Eid t

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t (letter -) n • littera t (te)

t overthrow, subvert v • subverter

t overthrow, subvert v • subverter</b> -vert-/-vers-]

tab n • etiquetta

tabby n • catto tigrate

tabernacle n • tabernaculo

tabernacle (tent) n • tabernaculo

table (1.</b> Furniture]; 2. as in table of contents) n • tabula (tà-)

table (1.</b> Furniture]; 2. as in table of contents) n • tabula

table (all senses) n • tabula

table (clear the -) v • levar le tabula

table (set the -) v • poner le tabula

table, slab, plate, board n • tabula

table, slab, plate, board n • tabula (tà-)

table, tables (as in statistic tables) n • tabella

table v • presentar

table china and silver n • coperto

table companion n • conviva

table d'hôte n • table d'hôte

table d'hôte n • table d'hôte</b> F]

table linens n • pannos del tabula

tableau n • tableau</b> F]

tableau n • tableau

tablecloth n • drappo de tabula

table-d'hote n • repasto a precio fixe

tablemat n • subplatto

tables, table (as in statistic tables) n • tabella

tablespoon v • coclear de servir

tablet n • tabletta

tablet n • comprimito

tablet (small flat piece of medicine, candy) n • tabletta

tablet (stone) n • placa commemorative

table-tennis n • ping-pong, tennis de tabula

table-tennis n • tennis de tabula, ping-pong

taboo adj/n • tabu

taboo v • prohiber, declarar tabu

taboo v • declarar tabu, prohiber

taboo tabu (-ù) adj • tabu (-ù)

taboo tabu (-ù) adj • tabu

tabular tabular adj • tabular

tabulate v • tabular

tabulation n • tabulation

tabulator n • tabulator

tachy- (swift)</b> occurring in compouns] adj • tachy-

tachygrapher, tachygraphist n • tachygrapho (-kì-)

tachygrapher, tachygraphist n • tachygrapho

tachygraphic, tachygraphical adj • tachygraphic

tachygraphy n • tachygraphia (-ìa)

tachygraphy n • tachygraphia

tachymeter [Surv] n • tachymetro

tachymeter [Surv] n • tachymetro (-kì-)

tachymetry [Surv] n • tachymetria

tachymetry [Surv] n • tachymetria (-ìa)

tacit adj • tacite

tacit adj • tacite (tà-) (pp of tacer)

taciturn adj • taciturne

taciturnity n • taciturnitate

tack, board (the stretch which a ship makes on one tack in beating to windward)</b> Naut] n • bordada

tack (nail) n • clavo

tack [Nav] n • bordada

tack v • virar al vento

tacking n •</b> Naut]

tacking (sewing) n • bastitura

tackle n • apparato

tackle, rigging [Naut] n • manovra

tackle (rugby) v • blocar

tackle v •</b> Gen]

tacky adj • collose

tact (as in social tact) n • tacto

tact n • tacto

tactful (plen) adj • de tacto, diplomatic

tactful (plen) adj • diplomatic, de tacto

tactical adj • tactic

tactically adv • tacticamente

tactician n • tactico

tactics n • tactica

tactics, tactic n • tactica

tactile adj • tactile

tactile (pertaining to the sence of touch) adj • tactile

tactility n • tactilitate

tactless adj • pauco diplomatic, disproviste de tacto

tactless adj • disproviste de tacto, pauco diplomatic

tadpole n • larva de rana

tae-kwan-do (martial art) n • tae-kwan-do

taeniafuge adj • tenifuge

taeniafuge n • tenifuga

taffeta n • taffeta

taffeta n • taffeta (-tà)

tag n • etiquetta

tag, ticket, label n • etiquetta

tag, ticket, label n • etiquetta (-ké-)

tag v • etiquettar

Tagus n • Tago

Tahiti [Geog] n • Tahiti

tail n • cauda

tail v • sequer

tail-end n • extremo, fin

tail-end n • fin, extremo

tail-feathers n • caude de plumas, caude de plumero

tail-feathers n • caude de plumero, caude de plumas

tail-off v • diminuer pauc a pauc

tailor, dressmaker n • sartor

tailor (make) v • confectionar

tailor n • sartor

tailor v • adaptar

tailor-made adj •</b> Fig]

tailor-made (made by a tailor) adj • facite per sartor

tailor's shop n • sartoreria (-ìa)

tailor's shop n • sartoreria

tailor's-shop n • sartoreria

taint, decay n • corruption

taint n • corruption

taint v • corrumper

tainted, infeeted, rotten, decayed adj • corrupte

Taiwan [Geog] n • Taiwan, le Insula Formosa

Taiwan [Geog] n • le Insula Formosa, Taiwan

take (capture) v • prender, expugnar

take (capture) v • expugnar, prender

take (carry) v • portar

take, lay hold of v • sumer</b> sum-/sumpt-]

take, lay hold of v • sumer

take (lead) v • conducer

take (need) v • requirer

take, take hold of, catch, seize v • prender

take, take hold of, catch, seize v • prender</b> prend-/prens-/pris-]

take (transport) v • transportar

take v •</b> Gen]

take a census v • censer</b> cens-/cens-]

take a census v • censer

take an oath, swear v • jurar

take away, withdraw v • subtraher

take away, withdraw v • retirar

take away, withdraw v • subtraher</b> -trah-/-tract-]

take back again, retake v • reprender</b> -prend-/-pris-]

take back again, retake v • reprender

take booty, prey, pillage v • predar

take by assault, storm v • expugnar

take care of, look after v • respicer</b> -spic-/-spect-]

take care of, look after v • respicer

take hold of, catch, seize, take v • prender</b> prend-/prens-/pris-]

take hold of, catch, seize, take v • prender

take in, imburse v • imbursar

take in, shelter v • recolliger

take in, shelter v • recolliger</b> -lig-/-lect-]

take off (shoes, stockings from someone's feet) v • discalcear

take off flesh v • discarnar

take one fifth of v • quintar

take out of the nest v • disannidar

take root v • radicar

take the chill off, warm slightly v • tepidar

take the color out of, fade v • distinger

take-after v • resimilar

take-away v • levar, subtraher

take-away v • subtraher, levar

take-back v • reprender

take-care-of v • curar

take-charge-of v • cargar se de

take-hold-of v • prender

take-in (accept) v • acceptar, reciper

take-in (accept) v • reciper, acceptar

take-in (swindle) v • dupar

take-in (understand) v • comprender

take-off n • partita

take-off vi • partir, quitar le solo

take-off vi • quitar le solo, partir

take-off vt • levar, supprimer

take-off vt • supprimer, levar

take-on v • cargar se de, assumer

take-on v • assumer, cargar se de

take-out (extract) v • extraher

take-out (get) v • obtener

take-out (go out with) v • sortir con

take-over v • acquirer, prender possession de

take-over v • prender possession de, acquirer

take-place v • haber loco, occurrer

take-place v • occurrer, haber loco

taker (one who or that which takes, seizes, accepts) n • prenditor

take-stock v • facer le inventario

take-to (commence action) v • dar se a

take-to (like) v • affectionar

take-up v • prender, assumer

take-up v • assumer, prender

taking (act or action of) n • prension

taking a census (act of) n • censimento

taking off (one's or someone's shoes, stockings) (act of) n • discalceamento

talc [Mineral] n • talco

talcose adj • talcose

talcum-powder (pulvere de) n • talco

talcum-powder (pulvere de) n • talco (in pulvere)

tale n • conto

tale, story n • conto

talent (1.</b> Antiq]; 2. as in talent for acting) n • talento

talent, genius, inborn skill n • ingenio

talent n • ingenio, talento

talent n • talento, ingenio

talented adj • talentose

talisman n • talisman

talismanic adj • talismanic

talk (conversation) n • conversation

talk (converse) v • conversar

talk (lecture) n • discurso

talk, speak v • parlar

talk (speak) v • parlar

talk extravagantly (think, act extravagantly) v • extravagar

talkative adj • communicative, loquace

talkative adj • loquace, communicative

talkative, communicative adj • communicative

talkative, multiloquent adj • multiloquente

talkative, multiloquous adj • multiloque (-tì-)

talkative, multiloquous adj • multiloque

talkativeness, multiloquence n • multiloquentia

talkativeness n • loquacitate

talker n • parlator

talker, speaker n • parlator

talk-over v • discuter

tall (lofty) adj • alte

tall (of stature) adj • grande

tallow, suet n • stear</b> -ar/-at-]

tallow, suet n • stear

tally (count) n • conto

tally (label) n • etiquetta

tally n • computation

tally (stick) n • talia

tally v • corresponder

Talmud n • talmud</b> Heb]

Talmud n • talmud

Talmudic adj • talmudic

Talmudist n • talmudista

talon [Arch] n • talon

talon n • ungula

talon, stub, counterfoil [Fin] n • talon

tamable adj • domabile

tambour [Fortif] n • tambur

tambourine n • tamburino

tambourine (Spanish tambourine) n • panderetta

tame adj • mansuete

tame, domesticate v • domesticar

tame (make tame) v • domar

tame v • domesticar, domar

tame v • domar, domesticar

tameness n • mansuetude

tamer n • domator

tamer (of wild beasts) n • domator

tamper (- with, meddle) v • toccar sin autorisation

tamper (a witness) v • subornar

tamper (falsify) v • falsificar

tampon [Med] n • tampon

tampon [Med] n • tampon</b> F]

tampon [Med] v • tamponar

tampon n • tampon

tamponage [Med] n • tamponamento

tan (leather) v • tannar

tan n • bronzage

tan (of sun) v • bronzar

tan (skins) v • tannar

tan, tanbark n • tanno

tanbark, tan n • tanno

tandem adv • tandem

tang n • sapor piccante

-tang (party)</b> occurring in compounds] n • -tang</b> Chinese]

-tang (party)</b> occurring in compounds] n • -tang

tangency [Math] n • tangentia

tangent [Math] adj • tangente

tangent [Math] n • tangente

tangent n • tangente

tangential [Math] adj • tangential

tangerine n • mandarina

tangibility (quality of being tangible) n • tangibilitate

tangible adj • tangibile

tangible (capable of being touched) adj • tangibile

tangle n • imbroliamento, confusion

tangle n • confusion, imbroliamento

tangle v • imbroliar (se), intricar (se)

tangle v • intricar, imbroliar

tangle v • imbroliar, intricar

tangle v • intricar (se), imbroliar (se)

tango n • tango

tango v • dansar le tango

tangy adj • de sapor piccante

tank (as in water tank, gasoline tank) n • tank

tank (as in water tank, gasoline tank) n • tank</b> A]

tank (cistern) n • cisterna

tank (for petrol) n • reservoir de gasolina

tank [Mil] n • tank</b> A]

tank [Mil] n • tank

tank n •</b> Mil]

tankard n • biriera

tanker (ship) n • nave cisterna

tanker (truck) n • camion cisterna

tanner n • tannator

tannery n • tanneria

tannery n • tanneria (-ìa)

tannic adj • tannic

tannin n • tannino

tanning, tannage n • tannage

tanning, tannage n • tannage (-aje)

tansy (Tanacetum balsamita)</b> Bot] n • balsamita

tantalic [Chem] adj • tantalic

tantalite [Mineral] n • tantalite

tantalize v • provocar, tormentar (con le supplicios de tantalo)

tantalize v • provocar, tormentar

tantalize v • tormentar (con le supplicios de tantalo), provocar

tantalize v • tormentar, provocar

tantalum [Chem] n • tantalium

tantalum [Chem] n • tantalium (-tà-)

Tantalus [Gr. Mythol] n • Tantalo

Tantalus [Gr. Mythol] n • Tantalo (tàn-)

tantamount adj/n • equivalente

tantamount (be - to) v. phr • equivaler a

tantrum n • accesso de ira

Tanzania [Geog] n • Tanzania

tap (faucet) n • valvula

tap (hit) n • colpo

tap (hit) v • colpar legiermente

tap (resources) v • exploitar

tap (telephone) v • ascoltar clandestinmente

tape (bind) v • guarnir de banda

tape n • banda

tape (record) v • registrar sur banda magnetic

tape measure, tapeline n • metro

tapeline, tape measure n • metro

tape-measure n • banda metric, metro

tape-measure n • metro, banda metric

taper (light) n • candela accenditori

taper n • eng

taper v • affilar se

tape-recorder n • magnetophono

tapestry n • tapisseria (-ìa)

tapestry n • tapisseria

tapestry, rug, carpet n • tapete

tapestry, rug, carpet n • tapis</b> F]

tapestry, rug, carpet n • tapis

tapestry worker n • tapissero

tapeworm n • tenia

taph- (tomb)</b> occurring in compounds] n • -tapho-

tapioca n • tapioca

tapioca-pudding n • pudding de tapioca

tappet n • altiavalvulas

tar n • catran

tar v • catranar

tar sprayer n • catranator

tarantula n • tarantula

tardigrade, slowpaced adj • tardigrade

tardigrade, slowpaced adj • tardigrade (-ì-)

tardigrade [Zool] n • tardigrado (-ì-)

tardigrade [Zool] n • tardigrado

tardiness, slowness n • morositate

tardy (1. slow; 2. late) adj • tardive

tardy adj • tarde, morose

tardy adj • morose, tarde

tardy, dilatory, lingering adj • morose

tardy, slow adj • tarde

target, mark n • scopo

target (mark) n • scopo

target n •</b> Fig]

tariff (1.</b> Customs]; 2. scale or schedule of prices) n • tarifa

tariff (list the tariff value of) v • tarifar

tariff n • tarifa

tarmac (at airport) n • pista de atterrage

tarmac (on road) n • macadam a catran

tarnish n • oxydation

tarnish v • oxydar (se

tarpaulin n • tela catranate

tarry adj • catranose

tarry, linger, delay v • morar

tart adj • acerbe

tart n • torta

tartan n • tartan

tartar (all meanings) n • tartaro

tartar-sauce n • sauce tartare

tartarus n • tartaro

tartlet n • torteletta

tarworks n • catraneria (-ìa)

tarworks n • catraneria

task n • labor, carga

task n • carga, labor

task-force n • gruppo de fortias (pro un operation special)

task-force n • gruppo de fortias

tassel n • flocco

tastable adj • gustabile

taste (1. sense of taste; 2. flavor; 3. as in to have a taste for) n • gusto

taste (be acquainted with) v • cognoscer

taste (eat) v • mangiar

taste (flavour) n • sapor

taste n • gusto

taste (perceive by sense of taste) vt • gustar

taste (perceive by the sense of taste) v • gustar

taste (professionally) v • degustar

taste, sample (wines, tea) v • degustar

taste, savor, flavor n • sapor

tasteful adj • elegante, de bon gusto

tasteful adj • de bon gusto, elegante

tasteless adj • insipide

taste-of v • haber le gusto de

taster (of wines, tea) n • degustator

tasting, gustation n • gustation

tasting (of wines, tea) n • degustation

tasty adj • saporose

tasty (having a pleasant taste) adj • gustabile

tasty, savory adj • gustose

tattered adj • lacerate

tattle n • commatrage

tattle v • commatrar

tattoo (design) n • tatu

tattoo (design produced by tattooing) n • tatuage

tattoo (design produced by tattooing) n • tatu (-tù)

tattoo (design produced by tattooing) n • tatu

tattoo (design produced by tattooing) n • tatuage (-aje)

tattoo, do tattooing v • tatuar

tattoo n •</b> Mil]

tattoo (signal of retreat)</b> Mil] n • retraite</b> F]

tattoo (signal of retreat)</b> Mil] n • retraite

tattoo v • tatuar

tattooer n • tatuator

tattooing n • tatuage

tattooing (practice of) n • tatu (-tù)

tattooing (practice of) n • tatu

tattooing (practice of) n • tatuage (-aje)

tattooing (practice of) n • tatuage

taunt n • observation sarcastic

taunt v • provocar sarcasticamente

tauriform, bull-shaped adj • tauriforme

taurine, bull, bull's adj • taurin

taurobolium, tauroboly (sacrifice of bulls) n • taurobolio

tauromachic adj • tauromachic

tauromachy, bullfighting n • tauromachia (-ìa)

tauromachy, bullfighting n • tauromachia

Taurus n • astrol

taut adj • tense

tauto- (same)</b> occurring in compounds] n • tauto-

tautological adj • tautologic

tautology n • tautologia (-ìa)

tautology n • tautologia

tavern n • taverna, bireria

tavern n • taverna

tavern n • bireria, taverna

tavern keeper, taverner n • tavernero

taverner, tavern keeper n • tavernero

tax (1. to impose a tax on) v • taxar

tax (accuse) v • accusar

tax (as in income tax) n • taxa

tax, duty, impost n • imposto

tax (impose rate) v • taxar

tax n • imposto, taxa

tax n • taxa, imposto

tax (tire) v • exhaurir

tax collector n • perceptor

taxable adj • taxabile

taxation [Admin] n • taxation

taxation n • taxation

tax-avoidance phr • modos legal de reducer le contributiones fiscal

tax-collector n • perceptor de impostos

tax-collector n • exactor

tax-evasion n • fraude fiscal

tax-fraud n • fraude fiscal

tax-free adj • exempte de impostos

tax-haven n • refugio fiscal

taxi n • taxi

taxi, taxicab n • taxi

taxi, taxicab n • taxi (-ì)

taxicab, taxi n • taxi

taxicab, taxi n • taxi (-ì)

taxidermic, taxidermal adj • taxidermic

taxidermist n • taxidermista

taxidermy n • taxidermia

taxidermy n • taxidermia (-ìa)

taxi-driver n • taxista, guidator de taxi

taxi-driver n • guidator de taxi, taxista

taximeter n • taximetro

taximeter n • taximetro (-ì-)

taxinomy, taxonomy n • taxinomia

taxinomy, taxonomy n • taxinomia (-ìa)

taxi-rank-stand n • station de taxis

taxis [Surg] n • taxis

taxis [Surg] n • taxis (tà-)</b> Gr]

taxonomic, taxonomical adj • taxinomic

taxonomist n • taxinomista

taxonomy, taxinomy n • taxinomia (-ìa)

taxonomy, taxinomy n • taxinomia

tax-payer n • contributor

tc supererogate v • supererogar

tea (beverage) n • the

tea (herbal) n • tisana

tea (high -) n • repasto vesperal con the

tea (meal) n • repasto de cinque horas

tea n • the

tea (plant) n • the

tea, tisane (medicinal) n • tisana

tea plant, tea shrub n • theiero

tea shrub, tea plant n • theiero

tea-bag n • sacchetto de the

teach, give (a class, course) v • regentar

teach, instruct v • docer</b> doc-/doct-]

teach, instruct v • docer

teach, instruct v • erudir

teach v • inseniar

teach v • inseniar (un cosa a un persona)

teachable adj • maestrabile

teachable adj • inseniabile

teacher (grammar school) n • professor

teacher (in school) n • maestro

teacher, instructor n • instructor

teacher, instructor, preceptor n • preceptor

teacher n • institutor

teacher n •</b> Gen]

teacher, scholar, learned man n • doctor

teacher's-college n • schola normal

teaching (act or art of) n • inseniamento

teaching (doctrine) n • doctrina

teaching (instruction) n • inseniamento

tea-cloth n • drappo de the

tea-cosy n • coperitheiera

teacup n • tasslio del the

team n • equipa

team [Sports] n • equipa

team-up-with v • collaborar con, formar un equipa con

team-up-with v • formar un equipa con, collaborar con

team-work-labor n • de equipa, labor facite in collaboration tea-party partita al hora del the

team-work-labor n • labor facite in collaboration tea-party partita al hora del the, de equipa

teapot n • theiera

tear (1. as in to shed tears; 2. as in tears of resin) n • lacrima (là-)

tear (1. as in to shed tears; 2. as in tears of resin) n • lacrima

tear, lacerate, mangle v • lacerar

tear (rip) n • laceration

tear (teardrop) n • lacrima

tear v • lacerar (se)

tear v • lacerar

tear apart, rend v • diveller

tear apart, rend v • diveller</b> -vell-/-vuls-]

tear away, avulse v • aveller</b> -vell-/-vuls-]

tear away, avulse v • aveller

tear bottle, lachrymatory [Archaeol] n • lacrimatorio

tear out, pull out, evulse v • eveller</b> -vell-/-vuls-]

tear out, pull out, evulse v • eveller

tear out v • eveller

tear up v • dispeciar

tear-along v • currer

tear-apart v • diveller

tear-away v • aveller

tear-down (demolish) v • demolir

tear-down (pull down) v • aveller

teardrop n • lacrima

tearful adj • lacrimose

tear-gas n • gas lacrimogene

tear-provoking, lachrymatory adj • lacrimogene

tears n • lacrimas

tease v • tormentar

teasel n • cardo

tea-service n • cabaret, servicio de the tea-break pausa

tea-service n • servicio de the tea-break pausa, cabaret

tea-shop n • salon de the

teaspoon v • coclear de the

teat n • tetta

teatime n • hora del the

tea-towel n • panno de essugar

tea-tray n • tabuliero de the

technical adj • technic

technicalism, technicism n • technicismo

technicality n • detalio technic

technicality, technicalness n • technicitate

technically adv • technicamente

technicalness, technicality n • technicitate

technician n • technico

technicism, technicalism n • technicismo

technics, technology n • technica

technique n • technica

techno-, techn- (art, craft)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • techn-

technocracy n • technocratia

technocracy n • technocratia (-ìa)

technocrat n • technocrate (-ò-)

technocrat n • technocrate

technocratic adj • technocratic

technological adj • technologic

technologically adv • technologicamente

technologist n • technologo (-òlogo)

technologist n • technologo

technology n • technologia

technology n • technologia (-ìa)

technology, technics n • technica

tecton- (builder)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • tecton-

tectonic adj • tectonic

tectonics n • tectonica

teddy-bear n • urso de pluche

tedious adj • tediose

tedious (involving tedium) adj • tediose

tediousness, tedium n • tedio

tedium, tediousness n • tedio

tee n • tee

teem v • abundar

teenage adj/n • adolescente

teenager n • adolescente

teens (be in one's -) v • esser adolescente

teens n • etate inter 13 e 19 annos

teeny (- weeny) adj • ultraminusculissimo

teeny adj • minusculissimo

teethe [Physiol] v • dentar

teething, dentition n • dentation

teething n • dentation

teething-troubles n • difficultates initial

teetotaller n • abstinente

telautograph, facsimile telegraph n • telautographo

telautograph, facsimile telegraph n • telautographo (-ògrapho)

tele-, tel- (far)</b> occurring in compounds] adv • tele-

telecommunications n • telecommunicationes

telegram n • telegramma

telegraph n • telegrapho

telegraph n • telegrapho (-lé-)

telegraph v • telegraphar

telegraphic adj • telegraphic

telegraphist n • telegraphista

telegraph-pole n • palo telegraphic

telegraphy n • telegraphia

telegraphy n • telegraphia (-ìa)

telemechanics [Elec] n • telemechanica

telemeter (instrument for measuring the distance of an object from the observer) n • telemetro

telemeter (instrument for measuring the distance of an object from the observer) n • telemetro (-lé-)

telemeter n • telemetro

telemetric adj • telemetric

telemetry n • telemetria

telemetry n • telemetria (-ìa)

teleo- (perfect, complete)</b> occurring in compounds] adj • tele-

teleo-, tel- (end, purpose)</b> occurring in compounds] n • teleo

teleological adj • teleologic

teleologist n • teleologista

teleology n • teleologia (-ìa)

teleology n • teleologia

teleost, teleostean [Zool] adj • teleostee

teleost, teleostean [Zool] n • teleosteo

telepathic adj • telepathic

telepathy n • telepathia (-ìa)

telepathy n • telepathia

telephone n • telephono

telephone v • telephonar

telephone connection n • connexion telephonic

telephone directory n • libro telephonic

telephone exchange n • central telephonic

telephone kiosk n • cabina telephonic

telephone number n • numero telephonic

telephone operator n • telephonista

telephone-book n • libro telephonic

telephonic adj • telephonic

telephonist n • telephonista

telephony n • telephonia (-ìa)

telephony n • telephonia

telephote (1. apparatus for photographing at adistance; 2. apparatus for the transmission of messages by light; 3. apparatus for the electric transmission of photographs) n • telephoto

telephotography (1. photography at a distance; 2. electric transmission of photographs) n • telephotographia

telephotography (1. photography at a distance; 2. electric transmission of photographs) n • telephotographia (-ìa)

telescope (as in to telescope railroad cars) v • telescopar

telescope n • telescopio

telescopic adj • telescopic

televise v • televisar

television n • television

television-set n • televisor

telex n • telex

tell (a story) v • contar

tell (distinguish) v • distinguer

tell (have an effect) v • militar (contra;in favor)

tell (have an effect) v • militar

tell (know) v • saper

tell (order) v • dicer

tell (order) v • dicer (a un persona de facer un cosa)

tell, relate v • contar

tell (say) v • dicer, informar

tell (say) v • informar, dicer

tell lies, lie v • mentir

teller (in bank) n • cassero

telling adj • efficace

telling-off n • reprimenda, reproche

telling-off n • reproche, reprimenda

tell-off v • reprochar

telltale adj • revelatori

telltale (mech) n • indicator

telltale (tale-bearer) n • revelator de secretos

telpher adj • telephere

telpher (light car suspended from cables) n • telephero (-lé-)

telpher (light car suspended from cables) n • telephero

telpher (transport in a telpher) v • telepherar

telpherage n • telepherage

telpherage n • telepherage (-aje)

temerarious adj • temerari

temerity n • temeritate

temerous, rash adj • temere

temper (1. to moderate, regulate; 2.</b> specif.: Metal/Paint]) v • temperar

temper (bon/mal) n • humor

temper (bon/mal) n • humor (bon - ; mal -)

temper (moderate) v • attemperar

temper (steel, glass, clay etc.) v • recocer

temper (steel, glass) v • recocer

tempera [Paint] n • tempera

tempera [Paint] n • tempera</b> I]

temperament (1. disposition; 2.</b> Mus]) n • temperamento

temperament (all senses) n • temperamento

temperament natural, disposition n • natural

temperamental adj • capriciose

temperamentally adv • capriciosemente

temperance (abstinence) n • abstinentia de alcohol

temperance n • temperantia

temperance (self-control) n • temperation, moderation

temperance (self-control) n • moderation, temperation

temperate adj • moderate, sobrie

temperate adj • sobrie, moderate

temperate adj • temperante (ppr of temperar)

temperate adj • temperante

temperate (climate) adj • temperate

temperate, moderate adj • mesurate (pp of mesurar)

temperate, moderate adj • mesurate

temperate, moderate adj • mensurate (pp of mensurar)

temperate, moderate adj • mensurate

temperateness, soberness, sobriety n • sobrietate

temperature (have a -) v • haber le febre

temperature n • temperatura

temperer (one who or that which tempers) n • temperator

tempest n • tempesta

tempestuous adj • tempestuose

template n • patrono

temple [Anat] n • tempora

temple [Anat] n • tempora (tém-)

temple (as in temple of Diana) n • templo

temple (relig) n • templo

temple, sanctuary [Rom. Antiq] n • fano

tempo [Mus] n • tempo</b> I]

tempo [Mus] n • tempo

tempo n • tempo

temporal (1. not ecclesiastical; 2. not eternal) adj • temporal

temporal (all senses) adj • temporal

temporal (of or pertaining to the temples)</b> Anat] adj • temporal

temporal, temporary adj • temporanee

temporality (1. quality of being temporal or temporary; 2 .</b> Eccl]) n • temporalitate

temporary adj • provisori, temporanee

temporary adj • temporari

temporary adj • temporanee, provisori

temporary, temporal adj • temporanee

temporization n • temporisation

temporize v • temporisar

temporizer n • temporisator

tempt (1. to try, put to the test; 2. to try to allure, incite) v • tentar

tempt v • tentar

temptation n • tentation

tempter n • tentator

tempting adj • seductive, attrahente

tempting adj • attrahente, seductive

ten adj • dece

ten n/adj • dece

tenability n • tenibilitate

tenable adj • tenibile

tenable (as in a tenable position) adj • tenibile

tenacious adj • tenace, persistente

tenacious adj • persistente, tenace

tenacious (persistent in a state, an action) adj • tenace

tenaciousness, tenacity n • tenacitate

tenacity n • tenacitate

tenacity, tenaciousness n • tenacitate

tenaille [Fortif] n • tenalia

tenancy n • tenentia

tenancy n • tenentia, location

tenancy n • location, tenentia

tenant n • tenente

tenant n • locatario

tenant farmer n • colono

tenceforward, from that time, after that, thereupon adv • inde

tend (care for) vt • curar

tend, have an inclination (towards something) v • propender

tend, have an inclination (towards something) v • propender</b> -pend-/-pens-]

tend vi • propender, tender

tend vi • tender, propender

tendency n • tendentia

tendency to roll n • volubilitate

tendentious adj • tendentiose

tendentious (subservient to a preconceived purpose) adj • tendentiose

tender (1. soft, not hard or tough; 2. delicate, sensitive; 3. affectionate) adj • tenere

tender adj • tenere

tender n •</b> Commer]

tender [R.R]n • tender</b> A]

tender [R.R]n • tender

tender v • tender

tender v • presentar (un offerta), offerer

tender v • presentar, offerer

tender v • offerer, presentar

tender v • offerer, presentar (un offerta)

tender v • tender</b> tend-/-tent-/tens-]

tender-hearted adj • compatiente

tenderness (1. softness; 2. sensitiveness; 3. affection) n • teneressa

tenderness n • teneressa

tending, inclined, favorable adj • propense

tending to perturb, perturbative adj • perturbative

tendinous [Anat] adj • tendinose

tendon [Anat] n • tendon

tendon [Anat] n • chorda

tendon [Anat] n • tendine

tendon n • tendine

tendon n • nervo

Tenebrio, meal worm [Zool] n • tenebrion

tenement n • casa de appartamentos pro obreros

tenet n • principio, dogma

tenet n • dogma, principio

tenfold, decuple adj • decuple

tenfold, decuple adj • decuple (dé-)

tennis n • tennis</b> A]

tennis n • tennis

tennis-court n • terreno de tennis

tennis-player n • jocator de tennis

tenon n • tenon

tenor (1. course or direction; 2. general purport, drift; 3.</b> Mus] (highest adult male voice) n • tenor

tenor, all senses n • tenor

tenorino, falsetto tenor n • tenorino

tenpin bowling n • joco de dece quillias

tense (1. stretched tight; 2. feeling or evincing nervous tension) adj • tense

tense adj • tense

tense [Gram] n • tempore

tense n • tempore

tensile (elastic) adj • extensibile

tensile (relative to tension) adj • de tension

tension n • tension

tensor [Anat] n • tensor

tent n • tenta

tentacle n • tentaculo

tentacle [Zool] n • tentaculo

tentative adj • tentative

tenterhooks (be -) v. phr • on esser sur le spinas

tenth adj • decime

tenth adj • decime (dé-)

tenth n • decimo

tent-peg n • picchetto de tenta

tenuiroster [Ornith] n • tenuirostro

tenuirostral, tenuirostrate [Ornith] adj • tenuirostre

tenuirostrate, tenuirostral [Ornith] adj • tenuirostre

tenuis [Phonet] n • tenue

tenuity, thinness n • tenuitate

tenuous adj • tenue

tenuous, thin, slender adj • tenue

tenure, bureau, commissioner's position, commissary's position n • commissariato

tenure (in office) n • periodo de officlo

tenure (of property) n • occupation

tepid adj • tepide

tepid, lukewarm adj • tepide

tepidity n • tepiditate

terebinth, turpentine tree n • terebintho

terebinthinate, to turpentine v • terebinthinar

terebinthine (1. of the turpentine tree; 2. of turpentine) adj • terebinthin

terebinthine, turpentine n • terebinthina

terebra (1. boring ovipositor of hymenopterous insect; 2. genus to which auger shell belongs)</b> Zool] n • terebra

terebra (1. boring ovipositor of hymenopterous insect; 2. genus to which auger shell belongs)</b> Zool] n • terebra (tér-)

terg- (back)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • terg-

tergiversate (use subterfuges) v • tergiversar

tergiversation (shift, subterfuge, evasion) n • tergiversation

tergiversator n • tergiversator

term (1. limit in space or time; 2. a space of time; 3. expression; 4. term of a contract, termino medie middle term) n • termino

term (1. limit in space or time; 2. a space of time; 3. expression; 4. term of a contract, termino medie middle term) n • termino (tér-)

term (expression, period, boundary) n • termino

term (scholastic: three months) n • trimestre

term (six months) n • semestre

term v • qualificar

terminable adj • terminabile

terminal adj • terminal

terminal, desinential adj • desinential

terminal n •</b> Elec]

terminal, terminus (terminal point of a railway) n • terminus</b> L]

terminal, terminus (terminal point of a railway) n • terminus

terminal (transport) n • terminus

terminally adv • terminalmente

terminate, conclude v • clausurar

terminate, to bring to an end v • terminar

terminate v • terminar

terminate v • terminar (se)

termination (1. action of terminating; 2.</b> Gram] (ending) n • termination

termination n • termination

terminative adj • terminative

terminator (one who or that which terminates) n • terminator

terminological adj • terminologic

terminology n • terminologia (-ìa)

terminology n • terminologia

terminus (final destination) n • terminus

terminus, terminal (terminal point of a railway) n • terminus</b> L]

terminus, terminal (terminal point of a railway) n • terminus

termite n • formica blanc

terms (be on the best of - with) phr • esser in bon terminos con

terms (conditions) n • conditiones

terms (relationship) n • terminos

ternary adj • ternari

terrace n • terrassa

terrace (open gallery, portico, colonnade, flat roof) n • terrassa

terra-cotta n • terra cocte

terrage, tithe [Hist] n • terrage

terrage, tithe [Hist] n • terrage (-aje)

terrain (1.</b> Mil]; 2.</b> Geol] (terrane) n • terreno

terrain n • terreno

terranean, terraneous adj • terranee

terrapin n • tortuca aquatic

terraqueous adj • terraquee

terrestrial (1. pertaining to the earth; 2. earthly) adj • terrestre

terrestrial adj • terrestre

terrestrial, earthly adj • terren

terrible adj • terribile

terricole, terricolist [Zool/Bot] n • terricola

terricole, terricolist [Zool/Bot] n • terricola (-ì-)

terrier (as in wire-haired terrier) n • terrier

terrier (dog) n • terrier

terrific adj • terrific

terrific (extraordinary) adj • tremende, stupende

terrific (extraordinary) adj • stupende, tremende

terrific (terrifying) adj • terrific

terrify v • espaventar, terrificar

terrify v • terrificar, espaventar

terrify v • terrificar

terrifying adj • espaventabile, terrificante

terrifying adj • terrificante, espaventabile

terrigenous adj • terrigene

terrine n • terrina

territorial adj • territorial

territorial-army n • militia territorial, reservistas

territorial-army n • reservistas, militia territorial

territoriality n • territorialitate

territorially adv • territorialmente

territory n • territorio

territory n • territorial

terror n • terror

terror, panic n • affollamento

terrorism n • terrorismo

terrorist n • terrorista

terrorize v • terrorisar

terse (concise) adj • concise

terse (rude) adj • brusc

tertian (fever) n • tertiana

tertian [Pathol] adj • tertian

tertiary adj • tertiari

terylene n • terylene

test (check) v • verificar

test, examination n • test</b> A]

test, examination n • test

test (examination) n • examine

test (in school) v • examinar

test [Med] n • test

test [Med] n • examination medical

test (scholastic) n • examine scholar

test (scholastic) n • test

test, shell [Zool] n • testa

test, trial n • essayo (-sà-)

test, trial n • essayo

test (trial) n • prova, essayo

test (trial) n • essayo, prova

test, try v • provar

test, try v • probar

test (try) v • provar, essayar

test (try) v • essayar, provar

test again, try again v • reprobar

testa, shell [Bot] n • testa

testaceous, testacean [Zool] adj • testacee

testament (all senses) n • testamento

testament, will [Law] n • testamento

testamentary adj • testamentari

testate [Law] adj • testate (pp of testar)

testate [Law] adj • testate

testator [Law] n • testator

test-bench n • banco de provas

test-case n • precedente

tester, prover n • probator

testicle [Anat] n • testiculo

testicle n • testiculo

testicular [Anat] adj • testicular

testification n • testification

testifier n • testificator

testify, bear witness v • testificar

testify v • testificar, deponer

testify v • deponer, testificar

testify, witness, bear witness v • testimoniar

testifying, witnessing adj • testimonial

testify-to v • attestar

testimonial n • certification, littera de recommendation

testimonial n • littera de recommendation, certification

testimony, attestation n • testimonio

testimony (give -) v • facer un deposition

testimony n • deposition

testis [Anat. and Zool] n • teste

teston, testoon [Numis] n • teston

testoon, teston [Numis] n • teston

test-paper [Chem] • papiro reactive

test-paper (school) n • examine minor

test-tube n • tubo de reaction

testudinal, testudineous, tortoise adj • testudinee

testudineous, tortoise, testudinal adj • testudinee

tetanic [Med] adj • tetanic

tetanus [Med] n • tetano

tetanus [Med] n • tetano (té-)

tetanus n • tetano

tete-a-tete n • conversation intime

tether n • corda

tether v • attaccar

tetra- (four)</b> occurring in compounds] adj • tetra-

tetradactylous adj • tetradactyle

tetragon n • tetragono

tetragonal adj • tetragon

tetrahedral [Math] adj • tetrahedric

tetrahedron [Math] n • tetrahedro

tetralogy n • tetralogia (-ìa)

tetralogy n • tetralogia

tetramerous [Bot/Zool] adj • tetramere

tetrameter n • tetrametro (-à-)

tetrameter n • tetrametro

tetrapod adj • tetrapode (-trà-)

tetrapod adj • tetrapode

tetrapterous [Biol] adj • tetraptere

tetrarch n • tetrarcha

tetrarchate n • tetrarchato

tetrarchy n • tetrarchia

tetrarchy n • tetrarchia (-ìa)

Teut-, Teuto- (1. as in Teutonic; 2. Teuton)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • teut-

Teutomania n • teutomania (-ìa)

Teutomania n • teutomania

Teuton n • teutono

Teuton n • teutono (téu-)

Teuton, Teutonic adj • teutone

Teutonic adj • teutonic

text n • texto

textbook (elementary) n • manual

textbook (standard work) n • libro de texto

textile adj • textile

textile adj/n • textile

textual adj • textual

texture (1. texture of a woven fabric; 2. structure) n • textura

texture n • textura

thai adj/n • thailandese

Thailand [Geog] n • Thailandia

thalium (metal) n • thalio

thallo- (young shoot)</b> occurring in derivativcs and compounds] n • thallo-

thallogen n • thallogeno

thallogen n • thallogeno (-ògeno)

thallus [Bot] n • thallo

Thames [Geog] n • Thames

than conj/prep • que

than, in what manner, how, as adv/conj • quam

thank v • regratiar gratias

thank v • regratiar

thank you very much phr • multe gratias

thankful adj • grate

thankful, grateful adj • grate

thankfulness n • gratitude

thankless adj • ingrate

thanks n • gratias

thanksgiving n • action de gratias

thank-you phr • gratias

thanx (colloq) n • gratias

that adj • ille

that, because, why conj • quod

that conj • que

that dem adj • celle

that dem pron • id

that (one) dem pron • cello

that pron • illo

that (relative) pron • le qual, que

that (relative) pron • que, le qual

that (so) adv • tanto, si

that (so) adv • si, tanto

that, these, those, this dem adj • esse

that, these, those, this dem adj • isse

that, this adj/pron • ce

that, this dem adj • is

that, this dem pron • esso

that, this dem pron • isso

that, this dem pron • is

that, those dem adj • ille

that, what rel pron • quod

that, who, whom, which rel pron • que

that, who, whom, which rel pron • que (ke;kwe)

that (who) pron • le quales, qui, que, le qual

that (who) pron • qui, que, le qual, le quales

that (who) pron • le qual, le quales, qui, que

that (who) pron • que, le qual, le quales, qui

that can be applied or put on adj • applicabile

that can be hardened adj • indurabile

that can be liquidated adj • liquidabile

that can be won or gained adj • ganiabile

that cannot be cut, indivisible adj • insecabile

that degree or extent adv • eo

that is a matter of opinion, disputable adj • opinabile

That keeps him standing phr • Isto le mantene in pede

that may be appropriated adj • appropriabile

that purpose, to that end adv • eo

thatch (tecto de) n • palea

thatch v • impalear

thatched (con tecto) adj • de palea, impaleate

thatched (con tecto) adj • impaleate, de palea

that-one (he) pron • ille

that-one (it) pron • illo

that-one (she) pron • illa

thaumat-, thaumato- (wonder, marvel)</b> occurring in compounds] n • thaumat-

thaumaturge n • thaumaturgo

thaumaturgic adj • thaumaturgic

thaumaturgy n • thaumaturgia

thaumaturgy n • thaumaturgia (-ìa)

thaw n • disgelo

thaw vt/vi • disgelar

the (definite article) art • le

the (the ... the ... ) adv • tanto ... quanto

the Dipper, Septentrion [Astron] n • septentrion

the former (ille) dem pron • cello

the former ille dem adj • ille

the latter dem adj • iste

the left adv • levorso

the Netherlands, Holland n • Hollanda

the perception of sounds n • audientia

the same (thing) pron • idem (ì-)

the same (thing) pron • idem

theater (1. theater building, hall etc.; 2. theatrical art, profession, literature) n • theatro

theater, -tre n • theatro

theater-goer n • frequentator de theatros

theatre, -ter (all senses) n • theatro

theatrical adj • theatral

theatrically adv • theatralmente

theatricalness (character of being theatrical in type, behavior) n • theatralitate

theatromania n • theatromania</b> -ìa)

theatromaniac n • theatromano (-ò-)

theatromaniac n • theatromano

theca (sheath, capsule, receptacle)</b> Anat/Bot/Zool] n • theca

thee (old english) pron • te

thee [Relig] • te

theft (act of) n • furto

theft n • furto

theine [Chem] n • theina (-ìna)

theine [Chem] n • theina

their pron • lor

theirs pron • le lore, le lores

theirs pron • le lores, le lore

theism n • theismo (-ìzmo)

theism n • theismo

theist n • theista

theist n • theista (-ìsta)

theistic adj • theistic (-ìstic)

theistic adj • theistic

them (after a preposition) pron • masc/gen

them (as in I see them, I write them a letter) pron pers • les

them (as in with them, for them) pron pers • illes

them pron •</b> Fem]

them pron • masc/gen

them (things) pron • los

them (things) pron • illos

thematic adj • thematic

theme (1. topic, subject; 2.</b> School] (composition; 3.</b> Mus]) n • thema

theme (1. topic, subject; 2.</b> School] (composition; 3.</b> Mus]) n • thema</b> -ma/-mat-]

theme n • thema

theme, stem, base [Gram] n • thema</b> -ma/-mat-]

theme, stem, base [Gram] n • thema

themselves (object) pron • se mesme

themselves (subject) pron • illes illas illos

then (1. at that time; 2. in that case, consequently) adv • tunc

then (1. at that time; 2. in that case, consequently) adv • alora

then (1. at that time; 2. next; 3. afterwards) adv • tum

then (by -) adv • in iste tempore

then conj • tunc

then conj • tun

then, consequently, accordingly, therefore adv • ergo

then (in time) adv • alora

then (next) adv • postea

then (therefore) adv • ergo

then (up to -) adv • ante iste momento

thence, from that place, from there adv • inde

theo-, the- (as in theology, as in theist)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • theo-

theocracy n • theocratia (-ìa)

theocracy n • theocratia

theocrat n • theocrate

theocrat n • theocrate (-ò-)

theocratic adj • theocratic

theocraticly adv • theocraticamente

theodicy n • theodicea

theodicy n • theodicea (-éa)

theogonic adj • theogonic

theogony n • theogonia

theogony n • theogonia (-ìa)

theologian n • theologo (-òlogo)

theologian n • theologo

theological adj • theologic

theologically adv • theologicamente

theologize v • theologisar

theology n • theologia

theology n • theologia (-ìa)

theomancy n • theomantia (-ìa)

theomancy n • theomantia

theor [Gr. Hist] n • theoro

theor [Gr. Hist] n • theoro (-òro)

theorem n • theorema

theorem n • theorema</b> -ma/-mat-]

theorematic adj • theorematic

theoretical adj • theoretic

theoretical adj • theoric

theoretically adv • theoricamente

theoretician, theorist n • theoretico

theoretics n • theoretica

theoria [Gr. Relig] n • theoria (-ìa)

theoria [Gr. Relig] n • theoria

theorist n • theorista

theorist, theoretician n • theoretico

theorize v • theorisar

theory n • theoria (-ìa)

theory n • theoria

theosophical adj • theosophe (-òsophe)

theosophical adj • theosophe

theosophical adj • theosophic

theosophist n • theosopho

theosophist n • theosopho (-òsopho)

theosophy n • theosophia (-ìa)

theosophy n • theosophia

therapeutic adj • therapeutic

therapeutic, therapeutical adj • therapeutic

therapeutics n • therapia

therapeutics n • therapeutica

therapeutics n • therapia (-ìa)

therapeutist n • therapeuta

therapy n • therapia

therapy n • therapia (-ìa)

there adv • ibi

there adv • eo

there adv • ibi, illac

there adv • illac

there adv • illac, ibi

there, in that place adv • illic

there-abouts (approximately) adv • assi circa, plus o minus

there-abouts (approximately) adv • plus o minus, assi circa

there-abouts (place) adv • in ille vicinitate

there-after adv • postea, pois

there-after adv • pois, postea

thereafter, next adv • deinde (déin-)

thereafter, next adv • deinde

there-are v. phr • il ha

there-by adv • in iste modo, pro isto

there-by adv • pro isto, in iste modo

there-fore adv • igitur

there-fore adv • dunque

there-fore adv • ergo

therefore adv • eo

therefore, from that cause adv • inde

therefore, then, consequently, accordingly adv • ergo

there-is v. phr • il ha

thereupon adv • igitur

thereupon, tenceforward, from that time, after that adv • inde

thermal adj • thermal

thermic adj • thermic

Thermidor [French Revolutionary Calendar] n • thermidor

Thermidorian [Fr. Hist] adj • thermidorian

Thermidorian [Fr. Hist] n • thermidoriano

thermite (as in welding with thermite) n • thermite

thermocautery n • thermocauterio

thermochemistry n • thermochimia (-ìa)

thermochemistry n • thermochimia

thermodynamic adj • thermodynamic

thermodynamics n • thermodynamica

thermodynamics [Sci] • thermodynamica

thermometer n • thermometro

thermometer n • thermometro (-ò-)

thermonuclear adj • thermonuclear

thermos (- flask) n • thermos

Thermos (bottle) n • thermos</b> A]

Thermos (bottle) n • thermos

thermos n • thermos

thermostat n • thermostato

thermostat n • thermostato (-ò-)

thesaurus n • thesauro

these adj • iste

these (persons) pron • istes

these (things) pron • istos

these, those, this, that dem adj • isse

these, those, this, that dem adj • esse

thesis (1.</b> Pros]; 2. proposition) n • these

thesis n • these

thetic (1.</b> Pros]; 2. dogmatic) adj • thetic

theurgic adj • theurgic (-ùrgic)

theurgic adj • theurgic

theurgist n • theurgo

theurgist n • theurgo (-ùrgo)

theurgist n • theurgista

theurgy, magic, white magic n • theurgia

theurgy, magic, white magic n • theurgia (-ìa)

they (people in general) pron • on

they pron • masc/gen

they pron •</b> Fem]

they pron pers • illi

they pron pers • illes

they (things) pron • illos

thick (1. as in a thick board, two inches thick; 2. dense) adj • spisse

thick adj • spisse

thick (dense) adj • dense

thick (dense) adj • spisse

thick (not flowing easily) adj • crasse

thick (obtuse) adj • obtuse, stupide

thick (obtuse) adj • stupide, obtuse

thick (of liquids) adj • viscose, crasse

thick (of liquids) adj • crasse, viscose

thick (of string) adj • grosse

thicken, inspissate v • inspissar

thicken (make thicker or denser) v • spissar

thicken v • inspissar

thicken v • inspissar (se)

thickening, inspissation n • inspissation

thickening n • inspissation

thicket, boscage n • boscage (-aje)

thicket, boscage n • boscage

thicket n • boscage

thicket of thorns n • spineto

thick-necked adj • laticolle

thickness (1. as in thickness of a board; 2. density) n • spissor

thickness (1. as in thickness of a board; 2. density) n • spissitate

thickness (density) n • densitate

thickness (of liquids) n • crassitude

thickness (of solids) n • spissor

thick-skinned adj • insensibile

thicktongued, crassilingual adj • crassilingue

thief n • fur

thieve v • furar

thieving adj • dishoneste

thieving n • furto

thigh n • coxa

thigh n • femore

thigh-bone n • femore

thimble n • digital

thin (as in thin hair, thin grass etc.) adj • rar

thin (lean) adj • magre

thin, meager, lean adj • magre

thin (not dense) adj • rar

thin, slender, tenuous adj • tenue

thin (slender) adj • tenue

thin v • attenuar

thin plate n • lamella

thine pron • le tues, tue, le tue

thine pron • le tue, le tues, tue

thine pron • tue, le tue, le tues

thing, affair, matter n • re

thing (for one - ... for another... ) phr • in prime loco ... del altere parte...

thing n • cosa, objecto

thing n • cosa

thing n • objecto, cosa

thing done, deed n • pragma

thing done, deed n • pragma</b> -ma/-mat-]

thing or event that is current or present, character of what is current or present n • actualitate

things n • effectos

think (1. to reason, ponder, reflect; 2. to believe) v • pensar

think (believe) v • creder

think, imagine, suppose v • putar

think (reflect) v • pensar

think highly of, esteem v • considerar

think of, ponder v • meditar

think out, excogitate v • excogitar

thinker n • pensator

thinking, thought n • pensar

thinking v • pensar

think-of (hold an opinion about) v • pensar de

think-of (think about) v • pensar a

think-out v • excogitar

think-over v • considerar

thinness, leanness n • magressa

thinness (leanness) n • magressa

thinness (slenderness) n • tenuitate

thinness, tenuity n • tenuitate

thinness Hcnce: emaciar, leanness n • macie

thin-skinned adj • susceptibile, troppo sensibile

thin-skinned adj • troppo sensibile, susceptibile

third adj • tertie

third (fraction) n • tertio

third [Mus] n • tertia

third n • mus

third-class adj • de tertie classe

third-dimension n • tertie dimension

third-dimensional n • de tertie dimension

third-party adj • tertie persona

third-person n • tertie persona

third-rate adj • de basse categoria

thirst n • sete

thirst v • haber sete (de)

thirst v • haber sete

thirsty adj • assetate

thirsty (be -) v. phr • haber sete

thirteen adj • dece-tres

thirteen adj • tredece

thirteen adj • tredece (tré-)

thirteen adj • dece-tres (-trés)

thirteen adj/n • dece-tres

thirteenth adj • dece-tertie

thirteenth n • dece-tertio

thirtieth adj • trentesime (-ésime)

thirtieth adj • trentesime

thirtieth n • trentesimo

thirty adj • trenta

thirty adj/n • trenta

this adj • iste

this dem adj • iste

this (iste) adj • este

this pron • isto

this, that adj/pron • ce

this, that dem adj • is

this, that dem pron • esso

this, that dem pron • isso

this, that dem pron • is

this, that, these, those dem adj • isse

this, that, these, those dem adj • esse

this (thing, idea) dem pron • hoc

this (this thing, reason, or idea) pron • esto

this hic dem adj • hic

this place, thus far, hitherto, as yet, until now, so far, yet, still adv • adhuc

this way, on this side, here adv • hac

thistle n • cardo

thither, ulterior, situated beyond adj • ulterior

Thomism [Philos] n • thomismo

Thomist thomista n • thomista

thong n • corregia

Thor [Norse Mythol] n • Thor

thoracic adj • thoracic

thorax n • thorace

thoric [Chem] adj • thoric

thorite [Mineral] n • thorite

thorium [Chem] n • thorium (tò-)

thorium [Chem] n • thorium

thorn [Bot] n • aculeo

thorn n • spina

thorn, prickle [Bot] n • acantha

thorn, spine n • spina

thorn, thornbush n • spino

thornbush n • spino

thornbush, thorn n • spino

thorniness n • spinositate

thorny (1. full of thorns; 2. as in a thorny question) adj • spinose

thorny adj • spinose

thorough adj • minutiose

thorough, detailed adj • minutiose

thoroughfare n • via public, passage

thoroughfare n • passage, via public

thoroughgoing adj • radical, complete

thoroughgoing adj • complete, radical

thoroughly adv • a fundo

thoroughness n • minutiositate

those (illes) dem pron • celles

those (persons) pron • illes

those pron • ille

those, that dem adj • ille

those (things) pron • illos

those, this, that, these dem adj • esse

those, this, that, these dem adj • isse

those-who (illes) pron • qui

thou (old english) pron • tu

thou pron •</b> Relig]

though adv • ben que

though (as -) conj • como si

thought (a thought) n • pensata

thought (idea) n • pensata, idea

thought (idea) n • idea, pensata

thought (on second -) conj. phr • post reflexion

thought (process or power of thinking) n • pensamento

thought, thinking n • pensar

thought (thinking) n • pensamento

thoughtful (careful) adj • prudente

thoughtful (kind) adj • considerate

thoughtful (meditative) adj • pensative

thoughtfulness n • consideration, sollicitude

thoughtfulness n • sollicitude, consideration

thoughtless (rash) adj • imprudente

thoughtless (selfish) adj • inconsiderate

thoughtlessness n • irreflexion, imprudentia

thoughtlessness n • imprudentia, irreflexion

thoughtlessness, want of reflection n • irreflexion

thousand adj/n • mille

thousandth adj • millesime (-ésime)

thousandth adj • millesime

thousandth n • millesime parte

thrash, beat, cudgel v • fustigar

thrash, flail, shell, thresh v • disgranar

thrash v • fustigar, batter

thrash v • batter, fustigar

thrashing, beating (act of) n • fustigation

thrashing n • fustigation

thrash-out v • discuter a fundo, debatter

thrash-out v • debatter, discuter a fundo

thread (a needle) v • infilar

thread (filament) n • filo

thread n • filo

thread (news-) n. phr • ?

thread (of screw) n • filetto

thread v • infilar

thread v • infilar (un agulia)

threadbare adj • consumite

threadbare adj • consumite (usque al filos)

threat, menace n • menacia

threat n • menacia

threaten, menace v • menaciar

threaten v • menaciar

threatening adj • menaciante

three adj • tres

three adj/n • tres

three-cornered adj • tricorne

three-cornered adj • triangular

three-dimensional adj • tridimensional

threedimensional, tridimensional adj • tridimensional

threefold adj/adv • triple

threefold, triple adj • trin

threefold, triplex, triple adj • triplice (trì-)

threefold, triplex, triple adj • triplice

three-fourths adj • tres quartos

three-lobed, trilobate adj • trilobate

three-oared trireme, trireme adj • trireme

three-quarters adj • tres quartos

three-score (three times twenty) adj • tres vices vinti, sexanta

three-score (three times twenty) adj • sexanta, tres vices vinti

threesome (group of three) n • trio

three-wheeler (car) n • automobile a tres rotas

three-wheeler (tricycle) n • tricyclo

thresh (grain) v • mallear

thresh, thrash, flail, shell v • disgranar

thresh v • tribular

thresher (1. one who threshes; 2. threshing machine) n • disgranator

thresher, threshing machine n • tribulo

thresher, threshing machine n • tribulo (trì-)

threshing, flailing, shelling (act of) n • disgranamento

threshing floor n • aira

threshing machine, thresher n • tribulo

threshing machine, thresher n • tribulo (trì-)

threshold n • limine

thrice adj • tres vices

thrift n • sparnio, economia

thrift n • economia, sparnio

thriftless adj • prodige

thrifty adj • frugal

thrill (feeling) n • emotion excitante

thrill [Med] n • fremito

thrill v • facer fremer, emotionar

thrill v • emotionar, facer fremer

thriller n • romance policiari, romance de spionage

thriller n • romance de spionage, romance policiari

thrilling adj • sensational, emotionante

thrilling adj • emotionante, sensational

thrive v • florer, prosperar

thrive v • prosperar, florer

thriving adj • florescente, prospere

thriving adj • prospere, florescente

throat, gullet, gorge n • gorga

throat, gullet n • gurgite

throat, gullet n • gurgite (gùr-)

throat, gullet n • gutture

throat (have a sore -) v. phr • haber mal de gorga

throat n • jugulo

throat n • gorga

throb (beat) v • pulsar, palpitar

throb (beat) v • palpitar, pulsar

throb (beating) n • pulsation, palpitation

throb (beating) n • palpitation, pulsation

throb (of motor) n • vibration

throb (of motor) v • vibrar

throbbing (beating) adj • palpitante, pulsative

throbbing (beating) adj • pulsative, palpitante

throbbing (beating) n • pulsation, palpitation

throbbing (beating) n • pulsation (of motor), palpitation

throbbing (beating) n • palpitation, pulsation

throbbing (beating) n • palpitation, pulsation (of motor)

throbbing (of motor) adj • vibrante

throbbing, pulsing, vibrating adj • palpitante (ppr of palpitar)

throbbing, pulsing, vibrating adj • palpitante

thrombosis n • thrombosis

throne n • throno

throng, crowd, flock (a place) v • affluer

throng, crowd, flock (a place) v • affluer</b> -flu-/-flux-]

throng, crowd n • turba

throng, crowd n • pressa

throng n • turba, multitude

throng n • multitude, turba

throng v • affluer (a un loco)

throng v • affluer

throttle n • regulator

throttle v • strangular

through (- and -) adv • de parte a parte

through (from one side to the other of) prep • per

through, from side to side prep • traverso

through prep • a transverso de, per

through prep • tra

through prep • per, a transverso de

throughbred adj/n • de pur sanguine, de racia

throughbred adj/n • de racia, de pur sanguine

throughout adv • in omne parte

throughout prep • per, in omne parte del

throughout prep • in omne parte del, per

through-train n • traino directe

throughway n • autostrata

throw, cast, hurl v • jacular

throw n • tiro

throw v • jectar

throw v • lancear, jectar

throw v • jectar, lancear

throw again v • rejectar

throw into a fever, make feverish v • infebrar

throw into disorder, confuse, disturb v • turbar

throw out of balance, unbalance v • disequilibrar

throw out of the window v • defenestrar

throw vitriol at v • vitriolar

throw-away v • jectar via

throw-back v • rejectar

throw-down v • jectar a terra, jectar in basso

throw-down v • jectar in basso, jectar a terra

throwing into a fever (action of) n • infebramento

throw-off (become free from) v • liberar se de, quitar se de

throw-off (become free from) v • quitar se de, liberar se de

throw-off (issue) v • emitter

throw-out v • expeller

throw-over v • abandonar

throw-up (abandon) v • abandonar

throw-up (toss in the air) v • jectar in aere

throw-up (vomit) v • vomitar

thrush (bird) n • turdo

thrush [Med] n • aphtha

thrush n • turdo

thrust (mil) n • attacco

thrust (push) n • pulsata

thrust v • impeller

thrust v • pulsar

thrust away v • abstruder

thrust away v • abstruder</b> -trud-/-trus-]

thrust in, drive in v • figer

thrust in, drive in v • figer</b> fig-/fix-]

thrust-back v • repulsar

thrust-forward v • pulsar in avante

thrust-in v • figer

thrust-in v • intruder

thrust-out v • extender

thud n • ruito surde

thud v • facer un ruito surde

thug (fig) n • bruto

thug (hist) n • strangulator

thumb n • pollice (pòl-)

thumb n • pollice

thumb-a-lift v • facer le autostop

thumb-tack n • cimice

thumbtack n • cimice

thumbtack n • cimice (cìmice)

thump, beat, cudgel v • massar

thump (blow) n • colpo

thump (sound) n • ruito surde

thump vi • batter pesantemente

thump vt • colpar

thumping adj • enorme

thumping n • battimento pesante

thunder n • tonitro (tò-)

thunder n • tonitro

thunder v • tonar

thunder and lighten v • fulminar

thunder bolt, lightning n • fulmine

thunder-and-lightning v • fulminar

thunderbolt n • fulmine

thunder-cloud n • nubilo

thunderstorm n • tempesta de tonitro

thunderstruck adj •</b> Fig]

thunderstruck (struck by lightning) adj • siderate

thurifer [Eccl] n • incensator

thursday n • jovedi

Thursday n • jovedi

Thursday n • jovedi (-dì)

thus adv • assi, si

thus adv • si, assi

thus, so adv • ita

thus, so adv • si

thus, so adv • assi (-sì)

thus, so adv • assi

thus, so adv • sic

thus far, hitherto, as yet, until now, so far, yet, still, this place adv • adhuc

thwart, oppose, run counter to v • contrariar

thwart v • contrariar

thy pron • le... tue, tu

thy pron • tu, le... tue

thyme [Bot] n • thymo

thyme n • thymo

thymelaeaceous [Bot] adj • thymelaeacee

thymic adj • thymic

thymol [Chem] n • thymol

thymus [Anat] n • thymo

thyreo-, thyro- (1. shield; 2. thyroid)</b> occurring in compounds] n • thyreo-

thyreoid, thyroid [Anat] adj • thyreoide

thyreotomy, thyrotomy [Surg] n • thyreotomia (-ìa)

thyreotomy, thyrotomy [Surg] n • thyreotomia

thyroid [Anat] adj • thyroide

thyroid [Anat] n • glandula thyroide

thyroid, thyreoid [Anat] adj • thyreoide

thyrotomy [Surg] n • thyrotomia

thyrotomy [Surg] n • thyrotomia (-ìa)

thyrotomy, thyreotomy [Surg] n • thyreotomia

thyrotomy, thyreotomy [Surg] n • thyreotomia (-ìa)

thyself pron • te

ti, si [Mus] n • si

tiara n • tiara

Tiber [Geog] n • Tiber

Tiber n • Tibre, Tibere

Tiber n • Tibere, Tibre

Tiberias [Geog] n • Tiberiades

Tibet [Geog] n • Tibet

Tibet n • Tibet

tibetan adj • tibetan

Tibetan adj • tibetan

Tibetan n • tibetano

tibetan n • tibetano

tibia n • tibia

tibial [Anat] adj • tibial

tic n • tic

tic, twitching [Med] n • tic

tic, twitching [Med] n • tic</b> F]

tick (buy on -) v • comprar a credito

tick (insect) n • ricino

tick (just a -) phr • un momento

tick (of clock) n • tic-tac

tick (o.k. mark) n • marca de approbation

tick (tic, nervous -) n • convulsion parve

tick vi • facer tic-tac

tick vt • poner un marca contra

ticked (- off, upset) adj • disturbate

ticked (marked) adj • marcate

ticked (scolded) adj • reprochate

ticket (as in railroad, theater, ticket) n • ticket

ticket (as in railroad, theater, ticket) n • ticket</b> A]

ticket, label, tag n • etiquetta

ticket, label, tag n • etiquetta (-ké-)

ticket (lodging order) n • billet

ticket (pol) n • lista electoral

ticket (rr) n • billet, billette, billetto

ticket (rr) n • billette, billetto, billet

ticket (rr) n • billetto, billet, billette

ticket (tag) n • etiquetta

ticket seller n • billetero

ticket-collector n • controllator de billetes

ticket-holder n • tenitor de billet

ticket-office n • billeteria

ticket-window, box-office n • billeteria

ticket-window, box-office n • billeteria (-ìa)

ticking n • tela de matras

ticking-off n • reproche

tickle v • titillar

tickling n • titillation

ticklish (easily tickled) adj • sensibile a titillation

ticklish (of situation) adj • delicate

tick-off (scold) v • reprochar

tick-over v • tornar al maxime lentor

tidal adj • de marea

tide (high -) n • marea alte

tide (low -) n • marea basse

tide n • marea (-éa)

tide n • marea

tidiness n • bon ordine, character methodic

tidiness n • character methodic, bon ordine

tidy (of person) adj • methodic

tidy (orderly) adj • in ordine

tidy v • poner in ordine

tie, bond n • ligamine

tie (bond) n • ligamine

tie (clothing) n • cravata

tie [Mus] n • ligatura

tie (rr) n • transversa

tie vi • esser par

tie (votes) n • paritate

tie vt • ligar, attaccar

tie vt • attaccar, ligar

tie-down v • immobilisar

tie-on v • attaccar con corda

tier n • grado, etage

tier n • etage, grado

tierce (1.</b> Fencing]; 2.</b> Eccl]) n • tertia

tie-up (bind) v • ligar

tie-up (fig) v • immobilisar

tie-up (moor) v • amarrar

tiff n • querela

tiger n • tigre

tight (close fitting) adj • stricte

tight (closed) adj • hermeticamente

tight (firmly) adv • ben, forte

tight (firmly) adv • forte, ben

tight (fitting closely) adj • stricte

tight (of nut) adj • fixe

tight (taut) adj • tense

tighten (by compression) v • serrar

tighten (by tension) v • tender

tighten (screw) v • stringer

tightening, fastening (action of) n • serramento

tightening n • strictessa, serramento

tightening n • serramento, strictessa

tightening, stricture, binding tightly (act of) n • strictura

tight-fisted adj • avar

tightness n • strictessa, tension

tightness n • tension, strictessa

tightness n • strictessa

tightrope n • corda tense

tightrope walker, funambulist n • funambulo

tightrope walker, funambulist n • funambulo (-àm-)

tightrope-walker n • funambulo

tights n • tricot

tights, sweater (knitted garment) n • tricot

tights, sweater (knitted garment) n • tricot</b> F]

tigress n • tigressa

tigrine adj • tigrate

tilde n • tilde

tilde n • tilde</b> H]

tile n • tegula

tile n • tegula (té-)

tile v • tegular

tiler n • tegulero

tilery n • teguleria (-ìa)

tilery n • teguleria

Tiliaceae [Bot] n • tiliaceas

tiliaceous [Bot] adj • tiliacee

till, cashbox (also: place, office, establishment, etc. where money is kept, received or paid, as cashier's desk, savings bank, sick fund, etc.) n • cassa

till, cultivate v • coler

till, cultivate v • coler</b> col-/cult-]

till n • cassa

till prep • usque

till v • laborar, cultivar

till v • cultivar, laborar

tilled, cultivated adj • culte

tiller [Naut] n • barra

tiller [Nav] • barra

tiller (of the soil) n • cultivator, laborator

tiller (of the soil) n • laborator, cultivator

tilt n • inclination

tilt v • inclinar

tilt v • inclinar (se)

timbal, kettledrum n • timbal

timbale [Cookery] n • timbal

timber n • ligno

timberyard n • deposito de ligno

timbre n • timbro

timbre (sound quality) n • timbre

time (1. duration) n • tempore

time (age) n • periodo, epocha

time (age) n • epocha, periodo

time (as in three times) n • vece

time (as in three times) n • vice

time (as in to time a horse) v • chronometrar

time (from - to -) adv • de tempore in tempore

time (in -) adv • a tempore

time n • tempore

time (set or calculate the time) v • fixar le hora, calcular le hora

time (set or calculate the time) v • calcular le hora, fixar le hora

time (sports) v • chronometrar

time (three -s) adj. phr • tres vices

time (waste -) v. phr • perder le tempore

time of office of a legislative body n • legislatura

time-bomb n • bomba a horologieria

time-exposure n • posa

time-keeper n • chronometrista

timekeeper n • chronometrista

timeless adj • eterne

time-limit n • limitation de tempore

timely adj • opportun

timepiece (1. clock; 2. watch) n • horologio

time-saving adj. phr • que economisa tempore

time-sheet n • folio de presentia

time-table n • horario

timetable n • horario

timid adj • pavorose, timide

timid adj • timide, pavorose

timid adj • timide

timid, fearful adj • pavorose

timidity n • timiditate

timing (calculating length of time) n • calculo de tempore

timing (sport) n • chronometrage

timorous, fearful adj • timorose

Timothy n • Timotheo

timpani n • timbales

tin (can) n • cassa de latta

tin (can) n • latta

tin (metal) n • stanno

tin n • stanno

tin (plate with tin) v • stannar

tin v • stannar

tin plater n • stannator

tinctorial adj • tinctorial

tinctorial adj • tinctori

tincture n • tinctura

tinder (kindling) n • fomite

tinder (kindling) n • esca

tinder n • fomite (fò-)

tinder n • esca

tinder n • fomite

tinea, ringworm, athlete's foot [Pathol] n • tinea

tinfoil n • folio de stanno

tinge (fig) n • nuance

tinge (shade) n • tinta

tinge, tint v • tintar

tinge v • tintar

tingle n • formicamento

tingle v • vibrar

tingle v • formicar

tingling n • formicamento

tingling n • prurito

tinker (- with) v • reparar inexpertemente

tinkerer n • caldierero

tinkerer n • reparator

tinkerer n • hobbyista

tinkle, jingle, clink v • tintinnar

tinkle n • tintinno

tinkle v • tintinnar

tinkling, jingling, clinking (action of) n • tintinnamento

tinkling n • tintinnamento

tinning, tin-plating n • stannatura

tin-opener n • aperilattas

tinplate n • latta

tin-plating, tinning n • stannatura

tinsel, foil n • auripelle

tinsel n • auripelle

tinsmith n • stannero

tint, dye, hue n • tincto

tint n • tincto, tinta

tint n • tinta, tincto

tint, shade, hue n • tinta

tint, tinge v • tintar

tint v • tintar

tiny adj • minuscule

tiny, minute adj • minuscule

tiny, very small adj • minime

tiny, very small adj • minime (mì-)

tip (end) n • puncta, extremitate

tip (end) n • extremitate, puncta

tip (for rubbish) n • deposito

tip (gratuity) n • gratification, pourboire

tip (gratuity) n • pourboire, gratification

tip (hint) n • aviso

tip (incline) vt • inclinar

tip (pour) v • effunder

tip, pourboire n • pourboire</b> F]

tip, pourboire n • pourboire

tip (predict) v • prognosticar

tip (reward) v • gratificar

tip vi • inclinar se

tip-off v • advertir

tip-over v • inverter tip-off advertimento clandestin

tipster n • prognosticator

tipster n • prognosticator (de cursas)

tipsy adj • inebriate

tiptoe (on -) adv • sur le puncta del pedes

tirade n • tirada

tiration [Chem] n • titration

tire (pneumatic) n • pneumatico

tire (pneumatic) n • pneu

tire, tyre n • banda

tire, tyre (pneumatic) adj • pneumatico

tire, tyre v • fatigar

tire, tyre v • fatigar (se)

tired adj • fatigate (pp of fatigar)

tired adj • fatigate

tired adj • lasse, fatigate

tired adj • fatigate, lasse

tired, weary adj • lasse

tire-gauge n • manometro

tireless adj • infatigabile

tiresome adj • moleste, enoiose

tiresome adj • enoiose, moleste

tire-trouble n • panna de pneu

tiring adj • fatigante

tiring, fatiguing adj • fatigante

tisane, tea (medicinal) n • tisana

tissue (biol) n • texito

tissue [Biol] n • texito

tissue (fabrication) n • texito

tissue [Med] n • histo

tissue-paper n • papiro de seta

Titan [Gr. Mythol] n • Titan

titanic adj • titanic

Titanic adj • titanic

titanic [Chem/Mineral] adj • titanic

titaniferous adj • titanifere

titanite [Mineral] n • titanite

titanium [Chem] n • titanium

titanium [Chem] n • titanium (-tà-)

titanomachia, war of the Titans n • titanomachia (-ìa)

titanomachia, war of the Titans n • titanomachia

titbit n • morsello saporose

tit-for-tat (give -) v • render le par

tithe n • decima

tithe n • decima (dé-)

tithe, terrage [Hist] n • terrage (-aje)

tithe, terrage [Hist] n • terrage

tithe collector, tithe man n • decimator

tithe man, tithe collector n • decimator

tithing n • decimation

tithing v • pagar le decima

titillate v • titillar

titillation n • titillation

title (1. title of nobility, honor, rank; 2. recognized claim or right; 3 . title of a book, song) n • titulo (tì-)

title (1. title of nobility, honor, rank; 2. recognized claim or right; 3 . title of a book, song) n • titulo

title (all meanings) n • titulo

title v • titular

title page n • frontispicio

title-deed n • titulo de proprietate

title-page n • frontispicio, pagina de titulo

title-page n • pagina de titulo, frontispicio

titrate [Chcm] v • titrar

titter n • riso dissimulate, riso nervose

titter n • riso nervose, riso dissimulate

titter v • rider dissimulatemente, rider nervosemente

titter v • rider nervosemente, rider dissimulatemente

tittle-tattle n • commatrage

tittle-tattle v • commatrar

titular (held by virtue of a title titular) adj • titular

to (a point in space or time, a goal) prep • a

to (forward) adv • in avante

to (go - and fro) v. phr • ir e venir

to (implying goal) prep • a

to (implying purpose) prep • pro

to prep •</b> Gen]

to prep • ad

to (towards) prep • verso

to, up to (a point in space or time) (all the way) prep • usque

to barrack, quarter in barracks v • casernar

to be condemned, condemnable adj • condemnabile

to be feared, fearful adj • timibile

to be impregnated (1. capable of being fecundated; 2. permeable) (apt or liable) adj • impregnabile

to be liquidated, go into liquidation v • liquidar

to become adolescent, grow up v • adolescer

to bring to an end, terminate v • terminar

to bring to completion, bring to a close v • ultimar

to burden with, load v • onerar

to circuit, go, walk round v • circuir

to circuit, go, walk round v • circuir (-ìr)

to heal, cure v • sanar

to hum, drone buzz (make a low, continuous sound) v • susurrar

to indebt, involve in debt v • indebitar

to intuit, perceive by intuition v • intuer

to lavish, be prodigal of v • prodigar

to look ahead, look forward v • prospicer</b> -spic-/-spect-]

to look ahead, look forward v • prospicer

to make affected, to stylize, fill with mannerism v • manierar

to make complete, complement v • complementar

to make milder or more pleasing, soften v • adulciar

to page, number the pages of v • paginar

to reassure, tranquillize v • tranquillisar

to relapse, fall back or down again v • recader

to seriate, arrange in series v • seriar

to stylize, fill with mannerism, to make affected v • manierar

to such a degree, so, as adv • tam

to supply for, substitute (someone) v • suppler

to take dinner, dine v • dinar

to that end, that purpose adv • eo

to the end that, just as, as, how, in order that adv • ut

to throw up, regurgitate v • regurgitar

to title, endow with a title of rank adj • titular

to tread, crush, trample (grapes) v • fullar

to treat with a syringe, syringe v • syringar

to turpentine, terebinthinate v • terebinthinar

toad n • bufon

toadstool n • fungo

toady (flatterer) n • sycophante

toast (1. as in to toast bread; 2. to propose a toast to) v • toastar

toast (1. toasted bread; 2. as in to drink a toast) n • toast</b> A]

toast (1. toasted bread; 2. as in to drink a toast) n • toast

toast (both senses) n • toast

toast (both senses) v • tostar

toast v • tostar

toaster (both senses) n • tostator

toaster (one who or that which toasts) n • tostator

tobacco (1. tobacco plant; 2. as in smoking tobacco) n • tabaco

tobacco n • tabaco

tobacconist n • tabachero

tobacconist's, cigar store n • tabacheria

tobacconist's, cigar store n • tabacheria (-ìa)

tobacconist's n • tabacheria

toboggan n • toboggan

toboggan n • toboggan</b> A]

toboggan v • ir in toboggan

toccata [Mus] n • toccata

today adv • hodie

today adv/n • hodie

today's adv • hodierne, de hodie

today's adv • de hodie, hodierne

toddle v • ambular a passos breve e incerte

toddler n • infante qui comencia ambular

toddy n • toddy

toddy n • toddy</b> A]

toe n • digito de pede

toehead adj • blonde

toenail n • ungula del pede

toe-the-line v • conformar se

toe-the-line v • conformar se (al regulas)

toffee n • caramello al butyro

toga n • toga

toga [Rom. Antiq] n • toga

togaed (having a toga) adj • togate

together adv • insimul, conjunctemente

together adv • conjunctemente, insimul

together, at once, at the same time adv • simul (sì-)

together, at once, at the same time adv • simul

together, conjointly, conjunctly, jointly adv • conjunctemente

together insimul (-sì-) adv • insimul

together insimul (-sì-) adv • insimul (-sì-)

Togo [Geog] n • Togo

toil, labor n • travalio

toil, labor v • travaliar

toil n • labor, travalio

toil n • travalio, labor

toil v • travaliar

toilet (dressing, grooming) n • toilette

toilet (dressing, grooming) n • toilette</b> F]

toilet (dressing) n • toilette

toilet (lavatory) n • w.c., water closet

toilet (lavatory) n • water closet, w.c.

toilet, water closet n • water-closet

toilet, water closet n • water-closet</b> A]

toilet soap (scented) n • saponetta

toilet-paper n • papiro hygienic

toilet-roll n • rolo de papiro hygienic

toilette (attire) n • toilette</b> F]

toilette (attire) n • toilette

toilet-water n • aqua de toilette

Tokay n • Tokai

Tokay n • Tokai</b> Hu]

toke v • fumar marijuana

Tokelau [Geog] n • Tokelau

token adj • symbolic

token, indication, mark n • indicio

token (metal or plastic) n • dischetto

token n • signo, indicio

token n • indicio, signo

token (subway, underground rail) n • jecton, jeton

token (subway, underground rail) n • jeton, jecton

Tokyo n • Tokio

tolerability n • tolerabilitate

tolerable adj • tolerabile, suffribile

tolerable adj • suffribile, tolerabile

tolerable, sufferable, bearable adj • suffribile

tolerable (that can be endured) adj • tolerabile

tolerance n • tolerantia

tolerance, toleration n • tolerantia

tolerant adj • tolerante

tolerate, endure v • tolerar

tolerate v • tolerar

toleration n • toleration

toleration, tolerance n • tolerantia

tolerator n • tolerator

toll n • pedage

toll n • pedage (-aje)

toll v • sonar

toll colletor n • pedagero

toll colletor n • pedagero (-ajéro)

toll-bar n • barriera de pedage

toll-bridge n • ponte de pedage

toll-collector n • pedagero

tollgate n • barriera

tomahawk n • tomahawk</b> A]

tomahawk n • tomahawk

tomato n • tomate

tomato paste n • pasta de tomate

tomato plant n • tomatiero

tomb, grave n • tumba

tomb n • tumba

tomb, tombal adj • tumbal

tombal, tomb adj • tumbal

tombola n • tombola</b> I]

tombola n • tombola

tombstone n • petra tumbal

tomcat n • catto

tomfodlery n • stupiditates

tommy-gun n • pistola mitraliatrice

tomorrow adv • deman

tomorrow adv • cras

tomorrow adv/n • deman

tomorrow-night adv • deman vespere

tomorrow's, of tomorrow adj • crastine

tomtom n • tamtam

-tomy (cutting)</b> occurring in compounds] n • -tomia

-tomy (cutting)</b> occurring in compounds] n • -tomia (-ìa)

ton (1.</b> Weight]; 2.</b> Naut]) n • tonna

ton, tonne n • tonna

tonal adj • tonal

tonality [Mus] n • tonalitate

tone (1. sound, sound quality; 2.</b> Paint]; 3.</b> Physiol]) n • tono

tone n • tono

tone arm, pickup [Elec] n • pick-up

tone arm, pickup [Elec] n • pick-up</b> A]

tone-arm n • pick-up

tone-down v • attenuar

toneless adj • monotone

tone-with v • harmonisar con

Tonga [Geog] n • Tonga

tongs n • tenalia

tongs, pincers, nippers, vise, clamp n • tenalia

tongue [Anat] n • lingua

tongue (both senses) n • lingua

tongue, language n • lingua

tongue-tied adj • confuse, incapace parlar

tongue-tied adj • incapace parlar, confuse

tongue-twister n • parola o phrase difficile a parlar

tonic (1.</b> Med]; 2. pertaining to the stress of a syllable; 3.</b> Mus]) adj • tonic

tonic adj • tonic, fortificante

tonic adj • fortificante, tonic

tonic, fortifier n • fortificante

tonic n • tonico

tonicity [Physiol] n • tonicitate

tonic-water n • aqua tonic

tonight adv/n • iste nocte, iste vespere

tonight adv/n • iste vespere, iste nocte

tonnage (cubical content of a vessel in tons) n • tonnage

tonnage (cubical content of a vessel in tons) n • tonnage (-aje)

tonnage n • tonnage

tonne, ton n • tonna

tonsil [Anat] n • tonsilla

tonsil n • tonsilla, amygdala

tonsil n • amygdala, tonsilla

tonsillar adj • tonsillar

tonsillectomy n • tonsillotomia (-ìa)

tonsillectomy n • tonsillotomia

tonsillectomy [Surg] n • tonsillectomia

tonsillectomy [Surg] n • tonsillectomia (-ìa)

tonsillitis n • tonsillitis

tonsillitis [Pathol] n • tonsillitis

tonsillitis [Pathol] n • tonsillitis (-ìtis)

tonsure [Eccl] n • tonsura

tonsure v • tonsurar

too, also adv • alsi

too, also adv • anque (anke)

too, also adv • anque

too, also adv • alsi (-ì)

too (also) adv • anque, tamben

too (also) adv • tamben, anque

too (excessively) adv • troppo

too, too much adv • nimis (nì-)

too, too much adv • tro

too, too much adv • nimis

too fond of the bottle, winebibbing adj • vinolente

too many adj • nimie, troppe, troppo de

too many adj • troppo de, nimie, troppe

too many adj • troppe, troppo de, nimie

too many, too much adj • nimie

too much adj • troppe

too much adv • troppo

too much adv • nimis

too much, too adv • nimis

too much, too adv • tro

too much, too adv • nimis (nì-)

too much, too many adj • nimie

tool n • utensile, instrumento

tool n • instrumento, utensile

tool, utensil n • utensile

tool-box n • cassa de utensiles

toot n •</b> Naut]

toot (of car horn) n • colpo de klaxon

toot v • dar un colpo de klaxon, sonar

toot v • sonar, dar un colpo de klaxon

tooth, indent v • dentar

tooth, indent v • indentar

tooth n • dente

toothache n • dolor de dentes

toothbrush n • brossa de dentes

toothed (1.</b> Zool/Bot] (dentate; 2.</b> Mech] (cogged) adj • dentate

toothed adj • dentate

toothless adj • sin dentes

toothpaste n • dentifricio

toothpick n • mundadentes (-dén-)

toothpick n • mundadentes

top (a list) v • esser prime de

top (add to) v • coronar

top (as in to spin a top) n • turbine

top (beat) v • exceder

top (chief) adj • principal

top (first) adj • prime

top [Gen] n • parte superior, alto

top [Gen] n • alto, parte superior

top (greatest) adj • maxime

top (highest) adj • le plus alte

top (of page) n • capite

top (on bottle) n • capsula

top (order) n • prime position

top (peak) n • culmine, summitate

top (peak) n • summitate, culmine

top, summit n • summitate

top (surface) n • superficie

top (toy) n • turbine

top, upper part n • alto

top (uppermost) adj • superior, supreme

top (uppermost) adj • supreme, superior

topaz n • topazo

topcoat n • supertoto

top-copy adj/n • original

top-deck adj/n • imperial

top-gear n • quarte velocitate

top-hat n • cappello cylindro

top-heavy adj • pauco stabile, mal equilibrate

top-heavy adj • mal equilibrate, pauco stabile

topic n • thema

topic n • topico

topical (1. local) adj • topic

topical adj • topic

topical or local application or remedy n • topico

topically adv • topicamente

topinambou, Jerusalem artichoke n • tupinambà</b> Tupi]

topinambou, Jerusalem artichoke n • tupinambà

topmost, highest adj • summe

topo-, top- (place)</b> occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • topo-

topographer n • topographo (-òqrapho)

topographer n • topographo

topographical adj • topographic

topography (1. art or practice of topography; 2. topographical features of an area) n • topographia (-ìa)

topography (1. art or practice of topography; 2. topographical features of an area) n • topographia

topography n • topographia

toponymy n • toponymia (-ìa)

toponymy n • toponymia

topple vi • cader, collaber, perder equilibrio

topple vi • collaber, perder equilibrio, cader

topple vi • perder equilibrio, cader, collaber

topple vt • facer cader

topsy-turvy adv • in disordine

top-up v • plenar

torch, brand n • face

torch, brand n • facula

torch, brand n • facula (fàcula)

torch [Elect] n • lampa de tasca

torch, flambeau n • torcha (-sha)

torch, flambeau n • torcha

torch (flame) n • torcha

toreador n • toreador</b> H]

toreador n • toreador

torment, afflict v • remorder

torment, afflict v • remorder</b> -mord-/-mors-]

torment, anguish n • tormento

torment (cause torment) v • tormentar

torment, cruciation, torture n • cruciation

torment n • tormento

torment n • travalio

torment, torture n • cruciamento

torment, torture v • cruciar

torment v • travaliar

torment v • tormentar

tormentil [Bot] n • tormentilla

tormenting, torturing adj • tormentose

tormentor n • travaliator

tormentor n • tormentator

tormentor, tormenter n • tormentator

tornado n • tornado

torpedineer n • torpedinero

torpedo (1.</b> Mil] (as in submarine torpedo, aerial torpedo; 2. open car with torpedo body) n • torpedo

torpedo (1.</b> Zool] (electric ray; 2.</b> Mil] (as in submarine torpedo, aerial torpedo; 3. Open car with torpedo body) n • torpedine

torpedo n • torpedine, torpedo

torpedo n • torpedo, torpedine

torpedo v • torpedinar, torpedar

torpedo v • torpedinar

torpedo v • torpedar

torpedo v • torpedar, torpedinar

torpedo-boat n • torpedinero

torpid adj • torpide

torpidity n • torpiditate

torpor n • torpor

torque (turning force) n • momento de fortia

torrefaction n • torrefaction

torrefy (scorch, parch) v • torrefacer

torrefy (scorch, parch) v • torrefacer</b> -fac-/-fact-]

torrent adj • torrente (ppr ol torrer)

torrent adj • torrente

torrent n • torrente

torrential adj • torrential

torrentially adv • torrentialmente

torrid adj • torride

torsion (act of turning or twisting) n • torsion

torsion n • torsion

torso n • torso</b> I]

torso n • torso

tortoise n • tortuca

tortoise, testudinal, testudineous adj • testudinee

tortoise, turtle n • tortuca

tortoise [Zool] n • testudine

tortoiseshell n • scalia de tortuca

tortuosity (quality of being tortuous) n • tortuositate

tortuous adj • serpentin, tortuose

tortuous adj • tortuose

tortuous adj • tortuose, serpentin

torture (as in to put to torture) n • tormento

torture (fig) n • tormento

torture (fig) v • tormentar

torture n • tortura

torture (physical) n • tortura

torture (physically) v • torturar

torture, put to torture v • torturar

torture, put to torture v • tormentar

torture, torment, cruciation n • cruciation

torture, torment n • cruciamento

torture, torment v • cruciar

torture v • suppliciar

torture stake n • palo de tortura, stauro, cruce de tormento

torture stake n • stauro, cruce de tormento, palo de tortura

torture stake n • cruce de tormento, palo de tortura, stauro

torturer n • cruciator

torturer n • tormentator

torturing, tormenting adj • tormentose

tory adj • conservatori

Tory n • tory</b> A]

Tory n • tory

tory n • conservator, tory

tory n • tory, conservator

toss, toss about v • ballottar

toss vi • agitar se

toss vt • ballottar, jectar

toss vt • jectar, ballottar

toss-up n • cosa dubitose

toss-up v • ballottar, jectar, agitar

toss-up v • jectar, agitar, ballottar

toss-up v • agitar, ballottar, jectar

tot (child) n • parve infante

tot (of whisky) n • bicarietto

tot (total up) v • additionar, totalisar

tot (total up) v • totalisar, additionar

total adj •</b> Fig]

total adj • total

total, aggregate, inclusive etc. adj • global

total n • total

total v • esser in toto, amontar a

total v • amontar a, esser in toto

totalitarian adj • totalitari

totalitarian n • totalitario

totalitarianism n • totalitarismo

totality n • universalitate

totality n • totalitate

totalization n • totalisation

totalizator (totalizer) n • totalisator

totalize (ascertain the total of) v • totalisar

totally adv • totalmente

total-up v • additionar, totalisar, summar in toto

total-up v • summar in toto, additionar, totalisar

total-up v • totalisar, summar in toto, additionar

tote (betting) n • totalisator

tote (carry) v • portar

totem n • totem (tò-)

totem n • totem

totemic adj • totemic

totemism n • totemismo

totem-pole n • palo totemic

totter, stagger v • titubar

totter v • titubar

tottering, staggering (act of) n • titubation

tot-up v • totalisar, additionar

tot-up v • additionar, totalisar

touch (1. as in to touch a person on the arm; 2. to affect emotionally) v • toccar

touch (act of touching) n • tocco

touch (action of touching) n • tocca

touch, be in contact with v • continger

touch, be in contact with v • continger</b> -ting-/-tact-]

touch (emotionally) v • emover, emotionar

touch (emotionally) v • emotionar, emover

touch, feel v • tastar

touch [Gen] vt • toccar

touch (get in - with) v. phr • mitter se in contacto con

touch, move v • emotionar

touch (sense of touch) n • toccar, tacto

touch (sense of touch) n • tacto, toccar

touch v • tanger</b> tang-/tact-;-ting-/-tact-]

touch v • tanger

touch vi • toccar se

touch again v • retoccar

touch up, rework, retouch v • retoccar

touchable adj • toccabile

touch-and-go adj • toccante morte

toucher (one who or that which touches) n • toccator

touching (act of) n • tacto

touching adj • emotionante, toccante

touching adj • toccante, emotionante

touching, moving adj • emotionante

touching, pathetic adj • toccante (ppr of toccar)

touching, pathetic adj • toccante

touching up, retouching (act of) n • retocco

touch-up v • retoccar

touchy adj • susceptibile

tough adj • foite, resistente, dur

tough adj • resistente, dur, foite

tough adj • dur, foite, resistente

tough n • duro, bandito

tough n • bandito, duro

toughen v • indurar

toughness n • soliditate, duressa

toughness n • duressa, soliditate

tour n • tour

tour, trip, excursion n • tour

tour, trip, excursion n • tour</b> F]

tour v • visitar (como tourista), viagiar per

tour v • viagiar per, visitar (como tourista)

tour v • viagiar per, visitar

tour v • visitar, viagiar per

tourism n • tourismo

tourism n • tourismo (turìzino)

tourist adj • touristic

tourist n • tourista

tourist n • tourista (turìsta)

tourist, touring adj • touristic (turìstic)

tourist, touring adj • touristic

tourmaline n • tourmalina

tournament n • torneo

tournament, tourney n • torneo (-éo)

tournament, tourney n • torneo

tourney, tournament n • torneo

tourney, tournament n • torneo (-éo)

tourney v • tornear

tourniquet n • tournique

tourniquet; 2. turnstile [Med] n • tourniquet

tourniquet; 2. turnstile [Med] n • tourniquet</b> F]

tousle, dishevel v • discapillar

tousled adj • discapillate

tout (for custom) v • sollicitar

tout (of tickets) n • revenditor

tout (racing) n • informator

tout (solicit) n • sollicitator

tow (action) n • remulco

tow (fibre) n • stoppa

tow n • stoppa

tow, towy adj • stoppose

tow v • remulcar

toward, -s prep • verso

toward, towards prep • verso

towards prep • erga

towards prep • ob

towards, toward prep • verso

towboat n • remulcator

towel n • toalia

towel n • toalia (-àlia)

towel-rail n • portatoalia

tower n • turre

tower v • elevar se

tower (watch -) n • guarita, turre de guarda

tower (watch -) n • turre de guarda, guarita

tower over v • dominar

towering (of rage) adj • violente

towering (rising above) adj • dominante, imponente

towering (rising above) adj • imponente, dominante

tower-shaped adj • turriforme

towing n • remulcage

town, city n • urbe

town n • burgo

town n • citate, urbe

town n • urbe, citate

town clerk n • secretario municipal

town district n • municipio

town hall n • palatio municipal

town or city council, municipality n • municipalilate

town or city ha l n • municipalilate

town planning, city planning n • urbanismo

town-planning n • urbanismo

townsman n • municipe

townsman n • municipe (-nì-)

towpath n • cammino de traction

towrope n • cablo de remulco

towy, tow adj • stoppose

toxic adj • toxic

toxic, poisonous adj • toxic

toxication, poisoning n • intoxication

toxicological adj • toxicologic

toxicologist n • toxicologo (-cò-)

toxicologist n • toxicologo

toxicology n • toxicologia

toxin [Biochem] n • toxina

toy adj • pro infantes, de joco

toy adj • de joco, pro infantes

toy n • joculo

toy, plaything n • joculo

toyshop n • joculeria

toy-with v • divertir se con, jocar con

toy-with v • jocar con, divertir se con

trabecula [Anat/Zool] n • trabecula

trace (1. to follow the trail of, track; 2. to draw in outline) v • traciar

trace, make a tracing v • calcar

trace n • tracia, vestigio

trace n • vestigio, tracia

trace (outline) v • delinear, traciar

trace (outline) v • traciar, delinear

trace (track down) v • traciar, sequer le pista

trace (track down) v • sequer le pista, traciar

trace v • indust

trace the outline of v • delinear

traced design, tracing n • calco

tracer (one who or that which traces) n • traciator

tracer, tracing point n • calcator

trachea, windpipe n • trachea

trachea, windpipe n • trachea (-éa)

tracheal adj • tracheal

tracheitis [Med] n • tracheitis

tracheitis [Med] n • tracheitis (-ìtis)

tracheotomy n • tracheotomia

tracheotomy n • tracheotomia (-ìa)

tracing n • calco

tracing, traced design n • calco

tracing point, tracer n • calcator

tracing-paper n • papiro de calco

track n •</b> Rr]

track n •</b> Gen]

track (of tank) n • eruca

track (on disc) n • banda

track (path) n • cammino, sentiero

track (path) n • sentiero, cammino

track, trail n • tracia

track (trail) n • tracia

track v • traciar

track-down v • trovar

trackless adj • impenetrabile

tracks, trail (of an animal) n • pista

tracksuit n • supertoto athletic

tract (1. stretch of territory; 2. period of time; 3.</b> Liturgy]) n • tracto

tract (digestive -) n • via digestive

tract n • tracto

tractability n • tractabilitate

tractable adj • tractabile

tractable (easy to deal with or to control) adj • tractabile

traction n • traction

traction (pulling, draft) n • traction

tractor (automotive vehicle used for hauling) n • tractor

tractor n • tractor

tractor-driver n • tractorista

trade adj • commercial

trade (be engaged in trade) v • negotiar

trade (business) n • commercio

trade, commerce, traffic n • traffico

trade, commerce, traffic n • traffico (trà-)

trade, deal (do business) v • commerciar

trade, deal (do business) v • mercar

trade (job) n • mestiero

trade, traffic n • mercantia

trade, traffic n • negotio

trade (traffic) n • traffico

trade v • commerciar (in)

trade v • commerciar

trade in contraband v • contrabandar

trade in morocco (leather) n • marocchineria

trade in morocco (leather) n • marocchineria (-erìa)

trade-dispute n • conflicto industrial

trade-in v • offerer (un cosa

trademark n • marca de fabrica

trader n • commerciante

tradesman n • fornitor

tradesman's-entrance n • entrata de servicio

trade-union n • trade-union

trade-union n • trade-union</b> A]

trade-union n • syndicato (obrer)

trade-union n • syndicato

trade-unionism n • trade-unionismo

tradeunionism n • syndicalismo

trade-unionist n • trade-unionista

trade-unionist n • syndicalista

tradeunionist n • syndicalista

trade-wind n • vento alisee

trading n • commercio

trading-stamp n • coupon de disconto

tradition n • tradition

traditional adj • traditional

traditionalism n • traditionalismo

traditionalist n • traditionalista

traditionally adv • traditionalmente

traffic (air, rail) n • movimentos

traffic (as in road traffic) n • circulation

traffic (bad sense) n • traffico

traffic (road) n • circulation

traffic, trade, commerce n • traffico

traffic, trade, commerce n • traffico (trà-)

traffic, trade n • negotio

traffic, trade n • mercantia

traffic (trade) n • commercio

traffic v • trafficar

trafficator n • indicator de direction

traffic-circle n • cruciata giratori

traffic-indicator n • indicator de direction

traffic-island n • refugio

traffic-jam n • imbottiliamento/paralyse de circulation

trafficker n • trafficator

traffic-lights n • signales luminose

tragacanth n • tragacantha

tragedian (1. actor in a tragedy; 2. author of tragedies) n • tragedo

tragedian n • tragediano

tragedy n • tragedia

tragic adj • tragic

tragic, tragical (1. of a tragedy; 2. calamitous) adj • tragic

tragical, tragic (1. of a tragedy; 2. calamitous) adj • tragic

tragicomedy n • tragicomedia

tragicomic adj • tragicomic

trail n • pista, tracia

trail n • tracia, pista

trail, track n • tracia

trail, tracks (of an animal) n • pista

trail vi • sequer lentemente

trail vt • sequer le pista de

trailer n • remulco

train (1. train of a gown; 2. suite, retinue; 3. cortege, procession) n • traino

train (a gun) v • punctar

train (animals) v • maestrar

train (as in train of a gown) n • cauda

train (drill) v • trainar

train, exercise, drill v • exercitar

train (exercise, drill) v • trainar

train (gown) n • cauda

train, instruct v • maestrar

train n •</b> Rr]

train n •</b> Fig]

train (of thought) n • filo

train [R.R] n • convoyo (-vò-)

train [R.R] n • convoyo

train (teach) v • instruer, formar

train (teach) v • formar, instruer

train vi • exercitar se

train vt •</b> Gen]

trainbearer (one who holds up the train of a robe or gown) n • caudatario

trained adj • diplomate, specialisate

trained adj • specialisate, diplomate

trainee n • practicante

trainer n • trainator

trainer (sport) n • instructor, trainer

trainer (sport) n • trainer, instructor

trainer (tamer) n • domator

training (drill, practice) n • exercitation

training, exercise, drill n • exercitation

training, instruction n • maestramento

training (professional) n • formation

trait (1. lineament of the face, feature; 2. distinctive characteristic) n • tracto

trait n • tracto

traitor n • traitor

Trajan [Rom. Hist] n • Trajano

Trajan's, of Trajan adj • trajan

trajectory n • trajectoria

tram n • tram, tramway

tram n • tramway, tram

tram, streetcar n • tram</b> A]

tram, streetcar n • tram

tramcar, trolley, streetcar (car) n • tramway</b> A]

tramcar, trolley, streetcar (car) n • tramway

tram-driver n • guidator de tram

tramp, journey, walk along v • camminar

tramp (man) n • vagabundo

tramp (tread) n • passos pesante

tramp v • camminar

tramp (walk) n • excursion a pede

trample, - on v • fullar, calcar

trample, to tread, crush (grapes) v • fullar

trample, trample on v • calcar, fullar

trample, tread v • calcar

trampoline n • trampolino

tramp-steamer n • nave de servicio autonome

tram-route n • linea de tramvia

tramsship, transfer v • transbordar

tram-track n • via ferree (de tramvia)

tram-track n • via ferree

tramway n • tramvia

tramway (track for streetcars) n • tramway</b> A]

tramway (track for streetcars) n • tramway

trance n • trance

tranquil adj • tranquille

tranquil, calm adj • tranquille

tranquillity n • tranquillitate

tranquillize, to reassure v • tranquillisar

tranquillize v • tranquillisar

tranquillizer adj • tranquillisante

transact v • transiger</b> -ig-/-act]

transact v • transiger

transactioal adj • transactional

transaction n • transaction

transactions (of a learned society) n • memorias

transactor n • transactor

transalpine [Geog] adj • transalpin

transalpine (native of a country beyond the Alps) n • transalpino

transatlantic adj • transatlantic

transcend, exceed v • transcender

transcend v • transcender

transcendency n • transcendentia

transcendent adj • transcendente (ppr of transcender)

transcendent adj • transcendente

transcendental adj • transcendental

transcendental [Philos] adj • transcendental

transcendental philosphy, transcendentalism n • transcendentalismo

transcendentalism, transcendental philosphy n • transcendentalismo

transcendentalist n • transcendentalista

transcendentally adv • transcendentalmente

transcribe (1. to make a written copy of; 2.</b> Mus]) v • transcriber</b> -scrib-/-script-]

transcribe (1. to make a written copy of; 2.</b> Mus]) v • transcriber

transcribe v • transcriber

transcriber n • transcriptor

transcript, copy n • transcripto

transcript n • transcripto

transcription (1. act of copying; 2.</b> Mus]) n • transcription

transcription n • transcription

transept n • nave transversal

transfer (1. removal; 2.</b> Law]) n • transferimento

transfer (1. to move, shift; 2.</b> Law] (transfer property) v • transferer

transfer (1. to move, shift; 2.</b> Law] (transfer property) v • transferer</b> -fer-/-lat-]

transfer, convey v • traducer

transfer, convey v • traducer</b> -duc-/-duct-]

transfer n •</b> Gen]

transfer (passengers) n • transbordo

transfer (passengers) v • transbordar

transfer (property) n • cession

transfer (property) v • ceder

transfer, tramsship v • transbordar

transfer, transference n • transferentia

transfer, transshipment n • transbordo

transfer v •</b> Gen]

transferable adj •</b> Gen]

transferable adj • transferibile

transferable, assignable adj • cessibile

transferable (property) adj • cessibile

transference n • transferentia

transference, transfer n • transferentia

transfer-rate n • commun

transfiguration n • transfiguration

transfigure (change the form or appearance of) v • transfigurar

transfigure v • transfigurar

transfix v • transfiger</b> -fig-/-fix-]

transfix v • transfiger

transfixion n • transfixion

transform, metamorphose (cause to change form) v • metamorphosar

transform v • transformar

transformable adj • transformabile

transformation n • transformation

transformative adj • transformative

transformer (1. one who tranforms something; 2.</b> Elec]) n • transformator

transformer n • transformator

transformism n • transformismo

transformist n • transformista

transfusion n • transfusion

transgress, commit a wrong v • delinquer

transgress, commit a wrong v • delinquer</b> -linqu-/-lict-]

transgress, trespass (against) v • transgressar

transgress, trespass (against) v • transgreder

transgress, trespass (against) v • transgreder</b> -gred-/-gress-]

transgress vt • transgressar, infringer

transgress vt • infringer, transgressar

transgression n • transgression

transgressive adj • transgressive

transgressor n • transgressor

transient adj • transiente, fugace

transient adj • fugace, transiente

transient, passing adj • transiente

transient, transitory adj • transitori

transient, transitory, fleeting adj • fugace

transistor n • transistor

transit n • transito (tràn-)

transit n • transito

transition n • transition

transitional adj • de transition

transitive adj • transitive

transitive [Gram] adj • transitive

transitoriness n • fugacitate

transitory adj • transitori

transitory, fleeting, transient adj • fugace

transitory, transient adj • transitori

Trans-Jordan [Geog] n • Trans-Jordania

translatable adj • traducibile

translate (1. to transfer, remove; 2. as in to translate a book) v • translatar

translate (a language) v • traducer

translate (as in to translate into French) v • traducer</b> -duc-/-duct-]

translate (as in to translate into French) v • traducer

translate (interpret) v • interpretar

translate (move) v • translatar

translation (1. act of translating from one language into another; 2. version resulting from translation) n • traduction

translation (1. transference, removal; 2. as in translation of a book) n • translation

translation (movement) n • translation

translation (of language) n • traduction

translation (result) n • version

translator n • traductor

translator (one who translates from one language into another) n • traductor

translucence, translucency n • transluciditate

translucency, translucence n • transluciditate

translucent n • translucide

translucent (partly transparent) adj • translucide

transmissibility n • transmissibilitate

transmissible adj • transmissibile

transmission (1. transmittal, passing on; 2. transmission gear) n • transmission

transmission n • transmission

transmit, pass on v • transmitter

transmit, pass on v • transmitter</b> -mitt-/-miss ]

transmit (pass on) v • transmitter

transmit (physics) v • conducer

transmitter (1. person or thing that transmits something; 2.</b> Teleph]) n • transmissor

transmitter [Gen] • transmissor

transmitter (radio) n • radiodiffusor

transmitter [Radio] n • radiodiffusor

transmitter (tv) n • telediffusor, emissor

transmitter (tv) n • emissor, telediffusor

transmontane adj • transmontan

transmutability n • transmutabilitate

transmutable adj • transmutabile

transmutation n • transmutation

transmute v • transmutar

transmute v • transmutar, converter

transmute v • converter, transmutar

transom n • transversa

transparency, diapositive, transparent positive [Photog] n • diapositiva

transparency n •</b> Photog]

transparency n • transparentia

transparency (state) n • transparentia

transparent adj • transparente

transparent positive, transparency, diapositive [Photog] n • diapositiva

transpire (1. to emit, breathe forth; 2. to become known, leak out) v • transpirar

transplant n • transplantation

transplant v • transplantar

transplantation n • transplantation

transport (1. to convey; 2. to enrapture) v • transportar

transport (1. transportation, conveyance; 2. transport-ship; 3 . rapture) n • transporto

transport n • transporto

transport, transportation n • transportation

transport v • transportar

transport charges (postage, freightage, etc) n • porto

transportable adj • transportabile

transportation n • transportation

transportation, transport n • transportation

transport-charges n • porto

transporter (one who transports) n • transportator

transpose (1. to transfer; 2. to interchange the position of; 3.</b> Mus]) v • transponer

transpose (1. to transfer; 2. to interchange the position of; 3.</b> Mus]) v • transponer</b> -pon-/-posit-]

transpose v • transponer

transposer (one who or that which transposes) n • transpositor

transposition (1. act of transposing; 2. interchange of position; 3.</b> Mus]) n • transposition

transpositive [Gram] adj • transpositive

transship n • transbordar

transshipment, transfer n • transbordo

transubstantiate [Theol] v • transsubstantiar

transubstantiation [Theol] n • transsubstantiation

transudation n • transsudation

transude v • transsudar

Transvaal n • Transvaal

transvase, decant v • transvasar

transversal transversal adj • transversal

transverse, lying across or athwart adj • transverse

Transylvania n • Transsilvania

Transylvanian adj • transsilvan

Transylvanian n • transsilvano

trap, catch in a trap v • trappar

trap n • trappa

trap v • trappar

trap door, hatch n • trappa

trapdoor n • trappa

trapez- (table)</b> occurring in derivatives] n • trapez-

trapeze [Gymnastics] n • trapezio

trapeze n • trapezio

trapeziform adj • trapeziforme

trapezium [Geom] n • trapezio

trapezoid [Geom] n • trapezoide

trapper (one who traps animals) n • trappator

trappings n • ornamentos, apparato, paraphernales

trappings n • apparato, paraphernales, ornamentos

trappings n • paraphernales, ornamentos, apparato

trash, old stuff n • antiqualia

trash (refuse) n • immunditias

trash (worthless goods) n • antiqualia, cosas sin valor

trash (worthless goods) n • cosas sin valor, antiqualia

trashy adj • sin valor

trauma n • trauma

traumatic adj • traumatic

travel (cover) v • percurrer

travel (go) v • ir, vader

travel (go) v • vader, ir

travel (move) v • mover se

travel n • viages

travel v • viagiar (-jàr)

travel v •</b> Phys]

travel v • viagiar

travel v •</b> Gen]

travel agency n • agentia de viages

travel from place to place v • itinerar

traveler n • viagiator (-ja-)

traveler n • viagiator

traveler's check (traveller's cheque) n • cheque de viagiator

traveling (for travel) adj • de viages

traveling (mobile) adj • ambulante

traveling n • viages

traveling bag n • portamantello

traveling bag, valise n • valise</b> F]

traveling bag, valise n • valise

traveling-expenses n • dispensas de viage

traverse, cross (1. to pass across or through; 2. to thwart) v • transversar

traverse [Fortif] n • transversa

travesty n • parodia

travesty v • parodiar

trawl n • draga

trawl v • dragar

trawler n • nave de pisca (con draga)

trawler n • nave de pisca

tray n • tabuliero

tray n • tabuliero (de servicio)

treacherous (dangerous) adj • periculose

treacherous (disloyal) adj • perfide

treachery n • perfidia, traition

treachery n • traition, perfidia

treacle n • melassa

tread (of tyre) n • banda de rolamento

tread (step) n • passo

tread, trample v • calcar

tread (trample) vt • calcar

tread vi • mitter le pede, camminar

tread vi • camminar, mitter le pede

treadle n • pedal

treason, betrayal n • traition

treason n • traition

treasonable adj • traitor

treasure n • thesauro

treasure n • tresor

treasure v • guardar como un tresor

treasurer n • thesaurero

treasurer n • tresorero, cassero

treasurer n • tresorero

treasurer n • cassero, tresorero

treasury (1. treasure house; 2. treasury department, exchequer) n • thesaureria (-ìa)

treasury (1. treasure house; 2. treasury department, exchequer) n • tresoreria (-ìa)

treasury (1. treasure house; 2. treasury department, exchequer) n • tresoreria

treasury (1. treasure house; 2. treasury department, exchequer) n • thesaureria

treasury, fisc, exchequer n • fisco

treasury n • tresoreria, fisco

treasury n • fisco, tresoreria

treasury (repository for a treasure or treasures) n • thesauro

treat (1. to deal with, handle, subject to a treatment; 2. to entertain) v • tractar

treat [Gen] v • tractar

treat [Med] v • medicar

treat [Med] v • curar

treat (pleasure) n • placer

treat, refreshment n • regalo

treat (refreshment) n • regalo

treat (socially) v • pagar a biber, regalar

treat (socially) v • regalar, pagar a biber

treat again v • retractar

treat of v • tractar de

treat with deference v • obsequiar

treat with medicaments v • medicamentar

treat with spite, spite, mortify v • despectar

treatise n • tractato

treatment [Med] n • cura

treatment [Med] n • therapia

treatment [Med] n • tractamento medical

treatment n • tractamento

treatment (preferential -) phr • tractamento preferential

treaty, agreement n • tractato

treaty n • tractato

treble n • soprano

treble n • ad triple

treble, triple adj • triple

treble, triple v • triplar

treble v • triplar

treble clef n • clave de sol

trebling, tripling (action of) n • triplamento

tree, arboreal adj • arboree

tree [Bot] n • arbore

tree n • arbore

tree bark n • cortice de arbore

tree house n • casa in arbore

tree sap n • succo de arbore

tree trunk n • trunco del arbore

trefoil [Arch] n • trifolio

trefoil, clover [Bot] n • trifolio

trek (fig) n • viage longe e penose

trek (migration) n • migration

trek v • facer un viage longe e penose

trellis, espalier n • spalier

trellis n • spalier

tremble n • tremor

tremble, quiver, shiver v • fremer

tremble, shake v • trepidar

tremble (shake, shiver) v • tremer

tremble v • tremular, tremer

tremble v • tremer, tremular

tremble v • tremular

tremble with fear, trepidate v • trepidar

trembler n • tremulator

trembling adj • tremente

trembling, fearful, trepid adj • trepide

trembling n • tremulamento

trembling, shaking n • tremulamento

trembling, shaking, tremor n • tremor

trembling poplar, aspen n • tremulo (tré-)

trembling poplar, aspen n • tremulo

tremendous (1. terrifying; 2. extraordinary) adj • tremende

tremendous adj • tremende

tremolo [Mus] n • tremolo

tremolo [Mus] n • tremolo</b> I]

tremor, agitation, commotion (violent physical or mental disturbance) n • commotion

tremor n • fremito, tremor

tremor n • tremor, fremito

tremor, quiver, shiver n • fremito (fré-)

tremor, quiver, shiver n • fremito

tremor, trembling, shaking n • tremor

tremulant, tremulent adj • tremulante (ppr of tremular)

tremulant, tremulent adj • tremulante

tremulent, tremulant adj • tremulante

tremulent, tremulant adj • tremulante (ppr of tremular)

tremulous, quivering adj • tremule

trench [Mil] n • trenchea

trench [Mil] n • trenchea (-éa)

trench, moat, fosse, ditch n • fossato

trench n • trenchea

trench-coat n • impermeabile militar

trend n • tendentia, direction

trend n • direction, tendentia

trendy adj • de moda

Trent n • Trento

Trentine adj • trentin

trepannation (hole in the head) n • trepannation

trepanne v • trepannar

trepid, trembling, fearful adj • trepide

trepidation (1. tremor, shaking; 2. trembling with fear) n • trepidation

trepidation, agitation n • trepiditate

trespass n • transpasso

trespass (sin) n • peccato

trespass, transgress (against) v • transgressar

trespass, transgress (against) v • transgreder</b> -gred-/-gress-]

trespass, transgress (against) v • transgreder

trespass (transgression) v • intrusion

trespass v • transgressar

trespass v • transpassar

trespasser n • intruso

trespass-upon v • abusar de

tress, braid, plait n • tressa

trestle n • cavalletto

triad (1. trio, trinity, three; 2. specif.:</b> Mus/Geom]) n • triade

triad (1. trio, trinity, three; 2. specif.:</b> Mus/Geom]) n • triade (trì-)

triadic adj • triadic

trial (as in trial for theft) n • judicio

trial [Jur] n • judicio

trial, test n • essayo (-sà-)

trial, test n • essayo

trial (test) n • prova, tentativa

trial (test) n • tentativa, prova

trial-by-jury n • judicio per juratos

triangle (all senses) n • triangulo

triangle n • triangulo

triangle n • triangulo (-àngulo)

triangular adj • triangule

triangular adj • triangular

triangular triangular adj • triangular

triangulation n • triangulation

Trias [Geol] n • trias

Triassic [Geol] adj • triassic

tribal adj • tribal

tribe (1.</b> Anc. Hist]; 2. as in Indian tribes; 3. as in the cat tribe) n • tribo

tribe n • tribo

tribesman n • membro de tribo

tribulate v • tribular

tribulation n • tribulation

tribunal (1. seat of a judge; 2. court or forum of justice) n • tribunal

tribunal n • tribunal

tribunal n • judicio

tribunate, tribuneship n • tribunato

tribune (1.</b> Rom. Hist]; 2. defender of the people) n • tribuno

tribune, rostrum, platform n • tribuna

tribuneship, tribunate n • tribunato

tribunitial, tribunitian adj • tribunitie

tribunitian, tribunitial adj • tribunitie

tributary (1. as in tributary nations; 2. as in tributary stream) adj • tributari

tributary adj • affluente, tributari

tributary adj • tributari, affluente

tributary n • affluente

tribute (1. enforced payment imposed by a conqueror; 2 . as in a tribute to the dead) n • tributo

tribute n • tributo

trichina [Zool] n • trichina

trichinosis [Pathol] n • trichinosis (-òsis)

trichinosis [Pathol] n • trichinosis

trichinous adj • trichinose

trichloride n • trichlorido

trichloride n • trichlorido (-clòr-)

tricipite (-cì-) (of the triceps)</b> Anat] adj • tricipite

tricipite (-cì-) (of the triceps)</b> Anat] adj • tricipite (-cì-)

trick, artifice n • artificio

trick (hoax) v • mystificar

trick (ruse) n • artificio

trick, stratagem n • maneo (-éo)

trick, stratagem n • maneo

trick (swindle) n • fraude

trick v • dupar

trickery (cleverness) n • astutia

trickery (fraud) n • fraude

trickle, flow v • manar

trickle n • stillation

trickle v • manar

trickster n • fraudator, dupator

trickster n • dupator, fraudator

tricky (person) adj • astute

tricky (situation) adj • delicate, difficile

tricky (situation) adj • difficile, delicate

tricolor n • tricolor

tricolor, tricolored adj • tricolor

tricolored, tricolor adj • tricolor

tricorn n • tricorno

tricot (1. knitted material; 2. soft ribbed fabric) n • tricot</b> F]

tricot (1. knitted material; 2. soft ribbed fabric) n • tricot

tricycle n • tricyclo

trident (1. three-pronged fish spear; 2.</b> Mythol]) n • tridente

tridimensional, threedimensional adj • tridimensional

triennial adj • triennal

triennial adj • trienne

triennial n • triennal

triennium n • triennio

Trieste n • Trieste

trifacial, trigeminal [Anat] adj • trifacial

trifid adj • trifide (trì-)

trifid adj • trifide

trifle, bagatelle n • bagatella

trifle n • trica

trifle (small article) n • bagatella, trica

trifle (small article) n • trica, bagatella

trifle (sweet) n • dessert de biscuites imbibite de vino, coperite de gelea con fructos, coronate de crema

trifle (sweet) n • coronate de crema, dessert de biscuites imbibite de vino, coperite de gelea con fructos

trifle (sweet) n • coperite de gelea con fructos, coronate de crema, dessert de biscuites imbibite de vino

trifle-with n • jocar con

trifling n • sin importantia, insignificante

trifling n • insignificante, sin importantia

trifling, slightness n • legieressa

trifling, slightness n • legieressa (-jer-)

trifling, unimportant, slight adj • tenue

trifoliate [Bot] adj • trifoliate

triform adj • triforme

trigeminal, trifacial [Anat] adj • trifacial

trigeminous, born three at one birth adj • trigemine (-gé-)

trigeminous, born three at one birth adj • trigemine

trigger [Firearms] n • can

trigger n • can

trigger-happy adj • disposite a tirar a omne cosa

trigonometry n • trigonometria

trilateral, three-sided adj • trilatere

trilingual adj • trilingue

trill n • trillo

trill, shake [Mus] n • trillo

trill v • trillar

trillion (1. unit with 12 zeros annexed; 2. unit with 18 zeros annexed) n • trillion

trillion adj/n • trillion

trillionth adj • trillionesime (-ésime)

trillionth adj • trillionesime

trilobate, three-lobed adj • trilobate

trilobite [Paleontol] n • trilobite

trilogy n • trilogia

trilogy n • trilogia (-ìa)

trim adj • in bon stato, elegante

trim adj • elegante, in bon stato

trim (balance) v • equilibrar

trim, decorate, garnish v • guarnir

trim (form) n • stato

trim (garnish) v • guarnir

trim (hair, grass) v • tonder

trim (in -) phr • in forma

trim (of hair) n • tonditura

trim, prune, lop (trees or vines) v • putar

trim (prune) v • putar

trim the margin of, remove the margin of v • emarginar

trimerous [Bot/Zool] adj • trimere

trimeter n • trimetro

trimeter n • trimetro (trì-)

trimming, decorating, garnishing (action of) n • guarnimento

trimming (garnish) n • guarnition tonditura

trimming, garniture n • guarnitura

trimming, garniture n • garnition

trimmings n • accessorios

Trinidad n • Trinidad</b> H]

Trinidad n • Trinidad

Trinidad-and-Tobago [Geog] n • Trinidad e Tobago

Trinitarian (1.</b> Theol]; 2. member of the Order of the Holy Trinity) n • trinitario

trinity n • trinitate

trinket n • parve ornamento

trinomial [Alg] adj • trinomie

trinomial [Alg] n • trinomio

trio n • trio

trioxide n • trioxydo (-ò-)

trioxide n • trioxydo

trip, excursion, tour n • tour</b> F]

trip, excursion, tour n • tour

trip (excursion) n • tour, excursion

trip (excursion) n • excursion, tour

trip, journey n • viage (-aje)

trip, journey n • viage

trip (run) n • cursa, percurso

trip (run) n • percurso, cursa

trip (taxi) n • cursa

trip vi • facer un passo false

trip vt • facer cader

tripartite (divided into three parts) adj • tripartite

tripartition n • tripartition

tripe [Cookery] n • tripa

tripe n •</b> Fig]

tripe n •</b> Cul]

triphthong (union of three vowels pronounced in one syllable) n • triphthongo

triplane n • triplano

triple adj • triple

triple, threefold adj • trin

triple, threefold, triplex adj • triplice

triple, threefold, triplex adj • triplice (trì-)

triple, treble adj • triple

triple, treble v • triplar

triple v • triplicar, triplar

triple v • triplar, triplicar

triplet (combination of three) n • tripletto

triplet n • trigemino (-gé-)

triplet n • trigemino

triplex, triple, threefold adj • triplice (trì-)

triplex, triple, threefold adj • triplice

triplicate adv • triplicato

triplicate (one of three copies of a document) n • triplicato

triplicate v • triplicar

triplication n • triplication

triplicity n • triplicitate

tripling, trebling (action of) n • triplamento

tripod n • tripede

tripod n • tripede (trì-)

Tripoli (city of Tripoli) n • Tripole

Tripolitan adj • tripolitan

Tripolitan n • tripolitano

trireme, three-oared trireme adj • trireme

trisect v • trisecar

trisect v • trisecar</b> -sec-/-sect-]

trisection n • trisection

trismus, lockjaw n • trismo

trisyllabic adj • trisyllabe (-sì-)

trisyllabic adj • trisyllabe

trisyllabo n • trisyllabo (-sì-)

trisyllabo n • trisyllabo

trite adj • banal

trite, banal adj • banal

triteness, banality n • banalitate

triteness n • banalitate

triteness n • trivialitate

Triton [Gr. Mythol] n • Triton

triturable adj • triturabile

triturate v • triturar

trituration (action of triturating) n • tritura

trituration n • trituration

triumph (1.</b> Rom Antiq]; 2. exultation of success;3. as in triumph of knowledge) n • triumpho

triumph (1.</b> Rom. Antiq]; 2. to exult; 3. to obtain victory) v • triumphar

triumph n • triumpho

triumph v • triumphar

triumphal adj • triumphal

triumphally adv • triumphalmente

triumphant adj • triumphante (ppr of triumphar)

triumphant adj • triumphante

triumpher n • triumphator

triumvir [Rom. Antiq] n • triumviro

triumvir [Rom. Antiq] n • triumviro (-ùm-)

triumviral adj • triumviral

triumvirate n • triumvirato

triune adj • trin

trivial (ordinary) adj • banal

trivial (trifling) adj • insignificante

triviality n • banalitate, insignificantia

triviality n • insignificantia, banalitate

trivium [Hist] n • trivio

trochaic [Pros] adj • trochaic

trochee [Pros] n • trocheo

trochee [Pros] n • trocheo (-éo)

troika n • troika

troika n • troika (tròi-)</b> R]

Trojan adj • troian

Trojan, Dardanian n • dardano

Trojan, Dardanian n • dardano (dàr-)

Trojan (inhabitant of Troy) n • troiano

trolley n • trolley

trolley (revolving wheel which makes contact with the overhead wire and transmits power to the trolley car) n • trolley</b> A]

trolley (revolving wheel which makes contact with the overhead wire and transmits power to the trolley car) n • trolley

trolley, streetcar, tramcar (car) n • tramway

trolley, streetcar, tramcar (car) n • tramway</b> A]

trolley-bus n • trolleybus

trolley-car n • tram

trombone n • trombon

trombonist n • trombonista

troop (1. body of people; 2.</b> Mil]) n • truppa

trope [Rhet] n • tropo

trophic (pertaining to nutrition) adj • trophic

trophy n • tropheo

trophy n • tropheo (-éo)

tropic n • tropico

tropic, tropical adj • tropic

tropical adj • tropical

tropical adj • tropic(al)

tropic-of-cancer v • tropico del cancere

tropic-of-capricorn n • tropico del capricorno

tropism [Biol] n • tropismo

tropological adj • tropologic

tropology n • tropologia (-ìa)

tropology n • tropologia

trot n • trotto

trot v • trottar

trotter (horse which trots) n • trottator

troubadour (medieval lyric poet of a school flourishing in Provence and the south of France) n • trobador

troubadour n • trovator

troubadour n • troubadour</b> F]

troubadour n • troubadour

troubadour n • trobador

trouble, annoyance n • molestia

trouble, annoyance, worry n • enoio

trouble, annoyance, worry n • enoio (-nò-)

trouble (bother) n • molestia, enoio

trouble (bother) n • enoio, molestia

trouble, difficulty n • pena

trouble (difficulty) n • difficultate, pena

trouble (difficulty) n • pena, difficultate

trouble (distress) n • affliction

trouble n • indust

trouble (upset) v • disturbar

trouble vi • incommodar se

trouble vt • incommodar

troubleshooter n • investigator de conflictos industrial

troublesome adj • moleste, enoiose

troublesome adj • enoiose, moleste

troublesome, difficult adj • penose

troublesome, irksome, annoying adj • moleste

trough (drinking) n • abiberatorio

trough (feeding) n • mangiatoria

trough n •</b> Fig]

trough, tub n • alveo

trough (tub) n • cupa, alveo

trough (tub) n • alveo, cupa

trounce (punish) v • castigar

trounce (sport) v • vincer facilmente

troup, gather, assemble v • attruppar

troup (group) n • banda, gruppo

troup (group) n • gruppo, banda

troup n •</b> Mil]

troup v • camminar in gruppo

troupe n • truppa

troupe [Theat] n • truppa

troupe v • attruppar

troups n • truppas, soldatos

troups n • soldatos, truppas

trousers n • pantalones

trousseau n • trousseau

trousseau n • trousseau</b> F]

trout n • tructa

trouvère n • trovero

trowel (brick or plastering) n • trulla

trowel n • trulla

Troy [Gr. Hist] n • Troia (tròia)

Troy [Gr. Hist] n • Troia

Troyes n • Troyes</b> F]

Troyes n • Troyes

truant n • scholar absente

truant n • scholar absente (sin justification)

truant (play -) v • absentar se sin justification

truce n • armistitio, tregua

truce n • tregua, armistitio

truck (as in automobile truck) n • camion

truck (as in automobile truck) n • camion</b> F]

truck (lorry) n • carro

truck (road transport) n • camion

truck (rr) n • wagon (de merces)

truck (rr) n • wagon

truck-driver (lorry-driver) n • camionero, camionista

truck-driver (lorry-driver) n • camionista, camionero

trucking n • camionage

truculent adj • truculente

trudge v • camminar penosemente

true (faithful) adj • fidel

true (real, not wrong) adj • ver

true, straighten v • disfalsar

true (truthful) adj • ver

truffle n • trufa

truffle, relating to truffles adj • trufari

truffle bed n • trufiera

truism n • truismo, axioma

truism n • axioma, truismo

truly adv • in veritate, vermente

truly adv • vermente, in veritate

truly, really adv • vermente

truly, really, indeed, even adv • vero

truly, really, indeed, even adv • vere

trump (cards) n • triumpho

trumpery n • sin valor

trumpet (1. to blow a trumpet; 2. to noise abroad) v • trompettar

trumpet, horn n • trompa

trumpet n • trompetta

trumpet, small horn n • cornetta

trumpet v • trompettar

trumpeter n • trompettero

trump-up v • fabricar

truncate, lop off v • truncar

truncate, truncated adj • truncate (pp of truncar)

truncate, truncated adj • truncate

truncate v • truncar

truncated, truncate adj • truncate (pp of truncar)

truncated, truncate adj • truncate

truncation n • truncation

truncation n • truncamento

truncheon n • baston de agente de policia

trundle vi • rolar pesantemente e con ruito

trundle vt • facer rolar

trunk (1. tree trunk; 2.</b> Anat]; 3.</b> Arch] (shaft of a column) n • trunco

trunk (box) n • coffro

trunk (elephant's) n • trompa

trunk (of an elephant) n • trompa

trunk (of tree) n • trunco

trunk (stock) n • stirpe

trunk (traveling box or chest) n • coffro

trunk-call n • appello

trunk-call n • appello telephonic

truss n • cinctura herniari

truss (tech) n • armatura de traves

trust (belief) n • confidentia, fide

trust (belief) n • fide, confidentia

trust, cartel n • trust</b> A]

trust, cartel n • trust

trust (charge) n • responsabilitate, carga

trust (charge) n • carga, responsabilitate

trust (fin) n • trust

trust (fin) n • cartel

trust v • fider se (a un persona)

trust v • fider se

trustee (administrator of a trust fund)</b> Law] n • curator

trustee (in bankruptcy) n • syndico

trustee [Jur] • curator, fideicommissario

trustee [Jur] • fideicommissario, curator

trustee [Law] n • syndico (sìn-)

trustee [Law] n • syndico

trusteeship (function of the administrator of a trust fund)</b> Law] n • curatela

trustful, confiding adj • confidente

trustworthiness [Gen] • fidelitate

trustworthiness (of figures) n • credibilitate, exactitude

trustworthiness (of figures) n • exactitude, credibilitate

trustworthy adj • digne de fide, de confidentia

trustworthy adj • de confidentia, digne de fide

trusty adj • fidel

truth n • veritate

truthful adj • honeste, veridic

truthful adj • veridic, honeste

truthful, veridical adj • veridic

truthful, veridical adj • veridic (-rì-)

truthfulness n • veracitate

truthfulness, veracity n • veridicitate

try (1. to test, essay) v • essayar

try, attempt v • tentar

try [Jur] v • judicar

try n • essayo, tentativa

try n • tentativa, essayo

try, put to the test v • experir</b> -per-/-pert-]

try, put to the test v • experir

try, test v • probar

try, test v • provar

try (test) v • tentar, provar

try (test) v • provar, tentar

try again, test again v • reprobar

trying adj • difficile, moleste

trying adj • moleste, difficile

trying on, fitting (of clothes) n • essayage (-aje)

trying on, fitting (of clothes) n • essayage

trying-on n • essayage

try-on v • essayar

tsar n • tsar

tsetse (- fly) n • musca tsetse

T-square n • esquadra

tub n • cupa, alveo

tub n • alveo, cupa

tub, trough n • alveo

tuba (1.</b> Rom. Antiq])</b> Mus] n • tuba

tuba n • tuba

tubby adj • corpulente, rotunde

tubby adj • rotunde, corpulente

tube (1. pipe; 2.</b> Radio]) n • tubo

tube, furnish with tubes v • tubar

tube (pipe) n • tubo

tube (rr) n • metro

tube (small) n • cannella

tube (valve) n • tubo, valvula

tube (valve) n • valvula, tubo

tuber [Bot/Pathol] n • tubere

tuber n • tubere

Tuberaceae [Bot] n • tuberaceas

tuberaceous adj • tuberacee

tubercle n • tuberculo

tubercular adj • tubercular

tubercular, tuberculous adj • tuberculose

tubercularize v • tubercularisar

tuberculate adj • tuberculate

tuberculin n • tuberculina

tuberculosis n • tuberculosis

tuberculosis n • tuberculosis (-òsis)

tuberculous, tubercular adj • tuberculose

tuberose [Bot] n • tuberosa

tuberosity n • tuberositate

tuberous adj • tuberose

tubicole [Zool] n • tubicola (-ì-)

tubicole [Zool] n • tubicola

tubing n • tubos

tubular adj • tubular

tubular, tubulated adj • tubulate

tubulated, tubular adj • tubulate

tubulation n • tubulation

tubulature, tubulure [Chcm] n • tubulatura

tubule, small tube n • tubulo

tubulous (containing tubes) adj • tubulose

tubulure, tubulature [Chcm] n • tubulatura

tuck n • plica

tuck (pleat) v • plicar

tuck (put) v • mitter

tuck-box n • bonboniera, cassa de provisiones

tuck-box n • cassa de provisiones, bonboniera

tuck-in (eat) v • mangiar

tuck-in (insert) v • mitter in, insertar

tuck-in (insert) v • insertar, mitter in

tuck-shop n • bonboneria, confecteria

tuck-shop n • confecteria, bonboneria

tuck-shop n • bonboneria (de schola), confecteria (de schola)

tuck-shop n • confecteria (de schola), bonboneria (de schola)

tuck-up (in bed) v • installar commodemente

tuck-up (insert) v • replicar, duplar, insertar

tuck-up (insert) v • insertar, replicar, duplar

tuck-up (insert) v • duplar, insertar, replicar

Tuesday n • martedi

Tuesday n • martedi (-dì)

tuft (of grass, feathers) n • tuffo

tuft (of wool) n • flocco

tuft of hair (on lower lip) n • musca

tufted, crested adj • cristate

tug (boat) n • remulcator

tug (pull) n • tirada (subite)

tug (pull) n • tirada

tug v • tirar

tug-of-war n • lucta al corda

tuition, instruction, education n • inseniamento

tuition n • inseniamento

tulip n • tulipan

tulip tree n • tulipaniero

tumble n • cadita

tumble v • cader

tumble out v • sortir in disordine

tumbledown (ruinous) adj • ruinose

tumbler, goblet, beaker n • bicario

tumbler n • bicario

tumefaction n • tumefaction

tumefy (cause to swell) v • tumefacer

tumefy (cause to swell) v • tumefacer</b> -fac-/-fact-]

tumescence n • tumescentia

tumescent adj • tumescente

tumescent adj • tumescente (ppr of tumescer)

tumid (1. swollen, distended; 2. pompous, inflated) adj • tumide

tumidity n • tumiditate

tummy n • stomacho, ventre

tummy n • ventre, stomacho

tumor [Pathol] n • tumor

tumor, tumour n • tumor

tumorous adj • tumorose

tumular adj • tumulari

tumult n • tumulto

tumultuary adj • tumultuari

tumultuous adj • tumultuose

tumulus, barrow n • tumulo

tun, barrel v • intonnar

tun, cask n • tonnello

tun, cask n • tonna

tuna, tunny [Ichthyol] n • thunno

tuna, tunny n • thunno

tunable adj • accordabile

tund, pound, bruise v • tunder

tund, pound, bruise v • tunder</b> tund-/-tus-]

tundra n • tundra</b> R]

tundra n • tundra

tune (in -) phr • de accordo

tune (mech) v • regular

tune [Mus] v • accordar

tune n • melodia

tune (out of -) phr • mal accordate

tune (radio) v • syntonisar

tune v • accordar

tuneful adj • melodiose

tuneless adj • inharmoniose, discordante

tuneless adj • discordante, inharmoniose

tuner [Mus] • accordator

tuner (of pianos) n • accordator

tuner (radio) n • syntonisator

tungstate [Chem] n • tungstato

tungsten n • tungsten, wolfram

tungsten n • wolfram, tungsten

tungsten, wolfram [Chem] n • tungsten</b> Swedish]

tungsten, wolfram [Chem] n • tungsten

tungstic [Chem] adj • tungstic

tungstite [Mineral] n • tungstite

tungstosilicate n • tungstosilicato

tunic n • tunica

tuning [Mus] • accordatura

tuning n • accordatura

tuning (radio) n • syntonisation

tuning fork n • diapason (-pà)

tuning fork n • diapason

tuning-fork n • diapason

tunnel n • tunnel</b> A]

tunnel n • tunnel

tunnel v • construer un tunnel

tunny, tuna n • thunno

tunny fishermen or dealer n • thunnero

turban n • turban

turbid adj • turbide

turbidity, turbidness n • turbiditate

turbidness, turbidity n • turbiditate

turbinate [Bot] adj • turbinate

turbine n • turbina

turbo [Zool] n • turbine

turbocompressor n • turbocompressor

turbodynamo n • turbodynamo (-dì-)

turbodynamo n • turbodynamo

turbogenerator n • turbogenerator

turbot [Ichthyol] n • rhombo

turbot n • rhombo

turbulence n • turbulentia

turbulence, turbulency n • turbulentia

turbulency, turbulence n • turbulentia

turbulent adj • turbulente

Turco [Mil] n • turco

tureen n • terrina, suppiera

tureen n • suppiera, terrina

tureen n • suppiera

turf [Horse Racing] n • turf</b> A]

turf [Horse Racing] n • turf

turf, peat n • turfa

turf (peat) n • turfa

turf (racing) n • turf

turf-accountant n • book-maker

turgescence, turgescency n • turgescentia

turgescency, turgescence n • turgescentia

turgescent adj • turgescente (ppr of turgescer)

turgescent adj • turgescente

turgid adj • turgide

turgidity, turgidness n • turgiditate

turgidness, turgidity n • turgiditate

turgor n • turgor

Turin [Geog] n • Turin

Turin n • Turin

turk n • turco

Turk (native of Turkey) n • turco

turkey (bird) n • gallo de india

Turkey [Geog] n • Turchia

Turkey n • Turchia

Turkish adj • turc

turkish adj • turc

turkish (lang) n • turco

Turkish (language) n • turco

turkish n • turco

turkish-bath n • banio turc

Turks-and-Caicos, - Islands [Geog] n • Turcos e Caicos

turmoil n • confusion, tumulto

turmoil n • tumulto, confusion

turn (1. as in the turn of a wheel; 2. as in to be someone's turn) n • torno

turn (1. to turn on a lathe; 2. to change or reverse position of) v • tornar

turn (a good -) n. phr • un servicio, un favor

turn (a good -) n. phr • un favor, un servicio

turn (as in my turn) n • vice

turn (bend) n • curva

turn (change of direction) n • cambio de direction

turn, circle (circular course) n • gyro

turn (invert) v • inverter (se)

turn (invert) v • inverter

turn (motoring) n • virage

turn [Nav] n • virage

turn (of wheel) n • torno, revolution

turn (of wheel) n • revolution, torno

turn (page) v • tornar

turn, revolve, rotate v • rotar

turn (someone's) n • torno, vice

turn (someone's) n • vice, torno

turn (transfer) v • transferer

turn, turn round, reverse v • reverter</b> -vert-/-vers-]

turn, turn round, reverse v • reverter

turn, turn round v • verter

turn, turn round v • verter</b> vert-/-vers-]

turn v • girar, rotar, tornar, virar

turn v • rotar, tornar, virar, girar

turn v • virar, girar, rotar, tornar

turn v • tornar, virar, girar, rotar

turn a crank, crank v • manivellar

turn aside, cause to deviate v • disviar

turn away, avert v • averter

turn away, avert v • averter</b> -vert-/-vers-]

turn inside out, evert v • everter</b> -vert-/-vers-]

turn inside out, evert v • everter

turn into wine (cause to) v • vinificar

turn left v • virar/girar al leva/sinistra

turn or direct across v • transverter</b> -vert-/-vers-]

turn or direct across v • transverter

turn or transform into a marsh v • impaludar

turn or twist again or back v • retorquer

turn or twist again or back v • retorquer</b> -torqu-/-tort-/-tors-]

turn right v • virar/girar al dextra

turn round, reverse, turn v • reverter</b> -vert-/-vers-]

turn round, reverse, turn v • reverter

turn round, roll v • volver</b> volv-/volut-/volt-]

turn round, roll v • volver

turn round, turn v • verter

turn round, turn v • verter</b> vert-/-vers-]

turn-aside v • disviar, diverter

turn-aside v • diverter, disviar

turn-away v • averter

turn-back (an offer) v • refusar

turn-back (gas) v • bassar

turn-back v • retornar, retorquer

turn-back v • retorquer, retornar

turncoat n • renegato

turn-down (an offer) v • refusar

turn-down (bedclothes) v • replicar

turnely (a turner's work shop) n • torneria

turnely (a turner's work shop) n • torneria (-ìa)

turner (one who turns objects on a lathe) n • tornator

turning (in road) n • cruciata, furca

turning (in road) n • furca, cruciata

turning (rotation) n • rotation, giration

turning (rotation) n • giration, rotation

turning or turning round (act of) n • version

turning-point n • momento critic, puncto decisive

turning-point n • puncto decisive, momento critic

turn-inside out v • extroverter, everter

turn-inside out v • everter, extroverter

turnip (Brassica rapa) n • rapa

turnip n • rapa

turn-off [Elect] • extinguer

turn-off (tap) v • clauder

turn-on [Elect] • accender

turn-on (tap) v • aperir

turn-out (empty) v • vacuar

turn-out (for a meeting) v • producer se, exir

turn-out (for a meeting) v • exir, producer se

turn-out (gas) v • extinguer, clauder

turn-out (gas) v • clauder, extinguer

turn-out (produce) v • producer, fabricar

turn-out (produce) v • fabricar, producer

turn-out (result) v • evenir, resultar

turn-out (result) v • resultar, evenir

turn-over (consider) v • revolver

turn-over n • volumine de venditas

turnpike n • autostrata

turn-round v • reverter

turnsole (1.</b> Bot] (heliotrope, sunflower; 2. purple dye obtained from the Chrozophora tinctoria) n • tornasol

turnstile n • tourniquet

turntable (gramophone) n • grammophono

turntable (gramophone) n • placa giratori

turntable (rr) n • placa giratori

turn-towards v • diriger se verso

turn-up (fig) vi • arrivar

turn-up (fig) vi • occurrer

turn-up (trousers) n • reverso

turn-up vt • reverter

turpentine n • terebinthina

turpentine, terebinthine n • terebinthina

turpentine tree, terebinth n • terebintho

turquoise adj/n • turchese

turquoise n • turchese

turret n • turretta

turtle n • tortuca

turtle, tortoise n • tortuca

Tuscan (1. native of Tuscany; 2. Tuscan dialect) n • toscano

Tuscan (of Tuscany) adj • toscan

Tuscany n • Toscana

tusk n • defensa

tusk [Zool] n • defensa

tussle n • lucta

tussle v • luctar, venir al manos

tussle v • venir al manos, luctar

tutelage, guardianship [Law] n • tutela

tutelary (as in tutelary deity) adj • tutelari

tutor (book) n • manual

tutor, coach n • repetitor

tutor (exercise guardianship, tutelage over) v • tutorar

tutor (exercise guardianship) v • tutorar

tutor, guardian [Law] n • tutor

tutor, private teacher n • preceptor

tutor (private teacher) n • preceptor

tutor (univ) n • tutor

tutoress, guardian [Law] n • tutrice

tutorial n • parve classe special

tutorship, guardianship [Law] n • tutoria

tutorship, guardianship [Law] n • tutoria (-ìa)

Tuvalu [Geog] n • Tuvalu

tuxedo, dinner jacket or coat n • smoking

tuxedo, dinner jacket or coat n • smoking</b> A]

tuxedo n • smoking

twaddle n • nonsenso

twang n • sono nasal

twang v • parlar con voce nasal

twang (vibrate) v • vibrar

tweak v • pinciar, tirar

tweak v • tirar, pinciar

tweed n • tweed

tweet v • pipar

tweezers n • pincette

tweezers, small pincers n • pincette

tweezers, small pincers n • pincette</b> F]

twelfth adj • dece-secunde

twelfth adj • duodecime (-dé-)

twelfth adj • duodecime

twelfth n • dece-secundo

twelve adj • dece-duo (-dù-)

twelve adj • duodece (-ò-)

twelve adj • dece-duo

twelve adj • duodece

twelve n • dece-duo

twentieth adj • vigesime (-gé-)

twentieth adj • vigesime

twentieth adj • vintesime

twentieth adj • vintesime (-ésime)

twentieth n • vintesimo

twentieth (part) n • vigesimo (-gé-)

twentieth (part) n • vigesimo

twenty adj • vinti

twenty adj • viginti

twenty n • vinti

twenty-nine n • vinti-novem

twice adj • duo vices, bis

twice adj • bis, duo vices

twice; 2. interj encore adv • bis

twiddle v • girar, jocar con

twiddle v • jocar con, girar

twig n • rametto

twig v • comprender

twilight, dusk, crepuscule n • crepusculo

twilight n • crepusculo

twin adj • gemine

twin n • gemino

twin n • gemino (gé-)

twine n • corda

twine v • involver (se)

twine v • involver

twin-engine adj/n • bimotor, con duo motores

twin-engine adj/n • con duo motores, bimotor

twinge v • dolor subite e acute

twinkle n • scintilla

twinkle v • scintillar

twinkling of an eye n • batter del palpebras.

twirl (facer) v • tornear

twirl (pirouette) n • pirouette

twirl (twist) n • giration rapide

twist (1. as in to twist threads into yarn; 2. to wrench, contort; 3. as in to twist a passage) v • torquer

twist (1. as in to twist threads into yarn; 2. to wrench, contort; 3. as in to twist a passage) v • torquer</b> torqu-/tort-/tors-]

twist n • torto

twist v • torquer (se)

twist v • torquer

twist inwards v • intorquer

twist inwards v • intorquer</b> -torqu-/-tors-]

twist-back v • retorquer

twisted adj • torte

twisted, crooked adj • torte

twister n • fraudator

twisting adj • a contorsion.

twisting, contortion n • contortion

twisting n • contorsion, torquimento

twisting n • torquimento, contorsion

twisting, wringing (act of) n • torquimento

twitch n • tic

twitch v • mover se nervosemente

twitching, tic [Med] n • tic

twitching, tic [Med] n • tic</b> F]

twitter n • pipar

twitter v • emitter critos, critar

twitter v • critar, emitter critos

two adj • duo

two n • duo

two at a time, two by two adj • bin

two by two, two at a time adj • bin

two-by-two adv • bin

two-edged adj • a duple talia

two-faced adj • false, hypocrita

two-faced adj • hypocrita, false

twofold adj • duplice, gemine, duple

twofold adj • gemine, duple, duplice

twofold adj • duple, duplice, gemine

two-fold, double adj • gemine

twofold, double adj • duplice

twofold, double adj • duplice (dù-)

twofold, double adj • duple

two-lobed, bilobate adj • bilobate

two-oared, bireme adj • bireme

two-stroke (motor) adj • a duo tempores

two-way adj • reciproc

two-way-traffic n • circulation in ambe sensos

tycoon (magnate) n • magnate

tycoon (shogun) n • taikun</b> J]

tycoon (shogun) n • taikun

tympan [Print] n • tympano

tympan [Print] n • tympano (tìm-)

tympanic (1.</b> Anat/Zool]; 2.</b> Arch]) adj • tympanic

tympanum (1.</b> Anat]; 2.</b> Arch]) n • tympano (tìm-)

tympanum (1.</b> Anat]; 2.</b> Arch]) n • tympano

tympanum n • tympano

type (character, printing) n • ?

type, kind, sort n • genere

type n • typo

type (sort) n • typo, genere

type (sort) n • genere, typo

type, typewrite v • dactylographar

type v • typar, dactylographar, scriber a machina

type v • dactylographar, scriber a machina, typar

type v • scriber a machina, typar, dactylographar

typesetter, compositor n • compositor

typesetter, compositor n • cassista

type-setter n • compositor, cassista

type-setter n • cassista, compositor

typewrite, type v • dactylographar

typewriter n • dactylographo, machina a/de scriber

typewriter n • machina a/de scriber, dactylographo

typewriter (pertaining to a) adj • dactytographic

typewriter (typing machine) n • dactylographo

typewriter (typing machine) n • dactylographo (-ò-)

typewriting n • dactylographia

typewriting, typing n • dactylographia (-ìa)

typewriting, typing n • dactylographia

typhoid (- fever) n • febre typhoide

typhoid adj • typhoide

typhoid (fever)</b> Med] n • typhoide

typhoon n • typhon

typhus n • typho

typic, typical adj • typic

typical adj • typic

typical, typic adj • typic

typically adv • typicamente

typify v • representar, esser le typo de

typify v • esser le typo de, representar

typing, typewriting n • dactylographia (-ìa)

typing, typewriting n • dactylographia

typist n • dactylographo (-ò-)

typist n • dactylographo

typographer n • typographo (-ògrapho)

typographer n • typographo

typographical adj • typographic

typographically adv • typographicamente

typography n • typographia

typography, printing n • typographia

typography, printing n • typographia (-ìa)

typometer [Print] n • typometro (-òmetro)

typometer [Print] n • typometro

typometry n • typometria

typometry n • typometria (-ìa)

tyrannic adj • tyrannic

tyrannical adj • tyrannic

tyrannicide (act of killing a tyrant) n • tyrannicidio

tyrannicide (one who kills a tyrant) n • tyrannicida

tyrannize, despotize v • despotisar

tyrannize v • despotisar, tyrannisar

tyrannize v • tyrannisar

tyrannize v • tyrannisar, despotisar

tyranny n • tyrannia (-ìa)

tyranny n • tyrannia

tyrant (1. despot; 2.</b> Ornith]) n • tyranno

tyrant n • tyranno

tyre (air-filled) n • pneu(matico)

tyre (solid) n • banda

tyre, tire n • banda

tyre, tire (pneumatic) adj • pneumatico

tyre, tire v • fatigar

tyre, tire v • fatigar (se)

tyro n • comenciante

Tyrrhenia n • Tyrrhenia

Tyrrhenian adj • tyrrhen

Tyrrhenian, Etruscan n • tyrrheno

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