Eid h

From Interlingua



h (letter -) n • littera h (hacha)

haberdasher n • linteo

haberdasher n • vendetor de pannos

haberdashery (textile) n • vendita de pannos

haberdashery (textile) n • vendita de pannos (de lino)

habilitation (1. capacitation, enabling; 2. qualifying, qualification) n • habilitation

habit (1. dress of a religious order; 2. custom) n • habito

habit (1. dress of a religious order; 2. custom) n • habito (hà-)

habit, gown n • cotta

habit, habitude n • habitude

habit n • habito

habit, usage, custom n • usantia

habitable adj • habitabile

habitat n • habitat</b> [NL]

habitat n • habitat

habitation (1. action of inhabiting; 2. abode, residence) n • habitation

habitation n • habitation

habitation (residence) n • domicilio

habitual adj • habitual

habitually adv • habibualmente

habituate, accustom v • habituar

habitude, habit n • habitude

habitué n • habitué</b> [F]

habitué n • habitué

hachet n • hachetta

hack, chop v • hachar (-sh-)

hack, chop v • hachar

hack [Comp] n • hack

hack (horse) n • cavallo

hack (taxi) n • taxi

hack v • taliar

hack v • hachar

hack v • dolar

hack (writer) n • scriptor mercenari

hacker n • hachator

hacker n • hacker

hacking (act of -) n • hachamento (-sh-)

hacking (act of -) n • hachamento

hackneyed adj • banal

haddock [Ichthyol] n • eglefino

haddock n • eglefino

hades n • hades

hades n • sheol

haematic, hematic adj • hematic

haematite, hematite [Mineral] n • hematite

haematosis, hematosis [Physiol] n • hematosis

haematosis, hematosis [Physiol] n • hematosis (-òsis)

haemoglobin, hemoglobin [Biochem] n • hemoglobina

haemophile, hemophiliac, haemophiliac, bleeder, hemophile n • hemophilo

haemophile, hemophiliac, haemophiliac, bleeder, hemophile n • hemophilo (-mò-)

haemophile, hemophilic, haemophilic, hemophile adj • hemophile

haemophilia, hemophilia n • hemophilia (-ìa)

haemophilia, hemophilia n • hemophilia

haemophiliac, bleeder, hemophile, haemophile, hemophiliac n • hemophilo (-mò-)

haemophiliac, bleeder, hemophile, haemophile, hemophiliac n • hemophilo

haemophilic, hemophile, haemophile, hemophilic adj • hemophile

haemorrhage, hemorrhage n • hemorrhagia (-ìa)

haemorrhage, hemorrhage n • hemorrhagia

haemorrhage (hemorrhage) n • hemorrhagia

haemorrhoid, hemorrhoid n • hemorrhoide

hag n • vetula repulsive

hag (witch) n • maga

haggard adj • discarnate

haggard adj • emaciate

haggle v • negotiar cavillosemente

Hague [Geog] n • Haga

hague n • haga

Hague (the -) n • Le Haga

hail [Meteorol] n • grandine

hail [Meterol] v • grandinar

hail n • grandine

hail vi • grandinar

hail vt • salutar

hail-stone n • petra de grandine

hail-storm n • tempesta de grandine

hair (1. a single hair; 2. the hair of a person, animal) n • pilo

hair (a single hair of the human head) n • capillo

hair [Anat] n • capillo

hair [Anat] n • pilo

hair, down n • villo

hair (head of hair) n • capillatura

hair (head of) n • capillatura

hair (split -s) v • finder capillos in quatro

hair-brush n • brossa pro capillos

hair-cut n • taliatura del capillos

hair-do n • pectinatura

hairdo n • pectinatura

hairdresser, coiffeur, barber, wigmaker n • perrucchero

hair-dresser n • perrucchero

hair-dresser's (shop) n • perruccheria

hair-dressing v • mestiero del perrucchero

hair-dryer n • siccacapillos

hairiness, pilosity n • pilositate

hairiness, villosity n • villositate

hairless n • calve

hairless n • sin capillos

hair-net n • rete pro le capillos

hair-piece n • toupet

hair-raising adj • horripilante

hair-raising adj • horripilante (ppr of horripilar)

hair-raising (making hair stand on end) adj • horripilante

hairspring adj • spiral

hair-style n • pectinatura

hairy adj • hirsute

hairy adj • pilose

hairy adj • villute

hairy (covered with hair) adj • capillute

hairy, pilose adj • pilose

hairy, villous adj • villose

Haiti [Geog] n • Haiti

half adj • medie

half (go halves) v • ir a medietate

half n • medietate

half boot, high shoe n • bottina

half medio adv • medio

half-a-dozen phr • un medie dozena

half-alive adj • semivive

half-and-half (coffee creamer) n • crema e lacte

half-and-half phr • medietate a medietate

half-an-hour phr • un medie hora

half-asleep, semisomnous adj • semisomne

half-back n • mediano

half-baked (fig) adj • medie complete

half-baked (fig) adj • medie facite

half-baked (underdone) adj • a medietate cocite

half-breed, mestizo n • mesticio

half-breed n • mesticio

half-brother n • medie fratre

half-caste n • mesticio

half-dead adj • semimorte

half-hearted adj • pauco enthusiastic

half-hearted adj • tepide

half-mast (at -) adv • a medie mast

half-mast n • medie mast

half-naked, seminude adj • seminude

half-pint n • medie pinta

half-price phr • a medietate de precio

half-savage, semisavage adj • semisalvage

half-savage, semisavage adj • semisalvage (-aje)

half-shade, penumbra n • penumbra

half-sister n • medie soror

half-term n • vacantias de medie trimestre

half-time n • intervallo

half-time n • pausa

halftone, semitone [Mus] n • semitono

halfway n • a medietate del cammino

halfwit n • imbecille

half-year n • semestre

half-yearly n • semestral

halibut n • halibut

hall (1. large and stately room; 2. lobby) n • hall

hall (1. large and stately room; 2. lobby) n • hall</b> [A]

hall (entrance) n • vestibulo

hall (large room) n • sala

hall porter (in full regalia)</b> [Eccl. etc] n • switzo

hallelujah interj • alleluia

hallelujah interj • laude a Jehovah

hallelujah interj • hallelujah

hallelujah interj • laude a Jah

hallmark n • punction de controlo

hallo interj • hallo

hallow, sanctify v • sanctificar

hallowed adj • sanctificate

halloween n • vigilia de omne mortos

halloween n • vigilia de omne mortos (sanctos)

halluciation n • hallucination

hallucinate v • hallucinar

hallucination n • hallucination

hallucinatory adj • hallucinatori

halo, aureole n • aureola

halo, aureole n • aureola (-ré-)

halo (aureole) n • aureola

halo, invest with a halo v • aureolar

halo [Meterol] n • halo

halo n • metereol

halo (nimbus) n • nimbo

haloed, invested with a halo adj • aureolate

halo-like adj • aureolar

halt (as order) interj • halt!

halt [Mil] • facer halto

halt [Rr] • station facultative

halt, stop (cease to go on or move) v • stationar

halt, stop n • halto

halt (stop) n • halto

halt (stop) vi • stationar

halt vt • arrestar

halter, muzzle (for animals) n • capistro

halting adj • hesitante

halve v • divider in duo

Ham [Bib] n • Cham

ham, gammon n • gambon

ham n • gambon

hamate, hooked adj • hamate

ham-burger n • hamburger

hamirostrate [Zool] adj • hamirostre

Hamite n • chamita

Hamitic adj • chamitic

hamlet, village n • vico

hammer, hammer out v • mallear

hammer n • martello

hammer v • martellar

hammer out, hammer v • mallear

hammerer n • martellator

hammerhead (shark) n • martello

hammer-home v • sublinear per argumentos repetite

hammer-in v • figer per colpos de martello

hammock n • hamaca

hamper, encumber, obstruct v • incombrar

hamper n • paniero

hamper v • impedir

hamster n • hamster

hamster [Zool] n • hamster</b> [G]

hamster [Zool] n • hamster

hamulus [Anat/Zool] n • hamulo

hand (1. hand of a person; 2. handwriting) n • mano

hand (at -) adv • a mano

hand n • mano

hand (of clock) n • flecha

hand (on the other -) phr • del altere parte

hand v • dar

hand v • passar

hand-bag n • sacco a mano

hand-book n • manual

hand-brake n • freno a mano

hand-cart n • carretta de mano

handcuff, gas-mantle, channel, strait n • manica

hand-cuffs n • manicas de ferro, manillas

hand-cuffs n • manillas, manicas de ferro

hand-down v • transmitter

hand-down v • passar

handful n • manata

handful n • pugnata

hand-grenade n • granata de mano

handi-cap (drawback) n • disavantage

handi-cap (drawback) n • impedimento

handi-cap (drawback) n • handicap

handicap [Horse Racing] n • handicap</b> [A]

handicap [Horse Racing] n • handicap

handi-cap (sport) n • handicap

handi-cap v • impedir

handi-cap v • disavantagiar

handi-capped adj • invalide

handi-craft n • mestiero

handiness, comfort, convenience n • commoditate

handi-work n • obra

hand-kerchief n • pannello (de naso)

hand-kerchief n • pannello

handle (a tool, instrument) v • manear

handle (a tool) v • manear

handle (of a cup, jug, basket) n • ansa

handle (of a hammer, broom, plow) n • manico

handle (of cup, jug) n • ansa

handle (of tool) n • manico

handle (treat) v • tractar

handle-bars n • guida

handle-with-care interj/phr • fragile!

handling (of a tool, instrument) n • maneamento

hand-made adj • facite a mano

hand-out v • distribuer

hand-over v • livrar

hand-pick (select by hand) v • colliger a mano

hand-pick v • seliger con cura

hand-rail n • barra protective

hand-round v • passar de mano a mano

hand-shake n • prisa de manos

hand-some (attractive) adj • bel, belle

hand-some (attractive) adj • belle, bel

hand-some (generous) adj • generose

handwriting n • scriptura

handwriting, script, writing n • scriptura

handy, convenient, comfortable, suitable adj • commode (cò-)

handy, convenient, comfortable, suitable adj • commode

handy (convenient) adj • maneabile

handy (convenient) adj • commode

handy (skilful) adj • habile

hang (be suspended) v • pender

hang (be suspended) v • pender</b> [pend-/pens-]

hang (capital punishment) v • executar al furca

hang (suspend) vt • suspender

hang vi • pender

hang (wallpaper) v • attaccar

hang (wallpaper) v • attachar

hang up (on, to, onto) v • appender

hang with a drapery, drape v • drappar

hangar n • hangar

hangar n • hangar</b> [F]

hang-back v • restar arretrate

hang-back v • hesitar

hanger (coat) n • portamantello

hanger n • portamantello

hanging, pendant pensile adj • pensile

hangman, executioner n • carnifice

hangman, executioner n • carnifice (-nì-)

hang-man n • carnifice

hang-on (be suspended from) v • depender de

hang-on interj • un momento!

hang-on (persist) v • perseverar

hang-out v • pender foras

hang-over n • sequelas de inebriation

hangover n • sequelas de inebriation

hang-up (telephone) vi • reponer le receptor

hang-up vt • appender

hang-up vt • suspender

hanker-after v • desirar ardentemente

haphazard adj • accidental

haphazard adj • fortuite

happen (accidentally) v • continger</b> [-ting-/-tact-]

happen (accidentally) v • continger

happen, befall v • accider

happen, come to pass v • evenir</b> [-ven-/-vent-]

happen, come to pass v • evenir

happen, come to pass v • advenir</b> [-ven-/-vent-]

happen, come to pass v • advenir

happen, supervene v • supervenir

happen v • evenir

happening n • evenimento

happiness, felicity n • felicitate

happiness n • felicitate

happiness n • contento

happy adj • contente

happy adj • felice

happy, blissful adj • beate

happy, fortunate adj • felice

happy (make -) v • facer felice

happy-go-lucky adj • disinvolte

hara-kiri n • harakiri</b> [J]

hara-kiri n • harakiri

harangue, make a speech v • orar

harangue, sermonize v • sermonisar

harass v • persequer

harass v • molestar

harassment n • molestation

harassment n • persecution

harbinger, precursor, forerunner n • precursor

harbor (a grievance) v • nutrir

harbor (-bour) n • porto

harbor (give refuge) v • dar refugio a

harbor, port n • porto

harbor (port) n • porto

harbor (refuge) n • refugio

harbor (refuge) n • asylo

harbor-master n • capitano de porto

hard adv • energicamente

hard adv • multo

hard (not easy) adj • difficile

hard (not easy) adj • penose

hard (not soft) adj • dur

hard, strongly adv • forte

hard cider, cider n • cidra

hard coal, anthracite n • anthracite

hard cover n • coperta

hard labor, hard labour phr • travalio dur

hard-and-fast (decision) adj • irrevocabile

hard-and-fast (rule) adj • rigide

hard-back n • libro con copertura dur

hardboard n • pannello de fiura de ligno

hard-boiled (egg) adj • dur

hard-boiled (person) adj • sever

hard-currency n • moneta forte

harden, indurate (make or become hard) v • indurar

harden v • indurar

harden v • indurar (se)

hard-headed adj • realista

hard-headed adj • dur de capite

hard-headed adj • dificile de diriger

hard-headed adj • practic

hard-hearted adj • dur de corde

hard-hearted adj • insensibile

hardihood, boldness, daring n • harditessa

hardihood, boldness n • hardimento

hardly adv • a pena

hardly, scarcely (a pena) adv • apena

hardly, scarcely, barely adv • vix

hardness (firmness) n • duressa

hardness n • duressa

hardness (of character, climate) n • severitate

hardness (of character, climate) n • rigor

hardness (of task) n • difficultate

hardship n • privation

hardship n • adversitate

hardware (computers) n • hardware

hardware (goods) n • quincalia

hardware n • quincalia

hardware dealer n • quincaliero

hardware store n • quincalieria (-ìa)

hardware store n • quincalieria

hardware-shop n • quincalieria

hard-working adj • assidue

hard-working, operose adj • operose

hardy, bold, daring adj • hardite (pp of hardir)

hardy, bold, daring adj • hardite

hardy [Bot] adj • resistente

hardy, hearty, vigorous adj • galliarde

hardy (tough) adj • forte

hardy (tough) adj • robuste

hare, leporine adj • leporin

hare n • lepore

harebrained adj • esturdite

harebrained adj • esturdite (pp of esturdir)

harem, seraglio n • harem

haricot n • phaseolo

Harlequin n • Arlequin

harlequinade n • arlequinada

harm, damage n • damno

harm (damage) v • damnificar

harm (do injury to) v • facer mal a

harm, hurt v • nocer

harm, hurt v • offender</b> [-fend-/-fens-]

harm, hurt v • offender

harm (injure) v • nocer a

harm (injury) n • damno

harm (injury) n • mal

harm (wrong) n • torto

harmagedon n • harmagedon

harmful adj • nocente

harmful adj • malefic

harmful adj • nocive

harmful adj • infeste

harmful, hurtful adj • nocive

harmful, injurious adj • damnose

harmful, malefic adj • malefic

harmful, malefic adj • malefic (-lé-)

harmful, maleficent adj • malfaciente

harmfulness, injuriousness n • damnositate

harmless adj • innocente

harmless adj • innocue

harmless, innocuous adj • innocue

harmlessness, innocuousness n • innocentia

harmlessness, innocuousness n • innocuitate

harmonic adj • harmonic

harmonic (pertaining to harmonies or harmony)</b> [Mus] adj • harmonie

harmonica (1. glass harmonica; 2. instrument of glockenspiel type; 3. mouth organ) n • harmonica

harmonica (mouthorgan) n • harmonica

harmonics n • harmonica

harmonious adj • harmoniose

harmonious adj • harmonie

harmonist (one skilled in harmony) n • harmonista

harmonium, reed organ n • harmonium</b> [NL]

harmonium, reed organ n • harmonium

harmonize (1.</b> Mus]; 2. to bring into harmony or agreement; 3. to be in harmony or agreement) v • harmonisar

harmonize, be consonant v • consonar

harmonize (cause to agree) v • accordar

harmonize, coincide v • congruer

harmonize, sympathize (be in harmony as to disposition, qualities) v • sympathisar

harmonize v • harmonisar

harmony, congruity n • congruitate

harmony n • harmonia (-ìa)

harmony n • harmonia

harness (1. body armor; 2. as in a horse's harness) n • harnese

harness n • harnese

harness, put a harness on (a horse) v • harnesar

harness v • harnesar

harp (- on) v • parlar constantemente de

harp [Mus] n • harpa

harp n • harpa

harpist n • harpista

harpoon n • harpon

harpoon v • harponar

harpooner n • harponero

harpooning (act of) n • harponage (-aje)

harpooning (act of) n • harponage

harpsichord, clavecin n • clavicymbalo

harpsichord, clavecin n • clavicymbalo (-cìm-)

Harpy [Mythol] n • harpyia

Harpy [Mythol] n • harpyia (-ìya)

harrow [Agr] v • hirpicar

harrow n • hirpice (hìrpice)

harrow n • hirpice

harrow v • hirpicar

harrowing adj • angustiante

harrowing n • hirpicage

harsh (of sound) adj • stridente

harsh (of to character) adj • sever

harsh, rough adj • aspere (à-)

harsh, rough adj • aspere

harsh (rough) adj • aspere

harsh (rough) adj • dur

harshness, asperity, roughness n • asperitate

harshness (of character) n • severitate

harshness (roughness) n • asperitate

harvest, crop (s) n • recolta

harvest, crop (s) n • messe

harvest n • recolta

harvest, reap, gather in v • recoltar

harvest v • recoltar

harvest grapes v • vindemiar

hashish n • hachich

hashish n • hachich (hashìsh)

haste, hurry n • haste

haste n • haste

hasten, hurry v • hastar

hasten v • hastar

hasten v • hastar (se)

hastily adv • hastivemente

hasty adj • hastive

hat n • cappello

hat shop n • cappelleria (-ìa)

hat shop n • cappelleria

hatch (door) n • trappa

hatch (of birds) n • covata

hatch, trap door n • trappa

hatch v • covar

hatch eggs (-) phr • covar

hatchet n • hachetta

hatchet n • hachetta (-sh-)

hate, hatred n • odio

hate n • odio

hate v • odiar

hate v • detestar

hateful adj • odiose

hateful, odious adj • odiose

hatred, hate n • odio

hatred n • odio

hatter n • cappellero

haughtiness, arrogance n • superbia

haughty adj • arrogante

haughty adj • superbe

haul, catch (of fishes) n • pisca

haul n • pisca

haul n • retata

haul v • tirar

haul v • trainar

haulage n • transporto

haulage-contractor n • interprenditor de transportos

haunch n • hanca

haunt v • frequentar

haunted (house) adj • infestate per demones

haunted (house) adj • infestate per demones (spiritos)

haunted (look) adj • obsessionate

haustorium [Bot] n • haustorio

Havana, from Havana adj • havanese

Havana n • Havana

have (1. to own, possess; 2. Grammatical function: auxiliary, forming the perfect tenses) v • haber

have (cause to be done) v • facer

have (possess) v • posseder

have v • haber

have a craving for, crave v • appeter

have a fever, be feverish v • febricitar

have a presentiment v • presentir

have an inclination, tend (towards something) v • propender</b> [-pend-/-pens-]

have an inclination, tend (towards something) v • propender

have in (one's) pay v • soldar

have knowledge of, know v • saper

have lunch, have dinner, lunch, dine (take the midday meal) v • prander

have one's location, be somewhere v • ubicar

have patience, be patient v • patientar

have recourse, resort v • recurrer

have recourse, resort v • recurrer</b> [-curr-/-curs-]

have reference, advert (to) v • adverter</b> [-vert-/-vers-]

have reference, advert (to) v • adverter

have reference to, be related to v • referer

have reference to, be related to v • referer</b> [-fer-/-lat-]

have supper, have dinner, sup, dine (take the evening meal) v • cenar

have supper, sup v • soupar

have the custom of (doing) v • soler

have to, be supposed to (must, shall, ought) v • deber

have under control, keep under control, check, verify, control v • controlar

haver (chat) v • confabular

haver (chatter) vi • balbutiar, garrular

haver (chatter) vi • garrular, balbutiar

haver (gossip, murmur) v • murmurar

haver-sack n • sacco de dorso

have-to v • deber (+ inf.)

have-to v • deber

have-to v • haber a

having oars, oared adj • remate

having several stems, multicauline [Bot] adj • multicaule (-càu-)

having several stems, multicauline [Bot] adj • multicaule

having two foci, bifocal adj • bifocal

havoc n • ruina, devastation

havoc n • devastation, ruina

hawaii n • hawaii

Hawaii n • Hawai (-à-i)

Hawaii n • Hawai

hawaiian adj • hawaiian

Hawaiian adj • hawaian

Hawaiian-Islands [Geog] n • Insulas Hawaiian

hawk (hunt with a hawk or falcon) v • falconar

hawk n • falcon

hawker n • venditor ambulante

hawthorn n • spino blanc

hay (make) v • fenar

hay n • feno

hay fever, pollinosis [Med] n • pollinosis

hay fever, pollinosis [Med] n • pollinosis (-òsis)

hayfever n • febre del feno

haying, hay-making n • fenation

hayloft n • fenil

hay-making, haying n • fenation

haystack n • pila de feno

haywire (amok) adj/adv • amok

haywire (confused) adj • in disordine

haywire (confused) adj • disordinate

haywire (crazy) adj • folle

haywire (go -) v • currer amok

haywire (go -) v • devenir folle

hazard (1. risk, peril; 2. chance) n • hasardo

hazard n • periculo

hazard n • hasardo

hazard n • risco

hazard, peril, risk n • risco

hazard, risk v • hasardar

hazard v • riscar

hazardous adj • riscose

hazardous, risky adj • hasardate (pp of hasardar)

hazardous, risky adj • hasardose

hazardous, risky adj • hasardate

haze, fog, mist n • nebula

haze, fog, mist n • nebula (né-)

haze n • nebula

hazel adj • avellaniero

hazel (tree) n • avellaniero

hazelnut, filbert n • avellana

hazelnut n • avellana

hazy (confused) adj • confuse

hazy (misty) adj • nebulose

he pron • ille

he pron • el

he pron pers • il

he who or that which raises or removes n • levator

head (1. head of a person or animal; 2. chief, leader) n • capite (cà-)

head (1. head of a person or animal; 2. chief, leader) n • capite

head (1. head of a person or animal) n • testa

head adj • principal

head (at the - of) adv • al testa de

head (chief) n • chef

head (lose one's -) v • perder le testa

head n • testa

head n • capite

head (of an organization, firm) n • chef

head (of an organization, firm) n • chef</b> [F]

head v • diriger

head v • conducer

head-ache n • mal de capite

head-for v • diriger se verso

heading n • titulo, testa

heading n • testa, titulo

headland, cape [Geog] n • capo

headlight (as in headlight of an automobile) n • pharo

head-light n • pharo

head-line n • titulo

head-long adj • precipitate

head-long adv • precipitemente

head-master n • director de schola

head-mistress, directress n • directrice

head-mistress n • directrice de schola

head-off v • interceptar

head-on adj/adv • frontal

head-on adj/adv • de fronte

head-out vi • partir

head-phone n • receptor de testa

head-quarters (centre) n • centro

head-quarters n • [Mil]

head-set n • receptor de testa

headstall [Harness] n • testiera

head-strong adj • obstinate

head-way n • progresso

heal, cicatrize v • cicatrisar

heal vi • cicatrisar

heal vt • sanar

healing, cicatrization n • cicatrisation

healing, curative adj • curative

healing, curative adj • sanative

healing, cure n • curation

health (good) n • sanitate

health n • salubritate

health n • salute

health n • sanitate

health (state of) n • valetude

healthy (1. in good health; 2. healthful, wholesome) adj • san

healthy (of person) adj • san

healthy (of place) adj • salubre

healthy, vigorous, flourishing adj • vegete

healthy, vigorous, flourishing adj • vegete (vé-)

heap n • cumulo

heap, pile n • cumulo (cù-)

heap, pile n • cumulo

heap v • cumular

heap or pile up, cumulate v • cumular

heap up, pile v • pilar

heap up v • accumular

heaping or piling up, accumulation n • accumulamento

heaping up, cumulation n • cumulation

hear (learn) v • apprender

hear (perceive by the ear) v • audir

hear (use the ears) v • audir

hear about v • haber notitias de

hear out v • ascoltar patientemente

hear out v • prestar attention

hearer, listener, auditor n • auditor

hearing (act) n • audita, audition

hearing (act) n • audition, audita

hearing (audience) n • audientia

hearing, listening n • ascolta

hearing (sense) n • audito

hearing, sense of hearing n • audito

hearing-aid n • apparato de correction auditive

hearing-aid n • apparato acustic

hearsay n • rumores

hearse n • carro funebre

heart (by -) adv • de memoria

heart (courage) n • corage

heart n • corde

heart attack n • attacco cardiac

heartbeat n • pulsation del corde

heartbroken adj • desolate

heartburn, cardialgia [Pathol] n • cardialgia

heartburn, cardialgia [Pathol] n • cardialgia (-ìa)

heartfelt adj • sincer

hearth n • focar

hearth money (tax laid on hearths) n • focage

hearth money (tax laid on hearths) n • focage (-aje)

heartily adv • cordialmente

heartily adv • vigorosemente

heartless adj • impietose

heartless adj • insensibile

heartless adj • cruel

heart-shaped, cordiform adj • cordiforme

hearty adj • cordial

hearty adj • vigorose

hearty, vigorous, hardy adj • galliarde

hearty feed n • ventrata

heat, fervor, be in a state of agitation v • ferver

heat (fervour) n • ardor

heat (hotness) n • calor

heat n • calor

heat v • calefacer

heat, warm v • calefacer

heat, warm v • calefacer</b> [-fac-/-fact-]

heated adj • passionate

heated (hot) adj • calorose

heater, calefactor n • calefactor

heater n • calefactor

heater n • estufa

heath n • landa

heathen adj • pagan

heathen n • pagano

heathen, pagan adj • pagan

heathen, pagan n • pagano

heathenism, paganism n • paganismo

heather n • erica

heating, calefaction n • calefaction

heating (central -) n • calefaction central

heating n • calefaction

heating installation (central) n • calorifero

heating installation (central) n • calorifero (-ìfero)

heat-wave n • unda de calor

heave n • sublevamento

heave n • effortio

heave (rise and fail) v • respirar

heave (throw) v • jectar

heaven n • celo

heaven n • paradiso

heavenly, celestial adj • celestial

heavenly, celestial adj • celeste

heaviness, ponderosity, weightiness n • ponderositate

heavy adj • pesante

heavy adj • pesante (ppr of pesar)

heavy adj • grave

heavy n • weight peso pesante

heavy (of rain) adj • forte

heavy (of sleep) adj • profunde

heavy, ponderous, weighty adj • ponderose

heavy (weighty) adj • pesante

heavy hydrogen, deuterium [Phys/Chem] n • deuterium (-té-)

heavy hydrogen, deuterium [Phys/Chem] n • deuterium

Hebraic adj • hebraic (-àic)

Hebraic adj • hebraic

Hebraism (1. Hebrew idiom; 2. Hebrew character, characteristics, institutions) n • hebraismo (-ìzmo)

Hebraism (1. Hebrew idiom; 2. Hebrew character, characteristics, institutions) n • hebraismo

Hebraist (student of Hebrew language and culture) n • hebraista (-ìsta)

Hebraist (student of Hebrew language and culture) n • hebraista

Hebraize v • hebraisar

Hebrew adj • hebree

hebrew adj • hebree

hebrew adj • hebraic

Hebrew adj • hebree (-ée)

Hebrew (Israelite, Jew) n • hebreo (-éo)

Hebrew (Israelite, Jew) n • hebreo

Hebrew (language) n • hebreo (-éo)

Hebrew (language) n • hebreo

hebrew n • hebreo

heckle v • interpellar

heckle v • interrumper

hectare n • hectar

hectic adj • febril

hectogram n • hectogramma

hectograph n • hectographo (-ò-)

hectograph n • hectographo

hectograph v • hectographar

hectographic adj • hectographic

hectoliter n • hectolitro (-ò-)

hectoliter n • hectolitro

hedge n • sepe

hedge n • haga

hedge vi • evitar de dar un responsa directe

hedge vt • circumferer con un sepe

hedgehog n • ericio

-hedra (seat, base)</b> occurring in compounds] n • -hedra

heed n • attention

heed v • prestar attention a

heel n • calce

heel n • talon

hefty adj • solide

hefty fellow, jolly chap, blade n • galliardo

he-goat n • capro

height (altitude) n • altitude

height (condition of being high) n • celsitude

height n • altitude

height (peak) n • culmine

height, stature n • talia

height (stature) n • talia

heighten (colors) v • avivar

heighten v • intensificar

heightening (colors) (action of) n • avivamento

heinous adj • atroce

heir n • hereditario

heir n • herede

heir-loom n • reliquia de familia

heliac, heliacal [Astron] adj • heliac

heliac, heliacal [Astron] adj • heliac (-ìac)

helianthus, sunflower [Bot] n • heliantho

helicoid, spiral helicoide adj • helicoide

helicoidal adj • helicoidal

helicon (large circular tuba)</b> Mus] n • helicon

helicopter n • helicoptero

helicopter n • helicoptero (-còp-)

heliocentric [Astron] adj • heliocentric

heliogravure n • heliogravure

Helios (god of the sun)</b> [Gr. relig] n • Helios

Helios (god of the sun)</b> [Gr. relig] n • Helios (hé-)

heliostat n • heliostato

heliostat n • heliostato (-ò-)

heliostatic adj • heliostatic

heliotrope [Bot] n • heliotropio

heliotropic (turning toward the sun) adj • heliotrope (-ò-)

heliotropic (turning toward the sun) adj • heliotrope

heliotropism n • heliotropismo

heliotype n • heliotypo

heliotype n • heliotypo (-ò-)

heliotypy n • heliotypia

heliotypy n • heliotypia (-ìa)

helium [Chem] n • helium

helium [Chem] n • helium (hé-)

helium n • helium

helix (1. spiral line; 2. [Geom]; 3. [Anat] (rim of the ear) n • helice

helix (1. spiral line; 2. [Geom]; 3. [Anat] (rim of the ear) n • helice (hé-)

Helix (genus including snails) [Zool] n • helice (hé-)

Helix (genus including snails) Z[ool] n • helice

hell [Bib] n • gehenna

hell, inferno n • inferno

hell n • hades, sheol

hell n • sheol, hades

hell n • inferno

Hellas n • Hellade (hél-)

Hellas n • Hellade

Hellen [Gr. Mythol] [founder of the Greek race] n • Hellen

Hellenic adj • hellenic

Hellenism (1. Greek phrase or idiom; 2. Greek civilisation) n • hellenismo

Hellenism, Grecism (1. Grecian quality; 2. Greek idiom) n • grecismo

Hellenist (student of Greck language) n • hellenista

Hellenistic, Hellenistical adj • hellenistic

Hellenization n • hellenisation

Hellenize (1. to study, use Greek language; 2. to give Greek form or character to) v • hellenisar

Hellenize, Grecize v • grecisar

hellish adj • diabolic

hellish adj • infernal

hello (call attention) interj • holla!

hello (express surprise) interj • vide!

hello (express surprise) interj • eheu!

hello (interj) [Greet] • Hallo

hello n • hallo

hello (on meeting) interj • salute

hello (on the telephone) interj • hallo

helm n • timon

helm [Naut] n • timon

helmet n • casco

helminth, intestinal worm n • helminthe

helminthiasis [Pathol] n • helminthiasis (-àsis)

helminthiasis [Pathol] n • helminthiasis

helminthic (1. pertaining to worms; 2. anthelminthic, vermifuge) adj • helminthic

helminthic, anthelminthic, vermifuge n • helminthico

helminthologic, helminthological adj • helminthologic

helminthologist n • helminthologo (-tò-)

helminthologist n • helminthologo

helminthology n • helminthologia (-ìa)

helminthology n • helminthologia

helmsman n • timonero

help, aid n • adjuta

help, aid n • auxilio

help, aid v • juvar</b> [juv-/jut-]

help, aid v • auxiliar

help, aid v • adjutar

help, aid v • adjuvar

help, aid v • juvar

help, aid v • adjuvar</b> [-juv-/-jut-]

help (aid) n • adjuta

help (aid) v • adjutar

help, assist v • assister

help, helper n • adjutor

help, succor n • succurso

help, succor v • succurrer</b> [-curr-/-curs-]

help, succor v • succurrer

help (succour) n • succurso

help (succour) v • succurrer

help, support n • suffragio

help, support v • suffragar

helper adj • adjutante

helper, assistant n • adjutante

helper, help n • adjutor

helper n • auxiliator

helpful, adjuvant adj • adjuvante (ppr of adjuvar)

helpful, adjuvant adj • adjuvante

helpful (of person) adj • servicial

helpful (thing) adj • utile

helpful (thing) adj • avantagiose

helpless adj • impotente

helpless adj • inope

helpless adj • inope (ìn-)

helplessness n • inopia

Helvetia [Hist] n • Helvetia

Helvetian adj • helvetie

Helvetian n • helvetio

Helvetic adj • helvetic

hem-, hemo-, hemat-, hemato- (blood)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • hem- [-ma/-mat-]

hem-, hemo-, hemat-, hemato- (blood)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • hem-

hem n • orlo

hem [Sewing] n • orlo

hem [Sewing] v • orlar

hem v • orlar

hematic, haematic adj • hematic

hematite, haematite [Mineral] n • hematite

hematosis, haematosis [Physiol] n • hematosis

hematosis, haematosis [Physiol] n • hematosis (-òsis)

hemer-, hemero- (day)</b> occurring in compounds] n • hemer-

Hemerocallis, day lily [Bot] n • hemerocallide

hemicycle n • hemicyclo

hemiplegia [Pathol] n • hemiplegia

hemiplegic [Pathol] adj • hemiplegic

hemiprism [Cryst] n • hemiprisma [-ma/-mat-]

hemiprism [Cryst] n • hemiprisma

hemiprismatic [Cryst] adj • hemiprismatic

hemipteron [Zool] n • hemiptero

hemipteron [Zool] n • hemiptero (-mì-)

hemipterous [Zool] adj • hemiptere

hemisphere n • hemispherio

hemispherical, hemispheric adj • hemispheric

hemistich n • hemistichio

hemitrope, hemitropic [Cryst] adj • hemitrope

hemitrope, hemitropic [Cryst] adj • hemitrope (-ì-)

hemitropy [Cryst] n • hemitropia (-ìa)

hemitropy [Cryst] n • hemitropia

hemlock (1.</b> Bot] (Cicuta; 2. poisonous drink of hemlock) n • cicuta

hemoglobin, haemoglobin [Biochem] n • hemoglobina

hemophile, haemophile, hemophiliac, haemophiliac, bleeder n • hemophilo

hemophile, haemophile, hemophiliac, haemophiliac, bleeder n • hemophilo (-mò-)

hemophile, haemophile, hemophilic, haemophilic adj • hemophile

hemophilia, haemophilia n • hemophilia

hemophilia, haemophilia n • hemophilia (-ìa)

hemophiliac, haemophiliac, bleeder, hemophile, haemophile n • hemophilo (-mò-)

hemophiliac, haemophiliac, bleeder, hemophile, haemophile n • hemophilo

hemophilic, haemophilic, hemophile, haemophile adj • hemophile

hemorrhage, haemorrhage n • hemorrhagia

hemorrhage, haemorrhage n • hemorrhagia (-ìa)

hemorrhoid, haemorrhoid n • hemorrhoide

hemorrhoids (piles) n • hemorrhoides

hemostasis, hemostasia (arrest of a hemorrhage) [Med] n • hemostase

hemostasis, hemostasia (arrest of a hemorrhage) [Med] n • hemostase (-ò-)

hemostat [Surg] n • hemostato

hemostat [Surg] n • hemostato (-mò-)

hemostatic (serving to arrest a hemorrhage) adj • hemostatic

hemp n • cannabe (cà-)

hemp n • cannabis

hemp n • cannabe

hemp field n • cannabiera

hemp grower n • cannabero

hen n • gallina

hence (from here) adv • de hic

hence, henceforth (1. from this place; 2. from this time; 3. from this reason) adv • hinc

hence (therefore) adv • in consequentia

hence-forth adv • ab ora

hence-forth adv • de nunc in futuro

henceforth, hence (1. from this place; 2. from this time; 3. from this reason) adv • hinc

henceforth, hereafter adv • preterea (-tér-)

henceforth, hereafter adv • preterea

hence-forward (henceforth) adv • de nunc in futuro

hence-forward (henceforth) adv • ab ora

henchman n • satellite

henna n • henna

hepatalgia [Med] n • hepatalgia

hepatalgia [Med] n • hepatalgia (-ìa)

hepatalgic [Med] adj • hepatalgic

hepatic [Anat] adj • hepatic

hepatica [Bot] n • hepatica

hepatitis [Pathol] n • hepatitis

hepatitis [Pathol] n • hepatitis (-ìtis)

hepatization [Pathol] n • hepatisation

hepatize [Pathol] v • hepatisar

hepatology n • hepatologia

hepatology n • hepatologia (-ìa)

hepta- (seven) [occurring in compounds] adj • hepta-

heptagon n • heptagono

heptagonal adj • heptagon

heptagonal adj • heptagonal

heptahedral [Math] adj • heptahedre

heptahedron [Math] n • heptahedro

heptameter n • heptametro (-à-)

heptameter n • heptametro

heptarchy n • heptarchia

heptarchy n • heptarchia (-ìa)

her adj • su

her (after preposition) pron • illa

her (after verb) pron • la

her (as in of her, with her) pron pers • ella

her (as in of her, with her) pron pers • illa

herald (forerunner) n • precursor

herald n • heraldo

herald (proclaimer) n • heraldo

herald v • annunciar

herald v • proclamar

heraldic adj • heraldic

heraldry n • heraldica

heraldry (science or art of) n • blason

heraldry (science treating of blazoning, genealogies) n • heraldica

herb n • herba

herbaceous (pertaining to, or having the characteristics of, an herb) adj • herbacee

herbage, herbs n • herbage (-aje)

herbage, herbs n • herbage

herbal adj • herbal

herbalist, herborist n • herborista

herbarium, herbary n • herbario

herbary, herbarium n • herbario

herbivorous [Zool] adj • herbivore

herborist (collector of herbs) n • herborisator

herborist, herbalist n • herborista

herborization n • herborisation

herbose, grassy adj • herbose

herbs, herbage n • herbage

herbs, herbage n • herbage (-aje)

Herculean, herculean adj • herculee

Hercules [Mythol] n • Hercules (hér-)

Hercules [Mythol] n • Hercules

herd, drove, flock n • grege

herd n • grege

herd vt • gregar

herdman (herdsman) n • pastor

here adv • ci

here adv • hic

here, this way, on this side adv • hac

here and there, scattered, at random, in different places, passim adv • passim

here and there, scattered, at random, in different places, passim adv • passim (pàs-)

hereafter adv/n • in futuro

hereafter, henceforth adv • preterea (-tér-)

hereafter, henceforth adv • preterea

here-and-there phr • hic e ibi

here-are interj/phr • ecce

hereditary adj • hereditari

heredity [Biol] n • hereditate

heredity n • hereditate

here-is interj/phr • ecce

heresiarch n • heresiarcha

heresy n • heresia (-ìa)

heresy n • heresia

heretic n • heretico

heretical, heretic adj • heretic

herewith adv • hic-juncto

heritage, inheritance n • hereditage

heritage, inheritance n • hereditage (-aje)

heritage n • hereditage

hermaphrodite, hermaphroditic adj • hermaphrodite

hermaphroditism n • hermaphroditismo

Hermaphroditus [Mythol] n • Hermaphrodito

Hermes [Gr. Relig] n • Hermes (hér-)

Hermes [Gr. Relig] n • Hermes

Hermes Trismegistus n • Hermes Trismegisto (hér-)

Hermes Trismegistus n • Hermes Trismegisto

hermetic (1. as in hermetic science; 2. hermetically sealed) adj • hermetic

hermit n • eremita

hermitage (hermit's abode) n • eremiteria

hermitage (hermit's abode) n • eremiteria (-ìa)

hermitage (secluded place, abode) n • eremitage (-aje)

hermitage (secluded place, abode) n • eremitage

hermit's (as in a hermit's life) adj • eremitic

hero (brave person) n • heroe

hero n • heroe (-òe)

hero n • heroe

hero (principa actor) n • protagonista

Herod n • Herode

Herodian adj • herodian

Herodias n • Herodiade

Herodias n • Herodiade (-ì-)

heroic adj • heroic

heroic (al) adj • heroic (-òic)

heroic (al) adj • heroic

heroicness, heroism n • heroicitafe

heroin n • heroina

heroine n • heroina (-ìna)

heroine n • heroina

heroism, heroicness n • heroicitafe

heroism n • heroismo (-ìzmo)

heroism n • heroismo

heroize (raise to the rank of hero) v • heroificar

heron n • hairon

herpes [Pathol] n • herpete

herpetic adj • herpetic

herpetiform [Pathol] adj • herpetiforme

herpetiform [Zool] adj • herpetiforme

herpetism [Pathol] n • herpetismo

herpeto- (reptile)</b> occurring in compounds] n • herpeto-

herpetology (study of herpes) n • herpetologia (-ìa)

herpetology (study of herpes) n • herpetologia

herpetology (study of reptiles) n • herpetologia (-ìa)

herpetology (study of reptiles) n • herpetologia

herring n • haringo

hers pron • le sue, le sues

herself (object) pron • se

herself (subject) pron • mesme

herself (subject) pron • mesme (se - )

herself (subject) pron • ipse

hesitant adj • irresolute

hesitant adj • hesitante

hesitant, hesitating adj • hesitante

hesitant, hesitating adj • hesitante (ppr of hesitar)

hesitate v • hesitar

hesitation n • hesitation

heteratomic [Chem] adj • heteratomic

hetero-, heter- (other, different)</b> occurring in compounds] adj • heter-

heteroclite (1. [Gram]; 2. irregular, anamalous) adj • heteroclite (-ò-)

heteroclite (1. [Gram]; 2. irregular, anamalous) adj • heteroclite

heteroclite (1. [Gram]; 2. irregular, anamalous thing or person) n • heteroclito

heteroclite (1. [Gram]; 2. irregular, anamalous thing or person) n • heteroclito (-ò-)

heterodox adj • heterodoxe

heterodoxy n • heterodoxia (-ìa)

heterodoxy n • heterodoxia

heterodyne [Radio] adj • heterodyne (-ò-)

heterodyne [Radio] adj • heterodyne

heterogamous adj • heterogame (-ò-)

heterogamous adj • heterogame

heterogamy n • heterogamia

heterogamy n • heterogamia (-ìa)

heterogeneity n • heterogeneitate

heterogeneous adj • heterogenee

heterogeneous, heterogene adj • heterogene

heteropterous [Entom] adj • heteroptere

heterosexual adj • heterosexual

heterosexual adj/n • heterosexual

hex, evil eye, spell n • fascino

hex, evil eye, spell n • fascino (fà-)

hexachord [Medieval Mus] n • hexachordo

hexachord (variety of musical instrument having six strings) n • hexachordio

hexadecimal [Math/Comp] • hexadecimal

hexagon n • hexagono

hexagon n • hexagono (-à-)

hexagonal adj • hexagon

hexagonal adj • hexagonal

hexahedral [Math] adj • hexahedre

hexahedron [Math] n • hexahedro

hexameter, hexametric adj • hexametre (-àmetre)

hexameter, hexametric adj • hexametre

hexameter n • hexametro

hexameter n • hexametro (-àmetro)

hexapod adj • hexapode

hexapod adj • hexapode (-àpode)

hexapod n • hexapodo (-àpodo)

hexapod n • hexapodo

hi (greet) n • salute

hi (hello) n • hallo

hiatus (1. lacuna; 2. [Gram/Pros]) n • hiato

hiatus n • hiato

hibernal, winter adj • hibernal

hibernate v • hibernar

hibernation n • hibernation

hiccough, singultus, hiccup n • singulto

hiccup, hiccough, singultus n • singulto

hiccup n • singulto

hiccup v • singultar

hidalgo n • hidalgo</b> [H]

hidalgo n • hidalgo

hide, conceal, keep secret v • celar

hide n • pelle

hide v • celar (se)

hide v • celar

hideous adj • horrende

hideous adj • horribile

hiding adj • celate

hiding (beating) n • fustigation

hiding (concealment) n • celemento

hiding-place n • loco de celamento

hier-, hiero- (sacred, holy) [occurring in compounds] adj • hier-

hierarch n • hierarcha

hierarchic adj • hierarchic

hierarchy n • hierarchia (-ìa)

hierarchy n • hierarchia

hieratic adj • hieratic

hierodule [Gr. Relig] n • hierodulo (-ùlo)

hierodule [Gr. Relig] n • hierodulo

hieroglyphic adj • hieroglyphic

hieroglyphic, hieroglyph n • hieroglyphico

hierology n • hierologia (-ìa)

hierology n • hierologia

hieromancy n • hieromantia

hieromancy n • hieromantia (-ìa)

hierophant n • hierophanta

high adj • alte

high (as in ten stories high) adj • celse

high (elevated) adj • elevate

high (elevated) adj • alte

high (important) adj • importante

high, lofty adj • elevate

high, lofty adj • eminente

high, lofty adj • elevate (pp of elevar)

high n • alto

high (on -) adv • alto (in - )

high (on -) adv • alto

high (two meters -) adv • alte de duo metros

high boot, boot n • botta

high shoe, half boot n • bottina

high-born, of noble lineage adj • generose

highbrow adj • intellectual

High-Church, Anglo-Catholic [Eccl] adj • anglocatholic

High-churchman, Anglo-Catholic [Eccl] n • anglocatholico

higher, upper adj • superior

higher, upper adj • supere

highest, maximal, greatest adj • maxime

highest, maximal, greatest adj • maxime (màx-)

highest, topmost adj • summe

highest bidder, purchaser (at an auction) n • adjudicatario

high-fidelity adj • de alte fidelitate

high-frequency adj • de alte frequentia

high-grade adj • de qualitate superior

high-handed adj • tyrannic

high-handed adj • arbitrari

highlands n • region montuose

highlight n • aspecto notabile

highlight n • mumento culminante

highlight v • dar emphase a

highly adv • multo

highness n • altessa

Highness n • altessa

highness (your -) n • vostre altessa

highpitched adj • acute

high-school, preparatory-school adj • collegian

high-sounding, altisonant adj • altisone

high-sounding, altisonant adj • altisonante

high-spirited adj • plen de ardor

high-street n • via principal

high-tide n • marea alte

highway (auto) n • autostrata

highway n • strata

highway, street, road (paved) n • strata

hijack v • sequestrar

hijack v • piratar

hijacker n • pirata

hike n • excursion a pede

hike v • facer un excursion a pede

hiker n • excursionista (a pede)

hiker n • excursionista

hilarious adj • hilare

hilarious adj • allegre

hilarity, cheer, cheerfulness (good) n • hilaritate

hill, monticule (small mountain) n • monticulo

hill n • colle

hill n • collina

hillock n • collinetta

hill-side (flanco de) n • collina

hill-top n • culmioe del collina

hilly adj • collinose

hilly adj • montuose

him (after preposition) pron • ille

him (after verb) pron • le

him (as in with him, with it, for him, for it) pron pers • il

him dem adj • ille

him (il) (after prep) pron • el

him pron • li (def art the li

himself (object) pron • se

himself rel pron • se

himself (subject) pron • mesme

himself (subject) pron • ipse

hind adj • posterior

hind (female deer) n • cervo femine

hind (female of the red deer) n • cerva

hind side foremost adj • prepostere

hinder adj • posterior

hinder, hold back, retard v • remorar

hinder, impede v • impedir

hinder, keep, hold, detain, withhold v • retener

hinder, keep, hold, detain, withhold v • retener</b> [-ten-/-tent-]

hinder v • impedir

hind-leg n • gamba posterior

hindrance, complication n • trica

hindrance, drag n • remora

hindrance, drag n • remora (ré-)

hindrance, impediment n • impedimento

hindrance n • obstaculo

hindrance n • impedimento

hind-sight n • sagessa retrospective

hindu adj/n • hindu

Hindu, Indian n • indiano

Hinduism n • hinduismo

Hindustan n • Hindustan</b> [Persian]

Hindustan n • Hindustan

Hindustani n • hindustani</b> [Hind]

Hindustani n • hindustani

hinge n • cardine

hint (remark) n • insinuation

hint (remark) n • allusion indirecte

hint (trace) n • sapor intention

hinterland n • hinterland

hinterland n • hinterland</b> [G]

hip n • coxa

hip, of the hip adj • coxal

hipp-, hippo- (horse)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • hippo-

hippiatric adj • hippiatric

hippiatrist (horse doctor) n • hippiatro

hippiatry (study, work of a horse doctor) n • hippiatria

hippiatry (study, work of a horse doctor) n • hippiatria (-ìa)

hippic (of horses, horsemanship) adj • hippic

hippocampus, sea horse (1. Mythol.; 2.</b> Zool]) n • hippocampo

hippocentaur (horse centaur, as opposed to fish centaur) n • hippocentauro

Hippocrates n • Hippocrate (-ò-)

Hippocrates n • Hippocrate

Hippocratic (of Hippocrates) adj • hippocratic

Hippocratism n • hippocratismo

hippodrome (course for horse races) n • hippodromo

hippodrome (course for horse races) n • hippodromo (-pò)

hippogriff, hippogryph [Mythol] n • hippogrypho

hippogryph, hippogriff [Mythol] n • hippogrypho

hippolith [Pathol] n • hippolitho

hippolith [Pathol] n • hippolitho (-ò-)

hippologist n • hippologo

hippologist n • hippologo (-pò-)

hippology n • hippologia (-ìa)

hippology n • hippologia

hippophageous (eating horse meat) adj • hippophage

hippophageous (eating horse meat) adj • hippophage (-pò-)

hippophagist n • hippophago (-pò-)

hippophagist n • hippophago

hippophagy n • hippophagia (-ìa)

hippophagy n • hippophagia

hippopotamus n • hippopotamo (-pòtamo)

hippopotamus n • hippopotamo

hire (for -) prep. phr • a locar

hire n • location

hire (staff) v • ingagiar

hire (things) v • locar

hire fee n • location

hired worker n • mercenario

hirer n • locator

hirsute adj • hirsute

his poss pron • le sue, le sues

his pron • su

Hispanic adj • hispanic

Hispanicism (Spanish idiom) n • hispanismo

Hispanist (student of Spanish language and culture) n • hispanista

Hispano-American, Spanish American adj • hispanoamerican

Hispano-Moresque (pertaining to the period of Moorish rule in Spain) [Art, Arch] adj • hispanomauresc

hiss, hissing n • sibilo (sì-)

hiss, hissing n • sibilo

hiss n • sibilo

hiss, sibilate v • sibilar

hiss v • sibilar

histo-, hist- (web) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • histo-

histogenous adj • histogene

histogeny n • histogenia (-ìa)

histogeny n • histogenia

histographer n • histographo (-òqrapho)

histographer n • histographo

histography n • histographia (-ìa)

histography n • histographia

histoid [Med] adj • histoide

histological adj • histologic

histologist n • histologo

histologist n • histologista

histologist n • histologo (-tò-)

histology n • histologia (-ìa)

histology n • histologia

histonomy n • histonomia

histonomy n • histonomia (-ìa)

historian n • historico

historic adj • historic

historical (- society) n • societate historical

historical adj • historical

historical, historic adj • historic

historically adv • historicamente

historicity n • historicitate

historiographer n • historiographo (-ò-)

historiographer n • historiographo

historiographic adj • historiographic

historiography n • historiographia (-ìa)

historiography n • historiographia

history n • historia

hit (a target) v • attinger

hit (blow) n • colpo

hit (smack) n • frappamento

hit (smack) n • frappo

hit (smack) v • frappar

hit, strike v • ferir

hit, strike v • percuter [-cut-/-cuss-]

hit, strike v • percuter

hit, strike v • colpar

hit (strike) v • colpar

hit (success) n • successo

hit back v • defender se

hit out v • lanciar grande colpos

hitch n • difficultate

hitch v • attaccar

hitch-hike v • autostoppar

hitch-hike v • facer le autostop

hitch-hiking n • autostop

hither adj • huc

hither adv • citerior

hitherto, as yet, until now, so far, yet, still, this place, thus far adv • adhuc

hitherto (of place) adv • huc usque

hitherto (of time) adv • adhuc

hive n • apiario

hoard (money) v • thesaurisar

hoard (of treasure) n • thesauro

hoard (pile) n • accumulation

hoard v • amassar

hoard v • accumular

hoarder (of money) n • thesaurisator

hoarding (billboard) n • grande tabula publicitari

hoarding (round a building-site) n • palissada de construction

hoarfrost, frost n • pruina (-ìna)

hoarfrost, frost n • pruina

hoarse adj • rauc

hoarse, raucous adj • rauc

hoarseness, huskiness n • inraucamento

hoarseness n • raucitate

hoarseness, raucousness n • raucitate

hoax, mystification n • mystification

hoax, mystify v • mystificar

hoax n • mystification

hoax v • mystifica

hoaxer, mystifier n • mystificator

hobble v • claudicar

hobby n • hobby

hobby n • passatempore

hock n • vino blanc del rheno

hockey n • hockey

ho-dog n • hotdog

hodograph n • hodographo

hodograph n • hodographo (-dò-)

hodometer, odometer n • hodometro (-ò-)

hodometer, odometer n • hodometro

hodometric, odometric adj • hodometric

hodometry, odometry n • hodometria (-ìa)

hodometry, odometry n • hodometria

hoe (clear of weeds with a hoe) v • sarcular

hoe n • sarculo

hoe v • sarcular

hog (eat) v • devorar

hog (monopolize) v • monopolisar

hog n • porco

hog, pig n • porco

hoist, lift (lifting apparatus) n • montacargas (-càr-)

hoist, lift (lifting apparatus) n • montacargas

hoist n • montacargas

hoist v • hissar

hoist v • sublevar

hol-, holo- (whole, entire) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] adj • hol-

holarctic (entirely or exclusively arctic) adj • holarctic

hold, contain v • caper [cap-/capt-;-cip-/-cept-]

hold, contain v • caper

hold (contain) v • continer

hold, detain, withhold, hinder, keep v • retener [-ten-/-tent-]

hold, detain, withhold, hinder, keep v • retener

hold, grasp (action of seizing, taking hold of, etc) n • prisa

hold (grip) n • prisa

hold (have, own) v • detener

hold (have, own) v • detener [-ten-/-tent-]

hold (keep) v • tener

hold (occupy) v • occupar

hold (of meetings) v • tener

hold (ship's) n • cala

hold (something) v • tener

hold (something) v • tener [ten-/tent-;-tin-/-tent-]

hold (think) v • opinar, mantener

hold (think) v • mantener, opinar

hold a dissident view, dissent v • dissider

hold back, retard, hinder v • remorar

hold back, withhold, conceal (information required by law) v • subnegar

hold cheap, despise, vilipend v • vilipender

hold in esteem, esteem v • estimar

hold the bank [Cards] v • taliar

hold the first place, be first v • primar

hold-all n • sacco de viage

hold-back v • retener

hold-back v • retener (se)

holder (of rights, titles) n • detentor

holder (of titles, shares) n • detentor

holder (person) n • possessor

holder (thing) n • porta -

holder (thing) n • recipiente

hold-in v • reprimer

hold-in v • frenar

holding, possession (of a thing) n • detention

hold-off v • tener a distantia

hold-on v • persister

hold-on v • tener firme

hold-out vi • durar

hold-out vt • extender

hold-up (as a crime) v • robar

hold-up (criminal) v • attacco armate

hold-up (show) v • monstrar

hold-up (traffic -) v • obstruction

hold-up (traffic -) v • interruption

hold-up (traffic) v • obstruer

hold-up (traffic) v • interrumper

hole, aperture n • foramine

hole (cavity) n • cavo

hole, hollow, cavity n • cavo

hole (perforation) n • foramine

holiday (be on -) v • feriar

holiday n • die feriate

holiday (vacation) n • vacationes

holiday (vacation) n • ferias

holiday-maker n • feriante

holiness n • sanctitate

holiness, sanctity, sacredness n • sanctitate

holism [Philos] n • holismo

Holland [Geog] n • Hollanda

Holland [Geog] n • Nederlandia

Holland, the Netherlands n • Hollanda

hollow adj • cave

hollow (beat -) v • vincer completemente

hollow, bed;, housing n • incastratura

hollow, cavity, hole n • cavo

hollow n • cavo

hollow (not solid) adj • cave

hollow of the knee n • garretto

hollow out, cave v • cavar

hollow-out v • excavar

holly n • ilice

holly n • ilice (ì-)

holograph, holographic adj • holographe

holograph, holographic adj • holographe (-lò-)

holograph n • holographo (-lò-)

holograph n • holographo

holophrasis n • holophrase

holophrasis n • holophrase (-lò-)

holophrastic adj • holophrastic

holster n • pistoliera

holy adj • sancte

holy, sacred adj • sacre

holy, sacred adj • sacrate (pp of sacrar)

holy, sacred adj • sacrate

holy, saintly, saint adj • sancte

homage (1. [Feudal Law]; 2. dutiful respect or honor shown) n • homage

homage (1. [Feudal Law]; 2. dutiful respect or honor shown) n • homage (-aje)

homage n • homage

homal-, homalo- [occurring in derivatives and compounds] adj • homal-

homalographic, homolographic adj • homalographic

homalography [Anat] n • homalographia

homalography [Anat] n • homalographia (-ìa)

homaloidal, flat, even [Math] adj • homaloide

home (as in my home is my castle) n • home</b> [A]

home (as in my home is my castle) n • home

home (at -) prep. phr • a casa

home (go -) v • ir a casa

home (of a house) adj • domestic

home (of defence) n • focar

home (of trade) n • interior

home (sentimentally) n • focar

home coming n • retorno al casa

home coming n • al focar

home rule n • home rule [A]

home rule n • home rule

homeland n • patria

homeless n • sin tecto, vagabundo

homeliness, ugliness n • feditate

homely, ugly adj • fede

homemade adj • facite in casa

homeo- (like, similar) [occurring in compounds] adj • home-

homeopath n • homeopatho

homeopath n • homeopatho (-òpato)

homeopathic adj • homeopathic

homeopathy n • homeopathia (-ìa)

homeopathy n • homeopathia

homepage n • [Comp]

Homeric adj • homeric

Homerid n • homeride

homesick adj • nostalgic

homesickness n • nostalgia

homesickness n • mal del pais

homesickness n • nostalgia patriotic

homesickness, nostalgia n • nostalgia

homesickness, nostalgia n • nostalgia (-ìa)

homework n • deberes

homicidal adj • homicidal

homicide (act) n • homicidio

homicide (act of killing a human being) n • homicidio

homicide (manslayer) n • homicida

homicide (person) n • homicida

hominal, pertaining to man adj • hominal

hominiform, anthropoid adj • hominiforme

homo-, hom- (same) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] adj • hom-

homocentric adj • homocentric

homochromous, homochrome adj • homochrome

homoeomerous (1. consisting of similar parts; 2. [Bot]) adj • homeomere

homogamous adj • homogame

homogamous adj • homogame (-mò-)

homogamy n • homogamia

homogamy n • homogamia (-ìa)

homogeneity n • homogeneitate

homogeneous adj • homogenee

homogeneous, homogene adj • homogene

homograph [Gram] n • homographo

homograph [Gram] n • homographo (-mò-)

homologous adj • homologe (-mò-)

homologous adj • homologe

homolographic, homalographic adj • homalographic

homology n • homologia (-ìa)

homology n • homologia

homomorphism n • homomorphismo

homomorphous adj • homomorphe

homomorphy n • homomorphia (-ìa)

homomorphy n • homomorphia

homonym, homophone n • homonymo (-ò-)

homonym, homophone n • homonymo

homonymous (having the quality of a homonym or homonyms) adj • homonyme

homonymous (having the quality of a homonym or homonyms) adj • homonyme (-mò-)

homonymy n • homonymia

homonymy n • homonymia (-ìa)

homophone [Gram] n • homophono (-mò-)

homophone [Gram] n • homophono

homophone, homonym n • homonymo

homophone, homonym n • homonymo (-ò-)

homophonous (1. [Mus]; 2.</b> Gram]) adj • homophone (-mò-)

homophonous (1. [Mus]; 2.</b> Gram]) adj • homophone

homopterous [Entom] adj • homoptere

homosexual adj • homosexual

homosexual adj/n • homosexual

homosexual n • homosexual

homosexuality n • homosexualitate

Honduras [Geog] n • Honduras

honest adj • honeste

honest, upright adj • probe

honest (upright, truthful) adj • honeste

honestly adv • honestemente

honesty n • honestate

honesty (uprightness, truthfulness) n • honestate

honesty (uprightness, truthfulness) n • honestitate

honey, honeyed adj • mellate

honey, make honey v • mellar

honey n • melle

honey dealer n • mellero

honey making n • mellification

honey-bee n • apicula

honeycolored adj • mellate

honey-comb n • favo

honeycomb n • favo

honeycombed, pitted, alveolate adj • alveolate

honeyed, honeylike adj • mellose

honey-moon n • luna de melle

honey-suckle n • caprifolio

honeysuckle, woodbine n • caprifolio

Hong-Kong [Geog] n • Hong Kong

honor (1. to respect greatly; 2. to confer an honor upon; 3. [Commer]) v • honorar

honor, fete (by festive observances) v • festar

honor, honour n • honor

honor, honour v • honorar

honor n • honor

honor, reverence, worship v • coler [col-/cult-]

honor, reverence, worship v • coler

honorable adj • honorabile

honorableness n • honorabilitate

honorarium, fee n • honorario

honorary adj • honorari

honorary (honoured) adj • honorari

honorary (unpaid) adj • non remunerate

honorific adj • honorific

hood [Amer] n • copertura del motor

hood (coiflike headdress for women) n • cappellina

hood (cover with a hood) v • incappuciar

hood (headgear) n • cappucio

hood (of car, Brit) n • cappotta

hood (on a robe or mantle)</b> Clothing] n • cappucio

hoodlum n • gangster

hoodwink v • dupar

hoodwink v • deciper

hoof n • ungula

hoof (of an animal) n • ungula

hoof (of an animal) n • ungula (ùngula)

hook (as in wall hook, hook and eye) n • uncino

hook, barb n • unco

hook (by - or by crook) prep. phr • a omne costo

hook (by - or by crook) prep. phr • per un manlera o un altere

hook, crook n • croc

hook, fishhook n • hamo

hook (fishing) n • hamo

hook n • croc

hook n • uncino

hook v • prender al hamo

hooked (as in hooked cross) adj • gammate

hooked, hamate adj • hamate

hook-shaped, unciform n • unciforme

hooligan n • scelerato juvene

hooliganism n • conducta irrationalmente destructive

hoop n • anello

hoop n • circulo de ferro

hoot (motoring) v • sonar le klaxon

hoot (of horn) n • colpo de klaxon

hoot (of owl) n • ululation

hoot (of owl) v • ulular

hoot (theat) v • critar in disapprobation

hop [Bot] n • lupulo

hop (jump) n • salto

hop v • saltar

hope (for) v • sperar

hope n • sperantia

hope n • spero

hope v • sperar

hopeful adj • plen de sperantia

hopeful (full of hope) adj • sperantiose

hopeless [Med] adj • irremediabile

hopeless (situation) adj • impossibile

hopeless (useless) adj • inutile

hopeless (without hope) adj • sin sperantia

hopeless (without hope) adj • desperate

hopelessness, despair n • desperantia

hoplite [Gr. Antiq] n • hoplita

hoplo-, hopl- (weapon) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • hoplo-

horary [Astron] adj • horari

horde n • horda

hordeaceous [Bot] adj • hordeacee

hordein [Chem] n • hordeina

hordein [Chem] n • hordeina (-ìna)

horizon n • horizonte

horizon (on the -) phr • al horizonte

horizontal adj • horizontal

horizontal n • horizontal

horizontally adv • horizontalmente

hormone n • hormone

horn (1. horn of cattle, sheep, goats; 2. material of which horns are composed; 3. [Entom] (feeler, antenna; 4. [Mus]) n • corno

horn (1. to furnish with horns; 2. to gore with the horns) v • cornar

horn (musical) n • trompa

horn (of animal) n • corno

horn (of car) n • klaxon

horn, trumpet n • trompa

horned adj • cornute

horny adj • cornee

horoscope n • horoscopo

horoscope n • horoscopo (-rò-)

horrendous, frightful adj • horrende

horrendous (frightful) adj • horrende

horrible adj • horribile

horribleness n • horribilitate

horrible-sounding, horrisonant adj • horrisone

horrid adj • horride

horrid (horrendous) adj • horrende

horrid (horrible) adj • horribile

horrid (horrible) adj • horride

horrid (nasty) adj • disagradablle

horridness n • horriditate

horrific adj • horrific

horrify v • horrificar

horripilation, goose flesh n • horripilation

horrisonant, horrible-sounding adj • horrisone

horror n • horror

hors d'oeuvre n • hors-d'oeuvre

hors d'oeuvre n • hors-d'oeuvre [F]

hors-d'oeuvre n • hors d'oeuvre

horse (equus caballus) n • equo

horse n • cavallo

horseback adv • a cavallo

horseback (ride on -) v • montar a cavallo

horsehair n • crin

horse-man n • cavallero

horseman n • cavallero

horse-power n • cavallo-vapor

horsepower n • cavallo-vapor

horse-racing n • le cursas

horse-radish n • armoracia

horse-radish n • kren

horse-shoe n • ferro de cavallo

horse-show n • concurso hippic

hortative adj • hortative

horticultural adj • horticultural

horticulture n • horticultura

horticulturist n • horticultor

hose (flexibile tube for conveying water) n • manica

hose n • manica

hose n • calcea

hose-down v • lavar con manica

hosiery n • calcetteria

hosiery n • calcetteria (-ìa)

hospice (1. as in the hospice of St. Bernard; 2. home for the poor or sick) n • hospicio

hospice n • hospicio

hospice care n • tractamento al hospicio

hospitable adj • hospital

hospitable adj • amical

hospitable hospital adj • hospital

hospital (as in hospital train) adj • hospitalari

hospital n • hospital

Hospitaler n • hospitalero

hospitality n • hospitalitate

hospitalize v • hospitalisar

host, army n • hoste

host (at an inn) n • tavernero

host (at party) n • hospite

host (at party) n • hoste

host (crowd) n • multitude

host, hostess (one who entertains a guest or guests) n • hospite (hòs-)

host, hostess (one who entertains a guest or guests) n • hospite

hostage n • ostage

hostage n • ostage, hostage

hostage n • hostage (-aje), ostage (-aje)

hostage n • hostage

hostage n • ostage (-aje), hostage (-aje)

hostage n • hostage, ostage

hostel n • hostello

hostel (youth -) n • albergo de juventute

hostess n • hostessa

hostile adj • infeste

hostile adj • hostil

hostile adj • inimic

hostility n • hostilitate

hot adj • calide

hot adj • calorose

hot (be - , of people) v • haber calor

hot (be - , of weather) v • facer calor

hot, warm adj • calde

hotbed [Bot] n • seminario callide

hotbed (fig) n • foco de corruption

hot-blooded adj • ardente

hot-blooded adj • passionate

hotdog n • panetto reimplite de salsicia

hotel n • hotel

hotel n • hotel [F]

hotelier n • hotelier

hotelier n • hotelero

hotelkeeper n • hotelier [F]

hotelkeeper n • hotelier

hot-headed adj • impetuose

hot-headed adj • fanatic

hot-house n • conservatorio calide

hothouse n • estufa

hot-plate n • calefaceplattos

hot-tempered adj • irascibile

hot-water (- bottle) n • bottilia de aqua calide

hot-water (in -) adv • in problemas

hot-water n • aqua calide

hound n • can de chassa

hound v • perseque

hour n • hora

hourglass, sandglass n • sabliero

hourly adj • horari

hourly adj • de cata hora

hourly adv • cata hora

house (dynasty) n • dynastia

house, embed, fix in v • incastrar

house (embed) v • incastrar

house (home) n • domo

house (home) n • casa

house n • domo

house (people) v • allogiar

house (people) v • albergar

house (store) v • immagazinar

house-boat n • casa flottante

housebreaker, burglar n • effractor

house-breaker n • effractor

housebreaking, breaking in n • effraction

house-breaking n • effraction

household, ménage n • menage [F]

house-hold n • menage

house-hold n • familia

housekeeper, steward n • economo

housekeeper, steward n • economo (-cò-)

house-keeping n • economia domestic

house-keeping n • governamento del casa

house-maid n • domestica

house-of-commons n • camera del communes

house-of-lords n • camera del lords

house-of-representatives n • camera del representantes

house-proud adj • orgoliose del proprie casa

house-wife n • menagera

house-wife n • matre de menage

house-wife n • matre de famiglia

house-work n • travalios domestic

housing (dwellings) n • casas

housing (estate) n • colonia residential

housing, hollow, bed; n • incastratura

housing (provision of dwellings) n • allogiamento

hover v • aeroglissar

hover v • planar

hover v • esser suspendite

hover v • flottar in le aere

hovercraft n • aeroglissator a cossino de aere

how adv • como

how, as, than, in what manner adv/conj • quam

how conj • como

how, in order that, to the end that, just as, as adv • ut

how, in what manner adv • quomodo (quò-)

how, in what manner adv • quomodo

how, wherefore, why adv • quid

how many adj • quot

how many, how much adj • quante

how many times, how often adv • quotiens(quò-)

how much, how many adj • quante

how often, how many times adv • quotiens(quò-)

how-are- you? phr • como sta vos?

however (nevertheless) conj • nonobstante

however (nevertheless) conj • tamen

however (nevertheless) conj • totevia

however (no matter which way) adv • comocunque

howl n • ululation

howl, ululate v • ulular

howl v • lamentar se, ulular

howl v • ulular, lamentar se

howler (one who howls) n • ululator

howling, ululation n • ululation

how-long adj • quante tempore

how-many adj • quante

how-much adj • quante

how-much adv • quanto

how-old-is-he? phr • quante annos ha ille?

hub (fig) n • centro

hub n • modiolo

hub (of a wheel) n • modiolo (-dì-)

hub (of a wheel) n • modiolo

huckster n •.(pedlar) venditor m. (-trice) ambulante, (salesman) revenditor m. (-trice); (swindler) fraudator, impostor, dupator, picaro.

huddle n • gruppo

huddle v • serrar

huddle v • serrar (se)

hue, color [Pharm] (tincture) n • tinctura

hue n • tinta

hue, tint, dye n • tincto

hue, tint, shade n • tinta

huff (be in a -) v • offender se

huff (be in a -) v • star in cholera

huff n • cholera

hug n • imbraciamento

hug v • imbraciar

huge adj • vaste

huge adj • enorme

huge adj • gigantic

huge adj • immense

Huguenot n • huguenot

Huguenotism n • huguenotismo

hulk n • carcassa de nave

hull (of ship) n • corpore

hull, shell, husk v • scaliar

hull (shell) n • scalia

hull v • scaliar

hullo (hello) n • hallo

hullo (surprise or inquiry) interj • heu!

hum (a tune) v • cantar a bucca clause

hum (buzz) v • susurrar

hum, murmur n • rumor

hum n • susurro

hum, rustle, murmur, buzz n • susurro

human adj • human

human n • humano, esser human

human n • esser human, humano

humane adj • human

humanism n • humanismo

humanist n • humanista

humanistic adj • humanistic

humanitarian adj • humanitari

humanitarian n • humanitario

humanitarianism n • humandarismo

humanity (1. human nature; 2. mankind; 3. humaneness) n • humanitate

humanity n • humanitate

humanization n • humanisation

humanize v • humanisar

human-nature n • natura human

humble (1. showing humility; 2. as in of humble origin) adj • humile

humble adj • humile

humble v • humiliar

humble; 2. to humiliate v • humiliar

humbler, humiliator n • humiliator

humdrum n • monotone

humdrum n • sin interesse

humdrum n • banal

humeral adj • humeral

humerus [Anat] n • humero

humerus [Anat] n • humero (hù-)

humid adj • humide

humidify v • humidificar

humiliate v • humiliar

humiliation n • humiliation

humiliator, humbler n • humiliator

humility n • humilitate

humility n • humililate

hummer, murmurer, whisperer n • susurrator

humming buzzing, booming n • bombo

humor (1. animal fluid; 2. mental disposition, temperament; 3. as in sense of humor) n • humor

humor, humour (in good -) adv • de bon humor

humor, humour n • humor

humor, humour v • complacer

humor, please v • complacer

humoral [Med] adj • humoral

humoral [Med] adj • humorose

humorism (1. sense of humor; 2. [Med] (humoralism) n • humorismo

humorist (1. humorous author; 2. [Med] (humoralist) n • humorista

humorist n • humorista

humoristic, humorous adj • humorose

humorous adj • humorose

humorous adj • humoristic

humorous, humoristic adj • humorose

humorous, jocular, witty adj • facetiose

humorous, jocular, witty adj • facete

hump, hunch n • gibbo

hump n • gibbo

humped, gibbous, hunched adj • gibbose

humus [Agr] n • humus

humus [Agr] n • humus [L]

Hun n • Hunno

hunch, hump n • gibbo

hunch n • presentimento

hunch n • suspicion

hunch-back n • gibboso

hunched, humped, gibbous adj • gibbose

hundred n • cento

hundredfold, centuplicate adj • centuplicate

hundredfold, centuplicate adj • centuplicate (pp of centuplicar)

hundredth adj • centesime (-ésime)

hundredth adj • centesime

hundredth n • centeslmo

Hungarian adj • hungare

hungarian adj • hungare

Hungarian (language) n • hungaro (hùng-)

Hungarian (language) n • hungaro

hungarian n • hungaro

Hungarian (native of Hungary) n • hungaro (hùng-)

Hungarian (native of Hungary) n • hungaro

Hungary [Geog] n • Hungaria

Hungary n • Hungaria

hunger n • fame

hunger v • haber fame

hunger-strike n • exopero del fame

hungry adj • famelic

hungry (be -) v • haber fame

Hunnic adj • hunnic

hunt, chase, hunting n • veneria (-ìa)

hunt, chase, hunting n • veneria

hunt, chase v • chassar

hunt, chase v • venar

hunt, chase v • chassar (sh-)

hunt (hunting party) n • partita de chassatores

hunt (pursuit) n • persecution

hunt (sport) n • chassa

hunt (sport) n • veneria

hunt v • chassar

hunt-down v • persequer

hunter, huntsman n • chassator (sh-)

hunter, huntsman n • venator

hunter, huntsman n • chassator

hunter n • chassator

hunter n • venator

hunter's, hunting adj • venatori

hunting (action of) n • venation

hunting adj • venatori

hunting adj • cynegetic

hunting, chase n • chassa (sh-)

hunting, chase n • chassa

hunting, hunt, chase n • veneria

hunting, hunt, chase n • veneria (-ìa)

hunting, hunter's adj • venatori

hunting n • chassa

hunting n • veneria

hunting-case watch n • saponetta

hunt-out v • cercar

huntsman, hunter n • venator

huntsman, hunter n • chassator

huntsman, hunter n • chassator (sh-)

hunts-man n • chassator

hurdle n • obstaculo

hurdle n • barriera

hurl, fling v • lancear

hurl, throw, cast v • jacular

hurl v • jectar

hurling, flinging (action of) n • lanceamento

hurrah interj • hurrah!

hurrah n • hurrah [A]

hurrah n • hurrah

hurricane n • huracan

hurry (- up) v • accelerar

hurry (- up) v • accelerar (se)

hurry, haste n • haste

hurry, hasten v • hastar

hurry n • pressa

hurry n • haste

hurry v • hastar (se)

hurry v • hastar

hurry-away v • partir in haste

hurt, be aching v • doler

hurt (cause pain) vt • facer mal a

hurt, harm v • nocer

hurt, harm v • offender [-fend-/-fens-]

hurt, harm v • offender

hurt (harm) v • nocer a

hurt (harm) v • offender

hurt, injured adj • lese

hurt (injury) n • ferimento

hurt (injury) n • ferita

hurt (my head -s) v • le capite me dole

hurt n • mal

hurt n • damno

hurt vi • doler

hurt (wound) v • ferir

hurt (wound) v • vulnerar

hurtful, harmful adj • nocive

hurtful, noxious adj • nocue

husband n • sposo

husband n • sponso

husband n • marito

hush n • silentio

hush vi • tacer

hush vt • silentiar

husk, glume [Bot] n • gluma

husk, hull, shell v • scaliar

husk n • scalia

husk v • scaliar

huskiness, hoarseness n • inraucamento

husking, scaling n • scaliage

husking, scaling n • scaliage (-aje)

husky n • can eschimese

husky (of voice) adj • rauc

husky (tough) adj • solide

husky (tough) adj • robuste

hussar [Mil] n • hussar

hustle (hurry) v • hastar

hustle (hurry) v • hastar (se)

hustle n • haste

hustle (push) v • pulsar

hut, cabin n • cabana

hut n • barraca

hut n • cabana

hutch n • coniliera

hyacinth (- colored) adj • hyacinthine

hyacinth (- colored) adj • de color de hyacintho

hyacinth (1. [Bot]; 2. [Mineral]) n • hyacintho

hyacinth n • hyacintho

hyacinthine adj • hyacinthin

hyacinthine adj • hyacinthine

hyacinthine n • hyacinthina

hybrid adj/n • hybrida

hybrid n • hybrida

hybrid n • hybrida (hì-)

hybridism n • hybridismo

hybridization, crossbreeding n • hybridation

hybridize, cross v • hybridar

hydr-, hydro- (water)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • hydr-

Hydra (1. [Gr. Mythol]; 2. [Astron]) n • Hydra

hydracid [Chem] n • hydracido (-à-)

hydracid [Chem] n • hydracido

hydrangea n • hydrangea (-gé-)

hydrangea n • hortensia

hydrangea n • hydrangea

hydrant n • hydrante

hydrate n • hydrato

hydrate v • hydratar

hydration n • hydratation

hydraulic adj • hydraulic

hydraulics n • hydraulica

hydric adj • hydric

hydride n • hydrido

hydrocele [Med] n • hydrocele

hydrocele [Med] n • hydrocele (-cé-)

hydrocephalous, hydrocephalic [Med] adj • hydrocephale

hydrocephalus, hydrocephaly [Med] n • hydrocephalia (-ìa)

hydrocephalus, hydrocephaly [Med] n • hydrocephalia

hydrocephalus [Med] n • hydrocephalo (-cé-)

hydrocephalus [Med] n • hydrocephalo

hydrochlorate n • chlorhydrato

hydrochloric adj • chlorhydric

hydrocyanic [Chem] adj • cyanhydric

hydrocyanic [Chem] adj • hydrocyanic

hydrodynamic adj • hydrodynamic

hydrodynamics n • hydrodynamica

hydro-electric adj • hydroelectric

hydroelectric adj • hydroelectric

hydrogen n • hydrogeno

hydrogen n • hydrogeno (-ò-)

hydrogenate v • hydrogenar

hydrogen-bomb n • bomba al hydrogeno

hydrographer n • hydrographo (-ò-)

hydrographer n • hydrographo

hydrographical adj • hydrographic

hydrography n • hydrographia

hydrography n • hydrographia (-ìa)

hydrolysis n • hydrolyse (-ò-)

hydrolysis n • hydrolyse

hydrolytic adj • hydrolytic

hydrometer n • hydrometer(-ò-)

hydropathic adj • hydropathic

hydropathy n • hydropathia (-ìa)

hydropathy n • hydropathia

hydrophobia [Pathol] n • hydrophobia

hydrophobia [Pathol] n • hydrophobia (-ìa)

hydroplane (gliding motorboat) n • hydroplano

hydroplane, seaplane n • hydroaeroplano

hydrostatic adj • hydrostatic

hydrostatics n • hydrostatica

hydrotherapeutic adj • hydrotherapeutic

hydrotherapeutic adj • hydrotherapeutic (-péu-)

hydrotherapy, hydrotherapeutics n • hydrotherapia (-ìa)

hydrotherapy, hydrotherapeutics n • hydrotherapia

hydroxide n • hydroxydo

hydroxide n • hydroxydo (-ò-)

hyena n • hyena

hyena [Zool] n • hyena

hygiene n • hygiene

hygiene n • hygiene (-éne)

hygienic adj • hygienic

hygienist n • hygienista

hygr-, hygro (wet)</b> occurring in compounds] adj • hygr-

hygrograph n • hygrographo (-ò-)

hygrograph n • hygrographo

hygrometer n • hygro-metro (-ò-)

hygrometer n • hygro-metro

hygroscope n • hygroscopio

hygroscopic adj • hygroscopic

Hymen [Mythol] n • Hymeneo (-éo)

Hymen [Mythol] n • Hymene

Hymen [Mythol] n • Hymeneo

hymen n • hymene

hymenium [Bot] n • hymenio

hymenopterous [Entom] adj • hymenoptere

hymn, canticle n • cantico

hymn n • hymno

hymnal, hymnary n • hymnario

hymnbook n • hymnario

hymnographer n • hymnographo

hymnographer n • hymnographo (-ò-)

hymnography n • hymnographia

hymnography n • hymnographia (-ìa)

hymnologic adj • hymnologic

hymnologist n • hymnologo (-nò-)

hymnologist n • hymnologo

hymnology n • hymnologia (-ìa)

hymnology n • hymnologia

hyperbola [Math] n • hyperbola

hyperbola [Math] n • hyperbola (-pér-)

hyperbole [Rhet] n • hyperbola

hyperbole [Rhet] n • hyperbola (-pér-)

hyperbolic [Rhet. Math] adj • hyperbolic

hyperboloid n • hyperboloide

hypercritic n • hypercritico

hypercritical adj • hypercritic

hypercriticism n • hypercritica

hypertension n • hypertension

hypertrophic adj • hypertrophic

hypertrophy (affect with hypertrophy) v • hypertrophiar

hypertrophy n • hypertrophia

hypertrophy n • hypertrophia (-ìa)

hyphen n • tracto de union

hyphenate v • scriber con le tracto de union

hypnagogic (1. inducing sleep; 2. pertaining to the transition between waking consciousness and sleep) adj • hypnagogic

hypno-, hypn- (sleep) [occurring in compounds] n • hypno-

hypnologic, hypnological adj • hypnologic

hypnologist n • hypnologo (-nò-)

hypnologist n • hypnologo

hypnology n • hypnologia

hypnology n • hypnologia (-ìa)

hypnophobia [Pathol] n • hypnophobia

hypnophobia [Pathol] n • hypnophobia (-ìa)

hypnosis (hypnotic state) n • hypnose

hypnosis n • hypnose

hypnotherapy n • hypnotherapia

hypnotherapy n • hypnotherapia (-ìa)

hypnotic (1. soporific; 2. pertaining to hypnotism) adj • hypnotic

hypnotic (soporific drug) n • hypnotico

hypnotism n • hypnotismo

hypnotist n • hypnotista

hypnotization n • hypnotisation

hypnotize v • hypnotisar

hypnotizer n • hypnotisator

hypochlorite n • hypochlorito

hypochlorous adj • hypochlorose

hypochondria [Med] n • hypochondria (-ìa)

hypochondria [Med] n • hypochondria

hypochondria n • hypochondria

hypochondriac (1. pertaining to the hypochondrium; 2. pertaining to hypochondria) adj • hypochondriac (-ìac)

hypochondriac (1. pertaining to the hypochondrium; 2. pertaining to hypochondria) adj • hypochondriac

hypochondriac adj • hypochondriac

hypochondriac n • hypochondriaco

hypochondriac (one suffering with hypochondria) n • hypochondriaco (-ìaco)

hypochondriac (one suffering with hypochondria) n • hypochondriaco

hypochondrium [Anat] n • hypochondrio

hypocrisy n • hypocrisia (-ìa)

hypocrisy n • hypocrisia

hypocrite n • hypocrita

hypocrite n • hypocrita (-ò-)

hypocrite, pharisee n • phariseo (-éo)

hypocrite, pharisee n • phariseo

hypocritical adj • hypocrita

hypocritical, pharisaical, pharisaic adj • pharisaic

hypocritical, pharisaical, pharisaic adj • pharisaic (-àic)

hypodermic adj • hypodermatic

hypodermic (as in hypodermic injection) adj • hypodermatic

hypogeal, subterranean, hypogeous adj • hypogee (-gée)

hypogeal, subterranean, hypogeous adj • hypogee

hypogeous, hypogeal, subterranean adj • hypogee

hypogeous, hypogeal, subterranean adj • hypogee (-gée)

hypogeum (underground chamber) [Anc. Arch] n • hypogeo (-géo)

hypogeum (underground chamber) [Anc. Arch] n • hypogeo

hypophosphate n • hypophosphato

hypophosphite n • hypophosphito

hypophosphoric adj • hypophosphoric

hypophosphorous adj • hypophosphorose

hyposcenium [Antiq] n • hyposcenio

hyposulphate [Chem] n • hyposulfato

hyposulphite n • hyposulfito

hyposulphurous adj • hyposulfurose

hypotenuse [Geom] n • hypotenusa

hypothecary adj • hypothecari

hypothesis n • hypothese (-òtese)

hypothesis n • hypothese

hypothetical adj • hypothetic

hypothetical, hypothetic adj • hypothetic

hypothetically adv • hypothericamente

hyptnotize v • hypnotisar

hysterectomy n • hysterectomia

hysteria n • hysteria

hysteria n • hysteria (-ìa)

hysterical adj • hysteric

hysterical, hysteric adj • hysteric

hysterically adv • hystericamente

hysterics (in -) adv • in hysteria

hysterics n • attacco de hysteria

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