Eid l

From Interlingua



l (letter -) n • littera l (el)

la, A (the note)</b> Mus] n • la

la [Mus] n • la

label (fig) v • classificar

label n • etiquetta

label (put a label on) v • etiquettar

label (put a label on) v • etiquettar (-ke-)

label (put label on) v • etiquettar

label, tag, ticket n • etiquetta

label, tag, ticket n • etiquetta (-ké-)

labial [Gram] adj • labial

labialize v • labialisar

labiate adj • labiate

labile, unstable adj • labile

labiodental [Phonet] adj • labiodental

labor (hard -) phr • travalio dur

labor (in -) prep. phr • parturiente

labor (indust) n • mano de obra

labor (labour) v • laborar, travaliar

labor (labour) v • travaliar, laborar

labor [Med] n • dolores del parto

labor, toil n • travalio

labor, toil v • travaliar

labor (work, labour) n • labor, travalio

labor (work, labour) n • travalio, labor

laboratory adj • laboratorial

laboratory n • laboratorio

laborer n • laborator, travaliator

laborer n • travaliator, laborator

laborer, workman n • travaliator

laborious (1. hard-working, industrious; 2. requiring hard work, toilsome) adj • laboriose

laborious adj • laboriose

laboriousness (1. diligence; 2. toilsomeness) n • laboriositate

labor-party n • partito del laboratores

labor-saving adj • que allevia travalio

Labrador n • Labrador

labradorite [Mineral] n • labradorite

labyrinth (1. maze; 2.</b> Anat]) n • labyrintho

labyrinth n • labyrintho

labyrinthic, labyrinthine adj • labyrinthic

labyrinthine, labyrinthic adj • labyrinthic

lac (dark-red resinous incrustation produced by the puncture of the Coccus lacca) n • lacca

lace (as in Brussels lace) n • dentella

lace (fasten or tighten with a lace) v • acordonar

lace (for shoes) n • cordon

lace (material) n • dentella, dentellas

lace (material) n • dentellas, dentella

lace, string (as in shoe lace, corset string) n • cordon

lace v • acordonar, laciar

lace v • laciar, acordonar

Lacedaemon (1.</b> Gr. Mythol]; 2. Sparta) n • Lacedemone

lacedaemonian adj • lacedemonie

Lacedaemonian n • lacedemonio

laceration n • laceration

lachrymal adj • lacrimal

lachrymation n • lacrimation

lachrymatory adj • lacrimatori

lachrymatory, tear bottle [Archaeol] n • lacrimatorio

lachrymatory, tear-provoking adj • lacrimogene

lachrymose adj • lacrimose

lack, be lacking in v • carer

lack n • carentia, manco

lack n • manco, carentia

lack v • carer

lack, want n • manco

lack, want (of something) n • carentia

lack of appetite, inappetence, inappetency n • inappetentia

lack of devotion, indevotion n • indevotion

lack of extension n • inextension

lack of grace n • disgratia

lack of precision n • imprecision

lack of proportion, disproportion n • disproportion

lack of punctiliousness, inexactness n • impunctualitate

lack of verisimilitude, improbability n • inverosimilantia

lackey, footman, valet n • lacai

lackey, footman, valet n • lacai (-ài)

lacking grace adj • disgratiose

lacking in precision adj • imprecise

lacking probity, dishonest adj • improbe

lacking probity, dishonest adj • improbe (ìm-)

Laconia n • Laconia

Laconian adj • laconic

Laconian n • lacono

laconic adj • laconic

laconism n • laconismo

lacquer n • lacca

lacquer v • laccar

lactate [Chem] n • lactato

lactation (1. action of suckling; 2. secretion of milk) n • lactation

lactescence n • lactescentia

lactescent (having a milky look) adj • lactescente

lactescent (having a milky look) adj • lactescente (ppr of lactescer)

lactic ( pertaining to milk; 2.</b> Chem]) adj • lactic

lactiferous adj • lactifere

lactose [Chem] n • lactoso

lactucarium (mild narcotic substance extracted from lettuce) n • lactucario

lacuna n • lacuna

lacunose adj • lacunose

lacustrine adj • lacustre

lad, boy, young man, youth n • garson

lad n • garson, juvene

lad n • juvene, garson

ladder (in a stocking) v • dismaliar se

ladder n • scala

laddie n • puera

lade, load v • cargar

laden adj • cargate

ladino adj/n • ladino, hispano-judeo

ladino adj/n • hispano-judeo, ladino

ladle n • coclear

ladle n • coclear (grande)

ladle v • servir con coclear

Lady n • Lady</b> A]

lady n • seniora

lady n • dama

lady n • domina, dama, seniora

Lady n • Lady

lady n • dama, seniora, domina

lady n • seniora, domina, dama

ladybird n • coccinella

lady's maid n • camerera

lag (cover) v • revestir con materia isolante

lag (delay) v • morar

lag n • retardo

lager (beer) n • lager, bira clar german

lager (beer) n • bira clar german, lager

lagoon n • laguna

laic, laical, lay adj • laic (làic)

laic, laical, lay adj • laic

laic, layman n • laico

laical, lay, laic adj • laic (làic)

laical, lay, laic adj • laic

laicization n • laicisation

laicize v • laicisar

lair n • cubil

laity n • laicos

lake (large body of water surrounded by land) n • laco

lake n • laco

lake (pigment obtained from lac) n • lacca

Lake Leman, Lake of Geneva n • Lemano

Lake of Geneva, Lake Leman n • Lemano

-lalia (talking)</b> occurring in compounds] n • -lalia

-lalia (talking)</b> occurring in compounds] n • -lalia (-ìa)

lama n • lama

lamb n • agno

lambda (11th letter of the Greek alphabet) n • lambda

lambdacism n • lambdacismo

lambent adj • lambente

lambent adj • lambente (ppr of lamber)

lame (crippled) adj • claude

lame, limping adj • claude

lame, maim, cripple v • stropiar

lame (make -) v • stropiar

lame (of excuses) adj • debile

lame (person) n • stropiar

lamellibranch [Zool] n • lamellibranchio

lament (1. to wail; 2. to bewail) v • lamentar

lament, lamentation n • lamento

lament n • lamento

lament, plaint, lamentation n • plancto

lament v • lamentar

lamentable adj • lamentose

lamentable (be pitied) adj • lamentabile

lamentable, worthy of tears adj • lacrimabile

lamentation, deploration n • deploration

lamentation, lament n • lamento

lamentation, lament, plaint n • plancto

lamentation n • lamentation

lamenter n • lamentator

lamina ( thin plate, foil; 2.</b> Bot] (the blade or flat expanded portion of aleaf) n • lamina

lamina ( thin plate, foil; 2.</b> Bot] (the blade or flat expanded portion of aleaf) n • lamina (là-)

laminate ( to beat or roll into thin plates; 2. to split into layers or leaves; 3. to overlay with plates of metal) v • laminar

lamination n • lamination

lamp n • lampada (là-)

lamp n • lampada

lamp n • lampa

lamp n • lampa, lampada

lamp shop n • lampisteria (-ìa)

lamp shop n • lampisteria

lampadary n • lampadario

lampion n • lampion

lamplighter, lampman n • lampista

lampmaker n • lampadero

lampmaker or lamp seller n • lampista

lampman, lamplighter n • lampista

lampoon n • pamphleto

lampooner n • pamphletero

lamp-post n • palo de lampa

lamprey [Ichthyol] n • lampreda

lamp-shade n • paralumine

lance n • lancea

lance, spear n • lancea

lance [Surg] v • lancettar

lance (surgery) v • lancettar

lanceolate [Bot] adj • lanceolate

lanceolate leaf, petal [Bot] n • lanceola (-cé-)

lanceolate leaf, petal [Bot] n • lanceola

lancer n • lancero

lancet n • lancetta

lancing (action or result of)</b> Surg] n • lancettada

land adj • terren

land [Aeronaut] v • atterrar

land, country n • pais

land, country n • pais (-ìs)

land, earth adj • terren

land (earth) n • terra

land (from ship) v • disbarcar

land (go ashore from a ship or boat) v • abbordar

land (nation) n • pais

land (of plane) v • atterrar

land, soil n • terreno

land (soil, tract of land) n • terreno

Landau n • Landau

landing (act of)</b> Naut] n • abbordo

landing [Aeronaut] n • atterrage

landing [Aeronaut] n • atterrage (-aje)

landing (from ship) n • disbarcamento

landing (of house) n • corridor del scalas

landing (of plane) n • atterrage

landing pier, wharf n • disbarcatorio

land-lady (of house) n • proprietaria

land-lady (of inn) n • albergera

land-lady (of pub) n • patrona

land-lord (of house, land) n • proprietario

land-lord (of inn) n • albergero

land-lord (of pub) n • patrono

land-mark n • marca de terra

land-mark (notable feature) n • puncto de referimento

land-on-one's-feet v • cader super le pedes

land-scape n • paisage

landscape-painter n • paisagista (-jìsta)

landscape-painter n • paisagista

land-slide n • lapso de terreno

land-slide n • glissation terranee

lane (on motorway) n • via

lane (road) n • parve strata

language (expression) n • expression

language (phrasing) n • linguage

language, speech n • linguage

language, speech n • linguage (-aje)

language, tongue n • lingua

language (tongue) n • linguage, lingua

language (tongue) n • lingua, linguage

language-laboratory (lang-lab) n • laboratorio linguistic

languet, languette n • linguetta

languette, languet n • linguetta

languid adj • languide

languish (become or continue to be languid) v • languer

languish v • languer

languishment n • languimento

languor (state of bodily or mental weariness) n • languor

languorous adj • languorose

laniferous, wool-bearing adj • lanifere

lanky adj • alte e magre

lanolin n • lanolina

lantern (1. as in railroad lantern; 2.</b> Arch]) n • lanterna

lantern n • lanterna

lanuginous, downy adj • lanuginose

lap, lick v • lamber

lap (lick) v • lamber

lap n • gremio

lap (sport) n • circuito del pista

lapel n • reverso

lapidary adj • lapidari

lapidary n • lapidario

lapidate, stone (1. to hurl stones at (someone) 2. to put to death by stoning) v • lapidar

lapidation, stoning n • lapidation

lapidator, stoner n • lapidator

lapideous, stone, stony adj • lapidee

lapidescence n • lapidescentia

lapidescent adj • lapidescente

lapidicolous [Zool] adj • lapidicole

lapidific adj • lapidific

lapidification, petrifaction, petrification n • lapidification

lapidify, petrify v • lapidificar

lapidous, stony adj • lapidose

lapillo, papillus [Geol] n • lapillo

lapillo, papillus [Geol] n • lapillo</b> I]

lapis lazuli n • lapislazuli (-làz-)

lapis lazuli n • lapislazuli

Lap-land [Geog] n • Lapponia

lapp adj/n • lappon

lapse (1. as in lapse of time; 2. slip) n • lapso

lapse, expire, become invalid v • perimer

lapse, expire, become invalid v • perimer</b> -im-/-empt-]

lapse (mistake) n • falta, error

lapse (mistake) n • error, falta

lapse (of time) n • lapso

lapse v • perimer

lapsed adj • perempte

lapsed, expired, invalid adj • perempte

larceny n • furto

larch n • larice (là-)

larch n • larice

lard (1.</b> Cookery]; 2. to interlard) v • lardar

lard [Cookery] v • interlardar

lard n • lardo

lard v • lardar

lardaceous adj • lardacee

larder n • dispensa

larding or interlarding (action of) n • interlardamento

lardy adj • lardose

large adj • grande

large (be at -) v • esser libere

large kettle, cauldron n • caldieron

larghetto [Mus] n • larghetto</b> I]

larghetto [Mus] n • larghetto

largo [Mus] n • largo

lark (bird) n • aloda

lark (fun) n • burla, farce, farsa

lark (fun) n • farsa, burla, farce

lark (fun) n • farce, farsa, burla

lark (singing bird of the family Alaudidae) n • aloda

lark (singing bird of the family Alaudidae) n • aloda (?)

lark v • facer un farce, burlar

lark v • burlar, facer un farce

larva (1.</b> Rom. Mythol]; 2.</b> Zool.) n • larva

larva n • larva

larval adj • larval

larvate [Med] adj • larvate

laryngeal adj • laryngee

laryngitis n • laryngitis

laryngitis n • laryngitis (-ìtis)

laryngoscope n • laryngoscopio

laryngoscopia n • laryngoscopia (-ìa)

laryngoscopia n • laryngoscopia

larynx n • larynge

lascivious adj • lascive

lasciviousness n • lascivitate

laser n • laser

lash (eyelash) n • cilio

lash (tie) v • ligar, attaccar

lash (tie) v • attaccar, ligar

lash (whip) n • colpo del flagello

lash (whip) v • flagellar

lashing (tying) n • attaccamento

lashing (whipping) n • flagellamento

lass n • puera

lassitude, weariness n • lassitude

lasso n • lasso

lasso n • lasso</b> A]

lasso v • prender al lasso

last adj • ultime

last adj • ultime (ùl-)

last adv • in le ultime loco

last (at -) prep. phr • al fin

last, be permanent, endure v • permaner

last, endure v • durar

last, final adj • supreme

last (for shoes) n • forma

last (the -) prep. phr • usque al fin

last v • permaner, durar

last v • durar, permaner

last but two, antepenultimate adj • antepenultime

last but two, antepenultimate adj • antepenultime (-ùl-)

last night phr • nocte passate, a nocte

last night phr • a nocte, nocte passate

last on, perdure, continue v • perdurar

last week phr • le septimana passate

last-but-one adj • penultime

last-but-two adj • antepenultime

lasting adj • permanente, durabile

lasting adj • durabile, permanente

lasting, durable adj • durabile

lasting, enduring, permanent adj • permanente

lasting, enduring, permanent adj • permanente (ppr of permaner)

lasting one day adj • diurne

last-year n • le anno passate

latch n • pessulo

late adv • tarde

late adv • sero

late adv • in retardo

late (be -) v • esser in retardo

late (deceased) adj • decedite

late (delayed) adj • retardate, tardive

late (delayed) adj • tardive, retardate

late (recent) adj • recente

latecomer n • retardatario

late-cover v • retardatario

lateen yard [Naut] n • antenna

lateen-rigged lighter [Naut] n • fusta

lately adv • recentemente

lately, recently, newly adv • nuper (nù-)

lately, recently, newly adv • nuper

latency n • latentia

lateness (of arrival) n • arrivata tardive

lateness (of time) n • hora avantiate

latent adj • latente (ppr of later)

latent adj • latente

later adj • ulterior

later adv • depost, plus tarde

later adv • plus tarde, depost

later, subsequent adj • ulterior

later, subsequently adv • ulteriormente

later, subsequently adv • posteriormente

lateral adj • lateral

laterally adv • lateralmente

latest adv • ultime

latest (at the -) prep. phr • al plus tarde

lathe n • torno

lather n • scuma

lather v • facer scuma

laticlave [Rom. Antiq] n • laticlavo

latifundium n • latifundio

Latin (1.</b> Rom. Hist] (native or inhabitent of Latium; 2. member of one of the Latin races; 3. Latin language) n • latino

latin adj • latin

Latin adj • latin

latin n • latino

Latin-America [Geog] n • Latin America

latin-american adj • latino-american

latin-american n • latino-americano

Latinism n • latinismo

Latinist n • latinista

Latinity n • latinitate

Latinization n • latinisation

Latinize (make Latin or Latinlike) v • latinisar

latitude (1. freedom from narrow restrictions; 2.</b> Geol]) n • latitude

latitude n • latitude

latitudinal adj • latitudinal

latitudinarian adj • latitudinari

Latitudinarian n • latitudinario

Latium n • Latio

latria [Theol] n • latria (-ìa)

latria [Theol] n • latria

latrine n • latrina

latrine, privy n • privata

latter adj • iste

latter (second of two) (the) dem adj • iste

lattice n • cancello, reticulo

lattice n • reticulo, cancello

lattice enclosure, grating, railings n • cancello

lattice work, grating n • grilliage (-aje)

lattice work, grating n • grilliage

Latvia [Geog] n • Latvia

Latvia n • Latvia

Latvia n • Lettonia

latvian adj • letton, lette

latvian adj • lette, letton

latvian n • letton, letto

latvian n • letto, letton

laud, praise v • laudar

laudability, praiseworthiness n • laudabilitate

laudable adj • laudabile

laudable, praiseworthy adj • laudabile

laudanine [Chem] n • laudanina

laudanum (tincture of opium) n • laudano

laudanum (tincture of opium) n • laudano (làu-)

laudation, praise, lauding n • laudation

laudative, laudatory adj • laudative

laudatory adj • laudatori

laudatory, laudative adj • laudative

lauder n • laudator

lauding, laudation, praise n • laudation

laugh n • riso

laugh v • rider</b> rid-/ris-]

laugh v • rider

laughable adj • risibile

laugh-at v • rider se de

laughing-stock adj • ludibrie

laughing-stock n • ludibrio

laughter n • riso

laughter n • riso, risos

laughter-burst n • risada

launch (1. to set afloat; 2. to start, set going) v • lancear

launch (as in steam launch) n • lancha (-sh-)

launch (as in steam launch) n • lancha

launch n • lancha

launch v • lancear

launching (1. setting afloat; 2. starting off, setting in operation) (action of) n • lanceamento

launching n • lanceamento

launching-pad n • platteforma de lanceamento

launder v • lavar e repassar

laundress n • lavandera

laundry (dirty clothes) n • pannos a lavar

laundry (establishment where clothes and other articles are washed and ironed) n • lavanderia (-ìa)

laundry (establishment where clothes and other articles are washed and ironed) n • lavanderia

laundry (just washed) n • pannos lavate

laundry (place) n • lavanderia

Lauraceae [Bot] n • lauraceas

lauraceous adj • lauracee

laureate, crowned with laurel adj • laureate

laurel adj • lauree

laurel, bay-tree, bay-laurel n • lauro

laurel n • lauriero, lauro

laurel n • lauro, lauriero

laurel (tree or shrub) n • lauriero

laurel crown n • laurea

laurel grove n • laureto

lauric [Chem] adj • lauric

lava n • lava

lava (volcanic) n • lava

lavabo (1.</b> R.C.Ch]; 2. washstand) n • lavabo

lavatic, lavic adj • lavic

lavatory n • lavatorio, w.c.

lavatory n • w.c., lavatorio

lavatory (on bus, trains) n • lavatorio, w.c.

lavatory (on bus, trains) n • w.c., lavatorio

lavender [Bot] n • lavandula

lavender (color) adj • color de lavandula

lavender n • lavandula

lavic, lavatic adj • lavic

lavish adj • prodige

lavish v • prodigar, profunder

lavish v • profunder, prodigar

law (body of laws) n • derecto

law (in -) n • affin

law (my in -s) n • mis affines

law n • lege

law (profession, statute) n • lege

law, right (as in divine right or law) n • jure

law-abiding adj • observante le lege

law-breaker n • violator, transgressor

law-breaker n • transgressor, violator

lawful adj • licite, legitime

lawful adj • legitime, licite

lawful, licit adj • licite

lawful, licit adj • licite (lì-)

lawfulness, legality n • legalitate

law-giver n • legislator, legiferator

lawless n • ingovernabile, anarchic

lawless n • anarchic, illegal, ingovernabile

lawlessness n • anomia, anarchia, illegalitate.

lawmaker n • legislator, legiferator

lawmaking n • legiferation

lawn (ground covered with fine grass) n • gazon

lawn n • gazon

lawn tennis n • lawn tennis

lawn tennis n • lawn tennis</b> A]

lawn-mower n • machina a tonder le

lawsuit n • lite

lawsuit n • processo

lawsuit n • lite, processo

lawsuit n • processo, lite

lawyer n • homine de lege

lax adj • laxe, negligente

lax adj • negligente, laxe

laxative adj • laxative

laxative, aperient n • aperitivo

laxative, aperitive, aperient adj • aperitive

laxative [Med] adj • laxative

laxative n • laxativo

laxity, laxness n • laxitate

laxness, laxity n • laxitate

lay adj • laic

lay, laic, laical adj • laic (làic)

lay, laic, laical adj • laic

lay, put, place v • poner</b> pon-/posit-/post-]

lay, put, place v • poner

lay (up) on v • imponer

lay (up) on v • imponer</b> -pon-/-posit-/-post-]

lay vi • poner ovos

lay vt • poner

lay brother [Eccl] n • converso

lay hold of, take v • sumer</b> sum-/sumpt-]

lay hold of, take v • sumer

lay in a stock of, stock v • stockar

lay out, spend v • erogar

lay up (through illness) v • allectar

lay waste v • vastar

lay with a mat v • mattar

lay-a-bet v • facer un sponsion

lay-aside v • poner a un latere

layer, deposit, stratum [Geol] n • jacimento

layer n • strato, jacimento

layer n • jacimento, strato

layer, stratum n • strato

laying (up) on n • imposition

laying a pavement, paving (act of) n • pavimentation

laying a pavement, paving (action of) n • pavage

laying a pavement, paving (action of) n • pavage (-aje)

layman, laic n • laico

layman n • laico

layman n • profano

layman, secular n • secular

lay-out (clothes, papers) v • poner

lay-out (diagram) n • plano

lay-out v • poner

lay-up (basketball) n • layup

lay-up (store up) v • accumular

lazaretto (building or vessel used for detention in quarentine) n • lazaretto

Lazarist, Vincentian [R.C.Ch] n • lazarista

Lazarus n • Lazaro

Lazarus n • Lazaro (là-)

laze v • otiar, facer nihil

laze v • facer nihil, otiar

laziness n • pigressa

laziness n • pigritia

laziness n • pigressa, pigritia

laziness n • pigritia, pigressa

lazuli (lapis) n • lazuli

lazuli (lapis) n • lazuli (là-)

lazulite n • lazulite

lazy adj • pigre, indolente

lazy adj • indolente, pigre

lazy adj • pigre

lead (1. the metal lead; 2. bullets, shot) n • plumbo

lead adj • plumbee

lead (command) v • diriger, ducer

lead (command) v • ducer, diriger

lead (guidance) n • conducta

lead, guide, conduct v • menar

lead (guide) v • conducer, ducer, guidar

lead (guide) v • ducer, guidar, conducer

lead (guide) v • guidar, conducer, ducer

lead (metal) n • plumbo

lead, plumbeous adj • plumbee

lead, plummet [Naut] n • sonda

lead astray v • discamminar

lead away, abduce [Physiol] (abduct) v • abducer</b> -duc-/-duct-]

lead away, abduce [Physiol] (abduct) v • abducer

lead poisoning, saturnism n • saturnismo

lead-astray (be in the -) v • esser al testa

lead-astray v • disviar

leaden adj • de plumbo, plumbee

leaden adj • plumbee, de plumbo

leader, chief n • chef</b> F]

leader, chief n • chef

leader (of an army) n • stratego

leader (of newspaper) n • articulo de fundo

leader (person) n • chef, leader, conductor

leader (person) n • leader, conductor, chef

leader (person) n • conductor, chef, leader

leadership n • commando, direction

leadership n • direction, commando

leading adj • principal, eminente

leading adj • eminente, principal

leading, inducing adj • inductive

leading or outstanding person n • summitate

leadsman [Naut] n • sondator

leaf (1.</b> Bot]; 2. leaf of a book) n • folio

leaf [Bot] n • folio

leaf, leave, shoot out leaves foliar v • foliar

leaf (of door) n • valva

leaf or wing (of a folding door) n • valva

leafless adj • defoliate

leaflet n • folio volante, foliolo

leaflet n • foliolo, folio volante

leafstalk, petiole [Bot] n • petiolo (-tì-)

leafstalk, petiole [Bot] n • petiolo

leafy adj • foliose

leafy (furnished with leaves) adj • foliate

league (association of persons, countries) n • liga

leak (of gas) n • fuga

leak (of water) n • via de aqua

leak v • facer aqua

leakage (fig) n • revelation

leakage (of liquid, gas) n • fuga, perdita

leakage (of liquid, gas) n • perdita, fuga

leak-out v • transpirar

lean (of meat) adj • magre

lean (of wall) v • inclinar

lean, thin, meager adj • magre

lean (thin) adj • discarnate, magre

lean (thin) adj • magre, discarnate

lean v • appoiar (se)

lean v • appoiar

leaning (inclination) n • inclination

leaning (resting) adj • appoiate

leaning (sloping) adj • inclinate

leaning (tendency) n • tendentia

leanness, thinness n • magressa

leanness, thinness Hcnce: emaciar n • macie

lean-out v • inclinar se

leap (- year) n • anno bissextil

leap, bound, jump n • salto

leap, bound, jump v • salir

leap, bound, jump v • salir</b> sal-/salt-]

leap n • salto

leap v • saltar

leap-year n • anno bissextil

learn (1. to gain knowledge of, by study or instruction; 2. to acquire information about, find out about) v • apprender

learn v • apprender

learned adj • erudite, docte

learned adj • docte

learned adj • docte, erudite

learned, informed, well-informed adj • sciente

learned man, teacher, scholar n • doctor

learned person, scholar n • erudito

learner n • comenciante

learning, knowledge n • saper

learning, knowledge n • scientia

learning n • erudition, saper, scientia

learning n • saper, scientia, erudition

learning n • scientia, erudition, saper

lease n • contracto de location

lease v • locar, arrentar

lease v • arrentar, locar

lease-hold n • proprietate arrentate

leash n • corda

leasing, letting out (for hire) n • location

leasing n • location

least adj • minime

least adv • minime

least adv • minime (mì-)

least adv • le minus

least (at -) prep. phr • al minus

least (not in the -) prep. phr • nullemente

least, smallest, minimal adj • minime (mì-)

least, smallest, minimal adj • minime

leather adj • de corio

leather n • corio

leathery adj • coriacee

leave ( to allow to remain in some place or state; 2. to commit, entrust, hand over) v • lassar

leave (absence) n • congedo

leave, depart v • partir

leave, furlough n • commeato

leave (get going!) v/interj • vade!

leave (mil) n • commeato

leave n • permission

leave (permission to depart) n • congedo

leave, quit v • quitar

leave, shoot out leaves foliar, leaf v • foliar

leave vi • partir

leave vt • lassar, quitar

leave vt • quitar, lassar

leave a hiatus v • hiar

leave a margin on v • marginar

leave behind, relinquish v • relinquer</b> -linqu-/-lict-]

leave behind, relinquish v • relinquer

leave out, skip v • saltar

leave the tracks, derail v • derailar (-rél-)

leave the tracks, derail v • derailar

leave-alone v • lassar in pace

leave-behind v • abandonar, relinquer

leave-behind v • relinquer, abandonar

leaven n • levatura

leave-off v • cessar

leave-out v • omitter

lebanese adj/n • libanese

Lebanon (1. Lebanon Mountains; 2. state of Lebanon) n • Libano (lì-)

Lebanon (1. Lebanon Mountains; 2. state of Lebanon) n • Libano

Lebanon [Geog] n • Libano

lecherous adj • lascive

lector [R.C.Ch] n • lector

lecture n • conferentia

lecture v • conferentiar

lecture vi • conferentiar

lecture vt • sermonisar

lecturer n • conferentiante

ledge (on building or cliff) n • bordo saliente, cornice

ledge (on building or cliff) n • cornice, bordo saliente

ledge (shelf) n • planca

ledger n • libro major

leech, bloodsucker [Zool] n • sanguisuga

leech n • sanguisuga

leek n • porro

leer n • reguardo maligne

leer v • reguardar malignemente

left adj • leve, sinistre

left adj • sinistre, leve

left (be - over) v • restar

left (be -) v • lassate

left (from - to right) adv • ab sinistra verso dextra

left n • leva

left (not right) adj • sinistre

left (not right) adj • leve

left (on the -) adv • al leva

left (on the -) adv • a sinistra

left vi • past part

left vt • past part

left-hand n • sinistra mano, mano leve

left-hand n • mano leve, sinistra mano

left-handed adj • sinistromane

left-handed (using the left hand more easily than the right) adj • sinistromane

left-luggage-office n • deposito de bagages

left-wing adj • socialista

left-wing (-er) n • socialista

leg [Anat] n • gamba

leg n • gamba

leg (of a chair, table) n • pede

leg (of furniture) n • pede

leg (pull somene's -) v • mystificar un person

legacy n • legato

legal adj • legal

legality, lawfulness n • legalitate

legalization n • legalisation

legalize (make legal, render legally valid) v • legalisar

legalize v • legalisar

legally adv • legalmente

legate (1.</b> Rom. Hist]; 2.</b> R.C.Ch]) n • legato

legatee n • legatario

legation (1. office, position, dignity, of alegate or of an envoy; 2. diplomatic representative of a country together with his staff; 3. premises occupied by a legation) n • legation

legation n • legation

legend (1. myth, fable; 2. inscription, caption) n • legenda

legend n • legenda

legendary adj • legendari

legging n • gambiera

legibility n • legibilitate

legible adj • legibile

legion (1.</b> Mil]; 2. very large number) n • legion

legion n • legion

legionary adj • legionari

legionary n • legionario

legislate v • legiferar

legislation (1. making of laws; 2. laws made) n • legislation

legislation n • legislation

legislative (- branch) n • ramo legislative

legislative adj • legislative

legislative (as in legislative body) adj • legislative

legislator n • legislator

legislature (legislative body) n • legislatura

legitimacy n • legitimitate

legitimate (1. as in to legitimate a child; 2. to justify) v • legitimar

legitimate (1. lawfully begotten; 2. lawful, accordant with law) adj • legitime

legitimate (1. lawfully begotten; 2. lawful, accordant with law) adj • legitime (-gì-)

legitimate adj • legitime

legitimate v • legitimar

legitimation n • legitimation

legitimism n • legitimismo

legitimist n • legitimista

legume n • legumine

legumin [Chem] n • legumina

leguminiform adj • leguminiforme

leguminous adj • leguminose

leisure n • tempore libere, otio

leisure n • otio

leisure n • otio, tempore libere

leisurely adv • sin pressa, tarde

leisurely adv • tarde, sin pressa

lemma [Logic, Math] n • lemma

lemon adj • citrin

lemon (fruit of the lemon tree) n • limon

lemon n • citro, limon

lemon n • limon, citro

lemon tree n • limoniero

lemon yellow n • citrina

lemonade n • citronada, limonada

lemonade n • limonada, citronada

lemonade n • limonada

lemonade vendor n • limonadero

lemon-colored adj • citrin

lend v • prestar

lender n • prestator

lending (action of) n • prestation

lending n • prestation

length (at -) adv • longe

length (geographical) n • longitude

length n • longitude

length (spatial) n • longor

lengthen (make longer) v • allongar

lengthen v • prolongar, allongar

lengthen v • allongar, prolongar

lengthening (act of) n • allongamento

lengthy (longish) adj • assatis longe

lengthy (wordy) adj • prolixe

leniency n • clementia, indulgentia

leniency n • indulgentia, clementia

lenient adj • indulgente, clemente

lenient adj • clemente, indulgente

Leningrad n • Leningrad

Leninism n • leninismo

Leninist n • leninista

lens [Anat] n • crystallino

lens n • opt

lens [Opt] n • lente

lens (photog) n • lenticula

Lent n • quaresima (-ésima)

Lent n • quaresima

lent n • quaresima

Lenten adj • quaresimal

lenticel [Bot] n • lenticella

lenticular adj • lenticular

lentiform adj • lentiforme

lentil n • lenticula

lentil n • lente

leo n • leon

Leonidas n • Leonidas

Leonidas n • Leonidas (-ò-)

leonine, lion adj • leonin

leontiasis [Pathol] n • leontiase (-ì-)

leontiasis [Pathol] n • leontiase

leopard n • leopardo

leopard [Zool] n • leopardo

leper n • leproso

lepid-, lepido- (scale)</b> occurring in compounds] n • lepid-

lepidodendron [Paleontol] n • lepidodendro

lepidolite [Mineral] n • lepidolitho (-òlito)

lepidolite [Mineral] n • lepidolitho

lepidopterous [Entom] adj • lepidoptere

lepidosiren [Zool] n • lepidosirena

Lepisma [Entom] n • lepisma

leporide n • leporide (-pò-)

leporide n • leporide

leporine, hare adj • leporin

leprosarium, leprosery n • lazaretto

leprosery, leprosarium n • lazaretto

leprosy n • lepra

leprous adj • leprose

lesbian adj • lesbian

lesbian n • lesbiana

lesion n • lesion

Lesotho [Geog] n • Lesotho

less adj • minus de

less adv • minus

less adv • minus (mì-)

less (more or -) prep. phr • plus o minus

less (none the -) prep • totevia

less-and-less adv • de minus in minus

lessee n • locatario

lessen, diminish v • minuer</b> minu-/minut-]

lessen, diminish v • minuer

lessen, diminish v • diminuer

lessen v • minuer, diminuer

lessen v • diminuer, minuer

lessening n • remission, diminution

lessening n • diminution, remission

lesser adj • minor

lesson (1.</b> Eccl]; 2. something taught or learned) n • lection

lesson n • lection

lessor n • locator

lest conj • de pavor que

let (allow to, permit to) v • lassar

let (allow) v • lassar

let (may... that ...) n • que ...

let n • obstaculo

let, rent v • locar

let (rent) v • arrentar, locar

let (rent) v • locar, arrentar

let go, set free, release v • laxar

let off gas, break wind v • peder

let-down (lower) v • abassar

let-down (morally) v • disappunctar

lethal adj • lethal

lethargic adj • lethargic

lethargy n • lethargia

lethargy n • lethargia (-ìa)

lethargy n • lethargo

let-me-know-about-it v • face saper lo a me

let-out v • lassar sortir

let's-go v • vade nos

Lett n • letto

Lett n • Latvian

letter (1. letter of the alphabet; 2. epistle) n • litera (lì-), littera (lì-)

letter (1. letter of the alphabet; 2. epistle) n • littera, litera

letter (1. letter of the alphabet; 2. epistle) n • littera (lì-), litera (lì-)

letter (1. letter of the alphabet; 2. epistle) n • litera, littera

letter (communication) n • littera

letter, epistle n • epistola

letter, epistle n • epistola (-pìs-)

letter (of the alphabet) n • litera, littera

letter (of the alphabet) n • littera, litera

letter patent n • patente

letter writer n • epistolero

letter-box n • cassa postal

lettered (versed in letters, educated) adj • litterate, literate

lettered (versed in letters, educated) adj • literate, litterate

letter-head n • capite de littera

lettering n • inscription

letters (man of -) n • litteratto, persona de litteras

letters (man of -) n • persona de litteras, litteratto

letters n • correspondentia

letterweight, paperweight n • cargalitteras (-lìt-)

letterweight, paperweight n • cargapapiros (-pì-)

letterweight, paperweight n • cargapapiros

letterweight, paperweight n • cargalitteras

letting off gas, breaking wind (action of) n • pedito

letting off gas, breaking wind (action of) n • pedito (pé-)

Lettish adj • letton

Lettish adj • lette

Lettish (language) adj • letton

Lettish (language) n • letto

lettuce n • lactuca

let-us-go (allow us to go) v • lassa nos ir

let-us-go (get going) v • vade nos

leuchaemia, leukemia n • leucemia

leuchaemia, leukemia n • leucemia (-ìa)

leuchaemic, leukemic adj • leucemic

leucocyte [Anat] n • leucocyto

leucocyte [Anat] n • leucocyto (-ò-)

leuk-, leuco- (white)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] adj • leuc-

leukemia (-kaem-) n • leucemia

leukemia, leuchaemia n • leucemia (-ìa)

leukemia, leuchaemia n • leucemia

leukemic, leuchaemic adj • leucemic

Levantine adj • levantin

Levantine n • levantino

levator [Anat] n • elevator

level (1. instrument for establishing a level surface; 2. degree of elevation of a plane) n • nivello

level (1.</b> Surv]; 2. to make level or even) v • nivellar

level adj • plan, platte

level adj • platte, plan

level adv • in tote sinceritate

level, flat adj • platte

level n • nivello, grado

level n • grado, nivello

level (on the -) adj • honeste

level, plane, flat adj • plan

level, smooth out v • explanar

level v • applattar, nivellar

level v • nivellar, applattar

level-crossing n • passage a nivello

leveler (one who or that which levels) n • nivellator

level-headed adj • ben equilibrate, judiciose

level-headed adj • judiciose, ben equilibrate

leveling (1. surveying; 2. making level) n • nivellamento

leveling n • nivellamento

leveling, smoothing out (action of) n • explanation

lever, crowbar, pry n • vecte

lever n • levator

lever v • sublevar

lever v • sublevar (con un levator)

leverage (lever power) n • potentia de ln levator

leverage (pressure) n • pression

levier of taxes, assessor n • taxator

levitate v • levitar

levitation n • levitation

levogyrate, levogyre, levogyrous [Phys. Chem] adj • levogyr

levogyre, levogyrous, levogyrate [Phys. Chem] adj • levogyr

levogyrous, levogyrate, levogyre [Phys. Chem] adj • levogyr

levulose [Chem] n • levulosa

levy [Mil] n • levata

levy n •</b> Mil]

levy (tax) n • contribution, imposto

levy (tax) n • imposto, contribution

levy v • levar

levy tithes on v • decimar

lewd adj • lubric, impudic

lewd adj • impudic, lubric

lewd adj • lubric (lù-)

lewd adj • lubric

lewd, immodest adj • impudic

lewd, unchaste adj • inceste

lexical adj • lexical

lexicographer n • lexicographo

lexicographer n • lexicographo (-ò-)

lexicographical adj • lexicographic

lexicography n • lexicographia

lexicography n • lexicographia (-ìa)

lexicon n • lexico

lexicon n • lexico (lé-)

li-, lio-, leio- (smooth)</b> occurring in compounds] adj • li-

liabilitics [Commer] n • passivo

liability n • obligation, responsabilitate

liability n • responsabilitate, obligation

liable adj • responsabile, subjecte

liable adj • subjecte, responsabile

liable to be accused, blameworthy adj • accusabile

liable to sin, peccable adj • peccabile

liable to tax or duty adj • taxabile

liaison (1. liaison between man and woman; 2.</b> Phonet]) n • liaison</b> F]

liaison (1. liaison between man and woman; 2.</b> Phonet]) n • liaison

liaison n • liaison

liar n • mentitor

libel (1.</b> Law]; 2. lampoon, satire) n • libello

libel n • libello, diffamation

libel n • diffamation, libello

libel v • libellar, diffamar

libel v • libellar

libel v • diffamar, libellar

libeler, libelist n • libellista

libelist, libeler n • libellista

libelous (-ellous) adj • diffamatori

liber, bast [Bot] n • libro

liberal (1. generous; 2. broadminded; 3.</b> Pol]) adj • liberal

liberal adj/n • liberal

liberal n • liberal

liberal, openhanded adj • large

liberalism n • liberalismo

liberality (1. generosity; 2. broadmindedness) n • liberalitate

liberality, generosity n • largessa

liberality n • liberalitate

liberalization n • liberalisation

liberalize (make liberal) v • liberalisar

liberally adv • liberalmente

liberate, free v • liberar

liberate v • liberar

liberation n • liberation

liberator n • liberator

Liberia [Geog] n • Liberia

libertarian adj • libertari

libertarian n • libertario

libertarianism n • libertarismo

liberticide (one who detroys liberty) n • liberticida

libertinage n • libertinage

libertinage n • libertinage (-aje)

libertine (1.</b> Rom. Hist] (son of a freedman; 2. freethinker; 3. licentious man) n • libertino

libertine adj • libertin

liberty (condition of being free, freedom) n • libertate

liberty n • libertate

libra n • libra

libral (1. pertaining to the pound; 2. pertaining to Libra) adj • libral

librarian n • bibliothecario

library (1. place where a collection of books is kept; 2. collection of books) n • bibliotheca

library n • libreria

library n • libreria (-ìa)

library n • bibliotheca

librettist n • librettista

libretto [Mus] n • libretto

libretto n • libretto

libriform (of the nature of liber)</b> Bot] adj • libriforme

Libya [Geog] n • Libya

Libya n • Libya

libyan adj • libyan

Libyan adj • libyan

Libyan adj • libyc (lì-)

Libyan adj • libyc

libyan n • libyano

Libyan n • libyano

licence (1. permission, leave) n • licentia

license (exercise a trade or profession) n • patente

license (give licence to) v • licentiar

license n • patente, licentia

license n • licentia, patente

license v • licentiar, patentar

license v • patentar, licentiar

license v • patentar

licensee (with a licence) n • concessionario

licensee (with a patent) n • patentato

licentiate n • licentiato

licentiation, conferring the licentiate n • licentiamento

licentious adj • licentiose

licentious adj • lascivie

licentiousness adj • lascivietate

lichen (1.</b> Bot]; 2.</b> Pathol]) n • lichen

lichen n • lichen

lichenoid adj • lichenoide

lichenous adj • lichenose

licit, lawful adj • licite

licit, lawful adj • licite (lì-)

lick (as in to lick one's fingers) v • leccar

lick, lap v • lamber

lick v • leccar

licking (action of) n • leccamento

licorice, glycyrrhiza (1.</b> Bot]; 2.</b> Pharm]) n • liquiritia

licorice, glycyrrhiza n • glycyrrhiza

lictor [Rom. Antiq] n • lictor

lid, cover n • coperculo

lid n • coperculo

lie (be lying in a certain place) v • jacer

lie (be lying somewhere) v • cubar

lie, falsehood n • mentita

lie, falsehood n • falsitate

lie (falsehood) n • mendacio

lie (rest) v • cubar, jacer

lie (rest) v • jacer, cubar

lie, tell lies v • mentir

lie (tell lies) v • mentir

lie (untruth) n • mendacio

lie (white -) n • mendacio officiose

lie below (not to lie on top) v • succubar

lie hidden, be hidden v • later

lie or be situated around (a place) v • circumjacer

Liechtenstein [Geog] n • Liechtenstein

lied [Mus] n • lied

lied [Mus] n • lied</b> G]

lie-down v • cubar se, reposar se

lie-down v • reposar se, cubar se

lie-hidden v • later

lie-idle v • esser disoccupate

lienteric adj • lienteric

lientery [Pathol] n • lienteria

lientery [Pathol] n • lienteria (-ìa)

lie-still v • restar tranquille

lieu (in - of) adv • in loco de

lieu n • loco

lieutenant (- colonel) n • locotenente colonello

lieutenant (1. vicegerent; 2.</b> Mil]) n • locotenente

lieutenant n • locotenente

life (come to -) v • revivescer

life n • vita

lifebelt n • cinctura de salvamento

lifeboat n • barca de salvemento

lifeguard n • guarda

lifeguard n • guarda del corpore

lifeless adj • exanime, sin vita

lifeless adj • sin vita, exanime

lifelike adj • natural, vive

lifelike adj • vive, natural

lifeline n • cablo de salvamento

life-sized adj • de talia natural

lifetime (curso del) n • vita

lift, elevator n • ascensor

lift, elevator n • lift

lift, elevator n • lift</b> A]

lift (for goods) n • montacargas

lift (for people) n • lift, ascensor

lift (for people) n • ascensor, lift

lift (help) n • adjuta

lift, hoist (lifting apparatus) n • montacargas

lift, hoist (lifting apparatus) n • montacargas (-càr-)

lift, raise (up) v • levar

lift (ride in car) n • viage gratuite

lift v • elevar, levar

lift v • levar, elevar

lift up, raise v • sublevar

lift up, raise v • realtiar

lift up v • sublevar, realtiar

lift up v • realtiar, sublevar

lifting, raising (up) (act of) n • levamento

lifting up, raising (act of) n • sublevamento

ligament [Anat] n • ligamento

ligament n • ligamento

ligamentous adj • ligamentose

ligature (1.</b> Surg]; 2.</b> Print] (combination of two letters; 3.</b> Mus] (tie, slur) n • ligatura

light (a-) v • accender

light (fire) n • foco

light, kindle v • accender

light, kindle v • accender</b> -cend-/-cens-]

light n • lumine, luce

light n • lumine

light n • luce, lumine

light (not dark) adj • clar

light (not heavy) adj • leve, legier

light (not heavy) adj • legier, leve

light (of little weight) adj • legier

light (of little weight) adj • legier (-jér)

light (of little weight) adj • leve

light, photic adj • photic

light, set alight v • incender

light, set alight v • incender</b> -cend-/-cens-]

light open helmet n • caschetto

light red wine (of Southern France) n • claretto

light up v • exclarar

light-colored, pale adj • clarette

lighten, be lightening v • fulgurar

lighten (brighten) v • illuminar

lighten, fulgurate, flash v • fulger

lighten (make less heavy) v • alleviar

lighten (remove weight) v • alleviar

lightener n • alleviator

lightening (brightening) n • illumination

lightening (making less heavy) n • alleviation

lightening (of weight) n • alleviation

lighter (barge) n • gabarra

lighter (device for lighting cigarettes, gas, candles) n • accenditor

lighter (for cigarettes) n • accenditor

lighter (not so dark) adj • plus clar

lighter (not so heavy) adj • plus legier

light-headed adj • esturdite

light-hearted adj • allegre

lighthouse n • pharo

lighthouse, pharos n • pharo

lighting, kindling n • accendimento

lighting n • accendimento, illumination

lighting n • illumination, accendimento

lighting up (act of) n • exclaramento

lightness (state of being not heavy) n • legieressa (-jer-)

lightness (state of being not heavy) n • legieressa

lightness (state of being not heavy) n • levitate

lightning (flash of) n • fulgure

lightning, fulgural adj • fulgural

lightning, fulmineous adj • fulminee

lightning n • fulmine, fulgure

lightning n • fulgure, fulmine

lightning, thunder bolt n • fulmine

lightning rod n • parafulmine

lightning-rod n • parafulmine

lightning-rod-conductor n • parafulmine

lightswitch n •</b> Elec]

light-up v • exclarar, illuminar

light-up v • illuminar, exclarar

lightweight n • peso legier

light-year n • anno de lumine

ligneous, woody adj • lignose

lignicole, lignicolous adj • lignicole

lignicolous, lignicole adj • lignicole

lignification n • lignification

ligniform adj • ligniforme

lignify v • lignificar

lignin [Chem] n • lignina

lignite, brown coal [Mineral] n • lignite

Liguria n • Liguria

likable adj • sympathic, agradabile

likable adj • agradabile, sympathic

likable, attractive adj • sympathic

like adj • resimilante, simile

like adj • simile, resimilante

like (be -) v • resimilar

like conj • como

like, equal adj • compare

like (feel -) v • desirar

like (love) v • amar

like (preference) n • preferentia, gusto

like (preference) n • gusto, preferentia

like prep • como

like, resembling adj • affin

like, resembling, similar adj • simile

like this adv • assi

likeable, -kable adj • agradabile, sympathic

likeable, -kable adj • sympathic, agradabile

likelihood n • verisimilitude, probabilitate

likelihood n • probabilitate, verisimilitude

likelihood, probability, verisimilitude n • verisimilitude

likely adv • probabile, verisimile

likely adv • verisimile, probabile

likely, probable, verisimilar adj • verisimile

likely, probable, verisimilar adj • verosimilante

liken, compare v • assimilar

likeness n • resimilantia, similitude

likeness n • similitude, resimilantia

likeness, resemblance, similitude n • similitude

likening, comparison n • assimilation

likes and dislikes phr • preferentias e repugnantias, gustos e odios

likes and dislikes phr • gustos e odios, preferentias e repugnantias

likewise (1. in the same manner; 2. moreover, furthermore) adv • item (ì-)

likewise (1. in the same manner; 2. moreover, furthermore) adv • item

likewise adv • mesmo

likewise adv • anque, equalmente

likewise adv • equalmente, anque

likewise, also adv • equalmente

likewise, moreover, furthermore adv • alsi (-ì)

likewise, moreover, furthermore adv • alsi

liking, friendly feeling n • sympathia (-ìa)

liking, friendly feeling n • sympathia

liking n • sympath, inclination

liking n • inclination, sympath

lilac adj/n • lilac

lilac [Bot] n • lilac

Liliaceae [Bot] n • liliaceas

liliaceous, lilylike adj • liliacee

lilly, lily n • lilio

lily, lilly n • lilio

lily n • lilio

lilylike, liliaceous adj • liliacee

limaciform, snail-shaped adj • limaciforme

limb n • membro

limb (of animal or human body) n • membro

limbo n • limbo

lime (calcium oxide) n • calce

lime (chalk) n • calce

lime (fruit) n • lima

lime (fruit of the lime) n • lima

lime (tree) n • tilia

lime-juice n • succo de lima

lime-stone n • petra de calce

limestone n • calcario

liminal (pertaining to the threshold) adj • liminar

limit, boundary n • limite (lì-)

limit, boundary n • limite

limit n • limite

limit v • limitar, restringer

limit v • restringer, limitar

limitable adj • limitabile

limitary, limiting limitar adj • limitar

limitation n • limitation

limitative adj • limitative

limited adj • limitate

limited, restricted adj • limitate

limited, restricted adj • limitate (pp of limitar)

limited-company n • societate anonyme

limiting limitar, limitary adj • limitar

limitrophe adj • limitrophe (-mì-)

limitrophe adj • limitrophe

limp (floppy) adj • flaccide

limp n • claudication

limp (pliable) adj • flexibile

limp v • claudicar

limpet n • patella

limpet, Patella [Zool] n • patella

limpid adj • limpide

limpidity, limpidness n • limpiditate

limpidness, limpidity n • limpiditate

limping (act of) n • claudication

limping, lame adj • claude

linden n • tilia

linden blossom n • tilia

line (1. cord, rope; 2. fish or fishing line; 3. linear mark, arrangement) n • linea

line (as in to line a coat) v • foderar

line n • linea

line (of clothes) n • foderar

line (stand in -) v • facer cauda

line v • linear

line up n • alineamento

line up v • alinear (se)

line up v • alinear

lineage n • lineage

lineal (pertaining to lines) adj • lineal

lineament (as in the lineaments of a face) n • lineamento

linear adj • linear

linear linear adj • linear

linen (fabric) n • tela de lino

linen (made with -) adj • tela de lino

linen (sheets) n • pannos blanc

linen (tablecloth, table -) n • drappo del tabula, panno del tabula

linen (tablecloth, table -) n • panno del tabula, drappo del tabula

liner n • nave de linea

linger, delay, tarry v • morar

linger v • tardar, morar

linger v • morar, tardar

lingerie n • subvestimentos (feminin)

lingerie n • subvestimentos

lingering (slow) adj • lente

lingering, tardy, dilatory adj • morose

lingering (tardy) adj • morose

lingual adj • lingual

lingual (involving the tongue) adj • lingual

linguist n • linguista

linguistic adj • linguistic

linguistics n • sci

linguistics n • linguistica

liniment n • linimento

lining (act of) n • foderatura

lining (as in the lining of a coat) n • fodero

lining (as in the lining of a coat) n • fodero (fò-)

lining (of clothes) n • fodero

link (bond) n • ligamine

link [Comp] n • ligamine

link (ring) n • anello

link v • concatenar, attaccar

link v • attaccar, concatenar

link together, concatenate v • concatenar

link together, concatenate v • incatenar

linoleum n • linoleum

linoleum n • linoleum (-nò-)

linotype, linotyping n • linotypia (-ìa)

linotype, linotyping n • linotypia

linotype n • linotypo

linotyping, linotype n • linotypia (-ìa)

linotyping, linotype n • linotypia

linotypist n • linotypista

linseed n • semines de lino

linux (unix clone) n • linux

lion, leonine adj • leonin

lion n • leon

lioness n • leonessa

lion's den n • leoniera

lion's-den n • leoniera

lion's-share n • parte del leon

lip [Anat] n • labio

lip (cheek) n • insolentia

lip n • labio

lip (rim) n • bordo

lip-balm n • balsamo pro labios

lip-read v • leger sur le labios

lip-stick n • stilo de carmino

liquefaction n • liquefaction

liquefaction n • liquidation

liquefactive adj • liquefactive

liquefiable adj • liquidabile

liquefiable adj • liquefactibile

liquefier n • liquidator

liquefy, melt v • funder

liquefy, melt v • funder</b> fund-/fus-]

liquefy v • liquidar

liquefy v • liquefacer</b> -fac-/-fact-]

liquefy v • liquefacer

liqueur n • liquor

liquid (1. fluid; 2.</b> Phonet]) adj • liquide

liquid adj • liquide

liquid (fluid) n • liquido

liquid n • liquido

liquid n • liquor

liquid [Phonet] n • liquida

liquid [Phonet] n • liquida (lì-)

liquid-assets n • activo liquide

liquidate (1.</b> Commer] (sell out) v • liquidar

liquidate v • liquidar

liquidation n • liquidation

liquidator n • liquidator

liquidity n • liquiditate

liquidize v • liquidar

liquor (alcoholic drink) n • liquor

liquor n • liquor

liquor dealer n • liquorista

liquorice n • liquiritia

lira [Monet] n • lira

lira [Monet] n • lira (pl lire)</b> I]

lira n • lira

Lisbon [Geog] n • Lisboa

Lisbon n • Lisbona

lisp (have a -) v • esser blese

lisp n • blesamento

lisp v • blesar

list (enter in a list) v • listar

list (list of names, figures, words) n • lista

list n • lista

list [Nav] n • inclinar se

list [Nav] n • lista

list, roll, register (of members) n • matricula

list, selvage n • lista

list v • listar

listen v • ascoltar

listen to (1. to hearken to; 2. to mind, heed) v • ascoltar

listener, auditor, hearer n • auditor

listener n • ascoltator

listening, hearing n • ascolta

listening n • ascoltamento

listening place or post n • ascolta

listless adj • languide, apathic

listless adj • apathic, languide

list-server [Comp] n • servitor de listas

litany n • litania (-ìa)

litany n • litania

liter (litre) n • litro

liter n • litro

literal (1. as in literal notation of numbers; 2. as in literal translation) adj • literal, litteral

literal (1. as in literal notation of numbers; 2. as in literal translation) adj • litteral, literal

literal adj • itteral, literal

literal adj • literal,litteral

literally adv • litera per litera, literalmente

literally adv • littera per littera, litteralmente

literally adv • litteralmente, littera per littera

literally adv • literalmente, litera per litera

literary adj • literari,litterari

literary adj • litterari, literari

literate adj • litterate, literate

literate adj • literate, litterate

literature (literary productions collectively) n • litteratura, literatura

literature n • literatura, litteratura

litharge [Chem] n • lithargyro (-tàr-)

litharge [Chem] n • lithargyro

lithe adj • flexibile, agile

lithe adj • agile, flexibile

lithic (1. of stone; 2.</b> Med]) adj • lithic

lithium [Chem] n • lithium (lìt-)

lithium [Chem] n • lithium

litho-, lith- (stone)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • litho-

lithograph n • lithographia (-ìa)

lithograph n • lithographia

lithograph v • lithographiar

lithographer n • lithographo (-ò-)

lithographer n • lithographo

lithographic adj • lithographic

lithographic printing office n • lithographia (-ìa)

lithographic printing office n • lithographia

lithography n • lithographia

lithography n • lithographia (-ìa)

lithoid, stonelike adj • lithoide

lithosphere n • lithosphera

Lithuania [Geog] n • Lithuania

Lithuania n • Lituania

Lithuanian (1. inhabitant of Lithuania; 2. Lithuanian language) n • lituano

Lithuanian adj • lituan

Lithuanian n • lithuanian

litigant n • litigante

litigate (1. to be engaged in a lawsuit; 2. to dispute, contest) v • litigar

litigation n • litigation

litigious (1. quarrelsome; 2. disputable, debatable) adj • litigiose

Litorina [Zool] n • litorina

litre (liter) n • litro

litter (1. vehicle carried on men's shoulders or by animals; 2. stretcher; 3. straw, hay used as bedding for animals) n • lectiera

litter (as in the litter of a sow) n • portata

litter (of animals) n • ventrata, portata

litter (of animals) n • portata, ventrata

litter (of puppies) n • ventrata

litter (rubbish) n • immunditias

litter (stretcher) n • lectiera

litter v • lassar in disordine

litter-bin n • receptaculo de immunditias

little (a small degree) adv • pauco

little adj • parve, pauc

little adj • pauc, parve

little adv • pauco

little (not much) adj • pauc

little (not much) adj • poc

little, small adj • parve

little boat n • navetta

little by little, a little at a time, gradually, by degrees adv • paulatim

little by little, a little at a time, gradually, by degrees adv • paulatim (-là-)

little curl (little curled lock of hair) n • bucletta

little joke or jest n • joculo

little-by-little adv • pauco a pauco

little-finger n • digito auricular

littleness, smallness n • parvitate

littoral litoral, coast adj • litoral

liturgical, liturgic adj • liturgic

liturgist (authority on liturgies) n • liturgista

liturgy [Eccl] n • liturgia

liturgy [Eccl] n • liturgia (-ìa)

liturgy n • liturgia

live adj • vive

live adv • al vivo

live, living, alive adj • vive

live, reside v • demorar

live v • viver

live v • habitar

live coals n • brasa

live in, inhabit v • habitar

live together v • conviver

livelihood n • vita, medios de subsistentia

livelihood n • medios de subsistentia, vita

lively adj • vive

lively adv • plen de vita, animate, galliarde

lively adv • galliarde, plen de vita, animate

lively adv • animate, galliarde, plen de vita

lively, animated adj • animate pp of animar

live-on v • nutrir se de

liver [Anat] n • ficato (fì-)

liver [Anat] n • ficato

liver [Anat] n • hepate

liver [Anat] n • hepate (hé-)

liver n • hepate, ficato

liver n • ficato, hepate

livery n • livrea

livery (uniform worn by the servants of a household) n • livrea

livery (uniform worn by the servants of a household) n • livrea (-éa)

livestock, cattle n • bestial

livestock n • bestial

live-together v • cohabitar

livid (1. having a dull-bluish color; 2. black-and-blue) adj • livide

livid adj • livide

lividity, lividness n • lividitate

lividness, lividity n • lividitate

lividness n • livor

living adj • vive, vivente

living adj • vivente, vive

living, alive adj • vivente

living, alive, live adj • vive

living (earn one's -) v • ganiar su vita

living n • modo de viver, vita

living n • vita, modo de viver

living (the -) n • le vivos

living in a village adj • villan

living-room n • salon

Livonia n • Livonia

Livonian adj • livonie

Livonian n • livonio

livor [Pathol] n • livor

lizard n • lacerta

lizard of the genus Draco [Zool] n • dracon

lo!, see!, behold! adv • ecce

load, also: cargo n • cargamento

load, burden n • fardello

load, burden n • onere

load, charge (as in to load or charge a gun) v • cargar

load, lade v • cargar

load n • carga, fardello, onere

load n • onere, carga, fardello

load n • fardello, onere, carga

load, to burden with v • onerar

load v • onerar, cargar

load v • cargar, onerar

loading (1. lading; 2. as in loading of a gun) n • cargamento

loaf n • pan

loaf, stroll v • flanar

loaf v • flanar

loan n • presto

loan v • prestar

loathe v • execrar, detestar

loathe v • detestar, execrar

loathing n • repugnantia, detestation

loathing n • detestation, repugnantia

loathsome adj • repugnante

lobate, lobed adj • lobate

lobby (in house) n • hall, vestibulo

lobby (in house) n • vestibulo, hall

lobby, lounge [Theat] n • foyer</b> F]

lobby, lounge [Theat] n • foyer

lobby n •</b> Pol]

lobby n •</b> Theat]

lobby v • exercer pression, sollicitar votos

lobby v • sollicitar votos, exercer pression

lobe n • lobo

lobed, lobate adj • lobate

lobster n • homaro (hò-)

lobster n • homaro

lobular adj • lobular

lobulate adj • lobulate

lobule n • lobulo

local adj • local

local n • pub, taverna

local n • taverna, pub

locality n • localitate

locality, spot n • localitate

localization n • localisation

localize v • localisar

locally adv • localmente

locate, place, set (in a particular place) v • locar

locate v • situar, locar

locate v • locar, situar

located (be -) v • situate

location (act of locating or placing) n • location

location n • situation, location

location n • location, situation

location, site n • implaciamento

locative [Gram] adj • locative

locative [Gram] n • locativo

loch n • laco

lock (fasten with a lock) v • serrar

lock (of a canal, river) n • esclusa

lock (of a door) n • serratura

lock (of canal) n • esclusa

lock (of door) n • serratura

lock v • serrar

lock away, lock up (something) v • serrar

lock up, lock away (something) v • serrar

locker n • armario

locket n • medalion

lock-in v • includer sub clave

locking (of a door) n • serramento

lockjaw, trismus n • trismo

lock-out (labor) n • lock-out

lockout n • lock-out</b> A]

lockout n • lock-out

lock-out v • excluder sub clave

locks, curl in ringlets (cause to) v • anellar

lock-up v • serrar. incoffrar

locomobile adj • locomobile

locomobile (moveable steam engine) n • locomobile

locomotion n • locomotion

locomotive adj • locomotive

locomotive n • locomotiva

locomotivity n • locomobilitate

locomotor adj • locomotor

locust n • locusta

locution n • locution

lode, vein [Geol. and Mining] n • filon

lodge (1. meeting place of a branch of the Masonic order; 2. branch of the Masonic order) n • logia

lodge (1. meeting place of a branch of the Masonic order; 2. branch of the Masonic order) n • logia (loja)

lodge (an appeal) v • presentar

lodge (live) v • albergar, allogiar

lodge (live) v • allogiar, albergar

lodge n • logia

lodge (of money) v • deponer

lodge, shelter v • albergar

lodger n • pensionario, locatario

lodger n • locatario, pensionario

lodging n • allogiamento, albergo

lodging n • albergo, allogiamento

lodging, shelter n • albergo

lodging-house n • domo mobilate

lodgings n • camera mobilate

loft (attic) n • mansarda

loft (for grain) n • granario

loft (for pigeons) n • columbiera

lofty, elevated, sublime adj • excelse

lofty, high adj • elevate

lofty, high adj • eminente

lofty, high adj • elevate (pp of elevar)

log n •</b> Naut]

log (of wood) n • bloco

log v • notar in le registro, registrar

log v • registrar, notar in le registro

logarithm n • logarithmo

logarithmic adj • logarithmic

loge, box [Theat] n • loge

loge, box [Theat] n • loge</b> F]

loggia [Arch] n • loggia</b> I]

loggia [Arch] n • loggia

loggia: [Arch] n • logia

loggia: [Arch] n • logia (loja)

logic n • logica

logical adj • logic

logically adv • logicamente

logician n • logico

logomach, logomachist n • logomacho (-gò-)

logomach, logomachist n • logomacho

logomachic adj • logomachic

logomachic adj • logomache (-gò-)

logomachic adj • logomache

logomachist, logomach n • logomacho (-gò-)

logomachist, logomach n • logomacho

logomachy n • logomachia

logomachy n • logomachia (-ìa)

logos n • logos

Logos n • logos

logos n • logos</b> Gr]

Logos n • logos</b> Gr]

loin n • llmbo

loin n • lumbo

loin (-s) n • renes

loiter v • flanar

London [Geog] n • London

London n • London

London n • London</b> A]

London, of London adj • londonese

loneliness n • solitude

loneliness, solitude n • solitate

lonely adj • solitari

lonely, solitary, isolated adj • isolate

lonely, solitary, isolated adj • isolate (pp of isolar)

long (- for) v • desirar ardentemente

long (a - time ago) adv • ante multe tempore

long adj • longe

long adv • longemente

long (all day -) adv • tote le jorno

long (as - as, while) adv • durante que

long (before -) adv • in pauc

long (for a - time) adv • longemente

long, for a long time adv • longemente

long (goodbye, so -) adv • a revider

long (in the - run) adv • al longe

long (of space, how -) adv • de qual longitude

long (of space, so -) adv • de tante longitude

long (of the same length) adv • tanto longe como

long (of time, how -) adv • quante tempore

long (of time, so -) adv • tante tempore

long (one meter -) adv • un metro de longitude

long ago adv • pridem (prì-)

long ago adv • pridem

long staff, pole n • pertica (pér-)

long staff, pole n • pertica

long-ago adv • il ha multe tempore, longe al retro, pridem

long-ago adv • longe al retro, pridem, il ha multe tempore

long-ago adv • pridem, il ha multe tempore, longe al retro

longanimity, long-suffering, forbearance n • longanimitate

longanimous, long-suffering, forbearing adj • longanime (-gà-)

longanimous, long-suffering, forbearing adj • longanime

long-distance-call n • appello telephonic interurban

longe (long rope used to guide a horse in training)</b> Man] n • longa

longer adj • plus longe

longevity n • longevitate

longevous, long-lived adj • longeve

long-for v • desirar ardentemente

longing n • invidia, desiro ardente

longing n • desiro ardente, invidia

longingly adv • con invidia

longitude n • longitude

longitudinal adj • longitudinal

long-legged, macroscelous adj • macroscele

long-leggedness, macroscelia n • macroscelia

long-leggedness, macroscelia n • macroscelia (-ìa)

long-lived, longevous adj • longeve

long-playing adj • a longe duration

long-range adj • a longe termino

long-sighted adj/n • presbyopic, presbyte

long-sighted adj/n • presbyte, presbyopic

long-sighted, presbyopic, farsighted [Med] adj • presbyte

long-sighted, presbyopic, farsighted [Med] adj • presbyte (préz-)

long-standing adj • ancian

long-suffering, forbearance, longanimity n • longanimitate

long-suffering, forbearing, longanimous adj • longanime

long-suffering, forbearing, longanimous adj • longanime (-gà-)

long-waves n • undas longe

long-winded adj • prolixe, interminabile

long-winded adj • interminabile, prolixe

long-winded, prolix adj • prolixe

loo n • w.c/le vese, lavatorio

loo n • lavatorio, w.c/le vese

look (air) n • aere, aspecto

look (air) n • aspecto, aere

look (direct the gaze) v • reguardar

look, glance n • reguardo

look (glance) n • reguardo, mirar

look (glance) n • mirar, reguardo

look (seem) v • haber le aere, parer

look (seem) v • parer, haber le aere

look after, take care of v • respicer

look after, take care of v • respicer</b> -spic-/-spect-]

look at, examine v • perspicer

look at, examine v • perspicer</b> -spic-/-spect-]

look at (searchingly) v • mirar

look at v • reguardar

look at v • spectar

look back v • respicer

look back v • respicer</b> -spic-/-spect-]

look for, search for, seek v • cercar

look for, seek, search (diligently) v • perquirer

look for, seek, search (diligently) v • perquirer</b> -quir-/-quisit-]

look for, seek, search v • querer</b> quer-/quest-;-quir-/-quest-/-quisit-]

look for, seek, search v • querer

look forward, to look ahead v • prospicer</b> -spic-/-spect-]

look forward, to look ahead v • prospicer

look over, examine cursorily v • percurrer

look over, examine cursorily v • percurrer</b> -curr-/-curs-]

look through v • perspicer</b> -spic-/-spect-]

look through v • perspicer

look-after (keep) v • coler

look-after (nurse) v • curar

look-after (watch) v • vigilar super

look-ahead v • prospicer

look-at v • reguardar considerar

look-away v • deviar le oculos

look-back v • respicer

look-down v • abassar le oculos

look-down-on v • disdignar, depreciar

look-down-on v • depreciar, disdignar

look-for v • querer, cercar

look-for v • cercar, querer

look-forward-to v • expectar con placer/impatientia

look-here interj • reguarda hic!, eho!

look-here interj • eho!, reguarda hic!

look-into v • investigar, examinar

look-into v • examinar, investigar

look-on-to v • dar super

look-out interj • attention!

look-out n • vigilia, surveliantia

look-out n • surveliantia, vigilia

look-out v • vigilar, guardar se

look-out v • guardar se, vigilar

look-out-for v • guardar se de

look-sad v • haber le aere triste

look-up (in a book) v • cercar

look-up (raise the eyes) v • levar le oculos

look-up (succeed) v • ir ben

look-upon v • reguardar

look-upon-oneself v • creder se

loom n • telario

loom v • surger

loop n • curva, nodo, anello, bucla

loop n • nodo, anello, bucla, curva

loop n • bucla, curva, nodo, anello

loop n • anello, bucla, curva, nodo

loop v • buclar, curvar, anellar

loop v • anellar, buclar, curvar

loop v • curvar, anellar, buclar

looped adj • ansate

looped, ansate adj • ansate

loophole n • lacuna, escappatoria

loophole n • escappatoria, lacuna

loose (free) adj • libere

loose (immoral) adj • immoral

loose (lax) adj • laxe

loose (not tight, taut, firm) adj • laxe

loose v • laxar, liberar distaccar

loose v • liberar distaccar, laxar

loosen (make looser) v • relaxar

loosen, slacken (something) v • laxar

loosen v • disserrar, laxar, distaccar

loosen v • laxar, distaccar, disserrar

loosen v • distaccar, disserrar, laxar

loosen or slacken (cause to) v • disserrar

loosing, able to loosen adj • lytic

loosing, dissolving (act of) n • lyse

loot n • spolias, piliage

loot n • piliage, spolias

loot v • piliar, spoliar

loot v • spoliar, piliar

looter n • spoliator, piliator

looter n • piliator, spoliator

looter, spoliator n • spoliator

looting n • piliage, spoliamento

looting n • spoliamento, piliage

looting, spoliation n • spoliation

lop, trim, prune (trees or vines) v • putar

lop v • taliar, putar

lop v • putar, taliar

lop off, cut off v • defalcar

lop off, truncate v • truncar

lop-sided adj • disproportionate, disequilibrate

lop-sided adj • disequilibrate, disproportionate

loquacious adj • loquace

loquacity n • loquacitate

lord adj • senior

lord (god) n • senior

lord (master) n • senior, domino

lord (master) n • domino, senior

Lord (member of the House of Lords) n • Lord</b> A]

Lord (member of the House of Lords) n • Lord

lord (of a manor) n • castellano

lord (title) n • lord

lordly adj/adv • nobile, senioral

lordly adj/adv • senioral, nobile

lordly (haughty) adj • arrogante

lordship (dominion) n • dominio

lordship n • senioria (-ìa)

lordship n • senioria

lordship (title) n • senioritate

lord's-prayer n • le patre nostre

lorgnette n • lorgnette

lorgnette n • lorgnette</b> F]

lorry (truck) n • camion

lorry-driver (truck driver) n • camionista, camionero

lorry-driver (truck driver) n • camionero, camionista

losable adj • perdibile

lose (of watch)</b> Rr] • retardar

lose v • perder

lose v •</b> Gen]

lose sight of v • perder de vista de

lose-one's-head v • perder le bussola

lose-one's-way v • perder se, disviar se

lose-one's-way v • disviar se, perder se

loser n • perdente, perditor

loser n • perditor, perdente

loser (poor - !) interj • mal jocate

loss (be at a -) v • non saper que facer

loss (harm) n • damno

loss n • perdita

loss (the thing lost) n • cosa perdite

loss of memory, amnesia n • amnesia

loss of memory, amnesia n • amnesia (-ìa)

lost adj • perdite

lost (the thing -) n • cosa perdite

lost and found (left luggage office) phr • perdite e trovate

lost soul, reprobate [Theol] n • reprobato

lot (a -) adv • multo

lot (a - of) adj • multe

lot (at auction) n • lot

lot, destiny n • sorte

lot (draw -s) v • facer lotteria

lot (everything, the - of it) n • toto

lot (fate) n • destino, sorte

lot (fate) n • sorte, destino

lot (of land) n • parcella

lot, parcel [Commer] n • partita

lot (share, portion, allotment) n • lot

lotion n • lotion

lotion [Pharm] n • lotion

lotophagous, lotuseating adj • lotophage

lotophagous, lotuseating adj • lotophage (-tò-)

lottery n • lotteria

lottery n • lotteria</b> I]

lottery-ticket n • billet de lotteria

lotto n • lotto</b> I]

lotto n • lotto

lotus (1.</b> Gr. Legend]; 2.</b> Bot] (African water lily) n • loto

lotus n • loto

lotus-eater n • lotophago (-tò-)

lotus-eater n • lotophago

lotuseating, lotophagous adj • lotophage

lotuseating, lotophagous adj • lotophage (-tò-)

loud adj • alte

loud adj • forte, alte

loud adj • alte, forte

loud adv • in alte voce

loud (noisy) adj • ruitose

loud (of colours) adj • clamante

loudly adv • in alte voce

loudness (din) n • ruito

loudness (pitch) n • fortia

loud-speaker n • alto-parlator

loudspeaker n • altoparlator

Louisiana n • Louisiana

lounge, lobby [Theat] n • foyer

lounge, lobby [Theat] n • foyer</b> F]

lounge (of house) n • salon

lounge [Theat] • foyer

lounge v • flanar, reclin.

lounge v • reclin., flanar

louse n • pediculo

louse n • pediculo (-ì-)

lousy adj • pedicular

lousy adj •</b> Fig]

lousy, pedicular adj • pedicular

lousy, pediculous adj • pediculose

lovable adj • amabile, sympathic

lovable adj • sympathic, amabile

lovable, amiable adj • amabile

lovage [Bot] n • levistico (-vìs-)

lovage [Bot] n • levistico

lovage [Bot] n • ligustico

love (fall in - with) v • inamorar se de

love (in - ) adj • inamorate

love n • amor, affection

love n • affection, amor

love (passionate affection) n • amor

love (sport) n • zero

love v • adorar, amar

love v • amar, adorar

love v • amar

love affair, flirtation n • amoretto

love of harmony, love of music n • philharmonia

love of harmony, love of music n • philharmonia (-ìa)

love of music, love of harmony n • philharmonia (-ìa)

love of music, love of harmony n • philharmonia

love-affair n • amoretto

loveless adj • sin amor

loveliness n • beltate

lovely adj • belle

lover adj • amante

lover (one who has a strong liking for something) v • amator

lover, paramour n • amante

lover of the arts, amateur, dilettante n • dilettante</b> I]

lover of the arts, amateur, dilettante n • dilettante

lovesick adj • inamorate, ferite de amor

lovesick adj • ferite de amor, inamorate

loving, affectionate adj • affectuose

low (1. in a low position; 2. softly) adv • basso

low (1. not high; 2. base, mean) adj • basse

low adv • basso

low (depressed) adj • abattite

low (in a - voice) phr • in voce basse

low, moo v • mugir

low (of position) adj • basse

low v • mugir

low (vulgar) adj • vulgar

lowbrow adj • inculte

Low-Countries [Geog] n • Paises Basse

Low-Countries [Geog] n • Nederland, Holland

Low-Countries [Geog] n • Holland, Nederland

lower adj • inferior

lower adj • inferior, plus basse

lower adj • plus basse, inferior

lower (frown) v • arrugar le fronte

lower (make low) v • abassar, bassar, reducer

lower (make low) v • reducer, abassar, bassar

lower (make low) v • bassar, reducer, abassar

lower (make lower) v • bassar

lower v • abassar

lower part, bottom (of a thing) n • basso

lower-case adj/n • minuscule

lower-classes n • classes inferior

lowering (decrease) n • diminution

lowering (dropping) adj • abassante

lowering (dropping) n • abassamento

lowering n • abassamento

lowering (threatening) adj • menaciante

low-grade adj • de gualitate inferior

lowland n • terra basse

lowly adj • modeste, humile

lowly adj • humile, modeste

low-lying adj • situate in basso

low-pitched adj • grave

low-tide n • marea basse

loyal adj • loyal, fidel

loyal adj • loyal

loyal adj • fidel, loyal

loyalist n • loyalista

loyally adv • fidelmente

loyalty n • loyalitate

loyalty n • loyalitate, fidelitate

loyalty n • fidelitate, loyalitate

lozenge n • pastilla

lubricant adj • lubricative

lubricant n • lubricante

lubricant n • lubrificante, lubricante

lubricant n • lubricante, lubrificante

lubricant n • lubrificante

lubricate v • lubricar, lubrificar

lubricate v • lubrificar

lubricate v • lubricar

lubricate v • lubrificar, lubricar

lubricating oil n • oleo lubrificante

lubrication n • lubrification

lubrication n • oleage, lubrification

lubrication n • lubrification, oleage

lubrication, oiling n • oleage

lubrication, oiling n • oleage (-aje)

lubricative adj • lubricative

lubricator (one who or that which lubricates) n • lubricaior

lubricity (1. slipperiness; 2. lewdness) n • lubricitate

lubricous, slippery adj • lubric (lù-)

lubricous, slippery adj • lubric

lucency n • lucentia

lucerne, alfalfa [Bot] n • lucerna

lucid adj • lucide

lucid, clear adj • lucide

lucidity n • luciditate

lucifer, match n • flammifero (-ì-)

lucifer, match n • flammifero

luck, chance n • sorte

luck (good fortune) n • bon fortuna

luck n • sorte

luck n • hasardo

luckless adj • infortunate

lucky adj • fortunate

lucrative adj • lucrative

lucrative, profitable adj • lucrose

lucre, profit, gain n • lucro

ludicrous adj • absurde, risibile

ludicrous adj • risibile, absurde

lug n •</b> Mech]

lug v • tirar, trainar

lug v • trainar, tirar

luggage, baggage n • bagage (-aje)

luggage, baggage n • bagage

luggage n • bagage

lugubrious, mournful adj • lugubre

lugubrious, mournful adj • lugubre (lù-)

Luke n • Luca

lukewarm adj • tepide

lukewarm (be -) v • teper

lukewarm, tepid adj • tepide

lukewarmness n • tepor

lull n • momento de calma, de silentio

lull n • de silentio, momento de calma

lull vi • calmar se, diminuer

lull vi • diminuer, calmar se

lull vt • calmar, sopir

lull vt • sopir, calmar

lullaby n • canto de cuna

lumbago n • lumbagine

lumbar [Anat] adj • lumbar

lumber (furniture) n • mobiles vetule

lumber vi • avanciar a passos pesante

lumber vt • incombrar, obstruer

lumber vt • obstruer, incombrar

lumber (wood) n • ligno

lumber-jack n • abattitor de arbores

lumbrical adj • lumbrical

lumen (unit of luminous flux) n • lumen

luminary n • luminar

luminesce v • luminescer

luminescence n • luminescentia

luminescent adj • luminescente

luminosity n • luminositate

luminous adj • luminose

luminousness, brightness n • nitiditate

lump (block) n • massa

lump (earth, etc) n • grumo

lump (have a - in one's throat) v • haber un nodo in le gurgite

lump (he can - it) phr • que ille se arrangia sol

lump n • grumo

lump v • massar

lump-sum n • summa global

lump-together v • reunir insimul

lumpy adj • grumose

lumpy (of earth) adj • grumose

lumpy (with bumps) adj • coperite de protuberantias

lunacy n • follia, alienation mental, dementia

lunacy n • alienation mental, dementia, follia

lunacy n • dementia, follia, alienation mental

lunar adj • lunar

lunar, moon adj • lunar

lunate, lunated adj • lunate

lunated, lunate adj • lunate

lunatic adj • lunatic

lunatic adj • lunatic, alienate

lunatic adj • alienate, lunatic

lunatic n • alienato

lunation [Astron] n • lunation

lunch, dine, have lunch, have dinner (take the midday meal) v • prander

lunch, dinner (midday meal) n • prandio

lunch n • lunch

lunch n • lunch, prandio

lunch n • lunch</b> A]

lunch n • prandio, lunch

lunch v • prander, lunchar

lunch v • lunchar, prander

lunch v • lunchar

lunch v • lunchar (-tch-)

lunch-hour n • hora de prandio

lune [Geom] n • fuso

lunette (1.</b> Arch]; 2.</b> Fortif]; 3.</b> Eccl]; 4. hole in a guillotine for the victim's neck; 5. watch crystal flattened in the center) n • lunetta

lung n • pulmon

lunulate, lunulated adj • lunulate

lunulated, lunulate adj • lunulate

lunule n • lunula

lupine [Bot] n • lupino

lupine, wolfish adj • lupin

lupulin n • lupulino

lupuline, lupulinous adj • lupulin

lupulinous, lupuline adj • lupulin

lupus [Pathoh] n • lupus

lupus [Pathoh] n • lupus</b> L]

lurch (leave in the -) v • in embarasso, lassar in difficultate

lurch (leave in the -) v • lassar in difficultate, in embarasso

lurch n • movimento subite

lurch v • mover se subito

lure (bait) n • esca

lure n •</b> Fig]

lure v • seducer

Lusitania n • Lusitania

Lusitanian adj • lusitan

Lusitanian n • lusitano

luster (1. sheen, gloss; 2. chandelier) n • lustro

luster, gloss n • politura

luster, lustrine n • lustrina

lustering, glossing (act of) n • lustrage

lustering, glossing (act of) n • lustrage (-aje)

lustful, wanton adj • luxuriose

lustral adj • lustral

lustrate, purify v • lustrar

lustration n • lustration

lustrine, luster n • lustrina

lustring n • lustrina

lustrous, satiny adj • satinate

lustrous, satiny adj • satinate (pp of satinar)

lustrous, shining adj • lustrose

lustrum (1.</b> Rom. Antiq] (lustration, ceremonial purification; 2. period of five years) n • lustro

lute [Mus] n • lut

lute n • lut, lyra, cithara

lute n • lyra, cithara, lut

lute n • cithara, lut, lyra

lute player, lutist n • lutista

luteinizing-hormone n • hormone-luteinisante

lutetium (Lu) n • lutetio, lutetium

lutetium (Lu) n • lutetium, lutetio

Lutheran adj • lutheran

lutheran adj •</b> Relig]

Lutheran adj • lutheric

Lutheran n • lutherano

lutheran n • lutherano

lutheranism n • lutheranismo

lutist, lute player n • lutista

lux (unit of illumination) n • lux

luxate, dislocate v • luxar

luxate (dislocate) v • luxar

luxation, dislocation n • luxation

Luxembourg [Geog] n • Luxemburg

luxuriance (1. rankness; 2. lust, lustfulness) n • luxuria

luxuriance n • luxuria

luxuriant adj • luxuriante

luxuriant, rank adj • luxuriose

luxuriant ((rank) wanton, licentious) adj • luxuriante

luxuriant ((rank) wanton, licentious) adj • luxuriante (ppr of luxuriar)

luxuriate (1. to grow rank; 2. to be wanton) v • luxuriar

luxuriate v • luxuriar

luxurious adj • luxuose, luxuriose

luxurious adj • luxuriose, luxuose

luxurious (characteristic of, or characterized by, luxury) adj • luxose

luxuriousness n • luxo

luxury n • luxo

luxury n • luxuria, luxo

luxury n • luxo, luxuria

LXX (Septuagint) n • le Traduction del Septuaginta

lycanthropic adj • lycanthropic

lycanthropo (1. one affected with lycanthropy; 2. werewolf) n • lycanthropo

lycanthropy (1.</b> Pathol]; 2.</b> Folklore]) n • lycanthropia

lycanthropy (1.</b> Pathol]; 2.</b> Folklore]) n • lycanthropia (-ìa)

lycanthropy (werewolf syndrome) n • lycanthropia

lycee (Fr) n • lyceo

lyceum n • lyceo

lyco-, lyc- (wolf)</b> occurring in compounds] n • lyco-

lycopod, Lycopodium [Bot] n • lycopodio

lycopodium (- powder) n • pulvere de lycopodio

Lycopodium, lycopod [Bot] n • lycopodio

Lydia [Bib] n • Lydia

lying across or athwart, transverse adj • transverse

lying place n • repositorio

lymph n • lympha

lymph [Physiol] n • lympha

lymphatic (1. carrying lymph; 2. as in lymphatic temperament) adj • lymphatic

lymphatism (1. lymphatic temperament; 2.</b> Pathol]) n • lymphatismo

lymphocyte [Anat] n • lymphocyto

lymphocyte [Anat] n • lymphocyto (-ò-)

lymphoma [Pathol] n • lymphoma

lymphoma [Pathol] n • lymphoma</b> -ma/-mat-]

lymphomatosis [Pathol] n • lymphomatosis

lymphomatosis [Pathol] n • lymphomatosis (-òsis)

lynch v • lynchar

lynch v • lynchar (-tch-)

lyncher n • lynchator

lyncher n • lynchator (-tch-)

lynching (act of) n • lynchamento (-tch-)

lynching (act of) n • lynchamento

lynching n • lynchamento

lynx n • lynce

lyophilize (freezedry) v • lyophilisar

lyre (1.</b> Mus]; 2.</b> Astron]) n • lyra

lyre n • lyra

lyrebird n • lyra

lyric adj • lyric

lyric poet n • lyrico

lyric poetry n • lyrica

lyrical adj • lyric

lyricism n • lyrismo

lyric-poet n • lyrico

lyrics n • parolas del canto

lysergic-acid n • acido lysergic

lysis (1.</b> Med]; 2.</b> Biochem]) n • lyse

lysis [Chem] n • lysis

lysis (disolution) n • lysis

lytic [Chem] adj • lytic

lytic (pertaining to lysis or a lysin) adj • lytic

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