Eid d

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d (letter -) n • littera d (de)

D (the note) [Mus] n • re

dab n • colpo legier

dab v • applicar con colpo legier

dabble v • agitar

dabble v • occupar se como dilettante

dactyl n • dactylo

dactyl [Pros] n • dactylo

dactyl [Pros] n • dactylo (dàc-)

dactylic adj • dactylic

dactylology n • dactylologia

dactylology n • dactylologia (-ìa)

dactyloscopy, fingerprint identification n • dactyloscopia (-ìa)

dactyloscopy, fingerprint identification n • dactyloscopia

dad, daddy n • papa

daddy, dad n • papa

daddy, papa n • papa

daemon [Gr. Relig] n • demone

daffodil n • narcisso silvestre

daft adj • folle

daft adj • stupide

dagger n • daga

dagger n • pugnal

dagger, poniard n • pugnal

dahlia [Bot] n • dahlia (dàl-)

dahlia [Bot] n • dahlia

dahlia n • dahlia

daily adj • quotidian

daily adv • quotidianmente

daily adv • omne die

daily (cleaner) n • domestica (nonresidente)

daily (cleaner) n • domestica

daily (newspaper) n • quotidiano

dainty adj • delicate

dainty n • delicatessa

dairy ( place where milk and cream are kept and made into butter and cheese; 2. store that sells milk and milk products) n • lacteria

dairy ( place where milk and cream are kept and made into butter and cheese; 2. store that sells milk and milk products) n • lacteria (-ìa)

dairy n • lacteria

dairy farm n • vaccheria (-ìa)

dairy farm n • vaccheria

dairy-farm n • ferma lactari

dairy-produce n • productos lactari

dais, platform, estrade n • estrade

dais, platform, estrade n • estrade [F]

daisy, marguerite n • margarita

daisy n • margarita

Daltonian adj • daltonian

Daltonism n • daltonismo

dam (animal) n • matre

dam (dike) n • dica

dam (dike) n • barrage

dam v • barrar

dam, weir n • dica

damage, damnify v • damnificar

damage, harm n • damno

damage n • injuria

damage n • damno

damage, spoil v • guastar

damage v • guastar

damage v • damnificar

damages n • indemnitate

Damascene (inhabitant of Damascus) n • damasceno

Damascene (of Damascus) adj • damascen

damascene v • damascenar

damascene (work) n • damascenage (-aje)

damascene (work) n • damascenage

damascener n • damascenator

Damascus n • Damasco

damask (weave or adorn with damask ornamentation) v • damascar

dame, donna n • donna

damn (I don't give a -) phr • non me importa

damn interj • diabolo!

damn [Theol] v • damnar

damn v • damnar

damnable adj • damnabile

damnable (deserving damnation) adj • damnabile

damnation n • damnation

damnation [Theol] n • damnation

damnify, damage v • damnificar

damp adj • humide

damp n • humiditate

damp, wet adj • humide

dampen, moisten v • humectar

dampen (of enthusiasm) v • amortir

dampen (wet) v • humectar

damper (of car) n • amortisator

damper (of furnace) n • registro

dampness n • humiditate

dampproof adj • impermeabile

damsel n • donzella

damsel n • virgine

damsel n • puera

damson n • damasceno

dance (dancing) n • dansa

dance [Mus] n • dansa

dance n • dansa

dance v • dansar

dance v • ballar

dance a quadrille v • quadrillar

dancer [Masc] • dansator, dansatrice

dancer [Masc] • dansatrice, dansator

dancer n • dansator

dancing pump n • scarpino

dandelion n • dente de leon

dandruff n • furfure

dandruff (scurf, furfur) n • furfure

dandruffy (scurfy) adj • furfurose

dandy horse, velocipede n • velocifero (-cì-)

dandy horse, velocipede n • velocifero

Dane (great) adj • danese

Dane (great) n • dano

dane n • danese

Dane (native of Denmark) n • dano

Dane (of Denmark) adj • danese

danger n • periculo

danger (peril) n • periculo

danger (peril) n • periculo (-ìculo)

dangerous adj • periculose

dangerous (perilous) adj • periculose

dangle vi • esser suspense

dangle vt • suspender

Danish adj • dan

danish adj/n • danese

Danish danese adj • danese

dank adj • humide

Danube n • Danubio

Danubian adj • danubian

Dardania n • Dardania

Dardanian, Trojan n • dardano

Dardanian, Trojan n • dardano (dàr-)

Dardanian Trojan adj • dardane

Dardanus [Mythol] n • Dardano

Dardanus [Mythol] n • Dardano (dàr-)

dare (I - say) adv • probabilemente

dare (I - say) adv • forsan

dare n • defia

dare v • osar

daredevil n • osato

daring adj • osate (pp of osar)

daring adj • osate

daring adj • audace

daring adj • hardite

daring, audacious adj • audace

daring, audacious adj • audaciose

daring, audacity n • audacia

daring, hardihood, boldness n • harditessa

daring, hardy, bold adj • hardite (pp of hardir)

daring, hardy, bold adj • hardite

daring n • harditessa

daring n • audacia

dark (1. obscure, dusky, tenebrous; 2. sinister, evil) adj • tenebrose

dark adj • tenebrose

dark adj • obscur

dark n • tenebras

dark, obscure, dim adj • obscur

darken, obscure, dim v • obscurar

darken, shade (put shading in or on) v • umbrar

darken v • obscurar

darkness (1. dark; 2. wickedness) n • tenebrositate

darkness n • tenebras

darkness n • obscuritate

darkness, obscurity, dimness n • obscuritate

darkroom n • camera obscur

darling adj • car

darling [Fem] n • cara

darling [Masc] n • caro

darn v • sarcir

dart (for game) n • flechetta

dart v • precipitar se subitemente

dart (weapon) n • dardo

dartboard n • scopo pro flechettas

Darwinian adj • darwinian

Darwinism n • darwinismo

Darwinist, Darwinian n • darwinista

dash (bit) n • pauc

dash (daring) n • ardor

dash (line) n • lineetta

dash vi • precipitar se

dash vt • lancear con violentia

dashboard n • pannello a instrumentos

dashing adj • galliarde

data n • datos

data-processing n • elaboration de datos

dataria, datary [Eccl] n • dataria

datary, dataria [Eccl] n • dataria

datary (head of the datary) [Eccl] n • datario

date (-) phr • usque al presente

date adv • usque nunc

date (calendar) n • data

date (date according to the calendar) n • data

date (fruit) n • dactylo

date (fruit of the date palm) n • dattilo

date (fruit of the date palm) n • dattilo (dà-)

date (fruit of the date palm) n • dactylo (dàc-)

date (fruit of the date palm) n • dactylo

date (mark with a date) v • datar

date (out of -) adj • obsolete

date (out of -) adj • antiquate

date (up to -) adv • moderne

date (up to -) adv • actual

date v • datar

date forward, postdate v • postdatar

date-from phr • datar de

dative [Law] adj • dative

dative n • dativo

datum n • dato

daub v • revestir, coperir

daub v • coperir, revestir

daughter n • filia

daughter-in-law n • filia affin

daunt v • intimidar

dauphin [Fr. Hist] n • delphino

dawdle v • perder le tempore

dawdle v • tardar

dawn (beginning) n • initio

dawn, break of day n • alba

dawn (daybreak) n • alba

dawn (daybreak) n • aurora

dawn n • aurora

dawn v • comenciar a parer

dawning adj • nascente

dawning (beginning) n • initio

dawning, nascent adj • nascente (ppr of nascer)

dawning, nascent adj • nascente

day (1. day as opposed to night; 2. period of twenty-four hours) n • jorno

day (1. day as opposed to night) n • die

day (by -) phr • de die

day (from - to -) phr • de die in die

day (good -)</b> Greet] • bon die

day n • die

day (one -) phr • un belle die

day (the - after tomorrow) n • postdeman

day before yesterday adv • ante-heri

day lily, Hemerocallis [Bot] n • hemerocallide

day-before-yesterday n • anteheri

daybreak n • alba

daydream n • reverie

daydream v • soniar

daydream v • soniar (distractemente)

daylight n • lumine del die

day's cutting or mowing n • falcata

day's journey n • jornata

daze n • esturdimento

daze, stun v • esturdir

daze v • esturdir

dazzle (blinding) n • cecamento

dazzle (pomp) n • pompa

dazzle v • cecar

dazzling brightness, fulgor n • fulgor

deacon [Bib] n • diacono

deacon (member of the order of clergy immediately below that of priest) n • diacono (-à-)

deacon (member of the order of clergy immediately below that of priest) n • diacono

deaconess (1. [Early Chr. Ch]; 2. member of a Protestant sisterhood devoted to works of charity and religion) n • diaconessa

dead adj • morte

dead (at - of night) phr • in le medio del nocte

dead n • morte

dead heat [Horse Racing] n • dead heat [A]

dead heat [Horse Racing] n • dead heat

dead man or person, deceased n • morto

deaden (feelings, taste) v • amortir

deaden v • amortir

dead-end n • impasse

deadening, subduing (act of) n • amortimento

dead-letter n • littera morte

deadline n • data ultime

deadline n • data limitar

deadlock n • impasse

deadly, fatal, death-bearing adj • mortifere

deadly nightshade [Bot] n • belladonna

Dead-Sea [Geog] n • Mar Morte

deaf adj • surde

deaf and dumb, deaf-mute adj • surdemute

deaf-aid n • apparato acustic

deaf-and-dumb adj • surdemute

deafen (stun with noise) v • assurdar

deafen v • assurdar

deaf-mute, deaf and dumb adj • surdemute

deafness n • surditate

deal (a blow) vt • dar

deal (a great -) adj • multo

deal (business) n • negotio

deal (business) n • transaction

deal (cards) v • distribuir

deal (do business) vi • mercar

deal n • distribution de cartas

deal n • mano de cartas

deal, trade (do business) v • commerciar

deal, trade (do business) v • mercar

deal v • facer distribution de cartas

deal v • dar un mano de cartas

deal (wood) n • abiete

dealer, gypsum worker n • gypsero

dealer, marketer, merchant n • mercator

dealer, merchant n • mercante

dealer, merchant (one engaged in trade) n • negotiante

dealer n • negotiante

dealer n • venditor

dealer n • mercante

dealer in notions, small-ware dealer n • mercero

dealer in sand n • arenero

deal-in v • commerciar in

deal-with (concern) v • tractar se de

deal-with (trade) v • commerciar con

deal-with (treat) v • arrangiar

deambulation, stroll n • deambulation

deambulatory, sauntering adj • deambulatori

dean (head of a cathedral chapter) n • decano

dean n • decano

dean (senior member of a faculty or any other body) n • decano

deanery n • decanato

deanship (deanery) n • decanato

dear (beloved) adj • car

dear (expensive) adj • car

dear (lovable) adj • car

death, decease n • transpassamento

death (decease) n • decesso

death (demise) n • obito (ò-)

death (demise) n • obito

death n • decesso

death n • transpasso

death n • morte

death (put to -) v • poner a morte

death (sentence to -) v • condemnar a morte

death-bearing, deadly, fatal adj • mortifere

death-certificate n • certificato de morte

death-duty n • derectos de succession

deathly adv • fatal

deathly adv • mortifere

death-rate (taxa de) n • mortalitate

death-sentence n • sententia de morte

debar v • excluder

debarkation, disembarkation n • disbarcamento

debarkation, disembarkation n • disimbarcation

debase (coinage) v • alterar

debase, degrade (exert a demoralizing influence on) v • incanaliar

debase (degrade) v • degradar

debasing, degrading adj • degradante

debatable adj • debattibile

debatable adj • discutibile

debate n • debatto

debate n • discussion

debate v • agitar

debate v • discuter

debate v • debatter

debauchery n • dissolutessa, depravation, vitiositate

debile, weakly, feeble adj • debile

debilitate, weaken, enfeeble v • debilitar

debilitation n • debilitation

debility n • debilitate

debit n • debito (dé-)

debit n • debito

debit v • debitar

debouch, issue forth v • disbuccar

debouching, issuing forth (action of) n • disbuccamento

debride [Surg] v • disbridar

debris n • restos

debris n • fragmentos

debt (be in -) v • esser indebitate

debt n • debita

debt n • debito

debt n • debita (dé-)

debt (run into -) v • indebitar se

debtor n • debitor

debut (first public appearance of an actor, singer) n • début [F]

debut (first public appearance of an actor, singer) n • début

debut n • debut

debutant n • débutant

debutant n • débutant [F]

debutante n • débutante [F]

debutante n • débutante

dec-, deca- (ten) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] adj • deca-

decade (1. period of ten days; 2. division of a book consisting of ten parts) n • decade

decade (1. period of ten days; 2. division of a book consisting of ten parts) n • decade (dé-)

decade n • decennio

decade (period of ten years) n • decennio

decadence n • decadentia

decadent adj • decadente

decagon [Geom] n • decagono

decagonal, decagon adj • decagon

decagram n • decagramma

decahedron [Geom] n • decahedro

decaliter n • decalitro

decaliter n • decalitro (-à-)

Decalog (ue) n • decalogo

Decalog (ue) n • decalogo (-à-)

decameter (1. [Pros]; 2. [Meas]) n • decametro (-à-)

decameter (1. [Pros]; 2. [Meas]) n • decametro

decamp (1. to break up a camp; 2. to depart quickly) v • discampar

decampment n • discampamento

decant, transvase v • transvasar

decant v • transvasar

decanter n • carrafa

decapitate (behead) v • decapitar

decapod, decapodous adj • decapode

decapod, decapodous adj • decapode (-à-)

decapod [Zool] n • decapodo

decapod [Zool] n • decapodo (-à-)

decarbonization n • discarburation

decarbonize, decarbonate v • discarbonatar

decarbonize n • discarburar

decarbonize v • discarburar

decastere [Metric System] n • decastereo

decasyllabic adj • decasyllabe

decasyllabic adj • decasyllabe (-sì-)

decasyllable, decasyllabic n • decasyllabo (-sì-)

decasyllable, decasyllabic n • decasyllabo

decathlon n • decathlon

decay, become decadent, decline v • decader

decay (fall into -) v • cader in decadentia

decay (fall into -) v • ruinas

decay (of teeth) n • carie

decay (rot) n • decomposition

decay (rot) n • decadentia

decay (rot) vi • decader

decay (rot) vi • decomponer

decay, taint n • corruption

decay (teeth) v • cariar

decayed (decrepit) adj • decadite

decayed (decrepit) adj • decrepite

decayed (of teeth) adj • cariate

decayed (rotten) adj • putride

decayed, tainted, infeeted, rotten adj • corrupte

decease, death n • transpassamento

decease, die v • deceder [-ced-/-cess-]

decease, die v • deceder

decease n • decesso

decease vi • deceder

deceased adj • decedite

deceased, dead man or person n • morto

deceased, defunct adj • defuncte

deceased, defunct n • defuncto

deceased n • decedito

deceit, deception n • deception

deceit n • deception

deceitful adj • fallace

deceitful adj • fraudulente

deceive (cause to believe the false, or disbelieve the truth) v • deciper [-cip/-cept-]

deceive (cause to believe the false, or disbelieve the truth) v • deciper

deceive, put under an illusion v • illuder

deceive, put under an illusion v • illuder [-lud-/-lus-]

deceive v • deciper

deceive-oneself v • illuder se

deceiver n • deceptor

decelerate v • relentar

decelerate v • lentar

deceleration n • deceleration

deceleration n • relentamento

deceleration n • allentamento

december n • decembre

December n • decembre

decemvir [Rom. Antiq] n • decemviro (-cém-)

decemvir [Rom. Antiq] n • decemviro

decemviral adj • decemviral

decemvirate n • decemvirato

decency, modesty, propriety n • honestitate

decency, modesty, propriety n • honestate

decency n • decentia

decency n • honestate

decent (1. in accordance with propriety or good taste; 2. respectable) adj • decente

decent adj • honeste

decent adj • decente

decent, modest, proper adj • honeste

decent, proper adj • conveniente

decentralization n • discentralisation

decentralize v • discentralisar

deception, deceit n • deception

deception, fraud n • fraude

deception n • deception

deceptive adj • illusori

deceptive adj • fallace

deciare (one tenth part of an are) n • deciar

decibel n • decibel

decide (1. to determine, settle; 2. to cause to reach a decision) v • decider

decide (1. to determine, settle; 2. to cause to reach a decision) v • decider [-cid-/-cis-]

decide v • decider

decide v • resolver

decide v • decider (se)

decide v • resolver (se)

decide in favor of (-our of) v • optar pro

decided (1. firm, resolute; 2. clear, definite) adj • decise

decided adj • decise

decided adj • incontestabile

deciduous adj • caduc

decigram n • deci-gramma

deciliter n • deci-litro

deciliter n • deci-litro (-cì-)

decimal adj • decimal

decimal n • fraction decimal

decimal-point n • puncto decimal

decimate v • decimar

decimation n • decimation

decimator n • decimator

decimeter n • deci-metro (-cì-)

decimeter n • deci-metro

decipher v • decifrar

decipherable adj • decifrabile

decipherer n • decifrator

deciphering (act of) n • deciframento

decision (1. act of deciding; 2. firmness, resolution) n • decision

decision (come to a -) v • prender un partito

decision n • resolution

decision n • decision

decision, resolution n • deliberation

decisive adj • decisive

decisive adj • decretori

decisive (settling something beyond question) adj • decisive

decistere [Metric System] n • decistereo

deck [Naut] n • ponte

deck (of cards) n • joco

deck (of ship) n • ponte

deck v • ornar

deck out, attire v • revestir

deckchair n • sede plicabile

deckhand n • marinero

deck-out v • revestir

declaim (1. to recite; 2. to speak in an impassioned manner) v • declamar

declaim, speak rhetorically v • eloquer [-loqu-/-locut-]

declaim, speak rhetorically v • eloquer

declaimer, one who recites n • declamator

declaiming, declamation n • declamation

declamation, declaiming n • declamation

declamatory (or peraining to rhetorical declaiming) adj • declamatori

declaration (formal announcement, strong statement) n • declaration

declaration n • declaration

declarative adj • declarative

declaratory [Law] adj • declaratori

declare (1. to proclaim; 2. to declare dutiable goods) v • declarar

declare v • declarar

declension [Gram] n • declination

declension n • declination

declinable (1. rejectable; 2. [Gram]) adj • declinabile

declination (1. downward bend, slope; 2. [Astron/magnet]) n • declination

declinatory adj • declinatori

decline (1. to fall, sink; 2. to refuse, reject; 3. [Gram]) v • declinar

decline, decay, become decadent v • decader

decline n • declino

decline (process of sinking into a lower or inferior position) n • declination

decline (refuse) v • declinar

decline (worsen) v • decader

decliner (one who declines, rejects) n • declinator

declining adj • declinante

declinometer n • declinometro (-ò-)

declinometer n • declinometro

declutch v • disaccopular

decoct v • decocer [-coc-/-coct-]

decoct v • decocer

decoction (action of decocting) n • decoction

decode v • decifrar

decollate (behead) v • decollar

decomposable adj • decomponibile

decompose (cause to decompose) v • decomponer [-pon-/-posit-]

decompose (cause to decompose) v • decomponer

decompose v • decomponer

decompose v • decomponer (se)

decomposition n • decomposition

decontaminate v • discontaminar

decontamination n • discontamination

decorate (1. to adorn; 2. to confer a medal, ribbon, on) v • decorar

decorate, garnish, trim v • guarnir

decorate v • decorar

decorate v • guarnir

decorate with fringes, fringe v • frangiar

decorate with fringes, fringe v • frangiar (-jar)

decorating, garnishing, trimming (action of) n • guarnimento

decoration (1. action of decorating; 2. ornament; 3. medal, cross, ribbon) n • decoration

decoration n • guarnimento

decoration n • decoration

decorative adj • decorative

decorator n • decorator

decorous adj • decorose

decortication, barking n • decortication

decorum n • decorum

decorum n • decorum (-cò-)

decoy n • ave de appello

decoy n • esca

decoy v • escar

decrease n • decrescimento

decrease n • decrescentia

decrease n • diminution

decrease v • diminuer

decrease v • decrescer

decrease v • discrescer

decree n • decreto

decree, ordain v • statuer

decree, ordain v • statuer [statu-/statut-;-stitu-/-stitut-]

decree, ordinance n • ordinantia

decree v • decretar

decree v • decerner

decree v • decerner [-cern-/-cret-]

decrepit adj • decrepite

decrepit adj • decrepite (-cré-)

decrepitation n • decrepitation

decrepitude n • decrepitude

decrescendo [Mus] n • decrescendo

decrescendo [Mus] n • decrescendo [I]

decretal [Eccl] n • decretal

decretist [Eccl] n • decretalista

decretory adj • decretori

decuple, tenfold adj • decuple

decuple, tenfold adj • decuple (dé-)

decuple v • decuplar

decuple v • decuplicar

decurrent [Bot] adj • decurrente

decurrent, defluent adj • defluente (ppr of defluer)

decurrent, defluent adj • defluente

dedicate (1. to set apart for a sacred or solemn purpose; 2. to inscribe, address as a mark of gratitude, esteem) v • dedicar

dedicate v • dedicar

dedicate v • consacrar

dedicated adj • scrupulose

dedicated adj • dedicate

dedication (1. act of dedicating to a sacred or solemn purpose; 2. dedicatory inscription) n • dedication

dedication n • dedication

dedicatory (as in dedicatory epistle) adj • dedicatori

deduce, infer v • deducer [-duc-/-duct-]

deduce, infer v • deducer

deduce v • deducer

deducible adj • deducibile

deduct v • discontar

deduct v • deducer [-duc-/-duct-]

deduct v • deducer

deductible adj • deductibile

deduction (1. inference; 2. subtraction) n • deduction

deduction n • deduction

deductive adj • deductive

deed, feat n • facto

deed n • acto

deed, record, instrument [Law] n • acto

deed, thing done n • pragma

deed, thing done n • pragma [-ma/-mat-]

deem, consider v • reputar

deep (low-pitched) adj • grave

deep, profound adj • profunde

deep (profound) adj • profunde

deep bow, obeisance n • reverentia

deep dish, small bowl n • scutella

deepen (make deeper in level) v • approfundar

deepen (make deeper in level) v • profundar

deepen v • approfundar (se)

deepen v • approfundar

deepening, making deeper in level (action of) n • approfundamento

deep-freeze n • congelator

deep-seated adj • radical

deer n • cervo

deface v • disfigurar

defamation, denigration n • denigration

defamation n • diffamation

defamatory adj • diffamatori

defame, denigrate v • denigrar

defame v • diffamar

default (deficiency) n • mancantia

default (non-appearance) n • contumacia

default v • faller a

defeat (loss of a contest) n • defaite [F]

defeat (loss of a contest) n • defaite

defeat n • vincimento

defeat n • defaite

defeat v • disfacer [-fac-/-fact-]

defeat v • disfacer

defeatism n • defaitismo

defeatist adj/n • defaitista

defeatist n • defaitista

defecate (1. to purify from scum and sediment; 2. to excrete) v • defecar

defecation (1. purification from scum and sediment; 2. excretion) n • defecation

defecator, purification tank [Sugar Manuf] n • defecator

defect (as in defect of eyesight) n • vitio

defect, blemish n • menda

defect n • defecto

defect v • desertar

defect v • facer defection

defectibility n • defectibilitate

defectible adj • defectibile

defection (desertion, backsliding) n • defection

defection n • defection

defective (1. having a defect or defects; 2. [Gram]) adj • defective

defective adj • defective

defective, faulty adj • vitiose

defective, faulty adj • mendose

defective (having a defect or defects) adj • defectuose

defence, defense (1. act of defending or protecting; 2. [Law]) n • defensa

defence n • defensa

defenceless adj • sin defensa

defend (1. to guard from attack or harm; 2.</b> Law]) v • defender [-fend-/-fens-]

defend (1. to guard from attack or harm; 2. [Law]) v • defender

defend, fight for v • propugnar

defend v • defender

defendant n • accusator

defender, champion n • propugnator

defender n • defenditor

defender n • defensor

defender, protector [Rom Hist] n • preside (pré-)

defender, protector [Rom Hist] n • preside

defenestration n • defenestration

defense, defence (1. act of defending or protecting; 2. [Law]) n • defensa

defense n • defensa

defensible adj • defendibile

defensible adj • defensibile

defensive adj • defensive

defensive n • defensiva

defensive (position or attitude of defense) n • defensiva

defer, delay v • differer [-fer-/-lat-]

defer, delay v • differer

defer vi • deferer

defer vt • differer

defer vt • ajornar

defer to v • obsequer

deference n • obsequio

deference n • deferentia

deferent [Physiol] adj • deferente

deferential adj • deferente

deferentially adv • deferentemente

defiance n • defiantia

defiant adj • defiante

deficiency n • deficientia

deficiency (quality of being deficient) n • deficientia

deficient adj • deficiente

deficit n • deficit

deficit n • deficit (dé-)

defile, file off [Mil] v • defilar

defile (mil) vi • defilar

defile n • passo stricte

defile vt • polluer

definability n • definibilitate

definable adj • definibile

define (give a definition of) v • definir

define v • definir

definer n • definitor

definite adj • definite

definite adj • decise

definite (clear) adj • determinate pp of determinar

definite [Gram/Bot/Math] adj • definite

definite [Gram/Bot/Math] adj • definite (pp of definir)

definitely adv • categoricamente

definitely adv • decisemente

definition (as in definition of a word) n • definition

definition n • definition

definitive (conclusive, final) adj • definitive

deflagrate, blaze up v • deflagrar

deflagration, conflagration n • deflagration

deflagrator n • deflagrator

deflate v • disinflar

deflate v • deflar

deflation n • deflation

deflect v • derivar

deflect v • disviar

defloration n • defloration

defloration n • disfloramento

deflower (1. to strip of flowers; 2. to deprive of virginity) v • disflorar

deflower (deprive of virginity) v • deflorar

defluent, decurrent adj • defluente (ppr of defluer)

defluent, decurrent adj • defluente

defoliate (strip, deprive, of leaves) v • disfoliar

defoliation (act of depriving of leaves) n • disfoliation

defoliator n • disfoliator

deforest v • deforestar

deform (spoil the form of) v • deformar

deform v • deformar

deformation n • deformation

deformed adj • deforme

deformed, misshapen adj • contrafacte

deformity n • deformitate

defraud, cheat v • fraudar

defraud (the public) v • pecular

defraud v • defraudar

defraudation n • defraudation

defrauder, cheat n • fraudator

defrauder n • defraudator

defrost v • disgelar

deft adj • dextere

defunct adj • defuncte

defunct, deceased adj • defuncte

defunct, deceased n • defuncto

defunct n • defuncto

defy (1. to challenge to combat or competition; 2. to brave) v • defiar

defy v • affrontar

defy v • defiar

degenerate adj • degenerate

degenerate v • degenerar

degeneration (1. process of degenerating; 2. degeneracy) n • degeneration

degenerative adj • degenerative

deglutition, swallowing (act of) n • deglutition

degradation (1. reduction in rank; 2. degraded existence) n • degradation

degradation n • degradation

degrade (1. to reduce in rank; 2. to debase) v • degradar

degrade, debase (exert a demoralizing influence on) v • incanaliar

degrade v • degradar

degrading adj • degradante

degrading, debasing adj • degradante

degree (- of comparison) phr • grado de comparation

degree (1. stage, level, grade; 2. unit of measure for angles, temperature) n • grado

degree (academic) n • licentia

degree (academic) n • diploma

degree (by -s) phr • per grados

degree (calibration) n • grado

degree (high -) phr • alte grado

degree (level) n • grado

degree, rank [Mil/Acad. etc] n • grado

degree (thermometer) n • grado

dehorn v • discornar

dehumanize v • dehumanisar

dehydrate v • dishydratar

dehydrate v • dishydrator

dehydration n • dishydration

de-ice v • disgelar

de-ice v • dispruinar

de-icer n • dispruinator

deicide (act of killing a god) n • deicidio

deicide (one who kills a god) n • deicida

deific adj • deific (-ìfic)

deific adj • deific

deification n • divinisation

deification n • deification

deify v • deificar

deify v • divinisar

deign v • dignar

deism n • deismo

deism n • deismo (-ìz-)

deist n • deista

deist n • deista (-ìs-)

deity n • divo

deity n • deitate

dejected adj • abattite

dejected, downcast adj • abattite (pp of abatter)

dejected, downcast adj • abattite

dejection (1. discharge of excrement; 2. excrement) [Physiol] n • dejection

dejection, despondency n • abattimento

dejection (discharge of excrement) [Physiol] n • ejection

dejection n • abattimento

delay, defer v • differer [-fer-/-lat-]

delay, defer v • differer

delay (keep back) vt • retardar

delay (make slow or late, retard) v • retardar

delay (move slowly, linger) v • tardar

delay n • demora

delay n • mora

delay n • retardo

delay (of payment) v • arretrar

delay, retard (as in delay of a day) n • retardo

delay, tarry, linger v • morar

delay v • arretrar

delay vi • retardar

delectability n • delectabilitate

delectable, delightful adj • delectabile

delectation n • delectation

delegate (1. to send as a delegate; 2. to entrust to the care or management of) v • delegar

delegate n • delegato

delegate, send as an envoy v • legar

delegate v • delegar

delegate's adj • delegatori

delegation (1. action of sending as a delegate; 2. as in delegation of authority; 3. group of delegates) n • delegation

delegation n • delegation

delete v • deler

delete v • deler</b> del-/delet-]

deletion n • deletion

deliberate adj • deliberate

deliberate v • deliberar

deliberately adv • deliberatemente

deliberation (action of deliberating) n • deliberation

deliberation, consultation n • consulta

deliberation, consultation n • consultation

deliberative adj • deliberative

deliberator n • deliberator

delible adj • delibile

delicacy (1. exquisite fineness of substance, texture, constitution; 2. sensitiveness, fineness of feeling) n • delicatessa

delicacy n • delicatessa

delicate (1. exquisite, fine delicious; 2. finely sensitive, easily affected) adj • delicate

delicate adj • delicate

delicately tinted, soft [Art] adj • morbide

delicious (1. delightful; 2. pleasing to taste or smell) adj • deliciose

delicious adj • deliciose

delight (cause delight to) v • delectar

delight, joy n • delecto

delight, joy, pleasure n • delicia

delight n • delecto

delight, pleasure n • voluptate

delight v • delectar

delight v • delectar (se)

delighted adj • incantate

delightful adj • delectabile

delightful, delectable adj • delectabile

delimit v • delimitar

delimitation n • delimitation

delineation (action of tracing in outline) n • delineation

delineation (action of tracing in outline) n • delineamento

delineator n • delineator

delinquency n • delinquentia

delinquent adj/n • delinquente

delinquent (guilty of a misdeed or offense) adj • delinquente

delinquent n • delinquente

deliquesce [Chem] v • deliquescer

deliquescence [Chem] n • deliquescentia

deliquescent [Chem] adj • deliquescente (ppr of deliquescer)

deliquescent [Chem] adj • deliquescente

delirious adj • delirante

delirious adj • delirante (ppr of delirar)

delirious (be -) v • delirar

delirium n • delirio

delitescence n • delitescentia

delitescent adj • delitescente

deliver (1. to set free; 2. [Med]) v • delivrar

deliver (1. to surrender; 2. as in to deliver goods, messages) v • livrar

deliver (a speech) v • pronunciar

deliver (goods) v • livrar

deliver [Med] • delivrar

deliver (set free) v • delivrar

deliver (set free) v • liberar

deliver a monologue, monologize v • monologar

deliverance (liberation) n • delivrantia

deliverance n • delivrantia

delivery (1. surrender; 2. as in delivery of goods, messages) n • livration

delivery (goods) n • livration

delivery [Med] • delivration

delivery [Med] n • delivrantia

delivery (setting free) n • liberation

delivery (setting free) n • delivration

delivery man n • livrator

deliveryman n • livrator

delouse v • expedicular

delousing station n • expulicatorio

delphinium [Bot] n • delphinium (-phì-)

delphinium [Bot] n • delphinium

delta (1. fourth letter of the Greek alphabet; 2. [Geog]) n • delta

delta n • delta

deltaic adj • deltaic

deltaic adj • deltaic (-àic)

delta-shaped, deltoid adj • deltoide

deltation, deltification [Geog] n • deltation

deltification, deltation [Geog] n • deltation

deltoid, delta-shaped adj • deltoide

deltoid (muscle) [Anat] n • deltoide

deltoid (pertaining to the deltoid muscle) adj • deltoidee (-ée)

deltoid (pertaining to the deltoid muscle) adj • deltoidee

delude v • deluder

delude v • deluder [-lud-/-lus-]

delude v • illusionar

delude by jugglery v • prestigiar

delude-oneself v • blandir se

deluding, delusion (act of) n • deludimento

deluge n • diluvio

deluge v • inundar

delusion, deluding (act of) n • deludimento

delusion n • delusion

delusive, delusory adj • delusori

delusive, misleading, fallacious adj • fallace

delusory, delusive adj • delusori

delve v • foder

delve-into v • immerger se in

demagogic adj • demagogic

demagogism, demagogy n • demagogismo

demagogue n • demagogo

demagoguery, demagogy n • demagogeria

demagoguery, demagogy n • demagogeria (-ìa)

demagogy, demagogism n • demagogismo

demagogy, demagoguery n • demagogeria (-ìa)

demagogy, demagoguery n • demagogeria

demagogy n • demagogia

demagogy n • demagogia (-ìa)

demand (1. [Law]; 2. [Econ]) n • demanda

demand (ask) v • demandar

demand, claim, exact v • peter

demand (insist) v • exiger

demand n • demanda

demand n • exigentia

demandant, plaintiff n • demandator

demarcate v • demarcar

demarcation n • demarcation

demarcation-line n • linea de demarcation

demean v • degradar

dement v • dementar

demented adj • demente

demented, insane adj • demente

dementedness, insanity, dementia n • dementia

dementia, dementedness, insanity n • dementia

demerit n • demerito

demerit n • demerito (-mé-)

demigod n • semideo (-éo)

demigod n • semideo

demigoddess n • semidea (-éa)

demigoddess n • semidea

demilitarization n • dismilitarisation

demilitarize v • dismilitarisar

demission, resignation n • dimission

demister n • ventilator

demiurge (1. [Philos]; 2. [Gr. Antiq]) n • demiurgo

demobilization [Mil] n • demobilisation

demobilize [Mil] v • demobilisar

democracy n • democratia (-ìa)

democracy n • democratia

democrat n • democrate (-ò-)

democrat n • democrate

democratic adj • democratic

demographer n • demographo (-ò-)

demographer n • demographo

demographic adj • demographic

demography n • demographia

demography n • demographia (-ìa)

demolish v • demolir

demolish, wreck v • demolir

demolisher n • demolitor

demolition n • demolition

demon, evil spirit n • demonio

demon (evil spirit) n • demone

demon n • demone

demonetization n • dismonetisation

demonetize v • dismonetisar

demoniac, demoniacal (1. pertaining to an evil spirit or evil spirits; 2. possessed by an evil spirit) adj • demoniac

demoniac, demoniacal (1. pertaining to an evil spirit or evil spirits; 2. possessed by an evil spirit) adj • demoniac (-ì-)

demonolater n • demonolatra (-nò-)

demonolater n • demonolatra

demonolatry n • demonolatria (-ìa)

demonolatry n • demonolatria

demonology n • demonologia

demonology n • demonologia (-ìa)

demonomania n • demonomania

demonomania n • demonomania (-ìa)

demonstrability n • demonstrabilitate

demonstrable adj • demonstrabile

demonstrate [Pol] • manifestar

demonstrate (show, make evident) v • demonstrar

demonstrate (show) v • demonstrar

demonstration (display, proof) n • demonstration

demonstration n • demonstration

demonstration [Pol] • manifestation

demonstrative (1. showing clearly, conclusive; 2. [Gram]) adj • demonstrative

demonstrative adj • demonstrative

demonstrator (1. one who shows, makes evident; 2. one who takes part in a public demonstration) n • demonstrator

demonstrator (all senses) n • demonstrator

demonstrator [Pol] • manifestator

demoralization (act of demoralizing or state of being demoralized) n • dismoralisation

demoralize (destroy the morals or morale of) v • dismoralisar

demoralize v • dismoralisar

demoralizer n • dismoralisator

demos (1. people or commons, especially of a Greek state; 2. deme, township of Attica) [Gr. Antiq] n • demo

demote v • reducer a un grado inferior

demotic [Egypt. Archaeol] adj • demotic

demure adj • modeste

den n • cava, antro

den n • antro, cava

denationalization n • disnationalisation

denationalize v • disnationalisar

denaturation n • disnaturation

denature (alter the nature of) v • disnaturar

denature (render unfit for eating or drinking) v • denaturar

denazification n • disnazification

denazify v • disnazificar

dendr-, dendro- (tree) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • dendro-

dendrite [Mineral] n • dendrite

dendritic adj • dendritic

dendrology n • dendrologia

dendrology n • dendrologia (-ìa)

denial (as in affirmation or denial) n • denegation

denial, disowning, repudiation n • renegamento

denial n • denegation

denial (self -) n • abnegation

denigrate, defame v • denigrar

denigration, defamation n • denigration

denigrator, slanderer n • denigrator

denim adj • de jeans

denim (cloth) n • tela de jeans

denims (jeans) n • blue-jeans

denim-skirt n • gonnella de jeans

Denmark [Geog] n • Le Danemark

Denmark n • Danmark

denominate, name, designate v • denominar

denomination (characteristic name given to a thing or class of things) n • denomination

denomination (class, name) n • denomination

denomination [Relig] • confession

denominative (conferring a denomination or name) adj • denominative

denominator (1. person or thing that names; 2. [Math]) n • denominator

denominator n • denominator

denotation, indication n • denotation

denotative adj • denotative

denote (signify by a visible sign) v • denotar

denote v • denotar

denounce, inform against v • denunciar

denounce v • denunciar

denouncer n • denunciator

dense adj • dense

dense adj • spisse

dense (close, thick) adj • dense

dense, compact adj • compacte

density (1. closeness, thickness; 2. [Physics]) n • densitate

density n • densitate

density n • spissor

dent n • indentation

dent n • marca de colpo

dent v • indentar

dent v • marcar

dental adj • dental

dental (pertaining to the teeth or to dentistry) adj • dentari

dental [Phonet] n • dental

dentation (state of being dentate) n • dentation

denticle, dentil [Arch] n • denticulo

denticulate adj • denticulate

dentifrice n • dentifricio

dentil, denticle [Arch] n • denticulo

dentine, ivory n • dentina

dentirostral (having a toothed bill) [Zool] adj • dentirostre

dentist n • dentista

dentistry n • dentisteria

dentistry n • dentisteria (-ìa)

dentition, teething n • dentation

denture n • dentatura

denture, set of teeth n • dentatura

denudation n • denudation

denude, bare v • denudar

denunciation (act of informing against) n • denunciation

denunciative adj • denunciative

deny, contradict v • disdicer

deny, disown, repudiate v • renegar

deny, disown v • dismentir

deny (disown) v • renegar

deny (say no) v • negar

deny v • negar

deny v • denegar

deny oneself, abnegate v • abnegar

deny oneself v • abnegar

deodorant adj • disodorante

deoxidization n • disoxydation

deoxidize v • disoxydar

depart, leave v • partir

depart v • partir

depart, withdraw v • deceder

depart, withdraw v • deceder [-ced-/-cess-]

department (admin. division) n • departimento

department (administrative division) n • departimento

department, ministry [Gov] n • ministerio

department (ministry) n • ministerio

departmental adj • departimental

department-store n • grande magazin

departure (act of leaving) n • partita

departure n • partita

depend v • depender

dependence, dependency n • dependentia

dependence (state of) n • domesticitate

dependent, depending adj • dependente

depict v • depinger [-ping-/-pict-]

depict v • depinger

depiction n • depiction

depilate, remove the hair from v • pilar

depilate, remove the hair from v • depilar

depilation n • depilation

depilatory adj • depilatori

depilatory n • depilatorio

deplete v • depler

depletion [Med] n • depletion

depletive [Med] adj • depletive

deplorable adj • deplorabile

deploration, lamentation n • deploration

deplore, bewail v • miserar

deplore v • deplorar

deploy, deployment n • displicamento

deploy (troops) v • displicar

deployment, deploy n • displicamento

depolarization n • dispolarisation

depolarize v • dispolarisar

deponent [Gram] n • deponente

depopulate v • depopular

depopulate v • dispopular

depopulation (act of depopulating) n • dispopulamento

depopulation n • depopulation

deport (exile) v • deportar

deportation (banishment) n • deportation

depose (1. to remove from a position of dignity; 2. to depone, testify) v • deponer [-pon-/-posit-]

depose (1. to remove from a position of dignity; 2. to depone, testify) v • deponer

deposit (1. thing deposited for safekeeping; 2. depository, depot; 3. sediment) n • deposito

deposit (1. thing deposited for safekeeping; 2. depository, depot; 3. sediment) n • deposito (-pò-)

deposit (1. to lay down; 2. to put in a place for safekeeping) v • deponer [-pon-/-posit-]

deposit (1. to lay down; 2. to put in a place for safekeeping) v • deponer

deposit (1. to put in a place for safekeeping; 2. to lay down as sediment) v • depositar

deposit, stratum, layer [Geol] n • jacimento

depositary (one who receives a diposit) n • depositario

deposition (1. removal from position of dignity; 2. testimony) n • deposition

deposition (depositing for safekeeping) n • deposito

deposition (depositing for safekeeping) n • deposito (-pò-)

depot (depository) n • deposito

depot (for trams, etc) n • remissa

depravation, depravity n • depravation

deprave, corrupt v • vitiar

deprave, make depraved v • depravar

deprave v • depravar

depraved adj • depravate

depraved, corrupt adj • depravate

depraved, corrupt adj • depravate (pp of depravar)

depraved, wicked, vicious adj • vitiose

depraver n • depravator

depravity, depravation n • depravation

depravity n • depravation

depravity, pravity n • pravitate

deprecate (seek to avert by prayer) v • deprecar

deprecation (prayer that an evil may be prevented) n • deprecation

deprecative, deprecatory adj • deprecative

deprecative, deprecatory adj • deprecatori

deprecator n • deprecator

deprecatory, deprecative adj • deprecatori

deprecatory, deprecative adj • deprecative

depreciate (lessen the value of) v • depreciar

depreciate v • depreciar

depreciation (lessening in value) n • depreciation

depreciation n • depreciation

depreciator n • depreciator

depredate, plunder, pillage v • depredar

depredate, plunder, rob v • predar

depredation n • depredation

depredator, plunderer n • depredator

depress (1. to press down; 2. to make sad or gloomy) v • deprimer [-prim-/-press-]

depress (1. to press down; 2. to make sad or gloomy) v • deprimer

depress v • deprimer

depressed adj • depresse

depressed (gloomy, in low spirits) adj • depresse

depressing (morally) adj • depressive

depression (1. act of pressing down; 2. gloominess, low spirits) n • depression

depression n • depression

depressor, depressor muscle [Anat] n • depressor

deprivation n • deprivation

deprive v • privar

deprive of what is necessary v • disprovider

deprived adj • private

deprived adj • destitute

depth (being deep) n • profunditate

depth (deep place) n • profundo

depth, profundity (quality of being deep or profound) n • profunditate

depurate, cleanse, clear v • depurar

depuration, cleansing, clearing n • depuration

depurative, blood-cleanser [Med] n • depurativo

depurative [Med] adj • depurative

deputation (1. appointment as a deputy; 2. group of deputies) n • deputation

deputation n • deputation

depute, deputize v • deputar

deputize, depute v • deputar

deputize v • deputar

deputy adj • adjuncte

deputy, assistant n • adjuncto

deputy n • deputato

deputy n • adjuncto

deputy, substitute n • suppletor

deputyship n • deputation

derail, leave the tracks v • derailar (-rél-)

derail, leave the tracks v • derailar

derail vi • derailar

derail vt • facer derailar

derailment (act of leaving the tracks) n • derailamento (-rél-)

derailment (act of leaving the tracks) n • derailamento

derailment n • derailamento

derange, disarrange, disorder v • disrangiar

derange, disarrange, disorder v • disrangiar (-jar)

derange, distemper v • distemperar

derangement, disarrangement n • disrangiamento

derangement, disarrangement n • disrangiamento (-ja-)

Derby [Geog] n • Derby

Derby [Geog] n • Derby [A]

derelict adj • derelicte

deride v • irrider [-rid-/-ris-]

deride v • irrider

deride v • derider [-rid-/-ris-]

deride v • derider

derider n • irrisor

derision n • derision

derision n • irrision

derisive, derisory adj • derisori

derisive, derisory adj • irrisori

derisory adj • derisori

derisory, derisive adj • irrisori

derisory, derisive adj • derisori

derivable adj • derivabile

derivation (1. [Med]; 2. [Gram]) n • derivation

derivation n • derivation

derivative (1. [Med]; 2. derived) adj • derivative

derivative adj • derivative

derivative [Gram] • derivato

derivative [Med] • derivativo

derivative [Med] n • derivativo

derive (1. to obtain (from a source); 2. to be derived) v • derivar

derive v • derivar

derma [Anat/Zool] n • derma

derma [Anat/Zool] n • derma [-ma/-mat-]

dermatitis [Med] n • dermatitis

dermatitis [Med] n • dermatitis (-ìtis)

dermatoid n • dermatoide

dermatologist n • dermatologo

dermatologist n • dermatologo (-tò-)

dermatology n • dermatologia

dermatology n • dermatologia (-ìa)

derogation (1. act of limiting the application of a law, rule; 2. disparagement, depreciation) n • derogation

derogatory adj • derogatori

derogatory (as in derogatory remark) adj • derogatori

derrick n • turre de sondage

dervish n • dervich

dervish n • dervich (-sh)

descant (1. counterpoint above the plain song; 2. upper part in part music) [Mus] n • discanto

descant (sing a descant or counterpoint above the plain song) [Mus] v • discantar

descend v • descender [-scend-/-scens-]

descend v • descender

descendance, descent (descent from a particular ancestor) n • descendentia

descendant n • descendente

descendants n • descendentia

descending adj/pres. part • descendente

descent (action of descending) n • descendita

descent (action of descending) n • descension

descent (action of descending) n • descendita (-cén-)

descent, descendance (descent from a particular ancestor) n • descendentia

descent n • descendita

describable adj • descriptibile

describable, explainable adj • enarrabile

describe (1. to describe a view, a person; 2. to describe a curve) v • describer

describe (1. to describe a view, a person; 2. to describe a curve) v • describer [-scrib-/-script-]

describe v • describer

describer n • descriptor

description n • description

descriptive adj • descriptive

descriptive botany, phytography n • phytographia

descriptive botany, phytography n • phytographia (-ìa)

desert, abandon v • deserer

desert, abandon v • deserer [-ser-/-sert-]

desert adj • deserte

desert (as in desert region) adj • desertic

desert (as in desert region) adj • deserte

desert (merit) n • merito

desert n • deserto

desert v • desertar

desert (wasteland) n • deserto

deserter n • desertor

desertion n • desertion

deserve, merit v • meritar

deserve, merit v • merer

deserve v • meritar

deserved, adequate adj • condigne

deserved (well -) adv • ben meritate

deservedly adv • meritate

deservedly adv • meritate (ben - )

deserving adj • digne

deserving, worthy adj • digne

deshabille, dishabille n • déshabillé [F]

deshabille, dishabille n • déshabillé

desiccate, dry up v • desiccar

desiccation n • desiccation

desiccative adj • desiccative

desiderative [Gram] adj • desiderative

desideratum n • desideratum

desideratum n • desideratum (pl desiderata) [L]

design, intend v • designar

design n • designo

design (scheme, plan) n • designo

design v • designar

designate adj • designate

designate, denominate, name v • denominar

designate v • designar

designation n • designation

designative adj • designative

desilver, remove the silver from v • disargentar

desinence, ending [Gram] n • desinentia

desinential, terminal adj • desinential

desirability n • convenientia

desirability n • attractivitate

desirable adj • desirabile

desirable adj • desiderabile

desirable, appetible adj • appetibile

desire n • desiro

desire v • desirar

desire, wish n • desiderio

desire, wish n • desiro

desire, wish, wish for v • desirar

desire, wish, wish for v • desiderar

desirous adj • desiderative

desirous adj • desiderose

desirous adj • desirose

desist v • desister

desistance n • desistentia

desk n • bureau

desk n • scriptorio

desk, writing desk n • scriptorio

desk writing table, bureau n • bureau [F]

desk writing table, bureau n • bureau

desolate (1. to devastate; 2. to afflict, distress) v • desolar

desolate adj • desolate

desolate, distressed adj • desolate (pp of desolar)

desolate, distressed adj • desolate

desolate v • desolar

desolater n • desolator

desolation (1. devastation) n • desolation

desolation (2. dreary barrenness) n • desolation

desolation (3. affliction) n • desolation

desolation n • desolation

despair (drive to -) v • desperar

despair, hopelessness n • desperantia

despair n • despero

despair v • desperar

despatch, send off, dispatch v • expedir

desperate adj • desperate

desperateness (desperation) n • desperation

desperation (desperateness) n • desperation

desperation n • despero

despicable adj • contemptibile

despise v • despicer [-spic-/-spect-]

despise v • despicer

despise v • contemner

despise v • minuspreciar

despise, vilipend, hold cheap v • vilipender

despiser, contemner n • contemptor

despite, in spite of prep • nonobstante

despite n • despecto

despite prep • malgrado

despite prep • in despecto de

despite, resentment, spite n • despecto

despoil, spoliate v • despoliar

despoil, strip v • spoliar

despoiling, stripping n • spoliamento

despoliation, spoliation n • despoliamento

despondency, dejection n • abattimento

despondent adj • discoragiate

despondent adj • abattite

despot n • despota (dés-)

despot n • despota

despotic adj • despotic

despotism n • despotismo

despotize, tyrannize v • despotisar

dessert n • dessert [F]

dessert n • dessert

dessert-spoon n • coclear de dessert

destination (1. action of destining; 2. place of destination) n • destination

destination n • destination

destine (set apart for a particular purpose or use) v • destinar

destine v • destinar

destiny, lot n • sorte

destiny n • destino

destiny (one's lot or fortune) n • destino

destitute (1. deprived, lacking; 2. in great need or want) adj • destitute

destitute adj • inope (ìn-)

destitute adj • indigente

destitute adj • inope

destitute adj • destitute

destitute (not possessing the necessities of life) adj • disproviste

destitution n • inopia

destitution n • destitution

destitution (state of being destitute) n • destitution

destroy v • deler [del-/delet-]

destroy v • deler

destroy v • destruer

destroy v • destruer [-stru-/-struct-]

destroy the legal force of v • vitiar

destroyer [Nav] n • chassa-torpedineros

destroyer (one who or that which destroys) n • destructor

destroyer (person or thing that destroys) n • destructor

destroying by fire, burning (act of) n • ustion

destructibility n • destructibilitate

destructible adj • destructibile

destruction n • destruction

destruction n • deletion

destruction, ruin n • eversion

destruction, ruin n • pernicie

destructive adj • destructive

desuetude n • desuetude

detach (1. to unfasten and separate; 2. [Mil]) v • distaccar

detach v • distaccar (se)

detach v • distaccar

detachable adj • distaccabile

detached adj • isolate

detached adj • separate

detachment (1. act of unfastening and separating; 2. [Mil]) n • distaccamento

detachment n • distaccamento

detail (individual item, particular) n • detalio

detail n • detalio

detail (tell in detail) v • detaliar

detail v • detaliar

detailed adj • minutiose

detailed adj • detaliate

detailed, thorough adj • minutiose

detain (keep in custody, confine) v • detener

detain (keep in custody, confine) v • detener [-ten-/-tent-]

detain v • detener

detain v • retener

detain, withhold, hinder, keep, hold v • retener

detain, withhold, hinder, keep, hold v • retener [-ten-/-tent-]

detainer (one who detains) n • detentor

detect, uncover v • deteger

detect, uncover v • deteger [-teg-/-tect-]

detect v • discoperir

detect v • deteger

detection n • discoperta

detective adj • detective

detective n • detective

detective n • detective [A]

detector [Elec/Radio] n • detector

detente n • distension

detente n • detente

detente n • diplomatic

detention, imprisonment, confinement n • detention

detention, imprisonment, confinement n • detenimento

detention n • retention

detention n • detention

deter v • discoragiar

deter v • dissuader

detergent adj • detersive

detergent n • detersivo

deteriorate v • deteriorar se

deterioration n • deterioration

determinability n • determinabilitate

determinable adj • determinabile

determinant [Math] n • determinante

determination (1. act of fixing precisely; 2. fixed intention, resolution; 3. resoluteness) n • determination

determination n • determination

determinative adj • determinative

determine (1. to be the deciding factor in settling the form, function of; 2. to fix precisely) v • determinar

determine (measure by means of compasses) v • compassar

determine v • determinar (se)

determine v • determinar

determiner n • determinator

determinism n • determinismo

determinist n • determinista

deterrent adj • preventive

deterrent n • preventive

detest v • detestar

detestable adj • detestabile

detestation n • detestation

dethrone, uncrown v • discoronar

dethrone v • disthronar

dethronement n • disthronamento

detonate (explode) v • detonar

detonate vi • detonar

detonate vt • facer detonar

detonation n • detonation

detonator n • detonator

detour n • deviation

detour, roundabout way n • deviation

detract, detract from v • detraher [-trah-/-tract-]

detract, detract from v • detraher

detract v • detraher

detract from, detract v • detraher

detract from, detract v • detraher [-trah-/-tract-]

detraction n • detraction

detractor n • detractor

detriment n • detrimento

detrimental adj • detrimentose

detritus n • detrito

deuter-, deutero- (second) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] adj • deuter-

deuterium, heavy hydrogen [Phys/Chem] n • deuterium

deuterium, heavy hydrogen [Phys/Chem] n • deuterium (-té-)

deuteron [Phys/Chem] n • deuteron

Deuteronomy [Bib] n • Deuteronomio

deuton [Phys/Chem] n • deuton

deutoxide [Chem] n • deutoxydo

deutoxide [Chem] n • deutoxydo (-tò-)

devaluate v • devalutar

devaluation n • devalutation

devalue v • devalutar

devalue v • devalutar (se)

devastate v • devastar

devastation (act of devastating) n • devastation

devastation n • devastation

devastator n • devastator

develop, evolve (1. to undergo an evolution or development; 2 . to cause to evolve or develop) v • evolver

develop, evolve (1. to undergo an evolution or development; 2 . to cause to evolve or develop) v • evolver [-volv-/-volut-]

develop [Photog] v • revelar

develop v • disveloppar

develop v • disveloppar (se)

develop rabies, go mad v • rabiar

developer n • disveloppator

developer [Photog] n • revelator

developer [Photog] n • disveloppator

developing (act of) [Photog] n • disveloppamento

development n • disveloppamento

developmental adj • disveloppamental

deviate (1. to have declination or latitude; 2. to vary from the true magnetic meridian) [Astron/magnet] v • declinar

deviate, aberrate v • aberrar

deviate (as in his statement deviates from the truth) v • deviar

deviate v • deviar

deviation n • deviation

device (1. [Her]; 2. motto) n • devisa

device (apparatus) n • apparato

device (heraldry) n • devisa

device (means) n • expediente

devil n • diabolo

devil (spirit of evil) n • diabolo (-à-)

devil (spirit of evil) n • diabolo

devilish adj • diabolic

devilish, diabolic, diabolical adj • diabolic

devilry, deviltry (devilish mischief) n • diaboleria

devilry, deviltry (devilish mischief) n • diaboleria (-ìa)

deviltry, devilry (devilish mischief) n • diaboleria

deviltry, devilry (devilish mischief) n • diaboleria (-ìa)

devious adj • devie

devise, invent v • imaginar

devise v • inventar

devise v • imaginar

devising, contrivance, excogitation n • excogitation

devoid adj • disproviste

devolution (as in the devolution of the crown) n • devolution

devolve (transfer) v • devolver [-volv-/-volut-]

devolve (transfer) v • devolver

devote (dedicate, consecrate) v • devotar

devote v • devotar

devoted adj • devote

devoted, pious adj • pie

devotee, devout person n • devoto

devotee n • devoto medio

devotion (1. [Relig]; 2. devotion to a person, cause) n • devotion

devotion n • devotion

devotional adj • devote

devotions n • precarias

devour v • devorar

devour v • vorar

devourer n • devorator

devout adj • beate

devout adj • devote

devout person, devotee n • devoto

dew n • rore

dew n • ros

dewy adj • roral

dexterity n • dexteritate

dexterous adj • dextere

dexterous adj • dextere, dextre

dextrin n • dextrina

dextrogyrous adj • dextrogyr

diabetes n • diabete

diabetic adj • diabetic

diabetic n • diabetico

diabolic adj • diabolic

diabolic, diabolical, devilish adj • diabolic

diabolical, devilish, diabolic adj • diabolic

diabolo [Game] n • diabolo(-à-)

diacaustic [Math] adj • diacaustic

diaconal adj • diaconal

diaconate n • diaconato

diadem n • diadema

diagnose v • diagnosticar

diagnosis (1. [Med]; 2. [Biol]) n • diagnose

diagnosis, diagnostics n • diagnostico

diagnosis n • diagnose

diagnostic adj • diagnostic

diagnostics, diagnosis n • diagnostico

diagonal adj • diagonal

diagonal adj/n • diagonal

diagonal n • diagonal

diagonally adv • diagonalmente

diagram n • diagramma [-ma/-mat-]

diagram n • diagramma

diagrammatic adj • diagrammatic

dial (face of a clock) n • quadrante

dial n • quadrante

dial v • teleph

dialect (as in Scottish dialect) n • dialecto

dialect n • dialecto

dialect, patois n • patois

dialect, patois n • patois [F]

dialectal adj • dialectal

dialectic, dialectical adj • dialectic

dialectic, dialectics n • dialectica

dialectical, dialectic adj • dialectic

dialectician n • dialectico

dialectics, dialectic n • dialectica

dialog, dialogue n • dialogo

dialog, dialogue n • dialogo

dialog, dialogue n • dialogo (-à-)

dialog, dialogue v • dialogar

dialogic, in form of a dialogue adj • dialogic

dialogism n • dialogismo

dialogist n • dialogista

dialogize v • dialogisar

dialogue, dialog n • dialogo

dialogue, dialog n • dialogo (-à-)

dialogue v • dialogar

diameter n • diametro (-à-)

diameter n • diametro

diametric adj • diametric

diametric, diametrical adj • diametral

diametrical, diametric adj • diametral

diamond, card of the suit of diamonds [Cards] n • quadro

diamond (cards) n • quadro

diamond (gem, shape) n • diamante

diamond n • diamante

Diana [Rom. Relig] n • Diana

diaper (as in haby's diapers) n • panno

diaper n • panno

diaphaneity n • diaphaneitate

diaphanous adj • diaphane

diaphragm n • diaphragma

diaphragmatic adj • diaphragmatic

diapositive, transparent positive, transparency [Photog] n • diapositiva

diarrhea, diarrhoea n • diarrhea

diarrhea n • diarrhea

diarrhea n • diarrhea (-éa)

diarrheal, diarrheic adj • diarrheic (-éic)

diarrheal, diarrheic adj • diarrheic

diary, journal n • jornal

diary n • diario

Diaspora, Dispersion n • diaspora

Diaspora, Dispersion n • diaspora (-às-)

diastase [Chem] n • diastase

diastase [Chem] n • diastase (diàs-)

diastasis n • diastase (diàs-)

diastasis n • diastase

diastole [Physiol] n • diastole

diastolic [Physiol] adj • diastolic

diathermic [Med] adj • diathermic

diathermy [Med] n • diathermia (-ìa)

diathermy [Med] n • diathermia

diatonic [Mus] adj • diatonic

dibasic, bibasic [Chem] adj • bibasic

dice n • datos

dice vi • jocar al datos

dice vt • [Cul]

dick (abbreviation for richard) n • ric

dick (insult) n • penis!

dick n • Amer

dictamen, dictate n • dictamine

dictate (1. as in to dictate a letter; 2. to prescribe authoritatively) v • dictar

dictate, dictamen n • dictamine

dictate v • dictar

dictation (as in take down dictation) n • dictato

dictation n • dictato

dictator n • dictator

dictatorial adj • dictatorial

dictatorial, authoritative adj • autoritari

dictatorial (pertaining to a dictator) adj • dictatorial

dictatorship n • dictatura

diction (1. choice of words to express ideas; 2. enunciation, elocution) n • diction

dictionary n • dictionario

didactic adj • didactic

didactic, didascalic adj • didascalic

didactics n • didactica

didasc-, didact- (teach someone or something) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] v • didasc-

didascalic, didactic adj • didascalic

Dido [Gr. Mythol] n • Didon

die, decease v • deceder

die, decease v • deceder [-ced-/-cess-]

die (for games) n • dato

die (for stamping) n • cuneo

die (one of a pair of dice) n • dato

die, pass away v • transpassar

die, perish v • obir

die (stamping) n • cuneo

die v • morir

die v • morir [mor-/mort-]

die out v • disparer

Diesel, Diesel engine or motor n • diesel

diesel n • diesel

Diesel engine or motor, Diesel n • diesel

diesel-engine n • motor diesel

diesel-oil n • oleo diesel

diet (all senses) n • dieta

diet (be on a -) v • esser a dieta

diet [Hist/Pol] n • dieta

diet [Med] n • dieta

diet (put on a -) v • poner a dieta

diet v • dietar

dietetic adj • dietetic

dietetics n • dietetica

differ (be different) v • differer [-fer-/-lat-]

differ (be different) v • differer

differ v • differer

difference (it makes no -) phr • il non face differentia

difference n • differentia

different adj • differente

differential (1. [Math]; 2. differential of an automobile etc.) n • differential

differential adj • differential

differential adj/n • differential

differentially adv • differentialmente

differentiate (1. to distinguish; 2. [Math]) v • differentiar

differentiate v • differentiar

differentiation [Math] n • differentiation

difficult adj • difficile

difficult, troublesome adj • penose

difficulty n • difficultate

difficulty, trouble n • pena

diffract v • diffractar

diffract v • diffranger

diffract v • diffranger [-frang-/-fract-]

diffraction n • diffraction

diffraction [Opt] n • inflexion

diffuse (1. spread out, diffused; 2. verbose, not concise) adj • diffuse

diffuse adj • diffuse

diffuse (spread widely) v • diffunder

diffuse (spread widely) v • diffunder [-fund-/-fus-]

diffuse v • diffunder

diffuse v • diffunder (se)

diffusibilitv n • diffusibilitate

diffusible adj • diffusibile

diffusion (1. dispersion, wide distribution; 2. diffuseness, wordiness; 3. [Phys] (intermingling of fluids) n • diffusion

diffusion n • diffusion

diffusive adj • diffusive

dig (a pit, grave) v • fossar

dig, burrow v • foder [fod-/foss-]

dig, burrow v • foder

dig n • excavation

dig vi • foder

dig vt • excavar

dig vt • fossar

digamma n • digamma

digest (1. to digest food; 2. to absorb mentally; 3. [Chem]) v • digerer

digest (1. to digest food; 2. to absorb mentally; 3. [Chem]) v • digerer [-ger-/-gest-]

digest n • digesto

digest, Pandects [Law] n • digesto

digest v • digerer

digested adj • digeste

digestibility n • digestibilitate

digestible adj • digestibile

digestion (1. [Physiol]; 2. [Chem]) n • digestion

digestion n • pepsis

digestion n • pepsia

digestion n • pepsia (-ìa)

digestion n • digestion

digestion n • pepsis (pép-)

digestion n • coction

digestive (1. pertaining to digestion; 2. helping digestion) adj • digestive

digging, fossorial adj • fossori

digit (1. finger) n • digito

digit (1. finger) n • digito (-dì-)

digit n • digito

digital adj • digital

digitalin [Chem] n • digitalina

digitalis, foxglove [Bot] n • digital

digitally adv • digitalmente

digitate (having fingers or digits) adj • digitate

digitiform, finger-shaped adj • digitiforme

digitigrade n • digitigrado

digitigrade n • digitigrado (-tì-)

digitigrade [Zool] adj • digitigrade

digitigrade [Zool] adj • digitigrade (-tì-)

dignified adj • digne

dignified (showing or expressing dignity) adj • digne

dignify, make worthy v • dignificar

dignify (make worthy) v • dignificar

dignitary n • dignitario

dignity (1. intrinsic worth, stateliness; 2. high office, rank, or title) n • dignitate

dignity n • dignitate

digress (deviate from the main subject) v • digreder [-gred-/-gress-]

digress, divagate v • divagar

digression (1. deviation from the subject in discourse or writing; 2. [Astron]) n • digression

digression, divagation n • divagation

digressive adj • digressive

dig-up v • disinterrar

dihedral [Math] adj • dihedre

dihedron [Math] n • dihedro

dike (embankment built to prevent inundations) n • dica

dike n • dica

dilapidate, squander v • dilapidar

dilapidated adj • decadite

dilapidated adj • in mal stato

dilatability n • dilatabilitate

dilatable adj • dilatabile

dilatation, dilation n • dilatation

dilate (make larger or wider) v • dilatar

dilate v • dilatar (se)

dilation, dilatation n • dilatation

dilator (1. one who or that which dilates; 2. [Surg]) n • dilatator

dilatory, lingering, tardy adj • morose

dilatory (tending to delay) adj • dilatori

dilemma n • dilemma

dilettante, lover of the arts, amateur n • dilettante

dilettante, lover of the arts, amateur n • dilettante [I]

dilettantism n • dilettantismo

diligence (1. assiduity; 2. public stage coach) n • diligentia

diligent adj • diligente

diligent, ready to be of service, serviceable adj • servicial

dill n • anetho

dilute (as in to dilute wine) v • diluer [-lu-/-lut-]

dilute (as in to dilute wine) v • diluer

dilute v • diluer

dilution n • dilution

diluvial, diluvian adj • diluvial

diluvian, diluvial adj • diluvian

diluvium [Geol] n • diluvio

dim adj • obscur

dim, dark, obscure adj • obscur

dim, darken, obscure v • obscurar

dim v • obscurar

dim v • obscurar (se)

dime n • decima

dimension (1. as in the three dimensions; 2. size, magnitude, extent) n • dimension

dimension n • dimension

dimensional adj • dimensional

dimerous [Bot/Zool] adj • dimere

dimeter n • dimetro

dimeter n • dimetro (dì-)

diminish, lessen v • minuer [minu-/minut-]

diminish, lessen v • minuer

diminish, lessen v • diminuer

diminish vi • reducer se

diminish vt • diminuer

diminish vt • reducer

diminuendo [Mus] n • diminuendo

diminution n • diminution

diminutive adj • minute

diminutive adj • diminutive

diminutive [Gram] adj • diminutive

diminutive [Gram] n • diminutivo

dimness, darkness, obscurity n • obscuritate

dimorphic adj • dimorphe

dimorphism (1. [Biol/Bot]; 2. [Cryst]) n • dimorphismo

dimple, fossette n • fossetta

dimple n • fossetta

din (create a -) v • strepitar

din n • ruito

din n • strepito

din, noise n • strepito

din, noise n • strepito (stré-)

din, noise n • ruito (-ìto)

din, noise n • ruito

din, rattle, rumble v • streper

din vi • streper

dine, have lunch, have dinner, lunch (take the midday meal) v • prander

dine, have supper, have dinner, sup (take the evening meal) v • cenar

dine, to take dinner v • dinar

dine v • dinar

diner (one who dines) n • dinator

dinghy n • barca remate

dinghy (sailing -) n • parve veliero

dingy n • inattractive

dingy n • obscur

dining, dinner n • dinar

dining room n • cenaculo

dining-car n • wagon restaurante

dining-room n • camera a mangiar

dink [Slang] n • idiota

dinner, dining n • dinar

dinner, lunch (midday meal) n • prandio

dinner n • dinar

dinner, supper (evening meal) n • cena

dinner jacket or coat, tuxedo n • smoking [A]

dinner jacket or coat, tuxedo n • smoking

dinner-jacket n • frac

dino-, din- (fearful, terrible) [occurring in compounds] adj • din-

dinosaur n • dinosauro

dinosaur [Paleontol] n • dinosauro

diocesan adj • diocesan

diocesan n • diocesano

diocese (1. [Rom. Hist]; 2. [Eccl]) n • diocese

diocese n • diocese

Dionysiac adj • dionysiac (-ìac)

Dionysiac adj • dionysiac

Dionysius [Anc. Hist] n • Dionysio

Dionysos, Dionysus [Gr. Relig] n • Dionyso

Dionysus, Dionysos [Gr. Relig] n • Dionyso

diorama n • diorama

dioxide n • bioxido

dioxide n • bioxydo

dioxide n • bioxydo (-òx-)

dip (lights) v • abassar

dip n • immersion

dip (plunge) v • immerger (se)

dip (plunge) v • immerger

dip (slope) v • inclinar

dipetalous [Bot] adj • dipetale

diphtheria n • diphtheria

diphtheria n • diphtheria (-ìa)

diphtheritic, diphtheric adj • diphtheric

diphthong (union of two vowels pronounced in one syllable) n • diphthongo

diphthongal, diphthonged adj • diphthonge

diphthongize v • diphthongar

diplo- (twofold, double) [occurring in compounds] adj • diplo-

diploma n • diploma [-ma/-mat-]

diploma n • diploma

diplomacy n • diplomatia (-ìa)

diplomacy n • diplomatia

diplomat, diplomatist n • diplomate

diplomat, diplomatist n • diplomatico

diplomat n • diplomate

diplomatic (1. belonging to diplomacy; 2. characterized by diplomacy) adj • diplomatic

diplomatic n • diplomatic

diplomatic (pertaining to the science of diplomatics or diplomas) adj • diplomatic

diplomatics (science of diplomatics or of diplomas) n • diplomatica

diplopia n • diplopia (-ìa)

diplopia n • diplopia

diplopic adj • diplopic

dips- (thirst) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • dips-

dipsomania adj • dipsomane

dipsomania n • dipsomania (-ìa)

dipsomania n • dipsomania

dipsomaniac n • dipsomano

dipsomaniac n • dipsomano (-sò-)

dipteral [Arch] adj • diptere

dipterous [Entom] adj • diptere

direct (1. to guide, control, manage; 2. to cause to turn in a particular direction) v • diriger

direct (1. to guide, control, manage; 2. to cause to turn in a particular direction) v • diriger [-rig-/-rect-]

direct adj • directe

direct, rule (as or like a regent) v • regentar

direct v • diriger

direct v • governar

direct (without deviation or interruption) adj • directe

direct-current n • currente continue

direction (1. action of directing; 2. as in to move in a certain direction) n • direction

direction (all senses) n • direction

direction (in the - of) phr • verso

direction (in the opposite -) phr • in senso inverse

direction (instruction) n • instruction

direction (way, course) n • senso

direction (way) n • senso

directive adj • directive

directive n • directiva

directly adv • directemente

director, chief, ruler, rector n • rector

director n • director

directorate, board of directors n • directorio

directorate (function of a director) n • directorato

directorial (1. pertaining to a director; 2. pertaining to a directorate, or to the French Directory) adj • directorial

directory adj • directori

Directory [Fr. Hist] n • directorio

directory n • adressario

directory (street -) n • indicator del stratas

directory (telephone -) n • libro telephonic

directress, head-mistress n • directrice

directrix [Geom] n • directrice

dirigible adj • dirigibile

dirigible n • dirigibile

diriment, annuling, nullifying adj • dirimente

dirt, filth n • immunditia

dirt n • immunditia

dirty adj • immunde

dirty v • polluer

dirty business, mess n • porcheria (-ìa)

dirty business, mess n • porcheria

disabile (mutilate) v • mutilar

disabile v • facer incapace

disability n • infirmitate

disability n • incapacitate

disabled adj • incapace

disabled adj • infirme

disabled, invalid adj • invalide (-và-)

disabled, invalid adj • invalide

disabled-soldier n • invalido

disablement n • invaliditate

disablement n • incapacitate

disabuse v • disabusar

disaccord, disagree v • disaccordar

disaccord, disagreement n • disaccordo

disaccustom (make someone lose a habit) v • dishabituar

disaccustom v • disaccostumar

disadvantage, discomfort, inconvenience n • incommoditate

disadvantage n • disavantage (-aje)

disadvantage n • disavantage

disadvantageous adj • disavantagiose

disadvantageous, unfavorable adj • disavantagiose

disadvantageous, unfavorable adj • disavantagiose (-jo-)

disaffect v • disaffectionar

disaffection n • disaffection

disaggregate v • disaggregar

disaggregation n • disaggregation

disagree, be in disagreement v • disconvenir

disagree, disaccord v • disaccordar

disagree (the wine -s with him) phr • le vino le disconveni

disagree v • discordar

disagree v • disaccordar

disagreeable adj • disagradabile

disagreeable, unpleasant adj • disagradabile

disagreeing, discordant adj • discordante

disagreeing, discordant adj • discordante (ppr of discordar)

disagreement, disaccord n • disaccordo

disagreement, discord n • discordo

disagreement n • disaccordo

disallow v • non admitter

disappear v • disparer

disappearance n • disparition

disappoint (fail to realize the expectations of) v • disappunctar

disappoint v • disappunctar

disappointed adj • disappunctate

disappointing adj • disappunctante

disappointment n • disappunctamento

disappointment (state of being disappointed) n • disappunctamento

disapprobation, disapproval n • disapprobation

disapproval, disapprobation n • disapprobation

disapproval n • disapprobation

disapprove, disapprove of v • disapprobar

disapprove v • disapprobrar

disapprove of, disapprove v • disapprobar

disapprover n • disapprobator

disarm (1. to deprive of weapons; 2. to reduce the size of the army, navy) v • disarmar

disarm v • disarmar

disarmament n • disarmamento

disarrange, disorder, derange v • disrangiar (-jar)

disarrange, disorder, derange v • disrangiar

disarrangement, derangement n • disrangiamento

disarrangement, derangement n • disrangiamento (-ja-)

disarticulate v • disarticular

disarticulation n • disarticulation

disassimilation [Physiol] n • disassimilation

disassociate, dissociate v • disassociar

disaster n • sinistro

disaster n • disastro

disastrous adj • sinistrose

disastrous adj • disastrose

disastrous, fatal, baneful n • funeste

disband (troops) v • licentiar

disband v • disbandar

disbanding n • disbandamento

disbandment (of troops) n • licentiamento

disburden (unload) v • alleviar

disburden (unload) v • discargar

disbursament n • disbursamento

disburse, pay out v • disbursar

disc (disk) n • disco

disc (slipped -) n • disco intervertebral prolabite

discard v • abandonar

discase, illness n • morbo

discern v • discerner

discern v • perciper

discern v • discerner [-cern-/-cret-]

discerner n • discernitor

discernible adj • discernibile

discerning adj • clarividente

discerning adj • perceptive

discerning, clear-sighted adj • clarividente

discerning, sapient, wise adj • sapiente

discernment, clear-sightedness n • clarividentia

discernment n • clarividentia

discernment n • discernimento

discharge (1. firing off a fire-arm; 2. electric discharge; 3. [Arch]) n • discarga

discharge (1. to fire, fire off) v • discargar

discharge (a debt) v • pagar

discharge, dismiss, displace (from office) v • destituer [-stitu-/-stitut-]

discharge, dismiss, displace (from office) v • destituer

discharge, dismiss v • dimitter

discharge, dismiss v • dimitter [-mitt-/-miss-]

discharge (dismiss) v • dimitter

discharge, dismissal (from office) n • destitution

discharge n • discarga

discharge, pay, settle (a debt, fine, bill) v • pagar

discharge (unload) v • discargar

discharger [Elec] n • excitator

disciple n • discipulo (-cì-)

disciple n • discipulo

disciplinary adj • disciplinari

discipline (1. as in school discipline, military discipline; 2. branch of instruction; 3. [Eccl] scourge) n • disciplina

discipline (1. to subject to discipline; 2. [Eccl] scourge) v • disciplinar

discipline n • disciplina

discipline v • disciplinar

disc-jockey n • presentator de discos

disclaim [Law] v • repudiar

disclaim v • repudiar

disclaimer (action of renouncing a legal claim) [Law] n • repudiation

disclaimer n • repudiation

disclose v • revelar

disclosure n • revelation

discolor (deprive of color or coloring) v • discolorar

discolor, discolour v • discolorar

discoloration n • discoloration

discomfort, inconvenience, disadvantage n • incommoditate

discomfort n • incommoditate

discomposed (as in discomposed features) adj • disfacte

disconcert (1. to spoil, upset; 2. to embarrass greatly) v • disconcertar

disconcert v • disconcertar

disconcerted adj • disconcertate (pp of disconcertar)

disconcerted adj • disconcertate

disconcerted adj • confuse

disconcertment n • disconcertamento

disconnect v • disaccopular

disconnected, incoherent adj • incoherente

disconnectedness, incoherence n • incoherentia

disconsolate adj • disconsolate

disconsolate, unconsoled adj • disconsolate

disconsolate, unconsoled adj • inconsolate

discontent adj • miscontente

discontent adj • discontento

discontent, discontented adj • discontente

discontent, discontentment n • discontentamento

discontent n • discontento

discontent v • discontentar

discontented adj • discontente

discontented, discontent adj • discontente

discontentment, discontent n • discontentamento

discontinuation n • discontinuation

discontinue (cause to cease) v • discontinuar

discontinue vi • cessar

discontinue vt • discontinuar

discontinuity n • discontinuitate

discontinuous adj • discontinue

discord, disagreement n • discordo

discord [Mus] n • disaccordo

discord n • discordia

discord n • discordo

discordance (1. disagreement; 2. discord) n • discordantia

discordant adj • discorde

discordant, disagreeing adj • discordante

discordant, disagreeing adj • discordante (ppr of discordar)

discotheque n • discotheca

discount (1. [Commer]; 2. to deduct, leave out of account) v • discontar

discount [Com] n • disconto

discount n • disconto

discount v • discontar

discountable adj • discontabile

discounter n • discontator

discourage, dishearten v • discoragiar (-ajar)

discourage, dishearten v • discoragiar

discourage v • discoragiar

discouraged adj • discoragiate

discouraged, dispirited adj • disanimate (pp of disanimar)

discouraged, dispirited adj • disanimate

discouragement n • discoragiamento

discouragement n • discoragiamento (-aja-)

discourse (1. formal speech; 2. treatise) n • discurso

discourse (speak formally) v • discurrer [-curr-/-curs-]

discourse (speak formally) v • discurrer

discourteous adj • discortese

discourtesy n • discortesia

discourtesy n • discortesia (-ìa)

discover v • discoperir [-per-/-pert-]

discover v • discoperir

discoverer n • discoperitor

discovery n • discoperta

discredit (injure the credit of) v • discreditar

discredit (loss of good name or standing) n • discredito

discredit (loss of good name or standing) n • discredito (-cré-)

discredit n • discredito

discredit v • discreditar

discreet adj • discrete

discrepancy n • discrepantia

discrepant adj • discrepante (ppr of discrepar)

discrepant adj • discrepante

discrete adj • discrete

discrete (consisting of distinct parts) adj • discrete

discretion n • discretion

discretion (quality of being discreet) n • discretion

discretional, discretionary adj • discretional

discretionary adj • discretionari

discretionary, discretional adj • discretional

discriminate (perceive or note the difference in or between) v • discriminar

discriminate v • discriminar

discrimination (act or faculty of perceiving or noting differences and distinctions) n • discrimination

discrimination n • discrimination

discriminative, distinguishing adj • discretive

discursive (1. proeeeding by reasoning, not intuitive; 2 . rambling) adj • discursive

discus n • disco

discuss, dissertate v • disserer

discuss, dissertate v • disserer [-ser-/-sert-]

discuss, dissertate v • dissertar

discuss v • discuter

discuss v • discuter [-cut-/-cuss-]

discussion n • discussion

disdain n • disdigno

disdain, scorn n • disdigno

disdain, scorn v • disdignar

disdain v • disdignar

disdainful adj • disdignose

disease n • maladia

disease n • morbo

diseased adj • infecte

diseased adj • malade

disembark (1. to put ashore from a ship; 2. to go ashore from a ship) v • disbarcar

disembark v • disimbarcar

disembarkation, debarkation n • disbarcamento

disembarkation, debarkation n • disimbarcation

disembarrass, disentangle v • disembarassar

disembowel v • eventrar

disemboweling (act of) n • eventration

disenchant (1. to free from a spell; 2. to disillusion) v • disincantar

disenchanted adj • disincantate

disenchanter n • disincantator

disenchantment n • disincantamento

disengage, ungear v • disingranar

disengage v • disingranar

disentangle, disembarrass v • disembarassar

disentangle v • disinvolver

disentangle v • disinvolver [-volv-/-volt-]

disesteem n • disestima

disesteem v • disestimar

disfavor n • disfavor

disfavor v • disfavorar

disfelloship v • disassociar

disfelloship v • excommunicar

disfiguration, disfigurement n • disfiguration

disfigure v • disfigurar

disfigurement, disfiguration n • disfiguration

disgorge v • disgorgar

disgorgement n • disgorgamento

disgrace (1. disfavor; 2. public dishonor) n • disgratia

disgrace (1. to dismiss from favor; 2. to reflect dishonor upon) v • disgratiar

disgrace, dishonor v • dishonorar

disgrace n • disgratia

disgrace v • disgratiar

disgraceful adj • vergoniose

disgraceful, shameful adj • vergoniose

disgruntled adj • de mal humor

disguise (change the dress and appearance of so as to conceal identity) v • disguisar

disguise n • disguisamento

disguise v • travestir

disguise v • disguisar

disguiser n • travestitor

disguising (act of) n • travestimento

disgust n • disgusto

disgust v • disgustar

disgusting adj • disgustose

dish (course) n • platto

dish (food prepared in a particular way) n • platto

dish n • platto

dish, platter, plate n • platto

dish v • servir

dishabille, deshabille n • déshabillé [F]

dishabille, deshabille n • déshabillé

disharmonic adj • disharmonic

disharmonious, unharmonious adj • disharmoniose

disharmonize v • disharmonisar

disharmony n • disharmonia (-ìa)

disharmony n • disharmonia

dish-cloth n • pannello pro lavar plattos

dishearten, discourage v • discoragiar

dishearten, discourage v • discoragiar (-ajar)

dishearten, dispirit v • disanimar

dishearten v • discoragiar

disheartening adj • discoragiante

dishevel, tousle v • discapillar

disheveled adj • discapillate

dishevelled adj • discapillate

dishonest adj • dishoneste

dishonest, lacking probity adj • improbe

dishonest, lacking probity adj • improbe (ìm-)

dishonesty, improbity n • improbitate

dishonesty n • dishonestitate

dishonesty n • dishonestate

dishonor (1. loss of honor, disgrace; 2. cause or source of disgrace) n • dishonor

dishonor, disgrace v • dishonorar

dishonor, dishonour n • dishonor

dishonor v • dishonorar

dishonorable adj • dishonorabile

dishonorable adj • inhoneste

dishonorable, dishonoring adj • dishonorante

dishonorable, dishonourable adj • dishonorabile

dishonoring, dishonorable adj • dishonorante

dish-out v • apportionar

dish-washer n • lavaplattos

dish-water n • lavatura

dishwater n • lavatura

disillusion n • disillusion

disillusion v • disillusionar

disillusionment n • disillusionamento

disinclined adj • averse

disinfect v • disinfectar

disinfectant adj • disinfectante

disinfectant adj/n • disinfectante

disinfectant n • disinfectante

disinfection n • disinfection

disinfector n • disinfectator

disinherit v • dishereditar

disinherit v • exheredar

disinheritance n • exheredation

disintegrate (cause disintegration) v • disintegrar

disintegrate v • disintegrar

disintegrate v • disintegrar (se)

disintegrate v • disgregar

disintegration n • disintegration

disintegration n • disgregation

disinterested adj • impartial

disinterested adj • disinteressate

disinterestedness n • disinteresse

disjoin v • disjunger [-jung-/-junct-]

disjoin v • disjunger

disjointed (of speech) adj • incoherente

disjointed (out of joint) adj • dislocate

disjunction n • disjunction

disjunctive (1. tending to disjoin) adj • disjunctive

disk (disc) n • disco

disk (floppy -) n • dischetta

disk n • disco

disk jockey n • presentator de discos

diskette n • dischetta

dislike n • repugnantia

dislike v • non amar

dislocate, luxate v • luxar

dislocate, put out of joint v • dislocar

dislocate v • dislocar

dislocation (1. displacement of a bone at a joint; 2. [Geol]) n • dislocation

dislocation, luxation n • luxation

dislodge (displace) v • dislocar

dislodge (expel) v • expeller

disloyal adj • disloyal

disloyalty n • disloyalitate

dismal adj • lugubre

dismally adv • lugubremente

dismantle (strip of equipment, fortifications, rigging) v • dismantellar

dismantle v • dismantellar

dismantlement, dismantling (as in the dismantling or dismantlement of a fortress, vessel) n • dismantellamento

dismantling, dismantlement (as in the dismantling or dismantlement of a fortress, vessel) n • dismantellamento

dismay, appall v • consternar

dismay n • consternation

dismay v • consternar

dismember v • dismembrar

dismemberment n • dismembramento

dismiss, discharge v • dimitter [-mitt-/-miss-]

dismiss, discharge v • dimitter

dismiss, displace, discharge (from office) v • destituer [-stitu-/-stitut-]

dismiss, displace, discharge (from office) v • destituer

dismiss v • dimitter

dismissal, discharge (from office) n • destitution

dismissal n • dimission

dismount (1. to alight, alight from; 2. to unhorse; 3 . [Mech] (take down from a mounted or assembled condition) v • dismontar

dismount v • dismontar

dismountable (that can be taken apart or dismounted) adj • dismontabile

dismounting (action of) [Mech] n • dismontage (-aje)

dismounting (action of) [Mech] n • dismontage

disobedience n • disobedientia

disobedient adj • disobediente

disobedient adj • disobediente (ppr of disobedir)

disobey v • disobedir a

disobey v • disobedir

disoblige (offend) v • disobligar

disobliging v • disobligante

disorder (1. lack of order; 2. public disturbance) n • disordine

disorder, confusion, disturbance n • turbation

disorder, derange, disarrange v • disrangiar

disorder, derange, disarrange v • disrangiar (-jar)

disorder (destroy the order of) v • disordinar

disorder, disordered state n • disregulamento

disorder, disturbance n • perturbation

disorder n • disordine

disorder n • confusion

disorder v • disrangiar

disorder v • disordinar

disordered, confused adj • indigeste

disordered state, disorder n • disregulamento

disorderly adj • disordinate

disorderly (in disorder) adj • disordinate

disorderly (in disorder) adj • disordinate (pp of disordinar)

disorganization n • disorganisation

disorganize v • disorganisar

disorganized adj • disorganisate

disorganizer n • disorganisator

disorientate v • disorientar

disorientation n • disorientation

disown, deny v • dismentir

disown, repudiate, deny v • renegar

disown v • dismentir

disown v • repudiar

disowning, repudiation, denial n • renegamento

disparage v • denigrar

disparage v • dispreciar

disparaging adj • dispreciative

disparate adj • disparate

disparity, disproportion n • disconvenientia

disparity n • disparitate

dispassionate adj • sin passion

dispassionate adj • impartial

dispatch, despatch, send off v • expedir

dispatch, message [F] n • depeche

dispatch (message) n • depeche

dispatch n • dispacho

dispatch (promptness) n • expedition

dispatch, sending n • invio (-ìo)

dispatch, sending n • invio

dispatch (sending) n • invio

dispatch v • dispachar

dispatch v • expedir

dispel v • dispersar

dispel v • dissipar

dispensable (1. capable of being dispensed with; 2. [Eccl] admitting of release, dispensation) adj • dispensabile

dispensary n • pharmacia

dispensary n • dispensario

dispensary [Pharm] n • officina

dispensary (place where medicines are dispensed) n • dispensario

dispensation (1. act of dispensing or giving out; 2. exemption) n • dispensation

dispensation, exemption n • dispensa

dispensative, dispensatory adj • dispensative

dispensatory, dispensative adj • dispensative

dispense (1. to give out; 2. to release, exempt) v • dispensar

dispense v • dispensar

dispense with v • contentar se sin

dispenser (one who dispenses, deals out) n • dispensator

dispersal, dispersion n • dispersion

dispersal n • dispersion

disperse (cause to disperse or scatter) v • disperger [-sperg-/-spers-]

disperse (cause to disperse or scatter) v • disperger

disperse, scatter v • dispersar

disperse v • disperger

disperse v • dissipar (se)

disperse v • disperger (se)

disperse v • dissipar

Dispersion, Diaspora n • diaspora

Dispersion, Diaspora n • diaspora (-às-)

dispersion, dispersal n • dispersion

dispersive adj • dispersive

dispirit, dishearten v • disanimar

dispirited adj • discoragiate

dispirited, discouraged adj • disanimate (pp of disanimar)

dispirited, discouraged adj • disanimate

displace (1. to shift something from its place; 2. to remove someone from a position or office) v • displaciar

displace, discharge, dismiss (from office) v • destituer

displace, discharge, dismiss (from office) v • destituer [-stitu-/-stitut-]

displace, shift from its place v • dislocar

displace (someone from his country) v • dispaisar

displace v • displaciar

displaced (as in displaced persons) adj • dispaisate

displacement (1. action of displacing; 2. [Naut]) n • displaciamento

displacement n • displaciamento

display (apparatus) n • apparato

display (courage) v • displicar

display (exhibit) v • exponer

display, ostentation, pomp n • fasto

display, pomp n • apparato

display (pomp) n • fasto

display, show n • monstra

display (show) n • spectaculo

display, show off v • ostentar

display (visual - unit) n • unitate de visualisation

display cabinet n • vitrina

display or trophy of arms n • panoplia

display window, show window n • monstra

display-unit n • monstra

display-unit n • apparato de presentation

display-window n • monstra

display-window n • vitrina

displease v • displacer

displeasure n • displacer

displeasure n • displacentia

displeasure v • displacer

disposable, available adj • disponibile

disposal (at your -) phr • a vostre disposition

disposal n • disposition

dispose (1. to arrange; 2. to fit, prepare; 3. to determine the course of events) v • disponer [-pon-/-posit-]

dispose (1. to arrange; 2. to fit, prepare; 3. to determine the course of events) v • disponer

dispose v • disponer

disposed, inclined adj • disposite

disposed, inclined adj • disposite (-pò-)

disposed for the fine arts, artistic adj • music

disposed to phr • disponite (a)

disposed to phr • disposte

disposed to phr • disponite

disposed to phr • disposte (a)

dispose-of v • disfacer se de

disposer (one who disposes) n • dispositor

disposition (1. arrangement; 2. disposal; 3. as in a natural disposition for music) n • disposition

disposition, arrangement, order n • positura

disposition n • disposition

disposition (temperament) n • complexion

disposition, temperament natural n • natural

dispositive (pertaining to the disposal or disposition of something) adj • dispositive

dispossess, expropriate v • expropriar

dispossess v • disposseder [-sed-/-sess-]

dispossess v • disposseder

dispossession, expropriation n • expropriation

dispossession n • dispossession

dispossessor, expropriator n • expropriator

disproof n • refutation

disproportion, disparity n • disconvenientia

disproportion, lack of proportion n • disproportion

disproportion v • disproportionar

disproportionate adj • disproportionate

disproportionate adj • disproportionate (pp of disproportionar)

disprove v • refutar

disputable adj • disputabile

disputable, that is a matter of opinion adj • opinabile

disputant n • disputante

disputation n • disputation

disputatious adj • disputative

dispute (1. to discuss, argue; 2. to contend for) v • disputar

dispute (aggressively) v • polemisar

dispute (industrial -) n • conflicto obrer

dispute n • disputa

dispute, quarrel n • litigio

dispute, quarrel n • lite

dispute v • disputar

disputer n • disputator

disqualification n • disqualification

disqualify v • disqualificar

disquiet, disturb v • inquietar

disquiet n • inquietude

disquiet v • inquietar

disquietude, inquietude n • inquietude

disquisition n • disquisition

disregard n • indifferentia

disregard n • disdigno

disregard v • non prestar attention a

disrepair (be in -) n • mal stato

disreputable adj • vergoniose

disreputable adj • de mal fama

disrepute n • mal fama

disrespect n • irreverentia

disrespectful adj • irreverente

disrump, disrupt v • disrumper

disrump, disrupt v • disrumper [-rump-/-rupt-]

disrupt, disrump v • disrumper [-rump-/-rupt-]

disrupt, disrump v • disrumper

disrupt v • disrumper

disrupter n • disruptor

disruption n • disruption

disruptive adj • disruptive

dissatisfaction n • discontento

dissatisfied adj • malcontente

dissatisfy v • discontentar

dissect v • dissecar [-sec-/-sect-]

dissect v • dissecar

dissection n • dissection

dissector n • dissector

dissemble, dissimulate v • dissimular

disseminate v • disseminar

dissemination n • dissemination

disseminator n • disseminator

dissension n • dissension

dissent, dissidence n • dissidentia

dissent, hold a dissident view v • dissider

dissent n • dissension

dissent n • dissentimento

dissent v • dissentir [-sent-/-sens-]

dissent v • dissentir

dissenter, dissident, dissentient n • dissidente

dissentient, dissenter, dissident n • dissidente

dissertate, discuss v • disserer

dissertate, discuss v • disserer [-ser-/-sert-]

dissertate, discuss v • dissertar

dissertate v • dissertar

dissertation n • dissertation

dissertator n • dissertator

disservice n • disservicio

dissidence, dissent n • dissidentia

dissident adj • dissidente

dissident adj/n • dissidente

dissident, dissentient, dissenter n • dissidente

dissimilar adj • dissimile

dissimilar adj • dissimilar

dissimilar, unlike adj • dispare

dissimilar v • dissimilar

dissimilarity, dissimilitude n • dissimilitude

dissimilarity n • dissimilantia

dissimilation [Phonet] n • dissimilation

dissimilitude, dissimilarity n • dissimilitude

dissimulate, dissemble v • dissimular

dissimulation n • dissimulation

dissimulative adj • dissimulate (pp of dissimular)

dissimulative adj • dissimulate

dissimulator n • dissimulator

dissipable, capable of being dissipated adj • dissipabile

dissipate (1. to scatter, disperse; 2. to waste, squander) v • dissipar

dissipated, unrestrained adj • dissipate

dissipated, unrestrained adj • dissipate (pp of dissipar)

dissipater, dissipator n • dissipator

dissipation (1. scattering, dispersion; 2. waste, squandering; 3. dissipated living) n • dissipation

dissipator, dissipater n • dissipator

dissociability n • dissociabilitate

dissociable, separable adj • dissociabile

dissociate (cause to dissociate) v • dissociar

dissociate, disassociate v • disassociar

dissociate v • disassociar

dissociation n • dissociation

dissolubility n • dissolubilitate

dissoluble adj • dissolubile

dissolute adj • dissolute

dissoluteness n • dissolution

dissoluteness, profligacy n • disregulamento

dissolution n • dissolution

dissolutive adj • dissolutive

dissolve (cause to dissolve) v • dissolver

dissolve (cause to dissolve) v • dissolver [-solv-/-solut-]

dissolve, resolve v • solver [solv-/solut-]

dissolve, resolve v • solver

dissolve v • dissolver (se)

dissolve v • dissolver

dissolved adj • solute

dissolvent, solvent adj • dissolvente (ppr of dissolver)

dissolvent, solvent adj • dissolvente

dissolvent, solvent n • dissolvente

dissolving, loosing (act of) n • lyse

dissonance n • dissonantia

dissonant adj • dissone

dissonant adj • dissonante

dissonant adj • dissonante (ppr of dissonar)

dissuade v • dissuader [-suad-/-suas-]

dissuade v • dissuader

dissuader n • dissuasor

dissuasion n • dissuasion

dissuasive adj • dissuasive

dissyllabic, disyllabic adj • bisyllabe (-sì-)

dissyllabic, disyllabic adj • disyllabe

dissyllabic, disyllabic adj • bisyllabe

dissyllabic, disyllabic adj • disyllabe (-sì-)

dissyllable, disyllable n • disyllabo

dissyllable, disyllable n • disyllabo (-sì-)

dissyllable, disyllable n • bisyllabo

dissyllable, disyllable n • bisyllabo (-sì-)

distaff (staff for holding flax, wool, in spinning) n • rocca

distaff-full n • roccata

distance n • distantia

distance (remoteness) n • distantia

distance (trip) n • percurso

distance covered n • percurso

distant adj • distante

distant, far-off adj • lontan

distant, remote adj • remote

distaste n • repugnantia

distasteful adj • repugnante

distemper (bad mood) n • mal

distemper, derange v • distemperar

distemper (paint) n • tempera

distemper (paint) v • pinger al tempera

distemper (upset) v • distemperar

distend (dilate by stretching) v • distender [-tend-/-tens-]

distend (dilate by stretching) v • distender

distension, distention n • distension

distention, distension n • distension

distich [Pros] n • disticho (dì-)

distich [Pros] n • disticho

distil v • distillar

distil v • alambicar

distill (1. to fall or give out in drops; 2. to subject to the process of distillation) v • distillar

distillable adj • distillabile

distillation n • alambication

distillation n • distillation

distillatory adj • distillatori

distiller n • distillator

distiller (one who distills alcoholic liquors) n • liquorista

distillery n • distilleria

distillery n • distilleria (-ìa)

distinct (1. different; 2. clearly perceptible) adj • distincte

distinct adj • distincte

distinction (1. act of distinguishing; 2. condition of being distinguished or outstanding among others) n • distinction

distinction n • distinction

distinctive adj • distinctive

distinguish v • distinguer

distinguish v • distinguer [-stingu-/-stinct-]

distinguishable adj • distinguibile

distinguished adj • eminente

distinguished adj • distinguite

distinguished, illustrious adj • insigne

distinguished (possessing distinction) adj • distinguite

distinguished (possessing distinction) adj • distinguite (pp of distinguer)

distinguisher n • distinguitor

distinguishing, discriminative adj • discretive

distort v • distorquer

distort v • distorquer [-torqu-/-tort-]

distortion (1. action of distorting; 2. contortion) n • distortion

distortion n • distortion

distract v • distraher

distraction, amusement n • distraction

distraction (drive to -) v • confunder

distraction n • distraction

distractive adj • distractive

distress, affliction n • affliction

distress n • affliction

distress (of body) v • doler

distress (of mind) v • affliger

distress (of mind) v • desolar

distressed adj • desolate

distressed adj • afflicte

distressed, desolate adj • desolate (pp of desolar)

distressed, desolate adj • desolate

distressing adj • afflictive

distressing, giving pain adj • afflictive

distribute (1. to allot to each as his share; 2. to allocate to distinct places; 3. [Print]) v • distribuer [-tribu-/-tribut-]

distribute (1. to allot to each as his share; 2. to allocate to distinct places; 3. [Print]) v • distribuer

distribute (allot to each as his share) v • repartir

distribute v • distribuer

distributer, distributor n • distributor

distribution (1. apportionment, allotment; 2. allocation to distinct places; 3. [Print]) n • distribution

distribution, allotment n • repartition

distribution n • distribution

distributive (1. serving to distribute; 2. [Gram]) adj • distributive

distributor, distributer n • distributor

distributor, divider n • partitor

distributor n • distributor

distributor (one who allots to each as his share) n • repartitor

district [Admin] n • districto

district n • quartiero

district n • districto

distrust n • diffidentia

distrust v • diffider de

distrustful adj • suspiciose

distrustful adj • diffidente

distrustful adj • turbate

distrustful, suspicious adj • suspiciose

disturb (break up a state of order, calm and quiet) v • disturbar

disturb (break up a state of order, calm and quiet) v • perturbar

disturb, disquiet v • inquietar

disturb, throw into disorder, confuse v • turbar

disturb v • inquietar

disturb v • disturbar

disturbance, disorder, confusion n • turbation

disturbance, disorder n • perturbation

disturbance n • commotion

disturbance n • disturbation

disturbance n • agitation

disturber n • inquietator

disturber n • perturbator

disturber n • turbator

disturber n • disturbator

disturbing adj • perturbative

disunion (1. rupture of union, severance; 2. disunity) n • disunion

disunite v • disunir

disunity n • disunitate

disuse n • disuso

disuse v • disusar

disused adj • desuete

disyllabic, dissyllabic adj • bisyllabe (-sì-)

disyllabic, dissyllabic adj • disyllabe

disyllabic, dissyllabic adj • bisyllabe

disyllabic, dissyllabic adj • disyllabe (-sì-)

disyllable, dissyllable n • disyllabo

disyllable, dissyllable n • bisyllabo (-sì-)

disyllable, dissyllable n • disyllabo (-sì-)

disyllable, dissyllable n • bisyllabo

ditch n • fossato

ditch, trench, moat, fosse n • fossato

ditch v • abandonar

dither (hesitate) v • hesitar

dither (shake) v • tremer

ditto n • ditto

ditto-mark n • marca de ditto

diurnal (1. daily; 2. relating to daytime) adj • diurne

divagate, digress v • divagar

divagation, digression n • divagation

divan n • divan

dive n • immersion

dive n • salto

dive vi • immerger se

dive vi • descender rapidemente

diver n • scafandrero

diverge (- from) v • diverger

diverge v • diverger

divergence, divergency n • divergentia

divergency, divergence n • divergentia

divergent adj • divergente (ppr of diverger)

divergent adj • divergente

divers (several, various) adj • diverse

diverse adj • diverse

diverse (different, varied) adj • diverse

diverse, several adj • varie

diversify (make diverse) v • diversificar

diversify v • diversificar

diversion (1. entertainment, pastime; 2. [Mil]) n • diversion

diversion, amusement n • divertimento

diversion n • diversion

diversion of a water-course n • derivation

diversity n • diversitate

divert (1. to distract; 2. to entertain, amuse) v • distraher

divert (1. to distract; 2. to entertain, amuse) v • distraher [-trah-/-tract-]

divert (1. to turn aside; 2. to amuse, entertain) v • diverter [-vert-/-vers-]

divert (1. to turn aside; 2. to amuse, entertain) v • diverter

divert v • diverter

divert the course of v • derivar

divide (1. to separate into parts; 2. [Arith]) v • divider [-vid-/-vis-]

divide (1. to separate into parts; 2. [Arith]) v • divider

divide, part v • partir

divide v • divider (se)

divide v • divider

divide in three parts v • tertiar

divide into (small portions) v • parcellar

divide into doses v • dosar

divide into eighths v • octavar

divide into fifths v • quintar

divide into parts v • departir

divide into three parts v • tripartir

divide into two parts v • bipartir

divided, partite adj • partite

divided, partite adj • partite (pp of partir)

dividend (1. [Arith]; 2. [Commer]) n • dividendo

dividend n • dividendo

divider, distributor n • partitor

dividers n • compasso

divination, manticism, mantic n • mantica

divination n • divination

divinatory adj • divinatori

divine adj • divin

divine adj • dive

divine, guess v • divinar

divine v • divinar

diviner n • divinator

diving n • submersion

diving n • immersion

diving-board n • trampolino

diving-suit n • scafandro

divinity (divine nature or being) n • divinitate

divinity n • divinitate

divisibility n • divisibilitate

divisible adj • divisibile

divisible adj • partibile

divisible, capable of being cut adj • secabile

division (1. act of dividing; 2. [special: Arith/Mil/Biol]) n • division

division n • division

division into (small portions) n • parcellamento

divisional adj • divisional

divisive (indicating division) adj • divisive

divisor [Arith] n • partitor

divisor [Arith] n • divisor

divorce (get -d) v • divorciar

divorce n • divorcio

divorce v • divorciar

divorced adj • divorciate

divorced (get -) v • divorciar se

divorcee [Fem] • divorciata

divorcee [Masc] • divorciato

divulgate, divulge v • divulgar

divulgation, divulgement n • divulgation

divulge, divulgate v • divulgar

divulge v • divulgar

divulgement, divulgation n • divulgation

divulger n • divulgator

divulsion n • divulsion

dizziness, giddiness, vertigo n • vertigine

dizziness n • vertigine

dizzy adj • vertiginose

do (arrange) v • arrangiar

do (be suitable) v • convenir

do (behave) v • conducer se

do (cause) v • causar

do (cheat) v • fraudar

do (commit) v • committer

do (cook) v • cocer

do (get on) v • ir

do (have to - with) v • esser relative a

do (have to - with) v • haber relation con

do (how - you -) phr • como va vos?

do (I - know) v • io sape

do (last) v • durar

do (learn) v • apprender

do, make (with studied care) v • compassar

do [Mus] n • do

do (of health) v • esser

do (of homage) v • render

do (prepare) v • preparar

do (roast) v • rostir

do (something) v • facer

do (something) v • facer [fac-/fact-;-fic-/-fect-]

do (suffice) v • bastar

do (suit) v • convenir

do (that will -) phr • basta

do (travel) v • percurrer

do v • facer

do (well done!) phr • multo ben!

do evil, wrong v • malfacer [-fac-/-fact-]

do evil, wrong v • malfacer

do good, be beneficent v • benefacer [-fac-/-fact-]

do good, be beneficent v • benefacer

do or make again v • refacer

do or make again v • refacer [-fac-/-fact-]

do tapestry work v • tapissar

do tattooing, tattoo v • tatuar

do violence to v • violentar

do-away-with v • supprimer

do-away-with v • poner fin a

docile adj • docile

docility n • docilitate

dock (deduct) vt • discontar

dock [Jur] • banco del accusatos

dock [Nav] n • bassino

dock [Nav] n • dock

dock, quay, wharf n • imbarcatorio

dock (suppress) v • supprimer

dock vi • entrar in dock

dock, wet dock n • darsena

dock, wet dock n • darsena (dàr-)

docker n • obrero portuari

docker n • stivator

dock-yard n • officina de constructiones naval

dock-yard n • arsenal

dockyard n • arsenal

doctor (1. as in doctor of philosophy; 2. doctor of medicine, physician) n • doctor

doctor (falsify) v • falsificar

doctor (in general) n • doctor

doctor (patch up) v • reparar

doctor, physician n • medico

doctor, physician n • medico (mé-)

doctor (physician) n • medico

doctor (treat) v • medicar

doctoral adj • doctoral

doctorate n • doctorato

doctrinaire n • doctrinario

doctrinairism, doctrinalism, doctrinism n • doctrinarismo

doctrinal (as in doctrinal observation or clauses) adj • doctrinal

doctrinalism, doctrinism, doctrinairism n • doctrinarismo

doctrinary, doctrinaire adj • doctrinari

doctrine n • doctrina

doctrinism, doctrinairism, doctrinalism n • doctrinarismo

document n • documento

document, paper [Law, Com] n • scriptura

document v • documentar

documentary adj • documentari

documentary adj • documental

documentary n • film educative

documentation n • documentation

doddering adj • decrepite

dodeca-, dodec- (twelve) [occurring in compounds] adj • dodeca-

dodecagon n • dodecagono

dodecagonal adj • dodecagon

dodecagonal adj • dodecagonal

dodecahedral adj • dodecahedric

dodecahedron [Math] n • dodecahedro

Dodecanese Islands n • Dodecaneso

dodecapetalous [Bot] adj • dodecapetale

dodecasyllabic adj • dodecasyllabe

dodecasyllabic adj • dodecasyllabe (-sìlabe)

dodecasyllable [Pros] n • dodecasyllabo (-sìlabo)

dodecasyllable [Pros] n • dodecasyllabo

dodge v • eluder

doe (female deer) n • cervo femine

doer, maker n • facitor

doer n • facitor

dog n • can

dog v • persequer

dog days n • canicula

Dog Star, canicula [Astron] n • canicula

dog-collar (dog's) n • collar de can

dog-collar [Eccles] • collar false de ecclesiastico

dogged (followed) adj • persecute

dogged (persistent) adj • tenace

dogma n • dogma [-ma/-mat-]

dogma n • dogma

dogmatic, dogmatical adj • dogmatic

dogmatic n • dogmatic

dogmatics n • dogmatica

dogmatism n • dogmatismo

dogmatist n • dogmatista

dogmatization n • dogmatisation

dogmatize v • dogmatisar

dogmatizer n • dogmatisator

dog's-life n • vita de can

dog's-life (of business) v • ir a ruina

dog's-life (people, go to the -s) v • degradar se

doing or making again (act of) n • refaction

doings n • gestas

dole (- out) v • distribuer

dole n • indemnitate de disoccupation

doleful, mournful adj • lamentabile

dolicho-, dolich- (long) [occurring in compounds] adj • dolich-

dolichocephalic [Anthropometry] adj • dolichocephale

doll n • pupa

dollar [Monet] n • dollar [A]

dollar [Monet] n • dollar

dollar n • dollar

dolphin (Delphinus delphis) n • delphino

dolphin n • delphino

domain n • dominio

domainal, pertaining to a domain adj • dominial

dome, cupola n • cupola

dome, cupola n • cupola (cù-)

dome (cupola) n • domo

dome n • cupola

domestic adj • domestic

domestic adj • familiar

domestic [Masc] • domestico

domestic n • domestico (-més-)

domestic n [Fem] • domestica

domestic n • domestico

domestic (of or belonging to the household, home, family) adj • domestic (-més-)

domestic (of or belonging to the household, home, family) adj • domestic

domesticate, tame v • domesticar

domesticate v • domesticar

domestication n • domestication

domesticator n • domesticator

domesticity n • domesticitate

domicile, domiciliate (establish or set up at a given residence) v • domiciliar

domicile n • domicilio

domiciliary adj • domiciliari

dominance n • dominantia

dominant (1. controlling, most influential; 2. rising high above its surroundings) adj • dominante

dominant adj • dominante

dominant [Mus] n • dominante

dominate (1. to exercise control over; 2. to rise high above) v • dominar

dominate v • dominar

domination n • domination

dominator n • dominator

domineer n • tyrannisar

domineering adj • imperiose

Dominica [Geog] n • Dominica

dominical adj • dominical

Dominican (1. Dominican friar; 2. native or citizen of the Dominican Republic) n • dominicano

Dominican (1. pertaining to St. Dominic, or to the order of preaching friars founded by him; 2. pertaining to the Dominican republic) adj • dominican

Dominican-Republic [Geog] n • Republica Dominican

dominion, dominium, ownership (absolute) n • dominio

dominion n • dominio

dominion (rule control, supreme authority;) n • dominio

dominium, ownership, dominion (absolute) n • dominio

domino (1. long, loose robe worn at masquerades; 2. [Games] (domino piece) n • domino

domino (1. long, loose robe worn at masquerades; 2. [Games] (domino piece) n • domino (dò-)

domino n • domino

domino (play -es) v • jocar al domino

Don Quixote n • Don Quixote (kishòte; kihòte)

Don Quixote n • Don Quixote

donate, give v • donar

donate v • donar

donation, donative n • donativo

donation n • donation

donator, donor n • donator

donatory [Law] n • donatorio

donjon, dungeon n • donjon

donkey, ass n • asino(à-)

donkey n • asino

donkey driver n • asinero

donna, dame n • donna

donor (blood -) n • donator de sanguine

donor, donator n • donator

donor n • donator

doom n • destino funeste

doom v • condemnar

doomsday n • die del judicio

do-one's-best v • facer le possibile

door (front -) n • porta anterior del casa

door, gate n • porta

door n • ostio

door n • porta

doorbell n • campanetta

doorkeeper n • portero

doorman n • portero

doorstep n • limine

doorway, gateway n • porta

doorway n • entrata

doorway n • porta

do-out v • nettar

dope (drug) n • narcotico

dope (drug) v • narcotisar

dope (person) n • imbecille

dope (varnish) n • vernisse

dope (varnish) v • vernissar

dormant adj • latente

dormitory n • dormitorio

dormitory (sleeping room) n • dormitorio

dormouse n • muscardino

doro-, -dor (gift) [occurring in compounds] n • doro-

dorsal adj • dorsal

dorsal, notal [Zool] adj • notal

dosage, dosing n • dosage

dosage, dosing n • dosage (-aje)

dosage n • dosage

dose (give out in doses) v • dosar

dose n • dose

dose v • dosar

dosing, dosage n • dosage

dosing, dosage n • dosage (-aje)

dossier n • dossier

dossier n • dossier [F]

dossier v • dossier

dot n • puncto

dot v • punctar al puncto

dotage n • senilitate

dotage n • secunde infantia

dotal adj • dotal

dotation, endowment n • dotation

dote-on v • amar follemente

double (1. to make double; 2. [Naut] sail round) v • duplar

double adj • duple

double (at the -) phr • al passo de carga

double, make double v • duplicar

double (person) n • sosia

double (stand-in) n • duple

double (two, on the -) n • dupletto

double, two-fold adj • gemine

double, twofold adj • duplice

double, twofold adj • duple

double, twofold adj • duplice (dù-)

double vt • duplar

double bass, contrabass [Mus] n • contrabasso

double boiler n • banio-maria (-ìa)

double boiler n • banio-maria

double fives (a throw of) [Dominoes] n • quina

double-bass n • contrabasso

double-bed n • lecto matrimonial

double-cross v • dupar

double-cross v • fraudar

double-dealing, duplicity n • duplicitate

double-dealing n • duplicitate

double-dutch n • linguage inintelligibile

double-glazing n • vitro duple

doubleness, duplexity n • duplicitate

double-room n • camera a duo personas

doublet (1. identical piece) n • dupletto

doubling (action of) n • duplamento

doubt (1. as in in doubt, without doubt; 2. [Rhet] dubitatio) n • dubitation

doubt (be in -) v • esser in dubita

doubt, be in doubt v • dubitar

doubt (beyond -) prep. phr • foras de dubita

doubt (cast - on) v • poner in dubita

doubt n • dubita (dù-)

doubt n • dubita

doubt v • dubitar

doubter n • dubitator

doubtful adj • dubitose

doubtful adj • questionabile

doubtful, dubious (1. in doubt; 2. causing doubt) adj • dubitose

doubtful, questionable adj • dubitabile

doubtful, questionable adj • questionabile

doubtfully adv • dubitosemente

doubtfully adv • questionabilemente

doubtfulness n • questionabilitate

doubtfulness n • dubita

doubtfulness n • dubitositate

doubtless adj/adv • sin dubita

douche (give a douche) v • duchar (-sh-)

douche (give a douche) v • duchar

douche (jet of water for therapeutic purposes) n • ducha

douche (jet of water for therapeutic purposes) n • ducha (-sh-)

douche n • ducha

douche v • duchar

dough n • pasta

doughiness, pastiness n • pastositate

doughy, pasty adj • pastose

do-up (button) v • buttonar

do-up (close) v • serrar

do-up (redecorate) v • redecorar

do-up (repair) v • reparar

douse (extinguish) v • extinguer

douse (immerse) v • immerger

dove, columbine adj • columbin

dove n • columba

dove, pigeon n • pipion

dovecot, pigeon-house n • columbiera

dovetail n • cauda de hirundine

dovetail v • incastrar a cauda de hirundine

dowdy adj • inelegante

dower (give a dowry to) v • dotar

do-without v • contentar se sin

down (a street) v • passar per

down adv • a basso

down (as in down on fruit) n • pilo

down (downy hairs) n • lanugine

down, dune n • duna

down (go -) v • descender

down, hair n • villo

down n • lanugine

down [Nav] v • ir al fundo

down (of sun) v • poner se

downcast adj • abattite

downcast, dejected adj • abattite (pp of abatter)

downcast, dejected adj • abattite

downfall n • cadita

downfall n • ruina

downhearted adj • discoragiate

downhill adv • a basso

downhill (go -) v • descender

download [Comp] v • discargar, bassar, cargar sur disco ab internet, telecargar

download [Comp] n • discargamento, cargamento sur disco ab internet, telecargamento

downloadable [Comp] adj • discargabile, telecargabile

downpour n • forte pluvia

downright adj • absolute

downright adv • toto

downstairs adj/adv • a basso

downtown n • in le centro del citate

downtrodden adj/n • opprimite

downward adj/adv • descendente

downwards adv • a basso

down-with-the (traitors)! interj • a basso (le traitores)!

downy, lanuginous adj • lanuginose

dowry n • dote

dox-, -dox- (opinion) [occcurring in compounds] n • dox-

doxology n • doxologia (-ìa)

doxology n • doxologia

do-you-know (do you understand? ... yes I -) phr • io comprende, comprende vos? ... si

do-you-know (do you understand? ... yes I -) phr • comprende vos? ... si, io comprende

do-you-know phr • sape vos?

doze n • somno curte

doze v • facer un somno curte

dozen n • dozena

doze-off v • addormir se

drab (brownish) adj • color de fango

drab (dreary) adj • monotone

drachma n • drachma

Draco [Gr. Hist] n • Dracon

Draconian adj • draconian

draft (a contract) v • minutar

draft (a document) v • rediger

draft (air) n • currente de aere

draft, bill [Fin] n • tratta

draft (call up) v • conscriber

draft (call-up) n • conscription

draft, draught (of a chimney) n • tirage (-aje)

draft, draught (of a chimney) n • tirage

draft (make a draft of) v • minutar

draft (of contract) n • minuta

draft (of document) n • redaction

draft (the draft of a contract) n • minuta

draftsman n • designator technic

drafty adj • exponite a currentes de aere

drafty adj • ventose

drag, dray, road sledge n • slitta

drag, dray, road sledge n • traha

drag, hindrance n • remora

drag, hindrance n • remora (ré-)

drag (hindrance) n • remora

drag, pull, draw v • trainar

drag, pull, draw v • tirar

drag vt • traher

dragging, pulling, drawing (act of) n • tiramento

dragon (1. [Mythol]) n • dracon

dragon n • dracon

drag-on v • prolongar

drag-on v • prolongar (se)

dragonfly n • libellula

drain (cause to flow from) v • escolar

drain (cause to flow off slowly) v • escolar

drain (channel or pipe for carrying away water or other liquid) n • aquiero

drain, dry v • disaquar

drain (exhaust) v • exhaurir

drain n • aquiero

drain (remove water) v • disaquar

drain vi • escolar se

drainage n • disaquamento

drainage n • escolamento

drainage (process of draining, gradual flowing off) n • escolamento

draining n • disaquamento

draining-board n • escolatorio

drainpipe n • tubo de disaquamento

drake n • anate mascule

dram [Weights] n • drachma

drama n • drama [-ma/-mat-]

drama n • drama

dramatic adj • dramatic

dramatist n • dramaturgo

dramatist, playwright n • dramaturgo

dramatize v • dramatisar

dramaturgy n • dramaturgia

dramaturgy n • dramaturgia (-ìa)

drape, hang with a drapery v • drappar

drape n • cortina

drape vt • drappar

draper (dealer in cloth) n • drappero

draper n • drappero

drapery (1. business of selling cloth; 2. clothing or hangings arranged in graceful folds) n • drapperia (-ìa)

drapery (1. business of selling cloth; 2. clothing or hangings arranged in graceful folds) n • drapperia

drastic adj • drastic

draught, draft (of a chimney) n • tirage (-aje)

draught, draft (of a chimney) n • tirage

draught n • bibita

draught (-s) n • joco de damas

draughty adj • exponite a currentes de aere

draughty adj • ventose

draw, drag, pull v • trainar

draw, drag, pull v • tirar

draw, draw out (water) v • haurir [haur-/haust-]

draw, draw out (water) v • haurir

draw (lots) n • tiramento al sorte

draw (lottery) n • lotteria

draw (make, pull) v • tirar

draw, pull v • traher [trah-/tract-]

draw, pull v • traher

draw (pull) n • attraction

draw (pulling) n • tiramento

draw, sketch v • designar

draw (sketch) vt • designar

draw (sport) n • partita nulle

draw, unsheathe (a sword) v • disvainar

draw (water) v • haurir

draw backwards v • arretrar

draw out, draw (water) v • haurir

draw out, draw (water) v • haurir [haur-/haust-]

draw out, stretch v • tirar

draw up (a document, speech) v • rediger

draw up (a document, speech) v • rediger [-ig-/-act-]

draw-back n • disavantage

draw-back n • inconveniente

draw-back v • arretrar

draw-back v • arretrar (se)

drawbridge n • ponte levatori

drawer (chest of -s) n • commoda

drawer (furniture) n • tiratorio

drawer (one who or that which draws) n • tirator

drawer (person) n • designator

drawer, sketcher n • designator

drawer (sliding box in a chest, desk) n • tiratorio

drawing (1. art of drawing or sketching; 2. as in a drawing hanging on the wall) n • designo

drawing, dragging, pulling (act of) n • tiramento

drawing, pulling (action of) n • tracto

drawing (pulling) n • tirada

drawing (sketch) n • designo

drawing back, recoiling (act of) n • reculamento

drawing out, stretching (act of) n • tiramento

drawing-back (retreat) n • reculamento

drawing-board n • tabula de designo

drawing-pin n • cimice

drawing-room n • salon

drawl n • pronunciation lente e pesante

drawl vi • pronunciar lente e pesantemente

draw-lots v • tirar al sorte

draw-near v • approchar

draw-near v • approchar (se)

draw-out v • tirar

draw-up (documents) v • rediger

draw-up (near) v • approchar

draw-up (near) v • approchar (se)

dray, road sledge, drag n • traha

dray, road sledge, drag n • slitta

dread n • grande timor

dread n • apprehension

dread v • apprehender

dread v • timer

dreadful adj • terribile

dreadful adj • espaventabile

dreadnought n • dreadnought

dreadnought n • dreadnought [A]

dream n • somno

dream n • sonio

dream v • soniar

dream vi • soniar

dreamer n • soniator

dreamer, Utopian (one who indulges in fanciful ideas, plans) n • chimerista

dreamy adj • somnolente

dreary adj • lugubre

dredge (1. dredger; 2. dragnet) [Technol] n • draga

dredge n • draga

dredge [Technol] v • dragar

dredge v • dragar

dredger n • draga

dregs n • fece

dregs n • sedimento

drench v • saturar

dress (a person again) v • revestir

dress (a person) v • vestir

dress (attire) n • vestimento

dress (attire) n • habito

dress (clothe) vt • vestir

dress (frock) n • roba

dress vi • vestir se

dress (wound) v • curar

dress in purple v • purpurar

dress skin like morocco v • marocchinar

dress-circle n • prime balcon

dressed adj • vestite

dresser, dressing table n • toilette

dresser, dressing table n • toilette [F]

dresser (dressing table) n • toilette

dresser (sideboard) n • buffet de cocina

dressing (a person again) (act of) n • revestimento

dressing, bandage n • bandage (-aje)

dressing, bandage n • bandage

dressing (bandage) n • bandage

dressing (grooming) n • toilette

dressing gown, peignoir n • peignoir

dressing gown, peignoir n • peignoir [F]

dressing morocco (action or process of) n • marocchineria (-erìa)

dressing morocco (action or process of) n • marocchineria

dressing room n • toilette

dressing room n • toilette [F]

dressing table, dresser n • toilette

dressing table, dresser n • toilette [F]

dressing-down n • reprimenda

dressing-gown n • peignoir

dressing-table adj • toilette

dress-maker n • sartor

dressmaker, tailor n • sartor

dress-up v • adornar

dress-up v • adornar (se)

dress-up vi • vestir se

dribble (drip) vi • guttar

dribble (of babies) v • salivar

dribble (sport) vt • dribblar

drier n • siccator

drift (float) v • flottar al deriva

drift (movement) n • deriva

drift (of snow) vi • cumular se

drift (purport) n • tenor

drift, sail, move, float v • vogar

drifting adj • voga

drifting, sailing, moving, floating (act of) n • voga

driftwood n • ligno flottante

drill, bore [Mining] v • sondar

drill, bore v • forar

drill, borer [Mining] n • sonda

drill (hole) v • forar

drill (instrument for boring) n • forator

drill (mil) n • exercitio

drill [Mil] n • exercitio

drill (mil) v • exercitiar

drill (mil) v • exercitar

drill (mining) n • sonda

drill (mining) v • sondar

drill (tool) n • forator

drill, train, exercise v • exercitar

drill, training, exercise n • exercitation

driller, borer [Mining] n • sondator

driller, borer (one who drills) n • forator

drilling, boring [Mining] n • sondage

drilling, boring [Mining] n • sondage (-aje)

drill-through v • perforar

drink (1. draught, glassful of a given beverage; 2. beverage) n • bibita

drink (1. draught, glassful of a given beverage; 2. beverage) n • bibita (bìb-)

drink, beverage n • biberage

drink, beverage n • biberage (-aje)

drink, beverage n • bibitura

drink, drinking n • biber

drink n • biberage

drink n • bibita

drink v • biber

drink v • potar

drinkable adj • bibibile

drinkable adj • potabile

drinker, drunkard n • bibitor

drinker n • bibitor

drinking (- water) n • aqua potabile

drinking, drink n • biber

drinking n • biber

drip (as in the tap is dripping) v • guttar

drip n • gutta

drip v • stillar

drip vi • guttar

drip vi • stillar

drip-dry phr • que se sicca rapidemente e non se repassa

drip-dry v • ex-guttar

dripping (cooking -s) n • grassia de rostito

dripping n • stillation

dripping (of water) v • guttar

dripping dew adj • roriflue

drive (a car) v • guidar

drive (a carriage, coach) v • cochiar (-sh-)

drive (a carriage, coach) v • cochiar

drive (energy) n • energia

drive (excursion) n • excursion

drive (force) v • coercer

drive (golf) n • colpo

drive (golf) v • tirar le colpo

drive (horses, a car) v • guidar

drive (propel) v • propeller

drive (propulsion) n • propulsion

drive (push) v • pulsar

drive (roadway) n • avenue

drive (transmission) n • transmission

drive in, thrust in v • figer

drive in, thrust in v • figer [fig-/fix-]

drive in, wedge in v • cunear

drive mad, madden v • affollar

drive to despair v • desperar

drive-away vi • partir

drive-away vt • chassar

drive-back vi • retornar

drive-back vt • repeller

drive-in (a nail) v • figer

drive-in (enter) v • entrar in

drivel n • nonsenso

drive-mad v • affollar

drive-off (go for a -) v • facer un viage

drive-off vi • partir

drive-off vt • chassar

driver, coachman n • cochiero (-sh-)

driver, coachman n • cochiero

driver (of bus) n • guidator

driver (of car) n • automobilista

driver (of car) n • chaurfeur

driver (of train) n • machinista

driver's-licence n • patente de guidar

driver's-licence n • permisso de guidar

driving-licence n • patente de guidar

driving-licence n • permisso de guidar

driving-school n • schola de guidar

driving-test n • examine pro patente de guidar

drizzle n • pluvia fin

drizzle v • pluver finmente

droll, comical adj • burlesc

-drome (1. running; 2. racecourse) [occurring in compounds] n • -dromo

dromedary n • dromedario

drone (bee) n • ape mascule

drone (sound) n • susurro

drone v • susurrar

drone buzz, to hum (make a low, continuous sound) v • susurrar

droop n • inclination

droop, sink v • clinar

droop, slide down, fall v • laber [lab-/laps-]

droop, slide down, fall v • laber

droop v • clinar

drop (1. as in a drop of rain; 2. [Arch] (gutta) n • gutta

drop (drip) n • gutta

drop (fall) n • cadita

drop (let go) v • lassar cader

drop (lower) vt • abassar

drop n • stilla

drop vi • cader

dropper n • contaguttas

dropsy n • hydropisia (-ìa)

dropsy n • hydropisia

drought, drouth n • siccitate

drought n • siccitate

drouth, drought n • siccitate

drove, flock, herd n • grege

drown (deprive of life by immersion) v • necar

drown (in water) v • necar

drown (in water) v • necar (se)

drown (with noise) v • coperir

drown (with noise) v • suffocar

drowning (act of) n • necamento

drowning n • necamento

drowse v • dormir

drowsiness n • somnolentia

drowsy adj • somnolente

drudge (person) n • quasi-sclavo

drudge v • travaliar (ingrate e penosemente)

drudge v • travaliar

drudgery n • travalio penose

drudgery n • servitude

drug (administer a drug or drugs to) v • drogar

drug n • droga

drug n • pharmaco

drug, remedy, medicine n • pharmaco

drug, remedy, medicine n • pharmaco (fàr-)

drug v • drogar

drug v • narcotisar

drug-addict n • narcomano

druggist n • drogista

druggist n • pharmacista

drug-store n • drogeria

drugstore n • drogeria

drugstore n • drogeria (-ìa)

drug-store (pharmacy) n • pharmacia

druid n • druida

druid n • druida (drù-)

druidess n • druidessa

druidic, druidical adj • druidic (-ìd-)

druidic, druidical adj • druidic

druidism n • druidismo

drum (1. [Mus]; 2. eardrum; 3. [special: Arch/Technol]) n • tambur

drum, drumlike adj • tympanic

drum [Mus] n • tympano

drum [Mus] n • tympano (tìm-)

drum n • tambur

drum vi • batter le tambur

drum-into v • facer comprender

drum-into v • figer le capite

drummer n • pulsator de tambur

drummer n • tympanista

drummer n • tamburero

drummer n • tambur

drum-stick n • bacchetta de tambur

drunk adj • ebrie

drunk, drunken adj • ebrie

drunk (get -) v • inebriar se

drunk, in one's cups adj • avinate

drunk n • inebriato

drunkard, drinker n • bibitor

drunkard n • inebriato

drunken adj • ebrie

drunkenness, ebriety n • ebrietate

drunkenness n • ebrietate

dry (1. to make dry; 2. to become dry) v • siccar

dry adj • sic

dry, drain v • disaquar

dry (drain) v • disaquar

dry (remove wetness) vt • siccar

dry vi • siccar

dry, wipe, mop up v • essugar

dry (with cloth) v • essugar

dry up, desiccate v • desiccar

dry up, exsiccate (make quite dry) v • exsiccar

dry-clean v • nettar a sic

dry-cleaning n • lavage chimic

dry-dock n • bassino de reparation sic

dryer (clothes) n • siccator

dryer n • siccator

dry-humor, dry-humour n • humor mordente

drying adj • siccante

drying adj • siccante (ppr of siccar)

drying-place, drying-room, drying-loft n • siccatorio

dry-land n • terra firme

dryness n • siccitate

dryness n • ariditate

dry-rot n • putrefaction sic

dry-up v • desiccar

dry-up v • desiccar (se)

dry-wine n • vino sic

dual adj • dual

dual-carriageway n • strata de sensos separate

dualism n • dualismo

dualist n • dualista

dualistic adj • dualistic

duality n • dualitate

dually adv • dualmente

dubiety n • dubitate

dubious adj/n • dubitose

dubious, doubtful (1. in doubt; 2. causing doubt) adj • dubitose

dubiously adv • dubitosemente

dubitative adj • dubitative

ducal adj • ducal

ducat (coin) n • ducato

ducat n • ducato

ducatoon n • ducaton

duchess n • duchessa

duck n • anate

duck v • clinar se

duck [Zool] n • anate

duck [Zool] n • anate (à-)

duckbill, platypus, Ornithorhyncus [Zool] n • ornithorhynco

duckling n • anate juvene

duct [Anat] n • ducto

duct, emissary, outlet n • emissario

duct n • conducto

ductile adj • ductile

ductility n • ductilitate

due (- to) phr • debite a

due adj • debite

due n • debito

due, owing adj • debite (dé-) (pp of deber)

due, owing adj • debite

due (that which is due legally or morally) n • debito

due (that which is due legally or morally) n • debito (dé-)

duel n • duello

duel v • duellar

duelist n • duellista

dues (be -) v • competer

dues (membership fee) n • quota

dues n • quota

duet n • duetto

duet n • duo

due-to prep. phr • a causa de

duettist n • duettista

duke n • duce

dukedom (1. duchy; 2. title or rank of a duke) n • ducato

dukedom n • ducato

dul- (slave) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • dulo-

dulcification n • dulcification

dulcification (sweetening) n • dulcification

dulcify (sweeten) v • dulcificar

dulcify v • dulcificar

dull (boring) adj • stupide

dull (boring) adj • enoiose

dull, mat adj • mat

dull, mat (metals) v • matar

dull, muffled, surd adj • surde

dull (not glossy) adj • mat

dull, obtund, blunt v • obtunder

dull, obtund, blunt v • obtunder [-tund-/-tus-]

dull (of noise) adj • surde

dull (of weather) adj • obnubilate

dull (sad) adj • triste

dull (slow) adj • obtuse

dull v • obtunder

dullard (stupid person) n • stupide

dullness n • stupiditate

dulse n • alga edibile

dulse n • alga edibile (dulleasq)

duly adv • propriemente, debitemente

duly adv • debitemente, propriemente

duly, properly adv • debitemente

duma n • duma [R]

duma n • duma

dumb, silent, mute adj • mute

dumb (stupid) n • imbecille

dumb (unhearing) adj • mute

dumb show, pantomime n • pantomima

dumb-bell n • peso de mano

dumbfounded adj • stupefacte

dumbness, mutism, muteness n • mutismo

dumdum (bullet) n • dumdum

dumdum (bullet) n • dumdum [A]

dummy adj • ficte

dummy (cards) n • morto

dummy (effigy) n • effigie

dummy (image) n • simulacro

dummy (soother) n • tetta sur anello

dummy (tailor's) n • mannequin

dump, dumping place n • discargatorio

dump n • discargatorio

dump v • discargar

dumping [Commer] n • dumping [A]

dumping [Commer] n • dumping

dumping n • discarga

dumping place, dump n • discargatorio

dumpling n • bolletta

dumpy adj • parve e corpulente

dun adj • brun

dun v • importunar

dunce n • scholar ignorante

dunce n • asino

dune, down n • duna

dune n • duna

dung, manure n • stercore

dung, manure v • stercorar

dung n • stercore

dung v • stercorar

dung-beetle n • scarabeo del stercore

dungeon, donjon n • donjon

dungeon n • prision subterranee

dung-heap n • stercorario

dung-hill n • stercorario

dunghill n • stercorario

dungy adj • merdose

dungy adj • stercorate

dungy adj • stercorose

Dunkirk n • Dunkirken (dùn-)

Dunkirk n • Dunkerque [F]

Dunkirk n • Dunkirken

Dunkirk n • Dunkerque

duodecimal adj • duodecimal

duodenal adj • duodenal

duodenitis n • duodenitis

duodenitis n • duodenitis (-ìtis)

duodenum [Anat] n • duodeno

dupe n • dupe

dupe v • dupar

duper n • dupator

duplexity, doubleness n • duplicitate

duplicate adj • duplicate

duplicate (copy) v • reproducer

duplicate (double) vt • duplicar

duplicate n • duplicato

duplicate (with a duplicator) v • mimeographar

duplication n • duplication

duplicative adj • duplicative

duplicator n • duplicator

duplicator n • mimeographo

duplicature n • duplicatura

duplicity, double-dealing n • duplicitate

duplicity n • duplicitate

durability n • durabilitate

durable adj • durabile

durable, lasting adj • durabile

duration (1. continuance in time; 2. period of time during which a thing lasts) n • duration

duration n • duration

duress n • duressa

during prep • durante

durum-wheat n • farina-dur

dusk, crepuscule, twilight n • crepusculo

dusk n • crepusculo

dusky adj • tenebrose

dust (clean) v • dispulverar

dust (free from powder, dust) v • dispulverar

dust n • pulvere

dust, powder (sprinkle with powder or dust) v • pulverar

dust (sprinkle) v • pulverar

dust-bin n • receptaculo de immunditias

dust-bowl n • region ubi le terra es sufflate pro le vento

dust-cart n • carro de immunditias

duster n • plumero

duster n • pannello (pro dispulverar)

duster n • pannello

dustman n • levator de immunditias

dust-pan n • pala de mano

dusty adj • pulverose

dusty adj • pulverulente

dusty, powdery, pulverulent adj • pulverulente

dutch adj/n • hollandese

dutch adj/n • nederlandese

Dutch (Language) adj • hollandese

Dutch (of Holland, of the Netherlands) adj • hollandese

dutchman n • hollandese

dutchman n • nederlandese

dutiable adj • taxabile

duty, custom, fee n • derecto

duty (customs) n • doana

duty, impost, tax n • imposto

duty (obligation) n • deber

duty (off -) adj/adv • libere

duty (on -) adj/adv • de servicio

duty (service) n • guarda

duty (service) n • servicio

duty (tax) n • imposto

duty (tax) n • derecto

duty-free adj • exempte de doana

duumvir [Rom. Antiq] n • duumviro (-ùm-)

duumvir [Rom. Antiq] n • duumviro

duumviral adj • duumviral

duumvirate n • duumvirato

dwarf (1. midget; 2. [Mythol]) n • nano

dwarf [Fem] • nana

dwarf n • [Masc]

dwarf v • render minuscule per contrasto

dwarf (woman) n • nana

dwell, reside v • resider

dwell v • habitar

dwell or live together v • cohabitar

dwelling n • habitation

dwelling place n • habitation

dwell-on v • insister super

dwell-together v • cohabitar

dwindle v • diminuer

dye, coloring matter n • tinctura

dye (give a new color to) v • tinger [ting-/tinct-]

dye (give a new color to) v • tinger

dye, hue, tint n • tincto

dye n • tinctura

dye vt • tinger

dyeing (action of) n • tinctura

dyeing n • tinctura

dyer n • tinctor

dyer n • tincturero

dyer's shop n • tinctureria

dyer's shop n • tinctureria (-ìa)

dying adj • moriente

dying adj • moriente (ppr of morir)

dying adj • moribunde

dying, moribund adj • moribunde

dyke n • dica

dynamic adj • dynamic

dynamic, dynamical adj • dynamic

dynamics [Phys] n • dynamica

dynamics (science) n • dynamica

dynamism [Philos] n • dynamismo

dynamist n • dynamista

dynamite, dynamitic adj • dynamitic

dynamite n • dynamite

dynamite v • dynamitar

dynamiter n • dynamitero

dynamo [Elec] n • dynamo (dì-)

dynamo [Elec] n • dynamo

dynamo n • dynamo

dynamoelectric adj • dynamoelectric

dynamometer n • dynamometro

dynamometer n • dynamometro (-mò-)

dynast n • dynasta

dynastic adj • dynastic

dynasty n • dynastia

dynasty n • dynastia (-ìa)

dyne [Phys] n • dyna

dysenteric adj • dysenteric

dysentery n • dysenteria

dysentery [Pathol] n • dysenteria

dysentery [Pathol] n • dysenteria (-ìa)

dyspepsia n • dyspepsia

dyspepsia [Pathol] n • dyspepsia (-ìa)

dyspepsia [Pathol] n • dyspepsia

dyspeptic adj • dyspeptic

dyspeptic n • dyspeptico

dysphasia [Med] n • dysphasia (-ìa)

dysphasia [Med] n • dysphasia

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