More than 3 consecutive days missing in a given month
If it fails the above criteria, the monthly value becomes missing (-9999).
Location of this data is here:
Daily Sources Converted to Monthlies
- beyrout
- brazil
- channel-islands
- ecaknmi
- ecuador
- ghcnd-op
- ghcnd-raw
- ispd
- ipy
- swiss
- sydney
- tunisia-morocco
- mexico
- pitcairnisland
- russia
- sacaknmi
- spain
- swiss-digihom
- uruguay-inia
- usforts
- vietnam