Eid n

From Interlingua



n (letter -) n • littera n (en)

nabob (1.</b> Indian Admin]; 2. very wealthy person) n • nabab

nadir (fig) n • nadir

nadir n • nadir

naevoid, nevoid [Pathol] adj • nevoide

naevus, nevus [Pathol] n • nevo

nag (complain) vi • planger se constantemente

nag n • cavallastro

nag (of conscience) v • remorder

nag (reproach) vt • reprochar

nagging n • reproches

nagging (of pain) adj • constante, irritante

nagging (of pain) adj • irritante, constante

nagging (of people) adj • criticante

nail [Anat] • ungula

nail (fix or fasten with nails) v • clavar

nail (metal) n • clavo

nail (of a finger or toe) n • ungula (ùngula)

nail (of a finger or toe) n • ungula

nail (of a finger or toe) n • ungue

nail v • clavar

nail mold n • claviera

nailbrush n • brossetta pro le ungulas

nailer, nail-smith n • clavero

nailfile n • lima pro le ungulas

nail-smith, nailer n • clavero

nail-varnish n • smalt pro le ungulas

naive adj • naive (naìve)

naive adj • naive

naiveness, naiveté n • naivitate

naivete n • naivitate

naiveté, naiveness n • naivitate

naked adj • nude

naked, nude, bare adj • nude

nakedness n • nuditate

nakedness, nudity n • nuditate

namby-pamby adj • affectate, insipide

namby-pamby adj • insipide, affectate

name, call v • nominar

name, call v • appellar

name (christian/first -) n • prenomine

name, designate, denominate v • denominar

name (in the - of) phr • in nomine de

name n • nomine

name v • nominar

nameless adj • sin nomine

namely adv • a saper

namesake n • homonymo

Namibia [Geog] n • Namibia

nanny (grandmother) n • granmamma

nanny (nurse) n • governante

nanny-goat n • capra

nant ((with child or young) filled with meaning, significant) adj • pregnante (ppr of pregnar)

nant ((with child or young) filled with meaning, significant) adj • pregnante

nap (have a -) v • facer un parve somno

nap (of cloth) n • pilo

nap, pile (of cloth, velvet) n • pilo

nap (sleep) n • parve somno, siesta

nap (sleep) n • siesta, parve somno

nap v • dormir legiermente

napalm n • napalm

naphtha n • naphtha

naphthaline n • naphthalina

naphthol n • naphthol

napkin n • servietta

napkin (table napkin) n • servietta

Naples n • Neapole

Naples n • Napoli

nappy n • panno

narcissism n • narcissismo

narcissus n • narcisso

narcosis n • narcose

narcotic adj • narcotic

narcotic n • narcoti

narcotic n • narcotico

narcotine n • narcotina

narcotism n • narcotismo

narcotization n • narcotisation

narcotize v • narcotisar

nard, spikenard n • nardo

nardine (of or pertaining to nard) adj • nardin

narghile, nargileh n • nargile

narghile, nargileh n • nargile (-lé)

nargileh, narghile n • nargile (-lé)

nargileh, narghile n • nargile

narrate, expound, explain v • enarrar

narrate v • narrar

narration, exposition n • enarration

narration n • narration

narrative adj • narrative

narrative n • narration

narrator n • narrator

narrow (grow narrower) vi • devenir plus stricte

narrow (limited) adj • limitate

narrow (not wide) adj • stricte

narrow (of little breadth) adj • stricte

narrow (restrict itself) v • restringer se

narrow vt • limitar, restringer

narrow vt • restringer, limitar

narrowly (closely) adv • strictemente

narrowly (only just) adv • per un pilo

narrow-minded adj • illiberal, intolerante

narrow-minded adj • intolerante, illiberal

narrowness n • strictessa

narrows n • stricto

narrows, straits n • stricto

nasal (1. as in nasal duct; 2.</b> Phonet]) adj • nasal

nasal adj • nasal

nasal quality, nasality n • nasalitate

nasality, nasal quality n • nasalitate

nasalize v • nasalisar

nasally adv • per naso, nasalmente

nasally adv • nasalmente, per naso

nascent, dawning adj • nascente

nascent, dawning adj • nascente (ppr of nascer)

nastily adv • disagradabilemente

nastiness n • character disagradabile, obscenitate

nastiness n • obscenitate, character disagradabile

nasturtium [Bot] n • cappucina

nasturtium [Bot] n • nasturtio

nasturtium n • nasturtio

nasty adj • disagradabile, nauseabunde

nasty adj • nauseabunde, disagradabile

nasty (turn -) v • devenir disagradabile

natant adj • natante

natant adj • natante (ppr of natar)

natation, swimming n • natation

natatorial, natatory adj • natatori

natatory, natatorial adj • natatori

nation n • nation

national adj • national

national n • regnicola

national, subject, citizen (of a country) n • regnicola

national, subject, citizen (of a country) n • regnicola (-nì-)

national-anthem n • hymno national

national-insurance n • assecurantia statal

nationalism n • nationalismo

nationalist n • nationalista

nationality n • nationalitate

nationalization n • nationalisation

nationalize (convert into national property) v • nationalisar

nationally adv • nationalmente

national-service n • servicio militar

nationwide adj • a scala national, national

nationwide adj • national, a scala national

native (1. as in native wit; 2. native-born) adj • native

native adj • native, natal

native adj • natal, native

native (connected with one's birth) adj • natal

native n • indigena

native n • indigena, nativo

native n • nativo

native n • indigena (-dì-)

native n • nativo, indigena

native country, fatherland n • patria

native-country n • patria

native-language n • lingua maternal

nativism (1. prejudice in favor of natives against foreigners; 2.</b> Philos]) n • nativismo

nativist (1. a partisan of nativism in the treatment of foreigners; 2.</b> Philos]) n • nativista

nativity n • nativitate

natlonalize v • nationalisar

natrium, sodium n • natrium

natrium, sodium n • natrium (nà-)

natrolite [Mineral] n • natrolitho (-ò-)

natrolite [Mineral] n • natrolitho

natron n • natron (nà-)

natron n • natron

natural adj • natural

natural, connatural, inborn adj • connatural

natural n • mus

natural (sign)</b> Mus;] n • bequadro

natural inclination, bent, propensity n • propension

natural-gas n • methano

naturalism (1. conformity with nature; 2.</b> Philos]; 3.</b> Lit. or Art]) n • naturalismo

naturalist (1. a student of natural history; 2. an adherent of naturalism in philosophy; 3. a representative of naturalism in art or literature) n • naturalista

naturalistic (1. as in naturalistic principlcs in art; 2.</b> Philos]; 3. of or pertaining to natural history) adj • naturalistic

naturalization n • naturalisation

naturalize (1. to naturalize a foreigner; 2. to acclimatize) v • naturalisar

naturalize v • naturalisar

naturally (1. in a natural way; 2. by nature; 3. of course) adv • naturalmente

naturally adv • naturalmente

naturalness n • naturalitate

nature (1. the nature of a being or person; 2. the material world and its phenomena) n • natura

nature (by -) adv • de natura

nature, inborn quality (of a person or thing) n • physis

nature, inborn quality (of a person or thing) n • physis (fì-)

nature n • natura

nau- (ship)</b> occurring in compounds] n • nau-

naught (come to -) v • abortar

naught n • nihil, nil, zero

naught n • zero, nihil, nil

naught n • nil, zero, nihil

naught, nought n • nihil, nil

naught, nought n • nil, nihil

naughtiness n • malitia, mal conducta

naughtiness n • mal conducta, malitia

naughty adj • mal

naumachy [Rom. Antiq] n • naumachia (-ìa)

naumachy [Rom. Antiq] n • naumachia

Nauru [Geog] n • Nauru

nausea n • nausea

nauseate (feel nausea) v • nausear

nauseate v • nausear

nauseating adj • nauseose, nauseabunde

nauseating adj • nauseabunde, nauseose

nauseating, nauseous adj • nauseabunde

nauseous, nauseating adj • nauseabunde

nautical adj • nautic

nautical adj • nautic (nàu-)

nautilus n • nautilo

nautilus n • nautilo (nàu-)

naval (- officer) n • officiero de marina

naval adj • naval

nave [Arch] n • nave

nave n • nave

navel n • umbilico

navel, umbilicus [Anat] n • umbilico (-ìco)

navel, umbilicus [Anat] n • umbilico

navigability n • navigabilitate

navigable (as in navigable stream) adj • navigabile

navigate, sail (as in to navigate or sail the seas) v • navigar

navigate v • navigar

navigation (1.</b> Naut/Aeronaut] (act or practice of navigating; 2. act or science of navigation) n • navigation

navigation n • navigation

navigation (the art or science of) n • nautica (nàu-)

navigation (the art or science of) n • nautica

navigational adj • navigational

navigator n • navigator

navigator (one who sails the seas) n • navigator

navvy n • peon, travaliator, laborator

navvy n • travaliator, laborator, peon

navvy n • laborator, peon, travaliator

navvy n • laborator, peon, travaliator (sur le camminos)

navvy n • travaliator (sur le camminos), laborator, peon

navvy n • peon, travaliator (sur le camminos), laborator

navy n • flotta

navy n • flotta, marina de guerra

navy n • marina de guerra, flotta

navy-blue n • blau marin

Nazarene adj • nazaren

Nazarene n • nazareno

Nazareth n • Nazareth (nà-)

Nazareth n • Nazareth

Nazi n • nazi

Nazi n • nazi (-ts-)

Nazism n • nazismo

Neapolitan adj • neapolitan

Neapolitan n • neapolitano

near adv • presso

near, at hand adv • propter

near, at hand adv • propter (pròp-)

near (intimate) adj • intime

near, near by adv • juxta

near, near to, next to prep • juxta

near (nearby) adj • proxime, vicin

near (nearby) adj • vicin, proxime

near, neighboring adj • propinque

near, neighboring, adjoining adj • vicin

near prep • apud, presso

near prep • presso, apud

near v • approximar se a

near, with, at, by prep • apud (à-)

near, with, at, by prep • apud

near by, near adv • juxta

near to, next to, near prep • juxta

nearby adj • vicin

near-by adv/prep • presso

near-east n • levante, proxime oriente

near-east n • proxime oriente, levante

nearly adv • quasi

nearly, almost adv • quasi

nearly (I - did it) phr • io esseva al puncto de facer lo

nearsighted adj • myope

near-sighted, myopic, short-sighted adj • myope

near-sightedness, myopia, short-sightedness n • myopia

near-sightedness, myopia, short-sightedness n • myopia (-ìa)

neasant n • paisano

neat, clear, pure adj • nitide

neat (clear, pure) adj • nette

neat (of spirits) adj • pur

neat (tidy) adj • nette

neatness, cleanness, cleanliness n • nettitate

neatness, clearness, pureness n • nitiditate

Nebuchadnezzar [Bib] n • Nabuchodonosor

nebula [Astron] n • nebulosa

nebula [Pathol] n • nebula (né-)

nebula [Pathol] n • nebula

nebular adj • nebular

nebulous adj • nebulose

nebulousness n • nebulositate

necessary adj • necesse

necessary adj • necessari

necessary adj • necesse, necessari

necessary adj • necessari, necesse

necessitate, force, compel (make necessary) v • necessitar

necessitate v • necessitar

necessity (1. fact or quality of being necessary; 2. need, want) n • necessitate

necessity n • necessitate

necessity (of -) adv • necessarimente

neck [Anat] n • collo

neck (make out) v • basiar se passionatemente

neck n • collo

neck (of violin) n • manico

necklace, collar (band, chain or the like, worn around the neck) n • collar

necklace n • collar

necktie n • cravata

necktie, scarf, cravat n • cravata

necro-, necr- (corpse, dead body)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • necro-

necrologic, necrological adj • necrologic

necrological, necrologic adj • necrologic

necrologue, necrology n • necrologo (-òlogo)

necrologue, necrology n • necrologo

necrology n • necrologia

necrology n • necrologia (-ìa)

necrology, necrologue n • necrologo (-òlogo)

necrology, necrologue n • necrologo

necromancer n • necromante

necromancy n • necromantia

necromancy n • necromantia (-ìa)

necromantic adj • necromantic

necrophagous adj • necrophage

necropolis, cemetery n • necropole

necropsy, autopsy [Med] n • necropsia (-ìa)

necropsy, autopsy [Med] n • necropsia

necroscopic, necroscopical adj • necroscopic

necroscopical, necroscopic adj • necroscopic

necrosis [Pathol] n • necrosis (-òsis)

necrosis [Pathol] n • necrosis

nectar (1.</b> Gr. Mythol]; 2.</b> Bot]) n • nectare

nectar n • nectare

nectarean, nectareous adj • nectarin

nectary [Bot] n • nectario

nee adj • nascite

need, be in need of v • indiger

need (deprivation) n • miseria, privation

need (deprivation) n • privation, miseria

need (have need of) v • haber besonio de

need (if - be) prep. phr • in caso de necessitate

need (lack) n • manco, carentia

need (lack) n • carentia, manco

need (lack) v • mancar, carer

need (lack) v • carer, mancar

need (must) v • deber

need, penury n • miseria

need (require) v • requirer

need (requirement) n • besonio, necessitate

need (requirement) n • necessitate, besonio

needful adj • necessari

needle n • agulia, aco

needle n • agulia

needle n • aco, agulia

needle n • aco

needleful (of thread) n • aguliata

needless adj • superflue, inutile

needless adj • inutile, superflue

needlework n • sutura

needy adj • necessitose

needy adj • indigente, necessitose

needy adj • necessitose, indigente

nefarious adj • infame

negate v • negar

negation n • negation

negative (1. not affirmative; 2. not positive) adj • negative

negative adj • negative

negative [Gram] n • negation

negative (negative proposition, statement, reply) n • negativa

negative [Photog. etc] n • negativo

negative (photog) n • negativo

negative [Photog] n • cliché

negative [Photog] n • cliché</b> F]

negative (reply) n • negativa

negativism n • negativismo

negativist n • negativista

neglect v • negliger

neglect v • negliger</b> -lig-/-lect-]

neglected adj • neglecte

negligee n • négligé</b> F]

negligee n • négligé

negligence n • negligentia

negligent adj • negligente

negligent adj • negligente (ppr of negliger)

negligible adj • insignificante, negligibile

negligible adj • negligibile, insignificante

negotiability n • negotiabilitate

negotiable [Commer] adj • negotiabile

negotiate (1. to talk over and arrange terms for; 2. to convert into cash) v • negotiar

negotiate v • negotiar

negotiation n • negotiation

negotiation, negotiating n • negotio

negotiation, negotiating n • negotiation

negotiator n • negotiator

negress n • negra

negro adj • negro

negro n • negro

Negro n • negro

negroid adj • negroide

Negus n • negus

Negus n • negus (né-)

neigh n • hinnimento

neigh v • hinnir

neigh, whinny v • hinnir

neighbor [Bib] n • proximo

neighbor, border upon v • vicinar

neighbor, border upon v • avicinar

neighbor n • vicino

neighbor, neighbour n • vicino

neighborhood n • vicinitate

neighborhood, vicinity (1. nearness; 2. region, surroundings) n • vicinitate

neighboring, adjoining adj • vicinal

neighboring, adjoining, near adj • vicin

neighboring, near adj • propinque

neighbor-on v • vicinar

neighbouring n • vicin, vicinal, vicinante

neighbouring n • vicinante, vicin, vicinal

neighbouring n • vicinal, vicinante, vicin

neighing, whinnying n • hinnimento

neighrorly adj • de bon vicino, amical

neighrorly adj • amical, de bon vicino

neighrorly (in a - way) adv • de forma amical, amicalmente

neighrorly (in a - way) adv • amicalmente, de forma amical

neither adj • necun (del duo)

neither adj • necun

neither adv/conj • nec, ni

neither adv/conj • ni, nec

neither indef pron • neutro

neither pron • ni le uno ni le altere, neutro

neither pron • neutro, ni le uno ni le altere

neither...nor conj • ni ... ni

nemathelminth n • nemathelminthe

nemathelminth n • nemathelminthe</b> Zool]

nemato-, nemat- (thread)</b> occurring in compounds] n • nemat-

Nemesis [Gr. Relig] n • Nemesis

Nemesis [Gr. Relig] n • Nemesis (né-)

neocolonialism n • neocolonialismo

neocolonialist n • neocolonialista

Neo-Latin adj • neolatin

Neo-Latin n • neolatino

neolith [Archeol] n • neolitho (-ò-)

neolith [Archeol] n • neolitho

neolithic [Archeol] adj • neolithic

neological adj • neologic

neologism n • neologismo

neologism (new word or expression) n • neologismo

neologist n • neologista

neology (use of new words) n • neologia (-ìa)

neology (use of new words) n • neologia

neon adj • neon

neon [Chem] n • neon

neon [Chem] n • neon (né-)

neon lights n • lumines de neon

neophyte n • neophyto

neophyte n • neophyto (-ò-)

neoplasm [Med] n • neoplasma

Neoplatonic adj • neoplatonic

Neoplatonism n • neoplatonismo

Neoplatonist n • neoplatonico

Nepal [Geog] n • Nepal

nephew n • nepote

nephew n • nepto

nephritic adj • nephritic

nephritis [Pathol] n • nephritis (-ìtis)

nephritis [Pathol] n • nephritis

nephro-, nephr- (kidney)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • nephro-

nephrocele [Pathol] n • nephrocele

nepotism (favoritism in regard to relatives) n • nepotismo

nepotism n • nepotismo

Neptune (1.</b> Rom. Relig]; 2.</b> Astron]) n • Neptuno

Neptune (Planet) n • Neptuno

neptunian [Geol] adj • neptunian

Neptunism [Gcol] n • neptunismo

neptunist [Geol] n • neptunista

neptunium [Chem] n • neptunium (-tùn-)

neptunium [Chem] n • neptunium

nervation, nervature n • nervation

nervature, nervation n • nervatura

nerve (1. as in a man of nerve; 2.</b> Anat]) n • nervo

nerve [Anat] n • nervo

nerve (cheek) n • audacia

nerve (courage) n • valor

nerve, nervure [Bot/Entom] n • nervura

nerve v • dar corage a, fortificar

nerve v • fortificar, dar corage a

nerve-racking adj • horripilante

nervine (having the quality of acting on the nerves)</b> Med] adj • nervin

nervous (1. muscular; 2. pertaining to the nerves; 3 . highly strung, irritable) adj • nervose

nervous adj • nervose

nervous diathesis [Med] n • nervosismo

nervous-breakdown n • collapso nervose

nervousness n • nervositate

nervous-system n • systema nervose

nervure, nerve [Bot/Entom] n • nervura

nervy adj • irritabile

neso- (island)</b> occurring in compounds] n • neso-

nest n • nido

nest (of a bird, mouse) n • nido

nest v • annidar

nest v • annidar (se)

nest egg, savings n • peculio

nest-building n • nidification

nestle v • annidar se, installar se commodemente

nestle v • installar se commodemente, annidar se

net adj • nette

net (as in fish net, hair net) n • rete

net (as in to make a living by netting purses) v • maliar

net (catch) v • prender con un rete

net (gain) v • ganiar como profito, reportar nette

net (gain) v • reportar nette, ganiar como profito

net n • reticulo, rete

net n • rete, reticulo

Netherlands [Geog] n • Pais Basse, Nederlandia

Netherlands [Geog] n • Nederlandia, Pais Basse

nettle (annoy) v • piccar

nettle (bio) n • urtica

nettle (sting) v • urticar

nettle, urtica n • urtica (-tìca)

nettle, urtica n • urtica

nettle, urticate v • urticar

nettle rash, urticaria [Pathol] n • urticaria

nettle-rash n • urticaria

network (-) v • facer rete

network (as in a network of railroads) n • rete

network n • rete

neume [Medieval Mus] n • pneuma

neume [Medieval Mus] n • pneuma</b> -ma/-mat-]

neural adj • nerval

neuralgia n • neuralgia

neuralgia n • neuralgia (-ìa)

neuralgic adj • neuralgic

neurasthenia n • neurasthenia

neurasthenia n • neurasthenia (-ìa)

neurasthenic adj • neurasthenic

neurasthenic n • neurasthenico

neuritis [Med] n • neuritis

neuritis [Med] n • neuritis (-ìtis)

neurological adj • neurologic

neurological adj • neuropathologic

neurologist n • neurologo

neurologist n • neurologo (-òlogo)

neurologist n • neurologista

neurologist, neuropath n • neuropathologo

neurologist, neuropath n • neuropathologo (-òlogo)

neurology n • neurologia

neurology n • neurologia (-ìa)

neurology n • neuropathologia (-ìa)

neurology n • neuropathologia

neuroma [Med] n • neuroma

neuron [Anat] n • neuron

neuron [Anat] n • neuron (neu-)

neuropath, neurologist n • neuropathologo (-òlogo)

neuropath, neurologist n • neuropathologo

neurosis n • neurosis (-òsis)

neurosis n • neurosis

neurotic adj • neurotic

neuter (1.</b> Biol]; 2.</b> Gram]) adj • neutre

neuter adj • neutre

neuter n • genere neutre

neuter v • sterilisar

neutral (1. not taking either side in a dispute, war; 2.</b> Chem.l; 3.</b> Elec] (neither positive nor negative) adj • neutre

neutral adj/n • neutral

neutral n • neutral

neutral (not taking either side in a dispute, war) adj • neutral

neutrality (1. state of not taking either side in adispute, war; 2.</b> Chem]) n • neutralitate

neutrality n • neutralitate

neutralization n • neutralisation

neutralize v • neutralisar

neutrally adv • neutralmente

neutron n • neutron

neutron [Phys] n • neutron

neutron [Phys] n • neutron (-òn)

never adv • nunquam (nùnquam)

never adv • nunquam

never adv • nunquam jammais

never-ending adj • eterne, perpetue

never-ending adj • perpetue, eterne

never-mind v. phr • non importa!

nevermore adv • non... plus jammais

nevertheless adv • nonobstante

nevertheless conj • nonobstante

Nevis [Geog] n • Nevis

nevoid, naevoid [Pathol] adj • nevoide

nevus, naevus [Pathol] n • nevo

new (1. not existing before; 2. not yet used or worn) adj • nove

new adj • nove

new (happy - year!) interj • felice anno nove

new, novel adj • novelle

New Guinea n • Nove Guinea (ginéa)

New Guinea n • Nove Guinea

new moon (phase or period of new moon) n • novilunio

New Orleans n • Nove Orleans

New York n • Nove York

New York n • New York

New York n • New York</b> A]

New Zealand n • Nove Zelanda

New Zealand (of) adj • neozelandese

New Zealander n • neozelandese

newborn n • neonate neonato

newborn baby n • neonato

New-Brunswick [Geog] n • Nove Brunswick, New Brusnswick

New-Brunswick [Geog] n • New Brusnswick, Nove Brunswick

New-Caledonia [Geog] n • New Caledonia, Nove Caledonia

New-Caledonia [Geog] n • Nove Caledonia, New Caledonia

newcomer n • nove venito

Newfoundland [Geog] n • Newfoundland

New-Hampshire [Geog] n • Nove Hampshire, New Hampshire

New-Hampshire [Geog] n • New Hampshire, Nove Hampshire

New-Jersey [Geog] n • New Jersey, Nove Jersey

New-Jersey [Geog] n • Nove Jersey, New Jersey

newly, lately, recently adv • nuper (nù-)

newly, lately, recently adv • nuper

newly n • recentemente, novemente

newly n • novemente, recentemente

newly broken [Agr] adj • noval

newly wed n • sponso

newly wed n • sponsa

newlywed n • sposo

newlywed n • sposa

New-Mexico [Geog] n • New Mexico, Nove Mexico

New-Mexico [Geog] n • Nove Mexico, New Mexico

new-moon n • novilunio

newness n • novitate

newness, novelty n • novellitate

newness, novelty n • novitate

news n • notitias, actualitates, novas

news n • actualitates, novas, notitias

news n • novas, notitias, actualitates

news (piece of -) n • nova

news-agency n • agentia de pressa

news-agent n • venditor de periodicos

news-bulletin n • bulletin de novas

news-group [Comp] n • gruppo de novas

news-paper n • jornal, periodico

news-paper n • periodico, jornal

newspaper n • jornal

news-reel n • film de notitias, notitial, film de actualitates

news-reel n • film de actualitates, film de notitias, notitial

news-reel n • notitial, film de actualitates, film de notitias

news-server [Comp] n • servitor de novas

news-stand n • kiosque

news-thread [Comp] n • filo de novas

newt n • triton

new-testament n • scripturas grec, nove testamento

new-testament n • nove testamento, scripturas grec

new-year's-day n • die del anno nove

new-year's-eve n • vigilia de sancte silvestro

New-York adj • neoyorkese

New-York [Geog] n • New York

New-Zealand adj • neozelandese

New-Zealand [Geog] n • Nove Zealand

next adj • proxime, sequente

next adj • sequente, proxime

next adv • postea

next (as in next week) adj • proxime

next (as in next week) adj • proxime (pròx-)

next, following adj • sequente (ppr of sequer)

next, following adj • sequente

next, thereafter adv • deinde (déin-)

next, thereafter adv • deinde

next to, near, near to prep • juxta

next to last, penultimate adj • penultime (-nùl-]

next-day n • die sequente

next-door adj • vicin

next-door adv • in le casa vicin

next-of-kin n • parente plus proxime

next-to adv • presso a

next-to-last adj • penultime

next-to-nothing adv • puncta de penna, quasi nihil, nie becco de pluma

next-to-nothing adv • quasi nihil, nie becco de pluma, puncta de penna

next-to-nothing adv • nie becco de pluma, puncta de penna, quasi nihil

nexus, connection n • nexo

Nicaragua [Geog] n • Nicaragua

nice (delicate) adj • subtil, delicate

nice (delicate) adj • delicate, subtil

nice (exact) adj • exacte

nice (likeable) n • sympathic, gentil

nice (likeable) n • gentil, sympathic

nice (of weather) adj • belle, bon

nice (of weather) adj • bon, belle

nice, pleasant adj • gentil

nice (pleasant) adj • affabile, amabile

nice (pleasant) adj • amabile, affabile

nice point of honor, punctilio n • punctilio

nicely adv • con precision, con delicatessa

nicely adv • con delicatessa, con precision

niceness (exactness) n • exactitude

niceness n • affabilitate, gentilessa

niceness n • gentilessa, affabilitate

niceness, pleasantness n • gentilessa

nice-touch phr • detalio gentil

niche n • niche

niche n • niche</b> F]

niche, put in a niche v • nichar

niche, put in a niche v • nichar (-sh-)

nick (in the - of time) adv • justo a tempore

nick n • sectura

nick (old -) n • le diablo

nick v • insecar

nickefiferous adj • nickelifere

nickel (1. the metal nickel; 2. a nickel coin) n • nickel

nickel-plate v • nickelar

nickel-plate (ware) n • nickelatura

nickel-plated n • nickelate

nickel-plating n • nickelage

nickel-plating n • nickelage (-aje)

nickname n • supernomine

nickname v • supernominar

Nicotiana [Bot] n • nicotiana

nicotine n • nicotina

nicotinic adj • nicotinic

nicotinism [Pathol] n • nicotinismo

niece n • nepta

Niger [Geog] n • Niger

Nigeria [Geog] n • Nigeria

nigerian adj • nigerian

nigerian n • nigeriano

niggardly adv • parsimoniose

niggle (annoy) v • irritar

niggle (cavil) v • preoccucar se de cosas insignificante, cavillar

niggle (cavil) v • cavillar, preoccucar se de cosas insignificante

niggling (annoying) adj • irritante

niggling (trifling) adj • insignificante

night (by -) adv • de nocte.

night (darkness) n • nocte

night (length of - time) n • noctata

night n • nocte

night, whole night, night's time n • noctata

night-cap (dress) n • bonetto de nocte

night-cap (drink) n • bibita

night-club n • cabaret

night-dress n • camisa de nocte

night-fall n • crepusculo

nightingale n • rossiniolo

nightly adj • nocturne, de nocte, de vespere

nightly adj • de vespere, nocturne, de nocte

nightly adj • de nocte, de vespere, nocturne

nightly adv • cata nocte, cata vespere

nightly adv • cata vespere, cata nocte

night-mape n • incubo

night's time, night, whole night n • noctata

nightshade [Bot] n • solano

night-shift n • torno de nocte

night-shirt n • camisa de nocte

night-time n • nocte

night-watchman n • guarda de nocte

nihilism n • nihilismo

nihilist n • nihilista

nil n • nil, nihil

nil n • nihil, nil

Nile [Geog] n • Nilo

nimble adj • agile, legier

nimble adj • legier, agile

nimble, agile, fleet adj • legier

nimble, agile, fleet adj • legier (-jér)

nimble, quick, agile adj • preste

nimbleness, agility, fleetness n • legieressa (-jer-)

nimbleness, agility, fleetness n • legieressa

nimbleness n • legieressa, agilitate

nimbleness n • agilitate, legieressa

nimbleness, quickness, agility n • prestessa

nincompoop n • imbecille

nine adj • nove

nine Num • novem, nove

nine Num • nove, novem

ninefold adj • nonuple

ninefold adj • nonuple (nù-)

nineteen adj • dece-nove

nineteen Num • dece-nove, dece-novem

nineteen Num • dece-novem, dece-nove

nineteenth adj • dece-none

nineteenth adj • dece-none (-nò-)

nineteenth adj • dece-novesime (-ésime)

nineteenth adj • dece-novesime

nineteenth n • dece-none parte

nineteenth Num • dece-none

ninetieth adj • novantesime (-ésime)

ninetieth adj • novantesime

ninetieth Num • novantesimo

ninety adj • novanta

ninety Num • novanta

Nineveh n • Ninive (nì-)

Nineveh n • Ninive

Ninevite n • ninivita

ninth adj • novesime

ninth adj • novesime (-ésime)

ninth adj • none

ninth n • none parte

ninth Num • none

nip (bite) n • morsura

nip (bite) v • piccar, morder

nip (bite) v • morder, piccar

nip (drink) n • gutta

nip (go) v • ir presto

nippers, vise, clamp, tongs, pincers n • tenalia

nipple n • papilla

Nippon n • Nipon

Nippon n • Nipon</b> J]

nippy (of person) adj • rapide, agile, alerte

nippy (of person) adj • agile, alerte, rapide

nippy (of person) adj • alerte, rapide, agile

nippy (of wind) adj • aspere, piccante

nippy (of wind) adj • piccante, aspere

nirvana n • nirvana</b> Skr]

nirvana n • nirvana

niter, saltpeter n • salnitro

nitrate n • nitrato

nitric adj • nitric

nitride n • nitrido

nitrification n • nitrification

nitrify v • nitrificar

nitrite n • nitrito

nitrobacterium n • nitrobacterio

nitrobenzene, nitrobenzol n • nitrobenzina

nitrocellulose n • nitrocellulosa

nitrogen n • nitrogeno

nitrogen n • nitrogeno (-ò-)

nitroglycerin n • nitroglycerina

nitroglycerine n • nitroglycerina

nitrous (1. of niter; 2.</b> Chem] (containing nitrogen) adj • nitrose

nitrous, saltpetrous adj • salnitrose

nitwit adj • imbecille

Niue [Geog] n • Niue

Nivse [Fr. Hist] n • nivoso

nlbble v • beccar, morder

nlbble v • morder, beccar

nlckel n • nickel

no adj • nulle

no adv • non

no adv • no

no!, by no means, not in the least adv • minime

no!, by no means, not in the least adv • minime (mì-)

no (I have - money) phr • io non ha alcun moneta, io ha necun moneta

no (I have - money) phr • io ha necun moneta, io non ha alcun moneta

no, not any adj • nulle

no (opposite of ``yes) (no) • no

no one, nobody pron • nemo

no one, none, nobody pron • nec-uno

Noah n • Noe

Noah n • Noe (-é)

Noah's Ark n • Arca de Noe

nobiliary adj • nobiliari

nobility (1. nobility of birth, rank, mind, character; 2. body of nobles in a country) n • nobilitate

nobility n • nobilitate

noble (1. noble in rank, title or birth; 2. noble in character) adj • nobile

noble adj • gentil

noble adj/n • nobile

noble, nobleman, noblewoman n • nobile

nobleman n • gentilhomine

nobleman n • nobile

nobleman, noblewoman, noble n • nobile

noblewoman, noble, nobleman n • nobile

nobody, no one, none pron • nec-uno

nobody, no one pron • nemo

nobody (nonentity) n • nullitate

nobody pron • nemo, necuno

nobody pron • necuno, nemo

noctambulous adj • noctambule

noctivagous, noctivagant adj • noctivage

noctivagous, noctivagant adj • noctivage (-tì-)

noctule [Zool] n • noctula

nocturn [Eccl] n • nocturno

nocturnal adj • nocturne

nocturnally adv • nocturnemente

nocturne [Mus] n • nocturno

nod n • outation, signo del testa

nod n • signo del testa, outation

nod v • nutar

node [Astron] n • nodo

node n • nodo

nodosity (1. knottiness; 2. knotty swelling or protuberance) n • nodositate

nodular adj • nodular

nodule n • nodulo

noise, din n • strepito

noise, din n • ruito (-ìto)

noise, din n • strepito (stré-)

noise, din n • ruito

noise (make a -) v • strepitar

noise, make a harsh, shrill v • strider

noise n • stridor, ruito, strepido

noise n • strepido, stridor, ruito

noise n • ruito, strepido, stridor

noise v • critar, publicar

noise v • publicar, critar

noisy adj • strepitose

noisy adj • ruitose

noisy adj • rumorose

noisy adj • ruitose, strepitose

noisy adj • strepitose, ruitose

no-longer phr • non... jam

nomad adj/n • nomade

nomad n • nomade

nomad n • nomade (nò-)

nomad, nomadic adj • nomade (nò-)

nomad, nomadic adj • nomade

nomadic adj • nomade

nomadism n • nomadismo

nomenclator (1.</b> Rom. Antiq]; 2. one concerned with the nomenclature of a subject) n • nomenclator

nomenclature n • nomenclatura

nomenclature (system of names used in classifications) n • nomenclatura

nomic (customary, conventional) adj • nomic

nominal (1. pertaining to a name or names; 2. existing in name only; 3.</b> Gram] (pertaining to a noun or nouns) adj • nominal

nominal adj • nominal

nominalism [Philos] n • nominalismo

nominalist [Philos] n • nominalista

nominally adv • in nomine, nominalmente

nominally adv • nominalmente, in nomine

nominate (appoint) v • nominar

nominate v • proponer, nominar

nominate v • nominar, proponer

nomination, appointment n • nomination

nomination n • nomination, presentation

nomination n • presentation, nomination

nominative (1. bearing the name of a person; 2.</b> Gram]) adj • nominative

nominative adj • nominative nominativo

nominative [Gram] n • nominativo

nominator (one who nominates) n • nominator

nominee n • candidato, nominato

nominee n • nominato, candidato

nomo- (law)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • nomo-

nomocracy n • nomocratia

nomocracy n • nomocratia (-ìa)

nomology n • nomologia (-ìa)

nomology n • nomologia

no-more phr • non ... plus

nonacceptance n • non-acceptation

nonagenarian adj • nonagenari

non-aggression pact n • pacto de non-aggression

non-attendance n • absentia

nonchalance n • nonchalance

nonchalance n • nonchalance, disinvoltura

nonchalance n • nonchalance</b> F]

nonchalance n • disinvoltura, nonchalance

nonchalant adj • nonchalant, disinvolte

nonchalant adj • nonchalant</b> F]

nonchalant adj • disinvolte, nonchalant

nonchalant adj • nonchalant

nonclaimable adj • irreclamabile

non-combattant adj • non-combattente

non-committal adj/n • neutre, reservate

non-committal adj/n • reservate, neutre

non-commlssioned n • officer subofficiero

nonconformist adj/n • nonconformista

nonconformist n • nonconformista

nonconformity n • nonconformitate

nondescript adj • indefinibile, inclassificabile

nondescript adj • inclassificabile, indefinibile

none adj • nulle

none, nobody, no one pron • nec-uno

none, not any adj • necun

none (people) pron • nemo, necuno

none (people) pron • necuno, nemo

none (things) n • nihil

nonentity n • persona insignificante, nullitate

nonentity n • nullitate, persona insignificante

none-such n • necuno

none-the-less adv • totevia

non-Euclidean [Math] adj • non-euclidian

non-existence n • non-existentia

non-existent adj • non-existente

non-fiction n • literatura non-fictional

non-flammable adj • non-flammabile

non-fulfillment, non-fulfilment n • non-execution

non-member n • non-membro

nonmoral, amoral adj • amoral

non-negotiable adj • non-negotiabile

non-observance, inobservance n • inobservantia

non-observance n • incomplimento

non-official adj • officiose

non-pareil adj • sin par, sin equal

non-pareil adj • sin equal, sin par

non-partisan adj • independente

non-party adj • independente

non-payment n • non-pagamento

nonplus v • disconcertar

nonplussed adj • disconcertate

non-profitmaking adj • sin scopo lucrative

nonsense n • nonsenso

nonsensical adj • absurde

nonsensically adv • absurdemente

non-smoking n • non fumator

non-stop adj • continue

non-stop adj • aeron

non-taxable adj • non-taxabile

non-voting adj • sin derecto de voto

nook (corner) n • angulo

nook (fig) n • angulo

noon n • meridie, mediedie

noon n • meridie

noon n • mediedie

noon n • mediedie (-dìe)

noon n • mediedie, meridie

noon n • meridie (-rì-)

no-one adj/pron • necuno, nemo

no-one adj/pron • nemo, necuno

noose n • nodo, lasso

noose n • lasso, nodo

nor conj • ni, nec

nor conj • nec, ni

Nordic adj • nordic

nor'easter n • tempesta del nord

nor'easter n • tempesta del nord (de Nove Angleterra)

Norfolk, - Island [Geog] n • Insula de Norfolk

norm n • norma

normal (1. at right angles, perpendicular; 2. conforming to a norm) adj • normal

normal adj/n • normal

normalcy, normality n • normalitate

normality, normalcy n • normalitate

normalize, make conformable to a norm v • normar

normalize v • normalisar

normally adv • normalmente

normal-school (teacher's college) n • schola normal

Norman (1. Norse invaders of France, Italy; 2. inhabitant of Normandy) n • normanno

norman adj • normanne

Norman adj • normanne

norman n • normanno

Normandy [Geog] n • Normandia

Normandy n • Normandia (-ìa)

Normandy n • Normandia

normative adj • normative

Norseman, Northman [Hist] n • normanno

north adj/n • nord

north n • nord

North-Africa [Geog] n • Nord-Africa, Africa del Nord

North-Africa [Geog] n • Africa del Nord, Nord-Africa

North-America [Geog] n • America del Nord, Nord-America

North-America [Geog] n • Nord-America, America del Nord

north-american adj • nordamerican

north-american n • nordamericano

North-Carolina [Geog] n • Nord Carolina

North-Dakota [Geog] n • Nord Dakota

north-east adj • del nord-est

north-east n • nord-est

northeast n • nord-est

northerly (of place) adv • al nord

northerly (of wind) adv • del nord

northern adj • septentrional, del nord

northern adj • septentrional

northern adj • del nord, septentrional

northerner n • habitante del nord

Northern-Ireland [Geog] n • Irlanda del Nord, Nord-Irlanda

Northern-Ireland [Geog] n • Nord-Irlanda, Irlanda del Nord

northern-lights n • aurora boreal

Northman, Norseman [Hist] n • normanno

North-Pole [Geog] n • Polo Nord

North-Sea [Geog] n • Mare Nord

north-west adj • del nord-west

north-west n • nord-west

northwest n • nord-west

Norway [Geog] n • Norvegia

Norway n • Norvega

Norwegian (1. native or inhabitant of Norway; 2. norwegian language) n • norvegiano

norwegian adj • norvegian

Norwegian adj • norvegian

norwegian n • norvegiano

nose (blow one's -) v • essugar le naso

nose (lead by the -) v • conducer per le naso

nose n • naso

nose (not to see much beyond one's -) phr • non vider multo ultra le naso

nose (of animal) n • muso

nose (of human) n • naso

nose (poke one's - into) v • mitter le naso in

nosebleed n • sanguinamento del naso

nose-shaped adj • nasiforme

nostalgia, homesickness n • nostalgia

nostalgia, homesickness n • nostalgia (-ìa)

nostalgia n • nostalgia

nostalgic adj • nostalgic

nosto-, nost- (return home)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • nosto-

nostril n • nare

nosy (impropriemente) adj • curiose

not adv • non

not; 2. conj lest adv • ne

not; 2. conj that not adv • ni

not any adj • nulle

not any, no adj • nulle

not any, none adj • necun

not any more phr • nunquam plus

not anywhere adv • nusquam

not at all adv • nullemente, non del toto

not at all adv • non del toto, nullemente

not at all, in no way adv • nullemente

not atoned, unexpiated, inexpiate, not expiated adj • inexpiate

not challengeable, not exceptionable, irrecusable [Law] adj • irrecusabile

not compact adj • incompacte

not decent, improper adj • inconveniente

not easily contented, not to be contented adj • incontentabile

not exceptionable, irrecusable, not challengeable [Law] adj • irrecusabile

not expiated, not atoned, unexpiated, inexpiate adj • inexpiate

not fusible, infusible adj • infusibile

not in the least, no!, by no means adv • minime (mì-)

not in the least, no!, by no means adv • minime

not intermittent adj • continente

not knowing, uninformed adj • insciente

not occupied, vacant adj • vacante (ppr of vacar)

not occupied, vacant adj • vacante

not only adv • non solmente

not oxidizable adj • inoxydabile

not punctilious, inexact adj • impunctual

not removable, irremovable adj • inamovibile

not saturable adj • insaturabile

not solid or firm, unsubstantial adj • inconsistente

not tactile, intactile adj • intactile

not to be contented, not easily contented adj • incontentabile

not to be found adj • introvabile

not to be hoped (for) adj • insperabile

not to know, be ignorant of v • ignorar

not transferable, untransferable adj • intransferibile

not transmissible adj • intransmissibile

not transmutable adj • intransmutabile

not utilized, unused adj • inutilisate

not wilting, not withering (not liable to wither or wilt) adj • immarcescibile

not withering, not wilting (not liable to wither or wilt) adj • immarcescibile

not yet adv • nondum, ancora non

not yet adv • nondum (nòn-)

not yet adv • ancora non, nondum

not yet adv • nondum

notability (1. quality of being notable; 2. prominent person, notable) n • notabilitate

notable adj • considerabile, eminente, notabile

notable adj • notabile

notable adj • eminente, notabile, considerabile

notable adj • notabile, considerabile, eminente

notacanthous, spiny-backed [Zool] adj • notacanthe

Notacanthus n • notacantho

notal, dorsal [Zool] adj • notal

notarial adj • notarial

notary n • notario

notation n • notation

notch, cut in v • insecar

notch, cut in v • insecar</b> -sec-/-sect-]

notch n • sectura

notch v • insecar

note (1. as in to take notes of a lecture; 2. annotation) n • nota

note (importance) n • importantia

note (make a - of) v • prender nota de

note (memo) n • memorandum

note n • mus

note n •</b> Commer]

note n •</b> Mus]

note, notice v • notar

note (observe) v • observar

note (short letter) n • billet

note (take note) v • notar

note (write down a note or notes of) v • notar

note (write down) v • scriber

notebook n • quaderno

noted adj • celebre

note-down v • notar, scriber

note-down v • scriber, notar

notepaper n • papiro a scriber

noteworthy adj • digne de attention

nothing (free, for -) adj • gratis

nothing (in vain) adj • in vano

nothing n • nihil, nil

nothing n • nil, nihil

nothing n • nil, nihil (nì-)

nothing n • nihil (nì-), nil

nothing (unwarranted) adv • gratuitemente

notice (1. observation, cognizance; 2. information or communication imparting knowledge) n • notitia

notice (advice) n • aviso-(announcement

notice (at short -) phr • a curte aviso

notice, note v • notar

notice (notification) n • notification, notitia, informe

notice (notification) n • notitia, informe, notification

notice (notification) n • informe, notification, notitia

notice (take no - of) phr • prestar nulle attention a, ignorar

notice (take no - of) phr • ignorar, prestar nulle attention a

notice (until further -) phr • usque nove aviso

notice v • observar, remarcar, notar

notice v • remarcar, notar, observar

notice v • notar, observar, remarcar

notice, warning n • advertimento

notice (warning) n • advertimento

notice-board n • tabula de annuncios

notification n • notification

notifier n • notificator

notify v • notificar

notion (concept, idea) n • notion

notion n • notion, idea

notion n • idea, notion

notional, conceptual adj • notional

notions, small ware n • merceria

notions, small ware n • merceria (-ìa)

notochord [Zool] n • notochordo

Notonecta, back swimmer [Zool] n • notonecta

not-only... but-also phr • non solmente... ma anque

notoriety (character of what is publicly or commonly known) n • notorietate

notoriety n • notorietate

notorious adj • notorie

notorious (publicly or commonly known) adj • notori

notum, back [Zool] n • noto

notwithstanding adv • totevia, tamen malgrado

notwithstanding adv • tamen malgrado, totevia

nought, naught n • nil, nihil

nought, naught n • nihil, nil

noun n • substantivo

noun n • nomine

noun, substantive n • substantivo

nourish (1. to sustain with food; 2. as in to nourish a hope) v • nutrir

nourish v • nutrir

nourisher n • nutritor

nourishing adj • nutriente

nourishing, alible, nutritive adj • alibile

nourishing (be -) v • nutrir

nourishing, nutrient adj • nutriente

nourishing, nutrient adj • nutriente (ppr of nutrir)

nourishment, alimentation n • alimentation

nourishment n • nutrimento, alimentation

nourishment n • alimentation, nutrimento

nourishment (sustenance, food) n • nutrimento

Nova-Scotia [Geog] n • Nove Scotia

novate [Law] v • novar

novation [Law] n • novation

novel adj • novelle, nove

novel adj • nove, novelle

novel [Lit] n • romance

novel n • romance, roman, novella

novel n • novella, romance, roman

novel n • roman, novella, romance

novel, new adj • novelle

novel [Rom. Law] n • novella

novelette, short story n • novella

novelette writer, short-story writer n • novellista

novelist n • romancero

novelist n • romancero, novellista

novelist n • novellista, romancero

novelty n • novitate, novellitate

novelty n • novellitate, novitate

novelty (new or novel thing) n • novitate

novelty, newness n • novellitate

novelty, newness n • novitate

November n • novembre

novena [Eccl] n • novena

Novial (IAL) n • novial

Novial (IAL) n • novial (Jespersen)

Novial n • novial

Novial n • novial</b> Nov]

Novialist n • novialista

novice (1.</b> Eccl]; 2. beginner) n • novicio

novice n • comenciante, novicio

novice n • novicio, comenciante

novitiate n • noviciato

now (an hour from -) phr • de hic a un hora

now (at present) adv • nunc, ora

now (at present) adv • ora, nunc

now (at the present time) adv • nunc

now (at the present time) adv • ora

now (from - on) phr • a parte de ora

now (in past time) adv • alora

now (just -) phr • justo nunc, actualmente

now (just -) phr • actualmente, justo nunc

now (right -) adv • ora mesmo

now (well) adv • alora

nowadays adv • hodie

now-and-then phr • de tempore in tempore

nowhere adv • nusquam (nùs-)

nowhere adv • nusquam, in nulle parte

nowhere adv • in nulle parte, nusquam

nowhere adv • nusquam

nowhere near adv • presso nulle parte

nowise adv • de nulle maniera

noxious adj • nocue

noxious, hurtful adj • nocue

nozzle n • imbuccatura, becco

nozzle n • becco, imbuccatura

N.R.I (Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judaeorum) Abbrev • INRI

nuance n • nuance

nuance, shade n • nuance

nuance, shade n • nuance</b> F]

Nubia n • Nubia

Nubian adj • nubie

Nubian n • nubio

nubiferous, cloud-bringing adj • nubifere

nubile, marriageable adj • nubile

nubility n • nubilitate

nucleal, nuclear adj • nucleal

nuclear adj • nucleari, nucleal

nuclear adj • nucleari

nuclear adj • nucleal, nucleari

nuclear, nucleal adj • nucleal

nuclear-energy n • energia nucleari

nucleate v • nuclear

nuclein [Chem] n • nucleina

nucleolus [Biol] n • nucleolo

nucleolus [Biol] n • nucleolo (-clé-)

nucleus (1. core, focus; 2.</b> Special: Astron/biol/Atomic Phys]) n • nucleo

nucleus n • nucleo

nude adj • nude

nude (art) n • nuditate

nude, bare, naked adj • nude

nude (model) n • figura nude

nudge n • colpo (legier

nudge v • dar un colpo legier de cubito

nudism n • nudismo

nudist n • nudista

nudity n • nuditate

nudity, nakedness n • nuditate

nugget n • pepita

nuisance (bother) n • incommoditate, enoio

nuisance (bother) n • enoio, incommoditate

nuisance (person) n • persona incommodante

null (1. worthless; 2. as in null and void) adj • nulle

null adj • casse, nulle

null adj • nulle, casse

null, void adj • casse

null-and-void adj • nulle e sin valor

nullification n • nullification

nullified, void [Law] adj • irrite (ìr-)

nullified, void [Law] adj • irrite

nullify v • nullificar

nullifying, diriment, annuling adj • dirimente

nullity n • nullitate

numb adj •</b> Fig]

numb (be -) v • torper

numb (deadened) adj • torpide

number (1.</b> Math]; 2. indicator designating a thing or person in a series; 3.</b> Gram]) n • numero

number (1.</b> Math]; 2. indicator designating a thing or person in a series; 3.</b> Gram]) n • numero (nù-)

number (a - of) n. phr • plure

number n • numero

number v • numerar

number the pages of, to page v • paginar

numberer (one who or that which numbers) n • numerator

numberless adj • innumerabile

numbers [Poet/Mus] n • numero

numbers [Poet/Mus] n • numero (nù-)

numbskull n • idiota

numeness n • torpor

numerable adj • numerabile

numeral adj/n • numeral

numeral (designating number) adj • numeral

numeration (1. enumeration; 2.</b> Arith]) n • numeration

numerator [Arith] n • numerator

numerical adj • numeric

numerically adv • numericamente

numerosity, numerousness n • numerositate

numerous (1. in great numbers; 2.</b> Poet/Mus] (harmonious, rhythmical) adj • numerose

numerous adj • numerose

numerousness, numerosity n • numerositate

Numidia n • Numidia

Numidian adj • numidian

Numidian n • numida (nù)

Numidian n • numida

numismatic adj • numismatic

numismatics n • numismatica

numismatist n • numismatico

numskull n • idiota

nun n • religiosa, monacha

nun n • monacha, religiosa

nun n • monacha (mò-)

nun n • monacha

nunciature n • nunciatura

nuncio n • nuncio

nunnery n • convento

nuptial adj/n • nuptial

nuptial, matrimonial adj • sponsal

nuptial, wedding adj • nuptial

nuptials n • nuptias

nurse (a baby) v • nutrir, allactar

nurse (a baby) v • allactar, nutrir

nurse (a sick person) v • curar

nurse (children's) n • guardiana de infantes

nurse (female) n • infirmera

nurse (give milk to (a baby)) v • nutrir

nurse (male) n • infirmero

nurse, suckle v • allactar

nurse, suckle v • lactar

nurse (tend) v • curar

nurse (wet) n • nutrice

nurse (wetnurse) n • nutrice

nurse (woman who takes care of the sick) n • infirmera

nursery (for plants) n • seminario

nursery n • camera del infantes

nursery (room set apart for children) n • nursery</b> A]

nursery (room set apart for children) n • nursery

nursery-rhyme n • rima infantil

nursing (of baby) n • allactamento

nursing (profession) n • profession de infirmera

nursing, suckling (act of) n • allactamento

nursing-home n • hospital, clinica

nursing-home n • clinica, hospital

nurture (bring up) v • educar

nurture (feed) v • alimentar

nurture (feeding) n • nutrition

nurture (upbringing) n • education

nut [Bot] n • nuce

nut n • bot

nut n •</b> Mech]

nut (person) n • idiota

nutate [Bot] v • nutar

nutation (1. act of nodding; 2.</b> Astron/Bot]) n • nutation

nutcracker n • rumpenuces

nutcracker n • rumpenuces (-nù-)

nutcrackers n • rumpenlces

nutmeg n • nuce muscate

nutrient, nourishing adj • nutriente (ppr of nutrir)

nutrient, nourishing adj • nutriente

nutriment n • nutrimento

nutrition (process of absorbing and assimilating nourishment) n • nutrition

nutritious adj • alimentose

nutritious adj • nutritive

nutritious, nutritive adj • nutritive

nutritive, nourishing, alible adj • alibile

nutritive, nutritious adj • nutritive

nutritlon n • nutrition

nut-shaped adj • nuciforme

nutshell (in a -) adv • in pauc parolas

nutshell n • scalia de nuce

nyctalopia [Pathol] n • nyctalopia (-ìa)

nyctalopia [Pathol] n • nyctalopia

nyctalopic adj • nyctalopic

Nycticorax [Zool] n • nycticorace

Nycticorax [Zool] n • nycticorace (-còrace)

nycto-, nycti-, nyct- (night)</b> occurring in compounds] n • nyct-

nyctophobia n • nyctophobia

nyctophobia n • nyctophobia (-ìa)

nylon n • nylon

nylon n • nylon</b> A]

nymph (1.</b> Mythol]; 2.</b> Zool]) n • nympha

nymph n • nympha

Nymphaea [Bot] n • nymphea

Nymphaea [Bot] n • nymphea (-éa)

nymphal (1.</b> Mythol]) 2.</b> Zool]) adj • nymphal

nymphal, nymphean [Mythol] adj • nymphee

nymphal, nymphean [Mythol] adj • nymphee (-ée)

nymphean, nymphal [Mythol] adj • nymphee

nymphean, nymphal [Mythol] adj • nymphee (-ée)

nymphomania n • nymphomania (-ìa)

nymphomania n • nymphomania

nymphomaniac adj • nymphomane

nymphomaniac n • nymphomana

nymphomaniac n • nymphomana (-ò-)

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