Eid o

From Interlingua



o (letter -) n • littera o

oak (Brit, red oak) n • robore

oak [Gen] n • querco

oak n • querco

oar (implement for rowing) n • remo

oar n • remo

oar v • remar

oared, having oars adj • remate

oarsman n • remator

oasis n • oasis

oasis n • oasis (-à-)

oat, oats n • avena

oath (abusive language) n • blasphemia

oath (as in to take an oath) n • juramento

oath (promise) n • juramento

oath (take an -) v • prestar juramento

oatmeal n • farina de avena

oats n • avena

oats, oat n • avena

obedience n • obedientia

obedient adj • obediente

obedlent adj • obediente

obeisance, deep bow n • reverentia

obelisk n • obelisco

obese adj • obese

obeslty n • obesitate

obey, be obedient v • obtemperar

obey v • obedir a

obey v • obedir

obit, anniversary mass [Eccl] n • obito

obit, anniversary mass [Eccl] n • obito (ò-)

obituary adj • obituari

obituary n • obituario

obituary, register of deaths [R.C.Ch] n • obituario

object (1. a material thing; 2. purpose, end; 3.</b> Gram]) n • objecto

object, aim n • scopo

object (aim) n • scopo, objectivo

object (aim) n • objectivo, scopo

object (thing gram) n • objecto

object v • objectar

object of value n • ricchessa

object to, reject [Law] v • recusar

objectify, objectivize v • objectivar

objection n • objection

objection (raise an -) v • sublevar un objection

objectionable adj • reprehensibile, repugnante, disagradabile

objectionable adj • disagradabile, reprehensibile, repugnante

objectionable adj • repugnante, disagradabile, reprehensibile

objectivation [Philos] n • objectivation

objective (1. aim, end; 2.</b> Opt]) n • objectivo

objective adj • objective

objective n • objectivo, scopo

objective n • scopo, objectivo

objectivism [Philos] n • objectivismo

objectivity n • objectivitate

objectivize, objectify v • objectivar

objector n • objectante

obligation (1. moral or legal duty; 2.</b> Lawl bond, contact; 3 .</b> Com/Fin] (bond, debenture; 4. indebtedness for a favor) n • obligation

obligation n • obligation

obligatory adj • obligatori

obligatory, compulsory, binding adj • obligatori

oblige (1. to compel; 2. to make indebted by doing a favor) v • obligar

oblige v • obligar

obliged (be - to, have to) v • deber, haber a

obliged (be - to, have to) v • haber a, deber

obliged (be grateful to) v • esser grate a

obliged n • obligate

obliging adj • officiose

obliging adj • obligante, officiose

obliging adj • officiose, obligante

obliging adj • obligante

oblique (1. slanting; 2. not straightforward) adj • oblique

oblique adj • oblique

oblique, move obliquely v • obliquar

obliquity n • obliquitate

obliterate v • obliterar

obliteration n • obliteration

oblivion n • oblido

oblivion n • oblivion

oblivious adj • obliviose

oblong adj • oblonge

oblong n • rectangulo

obnoxious adj/n • offensive, detestabile, odiose

obnoxious adj/n • detestabile, odiose, offensive

obnoxious adj/n • odiose, offensive, detestabile

obnubilation [Med] n • obnubilation

oboe n • oboe

oboe n • oboe (ò-)

oboist n • oboista

obourate adj • inexorabile

obscene adj • obscen

obscenity n • obscenitate

obscurantism n • obscurantismo

obscurantist n • obscurantista

obscurantist n • obscurante

obscuration n • obscuration

obscure adj • obscur, tenebrose

obscure adj • tenebrose, obscur

obscure, dim, dark adj • obscur

obscure, dim, darken v • obscurar

obscure v • obscurar

obscurity, dimness, darkness n • obscuritate

obscurity n • obscuritate

obsdlescence n • obsolescentia, desuetude

obsdlescence n • desuetude, obsolescentia

obsecrate v • obsecrar

obsecration (1. supplication; 2.</b> Rhet]) n • obsecration

obsequious adj • obsequiose

obsequiousness n • obsequiositate

observable (1. discernible; 2. noteworthy) adj • observabile

observable adj • observabile

observance (1. act of observing a rule, law; 2. religious rite or custom) n • observantia

observance n • observantia

observant adj • observante

observant (strict in observing rules or customs) adj • observante (ppr of observar)

observant (strict in observing rules or customs) adj • observante

observation (1. observance; 2. act of observing a fact, event, phenomenon; 3. remark) n • observation

observation n • observation

observatory n • observatorio

observatory (place or building for scientific observation) n • observatorio

observe (1. to observe a law, rule; 2. to watch closely, to study; 3. to remark) v • observar

observe v • reguardar, observar

observe v • observar, reguardar

observe Lent v • quaresimar

observer n • observator

obsess v • obseder</b> -sed-/-sess-]

obsess v • obseder

obsessed adj • obsedite

obsession n • obsession

obsolescence n • obsolescentia

obsolescent adj • obsolescente

obsolescent (become -) v • obsolescer

obsolescent, becoming obsolete adj • obsolescente

obsolescent, becoming obsolete adj • obsolescente (ppr of obsolescer)

obsolete adj • obsolete

obsolete adj • desuete, obsolete

obsolete adj • obsolete, desuete

obstacle, barrier, bar n • barrage

obstacle, barrier, bar n • barrage (-aje)

obstacle, barrier n • barriera

obstacle n • embarasso, barriera, obstaculo

obstacle n • barriera, obstaculo, embarasso

obstacle n • obstaculo

obstacle n • obstaculo, embarasso, barriera

obstacle, obstruction n • embarasso

obstetric adj • obstetric

obstetric, obstetrical adj • obstetric

obstetrical adj • obstetric

obstetrical, obstetric adj • obstetric

obstetrician n • obstetrico

obstetrics, midwifery n • obstetricia

obstetrics n • obstetricia

obstinacy n • obstination

obstinate adj • obstinate

obstinate (be -) v • obstinar se

obstreperous adj • strepitose, turbulente

obstreperous adj • turbulente, strepitose

obstruct, block v • blocar

obstruct (block with obstacles or impediments) v • obstruer</b> -stru-/-struct-]

obstruct (block with obstacles or impediments) v • obstruer

obstruct, hamper, encumber v • incombrar

obstruct v • obstruer, incombrar, incommodar

obstruct v • incombrar, incommodar, obstruer

obstruct v • incommodar, obstruer, incombrar

obstruction (1. action of obstructing or blocking; 2.</b> Med]; 3.</b> Parl]) n • obstruction

obstruction n • obstruction, incombramento

obstruction n • incombramento, obstruction

obstruction, obstacle n • embarasso

obstructionism n • obstructionismo

obstructionist n • obstructionista

obstructive adj • obstructive

obtain (get) v • obtener

obtain (get) v • obtener</b> -ten-/-tent-]

obtain v • obtener

obtainable adj • procurabile, obtenibile

obtainable adj • obtenibile, procurabile

obtainable adj • obtenibile

obtainer n • obtentor

obtainment n • obtenimento

obtention n • obtention

obtrude v • importunar

obtrude v • intruder

obtrusion n • intrusion

obtrusive adj • importun

obtrusive adj • penetrante

obtund, blunt, dull v • obtunder</b> -tund-/-tus-]

obtund, blunt, dull v • obtunder

obtundent, blunt adj • obtundente (ppr of obtunder)

obtundent, blunt adj • obtundente

obtusangular (obtuse angled)</b> Geom] adj • obtusangule

obtuse adj • inintelligente

obtuse (blunt, not sharppointed) adj • obtuse

obtuse (dull, slow of perception) adj • obtuse

obtuse, unintelligent adj • inintelligente

obtuse angled (obtusangular)</b> Geom] adj • obtusangule

obtuseness n • obtusitate

obtuseness n • inintelligentia

obtuseness (obtusity) n • obtusitate

obtuseness, want of intelligence n • inintelligentia

obtusity n • obtusitate

obverse adj • obverso

obviate v • obviar

obvious adj • evidente

obvious adj • obvie

obvious (be -) v • saltar al oculos

occasion (as in on several occasions) n • occasion

occasion (cause) n • causa

occasion (incident) n • occasion

occasion (motive) n • motivo

occasion v • occasionar

occasion v • causar, occasionar

occasion v • occasionar, causar

occasional adj • rar, occasional, infrequente

occasional adj • infrequente, rar, occasional

occasional adj • occasional, infrequente, rar

occasional (as in occasional cause) adj • occasional

occasionally adv • rarmente, de tempore in tempore

occasionally adv • de tempore in tempore, rarmente

occident n • occidente

occident, west n • occidente

occidental adj/n • occidental

occidental n •</b> IAL]

occidental occidental, western adj • occidental

occidentalist [Interling.] n • occidentalista

occipital adj • occipital

occiput n • occipite (-cì-)

occiput n • occipite

occlude (1. to close or obstruct; 2.</b> Chem]) v • occluder

occlude (1. to close or obstruct; 2.</b> Chem]) v • occluder</b> -clud-/-clus-]

occlusion n • occlusion

occuation (employ) n • empleo

occuation n • occupation

occult adj • occulte

occult (hide from sight) v • occultar

occult n • occulte

occult v • occultar

occultation (1. concealment; 2.</b> Astron]) n • occultation

occultism n • occultismo

occultist n • occultista

occupancy n • occupation, occupantia

occupancy n • occupantia, occupation

occupancy n • occupantia

occupant (dweller) n • habitante

occupant (occupier) n • occupante, occupator

occupant (occupier) n • occupator, occupante

occupant (one who occupies a place) n • occupante

occupant (tenant) n • locatario

occupation (1. act of occupying; 2. that which engages one's time) n • occupation

occupational adj • professional

occupational-hazard n • risco professional

occupier (1. one who takes possession of a place, athing; 2. one who keeps busy or engaged) n • occupator

occupy (1. to take possession of; 2. to fill the space or time of; 3. to keep busy or engaged) v • occupar

occupy (of house) v • habitar

occupy v • occupar

occur (happen, take place) v • occurrer

occur (it did not - to me) phr • le idea non me ha venite

occur v • evenir, occurrer

occur v • occurrer, evenir

occurrence (happening, event) n • occurrentia

occurrence n • evento, occurrentia

occurrence n • occurrentia, evento

ocean n • oceano

ocean n • oceano (-cé-)

Oceania n • Oceania

Oceanian adj • oceanian

Oceanian n • oceaniano

oceanic (of the ocean) adj • oceanic

Oceanid [Gr. Mythol] n • oceanide

Oceanid [Gr. Mythol] n • oceanide (-à-)

oceanographer n • oceanographo

oceanographer n • oceanographo (-nò-)

oceanographic adj • oceanographic

oceanography n • oceanographia (-ìa)

oceanography n • oceanographia

ochlo- (mob)</b> occurring in compounds] n • ochlo-

ochlocracy, mob rule n • ochlocratia (-ìa)

ochlocracy, mob rule n • ochlocratia

ochlocrat n • ochlocrate

ochlocrat n • ochlocrate (-ò-)

ochlocratic adj • ochlocratic

o'clock (at three - in the afternoon, 3:00 p.m) phr • a tres horas del postmeridie

o'clock n • hora, horas

o'clock n • horas, hora

octa-, octo- (eight)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] adj • oct-

octagon n • octagono

octagonal adj • octagon

octagonal adj • octagonal

octagonal adj • octagon(al)

octahedral [Math] adj • octahedre

octahedron [Math] n • octahedro

octameter n • octametro

octameter n • octametro (-à-)

octane [Chem] n • octano

octane n • octano

octant (1.</b> Geom]; 2. instrument for measuring angles) n • octante

octave (1.</b> Eccl]; 2.</b> Pros]; 3.</b> Mus]) n • octava

octave n • octava

octave flute, piccolo n • octavino

octavo n • octavo

octette n • octetto

october n • octobre

October n • octobre

octogenarian adj • octogenari

octopus n • octopode

octopus n • octopode (-òpode)

octosyllabic line n • octosyllabo (-sì-)

octosyllabic line n • octosyllabo

octosyllahic adj • octosyllabic

octuple, eightfold adj • octuple

octuple, eightfold adj • octuple (òc-)

octuple (multiply by eight) v • octuplar

octuple v • octuplicar

ocular adj • ocular

oculist n • oculista

oculistic, ophthalmologic adj • oculistic

odd (occasional) adj • occasional

odd, queer, bizarre adj • bizarre

odd, strange, absurd adj • extravagante (ppr of extravagar)

odd, strange, absurd adj • extravagante

odd (strange) adj • bizarre

odd (unconventional) adj • original, eccentric

odd (unconventional) adj • eccentric, original

odd, uneven [Arith] adj • impare

odd (uneven) adj • impare

oddity (eccentricity) n • eccentricitate

oddity (person) n • original

oddity (strangeness) n • bizarria

oddments n • articulos varie

oddness [Arith] n • imparitate

oddness, strangeness, absurdity n • extravagantia

oddness (strangeness) n • bizarria

oddness (unevenness) n • imparitate

odds (be at - with) v • non esser de accordo con

odds (betting) n • avantage

odds (chances) n • probabilitate

odds (fight against the -) v • luctar contra le fortias superior

odds (lay - of 3 to 1) v • facer un sponsion de 3 contra 1

odds (superiority) n • fortias superior

odds (the - are that) phr • il es multo probabile que

odds (variance) n • discordia

odds-and-ends n • miscellania, residuos, varie cosas

odds-and-ends n • varie cosas, miscellania, residuos

odds-and-ends n • residuos, varie cosas, miscellania

ode n • ode

odious adj • odiose

odious, hateful adj • odiose

odometer, hodometer n • hodometro

odometer, hodometer n • hodometro (-ò-)

odometer n • hodometro

odometric, hodometric adj • hodometric

odometry, hodometry n • hodometria

odometry, hodometry n • hodometria (-ìa)

odont- (tooth)</b> occurring in compounds] n • odont-

odontalgia n • odontalgia (-ìa)

odontalgia n • odontalgia

odontalgic adj • odontalgic

odontologic adj • odontologic

odontologist n • odontologo (-òlogo)

odontologist n • odontologo

odontology n • odontologia (-ìa)

odontology n • odontologia

odor n • odor

odor, odour n • odor

odoriferous, odorous adj • odorifere

odorless adj • inodor

odorless, inodorous adj • inodor

odorous adj • odorante

odorous adj • odorose, odorante

odorous adj • odorante, odorose

odorous adj • odorose

odorous adj • odorante (ppr of odorar)

odorous, odoriferous adj • odorifere

Odysseus [Gr. Mythol] n • Odysseus

Odysseus [Gr. Mythol] n • Odysseus (-ìsseus)

Odyssey [Gr. Lit] n • Odyssea (-éa)

Odyssey [Gr. Lit] n • Odyssea

oedipus (- complex) n • complexo de edipo

Oedipus [Gr. Mythol] n • Edipo

Oedipus [Gr. Mythol] n • Edipo (é-)

oedipus n • edipo

oesophageal, esophageal adj • esophagee

oesophageal, esophageal adj • esophagee (-ée)

oesophagus, esophagus [Anat] n • esophago

oesophagus, esophagus [Anat] n • esophago (-sò-)

oesophagus n • esophago

of (1. belonging or pertaining to; 2. made of) prep • de

of, on, concerning, regarding, about prep • re

of prep • de

of all forms, omniform adj • omniforme

of an earl or count, comital adj • contal

of Berlin, Berlin adj • berlinese

of Brussels adj • bruxellese

of Constantinople adj • constantinopolitan

of equal sides, equilateral adj • equilatere

of equal sides, equilateral adj • equilateral

of equal weight, equiponderant adj • equiponderante

of ferns, fern adj • filical

of fire, producing fire, fiery adj • pyric

of genius, inspired adj • genial

of good cheer, cheerful adj • hilare

of jubilee, jubilee adj • jubilari

of London, London adj • londonese

of noble lineage, high-born adj • generose

of the concordat adj • concordatari

of the full moon, plenilunar, plenilunary adj • plenilunar

of the hip, hip adj • coxal

of the Solomon Islands, of the Solomon Islanders adj • salomonian

of the world, society adj • mundan

of tomorrow, tomorrow's adj • crastine

of Trajan, Trajan's adj • trajan

of vaunt, boast v • vantar

of Venezia adj • venete (vé-)

of Venezia adj • venete

of Venice, Venetian adj • venetian

of whatever kind, any, whatever adj • qualcunque

of wine, wine adj • vinari

of-a-sunday adv • le dominica

of-color adj • de color

of-course adv • naturalmente

off adv • via, lontano

off adv • lontano, via

off (be well -) v • esser ric

off (cancelled) adj • cancellate

off (from) prep • de

off (near) prep • apud

off (not near) adj • lontan

off (unlikely) adj • improbabile

offal n • restos

off-and-on v • de tempore in tempore

off-color, off-colour adj • indisposite

offence (act of offending) n • offensa

offence (crime) n • delicto

offence (giving -) adj • scandalose

offence (scandal) n • scandalo

offence (take -) v • piccar se

offend (as in if thy right eye offend thee) v • scandalisar

offend (cause to stumble) v • scandalisar

offend (disoblige) v • disobligar

offend (hurt) v • offender

offend, insult, be offensive to v • offender</b> -fend-/-fens-]

offend, insult, be offensive to v • offender

offended adj • piccate

offended (be -) v • offender se

offender (criminal) n • delinquente

offender (hardened -) n • recidivista

offender n • offenditor

offender (one who offends) n • offensor

offender (transgressor) n • offenditor

offense (act of offending) n • offensa

offense, misdemeanor (criminal) n • delicto

offense n • offence

offense, scandalous example n • scandalo (scàn-)

offense, scandalous example n • scandalo

offensive (1. pertaining to attack; 2. insulting) adj • offensive

offensive (be -) v • injuriar, insultar

offensive (be -) v • insultar, injuriar

offensive (insulting) adj • offensive

offensive n • offensiva

offensive, scandalous adj • malsonante

offensive (sickening) adj • nauseabunde

offensive (take the -) v • prender le offensiva

offensive (unpleasant) adj • disagradabile

offer n • offerta

offer (something) v • offerer</b> offer-/oblat-/offert-]

offer (something) v • offerer

offer v • offerer

offering n • oblation

offering of incense [Eccl] n • incensation

offertory [Eccl] n • offertorio

off-hand (brusque) adj • brusc

off-hand (impromptu) adj • improvisate

off-handedness n • bruscheria

office (1. position, appointment; 2. function; 3. bureau) n • officio

office (as in office to let) n • bureau</b> F]

office (as in office to let) n • bureau

office (assume responsibility, take -) v • entrar in functiones

office, bureau n • cancelleria

office, bureau n • cancelleria (-ìa)

Office [Eccl] n • officio

office, function n • ministerio

office (function) n • officio

office (place) n • bureau, officio

office (place) n • officio, bureau

office [Pol] • ministerio

office v •</b> Pol]

office-hours n • horas de bureau

officer [Mil/Nav] n • officiero

officer n •</b> Mil]

officer (official) n • functionario

office-worker n • commisso

official adj • official

official (employee) n • empleato

official (functionary) n • official, functionario

official (functionary) n • functionario, official

official guilty of extortion n • concussionario

official notice, proclamation n • denunciation

official official adj • official

officialdom n • bureaucratia

officially adv • officialmente

officiant, officiator n • officiante

officiate v • officiar

officiator n • officiator

officiator, officiant n • officiante

officinal adj • officinal

officious (1. as in some officious friend; 2. semi-official) adj • officiose

officious adj • officiose

offing (in the -) adv • al largo

off-licence n • boteca de biberages alcoholic

off-peak adv • de horas non puncta, de nocte

off-peak adv • de nocte, de horas non puncta

off-print adj • extracto, tirage a parte

off-print adj • tirage a parte, extracto

off-putting adj • dissuadente, disagradabile

off-putting adj • disagradabile, dissuadente

off-season adv • foras de saison

offset adj/n • offset

offset v • compensar

off-shoot n • nove ramo

off-shore adv • al largo

off-shore (island) adv • pauco remote del terra

off-shore (wind) adj • del terra

off-side (sport) adv • foras de joco

off-spring n • prole

offspring n • genitura

offspring, progeny n • prole

off-stage adv • foras de scena

off-with-his-head phr • amputar le capite

off-with-you phr • via!, parti!, marcha!

off-with-you phr • parti!, marcha!, via!

off-with-you phr • marcha!, via!, parti!

often adv • sovente, frequentemente

often adv • frequentemente, sovente

often, frequently adv • saepe (sài-)

often, frequently adv • frequentemente

often, frequently adv • saepe

often (how -?) adv • quante vices?

often, repeatedly, frequently adv • sovente

ogle v • ocular

ogre (in fairy tales) n • ogro

ogre (unpleasant person) n • monstro, persona inabbordabile

ogre (unpleasant person) n • persona inabbordabile, monstro

oh interj • ho, ah, o, oh

oh interj • o, oh, ho, ah

oh interj • oh, ho, ah, o

oh interj • ah, o, oh, ho

ohm [Elec] n • ohm

ohm n • ohm

ohmmeter n • ohmmetro

ohmmeter n • ohmmetro (òm-)

oil, grease v • olear

oil n •</b> Gen]

oil n • oleo

oil (paint in -) v • pinger a oleo

oil, petroleum (rock) n • petroleo

oil (petroleum) n • petroleo

oil v • lubricar, ingrassar, olear

oil v • olear, lubricar, ingrassar

oil v • ingrassar, olear, lubricar

oil-can (container) n • a petroleo, bidon a oleo

oil-can (container) n • bidon a oleo, a petroleo

oil-can (with nozzle) n • oleato

oilery n • oleria

oilery n • oleria (-ìa)

oil-field n • jacimento petrolifere

oiliness n • oleositate

oiling, lubrication n • oleage (-aje)

oiling, lubrication n • oleage

oilman (one who deals in petroleum) n • petrolero

oil-paintin n • pictura a oleo

oil-skin n • tela cerate

oil-stove n • furno a petroleo

oil-well n • puteo petrolifere

oily adj • oleose

oily, greasy adj • oleose

ointment n • uncto, unguento

ointment n • unguento, uncto

ointment, salve n • unguento

ointment, unguent n • uncto

o.k adv • o.k., de accordo

o.k adv • de accordo, o.k.

o.k v • approbar

old (1. not young; 2. not new) adj • vetule

old (1. not young; 2. not new) adj • vetere

old, ancient adj • ancian

old (how - are you?) phr • que etate ha vos?

old (I am 20 years -) phr • io ha vinti annos

old (long-established) adj • ancian

old (not young, not new) adj • vetule, vetere

old (not young, not new) adj • vetere, vetule

old age n • senectute

old age n • vetulessa

old age n • vetustate

old man n • vetulo

old man n • vetulo (vé-)

old stuff, trash n • antiqualia

old woman n • vetula

old woman n • vetula (vé-)

old-age n • vetulessa, senectute

old-age n • senectute, vetulessa

old-age-pension n • pension de vetulessa

older adj • senior

older senior, senior adj • senior

old-fashidned adj • antiquate

old-fashioned, antiquated adj • antiquate

oldness, antiquity n • ancianitate

oldness n • vetulessa

old-testament n • scripturas hebree, vetere testamento

old-testament n • vetere testamento, scripturas hebree

oleaceous [Bot] adj • oleacee

oleaginous adj • oleaginose

oleaster [Bot] n • oleastro

oleate [Chem] n • oleato

oleic [Chem] adj • oleic

oleic [Chem] adj • oleic (-léic)

olein [Chem] n • oleina

olein [Chem] n • oleina (-ìna)

oleomargarine n • oleo-margarina

olfaction [Physiol] n • olfaction

olfactory (as in olfactory organ) adj • olfactive

olfactory (as in olfactory organ) adj • olfactori

oliferous adj • oleifere (-ìfere)

oliferous adj • oleifere

oligarch n • oligarcha

oligarchic adj • oligarchic

oligarchy n • oligarchia

oligarchy n • oligarchia (-ìa)

oligo-, olig- (few)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • oligo-

Oligocene [Geol] adj • oligocen

oligochaetous [Zool] adj • oligochete

olivaceous, olive-green adj • olivacee

olive (1. olive tree; 2. fruit of the olive tree; 3.</b> Zool]; 4. the color olive) n • oliva

olive adj • verde de oliva, color de oliva

olive adj • color de oliva, verde de oliva

olive n • oliva

olive, olive tree n • olivo

olive grove n • oliveto

olive tree, olive n • olivo

olive-green, olivaceous adj • olivacee

olive-oil n • oleo de oliva

olive-shaped adj • olivari

olla podrida (1.</b> Cookery]; 2. hodgepodge) n • olla podrida

olla podrida (1.</b> Cookery]; 2. hodgepodge) n • olla podrida</b> H]

Olympia (region where the ancient Olympian games were held) n • Olympia

Olympiad n • olympiade

Olympiad n • olympiade, olympiad, olympiada

Olympiad n • olympiada, olympiade, olympiad

Olympiad n • olympiad, olympiada, olympiade

Olympiad n • olympiade (-pì-)

Olympian (1. pertaining to Mount Olympus; 2. pertaining to the Olympian gods; 3. pertaining to Olympia) adj • olympie

olympic adj • olympic

Olympic adj • olympic

olympic-games n • jocos olympic

Olympics (Olympiad) n • olympiada

Oman [Geog] n • Oman

omega (last letter of the Greek alphabet) (ò-) n • omega

omelet n • omelette FF]

omelet (-te) n • omelette

omen n • presagio, augurio

omen n • augurio, presagio

omen, presage n • presagio

omen v • augurar, presagiar

omen v • presagiar, augurar

ominous adj • sinistre, de mal augurio

ominous adj • de mal augurio, sinistre

ominously adv • sinistremente

omission n • omission

omit, pass over v • preterir

omit v • preterir, omitter

omit v • omitter, preterir

omit v • omitter

omit v • omitter</b> -mitt-/-miss-]

omnibus, bus n • omnibus

omnibus, bus n • omnibus (òm-)

omnibus (bus) n • autobus

omnibus [Hist] • omnibus

omnifarious, omnimodous adj • omnimode

omnifarious, omnimodous adj • omnimode (-ì-)

omniform, of all forms adj • omniforme

omnimodous, omnifarious adj • omnimode (-ì-)

omnimodous, omnifarious adj • omnimode

omnipotence, almightiness n • omnipotentia

omni-potence n • omnipotentia

omni-potent adj • omnipotente

omnipotent, almighty adj • omnipotente

omni-presence n • omnipresentia

omni-present adj • omnipresente

omni-science n • omniscientia

omniscience n • omniscientia

omni-scient adj • omnisciente

omniscient adj • omnisciente

omnivident, all-seeing adj • omnividente

omnivorous adj • omnivore

omni-vorous, omni-vourous adj • omnivore

omoplate, shoulder blade n • omoplate

on (and so -) phr • et cetera

on, concerning, regarding, about, of prep • re

on (from now -) adv • a partir de ora

on (go -) v • continuar

on (onward) adv • avante

on prep • super, sur

on prep • sur, super

on (tease) v • dupar

on, upon prep • super

on, upon prep • super (sù-)

on, upon prep • sur

on (wear, have -) v • portar

on (what's -?) phr • que representa on?

on account of, by reason of, because of prep • propter

on account of, by reason of, because of prep • propter (pròp-)

on the contrary prep • contra

on the farther side of (across, over, beyond) prep • trans

on the farther side of, beyond, across, over prep • trans

on the inside, in, inwardly, internally adv • intro

on the left hand adv • levorso

on the other side, beyond, farther adv • ultra

on the outside, without adv • extra

on the point of death adj • agonisante (ppr of agonisar)

on the point of death adj • agonisante

on the right of prep • dextra

on this side, here, this way adv • hac

on this side (of) prep • cis

on your feet! phr • in pede!, altia te!

on your feet! phr • altia te!, in pede!

once adv • semel

once (at -) adv • simul, immediatemente, jam

once (at -) adv • immediatemente, jam, simul

once (at -) adv • jam, simul, immediatemente

once (at one time) adv • a un vice, tote juncte

once (at one time) adv • tote juncte, a un vice

once (at the same time) adv • simul

once, formerly adv • olim

once, formerly adv • olim (ò-)

once (formerly) adv • olim

once (suddenly, all at -) adv • subitemente

once-again adv • ancora un vice

once-and-for-all adv • un vice pro sempre

once-more adv • plus un vice, ancora un vice

once-more adv • ancora un vice, plus un vice

once-or-twice n • alicun vices

once-that adv • un vice que

on-coming adj • approchante

on-condition n • that a condition que

on-demand adv • a demanda

ondogamy [Anthropol] n • endogamia

ondogamy [Anthropol] n • endogamia (-ìa)

one adj • un

one indef pron • uno

one indef pron • on

one (numeral) n • un

one (on) impers pron • homo

one pron • on

one (that -) pron • ille

one (this -) pron • iste

one another, each other pron • un-altere

one by one adv • un a un, un per un, le un le altere

one by one adv • le un le altere, un a un, un per un

one by one adv • un per un, le un le altere, un a un

one decorated (as for bravery) n • decorato

one if by land and two if by sea phr • un si per terra e duo si per mar

one living in concubinage, paramour n • concubino

one of the bronchia [Anat] n • bronchio

one of the Ros or Rus n • russo

one of the Veneti n • veneto (vé-)

one of the Veneti n • veneto

one or that which crosses, crosser n • cruciator

one who appreciates, esteems highly n • appreciator

one who does sums n • summator

one who hits, strikes n • colpator

one who inserts wedges, wedger n • cuneator

one who invites, inviter n • invitator

one who knocks down n • abattitor

one who milks, milker n • mulgitor

one who recites, declaimer n • declamator

one who recompenses, recompenser n • recompensator

one who rejoices, rejoicer n • jubilator

one who repeats something said or done previously n • repetitor

one who separates, separater n • separator

one who shows n • monstrator

one who stays awake n • vigilator

one-after-the-other adv • le un post le altere

one-another adv • le unes, le un

one-another adv • le un, le unes

one-colored, unicolorous adj • unicolor

one-horned adj • unicorne

oneiro- (dream)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • oneiro-

oneiromancy n • oneiromantia

oneiromancy n • oneiromantia (-ìa)

oneness, singleness n • unicitate

onerous adj • onerose

onerous, burdensome adj • onerose

onerousness n • onerositate

oneself pron • se

one-sided adj • unilateral

one-way adj • senso unic

one-way-street n • via a senso unic

on-fire adv • in flammas

on-foot adv • a pede

onion n • cibolla

onion n • cepa

on-line (connected) adv • in-linea, connectite

on-line (connected) adv • connectite, in-linea

on-loan adv • in presto

on-looker n • spectator

only adj • unic, sol

only adj • sol, unic

only adv • solmente, solo

only adv • solo, solmente

only conj • ma

only, merely adv • solmente

only, sole adj • unic

only-just adv • a pena

on-monday adv • le lunedi

-onom-, onomato- (name)</b> occurring in compounds] n • onom-</b> -ma-/-mat-]

-onom-, onomato- (name)</b> occurring in compounds] n • onom-

onomatology n • onomatologia (-ìa)

onomatology n • onomatologia

onomatopoeia [Philol] n • onomatopeia

onomatopoeia [Philol] n • onomatopeia (-péya)

onomatopoetic adj • onomatopeic (-péic)

onomatopoetic adj • onomatopeic

on-page-two adv • al pagina duo

on-set n • initio

ons-laught n • assalto, attacco

ons-laught n • attacco, assalto

Ontario [Geog] n • Ontario

on-the-cheap adv • a bon mercato

on-the-right adv • al dextra, al dextera

on-the-right adv • al dextera, al dextra

on-the-right-of adv • dextra

on-the-thirteenth adv • le dece-tres

on-the-train adv • in le traino

on-time adv • a tempore

onto prep • on

ontogenesis, ontogeny n • ontogenese

ontogenesis, ontogeny n • ontogenesis (-gé-)

ontogenesis, ontogeny n • ontogenese (-gé-)

ontogenesis, ontogeny n • ontogenesis

ontogenetic adj • ontogenetic

ontogenist n • ontogenista

ontogeny (1. science of ontogeny; 2. ontogenesis) n • ontogenia

ontogeny (1. science of ontogeny; 2. ontogenesis) n • ontogenia (-ìa)

ontologic, ontological adj • ontologic

ontologist n • ontologo

ontologist n • ontologo (-òlogo)

ontologist n • ontologista

ontology n • ontologia

ontology n • ontologia (-ìa)

onus n • responsabilitate, carga

onus n • carga, responsabilitate

onus (the - lies on) phr • il incumbe a

onward adv • avante

-onym- (name)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • -onym-

onyx n • onyche (ò-)

onyx n • onyche

ooze v • exsudar, guttar

ooze v • guttar, exsudar

opacity n • opacitate

opal n • opalo (ò-)

opal n • opalo

opalesce v • opalescer

opalescence n • opalescentia

opalescent adj • opalescente

opaline adj • opalin

opaque (not translucent) adj • opac

opaque (of people) adj • obtuse

opaque (of things) adj • opac

open (1. to unclose; 2. to begin) v • aperir</b> -per-/-pert-]

open (1. to unclose; 2. to begin) v • aperir

open adj • patente

open (frank) adj • franc

open (free) adj • libere

open (in the -) phr • a celo aperte

open (not closed) adj • aperte

open (not closed, limited or hidden) adj • aperte

open (opposite of close) v • aperir (se)

open (opposite of close) v • aperir

open (start) v • inaugurar (se)

open (start) v • inaugurar

open, unfold (something) v • displicar

open (unfold) v • displicar

open (wide -) phr • toto aperte

open again, reopen v • reaperir

open again, reopen v • reaperir</b> -per-/-pert-]

open country n • campania

open defiance n • affrontamento

open to attack, pregnable adj • prendibile

open to entreaty adj • implorabile

open-ended adj • sin limites

opener n • aperitor

open-handed adj • liberal, generose

open-handed adj • generose, liberal

openhanded, liberal adj • large

open-hearted adj • franc

opening (1. action of opening; 2. aperture; 3. beginning) n • apertura

opening adj • inaugural, prime

opening adj • prime, inaugural

opening (gap) n • apertura

opening (of an exhibition, etc) n • inauguration

opening, preliminary (as in the opening pages) adj • liminar

openly, publicly, in one's presence adv • coram

openly, publicly, in one's presence adv • coram (cò-)

open-minded adj • impartial

open-mouthed adj • a bucca aperte

opera (light -) n • opera comic

opera n • opera

opera n • opera (òp-)

operable (1. practicable; 2.</b> Med]) adj • operabile

opera-glasses n • binoculo

opera-house n • opera, theatro del opera

opera-house n • theatro del opera, opera

operant, operative adj • operante (ppr of operar)

operant, operative adj • operante

operate (1. to work, function; 2.</b> Mil]) v • operar

operate (a machine) v • manovrar

operate (function) v • functionar

operate [Med] vi • operar

operate (put and keep in operation) v • manovrar

operate (work) vt • operar

operate upon [Surg] v • operar

operatic adj • de opera

operating adj • functionante, operante

operating adj • operante, functionante

operating-room, the O.R n • sala de operation

operating-theater, - theatre n • sala de operation

operation (1. action, activity; 2.</b> Mil]; 3.</b> Surg]) n • operation

operation (act of putting and keeping in operation) n • manovra

operation (be in -) v • functionar

operation (come into -) v • mitter se in practica, devenir effective

operation (come into -) v • devenir effective, mitter se in practica

operation (functioning, in -) adj/n • in operation, laborante

operation (functioning, in -) adj/n • laborante, in operation

operation [Med] n • operation

operation (put into -) v • mitter in practica

operative (a person) n • obrero

operative adj • operative

operative (become -) v • prender effecto

operative [Med] adj • operatori

operative, operant adj • operante

operative, operant adj • operante (ppr of operar)

operative (practical) adj • operative

operative [Surg] adj • operatori

operator n • operator

operator (telephone) n • telephonista

operator (telephonist) n • telephonista

operator (worker) n • operator

operetta n • operetta

operose, hard-working adj • operose

oph-, ophi-, ophio- (snake)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • oph-

ophiolater, snake worshiper n • ophiolatra

ophiolater, snake worshiper n • ophiolatra (-òlatra)

ophiolatry, snake worship n • ophiolatria

ophiolatry, snake worship n • ophiolatria (-ìa)

ophthalmia, ophthalmitis n • ophthalmia (-ìa)

ophthalmia, ophthalmitis n • ophthalmia

ophthalmic adj • ophthalmic

ophthalmo-, ophthalm- (eye)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • ophthalmo-

ophthalmologic, oculistic adj • oculistic

ophthalmological adj • ophthalmologic

ophthalmologist, eye specialist n • ophthalmologo (-òlogo)

ophthalmologist, eye specialist n • ophthalmologo

ophthalmologist n • ophthalmologista

ophthalmology n • ophthalmologia

ophthalmology n • ophthalmologia (-ìa)

ophthalmology n • oculistica

ophthalmoscope n • ophthalmoscopio

ophthalmoscopic adj • ophthalmoscopic

opiate adj • opiate

opiate n • opiato

opine (1. to hold as an opinion; 2. to express as an opinion) v • opinar

opinion (be of the -) v • esser de opinion

opinion (express an -) v • emitter un opinion

opinion (form an - about) v • formar se un opinion super

opinion (have a good - of) v • haber bon opinion de

opinion (IMHO, in my humble -) phr • in mi humile opinion

opinion (in my -) phr • in mi opinion

opinion, judgment n • ariso

opinion n • opinion, aviso

opinion n • opinion

opinion n • aviso, opinion

opinion (public -) phr • opinion public

opinionated adj • opiniose

opium n • opium

opium n • opium, opio

opium n • opio, opium

opium n • opium (òpium)

opium-addict n • opiomano

oplnionated adj • opinionose

opossum n • opossum

opossum n • opossum</b> A]

opponent n • opponente

opponent n • antagonista, opponente, adversario

opponent n • adversario, antagonista, opponente

opponent n • opponente, adversario, antagonista

opportune adj • opportun

opportuneness n • opportunitate

opportunism n • opportunismo

opportunist n • opportunista

opportunity (at the earliest -) phr • al prime occasion

opportunity (chance) n • occasion

opportunity (if the - arises) phr • si le occasion se presenta

opportunity n • occasion

opportunity n • opportunitate

opportunity (opportuneness) n • opportunitate

opportunity (seize the -) v • sasir le occasion

oppose (be against) v • opponer se a

oppose, run counter to, thwart v • contrariar

oppose, set over against v • contraponer

oppose, set over against v • contraponer</b> -pon-/-posit-]

oppose (set up against) v • opponer

oppose (set up against) v • opponer</b> -pon-/-posit-]

oppose v • adversar

opposed adj • opposte, hostil, opponite

opposed adj • hostil, opponite, opposte

opposed adj • opponite, opposte, hostil

opposing adj • opponente

opposing, antagonistic adj • opponente (ppr of opponer)

opposing, antagonistic adj • opponente

opposite adj • opposite, inverse

opposite adj • inverse, opposite

opposite adv • contra

opposite, contrary, antipode n • antipode (-ì-)

opposite, contrary, antipode n • antipode

opposite, face to face, vis-à-vis adv • vis-à-vis</b> F]

opposite, face to face, vis-à-vis adv • vis-à-vis

opposite, facing prep • contra

opposite (in the - direction) phr • in senso inverse

opposite n • opposito

opposite n • opposito (-pò-)

opposite n • opposito prep contra

opposite (placed opposite) adj • adverse

opposite (placed or lying over against something) adj • opposite

opposite (placed or lying over against something) adj • opposite (-pò-)

opposite (the - sex) n. phr • le altere sexo

opposition (1. as in the opposition of fact and fiction; 2. as in to meet with opposition) n • opposition

opposition (competition) n • concurrentia

opposition (confrontation) n • opposition

opposition (resistance) n • resistentia

oppress v • opprimer</b> -prim-/-press-]

oppress v • opprimer

oppression n • oppression

oppressive (as in oppressive legislation) adj • oppressive

oppressive (of weather) adj • suffocante

oppressive (overwhelming) adj • oppressive

oppressor n • oppressor

-ops-, opsio-, -opsis (1. sight, seeing; 2. viewing, examination; 3. appearance, look)</b> occurring m compounds] n • ops-

opt v • optar

opt out v • optar pro non participar

optative adj • optative

optic adj • optic

optical adj • optic

optical-illusion n • illusion optic

optician n • optico

optics n • optica

optimal adj • optime

optimally adv • optimemente

optimism n • optimismo

optimist n • optimista

optimistic adj • optimista

optimum n • optimo (òp-)

optimum n • optimo

option (1. action of choosing; 2. power or liberty of choosing; 3.</b> Commer]) n • option

option n • option

optional adj • optional, facultative

optional adj • facultative

optional adj • facultative, optional

optional adj • optional

optionally adv • optionalmente

optometer n • optometro (-òmetro)

optometer n • optometro

optometrist n • optometrista

optometry n • optometria (-ìa)

optometry n • optometria

optometry (study of the eye) n • optometria

opulence n • opulentia

opulence (wealth) n • opulentia

opulent adj • opulente

opulent (wealthy) adj • opulente

opus n • opus (pl opera)</b> L]

opus n • labor, labores, operas

opus n • labores, operas, labor

opus n • opus

opus n • operas, labor, labores

opuscule n • opusculo

or (a mile - so) phr • circa un millia

or (collat) conj • aut

or conj • o

or-, tho-, orth- (1. straight; 2. right)</b> occurring in compounds] adj • orth-

or else conj • si non, alteremente

or else conj • alteremente, si non

oracle n • oraculo

oracular adj • oracular

oral (1. verbal; 2. as in oral cavity) adj • oral

oral adj • oral

oral n • examine oral

orally adv • oralmente

-orama (view)</b> occurring in compounds] n • -orama

orange adj/n • orange

orange (fruit of the orange tree) n • orange

orange (fruit of the orange tree) n • orange</b> F]

orange greenhouse, orangery n • orangeria (-jerìa)

orange greenhouse, orangery n • orangeria

orange tree n • orangiero (-jero)

orange tree n • orangiero

orangeade n • orangiada

orangeade n • orangiada (-jada)

orangery, orange greenhouse n • orangeria (-jerìa)

orangery, orange greenhouse n • orangeria

orangutang, orangoutang n • orangutan

oration n • oration

orator n • orator

orator, public speaker n • orator

Oratorian [Eccl] n • oratorian

oratorical adj • oratori

oratorio [Mus] n • oratorio

oratorio n • oratorio

oratory (1. room or building for private worship; 2. as in Oratory of St. Philip Neri) n • oratorio

oratory (art) n • oratoria

oratory (art of an orator) n • oratoria

oratory (place) n • oratorio

orb n • orbe

orb (sphere, globe) n • orbe

orbit (1. eye socket; 2. curved course of planet, comet) n • orbita

orbit (1. eye socket; 2. curved course of planet, comet) n • orbita (òr-)

orbit n • orbita

orbital (1.</b> Astron]; 2.</b> Anat]) n • orbital

orbital adj • orbital

orbital [Anat] adj • orbitari

orbitele [Zool] n • orbitelo

orbitelous [Zool] adj • orbitel

orchard n • verdiero, jardin de fructos

orchard n • verdiero

orchard n • jardin de fructos, verdiero

orchestra (1.</b> Gr. Antiq]; 2. orchestra pit; 3. band of players; 4. orchestra circle) n • orchestra

orchestra n • orchestra

orchestral adj • orchestral

orchestrate v • orchestrar

orchestrater, orchestrator n • orchestrator

orchestration n • orchestration

orchestrion [Mus] n • orchestrion

orchid n • orchidea

orchidaceous adj • orchidee

orchidology n • orchidologia (-ìa)

orchidology n • orchidologia

orchis [Bot] n • orchis (ò-)

orchis [Bot] n • orchis

orchitis [Pathol] n • orchitis (-ìtis)

orchitis [Pathol] n • orchitis

ordain, decree v • statuer</b> statu-/statut-;-stitu-/-stitut-]

ordain, decree v • statuer

ordain [Eccl] v • ordinar

ordain v • ordinar, statuer

ordain v • statuer, ordinar

ordeal (hard time) n • prova sever

ordeal n •</b> Hist]

order (1. arrangement, disposition; 2.</b> Arch]; 3. orderliness; 4. category, group; 5.</b> Biol]; 6. organized body of persons; 7. insignia, badge; 8. command) n • ordine

order (1. to command; 2. to prescribe) v • ordinar

order, arrangement n • ordinantia

order, command n • mandato

order (command, control, request) v • commandar

order (command) v • mandar

order, disposition, arrangement n • positura

order (have a person follow an order or instruction) v • mandar

order (in -) phr • in ordine, ordinate

order (in -) phr • ordinate, in ordine

order (in - that) phr • a fin que

order (in - to) phr • pro

order (keep in -) v • mantener in ordine

order (law and -) n • ordine public

order (made to -) phr • fabricate sur commanda

order (money) n • mandato

order n •</b> Commer]

order n •</b> Gen]

order n •</b> Mil]

order (out of -) phr • non functiona, in reparation

order (out of -) phr • in reparation, non functiona

order (put in -) v • poner in ordine, ordinar

order (put in -) v • ordinar, poner in ordine

order (put out of -) v • disordinar

order (series) n • succession

order v •</b> Gen]

orderliness n • disciplina, bon ordine

orderliness n • bon ordine, disciplina

orderly (in hospital) n • adjutante de hospital

orderly (mil) n • ordinantia, planton

orderly (mil) n • planton, ordinantia

orderly [Mil] n • planton

orderly [Mil] n • ordinantia

orderly (of behaviour) adj • formal

orderly (regular) adj • ordinate, methodic

orderly (regular) adj • methodic, ordinate

order-of-the-day n • ordine del die.

ordinal adj • ordinal

ordinally adv • ordinalmente, in ordine

ordinally adv • in ordine, ordinalmente

ordinance, decree n • ordinantia

ordinance, regulation, bylaw n • statuto

ordinand [Eccl] n • ordinando

ordinant [Eccl] n • ordinante

ordinarily adv • normalmente, ordinarimente

ordinarily adv • ordinarimente, normalmente

Ordinary (1.</b> Eccl] (as in the Ordinary of the Mass; 2 . diocesan bishop) n • ordinario

ordinary (1. usual, regular; 2. commonplace, of little merit) adj • ordinari

ordinary adj • ordinari, usual

ordinary adj • usual, ordinari

ordinary (meal served at a fixed price) n • ordinario

ordinary n • ordinario

ordinary (out of the -) adj • exceptional

ordinary-seaman n • marinero simple

ordinate ordinate (pp of ordinar)</b> Math] n • ordinata

ordination (1. action of decreeing; 2.</b> Eccl]) n • ordination

ordination n • eccles

ordinator n • ordinator

ordnance n • artilleria

ordnance-survey n • servicio cartographic

ordnance-survey-map n • mappa del stato major

ore (as in iron ore) n • mineral

ore (iron -) n • ferro mineral

ore n • mineral

organ (1. means, instrument, agency; 2. pipe organ; 3. organ of an animal or plant body) n • organo

organ (1. means, instrument, agency; 2. pipe organ; 3. organ of an animal or plant body) n • organo (òr-)

organ (all senses) n • organo

organdy, organdie n • organdi

organdy, organdie n • organdi (-ì)

organic adj • organic, organisate

organic adj • organisate, organic

organic adj • organic

organic (as in organic structure) adj • organisate (pp of organisar)

organic (as in organic structure) adj • organisate

organism n • organismo

organist n • organista

organizable adj • organisabile

organization n • organisation

organization n • arrangiamento, organisation

organization n • organisation, arrangiamento

organize (a union) v • syndicar

organize (arrange) v • arrangiar, organisar

organize (arrange) v • organisar, arrangiar

organize (of trade union) v • syndicar

organize v • organisar

organizer n • organisator

organogenesis, organogeny n • organogenese (-gé-)

organogenesis, organogeny n • organogenese

organogenesis, organogeny n • organogenesis

organogenesis, organogeny n • organogenesis (-gé-)

organogenetic adj • organogenetic

organogenic adj • organogenic

organogeny, organogenesis n • organogenia

organogeny, organogenesis n • organogenia (-ìa)

organopathy n • organopathia (-ìa)

organopathy n • organopathia

organoplastic [Biol] adj • organoplastic

organoscopy n • organoscopia

organoscopy n • organoscopia (-ìa)

organotherapy n • organotherapia

organotherapy n • organotherapia (-ìa)

orgasm n • orgasmo

orgiast n • orgiasta

orgiastic adj • orgiastic

orgy, bacchanal n • bacchanal

orgy n • orgia

orgy n •</b> Fig]

orgy (revelry) n • orgia, bacchanal

orgy (revelry) n • bacchanal, orgia

orient adj/n • oriente

orient, orientate v • orientar

orient (peculiar luster of a pearl) n • oriente

orient v • orientar (se)

orient v • orientar

oriental adj/n • oriental

oriental, eastern adj • oriental

Oriental, Eastern adj • oriental

orientalism n • orientalismo

orientalist n • orientalista

orientality n • orientalitate

orientalize (make oriental) v • orientalisar

orientate, orient v • orientar

orientate v • orientar

orientate v • orientar (se)

orientation n • orientation

orifice n • orificio

origin n • provenientia, origine

origin n • origine, provenientia

origin n • origine

original (1. earliest, primary; 2. original in character, style) adj • original

original adj/n • original

originality n • originalitate

originally adv • originalmente

originary (1. aboriginal, native; 2. original) adj • originari

originate (give origin to) v • originar

originate v • initiar, nascer, originar

originate v • originar, initiar, nascer

originate v • nascer, originar, initiar

originate-from v • originar de

origination n • creatior, origination

origination n • origination, creatior

originator n • creator, autor, originator

originator n • originator, creator, autor

originator n • originator

originator n • autor, originator, creator

oriole (any bird of the genus Oriolus) n • oriolo

orison, prayer n • oration

orle [Her/Arch] n • orlo

Orleanist [Hist] n • orleanista

Orleans (1.</b> Geog]) 2. as in House of Orleans) n • Orleans

ornament, adornment n • ornamento

ornament n • imbellimento, ornamento

ornament n • ornamento, imbellimento

ornament v • ornamentar, ornar imbellir

ornament v • ornar imbellir, ornamentar

ornament v • ornamentar

ornamental adj • ornamental

ornamental flower stand, jardiniere n • jardiniera

ornamentalist, ornamentist n • ornamentista

ornamentally adv • ornamentalmente

ornamentation (act of ornamenting) n • ornamentation

ornamentation n • imbellimento, ornamentation

ornamentation n • ornamentation, imbellimento

ornamenting (action of) n • paramento

ornamentist, ornamentalist n • ornamentista

ornate (1. elaborately adorned; 2. as in ornate style) adj • ornate

ornate adj • ornate

ornate, elegant adj • culte

orniment [Chem] n • auripigmento

ornitho-, ornith- (bird)</b> occurring in compounds] n • ornith-

ornithogalum, star-of-Bethlehem [Bot] n • ornithogalo

ornithogalum, star-of-Bethlehem [Bot] n • ornithogalo (-tò-)

ornithological adj • ornithologic

ornithologist n • ornithologo

ornithologist n • ornithologo (-tò-)

ornithologist n • ornithologo, ornithologista

ornithologist n • ornithologista

ornithologist n • ornithologista, ornithologo

ornithology n • ornithologia

ornithology n • ornithologia (-ìa)

ornithomancy n • ornithomantia (-ìa)

ornithomancy n • ornithomantia

Ornithorhyncus, duckbill, platypus [Zool] n • ornithorhynco

ornithrohynchous (having the beak of a bird)</b> Zool] adj • ornithorhynche

orphan, asylum, orphanage n • orphanato

orphan n • orphano

orphan n • orphano (òr-)

orphanage n • orphanato

orphanage, orphan, asylum n • orphanato

orphaned adj • orphano, orphanate

orphaned adj • orphanate, orphano

Orpheus [Gr. Mythol] n • Orpheo

Orphic adj • orphic

orthoclase [Mineral] n • orthoclase (-òclase)

orthoclase [Mineral] n • orthoclase

orthodox adj • orthodoxe

Orthodox (member of the Orthodox Church) n • orthodoxo

orthodox n • orthodoxo

orthodox (orthodox person) n • orthodoxo

orthodoxy n • orthodoxia

orthodoxy n • orthodoxia (-ìa)

orthographic (as in orthographic projection) adj • orthographic

orthographical (spelling) adj • orthographic

orthography (1. spelling according to accepted usage; 2. orthographic projection) n • orthographia

orthography (1. spelling according to accepted usage; 2. orthographic projection) n • orthographia (-ìa)

orthography n • orthographia

orthological adj • orthologic

orthology n • orthologia

orthology n • orthologia (-ìa)

orthopedic, orthopedical [Med] adj • orthopedic

orthopedic, -thopae- adj • orthopedic

orthopedics, -thopae- n • orthopedia

orthopedist [Med] n • orthopedista

orthopedist, -thopae- n • orthopedista

orthopedy, orthopedics [Med] n • orthopedia (-ìa)

orthopedy, orthopedics [Med] n • orthopedia

orthopterous [Entom] adj • orthoptere

-orus (guardian)</b> occurring in compounds] n • oro-

oscillate v • fluctuar, oscillar

oscillate v • oscillar

oscillate v • oscillar, fluctuar

oscillation n • oscillation

oscillation n • fluctuation, oscillation

oscillation n • oscillation, fluctuation

oscillator n • oscillator

oscillatory adj • oscillatori

oscilloscope n • oscilloscopio

oscillum (mask of Bacchus hung on trees) n • oscillo

osculate [Geom] v • oscular

osculation (1. kissing; 2.</b> Geom]) n • osculation

osculatory adj • osculatori

osculatory [Eccl] n • osculatorio

oscule [Zool] n • osculo

oscule [Zool] n • osculo (òs-)

Osman, Othman, Ottoman [Hist] n • Ottoman

Osmanli (1. Ottoman Turk; 2. Ottoman Turkish) n • osmanli (-lì)</b> Tu]

Osmanli (1. Ottoman Turk; 2. Ottoman Turkish) n • osmanli

osmic [Chem] adj • osmic

osmium [Chem] n • osmium

osmology n • osmologia (-ìa)

osmology n • osmologia

osmosis n • osmose

osmotic adj • osmotic

osprey n • ossifraga

osprey n • ossifraga (-ì-)

ossature, framework [Arch] n • ossatura

ossein [Biochem] n • osseina (-ìna)

ossein [Biochem] n • osseina

osseous, bony adj • ossose

osseous, bony adj • ossee

ossicle [Anat] n • ossiculo

ossification n • ossification

ossify [Physiol] v • ossificar

ossify v • ossificar

ossify v • ossificar (se)

ossuary n • ossuario

ossuary n • ossario

osteitis [Pathol] n • osteitis

osteitis [Pathol] n • osteitis (-ìtis)

ostensible adj • ostensibile, pretense

ostensible adj • pretense, ostensibile

ostensive, ostensible adj • ostensibile

ostensorium [Eccl] n • ostensorio

ostentation n • ostentation

ostentation, pomp, display n • fasto

ostentatious adj • ostentatiose

ostentatious adj • fastose, ostentatiose

ostentatious adj • ostentatiose, fastose

ostentatious adj • fastose

ostentatious person n • ostentator

osteo-, oste- (bone)</b> occurring in compounds] n • osteo-

osteolite n • osteolitho

osteolite n • osteolitho (-òlito)

osteologic adj • osteologic

osteologist n • osteologo

osteologist n • osteologo (-òlogo)

osteology n • osteologia (-ìa)

osteology n • osteologia

osteopath n • osteopathico

osteoplastic adj • osteoplastic

osteoplasty n • osteoplastia (-ìa)

osteoplasty n • osteoplastia

osteotomy n • osteotomia

osteotomy n • osteotomia (-ìa)

ostracism n • ostracismo

ostracize v • ostracisar

ostracoderm [Paleontol/Zool] n • ostracodermo

ostracon n • ostracon

ostracon n • ostracon (òs-)

ostreaceous adj • ostreacee

ostreicultural, oystergrowing adj • ostreicola (-ì-)

ostreicultural, oystergrowing adj • ostreicola

ostreiculture, oyster culture n • ostreicultura

ostrich n • avestruthio

ostrich n • struthio

ot-, oto- (ear)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • ot-

other (1. additional; 2. different) adj • altere

other adj • cetere

other adj • cetere (cé-)

other adj • alie

other adj/pron • altere

other adv • alteremente

other (each -) adj • le unes, le un

other (each -) adj • le un, le unes

other (every - month) adv • omne duo menses

other (on the - hand) phr • de altere parte

other (see things - than what they are) phr • vider le cosas alteremente que illos lo son

otherwise adv • alteremente, alias

otherwise adv • alias, alteremente

otherwise (in another manner) adv • alias

otherwise (in another manner) adv • alias (àl-)

otherwise, in other respects adv • cetero

otherwise, in other respects adv • cetero (cé-)

Othman, Ottoman, Osman [Hist] n • Ottoman

otiose, idle (1. not occupied; 2. useless futile) adj • otiose

otologist, aurist (ear specialist) n • aurista

otorhinolaryngologic [Med] adj • otorhinolaryngologic

otorhinolaryngologist [Med] n • otorhinolaryngologista

otorhinolaryngology (study of ear, nose, and larynx)</b> Med] n • otorhinolaryngologia

otorhinolaryngology (study of ear, nose, and larynx)</b> Med] n • otorhinolaryngologia (-ìa)

otter n • flutra

Ottoman adj • ottoman

ottoman (flat overstuffed couch) n • ottomana

Ottoman n • ottomano

Ottoman, Osman, Othman [Hist] n • Ottoman

ouch interj • eheu

ought (anything) n • alique, qualcosa

ought (anything) n • qualcosa, alique

ought v • deberea ...

ounce n • uncia

our pron • nostre

ours pron • le nostre, le nostres

ours pron • le nostres, le nostre

ourselves (emphatic pron) pron • mesme, ipse

ourselves (emphatic pron) pron • ipse, mesme

ourselves (object pron) pron • nos

oust v • expeller, evincer

oust v • evincer, expeller

out adj • foras

out adv • foras go - sortir

out (hand -) v • distribuer

out (look - !) interj • attention!

out (made - of) phr • fabricate de

out (one - of three) phr • un super tres

out, out of doors, outside adv • foras (fòr-), foris (fòr-)

out, out of doors, outside adv • foris (fòr-), foras (fòr-)

out, out of doors, outside adv • for

out, out of doors, outside adv • foris, foras

out, out of doors, outside adv • foras, foris

out (put - a fire, extinguish) v • extincter le foco

out (sports) interj • out!

out of, from prep • ex

out of doors, outside, out adv • foris, foras

out of doors, outside, out adv • foras, foris

out of doors, outside, out adv • foris (fòr-), foras (fòr-)

out of doors, outside, out adv • foras (fòr-), foris (fòr-)

out of doors, outside, out adv • for

out of it phr • foras de su mente

out-and-out adj • complete

out-bid v • offerer plus

out-board adv • foras de bordo, exterior

out-board adv • exterior, foras de bordo

out-break (eruption) n • eruption

out-break (of crime) n • serie

out-break (of disease) n • prime manifestation, epidemia

out-break (of disease) n • epidemia, prime manifestation

out-burst n • eruption, explosion

out-burst n • explosion, eruption

out-cast adj • expulsate, proscripte, bannite

out-cast adj • proscripte, bannite, expulsate

out-cast adj • bannite, expulsate, proscripte

out-cast (outlaw) n • bannito, proscripto

out-cast (outlaw) n • proscripto, bannito

out-cast (social) n • paria

out-class v • esser superior, exceller

out-class v • exceller, esser superior

out-come n • consequentia, successo

out-come n • successo, consequentia

outcome n • successo

outcrop [Geol] n • affloramento

outcrop [Geol] v • afflorar

out-cry n • crito de indignation, clamor, protesto

out-cry n • clamor, protesto, crito de indignation

out-cry n • protesto, crito de indignation, clamor

outdistance v • distantiar

out-do v • superpassar, superar

out-do v • superar, superpassar

out-door adj • exterior, al aere libere

out-door adj • al aere libere, exterior

out-doors adv • al aere libere

outer adj • externe, exterior

outer adj • exterior, externe

out-fit (clothes) n • trousseau

out-fit (tools) n • equipamento

out-fitter n • negotiante, (in articulos de vestimento), fornitor

out-fitter n • fornitor, negotiante, (in articulos de vestimento)

out-going (of mail) adj • de partita

out-going (of person) adj • cessante, sortiente

out-going (of person) adj • sortiente, cessante

out-going (of temperament) adj • extrovertite

out-grow v • devenir troppo grande pro

out-house n • edificio accessori

outing (go on an -) v • facer un excursion

outing n • excursion

outlandish (odd) adj • bizarre

outlandish (remote) adj • remote

outlast v • superviver a

outlaw, exile n • proscripto

outlaw n • proscripto

outlaw v • proscriber

outlay, expenditure (of money) n • dispensa

outlay n • dispensa

outlet, duct, emissary n • emissario

outlet (duct) n • emissario, escappamento

outlet (duct) n • escappamento, emissario

outlet n •</b> Elec]

outline (profile) n • contorno, profilo, silhouette

outline (profile) n • silhouette, contorno, profilo

outline (profile) n • profilo, silhouette, contorno

outline (profile) v • contornar, traciar

outline (profile) v • traciar, contornar

outline (sketch) n • schizzo

outline (sketch) v • schizzar

outline (to trace the outline or contour of) v • contornar

outlive v • superviver a

outlook n • aspecto, perspectiva, prospecto, vista

outlook n • perspectiva, prospecto, vista, aspecto

outlook n • prospecto, vista, aspecto, perspectiva

outlook n • vista, aspecto, perspectiva, prospecto

outlying adj • eccentric, remote

outlying adj • remote, eccentric

outmaneuvre, -noeuv- v • superar in strategia

outmatch v • superar

outmoded adj • antiquate, obsolete

outmoded adj • obsolete, antiquate

outnumber v • esser plus numerose que

out-of adv/adj • ex, foras de

out-of adv/adj • foras de, ex

out-of (by means of, through) adv • per

out-of-bounds adv • foras del limites

out-of-danger adv • foras de periculo

out-of-date (lapsed) adj • perimite

out-of-date (old) adj • antiquate

out-of-date (old) adj • antiquate, obsolete

out-of-date (old) adj • obsolete, antiquate

out-of-fashion adj • foras de moda

out-of-his-mind phr • foras de su mente

out-of-kindness adv • per benevolentia

out-of-luck adv • foras de sorte

out-of-money adv • curte de moneta

out-of-order (broken) adj • in reparation

out-of-order (untidy) adj • disordinate

out-of-print adj • exhaurite

out-of-respect adv • per respecto

out-of-sorts adj • indisposite

out-of-stock adj • exhaurite

out-of-the-drdinary adv • foras del commun

out-of-the-house adj • ex casa

out-of-the-question adj • impossibile

out-of-the-way interj • foras!, via!

out-of-the-way interj • via!, foras!

out-of-the-way (over) adj • terminate

out-of-the-way (remote) adj • remote

out-of-work adj • disoccupate.

outpatient n • patiente externe

outpost, advance guard [Mil] n • avantiata

outpost n • avantiata, posto avantiate

outpost n • posto avantiate, avantiata

output (of machine) n • rendimento

output (of worker) n • production

outrage n • ultrage

outrage n • ultrage (-aje)

outrage v • ultragiar (-ajàr)

outrage v • ultragiar

outrageous adj • ultragiose (-jose)

outrageous adj • ultragiose, excessive, exorbitante

outrageous adj • exorbitante, ultragiose, excessive

outrageous adj • excessive, exorbitante, ultragiose

outrageous adj • ultragiose

outright adj • franc

outright adv • completemente

outrun v • ultrapassar, distantiar

outrun v • distantiar, ultrapassar

outset (at the -) adv • al maximo

outset n • initio, principio

outset n • principio, initio

out-side adj • exterior, externe

out-side adj • externe, exterior

out-side adv • extra, foras

out-side adv • foras, extra

outside, exterior n • exterior

out-side n • exterior

outside, out, out of doors adv • foris (fòr-), foras (fòr-)

outside, out, out of doors adv • for

outside, out, out of doors adv • foras, foris

outside, out, out of doors adv • foras (fòr-), foris (fòr-)

outside, out, out of doors adv • foris, foras

out-side prep • extra

outside market, free market [Fin] n • coulisse

outside market, free market [Fin] n • coulisse</b> F]

outsider (horse) n • outsider

outsider [Horse Racing] n • outsider</b> A]

outsider [Horse Racing] n • outsider

outsider (stranger) n • estraniero

outsides adv • foras de partita

outsize adv • foras de mesura

outskirts n • peripheria, suburbio

outskirts n • suburbio, peripheria

outspoken adj • franc

outspokenness n • franchitia

outstanding (due) adj • debite

outstanding, eminent adj • eminente

outstanding (eminent) adj • eminente

outstay v • fatigar le amicabilitate de, restar troppo longo

outstay v • restar troppo longo, fatigar le amicabilitate de

outstretched adj • extendite

outstrip v • distantiar, ultrapassar

outstrip v • ultrapassar, distantiar

outward adj • externe, exterior

outward adj • exterior, externe

outwardly adv • apparentemente, al exterior

outwardly adv • al exterior, apparentemente

outwards adv • verso le exterior

outwear (last longer) v • durar plus longe

outwear (use up) v • usar completemente

outweigh (be heavier) v • pesar plus que

outweigh v •</b> Fig]

outwit v • circumvenir, contrariar, frustrar

outwit v • contrariar, frustrar, circumvenir

outwit v • frustrar, circumvenir, contrariar

outworn (out-of-date) adj • obsolete, antiquate

outworn (out-of-date) adj • antiquate, obsolete

outworn (used up) adj • usate

oval adj/n • oval

oval oval adj • oval

ovarian adj • ovarian

ovariotomy n • ovariotomia

ovariotomy n • ovariotomia (-ìa)

ovary [Anat] n • ovario

ovary n • ovario

ovate adj • ovate

ovation (1.</b> Rom. Antiq]; 2. as in to receive an ovation) n • ovation

ovation n • ovation

oven (cooker) n • apparato de cocer

oven n • furno

ovenbird [Ornith] n • furnero

ovenful (of bread) n • furnata

over (above) prep • supra, super

over (above) prep • super, supra

over (across) adv • trans

over adj • finite

over (all - again) adv • de nove

over (bend -) v • replicar

over (climb -) v • transgreder

over (during) adv • durante

over (everywhere) adv • ubique

over (fall -) v • laber

over (finished, all -) adj/adv • finite

over (hand -) v • transferer

over (in excess) adv • de plus

over (knock -) v • abatter

over, on the farther side of, beyond, across prep • trans

over (on top) adv • super

over and over adv • vice post vice

over and over again adv • reiteratemente

over here adv • per hic

over one's head phr • plus que on pote comprender

over there adv • per illac.

overall adj • global, general

overall adj • general, global

overall adv • generalmente

overall n • supertoto

overalls n • supertoto

overbalance v • perder le equilibrio

overbearing adj • imperiose

overbearing, arrogant adj • superbe

overboard adv • in aqua, in mar, super le bordo

overboard adv • super le bordo, in aqua, in mar

overboard adv • in mar, super le bordo, in aqua

overburden, overload v • supercargar

overburden v • supercargar

overcast adj • obnubilate

overcast, overcloud v • obnubilar

overcharge n • pretio excessive

overcharge v • supercargar, demandar troppo

overcharge v • demandar troppo, supercargar

overcloud, overcast v • obnubilar

overcoat, greatcoat n • paletot

overcoat, greatcoat n • paletot</b> F]

overcoat n • paletot, supertoto

overcoat n • surtout</b> F]

overcoat n • supertoto, paletot

overcoat n • surtout

overcoat, surtout n • supertoto

overcome v • vincer, superar

overcome v • superar, vincer

overcome, vanquish, surmount v • superar

overcome, vanquish v • vincer</b> vinc-/-vict-]

overcome, vanquish v • vincer

overconfident adj • troppo confidente, presumptuose

overconfident adj • presumptuose, troppo confidente

overcrowded adj • troppo reimplite, congerite

overcrowded adj • congerite, troppo reimplite

overdo (overcook) v • ultra cocer

overdo (pull too hard) v • ultra tirar

overdo v • ultrar

overdose (-) v • dosar de troppo, ingerer

overdose (-) v • ingerer (imbuer), dosar de troppo

overdose (-) v • ingerer, dosar de troppo

overdose (-) v • dosar de troppo, ingerer (imbuer)

overdose n • dose troppo forte

overdraft n • credito sin copertura, conto a discoperto

overdraft n • conto a discoperto, credito sin copertura

overdraw v • traher a discoperto

overdrawn adj • trahite a discoperto

overdue (payment) adj • arretrate

overdue (transport) adj • retardate

overeat v • mangiar troppo

overelaborate adj • troppo complicate

overelaborate v • complicar troppo

overestimate n • valutation excessive

overestimate v • valutar excessivemente

overexcite v • superexcitar

overexcited adj • exaltate

overexcited adj • superexcitate, exaltate

overexcited adj • exaltate, superexcitate

overexcitement n • exaltation, superexcitation

overexcitement n • superexcitation

overexcitement n • superexcitation, exaltation

overexertion n • abuso de su fortias

overextend v • extender excessivemente

overfamiliar adj • troppo intime

overfed adj • superalimentate

overfeed v • superalimentar

overfeeding n • superalimentation

overfill v • reimpler troppo

overflight n • supervolo, un volo super

overflight n • un volo super, supervolo

overflow (flow over the brim, banks) v • disbordar

overflow, inundation (flowing over the banks, the brim) n • disbordamento

overflow n • disbordamento

overflow v • inundar, disbordar

overflow v • disbordar, inundar

overfly v • volar super, supervolar

overfly v • supervolar, volar super

overgrown adj • incombrate, coperite

overgrown adj • coperite, incombrate

overhang n • ultraprojectato essite saliente

overhang n • ultraprojectato essite saliente (super)

overhang v • esser ultraprojectato, esser saliente

overhang v • esser ultraprojectato, esser saliente (super)

overhang v • esser saliente (super), esser ultraprojectato

overhang v • esser saliente, esser ultraprojectato

overhaul n • examine detaliate, inspection general

overhaul n • inspection general, examine detaliate

overhaul v • examinar in detalio, refacer

overhaul v • refacer, examinar in detalio

overhead adj • aeree

overhead adv • in supra

overhead-projector n • projector in supra

overheads n • costos general

overhear v • surprender, audir per casualitate

overhear v • audir per casualitate, surprender

overheard adj • audite per casualitate

overheat v • calefacer troppo

overheating n • supercalefaction

overindulge (child) v • guastar

overindulge (taste) v • facer abuso de excessive

overjoyed adj • multo felice, transportate de gaudio

overjoyed adj • transportate de gaudio, multo felice

overland adj • super terra, terrestre

overland adj • terrestre, super terra

overlap (cover partially) v • imbricar

overlap n •</b> Fig]

overlap (partial cover) n • imbrication

overlap v •</b> Fig]

overlav with stucco, stucco v • stuccar

overlay n • copertura

overlay, plate (with plates of metal) v • placar

overlay v • coperir

overleaf adj • al verso

overleap n • supersalto

overleap v • supersaltar

overload n • supercarga

overload, overburden v • supercargar

overload v • supercargar

overlook (have prospect of) v • dar super

overlook (ignore) v • clauder le oculos a, passar super

overlook (ignore) v • passar super, clauder le oculos a

overlying adj • superponite

overnight adj/adv • durante le nocte, pro un nocte

overnight adj/adv • pro un nocte, durante le nocte

overpay v • superpagar

overpayment n • superpaga

overpopulated adj • excessivemente populate, superpopulate

overpopulated adj • superpopulate, excessivemente populate

overpower v • subjugar, dominar

overpower v • dominar, subjugar

overpowering adj • irresistibile, abattente

overpowering adj • abattente, irresistibile

overproduction n • superproduction

overrate v • valutar excessivemente, exaggerar

overrate v • exaggerar, valutar excessivemente

overreach v • uitrapassar

overreaction n • reaction excessive

override (be more important) v • haber plus de importantia

override (go beyond) v • ultrapassar, passar super

override (go beyond) v • passar super, ultrapassar

overriding adj • importantissime

overripe adj • troppo matur

overrule v • decider contra, annullar

overrule v • annullar, decider contra

overrun adj • infestate

overrun (exceed) v • exceder

overrun (invade) v • invader

overscrupulous adj • timorate

overseas adj • de ultramar

overseas adv • ultramar

oversee v • surveliar

overseer n • surveliante

overshadow, adumbrate v • adumbrar

overshadow v • adumbrar, eclipsar

overshadow v • eclipsar, adumbrar

overshadowing, adumbration n • adumbration

overshoe, galosh n • galocha (-sha)

overshoe, galosh n • galocha

overshoe n • superscarpa

overshoot v • ultrapassar

oversight (omission) n • inadvertentia

oversight (surveillance) n • surveliantia

oversimplification n • explication troppo simple, simplification excessive

oversimplification n • simplification excessive, explication troppo simple

oversimplification, simplism n • simplismo

oversize adj • excessivemente grande

oversleep v • dormir troppo longe

overspend v • expender troppo

overstate v • exaggerar

overstatement n • exaggeration

overstrain n • tension excessive

overstrain v • supercargar

overt adj • patente, evidente

overt adj • evidente, patente

overtake (of vehicles) v • passar

overtake (surprise) v • surprender

overtax v • exceder, abusar

overtax v • abusar, exceder

overthrow (dethrone) v • disthronar

overthrow n • subversion

overthrow (overcome) v • superar, subverter

overthrow (overcome) v • subverter, superar

overtime n • horas extraordinari

overtone [Mus] • harmonico

overtone n •</b> Fig]

overture (1. proposal, offer; 2.</b> Mus]) n • overtura

overture n • overtura

overturn v • inverter (se)

overturn v • inverter

overvalue v • excessivemente evalutar

overvalued adj • excessivemente evalutate

overweight adj • troppo pesante

overweight n • excesso de peso

overwhelm (of waves) v • submerger, inundar subito

overwhelm (of waves) v • inundar subito, submerger

overwhelm v •</b> Fig]

overwhelming (irresistible) adj • invincibile

overwhelming (of argument) adj • convincente

overwork n • excesso de labor

overwork vi • troppo laborar

overwork vt • supercargar

overwrought adj • multo agitate, superexcitate

overwrought adj • superexcitate, multo agitate

ovibos, musk ox [Zool] n • ovibos (ò-)

ovibos, musk ox [Zool] n • ovibos

oviduct [Anat] n • oviducto

ovine adj • ovin

oviparity n • oviparitate

oviparous adj • ovipare

ovoid adj • ovoide

ovoviviparous [Zool] adj • ovovivipare

ovular ovular [Bot/Physiol] adj • ovular

ovulate v • ovular

ovulation [Biol] n • ovulation

ovule [Bot/Physiol] n • ovulo

ovum [Biol] n • ovo

ovum n • ovo

ow interj • eheu

owe v • deber

owing adj • debite

owing, due adj • debite

owing, due adj • debite (dé-) (pp of deber)

owing-to conj • a causa de, gratias a

owing-to conj • gratias a, a causa de

owl n • uluco (ù-)

owl n • uluco

own adj • proprie

own (admit) v • admitter

own (possess) v • posseder

owner n • possessor, proprietario

owner n • proprietario, possessor

owner, proprietor n • proprietario

ownership, dominion, dominium (absolute) n • dominio

ownership n • proprietate, possession

ownership n • possession, proprietate

ownership n • proprietate

own-up v • confessar

ox (castrated male bovine quadruped) n • bove

ox n • bove

oxalamide, oxamide [Chem] n • oxamido (-à-)

oxalamide, oxamide [Chem] n • oxalamido

oxalamide, oxamide [Chem] n • oxamido

oxalamide, oxamide [Chem] n • oxalamido (-là-)

oxalate [Chem] n • oxalato

oxalic [Chem] adj • oxalic

Oxalidaceae [Bot] n • oxalidaceas

oxalidaceous [Bot] adj • oxalidacee

Oxalis [Bot] n • oxalide

Oxalis [Bot] n • oxalide (-àl-)

oxalis, wood sorrel n • oxalide (-àl-)

oxalis, wood sorrel n • oxalide

oxalite [Mineral] n • oxalite

oxalonitrate [Chem] n • oxaloitrato

oxamide, oxalamide [Chem] n • oxamido

oxamide, oxalamide [Chem] n • oxalamido

oxamide, oxalamide [Chem] n • oxamido (-à-)

oxamide, oxalamide [Chem] n • oxalamido (-là-)

oxen n • boves

oxidate, oxidize v • oxydar

oxidation n • oxydation

oxide n • oxydo (òx-)

oxide n • oxydo

oxidizable adj • oxydabile

oxidization n • oxydation

oxidize, oxidate v • oxydar

oxidize v • oxydar

oxtail n • cauda de bove

oxy- (as in oxytone)</b> Chem]</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] adj • oxy-

oxyacetylene adj/n • oxyacetylenic

oxygen n • oxygeno

oxygen n • oxygeno (-ìgeno)

oxygenate v • oxygenar

oxygenation n • oxygenation

oxysulphide [Chem] n • oxysulfido (-sùl-)

oxysulphide [Chem] n • oxysulfido

oxytone [Phonet] adj • oxytone

oyster n • ostrea

oyster bed n • ostreiera (-yéra)

oyster bed n • ostreiera

oyster culture, ostreiculture n • ostreicultura

oyster grower, oyster-culturist n • ostreicultor

oyster-bed n • ostreiera

oyster-culturist, oyster grower n • ostreicultor

oystergrowing, ostreicultural adj • ostreicola (-ì-)

oystergrowing, ostreicultural adj • ostreicola

oysterman n • ostrero

ozena [Pathol] n • ozena

ozocerite [Mineral] n • ozocerite

ozone n • ozono

ozonize v • ozonisar

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