Eid e

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e (letter -) n • littera e

E (the note) [Mus] n • mi

each adj • tote

each adj • cata

each adj • omne

each, every adj • omne

each, every adj • tote

each (one pound -) phr • un libra le pecia

each pron • cata uno

each (they had a beer -) phr • cata uno bibeva un bira

each other adj/pron • le un le alter, le unes le alteres

each other adj/pron • le unes le alteres, le un le alter

each other, one another pron • un-altere

eager adj • alacre

eager adj • ardorose

eager, brisk, alacritous adj • alacre

eager, brisk, alacritous adj • alacre (àl-)

eagerly adv • ardorosemente

eagerness, briskness, alacrity n • alacritate

eagerness n • ardor

eagle n • aquila (à-)

eagle n • aquila

earthquake n • tremor de terra

earthquake n • seismo

ear (form, be formed, into ears or spikes) v • spicar

ear n • aure

ear (of grain) n • spica

ear (organ and faculty of hearing) n • aure

ear, spike (of grain) n • spica

ear (turn a deaf - to) phr • facer le aure surde a

earache n • dolor de aure

eardrum n • cassa del tympano

eared, spicate, spiky adj • spicate

earl, count n • conte

earl n • conte

earldom, county n • contato

earlier adj • anterior

earlier adv • ante

earlier-than adv • ante

earliest adj • prime

early (ancient) adj • antique

early (first) adj • prime

early (in good time) phr • de bon hora

early (time of day) adj • matutinal

early (time of season) adj • precoce

early (too soon) phr • ante le tempore

early in the morning adv • mane

early riser n • matinero

earmark v • assignar

earn v • ganiar

earn as profit, gain v • lucrar

earner n • ganiator

earnest adj • serie

earnest, earnest money [Law] n • arrha

earnest (in -) adv • seriemente

earnest money, earnest [Law] n • arrha

earnestness n • serio

earnestness, seriousness n • serio

earnings (of business) n • profitos

earnings (wage) n • salario

earring n • pendente de aure

ear-shaped, auriform adj • auriforme

ear-shaped, spiciform adj • spiciforme

ear-splitting adj • assurdante

earth adj • terren

earth (ground) n • solo

earth (ground) n • terra

earth, land adj • terren

earth n • terra

earth (on the -) phr • super terra

earth, soil n • solo

earth (soil) n • terra

earth vt • connecter al terra

earth (where on - is it?) phr • ubi diabolo es illo?

earth (world) n • mundo

earthenware n • ceramo (cé-)

earthenware n • ceramo

earthenware pot n • testo

earthly adj • terrestre

earthly (for no - reason) phr • a proposito de nihil

earthly, terrestrial adj • terren

earthquake, seism n • seismo

earthquake, seism n • seismo (séizmo)

earthworm n • lumbrico (-ìco)

earthworm n • lumbrico

earthy (as in an earthy smell) adj • terrose

earwig n • forficula

ease (at -) phr • in reposo

ease, facility (1. absence of difficulty; 2. power to do anything easily and quickly) n • facilitate

ease (lessen) v • alleviar

ease n • facilitate reposo

ease (simplify) v • facilitar

ease, unconstraint, freedom in speech or manner n • disinvoltura

ease up v • relaxar

ease up v • relaxar (se)

easel n • cavaletto

easement [Law] n • servitude

easily forgotten adj • oblidabile

easily intimidated adj • intimidabile

easily moved, exorable adj • exorabile

easily tired adj • fatigabile

east adj • oriental

east adj • del est

east (direction of sunrise) n • levante

east (go -) phr • ir al est

east n • oriente

east n • est

East-Africa [Geog] n • Africa del Est

easter adj • paschal

easter adj • del pascha

Easter n • pascha

easter n • pascha

eastern adj • oriental

Eastern, Oriental adj • oriental

eastern, oriental adj • oriental

easterner n • oriental

Eastphalia n • Estfalia

East-Timor [Geog] n • Timor Oriental

eastward (-s) adv • al est

easy adj • facile

easy (make -) v • facilitar

easy (not difficult) adj • facile

easy, unconstrained, free in speech or manner adj • disinvolte

easy chair n • confortabile

easy to handle adj • maneabile

easy unpretentious music n • musichetta

easy-chair n • confortabile

easygoing adj • indulgente

easygoing adj • de humor facile

eat v • eder

eat v • mangiar (-jàr)

eat v • mangiar

eat v • manducar

eat lavishly, feast v • banchettar

eatable adj • mangiabile

eatable, comestible, edible adj • comestibile

eatable, edible adj • edibile

eat-away (rot) v • corroder

eater n • mangiator (-ja-)

eater n • mangiator

eating (act of) n • manducation

eating v • mangiar

eat-me (don't -) v • no me mangia

eat-me v • mangia me

eat-out (- of house and home) v • devorar toto in le casa

eat-out v • mangiar a foras

eat-out v • mangiar al restaurante

eat-up (devour) v • devorar

eau n • de cologne aqua de colonia

eau de Cologne n • eau de Cologne [F]

eau de Cologne n • eau de Cologne

eavesdrop v • ascoltar al portas

eavesdropping n • ascolta

ebb n • refluxo

ebb v • refluer

ebb-and-flow n • fluxo e refluxo

ebonist, cabinetmaker n • ebenista

ebonize v • ebenisar

ebony n • ebeno (é-)

ebony n • ebeno

ebriety, drunkenness n • ebrietate

ebullience n • ebullientia

ebullient adj • ebulliente

ebullition, boiling n • ebullition

eccentric (1. not concentric; 2. odd, whimsical, unconventional) adj • eccentric

eccentric adj • eccentric

eccentric n • original

eccentricity (1. [Mech]; 2. eccentric condition or behavior, oddity) n • eccentricitate

Ecclesiastes [Bib] n • Ecclesiastes (-às-)

Ecclesiastes [Bib] n • Ecclesiastes

ecclesiastic, ecclesiastical adj • ecclesiastic

ecclesiastic n • ecclesiastico

ecclesiastic n • ecclesiasta

ecclesiastical adj • ecclesiastic

ecclesiastically adv • ecclesiasticamente

ecclesiology n • ecclesiologia

ecclesiology n • ecclesiologia (-ìa)

echelon [Mil] n • scalon

echelon [Mil] n • echelon (-sh-)

echelon [Mil] n • echelon

echelon n • echelon

echelon v • scalonar

echelon v • echelonar (-sh-)

echelon v • echelonar

echinococcus [Zool] n • echinococco

echinoderm, echinodermic adj • echinoderme

echinoderm n • echinodermo

Echinoidae [Zool] n • echinoides

echinus (1. sea urchin; 2. [Arch]) n • echino

Echinus [Zool] n • echino

echo n • echo

echo, resound, reverberate v • resonar

echo v • echoar

echo vt/vi • echoar

echoic adj • echoic (-òic)

echoic adj • echoic

echolalia [Psychopathol] n • echolalia

echolalia [Psychopathol] n • echolalia (-ìa)

echometer n • echometro (-kò)

echometer n • echometro

echometric adj • echometric

echometry n • echometria (-ìa)

echometry n • echometria

eclectic adj • eclectic

eclectic n • eclectico

eclecticism n • eclectismo

eclecticism n • eclecticismo

eclipse n • eclipse

eclipse v • eclipsar

ecliptic [Astron] n • ecliptica

ecliptic, ecliptical adj • ecliptic

eclogue n • ecloga

eclogue n • ecloga (éc-)

eco- (house, household, habitat) [occurring in compounds] n • eco-

ecologic, ecological adj • ecologic

ecological adj • ecologic

ecologically adv • ecologicamente

ecologist n • ecologo

ecologist n • ecologo (-cò-)

ecologist n • ecologista

ecology n • ecologia

ecology n • ecologia (-ìa)

economic adj • economic

economical adj • economic

economics n • economia politic

economist n • economista

economist (student of political economy) n • economista

economize v • economisar

economy (1. management of the expenditures of a social group; 2. careful management, thrift) n • economia (-ìa)

economy (1. management of the expenditures of a social group; 2. careful management, thrift) n • economia

economy n • economia

ecstasy (go into -) v • ecstasiar se

ecstasy n • ecstase

ecstasy n • ecstase (éc-)

ecstatic adj • ecstatic

ecto- (outside, external)</b> occurring in compounds] adv • ecto-

ectoderm [Zool] n • ectoderma

ectoplasm [Spiritualism] n • ectoplasma

ectoplasmic adj • ectoplasmic

Ecuador [Geog] n • Ecuador

Ecuador n • Ecuador [H]

Ecuador n • Equator

Ecuador n • Ecuador

ecumcnical adj • ecumenic

ecumenical adj • ecumenic

ecumenically adv • ecumenicamente

eczema n • eczema [-ma/-mat-]

eczema n • eczema

eczematous adj • eczematose

edacious, voracious adj • edace

edacity, voracity n • edacitate

eddy n • parve vortice

eddy v • facer vortices

edema [Pathol] n • edema [-ma/-mat-]

edema [Pathol] n • edema

edematous, edematose adj • edematose

Eden n • Eden

Eden n • Eden (é-)

edge, border n • bordo

edge (border, rim) n • bordo

edge, brim, rim, border, brink n • orlo

edge (of a knife, razor) n • filo

edge (of blade) n • talia

edge (on -) adj • nervose

edge (sharp side of a blade) n • talia

edgeways (-gewise) adv • del latere

edgeways (you can't get a word in -) phr • il es impossibile de inserer un parola

edi- (building, house) [occurring in derivativcs and compounds] n • edi-

edibility n • edibilitate

edible adj • manducabile

edible adj • edibile

edible adj • mangiabile

edible adj • mangiabile (-jà-)

edible, eatable adj • edibile

edible, eatable, comestible adj • comestibile

edict n • edicto

edict, proclamation n • banno

edification n • edification

edifice n • edificio

edify v • edificar

edifying adj • edificante

edifying adj • edificante (ppr of edificar)

edifying adj • edificative

Edinburgh [Geog] n • Edinburgho

edit (bibliog) v • editar

edit (journ) v • corriger

edit [Journ] v • rediger [-ig-/-act-]

edit [Journ] v • rediger

edit v • eder

edit v • editar

edition (first -) n • edition principe

edition n • edition

editor (bibliog) n • editor

editor (journ) n • redactor

editor [Journ] n • redactor

editor (one who edits) n • editor

editorial adj • editorial

editorial adj/n • editorial

editorial n • editorial

editorial staff n • redaction

editorially adv • editorialmente

educable adj • educabile

educate v • instruer

educate v • educar

educated adj • culte

educated, intelligentsia (class or classes) n • intelligentsia [R]

educated, intelligentsia (class or classes) n • intelligentsia

education (elementary -) n • instruction primari

education n • instruction

education n • education

education (physical -) n • education physic

education, tuition, instruction n • inseniamento

educational adj • instructive

educational adj • educational

educational system n • systema de education

educationally adv • educationalmente

educative (instructive, educational) adj • educative

educator, pedagogue n • educator

edulcorate (1. to sweeten (medicine); 2. [Chem]) v • edulcorar

edulcoration (1. (action of) sweetening; 2 . [Chem]) n • edulcoration

eel n • anguilla

eel-shaped, anguilliform adj • anguilliforme

eerie adj • mysteriose

eerie adj • spectral

efface v • obliterar

effect, bring about v • effectuar

effect (have an -) v • on influer super

effect n • effecto

effect v • effectuar

effect, work v • operar

effective (1. efficacious, efficient; 2. actual, de facto, as in effective capital) adj • effective

effective adj • effective

effective, efficacious adj • efficace

effective (the effective part of an army) [Mil] n • effectivo

effectiveness, efficacy n • efficacia

effectiveness n • efficacia

effectuation n • effectuation

effeminate adj • effeminate

effeminate v • effeminar

effemination n • effemination

effendi n • efendi

effendi n • efendi [Tu]

effercts (possesions) n • possesiones

effervesce v • effervescer

effervescence n • effervescentia

effervescent adj • effervescente

effervescent adj • effervescente (ppr of effervescer)

efficacious, effective adj • efficace

efficacy, effectiveness n • efficacia

efficiency (1. [Philos]; 2. [Mech]) n • efficientia

efficiency (ability) n • capacitate

efficiency (effectiveness) n • efficacia

efficiency (of machine) n • efficientia

efficient adj • efficace

effigy n • effigie

effloresce [Chem] v • efflorescer

effluent adj • effluente (ppr of effluer)

effluent adj • effluente

effluvium n • effluvio

effort (make an -) v • effortiar se

effort (make every -) v • facer tote su effortios

effort n • effortio

effortless adv • sin effortio

effuse, pour out, pour forth, shed v • effunder [-fund-/-fus-]

effuse, pour out, pour forth, shed v • effunder

effusion n • effusion

egg (boiled -) n • ovo bullite

egg (fried -) n • ovo frite

egg n • ovo

egg (poached -) n • ovo bullite sin scalia

egg (scrambled -) n • ovos miscite

egg (white of -) n • blanc de ovo

egg on v • sporonar

eggcup n • oviero

eggplant n • alberengina

eggshell n • scalia de ovo

egis (aegis) n • egide

ego [Philos/Psychol] n • ego

ego pron/n • ego

egocentric, self-centered adj • egocentric

egoism, egotism n • egoismo (-ìzmo)

egoism, egotism n • egoismo

egoism n • egoismo

egoist, egotist n • egoista (-ìsta)

egoist, egotist n • egoista

egoistical adj • egoistic (-ìstic)

egoistical adj • egoistic

egotism, egoism n • egoismo

egotism, egoism n • egoismo (-ìzmo)

egotism (excessive preoccupation with the ego) n • egotismo

egotism n • egotismo

egotist, egoist n • egoista

egotist, egoist n • egoista (-ìsta)

egotist n • egotista

egotist (one excessively preoccupied with the ego) n • egotista

egregious adj • egregie

egress, exit n • egresso

Egypt [Geog] n • Egypto

Egypt n • Egypto

Egyptian (1. native of Egypt; 2. Egyptian language) n • egyptiano

Egyptian (1. native of Egypt; 2. language of Egypt) n • egyptio

egyptian adj • egyptian

Egyptian adj • egyptie

Egyptian adj • egyptian

egyptian n • egyptiano

Egyptologist, Egyptologue n • egyptologo

Egyptologist, Egyptologue n • egyptologo (-tò-)

Egyptology n • egyptologia

Egyptology n • egyptologia (-ìa)

eh (Can) interj • eh

eh (Can) interj • ei

eider [Zool] n • eider

eider [Zool] n • eider (éi-)

eiderdown (1. small soft feathers from the breast of the eider duck; 2. eiderdown quilt) n • eiderdun

eido- (image, figure) [occurring in compounds] n • eido-

eight adj • octo

eight (numeral) n • octo

eighteen adj • dece-octo

eighteen n • dece-octo

eighteenth adj • dece-octesime

eighteenth adj • dece-octesime (-ésime)

eightfold, octuple adj • octuple (òc-)

eightfold, octuple adj • octuple

eighth adj • octave

eighth adj • octesime (-ésime)

eighth adj • octesime

eighth n • octavo

eightieth adj • octantesime

eightieth adj • octogesime

eightieth adj • octantesime (-ésime)

eightieth adj • octogesime (-ésime)

eightieth n • octantesimo

eighty adj • octanta

eighty n • octanta

Einfühlung, empathy n • empathia (-ìa)

Einfühlung, empathy n • empathia

Eire n • Eire

Eire n • Eire [Ir]

either adj • omne

either adj • cata

either adj • le un o le altere

either conj • o

either (he did not come -) phr • anque ille non veniva

either pron • le un o le altere

either pron • cata uno

either he or she phr • o ille o illa

either. or phr • o. o

either or both of two indef pron • utroque

ejaculate, eject v • ejacular

ejaculation (act of ejecting or ejaculating) n • ejaculation

ejaculatory (as in ejaculatory prayer) adj • jaculatori

ejaculatory [Physiol] adj • ejaculator

ejaculatory [Physiol] adj • ejaculatori

eject, ejaculate v • ejacular

eject v • ejacular

ejection n • expulsion

ejection n • ejection

ejector (of steam, cartridges) [Technol] n • ejector

eke-out v • supplementar

eke-out a livelihood v • ganiar un magre pitancia

elaborate adj • elaborate

elaborate v • elaborar

elaboration n • elaboration

elapse v • passar

elastic adj • elastic

elastic, elastic band n • elastico

elastic n • elastico

elastic band, elastic n • elastico

elasticity n • elasticitate

elate v • exaltar

elated adj • exaltate

elated-with adj • success transportate de successo

elbow n • cubito (cù-)

elbow n • cubito

elbow n • room spatio

elbow v • dar un colpo de cubito

elbow-forward v • facer se largo a colpos de cubito

elbow-grease n • oleo de cubito

elder adj • senior

elder [Bib] n • anciano

elder, elderberry n • sambuco

elder (person) n • senior

elder (tree) n • sambuco

elderberry, elder n • sambuco

elderly adj • de un certe etate

elders (the ancients) n • ancianos

eldest adj • le senior

eldest adj • primogenito

elect (1. to choose; 2. to elect by voting) v • eliger [-lig-/-lect-]

elect (1. to choose; 2. to elect by voting) v • eliger

elect (appointed) adj • appunctate

elect n • [Theol] electe

elect (one of the) n • electo

elect [Theol] • electe

elect v • eliger

election (1. choice; 2. election by vote) n • election

election n • election

electioneering n • propaganda electoral

elective (1. as in elective office; 2. having a power of choice) adj • elective

electiveness n • electivitate

elector n • elector

elector, voter n • elector

electoral adj • electoral

electorate (1. rank of an elector of the Holy Roman Empire; 2. territory under the rule of an elector of the Holy Roman Empire) n • electorato

electorate n • electorato

electr-, electro- [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • electr-

electric adj • electric

electric, electrical adj • electric

electric eel, gymnotus [Zool] n • gymnoto

electrical adj • electric

electrician n • electricista

electricity n • electricitate

electrification (charging with electricity) n • electrisation

electrification (process of equipping for the use of electricity) n • electrification

electrify (charge with electricity) v • electrisar

electrify (equip for the use of electricity) v • electrificar

electrify (equip with electricity) v • electrificar

electrochemical adj • electrochimic

electrochemist n • electrochimista

electrochemistry n • electrochimia

electrochemistry n • electrochimia (-ìa)

electrocute v • electrocutar

electrocution n • electrocution

electrode n • electrodo (-léc-)

electrode n • electrodo

electrodynamics n • electrodynamica

electrolysis n • electrolyse (-òlise)

electrolysis n • electrolyse

electrolyte n • electrolyto

electrolyte n • electrolyto (-ò-)

electrolytic adj • electrolytic

electrolyzation n • electrolysation

electrolyze v • electrolysar

electromagnet n • electromagnete

electromagnetic adj • electromagnetic

electromagnetism n • electromagnetismo

electrometer n • electrometro (-ò-)

electrometer n • electrometro

electrometric adj • electrometric

electrometry n • electrometria (-ìa)

electrometry n • electrometria

electromotor (machine that produces an electric current) n • electromotor

electron n • electron

electron [Phys] n • electron

electronic adj • electronic

electronics n • electronica

electronics (science) n • electronica

electroscope n • electroscopio

electroscopic adj • electroscopic

electroscopy n • electroscopia

electroscopy n • electroscopia (-ìa)

electrostatic adj • electrostatic

electrostatics n • electrostatica

electrotherapeutics n • electrotherapeutica

electrotherapeutics n • electrotherapeutica (-péu-)

electrotherapy, electrotherapeutics n • electrotherapia

electrotherapy, electrotherapeutics n • electrotherapia (-ìa)

electrotype [Print] n • electrotypo

electrotype [Print] n • electrotypo (-ò)

electrotypy, electrotyping n • electrotypia (-ìa)

electrotypy, electrotyping n • electrotypia

eleemosynary, charitable adj • eleemosynari

elegance n • elegantia

elegant adj • elegante

elegant, ornate adj • culte

elegiac (l. [Pros]; 2. mournful, melancholy) adj • elegiac (-ìac)

elegiac (l. [Pros]; 2. mournful, melancholy) adj • elegiac

elegy n • elegia

elegy n • elegia (-ìa)

element (1. an element in nature; 2. a component part) n • elemento

element (in one's -) phr • in su elemento

element n • elemento

elemental adj • elemental

elementary (1. pertaining to an element; 2. pertaining to the first principles of an art, a science) adj • elementari

elementary adj • elementari

elephant n • elephante

elephant shrew, Macroscelides [Zool] n • macro-scelide (-scé-)

elephant shrew, Macroscelides [Zool] n • macro-scelide

elephantiasis [Pathol] n • elephantiasis

elephantiasis [Pathol] n • elephantiasis (-ìasis)

elephantine adj • elephantin

elevate (1. to raise, lift up; 2. to raise in rank or station) v • elevar

elevate v • elevar

elevated, sublime, lofty adj • excelse

elevation (1. act of elevating, raising; 2. high ground, raised place; 3. as in elevation of style; 4. [Astron]; 5. [Arith]) n • elevation

elevation n • elevation

elevator, lift n • ascensor

elevator, lift n • lift [A]

elevator, lift n • lift

elevator n • elevator

elevator (one who or that which elevates) n • elevator

elevatory adj • elevatori

eleven adj • dece-un

eleven adj • undece

eleven adj • undece (ùn-)

eleven (numeral) n • dece-un

eleventh adj • dece-prime

eleventh (ordinal) adj • dece-prime

eleventh (ordinal) n • dece-primo

elf (- binaries) n • elf

elf n • elf

elf n • elf</b> A]

Elias, Elijah [Bib] n • Elia (-ìa)

Elias, Elijah [Bib] n • Elia

elicit v • obtener

elicit v • evocar

elide v • elider

elide v • elider [-lid-/-lis-]

eligibility n • eligibilitate

eligible adj • eligibile

eligible (fit to be chosen or elected) adj • eligibile

Elijah, Elias [Bib] n • Elia

Elijah, Elias [Bib] n • Elia (-ìa)

Elijah (Heb. `eli-yahu, Jehovah is God) n • Elia

eliminate v • eliminar

elimination n • elimination

eliminator n • eliminator

eliminatory adj • eliminatori

Elisha (Heb. elisha', God is salvation) n • Elisha

elision n • elision

elite adj/n • elite

elite n • élite

elite n • élite [F]

elixir n • elixir

Elizabethan adj • elisabethan

elk [Zool] n • alce

ellipse [Math] n • ellipse

ellipsis [Gram] n • ellipse

ellipsoid, ellipsoidal adj • ellipsoide

ellipsoid [Geom] n • ellipsoide

elliptic, elliptical (1. [Math]; 2. [Gram]) adj • elliptic

elm n • ulmo

elm (tree) n • ulmo

elm grove n • ulmeto

elocution n • elocution

elongate v • elongar

elongation (1. act of elongating; 2. [Astron]; 3. [Med] partial dislocation of a joint due to violent stretching) n • elongation

elope v • fugir

elope v • fugir (con un amante)

elopement n • fugita

elopement n • fugita (con un amante)

eloquence n • eloquentia

eloquent adj • eloquente

El-Salvador [Geog] n • El-Salvador

else adv • altere

else adv • alteremente

else (anyone -) adj/pron • un altere persona

else (anything -) adj/pron • un altere cosa

else (everyone -) adj/pron • tote le alteres

else (everything -) adj/pron • tote le resto

else (nobody -) adj/pron • necuno altere

else (nothing -) adj/pron • nihil altere

else (or -) adv • nam alteremente

else (somebody -) adj/pron • qualcuno altere

else (something -) adj/pron • qualcosa altere

else (somewhere -) adv • alibi

else (somewhere -) adv • in altere parte

else (where -?) adv • ubi ancora?

else (who -?) phr • qui ancora?

else-where adv • in altere parte

else-where adv • alibi

elsewhere adv • alterubi

elsewhere adv • alibi

elsewhere adv • alterubi (-érubi)

elsewhere adv • alibi (àl-)

elucidate v • elucidar

elucidation n • elucidation

elude (avoid or escape by dexterity) v • eluder

elude (avoid or escape by dexterity) v • eluder [-lud-/-lus-]

elude, escape from v • subtraher se

elude v • eluder

eludible, evadable adj • eludibile

elusion n • elusion

elusive adj • elusive

Elysian adj • elysie

Elysium n • elysio

em quad [Print] n • quadratino

emaciate adj • emaciate

emaciate adj • emaciate (pp of emaciar)

emaciate v • emaciar

emaciate, weaken, extenuate v • extenuar

emaciated adj • emaciate

emaciation, exhaustion n • extenuation

emaciation n • emaciation

e-mail n • eposta

e-mail n • posta electronic

e-mail n • posta digital

emanate v • emanar

emanate v • manar

emanation n • emanation

emancipate (1. [Rom. Law]; 2. to release from slavery or restraint) v • emancipar

emancipate v • emancipar

emancipation (1. [Rom. Law]; 2. release from slavery or restraint) n • emancipation

emancipation n • emancipation

emancipator n • emancipator

emasculate, castrate v • emascular

emasculate v • emascular

emasculation n • emasculation

embalm (embalm a dead body) v • imbalsamar

embalm v • imbalsamar

embalmer n • imbalsamator

embalming, embalmment (of dead bodies) n • imbalsamamento

embalming n • imbalsamamento

embank v • incassar

embankment n • incassamento

embankment n • dica

embarassed adj • confuse

embarassed adj • embarassate

embarassment n • embarasso

embarassment n • confusion

embargo n • embargo

embargo n • embargo [H]

embark (put on board ship) v • imbarcar

embark v • imbarcar (se)

embark v • imbarcar

embark-upon-an-enterprise v • imbarcar se in un interprisa

embarkation, embarkment n • imbarcamento

embarkation n • imbarcation

embarrass (1. to encumber, hamper; 2. to make self-conscious) v • embarassar

embarrass v • embarassar

embarrassing adj • embarassose

embarrassment n • embarasso

embassy n • ambassada

embed, fix in, house v • incastrar

embellish (make beautiful) v • imbellir

embellish v • imbellir

embellishment (1. act of embellishing; 2. adornment, ornament) n • imbellimento

embellishment n • imbellimento

embers n • brasa

embezzle v • pecular

embezzlement n • peculato

embezzler n • peculator

embitter v • amarisar

emblem n • emblema

emblem n • emblema [-ma/-mat-]

emblematic adj • emblematic

embodiment n • incorporation

embody v • incarnar

embolden v • inhardir

embolism n • embolia

embolism [Pathol] n • embolia (-ìa)

embolism [Pathol] n • embolia

emboss v • gravar in relievo

embouchure (1. the shaping of lips, tongue, in producing a tone; 2. mouthpiece of a wind instrument) [Mus] n • imbuccatura

embrace (1. to clasp in one's arms, hug; 2. to embrace a career, cause; 3. to comprise, include) v • imbraciar

embrace n • imbraciamento

embrace, salute with an accolade v • accollar

embrace v • imbraciar

embroider (1. to ornament with embroidery; 2. to do emhroidery; 3. to add imaginary details to) v • brodar

embroider v • brodar

embroiderer n • brodator

embroidery (1. action or art of embroidering; 2. embroidered material) n • broderia

embroidery (1. action or art of embroidering; 2. embroidered material) n • broderia (-ìa)

embroidery n • broderia

embroil, entangle (throw into a state of confusion) v • imbroliar

embroilment, entanglement n • imbroliamento

embryo n • embryon

embryogenesis n • embryogenese (-gé-)

embryogenesis n • embryogenese

embryogenesis n • embryogenesis (-gé-)

embryogenesis n • embryogenesis

embryogenetic adj • embryogenetic

embryogenic adj • embryogenic

embryogeny n • embryogenia (-ìa)

embryogeny n • embryogenia

embryological adj • embryologic

embryologist n • embryologo (-òlogo)

embryologist n • embryologo

embryology n • embryologia (-ìa)

embryology n • embryologia

embryonic adj • embryonal

embryonic, embryonal adj • embryonal

embryonic, embryonary adj • embryonari

emend v • emendar

emendation n • emendation

emerald adj • esmeraldin

emerald, emerald-green adj • esmeraldin

emerald n • esmeraldo

emerald, smaragd n • smaragdo

emerald, smaragdine adj • smaragdin

emerald-green adj/n • esmeraldin

emerge v • emerger [-merg-/-mers-]

emerge v • emerger

emergence n • emergentia

emergency (in case of -) phr • in caso de emergentia

emergency (in case of -) phr • in caso de necessitate

emergency n • caso urgente

emergency n • emergentia

emergency (state of -) phr • stato de emergentia

emergency (state of -) phr • stato de urgentia

emergency-exit n • exito de emergentia

emergency-exit n • exito de succurso

emergent, emerging adj • emergente (ppr of emerger)

emergent, emerging adj • emergente

emerging adj • emergente

emerging-nation n • nation emergente

emeritus adj • emerite (-mé-)

emeritus adj • emerite

emersion n • emersion

emery n • smerilio

emery paper n • papiro-smerilio

emery-paper n • papiro-smerilio

emetic adj • emetic

emetic [Med] adj • emetic

emetic [Med] n • emetico

emetic n • emetico

emetic, vomitory n • vomitivo

emhryonic adj • embryonic

emigrant, émigré n • emigrato

emigrant n • emigrante

emigrate v • emigrar

emigration (1. action of emigrating; 2. emigrants collectively) n • emigration

emigration n • emigration

eminence (1. rising ground, height; 2. distinction of character, abilities, attainments) n • eminentia

eminence n • eminentia

eminent adj • eminente

eminent, great adj • magne

eminent, outstanding adj • eminente

emissary (agent, envoy) n • emissario

emissary n • emissario

emissary, outlet, duct n • emissario

emission n • emission

emit v • emitter

emit v • emitter [-mitt-/-miss-]

emitter n • emissor

emmen- (menses) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • emmen-

emmenagogue, emmenagogic [Med] adj • emmenagoge

emmenagogue [Med] n • emmenagogo

emollient adj • emolliente

emollient n • emolliente

emolument n • emolumento

emotion (agitation of the feelings) n • emotion

emotion n • emotion

emotional adj • emotional

emotional (pertaining to emotions) adj • emotional

emotionally adv • emotionalmente

emotive adj • emotive

emotiveness, emotivity n • emotivitate

empathy, Einfühlung n • empathia (-ìa)

empathy, Einfühlung n • empathia

emperor n • imperator

emphasis n • emphase

emphasis n • emphase (ém-)

emphasize v • accentuar

emphatic adj • emphatic

empire (1. supreme authority; 2. country ruled by an emperor or empress) n • imperio

empire n • imperio

empiric, empirical adj • empiric

empiric (one who follows an empirical method) n • empirico

empirical adj • empiric

empirical, empiric adj • empiric

empirically adv • empiricamente

empiricism (empirical method or practice) n • empirismo

empiricist n • empirista

emplace, put into position v • implaciar

emplacement [Mil] n • implaciamento

employ (1. to make use of; 2. to take or have in one's employ) v • emplear

employ (use something) v • emplear

employ (use something) v • usar

employ v • emplear

employ again, reemploy v • reemplear

employable adj • empleabile

employed (be -) v • esser empleate

employed (having a job) adj • empleate

employee [Fem] • empleata

employee [Masc] • empleato

employee n • empleato

employer n • empleator

employment (1. employing; 2. occupation) n • empleo

employment (1. employing; 2. occupation) n • empleo (-éo)

employment n • empleo

employment-agency n • bureau de placiamento

employment-agency n • agentia de placiamento

employment-bureau n • bureau de placiamento

empower v • autorisar

empress n • imperatrice

emptiness n • vacuitate

emptiness n • vacuo

emptiness, vacuity n • vacuitate

empty adj • vacue

empty, make empty v • vacuar

empty (uninhabited) adj • disoccupate

empty v • vacuar

empty (vacant) adj • vacue

empty, vacate, evacuate v • disoccupar

empty-handed adv • a manos vacue

empty-stomached adj • jejun

empyreal adj • empyree

empyrean n • empyreo

empyreuma n • empyreuma [-ma/-mat-]

empyreuma n • empyreuma

empyreumatic adj • empyreumatic

emulate v • emular

emulation n • emulation

emulsifiable, emulsible adj • emulsionabile

emulsifier, emulsor n • emulsor

emulsify, emulsionize v • emulsionar

emulsin [Chem] n • emulsina

emulsion n • emulsion

emulsive adj • emulsive

emulsor, emulsifier n • emulsor

enable adj • render capace

enable, entitle [Law] v • habilitar

enact v • decretar

enamel n • émail [F]

enamel n • émail

enamel n • smalt

enamel n • email

enamel v • emailliar

enamel v • smaltar

enamel v • émailliar (emalyàr)

enamel v • émailliar

enamor v • inamorar

enamored, in love adj • inamorate

enamored, in love adj • inamorate (pp of inamorar)

encamp n • campar

encamp (place in a camp) v • campar

encampment (1. camping; 2. camp) n • campamento

encampment n • campamento

encase v • incassar

encasement, encasing n • incassamento

encash (1. to convert into cash, cash; 2. to receive in cash, realize) v • incassar

encashment n • incassamento

encasing, encasement n • incassamento

encephalitis, cerebritis n • cerebritis (-ìtis)

encephalitis, cerebritis n • cerebritis

enchain, chain up v • incatenar

enchainment n • incatenamento

enchant (1. to use magic on) v • incantar

enchant v • incantar

enchanter, sorcerer n • incantator

enchanting n • incantator

enchantment (1. magic spell; 2. delight) n • incantamento

enchantment n • incantamento

enchantress, sorceress n • maga

encircle (surround with a circle) v • incircular

encircle v • incircular

enclitic [Gram] adj • enclitic

enclitic n • enclitico

enclose (1. to fence in; 2. as in to enclose a letter) v • includer

enclose (1. to fence in; 2. as in to enclose a letter) v • includer [-clud-/-clus-]

enclose (a field) v • clausurar

enclose (in letter) v • includer

enclose, include v • inglobar

enclose in dough v • impastar

enclosed adj • incluse

enclosed (as in the enclosed letter) adj • incluse

enclosure (act of enclosing) n • inclusura

enclosure (enclosed letter, check) n • incluso

enclosure (enclosed space) (act of closing, ending); [Parl] (closure, cloture) n • clausura

enclosure (enclosed space) n • clausura

enclosure (enclosed space) n • clauso

enclosure (in letter) n • incluso

encompass, go round v • circumferer

encore (Fr) interj • encore

encore (once again) n • bis

encore!, still, yet adv • ancora

encounter (fight) n • combatto

encounter (fight) v • combatter

encounter, meet v • incontrar

encounter (meet) vt • incontrar

encounter, meeting n • incontro

encounter (meeting) n • incontro

encounter vi • incontrar se

encourage v • incoragiar

encourage v • incoragiar (-ja-)

encouragement n • incoragiamento

encouragement n • incoragiamento (-ja-)

encroach v • intruder se

encrust (cover with a crust, hard coating, or ornamental layer) v • incrustar

encumber, burden v • gravar

encumber, obstruct, hamper v • incombrar

encumberment n • incombramento

encumcer v • incombrar

encurtain [Fortif] v • cortinar

encyclical adj • encyclic

encyclical (letter) [Eccl] n • encyclica

encyclical n • encyclica

encyclopedia n • encyclopedia

encyclopedia n • encyclopedia (-ìa)

encyclopedia, -paedia n • encyclopedia

encyclopedic adj • encyclopedic

Encyclopedism n • encyclopedismo

encyclopedism n • encyclopedismo

encyclopedist n • encyclopedista

end (1. termination; 2. aim, purpose) n • fin

end (in the -) phr • al fin

end n • fin

end (the - justifies the means) phr • le fin justifica le medios

end v • finir

endanger v • impericular

endear v • render car

endeavor, attempt n • tentativa

endeavour n • effortio

endeavour vi • effortiar se

endemic adj • endemic

endemic [Med] adj • endemic

endemic [Med] n • endemia (-ìa)

endemic [Med] n • endemia

ending, desinence [Gram] n • desinentia

ending n • fin

ending n • conclusion

endive n • endivia

endless adj • incessante

endlessly adv • sin fin

endo-, end- (within) [occurring in compounds] adv • endo-

endocarditis [Path] n • endocarditis (-ìtis)

endocarditis [Path] n • endocarditis

endocardium [Anat] n • endocardio

endocrine (gland) n • endocrina

endocrine [Physiol] adj • endocrin

endocrinologist n • endocrinologo

endocrinologist n • endocrinologo (-nò-)

endocrinology n • endocrinologia

endocrinology n • endocrinologia (-ìa)

endogamous [Anthropol] adj • endogame (-ògame)

endogamous [Anthropol] adj • endogame

endogenous adj • endogene

endorse (a bill) v • avalisar

endorse (a cheque) v • indorsar

endorse, back (a bill of exchange) [Commer] v • avalisar

endorse [Com.] v • indorsar

endorse (support) v • appoiar

endorsement, backing (of a bill of exchange) [Commer] n • aval

endorsement, indorsement [Commer] n • indorsamento

endorsement (of bill) n • aval

endorsement (of cheque) n • indorsamento

endorser, backer (of a bill of exchange) [Commer] n • avalista

endorser [Commer] n • indorsator

endoskeleton [Zool] n • endoskeleto (-ské-)

endoskeleton [Zool] n • endoskeleto

endosmosis n • endosmose

endosmotic adj • endosmotic

endosperm [Bot] n • endosperma

endow, subsidize v • subventionar

endow v • dotar

endow with a title of rank, to title adj • titular

endowment, dotation n • dotation

endowment n • dotation

endurable adj • indurabile

endurance (beyond -) adj • intolerabile

endurance n • resistentia

endurance-test n • proba de resistentia

endure (bear) v • indurar

endure, last, be permanent v • permaner

endure, last v • durar

endure, tolerate v • tolerar

endure vi • durar

endure vt • indurar

endure vt • supportar

enduring, permanent, lasting adj • permanente (ppr of permaner)

enduring, permanent, lasting adj • permanente

enema, injection, clyster n • clyster

enemy (become an - of) v • inimicar se con

enemy (make an - of) v • inimicar

enemy n • inimico (-ìco)

enemy n • inimico

energetic adj • energic

energize v • stimular

energize v • infunder energia a

energy adj • energic

energy (in physics) n • energia

energy n • energia

energy n • energia (-ìa)

energy (nuclear -) n • energia nucleari

energy (pep) n • energia

energy (pep) n • vigor

enervate, enervated adj • enervate (pp of enervar)

enervate, enervated adj • enervate

enervate, unnerve v • enervar

enervated, enervate adj • enervate

enervated, enervate adj • enervate (pp of enervar)

enervating adj • enervante

enervation n • enervation

enfeeble, debilitate, weaken v • debilitar

enfeoff (give in vassalage) v • infeudar

enfeoffment, infeudation n • infeudation

enfilade [Mil] n • infilada

enfold v • inveloppar

enfold tightly, compress v • stringer [string-/strict-]

enfold tightly, compress v • stringer

enforce v • applicar

enforce v • exiger per fortia

enforceable adj • capace de application

enforcement n • exaction per fortia

enforcement n • application

engage (attack) vt • attaccar

engage (betroth) v • fidantiar

engage (betroth) v • fidantiar (se)

engage (gears) v • ingranar

engage (gears) vi • ingranar se

engage (get -ed to) v • fidantiar se a

engage (hire, employ) v • ingagiar

engage (hire, employ) v • ingagiar (-ja-)

engage (hire) v • ingagiar

engage (occupy) v • occupar

engage (reserve) v • reservar

engage again (hire, employ, again) v • reingagiar

engaged adj • occupate

engagement (act of engaging or hiring) n • ingagiamento (-ja-)

engagement (act of engaging or hiring) n • ingagiamento

engagement (betrothed) n • fidantiamento

engagement (hiring) n • ingagiamento

engagement [Mil] • combatto

engager (one who engages or employs) n • ingagiator (-ja-)

engager (one who engages or employs) n • ingagiator

engaging adj • attractive

engender, beget v • ingenerar

engenderment, begetting n • ingeneramento

engine (mechanical contrivance, tool, instrument) n • ingenio

engine n • motor

engine [Rr] • locomotiva

engine-driver (jet -) n • motor a jecto

engine-driver n • machinista

engineer (as in civil engineer) n • ingeniero

engineer (designer) n • ingeniero

engineer (mechanic) n • mechanico

engineer (mechanical -) n • ingeniero mechanic

engineering (electrical -) n • electrotechnica

engineering n • ingenieria

engineering (profession of engineering) n • ingenieria

engineering (profession of engineering) n • ingenieria (-ìa)

engineman n • machinista

engine-trouble n • panna del motor

England n • Anglaterra

england n • anglaterra

English adj • anglese

english adj/n • anglese

English (English language) n • anglese

english (the - channel) n • le manica

Englishman, Englishwoman n • anglese

english-man n • anglese

english-woman (femina) n • anglese

engorge v • ingorgar

engorgement n • ingorgamento

engrave, chase v • cisellar

engrave v • gravar

engraver n • gravator

engraving, gravure (1. art of engraving; 2. print made from an engraved plate) n • gravure

engraving, gravure (1. art of engraving; 2. print made from an engraved plate) n • gravure [F]

engraving n • gravure

engross v • absorber

engrossed adj • absorbite

engrossed adj • preoccupate

engrossed (be - in) v • absorber se in

engrossed, preoccupied, absorbed adj • preoccupate (pp of preoccupar)

engrossed, preoccupied, absorbed adj • preoccupate

engulf, swallow up v • inglutir

engulf v • inglutir

engulfment adj • ingloriose

enhance v • intensificar

enhance v • augmentar

enharmonic [Mus] adj • enharmonic

enigma n • enigma

enigma n • enigma [-ma/-mat-]

enigmatic adj • enigmatic

enigmatize v • enigmatisar

enjoin (command, direct with authority) v • injunger [-jung-/-junct-]

enjoin (command, direct with authority) v • injunger

enjoy (have use of) v • fruer de

enjoy, relish v • gustar

enjoy (relish) v • gauder de

enjoy v • fruer [fru-/fruct-]

enjoy v • fruer

enjoy the usufruct (enjoy the use of) [Law] v • usufruer [-fru-/-fruct-]

enjoy the usufruct (enjoy the use of) [Law] v • usufruer

enjoyable (pleasant) adj • agradabile

enjoyable (tasty) adj • saporose

enjoyment, fruition n • fruition

enjoyment n • gaudimento

enjoyment (possession) n • fruition

enjoyment (relish) n • gaudimento

enjoyment (relish) n • placer

enjoy-oneself v • diverter se

enlarge, make greater v • aggrandir

enlarge (make larger) v • ampliar

enlarge v • aggrandir

enlargement, enlarging n • ampliation

enlargement n • aggrandimento

enlarger n • aggranditor

enlarger n • amplificator

enlarging, enlargement n • ampliation

enlighten v • illuminar

enlightened, illuminate adj • illuminate

enlightened, illuminate adj • illuminate (pp of illuminar)

enlightenment n • illumination

enlist (enroll someone for military service) [Mil] v • inrolar

enlist v • inrolar

enlist v • inrolar (se)

enlistment, enrollment [Mil] n • inrolamento

enlistment n • inrolamento

enliven, quicken, revive v • reavivar

enliven v • reavivar

en-masse adv • in massa

enmesh v • immaliar

enmity n • inimicitate

ennoble (1. to give the rank of nobleman to; 2. to elevate in excellence or worth) v • innobilir

ennoblement (1. act of giving the rank of nobleman to; 2 . act of elevating in excellence or worth) n • innobilimento

ennui, boredom n • enoio

ennui, boredom n • enoio (-nò-)

ennui n • enoio

enormity n • enormitate

enormous adj • enorme

enormousness n • enormitate

enough adj • bastante

enough adv • satis de

enough adv • assatis (-sà-)

enough adv • satis

enough adv • assatis de

enough adv • assatis

enough adv • satis (sà-)

enough adv • bastante

enough (be -) v • bastar

enough interj • basta!

enough n • bastantia

enough, sufficiency n • bastantia

enough time adv • satis de tempore

enquire, inquire (make inquiries) v • inquirer [-quir-/-quest-/-quisit-]

enquire, inquire (make inquiries) v • inquirer

enquire vi • inquirer

enquire vt • demandar

enquirer, inquirer n • inquiritor

enquirer n • inquiritor

enquiry n • inquesta

enquiry-office n • bureau de informationes

enrage, anger v • incholerisar

enrage v • inragiar (-ja-)

enrage v • inragiar

enragement n • inragiamento (-ja-)

enragement n • inragiamento

enragement inrabiar n • inrabiamento

enrapture, entrance v • ecstasiar

enrich (make rich with material, mental or spiritual wealth) v • inricchir

enrich v • inricchir

enrichment n • inricchimento

enrol (mil) v • inrolar

enrol (mil) v • inrolar (se)

enrol (register) v • inscriber (se)

enrol (register) v • inscriber

enroll, conscript v • conscriber [-scrib-/-script-]

enroll, conscript v • conscriber

enrollment, enlistment [Mil] n • inrolamento

enrolment [Mil] • inrolamento

enrolment (registering) n • inscription

en-route adv • in route

ens [Philos] n • ente

ensemble (1. group of musicians playing together; 2. complete, harmonious costume) n • ensemble [F]

ensemble (1. group of musicians playing together; 2. complete, harmonious costume) n • ensemble

ensemble n • ensemble

ensign (1. badge or emblem of office or dignity; 2. standard, banner) n • insignia

ensign n • insignia

enslave v • subjugar

enslave v • reducer in sclavitude

ensnare v • trappar

ensue v • resultar

ensue v • sequer

ensure v • assecurar

entablature, entablement [Arch] n • intabulamento

entablature n • intabulatura

entablement, entablature [Arch] n • intabulamento

entail v • necessitar

entangle, confuse, intricate v • intricar

entangle, embroil (throw into a state of confusion) v • imbroliar

entangle v • imbroliar

entangle v • intricar

entangled, cumbersome adj • embarassose

entanglement, embroilment n • imbroliamento

entanglement n • imbroliamento

entelechy [Philos] n • entelechia (-ìa)

entelechy [Philos] n • entelechia

entente n • entente

entente n • cordial

entente n • entente [F]

entente n • entente cordial

enter (go or come in) v • entrar

enter, inscribe (in a list) v • inscriber

enter, inscribe (in a list) v • inscriber [-scrib-/-script-]

enter vi • entrar

enter vt • inscriber

enter the subscription (to a periodical, etc.) of (a person) v • abonar

enter upon, attain v • adir

enteral (intestinal) adj • enteric

enteralgia [Pathol] n • enteralgia (-ìa)

enteralgia [Pathol] n • enteralgia

enteric [Anat] adj • enteric

enteric (intestinal) adj • enteric

entering upon (an inheritance)</b> Law] n • adition

enteritis [Pathol] n • enteritis (-ìtis)

enteritis [Pathol] n • enteritis

enterocolitis [Pathol] n • enterocolitis

enterocolitis [Pathol] n • enterocolitis (-ìtis)

enterology (science or study of the intestines) n • enterologia

enterology (science or study of the intestines) n • enterologia (-ìa)

enteron, alimentary canal [Anat/Zool] n • enteron (én-)

enteron, alimentary canal [Anat/Zool] n • enteron

enterotome [Surg] n • enterotomo (-rò)

enterotome [Surg] n • enterotomo

enterotomy [Surg] n • enterotomia

enterotomy [Surg] n • enterotomia (-ìa)

enterprise n • interprisa

enterprise, undertaking n • interprisa

enterprising adj • interprendente

entertain, amuse v • amusar

entertain (amuse) v • intertener

entertain (amuse) v • diverter

entertain (consider) v • considerar

entertain (divert, amuse) v • intertener

entertain (host) v • regalar

entertain (wine and dine) v • regalar

entertaining (amusing) adj • divertente

entertainment (amusement) n • intertenimento

entertainment (diversion, amusement) n • intertenimento

entertainment (hospitality) n • hospitalitate

enthral v • captivar

enthrone v • inthronar

enthronement n • inthronamento

enthuse v • enthusiasmar

enthusiasm n • enthusiasmo

enthusiast n • enthusiasta

enthusiastic adj • enthusiastic

enthusiastic, enthusiastical adj • enthusiastic

entice v • escar

enticement n • seduction

enticement n • attraction

entire adj • integre

entire (the - day) phr • tote le (die)

entire (the - day) phr • tote le

entire, whole adj • integre (ìn-)

entire, whole adj • integre

entirely adv • in toto

entitle (as in to entitle a book) v • intitular

entitle, enable [Law] v • habilitar

entitle v • titular

entitling (as in entitling a book) (act of) n • intitulation

entity n • entitate

ento-, ent- (within, inside) [occurring in compounds] adv • ento-

entomo- (insect) [occurring in compounds] n • entomo-

entomological adj • entomologic

entomologist n • entomologista

entomologist n • entomologo (-mò-)

entomologist n • entomologo

entomology n • entomologia

entomology n • entomologia (-ìa)

entourage n • suite, *entourage

entozoon n • entozoon

entozoon n • entozoon (-zò-) (pl entozoa)

entr'acte (1. intermission; 2.dance, piece of music) n • interacto

entr'acte (dance, piece of music, performed between the acts of a play) n • intermedio

entr'acte (Fr) n • interacto

entrails n • entranias, *visceras

entrance, enrapture v • ecstasiar

entrance, entry (1. act of entering; 2. door, passage, hall through which one enters) n • entrata

entrance, ingress n • ingresso

entrance n • entrata

entrance n • ingresso

entrance n • ostio

entrance v • ecstasiar

entrant adj • concurrente

entreat, beseech, conjure v • conjurar

entreat, supplicate v • supplicar

entreat v • implorar

entreat v • supplicar

entreaty, imploration n • imploration

entreaty n • supplication

entreaty, prayer, request n • prece

entreaty (solemn) n • conjuration

entreaty, supplication n • supplication

entree [Cooking] n • entrée

entree [Cooking] n • entrée [F]

entree n • entree

entrepreneur n • interprenditor

entrepreneur, undertaker (one who undertakes something) n • interprenditor

entresol, mezzanine n • entresol

entresol, mezzanine n • entresol [F]

entrust, charge, burden v • incargar

entrust v • cargar

entrust v • fider

entrust v • incargar

entry (book-keeping) n • partita

entry [Bookkeeping] n • partita

entry, entrance (1. act of entering; 2. door, passage, hall through which one enters) n • entrata

entry (in dictionary) n • entrata

entry (in dictionary) n • articulo

entry (in register) n • inscription

entry (way in, passage) n • entrata

entwine v • intricar

enucleate (1. to shell, husk, pod; 2. [Biol]; 3. [Surg]) v • enuclear

enucleation n • enucleation

enumerate v • enumerar

enumeration n • enumeration

enumerative adj • enumerative

enumerator n • enumerator

enunciate (set forth) v • enunciar

enunciate v • enunciar

enunciation (statement) n • enunciation

enunciative adj • enunciative

envelop v • inveloppar

envelop, wrap (up) v • involver

envelop, wrap (up) v • involver [-volv-/-volut-]

envelop, wrap up v • inveloppar

envelope, jacket, cover n • camisa

envelope n • inveloppe

envelopment n • inveloppamento

enviable adj • invidiabile

envious adj • invidiose

envious adj • invide (ìn-)

envious adj • invide

environment, milieu n • milieu

environment, milieu n • milieu [F]

environment n • ambiente

environment n • milieu

envisage v • contemplar

envoy (1. messenger, representative; 2. [Dipl]) n • inviato

envoy n • legato

envoy n • emissario

envy (1. to covet; 2. to be envious of) v • invidiar

envy (feeling of envy) n • invidia

envy n • invidia

envy v • invidiar

enzyme n • enzyma

eo- (dawn) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • eo-

eoan (1. dawn; 2. oriental) adj • eoe (-ò-)

eoan (1. dawn; 2. oriental) adj • eoe

Eoanthropus, Piltdown man [Paleontol] n • eoanthropo (-trò-)

Eoanthropus, Piltdown man [Paleontol] n • eoanthropo

Eocene adj • eocen</b> Geol]

Eocene adj • eocen

Eocene [Geol] n • eoceno

Eohippus [Paleontol] n • eohippo

eolith [Archeol] n • eolitho (-ò-)

eolith [Archeol] n • eolitho

eolithic [Archeol] adj • eolithic

Eos [Gr. Mythol] n • Eos

eosin [Chem] n • eosina

eosinophile [Biol] n • eosinophilo (-nò-)

eosinophile [Biol] n • eosinophilo

eosinophile, eosinophilic, eosinophilous [Biol] adj • eosinophile (-nò-)

eosinophile, eosinophilic, eosinophilous [Biol] adj • eosinophile

eosinophilia [Pathol] n • eosinophilia

eosinophilia [Pathol] n • eosinophilia (-ìa)

Eozoic [Geol] adj • eozoic (-zò-)

Eozoic [Geol] adj • eozoic

eozoon [Geol] n • eozoon

eozoon [Geol] n • eozoon (-zò-)

epaulet, epaulette n • epaulette [F]

epaulet, epaulette n • epaulette

Ephedra [Bot] n • ephedra

ephedrine [Pharm] n • ephedrina

ephemeral adj • ephemere

ephemeris [Astron] n • ephemeride (-mé-)

ephemeris [Astron] n • ephemeride

ephemeron, ephemerid [Zool] n • ephemero

ephemeron, ephemerid [Zool] n • ephemero (-fé-)

epic adj • epic

epic, epic poem n • epos (é-)

epic, epic poem n • epoeia (-péya)

epic, epic poem n • epoeia

epic, epic poem n • epos

epic, epical adj • epic

epic n • epos

epicene [Gram] adj • epicen

epicentre n • epicentro

epicure, epicurean n • epicureo (-éo)

epicure, epicurean n • epicureo

epicure, gourmand n • gourmand [F]

epicure, gourmand n • gourmand

Epicurean adj • epicuree (-ée)

Epicurean adj • epicuree

Epicurean n • epicureo (-éo)

Epicurean n • epicureo

Epicureanism [Philos] n • epicureismo

Epicureanism [Philos] n • epicurismo

Epicureanism [Philos] n • epicureismo (-ìzmo)

epicurism n • epicurismo

epicurism n • epicureismo (-ìzmo)

epicurism n • epicureismo

Epicurus [Gr. Philos] n • Epicuro

epidemic adj • epidemic

epidemic, epidemical adj • epidemic

epidemic n • epidemia (-ìa)

epidemic n • epidemia

epidermis [Anat/Bot] n • epidermis

epidermis [Anat/Bot] n • epidermis (-dér-)

epigeous (growing upon the ground) [Bot] adj • epigee

epigeous (growing upon the ground) [Bot] adj • epigee (-gé-)

epiglottis [Anat] n • epiglottis (-glò-)

epiglottis [Anat] n • epiglottis

epigone (one of a succeeding and less distinguished generation) n • epigono (-pì-)

epigone (one of a succeeding and less distinguished generation) n • epigono

epigram n • epigramma

epigram n • epigramma [-ma/-mat-]

epigrammatic adj • epigrammatic

epilepsy n • epilepsia

epilepsy n • epilepsia (-ìa)

epileptic adj • epileptic

epileptic (having to do with epilepsy) adj • epileptic

epileptic n • epileptico

epilog (-gue) n • epilogo

epilogize v • opilogar

epilogue n • epilogo (-pì-)

epilogue n • epilogo

-epiped (plane surface) [occurring in compounds] n • -epipedo (-ì-)

-epiped (plane surface) [occurring in compounds] n • -epipedo

epiphyte [Bot] n • epiphyto

epiphyte [Bot] n • epiphyto (-ìphyto)

episcopal adj • episcopal

Episcopalian [Theol] n • episcopal

episcopate (1. office, territory, tenure of a bishop; 2. body of bishops) n • episcopato

episode n • episodio

episodic, episodical adj • episodic

epispastic [Med] adj • epispastic

Epistle [Eccl] n • epistola

Epistle [Eccl] n • epistola (-pìs-)

epistle, letter n • epistola

epistle, letter n • epistola (-pìs-)

epistolary adj • epistolari

epistolographer n • epistolographo

epistolographer n • epistolographo (-lò-)

epistolographic adj • epistolographic

epistolography n • epistolographia

epistolography n • epistolographia (-ìa)

epitaph n • epitaphio

epithet [Gram] n • epitheto (-ìteto)

epithet [Gram] n • epitheto

epithet n • epitheto

epithetic adj • epithetic

epitome n • epitome

epitomize v • resumer

epitomize v • epitomar

epitomize v • abbreviar

epizoon [Zool] n • epizoon (-zò-) (pl epizoa)

epizoon [Zool] n • epizoon

epoch n • epocha

epoch n • epocha (é-)

epochal adj • epochal

epode n • epodo

eponym, eponymus n • eponymo

eponym, eponymus n • eponymo (-ò-)

eponymous adj • eponyme

eponymous adj • eponyme (-ò-)

eponymy n • eponymia

eponymy n • eponymia (-ìa)

epsom (- salts) n • sulfato de magnesia

equability, evenness n • equalitate

equable adj • equabile

equable, even adj • equal

equal adj • equal

equal adj • par

equal adj/n • par

equal adj/n • equal

equal (be equal to) v • equalar

equal (consider oneself - to) phr • equalar se a

equal (one and one - two) phr • un e un equala duo

equal v • equalar

equality n • paritate

equality n • equalitate

equality, parity n • paritate

equality of weight, equiponderance n • equiponderantia

equalize v • adequar

equalize v • equalar

equalize v • equalisar

equalizer, equaller n • equalator

equaller, equalizer n • equalator

equally adv • equalmente

equals v • es

equals v • es equal a

equal-to phr • equal a

equal-to phr • al altitude de

equanimity n • equanimitate

equate v • equar

equation (1. [Math]; 2. [Astron]) n • equation

equation n • equation

equator n • equator

equatorial adj • equatorial

Equatorial-Guinea [Geog] n • Guinea Equatorial

eques [Rom. Hist] n • equite

eques [Rom. Hist] n • equite (é-)

equestrian adj • equestre

equidifferent adj • equidifferente

equidistance n • equidistantia

equidistant adj • equidistante

equilateral adj • equilateral

equilateral, of equal sides adj • equilatere

equilateral, of equal sides adj • equilateral

equilaterally adv • equilateralmente

equilibrist n • equilibrista

equilibristic adj • equilibristic

equilibrium, balance n • equilibrio

equilibrium n • equilibrio

equine adj • equin

equinoctial (pertaining to either equinox) adj • equinoctial

equinox n • equinoctio

equip v • armar

equip v • equipar

equipage, carriage (with or without horses) n • equipage (-aje)

equipage, carriage (with or without horses) n • equipage

equipment (1. action of equipping; 2. outfit) n • equipamento

equipment (field) [Mil] n • equipage (-aje)

equipment (field) [Mil] n • equipage

equipment n • equipamento

equiponderance, equality of weight n • equiponderantia

equiponderant, of equal weight adj • equiponderante

equiponderate, counterbalance v • equiponderar

equitable adj • eque

equitation n • equitation

equity, fairness n • equitate

equity n • equitate

equivalence n • equivalentia

equivalent adj • equivalente (ppr of equivaler)

equivalent adj • equivalente

equivalent n • equivalente

equivocal (1. ambiguous; 2. questionable, suspicious) adj • equivoc

equivocal adj • equivoc

equivocate v • equivocar

equivocation n • equivocation

era n • era

eradicable, extirpable adj • extirpabile

eradicate v • eradicar

eradication n • eradication

eradicative adj • eradicative

eradicator n • eradicator

erase v • rader

eraser n • eradicator

erasing n • radimento

erasing, scraping, scratching n • radimento

erasure n • rasura

erect adj • erecte

erect (build, set up) v • eriger

erect (build, set up) v • eriger [-rig-/-rect-]

erect v • eriger

erectile adj • erectile

erectility n • erectilitate

erection, building (action of building) n • edification

erection n • construction

erection n • erection

erection (of a building, statue;) n • erection

erector (1. as in erector of a cathedral, a kingdom; 2. [Anat]) n • erector

erg [Phys] n • erg

Erica n • erica

ermine (ermine fur) n • armenio

ermine (the animal ermine) n • armenio

erode v • eroder [-rod-/-ros-]

erode v • eroder

Eros n • Eros

Eros n • Eros (é-)

erosion n • erosion

erosive adj • erosive

erotic adj • erotic

eroticism n • eroticismo

erotism [Psychiatry] n • erotismo

erotomania [Pathol] n • erotomania

erotomania [Pathol] n • erotomania (-ìa)

err v • errar

errand (go on an -) v • facer un commission

errand n • commission

errant (traveling in quest of adventure) adj • errante

erratic adj • erratic

erratum n • erratum (pl errata) [NL]

erratum n • erratum

erroneous adj • erronee

erroneous adj • mendose

error, fault n • menda

error n • error

ersatz (Ger) adj/n • substituto

ersatz (Ger) adj/n • synthetic

ersatz (Ger) adj/n • ersatz

erst (first) adj • prime

erst (formerly) adv • primarimente

erst (formerly) adv • previemente

erst-while (former) adj • previe

erst-while (former) adj • primari

erst-while (formerly) adv • primarimente

erst-while (formerly) adv • previemente

ertity n • entitate

erubescence n • erubescentia

erubescent adj • erubescente

erubescent adj • erubescente (ppr of erubescer)

eruct vt/vi • eructar

eructation (belching) n • eructation

erudite adj • culte

erudite adj • erudite

erudition n • erudition

erupt, break out, burst forth v • erumper [-rump-/-rupt-]

erupt, break out, burst forth v • erumper

erupt vi • erumper

eruption n • eruption

eruptive adj • eruptive

eruptivity n • eruptivitate

erysipelas [Pathol] n • erysipela

erysipelas [Pathol] n • erysipela (-sì-)

escalade [Mil] n • scalada

escalate vi • intensificar se

escalate vi • crescer

escalate vt • intensificar

escalate vt • augmentar

escalation n • intensification

escalation n • augmentation

escalator n • scala mobile

escapade n • escappada

escapade (prankish adventure) n • escappada

escape (act of escaping) n • escappamento

escape (act of escaping) n • escappata

escape, get away v • evader

escape, get away v • evader [-vad-/-vas-]

escape (get away, out, as by flight, through a leak) v • escappar

escape, getaway n • evasion

escape n • escappata

escape v • escappar

escapement [Clockmaking] n • escappamento

escapism n • regression

escarp [Mil] v • scarpar

escarp, scarp [Mil] n • scarpa

escarpment [Mil] n • scarpamento

eschato- (last) [occurring in compounds] adj • eschat-

eschatological adj • eschatologic

eschatologist n • eschatologo

eschatologist n • eschatologo (-tò-)

eschatology n • eschatologia

eschatology n • eschatologia (-ìa)

eschew v • evitar

escort (1. [Army, Navy]; 2. person or persons accompanying another for protection or as a matter of politeness) n • escorta

escort n • escorta

escort v • escortar

escudo [Monet] n • escudo [P]

escudo [Monet] n • escudo

escutcheon, coat of arms n • scuto

Eskimo n • eschimo (és-)

eskimo n • eschimo

Eskimo n • eschimo

eso- (within, inside) [occurring in compounds] adv • eso-

esophageal, oesophageal adj • esophagee

esophageal, oesophageal adj • esophagee (-ée)

esophagus n • esophago

esophagus, oesophagus [Anat] n • esophago

esophagus, oesophagus [Anat] n • esophago (-sò-)

esoter- (inner) [occurring in derivatives] adj • esoter-

esoteric adj • esoteric

esoterism, esotericism n • esoterismo

espalier, trellis n • spalier

especial adj • special

especial, special adj • special

especially adv • super toto

especially adv • specialmente

especially, particularly, chiefly adv • presertim (-sér-)

especially, particularly, chiefly adv • presertim

especially, principally adv • maxime (màx-)

especially, principally adv • maxime

Esperantism n • esperantismo

Esperantist [Interling] n • esperantista

Esperanto (IAL) n • Esperanto

Esperanto [Interling] n • esperanto [Esp]

Esperanto [Interling] n • esperanto

espionage n • spionage

espionage, spying n • spionage (-aje)

espionage, spying n • spionage

esplanade n • esplanada

espouse (a cause) v • sposar

espouse (a cause) v • sponsar

espouse v • sposar

esprit (- de corps) n • spirito de corpore

espy v • perciper

essay, attempt n • essayo (-sà-)

essay, attempt n • essayo

essay (literary essay) n • essayo

essay (literary essay) n • essayo (-sà-)

essay n • essayo

essay v • essayar

essayist n • essayista

essence (1. absolute being; 2. intrinsic nature; 3. extract obtained by distillation) n • essentia

essence n • essentia

essential adj • essential

essential (it is - that) phr • il importa que

essential n • essential

essentiality n • essentialitate

essentially adv • essentialmente

establish (1. to make firm or stable; 2. to found, set up; 3. as in to establish someone in business) v • stabilir

establish (1. to make firm or stable; 2. to found, set up; 3. as in to establish someone in business) v • establir

establish (as a fact) v • constatar

establish (as fact) v • constatar

establish, confirm, sanction v • sancir [sanc-/sanct-]

establish, confirm, sanction v • sancir

establish, set up (a new order, method) v • instaurar

establish, set up v • eriger [-rig-/-rect-]

establish, set up v • eriger

establish (set up) v • establir

established (as in established fact) adj • constante

established price, rate n • taxa

establisher, founder (of an institution) n • instaurator

establisher n • stabilitor

establisher n • establitor

establishment (1. act of establishing, founding, or setting up; 2. institution, organization, business) n • stabilimento

establishment (1. act of establishing, founding, or setting up; 2. institution, organization, business) n • establimento

establishment, foundation (of an office)) n • erection

establishment n • establimento

establishment (of a government) n • instauration

estafette, staffette n • staffetta

estate (after death) n • succession

estate [Pol] n • stato

estate, property n • terra

estate (property) n • proprietate

estate-agency n • agentia immobiliari

esteem, hold in esteem v • estimar

esteem n • estima

esteem, think highly of v • considerar

esteem v • estimar

esteemed adj • considerate pp of considerar

esteems highly, one who appreciates n • appreciator

esthesia n • esthesia (-ìa)

esthesia n • esthesia

esthesiology n • esthesiologia (-ìa)

esthesiology n • esthesiologia

esthesiometer n • esthesiometro

esthesiometer n • esthesiometro (-ò-)

esthesioneurosis n • esthesioneurosis (-òsis)

esthesioneurosis n • esthesioneurosis

esthete, aesthete n • estheta

esthetic, aesthetic adj • esthetic

esthetics (aesthetics) n • esthetica

estimable adj • estimabile

estimate (calculate approximately) v • estimar

estimate v • estimar

estimate v • evalutar

estimation (1. act of estimating; 2. esteem) n • estimation

estimation n • evalutation

estimation n • estimation

estivage n • stivage (-aje)

estivage n • stivage

estival, summer adj • estive

Estonia [Geog] n • Estonia

Estonia n • Estonia

Estonian adj • estonian

estonian adj/n • estonian

Estonian n • estoniano

estrade, dais, platform n • estrade [F]

estrade, dais, platform n • estrade

estrange, alienate v • estraniar

estrange v • estraniar

estrange v • alienar

estrangement, alienation n • estraniamento

estrangement n • estraniamento

estrangement n • alienation

estuary n • estuario

et cetera (etc) • et cetera

et cetera (etc) • e plus altre

etch v • gravar

etch v • gravar al aqua forte

etching n • gravatura

etching n • aqua forte

eternal adj • eternal

eternal adj • eterne

eternal, sempiternal, everlasting adj • sempiterne

eternally adv • eternalmente

eternity n • eternitate

eternize (1. to make eternal) v • eternisar

ethane [Chem] n • ethano

ether (1. upper air, clear sky; 2. [Phys]; 3. [Chem]) n • ethere

ether n • ethere

ethereal adj • etheree

etherification n • etherification

etherify v • etherificar

etherization n • etherisation

etherize (1. to mix or compound with ether; 2. to anesthetize with ether) v • etherisar

ethical adj • ethic

ethical (treating of moral questions or of moral science) adj • ethic

ethically adv • ethicamente

ethicist, moralist n • ethico

ethics n • ethica

ethics (the science of morals) n • ethica

Ethiopia [Geog] n • Ethiopia

Ethiopia n • Ethiopia

ethiopian adj/n • ethiope

Ethiopic adj • ethiopic

ethnic (1. [Ch. Hist] pagan; 2. ethnological) adj • ethnic

ethnic adj • ethnic

ethnogeny n • ethnogenia

ethnogeny n • ethnogenia (-ìa)

ethnographer n • ethnographo

ethnographer n • ethnographo (-nò-)

ethnographic adj • ethnographic

ethnography n • ethnographia

ethnography n • ethnographia (-ìa)

ethnological adj • ethnologic

ethnologist n • ethnologo (-nò-)

ethnologist n • ethnologista

ethnologist n • ethnologo

ethnology n • ethnologia (-ìa)

ethnology n • ethnologia

ethnopsychology n • ethnopsychologia

ethnopsychology n • ethnopsychologia (-ìa)

ethology [Sociol] n • ethologia (-ìa)

ethology [Sociol] n • ethologia

ethopoeia [Rhet] n • ethopeia (-péya)

ethopoeia [Rhet] n • ethopeia

ethos n • ethos

ethos [Philos/Rhet] n • ethos

ethos [Philos/Rhet] n • ethos (é-)

ethyl [Chem] n • ethylo

ethylamine [Chem] n • ethylamino

ethylene [Chem] n • ethyleno

ethylic [Chem] adj • ethylic

etiquette n • etiquetta (-ké-)

etiquette n • etiquetta

Etna, Aetna n • Etna

Etruria n • Etruria

Etruscan (1. native of Etruria; 2. Etruscan language) n • etrusco

Etruscan adj • etrusc

Etruscan, Tyrrhenian n • tyrrheno

etymologic, etymological adj • etymologic

etymologist n • etymologo

etymologist n • etymologo (-mò-)

etymologist n • etymologista

etymologize v • etymologisar

etymology (1. origin or derivation of a word; 2. branch of philology concerned with etymologies) n • etymologia

etymology (1. origin or derivation of a word; 2. branch of philology concerned with etymologies) n • etymologia (-ìa)

etymology n • etymologia

etymon n • etymo

etymon n • etymo (é-)

Eucharist [Eccl] n • eucharistia (-ìa)

Eucharist [Eccl] n • eucharistia

eucharist n • eucharista

Eucharistic adj • eucharistic

Euclid [circa 300 B.C/Greek geometrician] n • Euclide

Euclidean adj • euclidian

eudaemonia n • eudemonia

eudaemonia n • eudemonia (-ìa)

eudaemonism n • eudemonismo

eugenic adj • eugenic

eugenics n • eugenica

eulogist n • elogista

eulogistic adj • elogistic

eulogistic adj • elogiose

eulogize v • elogisar

eulogy n • elogio

eunuch n • eunucho

euphemious, euphemous [occurring in derivatives] adj • eupheme-

euphemism n • euphemia (-ìa)

euphemism n • euphemia

euphemism n • euphemismo

euphemism [Rhet] n • euphemismo

euphemistic adj • euphemic

euphemistic adj • euphemistic

euphonic, euphonious adj • euphonic

euphonious, euphonic adj • euphone

euphony n • euphonia

euphony n • euphonia (-ìa)

euphoria n • euphoria

Euphrates n • Euphrate

Eurasia n • Eurasia

Eurasiatic, Eurasian adj • eurasiatic

eurhythmic adj • eurhythmic

eurhythmy n • eurhythmia

eurhythmy n • eurhythmia (-ìa)

Europa [Mythol] n • Europa

europe n • europa

Europe n • Europa

european adj • europee

European adj • europee

European adj • europee (-pée)

European n • europeo

European n • europeo (-péo)

european n • europeo

European Economic Community n • communitate economic europee

Europeanize v • europeisar

europium [Chem] n • europium (-rò-)

europium [Chem] n • europium

euthanasia n • euthanasia

evacuant, evacuative [Med] adj • evacuative

evacuate, empty, vacate v • disoccupar

evacuate v • evacuar

evacuation n • evacuation

evadable, eludible adj • eludibile

evade (practice evasion) v • evader

evade (practice evasion) v • evader [-vad-/-vas-]

evade v • evader

evade v • eluder

evaginate v • evaginar

evagination n • evagination

evaluate v • evalutar

evaluation n • evalutation

evanescence n • evanescentia

evanescent, vanishing adj • evanescente (ppr of evanescer)

evanescent, vanishing adj • evanescente

evangelic, evangelical (1. of the Gospels; 2. as in evangelical denomination) adj • evangelic

evangelical adj • evangelic

evangelism n • evangelismo

evangelist, evangel n • evangelo (-àng-)

evangelist, evangel n • evangelo

evangelist n • evangelista

Evangelist n • evangelista

evangelization n • evangelisation

evangelize v • evangelisar

evangelizer n • evangelisator

evaporable, vaporizable adj • evaporabile

evaporate (1. to vaporize; 2. to be vaporized) v • evaporar

evaporate v • evaporar

evaporating (as in evaporating process, apparatus) adj • evaporatori

evaporation n • evaporation

evaporation, vaporization n • vaporisation

evaporative adj • evaporative

evasion n • evasion

evasive adj • evasive

eve (evening) n • vespere

eve (festival) n • vigilia

evection [Astron] n • evection

even adv • mesmo

even [Arith] adj • par

even (break -) v • finir sin esser le ganiator o le perdente

even, equable adj • equal

even (equal) adj • equal

even, homaloidal, flat [Math] adj • homaloide

even (not odd) adj • par

even (notwithstanding) adv • mesmo

even (notwithstanding) adv • etiam

even, smooth adj • unite (pp of unir)

even, smooth adj • unite

even (smooth) adj • regular

even, truly, really, indeed adv • vere

even, truly, really, indeed adv • vero

even vi/vt • equalisar

eveness n • equalitate

eveness n • regularitate

even-handed adj • impartial

even-if prep • malgrado

even-if prep • in despecto de

evening (in the -) phr • le vespere

evening n • vespere

evening n • vespera

evening n • vespera (vés-)

evening-dress n • habito de ceremonia

evenly adv • regularmente

evenly adv • equalmente

evenness, equability n • equalitate

event n • evento

event (occurrence of some importance) n • evento

even-tempered adj • equanime

even-tempered adj • equanime (equà-)

eventful adj • plen de evenimentos

eventful adj • memorabile

eventual adj • final

eventual adj • eventual

eventuality n • eventualitate

eventually adv • eventualmente

eventually adv • finalmente

eventuate vi • resultar

eventuate vi • eventuar

even-yet conj • etiam

ever (always) adv • sempre

ever, at any time adv • jammais

ever, at any time adv • jammais (-màis)

ever, at any time adv • unquam

ever, at any time adv • unquam (ùnquam)

ever (at any time) adv • jammais

ever (at any time) adv • unquam

ever (for -) phr • sempre

everential, ceremonious (over) adj • reverentiose

Everest (Mount -) n • Everest

ever-green adj/n • semperverde

evergreen semperverde adj • semperverde

ever-lasting adj • sempiterne

everlasting, eternal, sempiternal adj • sempiterne

ever-more adv • per sempre

eversion (act of everting) n • eversion

eversion n • eversion

evert, turn inside out v • everter [-vert-/-vers-]

evert, turn inside out v • everter

evert v • everter

every adj/pron • tote

every adj/pron • omne

every, each adj • tote

every, each adj • omne

every now and then phr • de tempore in tempore

everybody pron • tote le mundo

everybody pron • totos

everybody pron • omne persona

everyday (all days) adj • omne die

everyday (daily) adj • quotidian

everyone pron • totos

everyone pron • tote le mundo

everything, all n • toto

everything pron • toto

every-where adv • ubique

everywhere adv • ubique

evict (1. recover by legal process; 2. to dispossess) [Law] v • evincer

evict (1. recover by legal process; 2. to dispossess) [Law] v • evincer [-vinc-/-vict-]

evict v • evincer

eviction (1. recovery by legal process; 2. dispossession) [Law] n • eviction

eviction n • eviction

evidence (circumstantial -) n • indicios

evidence n • evidentia

evidence (quality or condition of being evident) n • evidentia

evident adj • evidente

evidently adv • evidentemente

evil adj/n • mal

evil, bad adj • mal

evil deed, mischief n • maleficio

evil eye, spell, hex n • fascino

evil eye, spell, hex n • fascino (fà-)

evil spirit, demon n • demonio

evil-deed n • maleficio

evil-doing, maleficent adj • maleficente

evil-spirit n • spirito maligne

evitable adj • evitabile

evocable adj • evocabile

evocation n • evocation

evocative adj • evocatori

evocatory adj • evocatori

evoke, call forth v • evocar

evoke v • evocar

evolute [Mil/Naut] v • evolver [-volv-/-volut-]

evolute [Mil/Naut] v • evolver

evolution (1. development; 2. [Biol]; 3. [Mil/naut]) n • evolution

evolution n • evolution

evolutionism n • evolutionismo

evolutionist n • evolutionista

evolutive adj • evolutive

evolve, develop (1. to undergo an evolution or development; 2 . to cause to evolve or develop) v • evolver [-volv-/-volut-]

evolve, develop (1. to undergo an evolution or development; 2 . to cause to evolve or develop) v • evolver

evolve v • evolver

evulse, tear out, pull out v • eveller

evulse, tear out, pull out v • eveller [-vell-/-vuls-]

evulsion n • evulsion

ewe n • ove

ex- (without, outside, exo-) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] adv • exo-

ex libris, bookplate n • ex-libris

exacerbate (increase the smart or bitterness of) v • exacerbar

exacerbate v • exacerbar

exacerbation (state of being exacerbated) n • exacerbation

exact, accurate adj • juste

exact, accurate adj • exacte

exact adj • exacte

exact, demand, claim v • peter

exact, punctilious adj • punctual

exact v • exiger [-ig-/-act-]

exact v • exiger

exacting adj • exigente

exacting, exigent adj • exigente

exaction (action of exacting) n • exaction

exactitude, accuracy n • exactitude

exactitude n • exactitudine

exactly, just adv • justo

exactness, accuracy n • justessa

exactness, punctiliousness n • punctualitate

exaggerate v • exaggerar

exaggeration n • exaggeration

exaggerative adj • exaggerative

exaggerator n • exaggerator

exalt (1. to raise in rank, honor, power; 2. to extol) v • exaltar

exalt, extol, magnify v • magnificar

exalt v • exaltar

exaltation (1. act of raising to a superior rank or position; 2. act of praising, extoling; 3. overexcitement, rapture) n • exaltation

exaltation (act of exalting or extolling) n • magnification

exalted adj • elevate

examinable adj • examinabile

examination (1. investigation; 2. test) n • examine

examination n • examine

examination, test n • test</b> A]

examination, test n • test

examine, check, go through (documents, books) v • compulsar

examine (check) v • controlar

examine, interrogate v • interrogar

examine (investigate, test) v • examinar

examine, look at v • perspicer [-spic-/-spect-]

examine, look at v • perspicer

examine, scan, scrutinize v • scrutar

examine v • examinar

examine carefully, scruitinize closely v • perscrutar

examine carefully, verify, check v • respicer

examine carefully, verify, check v • respicer [-spic-/-spect-]

examine cursorily, look over v • percurrer [-curr-/-curs-]

examine cursorily, look over v • percurrer

examiner (checker) n • controlator

examiner, inspector (person who checks or verifies) n • controlator

examiner n • examinante

examiner n • examinator

examiner (tester) n • examinator

example (1. sample, specimen; 2. model, pattern; 3. instance serving to illustrate a rule or precept) n • exemplo

example (for -) phr • per exemplo

example (make an - of) v • facer un exemplo de

example n • exemplo

example (set an -) v • dar un exemplo

exarch (1.</b> Rom. Hist]; 2.</b> Gr. Orth. Ch]) n • exarcho

exarch- [occurring in derivatives] v • exarch-

exarchate n • exarchato

exasperate v • exasperar

exasperation n • exasperation

excavate (hollow out, dig) v • excavar

excavate v • excavar

excavation (action or result of hollowing out) n • excavation

excavation n • excavation

excavator (1. one who excavates; 2. machine for digging out earth) n • excavator

excavator n • excavator

exceed, surpass, excel v • superar

exceed, transcend v • transcender

exceed v • exceder [-ced-/-cess-]

exceed v • exceder

exceeding adj • multe

exceedingly adv • multo

exceedingly, much adv • plurimo (plù-)

exceedingly, much adv • plurimo

exceedingly, very adv • maxime (màx-)

exceedingly, very adv • maxime

exceedingly, very much adv • valde

excel (abounding in) v • exceller

excel (distinguished) v • exceller

excel, exceed, surpass v • superar

excel v • exceller

excel v • exceller [-cell-/-cels-]

excellence, excellency n • excellentia

excellence n • excellentia

excellency n • excellentia

excellency (your -) n • vostre dies

excellent adj • excellente (ppr of exceller)

excellent adj • excellente

except adv • for

except adv • foris (fòr-), foras (fòr-)

except adv • foras, foris

except adv • foris, foras

except adv • foras (fòr-), foris (fòr-)

except (all - him) prep • totos minus ille

except conj • a minus que

except, excepting adv • preter (pré-)

except, excepting adv • preter

except, excepting prep • excepte

except (leave out, take out) v • exceptar

except prep • excepte

except prep • preter

except, unless it be adv • non

excepting conj • preter

excepting conj • excepte

excepting, except adv • extra

exception n • exception

exception (with the - of) n • excepte

exceptionable, challengeable [Law] adj • recusabile

exceptional adj • exceptional

exceptionally adv • exceptionalmente

excerpt n • extracto

excess (1. fact of exceeding in amount or degree; 2. amount by which one thing exceeds another; 3. as in to commit excesses) n • excesso

excess, extreme n • ultrantia

excess n • excesso

excess-fare (carry to -) v • ultrar

excess-fare n • supplemento

excess-fat n • grassia de excesso

excessive adj • exorbitante

excessive adj • excessive

excessiveness n • exorbitantia

exchange (1. as in foreign or domestic exchange; 2. rate of exchange) [Fin] n • cambio

exchange (action of exchanging) n • excambio

exchange (bill -) n • littera de cambio

exchange [Fin] • cambio

exchange, interchange n • permutation

exchange, interchange, permute v • permutar

exchange, interchange v • intercambiar

exchange (rate of -) n • curso de cambio

exchange (stock -) n • bursa

exchange (swap) n • excambio

exchange (telephone -) n • central telephonic

exchange v • excambiar

exchange business, stockbroking, agiotage n • agiotage (ajotaje)

exchange business, stockbroking, agiotage n • agiotage

exchange premium, agio [Commer] n • agio

exchange premium, agio [Commer] n • agio (ajo)

exchangeable adj • excambiabile

exchanger n • excambiator

exchequer n • tresoreria

exchequer n • fisco

exchequer, treasury, fisc n • fisco

excide, cut out, cut off v • excider [-cid-/-cis-]

excide, cut out, cut off v • excider

excipient [Pharm] n • excipiente

excise n • accisia

excise n • imposto de consumo

excise [Surg] v • excisar

excise v • excisar

excision [Surg] n • excision

excision of the tongue, glossotomy [Med] n • glossotomia

excision of the tongue, glossotomy [Med] n • glossotomia (-ìa)

excitabile adj • excitabile

excitability n • excitabilitate

excitable adj • excitabile

excitant, stimulant n • excitante

excitation (1. action of exciting; 2. [Elec]) n • excitation

excitation (action of exciting) n • excitamento

excite (incite to) v • incitar

excite (stimulate) v • excitar

excite v • excitar

excited adj • agitate

excited (easily -) adj • inflammabile

excited (grow -) v • exaltar se

excitement n • excitamento

excitement n • agitation

excitement (state of being excited) n • excitation

exciter n • excitator

exciting adj • excitative

exciting, stimulating adj • excitative

exclaim, cry out v • clamar

exclaim v • exclamar

exclamation n • exclamation

exclamation mark n • puncto de exclamation

exclamatory adj • exclamative

exclude v • excluder [-clud-/-clus-]

exclude v • excluder

excluding conj • al exclusion de

exclusion n • exclusion

exclusive (1. as in exclusive right, exclusive terms; 2 . as in an exclusive club) adj • exclusive

exclusive adj • exclusive

exclusive property n • peculio

exclusively adv • exclusivemente

exclusiveness, exclusivism n • exclusivismo

exclusiveness (of rights, terms) n • exclusivitate

exclusivist n • exclusivista

excogitate, think out v • excogitar

excogitation, devising, contrivance n • excogitation

excommunicate v • excommunicar

excommunication n • excommunication

ex-communist, former communist n • ex-communista

excoriate, bark, graze v • excoriar

excoriation (abrasion of the skin) n • excoriation

excrement n • excremento

excrement n • fece

excremental adj • excrementose

excremental adj • excremental

excrementitious adj • excrementicie

excrescence (abnormal or disfiguring outgrowth) n • excrescentia

excrete v • excretar

excretion n • excretion

excretory adj • excretori

excruciating adj • cruciante

exculpate, free from blame v • disculpar

exculpate v • disculpar

excursion (1. pleasure trip; 2. digression) n • excursion

excursion n • excursion

excursion, tour, trip n • tour [F]

excursion, tour, trip n • tour

excursionist n • excursionista

excusable adj • excusabile

excuse (clear of blame) v • excusar

excuse, excusing n • excusation

excuse n • excusa

excuse v • excusar

excuse me! interj • pardono!

excusing, excuse n • excusation

execrable adj • execrabile

execrate (1. to imprecate evil upon; 2. to abhor, detest) v • execrar

execration (1. imprecation, malediction; 2. abhorrence, detestation) n • execration

execrator n • execrator

execratory adj • execratori

executable, practicable adj • executabile

execute (1. to carry out; 2. to put to death according to law) v • executar

execute, carry out v • exequer

execute, carry out v • exequer [-equ-/-ecut-]

execute, put to death v • suppliciar

execute v • executar

executed person n • suppliciato

execution (1. act of carrying out; 2. act of putting to death according to law) n • execution

execution n • execution

executioner, hangman n • carnifice

executioner, hangman n • carnifice (-nì-)

executioner n • carnefice

executive adj • executive

executive n • dirigente

executor n • executor

executor (one who carries out) n • executor

executory (as in executory decree, law) adj • executori

exegesis n • exegese

exegetic adj • exegetic

exegetics n • exegetica

exegetist n • exegeta

exellent, fine adj • brave

exemplary (1. being a good model or pattern) adj • exemplar

exemplary adj • exemplari

exemplary adj • exemplar

exemplification (act of showing by example) n • exemplification

exemplify (show by example) v • exemplificar

exemplify v • exemplificar

exempt adj • immun

exempt adj • exempte

exempt v • exemptar

exempt v • eximer

exempt v • eximer [-im-/-empt-]

exemption, dispensation n • dispensa

exemption n • exemption

exercise (1. as in the exercise of virtues; 2. as in an exercise in grammar) n • exercitio

exercise, drill, train v • exercitar

exercise, drill, training n • exercitation

exercise n • exercitio

exercise v • exercitar

exercise v • exercitar (se)

exercise foresight v • prospicer [-spic-/-spect-]

exercise foresight v • prospicer

exercise in vocalization, vocalizing [Mus] n • vocaliso

exercise-book n • quaderno

exercise-patience v • armar se de patientia

exert v • emplear

exert-influence-on v • influentiar

exertion n • effortio

exertion (of faculties) n • contention

exert-oneself v • to effortiar se a

exfoliation (process of coming off in layers or scales, peeling off) n • exfoliation

exhalation (1. exhaling, giving off as vapor; 2. that which is exhaled) n • exhalation

exhale (as in to exhale odor) v • exhalar

exhale v • exhalar

exhaust (1. to drain, use up, consume; 2. as in to exhaust a subject) v • exhaurir

exhaust (1. to drain, use up, consume; 2. as in to exhaust a subject) v • exhaurir [-haur-/haust-]

exhaust n • escappamento

exhaust (of an engine) n • escappamento

exhaust v • exhaurir

exhausted (be -) v • exhauste

exhausted (be -) v • exhaurite

exhausted (consumed, used up) adj • exhauste

exhausted (tired) adj • fatigate

exhausted (used up) adj • exhauste

exhaustible adj • exhauribile

exhaustible adj • exhaustibile

exhaustion (action of draining, using up, consuming) n • exhaustion

exhaustion, emaciation n • extenuation

exhaustion (using up) n • exhaustion

exhaust-pipe n • tubo de escappamento

exhibit (objecto de) n • exhibition

exhibit v • exhibir

exhibition n • exposition

exhibition n • exhibition

exhibitionism (tendency towards self-advertisement) n • exhibitionismo

exhibitionist n • exhibitionista

exhibitionist (ostentatious person) n • exhibitionista

exhibitor n • expositor

exhibitor n • exhibitor

exhibitory adj • exhibitori

exhilarant, exhilarating adj • exhilarante (ppr of exhilarar)

exhilarant, exhilarating adj • exhilarante

exhilarate v • exhilarar

exhilarating adj • exhilarante

exhilaration n • exhilaration

exhort v • exhortar

exhortation n • exhortation

exhortative adj • exhortative

exhortatory adj • exhortatori

exhorter n • exhortator

exhumation n • exhumation

exhume v • exhumar

ex-husband, former husband n • ex-marito

ex-husband n • ex-marito

exigency, requirement n • exigentia

exigent, exacting adj • exigente

exigible, claimable adj • exigibile

exiguity, scantiness n • exiguitate

exiguous adj • exigue

exile (banishment) n • exilio

exile (exiled person) n • exiliato

exile, outlaw n • proscripto

exile (person) n • exiliato

exile (state) n • exilio

exile v • exiliar

exist (continue to -) v • subsister

exist v • esser

exist v • esser super terra

exist v • exister

existence (come into -) n • nascer (le - )

existence (come into -) n • nascer

existence n • existentia

existence n • esser

existence n • esser (le - )

existent adj • existente

existent, existing adj • existente

existential adj • existential

existentialism n • existentialismo

existentialist n • existentialista

existing, existent adj • existente

exit, egress n • egresso

exit (theat) n • sortita

exit v • facer le sortita

exit v • sortir

exit, way out n • exito

exit, way out n • exito (éx-)

exit (way out) n • exito

ex-minister, former minister [Pol] n • ex-ministro

exo- (ex-) (without, outside) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] adv • exo-

exodic adj • exodic

exodist (one taking part in an exodus) n • exodista

exodus (book of -) n • libro del exodo

exodus n • exodo (éx-)

exodus n • exodo

ex-officio phr • de officio

exogamous [Anthropol] adj • exogame (-ògame)

exogamous [Anthropol] adj • exogame

exogamy [Anthropol] n • exogamia

exogamy [Anthropol] n • exogamia (-ìa)

exogenous adj • exogene

exonerate (free from a burden, duty, obligation) v • exonerar

exonerate v • exonerar

exoneration n • exoneration

exorable, easily moved adj • exorabile

exorbitant adj • exorbitante

exorcise v • exorcisar

exorcism n • exorcismo

exorcist n • exorcista

exorcize v • exorcisar

exordial adj • exordial

exordium n • exordio

exoskeleton [Zool] n • exoskeleto (-ské-)

exoskeleton [Zool] n • exoskeleto

exosmosis n • exosmose

exosmotic adj • exosmotic

exotic adj • exotic

exoticism n • exoticismo

expand (cause to spread out, stretch out or unfold) v • expander

expand (cause to spread out, stretch out or unfold) v • expander [-pand-/-pans-]

expand v • expander

expand v • expander (se)

expanse n • extension

expanse n • largo

expanse, wideness n • largo

expansibility n • expansibilitate

expansible adj • expansibile

expansion n • expansion

expansive (1. [Sci]; 2. showing one's feelings freely) adj • expansive

expansiveness n • expansion

expatriate (make an exile of) v • expatriar

expatriate n • expatriato

expatriate v • expatriar

expatriation (1. banishment from one's fatherland; 2. emigration) n • expatriation

expatriation n • expatriation

expect (look for mentally) v • expectar

expect v • expectar

expectant adj • expectante (ppr of expectar)

expectant adj • gravide

expectant adj • expectante

expectation (1. state of expecting; 2. [Med]) n • expectation

expectation n • expectation

expectative adj • expectative

expected, foreseen adj • provise

expectorant [Med] adj • expectorante (ppr of expectorar)

expectorant [Med] adj • expectorante

expectorant [Med] n • expectorante

expectorate, spit v • sputar

expectorate v • expectorar

expectoration n • expectoration

expectoration, spitting n • sputation

expectoration, spitting out n • exspuition

expedient adj/n • expediente

expedient n • expediente

expedient, suitable, fit adj • expediente

expedient, suitable, fit adj • expediente (ppr of expedir)

expedite v • expedir

expediting (action of) n • expedition

expedition (1. promptness; 2. as in an expedition to the North Pole) n • expedition

expedition n • expedition

expeditious adj • expeditive

expeditor n • expeditor

expel v • expeller

expel v • expeller [-pell-/-puls-]

expend n • dispender

expend n • expender

expend, spend (give out in payment) v • dispender

expend, spend (give out in payment) v • expender

expend, spend (give out in payment) v • expender [-pend-/-pens-]

expend, spend (give out in payment) v • dispender [-pend-/-pens-]

expenditure n • expensa

expenditure n • dispensa

expenditure, outlay (of money) n • dispensa

expense, cost n • sumpto

expense (great -) n • dispendio

expense n • expensa

expensive adj • car

expensive adj • costose

expensive, costly adj • dispendiose

experience (as in teaching experience) n • experientia

experience n • experientia

experience v • haber experientia de

experience v • experientiar

experienced adj • experimentate

experiment n • experimento

experiment v • experimentar

experimental adj • experimental

experimental stage phr • stato experimental

experimentally adv • experimentalmente

experimentation n • experimentation

experimenter n • experimentator

expert adj • experte

expert n • experto

expertise n • habilitate

expertise n • competentia

expiable adj • expiabile

expiate v • expiar

expiation n • expiation

expiator n • expiator

expiatory adj • expiatori

expiration (1. breathing out; 2. termination, end) n • expiration

expire (1. to breathe out; 2. to die) v • expirar

expire, become invalid, lapse v • perimer [-im-/-empt-]

expire, become invalid, lapse v • perimer

expire (exhale, die) v • expirar

expire (lapse) v • perimer

expired adj • perimite

expired adj • perempte

expired, invalid, lapsed adj • perempte

expiring adj • per expirar

expiring adj/pres part • expirante

expiry n • expiration

expiry (termination) n • termination

explain (expound, interpret) v • explanar

explain, narrate, expound v • enarrar

explain v • explicar

explainable, describable adj • enarrabile

explainable, explicable adj • explicabile

explainer, commentator n • explicator

explanation (interpretation, expounding) n • explanation

explanation n • explication

explanatory adj • explicative

expletive adj • expletive

expletive n • blasphemia

explicable, explainable adj • explicabile

explicit adj • explicite

explicit (clearly expressed) adj • explicite (-plì-)

explicit (clearly expressed) adj • explicite

explode (a theory) v • discreditar

explode (blow up) vt • facer exploder

explode (go off, or to fly in pieces, with a loud report) v • exploder

explode (go off, or to fly in pieces, with a loud report) v • exploder [-plod-/-plos-]

explode vi • exploder

exploder (device for firing an explosive charge) n • exploditor

exploit (1. as in to exploit a mine; 2. to utilize for selfish purposes) v • exploitar

exploit n • prodessa

exploit n • gesta

exploit v • exploitar

exploitable adj • exploitabile

exploitation n • exploitation

exploiter n • exploitator

explorable adj • explorabile

exploration (1. as in exploration of new countries; 2. investigation; 3. [Surg]) n • exploration

exploration n • exploration

exploratory adj • exploratori

explore (1. as in to explore new countries; 2. to investigate, examine; 3. [Surg]) v • explorar

explore v • explorar

explorer n • explorator

explosion (1. blast; 2. sudden outbreak of emotion) n • explosion

explosion n • explosion

explosive (1. tending to explode; 2. [Phonet]) adj • explosive

explosive adj • explosive

explosive (explosive substance) n • explosivo

explosive n • explosivo

exponent [Alg] adj • exponente

exponent, expositor, expounder n • expositor

exponent (interpreter) n • interprete

exponent (maths) n • exponente

exponential [Math] adj • exponential

export, exporting, exportation n • exportation

export n • exportation

export v • exportar

exportable adj • exportabile

exportation, export, exporting n • exportation

exportation n • exportation

exporter n • exportator

exporting, exportation, export n • exportation

exports n • exportation

expose (1. to show openly, display; 2. to lay open (danger)) v • exponer

expose (1. to show openly, display; 2. to lay open (danger)) v • exponer [-pon-/-posit-]

expose (display) v • exponer

expose (unmask) v • dismascar

expose the foot or roots, uncover (of a tree, tooth) v • discalcear

exposition (1. exhibition; 2. detailed explanation) n • exposition

exposition, narration n • enarration

expositive, expository adj • expositive

expositor, expounder, exponent n • expositor

expository, expositive adj • expositive

expository, giving the argument of [Lit] adj • argumentative

expostulate, protest, remonstrate v • remonstrar

exposure (1. laying open to view, action, influence, etc; 2. [Photog]; 3. position in relation to sun, wind etc.) n • exposition

exposure n • exposition

expound, explain, narrate v • enarrar

expound v • exponer [-pon-/-posit-]

expound v • exponer

expounder, exponent, expositor n • expositor

ex-president n • ex-presidente

express (1. definite, explicit; 2. as in express letter) adj • expresse

express adj • expresse

express n • rapido

express (rapid) adj • rapide

express (rr) n • expresso

express (train) n • rapido

express (train) n • rapido (rà-)

express v • exprimer [-prim-/-press-]

express v • exprimer

express joy at, congratulate v • gratular

express messenger n • expresso

express one's opinion first v • preopinar

express train. expresso n • expresso

expressible, utterable adj • exprimibile

expression (1. action of pressing or squeezing out; 2. act or fact of giving expression to; 3. significant word or phrase) n • expression

expression n • expression

expressionism n • expressionismo

expressionist n • expressionista

expressive adj • expressive

expressly adv • expressemente

expressway n • autostrata

expropriate, dispossess v • expropriar

expropriate v • expropriar

expropriation, dispossession n • expropriation

expropriator, dispossessor n • expropriator

expulsion n • expulsion

expulsive adj • expulsive

expunction n • expunction

expunge v • expunger

expunge v • expunger [-pung-/-punct-]

expurgate v • expurgar

expurgation n • expurgation

exquisite adj • exquisite

exquisiteness n • exquisitessa

exsanguine adj • exsangue

exsiccate, dry up (make quite dry) v • exsiccar

exsiccation n • exsiccation

exsiccative adj • exsiccative

exsuction n • exsuction

extant adj • ancora existante

extemporaneous, extempore adj • extemporanee

extemporaneously adv • extemporeneemente

extemporaneously adv • improvisatemente

extempore adj • extemporanee

extempore adv • ex tempore

extempore, extemporaneous adj • extemporanee

extempore (improvised) adj • improvisate

extempore (speak -) v • improvisar un discurso

extemporize (parlar) vi • extemporaneemente

extemporize vt • improvisar

extend (1. to stretch out; 2. to increase in size or scope) v • extender

extend (1. to stretch out; 2. to increase in size or scope) v • extender [-tend-/-tens-]

extend (prolong) v • prolongar

extend v • extender

extend v • extender (se)

extender (one who or that which extends) n • extensor

extendible, extensible adj • extendibile

extensibility n • extensibilitate

extensible adj • extensibile

extensible, extendible adj • extendibile

extension (1. stretching out; 2. increase in size or scope; 3. [Logic]) n • extension

extension n • extension

extensive adj • extensive

extensive (as in extensive agriculture) adj • extensive

extensive (having extension) adj • extense

extensor [Anat] n • extensor

extent n • extension

extent (space or degree to which anything is extended) n • extension

extenuate (as in to extenuate an offense) v • attenuar

extenuate, emaciate, weaken v • extenuar

extenuating adj • attenuante

exterior adj • exterior

exterior adj/n • exterior

exterior, outside n • exterior

exteriority n • exterioritate

exterminate v • exterminar

extermination n • extermination

exterminator n • exterminator

external adj • externe

externalization n • exteriorisation

externalize, make manifest v • exteriorisar

externally adv • externemente

exterritorial, extraterritorial adj • extraterritorial

exterritorial, extraterritorial adj • exterritorial

exterritoriality, extraterritoriality n • exterritorialitate

exterritoriality, extraterritoriality n • extraterritorialitate

extinct adj • extincte

extinct (as in an extinct animal) adj • extincte

extinction n • extinction

extinctive adj • extinctive

extinguish v • extinguer [-stingu-/-stinct-]

extinguish v • extinguer

extinguishable adj • extinguibile

extinguisher (fire) n • extinctor

extinguisher n • extinctor

extirpable, eradicable adj • extirpabile

extirpate (1. as in to extirpate noxious plants; 2. as in to extirpate a social evil) v • extirpar

extirpation n • extirpation

extirpator n • extirpator

extol, magnify, exalt v • magnificar

extol v • exaltar

extort v • extorquer [-torqu-/-tort-]

extort v • extorquer

extortion (illegal exaction on the part of an official) n • concussion

extortion n • extortion

extortionate v • exorbitante

extra adj • supernumerari

extra adv • extra

extra, besides, in addition adv • extra

extra (person) n • supernumerario

extra, supernumerary adj • supernumerari

extra (theat) n • comparsa

extra (thing) n • supplemento

extra (two - chairs) phr • ancora duo sedes

extract (1. extracted substance; 2. excerpt) n • extracto

extract n • extracto

extract v • extraher [-trah-/-tract-]

extract v • extraher

extraction (1. act of extracting; 2. descent, origin) n • extraction

extraction n • extraction

extractor n • extractor

extradite v • extrader

extradition n • extradition

extrados [Arch] n • extradorso

extramural adj • extramural

extraneous adj • extranee

extraordinarily adj • extraordinarimente

extraordinary (1. beyond the common order; 2. exceeding the common degree) adj • extraordinari

extraordinary adj • extraordinari

extras n • dispensas supplementari

extraterritorial, exterritorial adj • extraterritorial

extraterritorial, exterritorial adj • exterritorial

extraterritoriality, exterritoriality n • extraterritorialitate

extraterritoriality, exterritoriality n • exterritorialitate

extravagance (oddness) n • extravagantia

extravagance (wastefulness) n • prodigalitate

extravagant (odd) adj • extravagante

extravagant (wasteful) adj • prodige

extravasate [Anat] v • extravasar

extravasation [Anat] n • extravasation

extreme adj • extreme

extreme (carry to -s) v • ultrar

extreme, excess n • ultrantia

extreme n • ultrantia

extreme n • extremo

extremely adv • extrememente

extremism n • extremismo

extremist adj/n • extremista

extremist n • extremista

extremity (1. very end; 2. extreme degree; 3. extreme action) n • extremitate

extremity (point) n • extremitate

extremity (point) n • extremo

extremity (superlative degree) n • extremitate

extremity (tip) n • extremitate

extremity (tip) n • extremo

extricate v • disembarassar

extrinsic adj • extrinsec

extrinsic (not inherent or essential) adj • extrinsec

extrinsic (not inherent or essential) adj • extrinsec (-trìn-)

extroversion (1. [Med] (condition of being turned inside out; 2. [Psychol]) n • extroversion

extrovert (1. to turn outwards) v • extroverter

extrovert (1. to turn outwards) v • extroverter [-vert-/-vers-]

extrovert adj • extrovertite

extrovert n • extrovertito

extrovert [Psychol] n • extrovertito

extrude v • extruder

extruded adj • extrudite

extruding adj • extrudente

extrusion n • extrusion

extrusive adj • extrusive

exuberance (1. luxuriance; 2. effusiveness) n • exuberantia

exuberance n • exuberantia

exuberant adj • exuberante

exuberate, be exuberant v • exuberar

exudation n • exsudation

exudation, sweat n • exsudato

exude (1. as in sweat exudes from the pores; 2. to cause to exude) v • exsudar

exude v • exsudar

exuded adj • exsudate

exult v • exultar

exult v • ovar

exultant adj • exultante (ppr of exultar)

exultant adj • exultante

exultant, jubilant adj • jubilante

exultant, jubilant adj • jubilante (ppr of jubilar)

exultant joy, jubilee n • jubilo

exultant joy, jubilee n • jubilo (jùbilo)

exultation n • exultation

exulting adj • ovante (ppr of ovar)

exulting adj • ovante

ex-wife n • ex-marita

eye adj • ocular

eye, glance at v • ocular

eye (keep an - on) v • vigilar super

eye n • oculo (òc-)

eye n • oculo

eye (open someone's -s to) v • disabusar un persona super

eye (see - to - with) v • vider le cosas del mesme oculo que

eye (turn a blind - to) v • esser acec super

eye v • ocular

eye v • observar

eye specialist, ophthalmologist n • ophthalmologo (-òlogo)

eye specialist, ophthalmologist n • ophthalmologo

eye-ball n • globo del oculo

eye-bath n • bassinetto ocular

eye-brow n • supercilio

eye-catching adj • que salta al oculo

eye-lash n • cilio

eyelash n • cilio

eyelet (small round hole for the passage of a lace, cord) n • oculetto

eye-lid n • palpebra

eyelid n • palpebra

eyelid n • palpebra (pàl-)

eye-opener n • revelation

eye-shade n • visiera

eye-sight n • viso

eye-sight n • vista

eye-sore n • vista fede

eye-strain n • fatiga del oculos

eye-tooth n • dente canin

eye-witness n • teste ocular e (letter -) n • littera e

E (the note) [Mus] n • mi

each adj • tote

each adj • cata

each adj • omne

each, every adj • omne

each, every adj • tote

each (one pound -) phr • un libra le pecia

each pron • cata uno

each (they had a beer -) phr • cata uno bibeva un bira

each other adj/pron • le un le alter, le unes le alteres

each other adj/pron • le unes le alteres, le un le alter

each other, one another pron • un-altere

eager adj • alacre

eager adj • ardorose

eager, brisk, alacritous adj • alacre

eager, brisk, alacritous adj • alacre (àl-)

eagerly adv • ardorosemente

eagerness, briskness, alacrity n • alacritate

eagerness n • ardor

eagle n • aquila (à-)

eagle n • aquila

earthquake n • tremor de terra

earthquake n • seismo

ear (form, be formed, into ears or spikes) v • spicar

ear n • aure

ear (of grain) n • spica

ear (organ and faculty of hearing) n • aure

ear, spike (of grain) n • spica

ear (turn a deaf - to) phr • facer le aure surde a

earache n • dolor de aure

eardrum n • cassa del tympano

eared, spicate, spiky adj • spicate

earl, count n • conte

earl n • conte

earldom, county n • contato

earlier adj • anterior

earlier adv • ante

earlier-than adv • ante

earliest adj • prime

early (ancient) adj • antique

early (first) adj • prime

early (in good time) phr • de bon hora

early (time of day) adj • matutinal

early (time of season) adj • precoce

early (too soon) phr • ante le tempore

early in the morning adv • mane

early riser n • matinero

earmark v • assignar

earn v • ganiar

earn as profit, gain v • lucrar

earner n • ganiator

earnest adj • serie

earnest, earnest money [Law] n • arrha

earnest (in -) adv • seriemente

earnest money, earnest [Law] n • arrha

earnestness n • serio

earnestness, seriousness n • serio

earnings (of business) n • profitos

earnings (wage) n • salario

earring n • pendente de aure

ear-shaped, auriform adj • auriforme

ear-shaped, spiciform adj • spiciforme

ear-splitting adj • assurdante

earth adj • terren

earth (ground) n • solo

earth (ground) n • terra

earth, land adj • terren

earth n • terra

earth (on the -) phr • super terra

earth, soil n • solo

earth (soil) n • terra

earth vt • connecter al terra

earth (where on - is it?) phr • ubi diabolo es illo?

earth (world) n • mundo

earthenware n • ceramo (cé-)

earthenware n • ceramo

earthenware pot n • testo

earthly adj • terrestre

earthly (for no - reason) phr • a proposito de nihil

earthly, terrestrial adj • terren

earthquake, seism n • seismo

earthquake, seism n • seismo (séizmo)

earthworm n • lumbrico (-ìco)

earthworm n • lumbrico

earthy (as in an earthy smell) adj • terrose

earwig n • forficula

ease (at -) phr • in reposo

ease, facility (1. absence of difficulty; 2. power to do anything easily and quickly) n • facilitate

ease (lessen) v • alleviar

ease n • facilitate reposo

ease (simplify) v • facilitar

ease, unconstraint, freedom in speech or manner n • disinvoltura

ease up v • relaxar

ease up v • relaxar (se)

easel n • cavaletto

easement [Law] n • servitude

easily forgotten adj • oblidabile

easily intimidated adj • intimidabile

easily moved, exorable adj • exorabile

easily tired adj • fatigabile

east adj • oriental

east adj • del est

east (direction of sunrise) n • levante

east (go -) phr • ir al est

east n • oriente

east n • est

East-Africa [Geog] n • Africa del Est

easter adj • paschal

easter adj • del pascha

Easter n • pascha

easter n • pascha

eastern adj • oriental

Eastern, Oriental adj • oriental

eastern, oriental adj • oriental

easterner n • oriental

Eastphalia n • Estfalia

East-Timor [Geog] n • Timor Oriental

eastward (-s) adv • al est

easy adj • facile

easy (make -) v • facilitar

easy (not difficult) adj • facile

easy, unconstrained, free in speech or manner adj • disinvolte

easy chair n • confortabile

easy to handle adj • maneabile

easy unpretentious music n • musichetta

easy-chair n • confortabile

easygoing adj • indulgente

easygoing adj • de humor facile

eat v • eder

eat v • mangiar (-jàr)

eat v • mangiar

eat v • manducar

eat lavishly, feast v • banchettar

eatable adj • mangiabile

eatable, comestible, edible adj • comestibile

eatable, edible adj • edibile

eat-away (rot) v • corroder

eater n • mangiator (-ja-)

eater n • mangiator

eating (act of) n • manducation

eating v • mangiar

eat-me (don't -) v • no me mangia

eat-me v • mangia me

eat-out (- of house and home) v • devorar toto in le casa

eat-out v • mangiar a foras

eat-out v • mangiar al restaurante

eat-up (devour) v • devorar

eau n • de cologne aqua de colonia

eau de Cologne n • eau de Cologne [F]

eau de Cologne n • eau de Cologne

eavesdrop v • ascoltar al portas

eavesdropping n • ascolta

ebb n • refluxo

ebb v • refluer

ebb-and-flow n • fluxo e refluxo

ebonist, cabinetmaker n • ebenista

ebonize v • ebenisar

ebony n • ebeno (é-)

ebony n • ebeno

ebriety, drunkenness n • ebrietate

ebullience n • ebullientia

ebullient adj • ebulliente

ebullition, boiling n • ebullition

eccentric (1. not concentric; 2. odd, whimsical, unconventional) adj • eccentric

eccentric adj • eccentric

eccentric n • original

eccentricity (1. [Mech]; 2. eccentric condition or behavior, oddity) n • eccentricitate

Ecclesiastes [Bib] n • Ecclesiastes (-às-)

Ecclesiastes [Bib] n • Ecclesiastes

ecclesiastic, ecclesiastical adj • ecclesiastic

ecclesiastic n • ecclesiastico

ecclesiastic n • ecclesiasta

ecclesiastical adj • ecclesiastic

ecclesiastically adv • ecclesiasticamente

ecclesiology n • ecclesiologia

ecclesiology n • ecclesiologia (-ìa)

echelon [Mil] n • scalon

echelon [Mil] n • echelon (-sh-)

echelon [Mil] n • echelon

echelon n • echelon

echelon v • scalonar

echelon v • echelonar (-sh-)

echelon v • echelonar

echinococcus [Zool] n • echinococco

echinoderm, echinodermic adj • echinoderme

echinoderm n • echinodermo

Echinoidae [Zool] n • echinoides

echinus (1. sea urchin; 2. [Arch]) n • echino

Echinus [Zool] n • echino

echo n • echo

echo, resound, reverberate v • resonar

echo v • echoar

echo vt/vi • echoar

echoic adj • echoic (-òic)

echoic adj • echoic

echolalia [Psychopathol] n • echolalia

echolalia [Psychopathol] n • echolalia (-ìa)

echometer n • echometro (-kò)

echometer n • echometro

echometric adj • echometric

echometry n • echometria (-ìa)

echometry n • echometria

eclectic adj • eclectic

eclectic n • eclectico

eclecticism n • eclectismo

eclecticism n • eclecticismo

eclipse n • eclipse

eclipse v • eclipsar

ecliptic [Astron] n • ecliptica

ecliptic, ecliptical adj • ecliptic

eclogue n • ecloga

eclogue n • ecloga (éc-)

eco- (house, household, habitat) [occurring in compounds] n • eco-

ecologic, ecological adj • ecologic

ecological adj • ecologic

ecologically adv • ecologicamente

ecologist n • ecologo

ecologist n • ecologo (-cò-)

ecologist n • ecologista

ecology n • ecologia

ecology n • ecologia (-ìa)

economic adj • economic

economical adj • economic

economics n • economia politic

economist n • economista

economist (student of political economy) n • economista

economize v • economisar

economy (1. management of the expenditures of a social group; 2. careful management, thrift) n • economia (-ìa)

economy (1. management of the expenditures of a social group; 2. careful management, thrift) n • economia

economy n • economia

ecstasy (go into -) v • ecstasiar se

ecstasy n • ecstase

ecstasy n • ecstase (éc-)

ecstatic adj • ecstatic

ecto- (outside, external)</b> occurring in compounds] adv • ecto-

ectoderm [Zool] n • ectoderma

ectoplasm [Spiritualism] n • ectoplasma

ectoplasmic adj • ectoplasmic

Ecuador [Geog] n • Ecuador

Ecuador n • Ecuador [H]

Ecuador n • Equator

Ecuador n • Ecuador

ecumcnical adj • ecumenic

ecumenical adj • ecumenic

ecumenically adv • ecumenicamente

eczema n • eczema [-ma/-mat-]

eczema n • eczema

eczematous adj • eczematose

edacious, voracious adj • edace

edacity, voracity n • edacitate

eddy n • parve vortice

eddy v • facer vortices

edema [Pathol] n • edema [-ma/-mat-]

edema [Pathol] n • edema

edematous, edematose adj • edematose

Eden n • Eden

Eden n • Eden (é-)

edge, border n • bordo

edge (border, rim) n • bordo

edge, brim, rim, border, brink n • orlo

edge (of a knife, razor) n • filo

edge (of blade) n • talia

edge (on -) adj • nervose

edge (sharp side of a blade) n • talia

edgeways (-gewise) adv • del latere

edgeways (you can't get a word in -) phr • il es impossibile de inserer un parola

edi- (building, house) [occurring in derivativcs and compounds] n • edi-

edibility n • edibilitate

edible adj • manducabile

edible adj • edibile

edible adj • mangiabile

edible adj • mangiabile (-jà-)

edible, eatable adj • edibile

edible, eatable, comestible adj • comestibile

edict n • edicto

edict, proclamation n • banno

edification n • edification

edifice n • edificio

edify v • edificar

edifying adj • edificante

edifying adj • edificante (ppr of edificar)

edifying adj • edificative

Edinburgh [Geog] n • Edinburgho

edit (bibliog) v • editar

edit (journ) v • corriger

edit [Journ] v • rediger [-ig-/-act-]

edit [Journ] v • rediger

edit v • eder

edit v • editar

edition (first -) n • edition principe

edition n • edition

editor (bibliog) n • editor

editor (journ) n • redactor

editor [Journ] n • redactor

editor (one who edits) n • editor

editorial adj • editorial

editorial adj/n • editorial

editorial n • editorial

editorial staff n • redaction

editorially adv • editorialmente

educable adj • educabile

educate v • instruer

educate v • educar

educated adj • culte

educated, intelligentsia (class or classes) n • intelligentsia [R]

educated, intelligentsia (class or classes) n • intelligentsia

education (elementary -) n • instruction primari

education n • instruction

education n • education

education (physical -) n • education physic

education, tuition, instruction n • inseniamento

educational adj • instructive

educational adj • educational

educational system n • systema de education

educationally adv • educationalmente

educative (instructive, educational) adj • educative

educator, pedagogue n • educator

edulcorate (1. to sweeten (medicine); 2. [Chem]) v • edulcorar

edulcoration (1. (action of) sweetening; 2 . [Chem]) n • edulcoration

eel n • anguilla

eel-shaped, anguilliform adj • anguilliforme

eerie adj • mysteriose

eerie adj • spectral

efface v • obliterar

effect, bring about v • effectuar

effect (have an -) v • on influer super

effect n • effecto

effect v • effectuar

effect, work v • operar

effective (1. efficacious, efficient; 2. actual, de facto, as in effective capital) adj • effective

effective adj • effective

effective, efficacious adj • efficace

effective (the effective part of an army) [Mil] n • effectivo

effectiveness, efficacy n • efficacia

effectiveness n • efficacia

effectuation n • effectuation

effeminate adj • effeminate

effeminate v • effeminar

effemination n • effemination

effendi n • efendi

effendi n • efendi [Tu]

effercts (possesions) n • possesiones

effervesce v • effervescer

effervescence n • effervescentia

effervescent adj • effervescente

effervescent adj • effervescente (ppr of effervescer)

efficacious, effective adj • efficace

efficacy, effectiveness n • efficacia

efficiency (1. [Philos]; 2. [Mech]) n • efficientia

efficiency (ability) n • capacitate

efficiency (effectiveness) n • efficacia

efficiency (of machine) n • efficientia

efficient adj • efficace

effigy n • effigie

effloresce [Chem] v • efflorescer

effluent adj • effluente (ppr of effluer)

effluent adj • effluente

effluvium n • effluvio

effort (make an -) v • effortiar se

effort (make every -) v • facer tote su effortios

effort n • effortio

effortless adv • sin effortio

effuse, pour out, pour forth, shed v • effunder [-fund-/-fus-]

effuse, pour out, pour forth, shed v • effunder

effusion n • effusion

egg (boiled -) n • ovo bullite

egg (fried -) n • ovo frite

egg n • ovo

egg (poached -) n • ovo bullite sin scalia

egg (scrambled -) n • ovos miscite

egg (white of -) n • blanc de ovo

egg on v • sporonar

eggcup n • oviero

eggplant n • alberengina

eggshell n • scalia de ovo

egis (aegis) n • egide

ego [Philos/Psychol] n • ego

ego pron/n • ego

egocentric, self-centered adj • egocentric

egoism, egotism n • egoismo (-ìzmo)

egoism, egotism n • egoismo

egoism n • egoismo

egoist, egotist n • egoista (-ìsta)

egoist, egotist n • egoista

egoistical adj • egoistic (-ìstic)

egoistical adj • egoistic

egotism, egoism n • egoismo

egotism, egoism n • egoismo (-ìzmo)

egotism (excessive preoccupation with the ego) n • egotismo

egotism n • egotismo

egotist, egoist n • egoista

egotist, egoist n • egoista (-ìsta)

egotist n • egotista

egotist (one excessively preoccupied with the ego) n • egotista

egregious adj • egregie

egress, exit n • egresso

Egypt [Geog] n • Egypto

Egypt n • Egypto

Egyptian (1. native of Egypt; 2. Egyptian language) n • egyptiano

Egyptian (1. native of Egypt; 2. language of Egypt) n • egyptio

egyptian adj • egyptian

Egyptian adj • egyptie

Egyptian adj • egyptian

egyptian n • egyptiano

Egyptologist, Egyptologue n • egyptologo

Egyptologist, Egyptologue n • egyptologo (-tò-)

Egyptology n • egyptologia

Egyptology n • egyptologia (-ìa)

eh (Can) interj • eh

eh (Can) interj • ei

eider [Zool] n • eider

eider [Zool] n • eider (éi-)

eiderdown (1. small soft feathers from the breast of the eider duck; 2. eiderdown quilt) n • eiderdun

eido- (image, figure) [occurring in compounds] n • eido-

eight adj • octo

eight (numeral) n • octo

eighteen adj • dece-octo

eighteen n • dece-octo

eighteenth adj • dece-octesime

eighteenth adj • dece-octesime (-ésime)

eightfold, octuple adj • octuple (òc-)

eightfold, octuple adj • octuple

eighth adj • octave

eighth adj • octesime (-ésime)

eighth adj • octesime

eighth n • octavo

eightieth adj • octantesime

eightieth adj • octogesime

eightieth adj • octantesime (-ésime)

eightieth adj • octogesime (-ésime)

eightieth n • octantesimo

eighty adj • octanta

eighty n • octanta

Einfühlung, empathy n • empathia (-ìa)

Einfühlung, empathy n • empathia

Eire n • Eire

Eire n • Eire [Ir]

either adj • omne

either adj • cata

either adj • le un o le altere

either conj • o

either (he did not come -) phr • anque ille non veniva

either pron • le un o le altere

either pron • cata uno

either he or she phr • o ille o illa

either. or phr • o. o

either or both of two indef pron • utroque

ejaculate, eject v • ejacular

ejaculation (act of ejecting or ejaculating) n • ejaculation

ejaculatory (as in ejaculatory prayer) adj • jaculatori

ejaculatory [Physiol] adj • ejaculator

ejaculatory [Physiol] adj • ejaculatori

eject, ejaculate v • ejacular

eject v • ejacular

ejection n • expulsion

ejection n • ejection

ejector (of steam, cartridges) [Technol] n • ejector

eke-out v • supplementar

eke-out a livelihood v • ganiar un magre pitancia

elaborate adj • elaborate

elaborate v • elaborar

elaboration n • elaboration

elapse v • passar

elastic adj • elastic

elastic, elastic band n • elastico

elastic n • elastico

elastic band, elastic n • elastico

elasticity n • elasticitate

elate v • exaltar

elated adj • exaltate

elated-with adj • success transportate de successo

elbow n • cubito (cù-)

elbow n • cubito

elbow n • room spatio

elbow v • dar un colpo de cubito

elbow-forward v • facer se largo a colpos de cubito

elbow-grease n • oleo de cubito

elder adj • senior

elder [Bib] n • anciano

elder, elderberry n • sambuco

elder (person) n • senior

elder (tree) n • sambuco

elderberry, elder n • sambuco

elderly adj • de un certe etate

elders (the ancients) n • ancianos

eldest adj • le senior

eldest adj • primogenito

elect (1. to choose; 2. to elect by voting) v • eliger [-lig-/-lect-]

elect (1. to choose; 2. to elect by voting) v • eliger

elect (appointed) adj • appunctate

elect n • [Theol] electe

elect (one of the) n • electo

elect [Theol] • electe

elect v • eliger

election (1. choice; 2. election by vote) n • election

election n • election

electioneering n • propaganda electoral

elective (1. as in elective office; 2. having a power of choice) adj • elective

electiveness n • electivitate

elector n • elector

elector, voter n • elector

electoral adj • electoral

electorate (1. rank of an elector of the Holy Roman Empire; 2. territory under the rule of an elector of the Holy Roman Empire) n • electorato

electorate n • electorato

electr-, electro- [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • electr-

electric adj • electric

electric, electrical adj • electric

electric eel, gymnotus [Zool] n • gymnoto

electrical adj • electric

electrician n • electricista

electricity n • electricitate

electrification (charging with electricity) n • electrisation

electrification (process of equipping for the use of electricity) n • electrification

electrify (charge with electricity) v • electrisar

electrify (equip for the use of electricity) v • electrificar

electrify (equip with electricity) v • electrificar

electrochemical adj • electrochimic

electrochemist n • electrochimista

electrochemistry n • electrochimia

electrochemistry n • electrochimia (-ìa)

electrocute v • electrocutar

electrocution n • electrocution

electrode n • electrodo (-léc-)

electrode n • electrodo

electrodynamics n • electrodynamica

electrolysis n • electrolyse (-òlise)

electrolysis n • electrolyse

electrolyte n • electrolyto

electrolyte n • electrolyto (-ò-)

electrolytic adj • electrolytic

electrolyzation n • electrolysation

electrolyze v • electrolysar

electromagnet n • electromagnete

electromagnetic adj • electromagnetic

electromagnetism n • electromagnetismo

electrometer n • electrometro (-ò-)

electrometer n • electrometro

electrometric adj • electrometric

electrometry n • electrometria (-ìa)

electrometry n • electrometria

electromotor (machine that produces an electric current) n • electromotor

electron n • electron

electron [Phys] n • electron

electronic adj • electronic

electronics n • electronica

electronics (science) n • electronica

electroscope n • electroscopio

electroscopic adj • electroscopic

electroscopy n • electroscopia

electroscopy n • electroscopia (-ìa)

electrostatic adj • electrostatic

electrostatics n • electrostatica

electrotherapeutics n • electrotherapeutica

electrotherapeutics n • electrotherapeutica (-péu-)

electrotherapy, electrotherapeutics n • electrotherapia

electrotherapy, electrotherapeutics n • electrotherapia (-ìa)

electrotype [Print] n • electrotypo

electrotype [Print] n • electrotypo (-ò)

electrotypy, electrotyping n • electrotypia (-ìa)

electrotypy, electrotyping n • electrotypia

eleemosynary, charitable adj • eleemosynari

elegance n • elegantia

elegant adj • elegante

elegant, ornate adj • culte

elegiac (l. [Pros]; 2. mournful, melancholy) adj • elegiac (-ìac)

elegiac (l. [Pros]; 2. mournful, melancholy) adj • elegiac

elegy n • elegia

elegy n • elegia (-ìa)

element (1. an element in nature; 2. a component part) n • elemento

element (in one's -) phr • in su elemento

element n • elemento

elemental adj • elemental

elementary (1. pertaining to an element; 2. pertaining to the first principles of an art, a science) adj • elementari

elementary adj • elementari

elephant n • elephante

elephant shrew, Macroscelides [Zool] n • macro-scelide (-scé-)

elephant shrew, Macroscelides [Zool] n • macro-scelide

elephantiasis [Pathol] n • elephantiasis

elephantiasis [Pathol] n • elephantiasis (-ìasis)

elephantine adj • elephantin

elevate (1. to raise, lift up; 2. to raise in rank or station) v • elevar

elevate v • elevar

elevated, sublime, lofty adj • excelse

elevation (1. act of elevating, raising; 2. high ground, raised place; 3. as in elevation of style; 4. [Astron]; 5. [Arith]) n • elevation

elevation n • elevation

elevator, lift n • ascensor

elevator, lift n • lift [A]

elevator, lift n • lift

elevator n • elevator

elevator (one who or that which elevates) n • elevator

elevatory adj • elevatori

eleven adj • dece-un

eleven adj • undece

eleven adj • undece (ùn-)

eleven (numeral) n • dece-un

eleventh adj • dece-prime

eleventh (ordinal) adj • dece-prime

eleventh (ordinal) n • dece-primo

elf (- binaries) n • elf

elf n • elf

elf n • elf</b> A]

Elias, Elijah [Bib] n • Elia (-ìa)

Elias, Elijah [Bib] n • Elia

elicit v • obtener

elicit v • evocar

elide v • elider

elide v • elider [-lid-/-lis-]

eligibility n • eligibilitate

eligible adj • eligibile

eligible (fit to be chosen or elected) adj • eligibile

Elijah, Elias [Bib] n • Elia

Elijah, Elias [Bib] n • Elia (-ìa)

Elijah (Heb. `eli-yahu, Jehovah is God) n • Elia

eliminate v • eliminar

elimination n • elimination

eliminator n • eliminator

eliminatory adj • eliminatori

Elisha (Heb. elisha', God is salvation) n • Elisha

elision n • elision

elite adj/n • elite

elite n • élite

elite n • élite [F]

elixir n • elixir

Elizabethan adj • elisabethan

elk [Zool] n • alce

ellipse [Math] n • ellipse

ellipsis [Gram] n • ellipse

ellipsoid, ellipsoidal adj • ellipsoide

ellipsoid [Geom] n • ellipsoide

elliptic, elliptical (1. [Math]; 2. [Gram]) adj • elliptic

elm n • ulmo

elm (tree) n • ulmo

elm grove n • ulmeto

elocution n • elocution

elongate v • elongar

elongation (1. act of elongating; 2. [Astron]; 3. [Med] partial dislocation of a joint due to violent stretching) n • elongation

elope v • fugir

elope v • fugir (con un amante)

elopement n • fugita

elopement n • fugita (con un amante)

eloquence n • eloquentia

eloquent adj • eloquente

El-Salvador [Geog] n • El-Salvador

else adv • altere

else adv • alteremente

else (anyone -) adj/pron • un altere persona

else (anything -) adj/pron • un altere cosa

else (everyone -) adj/pron • tote le alteres

else (everything -) adj/pron • tote le resto

else (nobody -) adj/pron • necuno altere

else (nothing -) adj/pron • nihil altere

else (or -) adv • nam alteremente

else (somebody -) adj/pron • qualcuno altere

else (something -) adj/pron • qualcosa altere

else (somewhere -) adv • alibi

else (somewhere -) adv • in altere parte

else (where -?) adv • ubi ancora?

else (who -?) phr • qui ancora?

else-where adv • in altere parte

else-where adv • alibi

elsewhere adv • alterubi

elsewhere adv • alibi

elsewhere adv • alterubi (-érubi)

elsewhere adv • alibi (àl-)

elucidate v • elucidar

elucidation n • elucidation

elude (avoid or escape by dexterity) v • eluder

elude (avoid or escape by dexterity) v • eluder [-lud-/-lus-]

elude, escape from v • subtraher se

elude v • eluder

eludible, evadable adj • eludibile

elusion n • elusion

elusive adj • elusive

Elysian adj • elysie

Elysium n • elysio

em quad [Print] n • quadratino

emaciate adj • emaciate

emaciate adj • emaciate (pp of emaciar)

emaciate v • emaciar

emaciate, weaken, extenuate v • extenuar

emaciated adj • emaciate

emaciation, exhaustion n • extenuation

emaciation n • emaciation

e-mail n • eposta

e-mail n • posta electronic

e-mail n • posta digital

emanate v • emanar

emanate v • manar

emanation n • emanation

emancipate (1. [Rom. Law]; 2. to release from slavery or restraint) v • emancipar

emancipate v • emancipar

emancipation (1. [Rom. Law]; 2. release from slavery or restraint) n • emancipation

emancipation n • emancipation

emancipator n • emancipator

emasculate, castrate v • emascular

emasculate v • emascular

emasculation n • emasculation

embalm (embalm a dead body) v • imbalsamar

embalm v • imbalsamar

embalmer n • imbalsamator

embalming, embalmment (of dead bodies) n • imbalsamamento

embalming n • imbalsamamento

embank v • incassar

embankment n • incassamento

embankment n • dica

embarassed adj • confuse

embarassed adj • embarassate

embarassment n • embarasso

embarassment n • confusion

embargo n • embargo

embargo n • embargo [H]

embark (put on board ship) v • imbarcar

embark v • imbarcar (se)

embark v • imbarcar

embark-upon-an-enterprise v • imbarcar se in un interprisa

embarkation, embarkment n • imbarcamento

embarkation n • imbarcation

embarrass (1. to encumber, hamper; 2. to make self-conscious) v • embarassar

embarrass v • embarassar

embarrassing adj • embarassose

embarrassment n • embarasso

embassy n • ambassada

embed, fix in, house v • incastrar

embellish (make beautiful) v • imbellir

embellish v • imbellir

embellishment (1. act of embellishing; 2. adornment, ornament) n • imbellimento

embellishment n • imbellimento

embers n • brasa

embezzle v • pecular

embezzlement n • peculato

embezzler n • peculator

embitter v • amarisar

emblem n • emblema

emblem n • emblema [-ma/-mat-]

emblematic adj • emblematic

embodiment n • incorporation

embody v • incarnar

embolden v • inhardir

embolism n • embolia

embolism [Pathol] n • embolia (-ìa)

embolism [Pathol] n • embolia

emboss v • gravar in relievo

embouchure (1. the shaping of lips, tongue, in producing a tone; 2. mouthpiece of a wind instrument) [Mus] n • imbuccatura

embrace (1. to clasp in one's arms, hug; 2. to embrace a career, cause; 3. to comprise, include) v • imbraciar

embrace n • imbraciamento

embrace, salute with an accolade v • accollar

embrace v • imbraciar

embroider (1. to ornament with embroidery; 2. to do emhroidery; 3. to add imaginary details to) v • brodar

embroider v • brodar

embroiderer n • brodator

embroidery (1. action or art of embroidering; 2. embroidered material) n • broderia

embroidery (1. action or art of embroidering; 2. embroidered material) n • broderia (-ìa)

embroidery n • broderia

embroil, entangle (throw into a state of confusion) v • imbroliar

embroilment, entanglement n • imbroliamento

embryo n • embryon

embryogenesis n • embryogenese (-gé-)

embryogenesis n • embryogenese

embryogenesis n • embryogenesis (-gé-)

embryogenesis n • embryogenesis

embryogenetic adj • embryogenetic

embryogenic adj • embryogenic

embryogeny n • embryogenia (-ìa)

embryogeny n • embryogenia

embryological adj • embryologic

embryologist n • embryologo (-òlogo)

embryologist n • embryologo

embryology n • embryologia (-ìa)

embryology n • embryologia

embryonic adj • embryonal

embryonic, embryonal adj • embryonal

embryonic, embryonary adj • embryonari

emend v • emendar

emendation n • emendation

emerald adj • esmeraldin

emerald, emerald-green adj • esmeraldin

emerald n • esmeraldo

emerald, smaragd n • smaragdo

emerald, smaragdine adj • smaragdin

emerald-green adj/n • esmeraldin

emerge v • emerger [-merg-/-mers-]

emerge v • emerger

emergence n • emergentia

emergency (in case of -) phr • in caso de emergentia

emergency (in case of -) phr • in caso de necessitate

emergency n • caso urgente

emergency n • emergentia

emergency (state of -) phr • stato de emergentia

emergency (state of -) phr • stato de urgentia

emergency-exit n • exito de emergentia

emergency-exit n • exito de succurso

emergent, emerging adj • emergente (ppr of emerger)

emergent, emerging adj • emergente

emerging adj • emergente

emerging-nation n • nation emergente

emeritus adj • emerite (-mé-)

emeritus adj • emerite

emersion n • emersion

emery n • smerilio

emery paper n • papiro-smerilio

emery-paper n • papiro-smerilio

emetic adj • emetic

emetic [Med] adj • emetic

emetic [Med] n • emetico

emetic n • emetico

emetic, vomitory n • vomitivo

emhryonic adj • embryonic

emigrant, émigré n • emigrato

emigrant n • emigrante

emigrate v • emigrar

emigration (1. action of emigrating; 2. emigrants collectively) n • emigration

emigration n • emigration

eminence (1. rising ground, height; 2. distinction of character, abilities, attainments) n • eminentia

eminence n • eminentia

eminent adj • eminente

eminent, great adj • magne

eminent, outstanding adj • eminente

emissary (agent, envoy) n • emissario

emissary n • emissario

emissary, outlet, duct n • emissario

emission n • emission

emit v • emitter

emit v • emitter [-mitt-/-miss-]

emitter n • emissor

emmen- (menses) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • emmen-

emmenagogue, emmenagogic [Med] adj • emmenagoge

emmenagogue [Med] n • emmenagogo

emollient adj • emolliente

emollient n • emolliente

emolument n • emolumento

emotion (agitation of the feelings) n • emotion

emotion n • emotion

emotional adj • emotional

emotional (pertaining to emotions) adj • emotional

emotionally adv • emotionalmente

emotive adj • emotive

emotiveness, emotivity n • emotivitate

empathy, Einfühlung n • empathia (-ìa)

empathy, Einfühlung n • empathia

emperor n • imperator

emphasis n • emphase

emphasis n • emphase (ém-)

emphasize v • accentuar

emphatic adj • emphatic

empire (1. supreme authority; 2. country ruled by an emperor or empress) n • imperio

empire n • imperio

empiric, empirical adj • empiric

empiric (one who follows an empirical method) n • empirico

empirical adj • empiric

empirical, empiric adj • empiric

empirically adv • empiricamente

empiricism (empirical method or practice) n • empirismo

empiricist n • empirista

emplace, put into position v • implaciar

emplacement [Mil] n • implaciamento

employ (1. to make use of; 2. to take or have in one's employ) v • emplear

employ (use something) v • emplear

employ (use something) v • usar

employ v • emplear

employ again, reemploy v • reemplear

employable adj • empleabile

employed (be -) v • esser empleate

employed (having a job) adj • empleate

employee [Fem] • empleata

employee [Masc] • empleato

employee n • empleato

employer n • empleator

employment (1. employing; 2. occupation) n • empleo

employment (1. employing; 2. occupation) n • empleo (-éo)

employment n • empleo

employment-agency n • bureau de placiamento

employment-agency n • agentia de placiamento

employment-bureau n • bureau de placiamento

empower v • autorisar

empress n • imperatrice

emptiness n • vacuitate

emptiness n • vacuo

emptiness, vacuity n • vacuitate

empty adj • vacue

empty, make empty v • vacuar

empty (uninhabited) adj • disoccupate

empty v • vacuar

empty (vacant) adj • vacue

empty, vacate, evacuate v • disoccupar

empty-handed adv • a manos vacue

empty-stomached adj • jejun

empyreal adj • empyree

empyrean n • empyreo

empyreuma n • empyreuma [-ma/-mat-]

empyreuma n • empyreuma

empyreumatic adj • empyreumatic

emulate v • emular

emulation n • emulation

emulsifiable, emulsible adj • emulsionabile

emulsifier, emulsor n • emulsor

emulsify, emulsionize v • emulsionar

emulsin [Chem] n • emulsina

emulsion n • emulsion

emulsive adj • emulsive

emulsor, emulsifier n • emulsor

enable adj • render capace

enable, entitle [Law] v • habilitar

enact v • decretar

enamel n • émail [F]

enamel n • émail

enamel n • smalt

enamel n • email

enamel v • emailliar

enamel v • smaltar

enamel v • émailliar (emalyàr)

enamel v • émailliar

enamor v • inamorar

enamored, in love adj • inamorate

enamored, in love adj • inamorate (pp of inamorar)

encamp n • campar

encamp (place in a camp) v • campar

encampment (1. camping; 2. camp) n • campamento

encampment n • campamento

encase v • incassar

encasement, encasing n • incassamento

encash (1. to convert into cash, cash; 2. to receive in cash, realize) v • incassar

encashment n • incassamento

encasing, encasement n • incassamento

encephalitis, cerebritis n • cerebritis (-ìtis)

encephalitis, cerebritis n • cerebritis

enchain, chain up v • incatenar

enchainment n • incatenamento

enchant (1. to use magic on) v • incantar

enchant v • incantar

enchanter, sorcerer n • incantator

enchanting n • incantator

enchantment (1. magic spell; 2. delight) n • incantamento

enchantment n • incantamento

enchantress, sorceress n • maga

encircle (surround with a circle) v • incircular

encircle v • incircular

enclitic [Gram] adj • enclitic

enclitic n • enclitico

enclose (1. to fence in; 2. as in to enclose a letter) v • includer

enclose (1. to fence in; 2. as in to enclose a letter) v • includer [-clud-/-clus-]

enclose (a field) v • clausurar

enclose (in letter) v • includer

enclose, include v • inglobar

enclose in dough v • impastar

enclosed adj • incluse

enclosed (as in the enclosed letter) adj • incluse

enclosure (act of enclosing) n • inclusura

enclosure (enclosed letter, check) n • incluso

enclosure (enclosed space) (act of closing, ending); [Parl] (closure, cloture) n • clausura

enclosure (enclosed space) n • clausura

enclosure (enclosed space) n • clauso

enclosure (in letter) n • incluso

encompass, go round v • circumferer

encore (Fr) interj • encore

encore (once again) n • bis

encore!, still, yet adv • ancora

encounter (fight) n • combatto

encounter (fight) v • combatter

encounter, meet v • incontrar

encounter (meet) vt • incontrar

encounter, meeting n • incontro

encounter (meeting) n • incontro

encounter vi • incontrar se

encourage v • incoragiar

encourage v • incoragiar (-ja-)

encouragement n • incoragiamento

encouragement n • incoragiamento (-ja-)

encroach v • intruder se

encrust (cover with a crust, hard coating, or ornamental layer) v • incrustar

encumber, burden v • gravar

encumber, obstruct, hamper v • incombrar

encumberment n • incombramento

encumcer v • incombrar

encurtain [Fortif] v • cortinar

encyclical adj • encyclic

encyclical (letter) [Eccl] n • encyclica

encyclical n • encyclica

encyclopedia n • encyclopedia

encyclopedia n • encyclopedia (-ìa)

encyclopedia, -paedia n • encyclopedia

encyclopedic adj • encyclopedic

Encyclopedism n • encyclopedismo

encyclopedism n • encyclopedismo

encyclopedist n • encyclopedista

end (1. termination; 2. aim, purpose) n • fin

end (in the -) phr • al fin

end n • fin

end (the - justifies the means) phr • le fin justifica le medios

end v • finir

endanger v • impericular

endear v • render car

endeavor, attempt n • tentativa

endeavour n • effortio

endeavour vi • effortiar se

endemic adj • endemic

endemic [Med] adj • endemic

endemic [Med] n • endemia (-ìa)

endemic [Med] n • endemia

ending, desinence [Gram] n • desinentia

ending n • fin

ending n • conclusion

endive n • endivia

endless adj • incessante

endlessly adv • sin fin

endo-, end- (within) [occurring in compounds] adv • endo-

endocarditis [Path] n • endocarditis (-ìtis)

endocarditis [Path] n • endocarditis

endocardium [Anat] n • endocardio

endocrine (gland) n • endocrina

endocrine [Physiol] adj • endocrin

endocrinologist n • endocrinologo

endocrinologist n • endocrinologo (-nò-)

endocrinology n • endocrinologia

endocrinology n • endocrinologia (-ìa)

endogamous [Anthropol] adj • endogame (-ògame)

endogamous [Anthropol] adj • endogame

endogenous adj • endogene

endorse (a bill) v • avalisar

endorse (a cheque) v • indorsar

endorse, back (a bill of exchange) [Commer] v • avalisar

endorse [Com.] v • indorsar

endorse (support) v • appoiar

endorsement, backing (of a bill of exchange) [Commer] n • aval

endorsement, indorsement [Commer] n • indorsamento

endorsement (of bill) n • aval

endorsement (of cheque) n • indorsamento

endorser, backer (of a bill of exchange) [Commer] n • avalista

endorser [Commer] n • indorsator

endoskeleton [Zool] n • endoskeleto (-ské-)

endoskeleton [Zool] n • endoskeleto

endosmosis n • endosmose

endosmotic adj • endosmotic

endosperm [Bot] n • endosperma

endow, subsidize v • subventionar

endow v • dotar

endow with a title of rank, to title adj • titular

endowment, dotation n • dotation

endowment n • dotation

endurable adj • indurabile

endurance (beyond -) adj • intolerabile

endurance n • resistentia

endurance-test n • proba de resistentia

endure (bear) v • indurar

endure, last, be permanent v • permaner

endure, last v • durar

endure, tolerate v • tolerar

endure vi • durar

endure vt • indurar

endure vt • supportar

enduring, permanent, lasting adj • permanente (ppr of permaner)

enduring, permanent, lasting adj • permanente

enema, injection, clyster n • clyster

enemy (become an - of) v • inimicar se con

enemy (make an - of) v • inimicar

enemy n • inimico (-ìco)

enemy n • inimico

energetic adj • energic

energize v • stimular

energize v • infunder energia a

energy adj • energic

energy (in physics) n • energia

energy n • energia

energy n • energia (-ìa)

energy (nuclear -) n • energia nucleari

energy (pep) n • energia

energy (pep) n • vigor

enervate, enervated adj • enervate (pp of enervar)

enervate, enervated adj • enervate

enervate, unnerve v • enervar

enervated, enervate adj • enervate

enervated, enervate adj • enervate (pp of enervar)

enervating adj • enervante

enervation n • enervation

enfeeble, debilitate, weaken v • debilitar

enfeoff (give in vassalage) v • infeudar

enfeoffment, infeudation n • infeudation

enfilade [Mil] n • infilada

enfold v • inveloppar

enfold tightly, compress v • stringer [string-/strict-]

enfold tightly, compress v • stringer

enforce v • applicar

enforce v • exiger per fortia

enforceable adj • capace de application

enforcement n • exaction per fortia

enforcement n • application

engage (attack) vt • attaccar

engage (betroth) v • fidantiar

engage (betroth) v • fidantiar (se)

engage (gears) v • ingranar

engage (gears) vi • ingranar se

engage (get -ed to) v • fidantiar se a

engage (hire, employ) v • ingagiar

engage (hire, employ) v • ingagiar (-ja-)

engage (hire) v • ingagiar

engage (occupy) v • occupar

engage (reserve) v • reservar

engage again (hire, employ, again) v • reingagiar

engaged adj • occupate

engagement (act of engaging or hiring) n • ingagiamento (-ja-)

engagement (act of engaging or hiring) n • ingagiamento

engagement (betrothed) n • fidantiamento

engagement (hiring) n • ingagiamento

engagement [Mil] • combatto

engager (one who engages or employs) n • ingagiator (-ja-)

engager (one who engages or employs) n • ingagiator

engaging adj • attractive

engender, beget v • ingenerar

engenderment, begetting n • ingeneramento

engine (mechanical contrivance, tool, instrument) n • ingenio

engine n • motor

engine [Rr] • locomotiva

engine-driver (jet -) n • motor a jecto

engine-driver n • machinista

engineer (as in civil engineer) n • ingeniero

engineer (designer) n • ingeniero

engineer (mechanic) n • mechanico

engineer (mechanical -) n • ingeniero mechanic

engineering (electrical -) n • electrotechnica

engineering n • ingenieria

engineering (profession of engineering) n • ingenieria

engineering (profession of engineering) n • ingenieria (-ìa)

engineman n • machinista

engine-trouble n • panna del motor

England n • Anglaterra

england n • anglaterra

English adj • anglese

english adj/n • anglese

English (English language) n • anglese

english (the - channel) n • le manica

Englishman, Englishwoman n • anglese

english-man n • anglese

english-woman (femina) n • anglese

engorge v • ingorgar

engorgement n • ingorgamento

engrave, chase v • cisellar

engrave v • gravar

engraver n • gravator

engraving, gravure (1. art of engraving; 2. print made from an engraved plate) n • gravure

engraving, gravure (1. art of engraving; 2. print made from an engraved plate) n • gravure [F]

engraving n • gravure

engross v • absorber

engrossed adj • absorbite

engrossed adj • preoccupate

engrossed (be - in) v • absorber se in

engrossed, preoccupied, absorbed adj • preoccupate (pp of preoccupar)

engrossed, preoccupied, absorbed adj • preoccupate

engulf, swallow up v • inglutir

engulf v • inglutir

engulfment adj • ingloriose

enhance v • intensificar

enhance v • augmentar

enharmonic [Mus] adj • enharmonic

enigma n • enigma

enigma n • enigma [-ma/-mat-]

enigmatic adj • enigmatic

enigmatize v • enigmatisar

enjoin (command, direct with authority) v • injunger [-jung-/-junct-]

enjoin (command, direct with authority) v • injunger

enjoy (have use of) v • fruer de

enjoy, relish v • gustar

enjoy (relish) v • gauder de

enjoy v • fruer [fru-/fruct-]

enjoy v • fruer

enjoy the usufruct (enjoy the use of) [Law] v • usufruer [-fru-/-fruct-]

enjoy the usufruct (enjoy the use of) [Law] v • usufruer

enjoyable (pleasant) adj • agradabile

enjoyable (tasty) adj • saporose

enjoyment, fruition n • fruition

enjoyment n • gaudimento

enjoyment (possession) n • fruition

enjoyment (relish) n • gaudimento

enjoyment (relish) n • placer

enjoy-oneself v • diverter se

enlarge, make greater v • aggrandir

enlarge (make larger) v • ampliar

enlarge v • aggrandir

enlargement, enlarging n • ampliation

enlargement n • aggrandimento

enlarger n • aggranditor

enlarger n • amplificator

enlarging, enlargement n • ampliation

enlighten v • illuminar

enlightened, illuminate adj • illuminate

enlightened, illuminate adj • illuminate (pp of illuminar)

enlightenment n • illumination

enlist (enroll someone for military service) [Mil] v • inrolar

enlist v • inrolar

enlist v • inrolar (se)

enlistment, enrollment [Mil] n • inrolamento

enlistment n • inrolamento

enliven, quicken, revive v • reavivar

enliven v • reavivar

en-masse adv • in massa

enmesh v • immaliar

enmity n • inimicitate

ennoble (1. to give the rank of nobleman to; 2. to elevate in excellence or worth) v • innobilir

ennoblement (1. act of giving the rank of nobleman to; 2 . act of elevating in excellence or worth) n • innobilimento

ennui, boredom n • enoio

ennui, boredom n • enoio (-nò-)

ennui n • enoio

enormity n • enormitate

enormous adj • enorme

enormousness n • enormitate

enough adj • bastante

enough adv • satis de

enough adv • assatis (-sà-)

enough adv • satis

enough adv • assatis de

enough adv • assatis

enough adv • satis (sà-)

enough adv • bastante

enough (be -) v • bastar

enough interj • basta!

enough n • bastantia

enough, sufficiency n • bastantia

enough time adv • satis de tempore

enquire, inquire (make inquiries) v • inquirer [-quir-/-quest-/-quisit-]

enquire, inquire (make inquiries) v • inquirer

enquire vi • inquirer

enquire vt • demandar

enquirer, inquirer n • inquiritor

enquirer n • inquiritor

enquiry n • inquesta

enquiry-office n • bureau de informationes

enrage, anger v • incholerisar

enrage v • inragiar (-ja-)

enrage v • inragiar

enragement n • inragiamento (-ja-)

enragement n • inragiamento

enragement inrabiar n • inrabiamento

enrapture, entrance v • ecstasiar

enrich (make rich with material, mental or spiritual wealth) v • inricchir

enrich v • inricchir

enrichment n • inricchimento

enrol (mil) v • inrolar

enrol (mil) v • inrolar (se)

enrol (register) v • inscriber (se)

enrol (register) v • inscriber

enroll, conscript v • conscriber [-scrib-/-script-]

enroll, conscript v • conscriber

enrollment, enlistment [Mil] n • inrolamento

enrolment [Mil] • inrolamento

enrolment (registering) n • inscription

en-route adv • in route

ens [Philos] n • ente

ensemble (1. group of musicians playing together; 2. complete, harmonious costume) n • ensemble [F]

ensemble (1. group of musicians playing together; 2. complete, harmonious costume) n • ensemble

ensemble n • ensemble

ensign (1. badge or emblem of office or dignity; 2. standard, banner) n • insignia

ensign n • insignia

enslave v • subjugar

enslave v • reducer in sclavitude

ensnare v • trappar

ensue v • resultar

ensue v • sequer

ensure v • assecurar

entablature, entablement [Arch] n • intabulamento

entablature n • intabulatura

entablement, entablature [Arch] n • intabulamento

entail v • necessitar

entangle, confuse, intricate v • intricar

entangle, embroil (throw into a state of confusion) v • imbroliar

entangle v • imbroliar

entangle v • intricar

entangled, cumbersome adj • embarassose

entanglement, embroilment n • imbroliamento

entanglement n • imbroliamento

entelechy [Philos] n • entelechia (-ìa)

entelechy [Philos] n • entelechia

entente n • entente

entente n • cordial

entente n • entente [F]

entente n • entente cordial

enter (go or come in) v • entrar

enter, inscribe (in a list) v • inscriber

enter, inscribe (in a list) v • inscriber [-scrib-/-script-]

enter vi • entrar

enter vt • inscriber

enter the subscription (to a periodical, etc.) of (a person) v • abonar

enter upon, attain v • adir

enteral (intestinal) adj • enteric

enteralgia [Pathol] n • enteralgia (-ìa)

enteralgia [Pathol] n • enteralgia

enteric [Anat] adj • enteric

enteric (intestinal) adj • enteric

entering upon (an inheritance)</b> Law] n • adition

enteritis [Pathol] n • enteritis (-ìtis)

enteritis [Pathol] n • enteritis

enterocolitis [Pathol] n • enterocolitis

enterocolitis [Pathol] n • enterocolitis (-ìtis)

enterology (science or study of the intestines) n • enterologia

enterology (science or study of the intestines) n • enterologia (-ìa)

enteron, alimentary canal [Anat/Zool] n • enteron (én-)

enteron, alimentary canal [Anat/Zool] n • enteron

enterotome [Surg] n • enterotomo (-rò)

enterotome [Surg] n • enterotomo

enterotomy [Surg] n • enterotomia

enterotomy [Surg] n • enterotomia (-ìa)

enterprise n • interprisa

enterprise, undertaking n • interprisa

enterprising adj • interprendente

entertain, amuse v • amusar

entertain (amuse) v • intertener

entertain (amuse) v • diverter

entertain (consider) v • considerar

entertain (divert, amuse) v • intertener

entertain (host) v • regalar

entertain (wine and dine) v • regalar

entertaining (amusing) adj • divertente

entertainment (amusement) n • intertenimento

entertainment (diversion, amusement) n • intertenimento

entertainment (hospitality) n • hospitalitate

enthral v • captivar

enthrone v • inthronar

enthronement n • inthronamento

enthuse v • enthusiasmar

enthusiasm n • enthusiasmo

enthusiast n • enthusiasta

enthusiastic adj • enthusiastic

enthusiastic, enthusiastical adj • enthusiastic

entice v • escar

enticement n • seduction

enticement n • attraction

entire adj • integre

entire (the - day) phr • tote le (die)

entire (the - day) phr • tote le

entire, whole adj • integre (ìn-)

entire, whole adj • integre

entirely adv • in toto

entitle (as in to entitle a book) v • intitular

entitle, enable [Law] v • habilitar

entitle v • titular

entitling (as in entitling a book) (act of) n • intitulation

entity n • entitate

ento-, ent- (within, inside) [occurring in compounds] adv • ento-

entomo- (insect) [occurring in compounds] n • entomo-

entomological adj • entomologic

entomologist n • entomologista

entomologist n • entomologo (-mò-)

entomologist n • entomologo

entomology n • entomologia

entomology n • entomologia (-ìa)

entourage n • suite, *entourage

entozoon n • entozoon

entozoon n • entozoon (-zò-) (pl entozoa)

entr'acte (1. intermission; 2.dance, piece of music) n • interacto

entr'acte (dance, piece of music, performed between the acts of a play) n • intermedio

entr'acte (Fr) n • interacto

entrails n • entranias, *visceras

entrance, enrapture v • ecstasiar

entrance, entry (1. act of entering; 2. door, passage, hall through which one enters) n • entrata

entrance, ingress n • ingresso

entrance n • entrata

entrance n • ingresso

entrance n • ostio

entrance v • ecstasiar

entrant adj • concurrente

entreat, beseech, conjure v • conjurar

entreat, supplicate v • supplicar

entreat v • implorar

entreat v • supplicar

entreaty, imploration n • imploration

entreaty n • supplication

entreaty, prayer, request n • prece

entreaty (solemn) n • conjuration

entreaty, supplication n • supplication

entree [Cooking] n • entrée

entree [Cooking] n • entrée [F]

entree n • entree

entrepreneur n • interprenditor

entrepreneur, undertaker (one who undertakes something) n • interprenditor

entresol, mezzanine n • entresol

entresol, mezzanine n • entresol [F]

entrust, charge, burden v • incargar

entrust v • cargar

entrust v • fider

entrust v • incargar

entry (book-keeping) n • partita

entry [Bookkeeping] n • partita

entry, entrance (1. act of entering; 2. door, passage, hall through which one enters) n • entrata

entry (in dictionary) n • entrata

entry (in dictionary) n • articulo

entry (in register) n • inscription

entry (way in, passage) n • entrata

entwine v • intricar

enucleate (1. to shell, husk, pod; 2. [Biol]; 3. [Surg]) v • enuclear

enucleation n • enucleation

enumerate v • enumerar

enumeration n • enumeration

enumerative adj • enumerative

enumerator n • enumerator

enunciate (set forth) v • enunciar

enunciate v • enunciar

enunciation (statement) n • enunciation

enunciative adj • enunciative

envelop v • inveloppar

envelop, wrap (up) v • involver

envelop, wrap (up) v • involver [-volv-/-volut-]

envelop, wrap up v • inveloppar

envelope, jacket, cover n • camisa

envelope n • inveloppe

envelopment n • inveloppamento

enviable adj • invidiabile

envious adj • invidiose

envious adj • invide (ìn-)

envious adj • invide

environment, milieu n • milieu

environment, milieu n • milieu [F]

environment n • ambiente

environment n • milieu

envisage v • contemplar

envoy (1. messenger, representative; 2. [Dipl]) n • inviato

envoy n • legato

envoy n • emissario

envy (1. to covet; 2. to be envious of) v • invidiar

envy (feeling of envy) n • invidia

envy n • invidia

envy v • invidiar

enzyme n • enzyma

eo- (dawn) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n • eo-

eoan (1. dawn; 2. oriental) adj • eoe (-ò-)

eoan (1. dawn; 2. oriental) adj • eoe

Eoanthropus, Piltdown man [Paleontol] n • eoanthropo (-trò-)

Eoanthropus, Piltdown man [Paleontol] n • eoanthropo

Eocene adj • eocen</b> Geol]

Eocene adj • eocen

Eocene [Geol] n • eoceno

Eohippus [Paleontol] n • eohippo

eolith [Archeol] n • eolitho (-ò-)

eolith [Archeol] n • eolitho

eolithic [Archeol] adj • eolithic

Eos [Gr. Mythol] n • Eos

eosin [Chem] n • eosina

eosinophile [Biol] n • eosinophilo (-nò-)

eosinophile [Biol] n • eosinophilo

eosinophile, eosinophilic, eosinophilous [Biol] adj • eosinophile (-nò-)

eosinophile, eosinophilic, eosinophilous [Biol] adj • eosinophile

eosinophilia [Pathol] n • eosinophilia

eosinophilia [Pathol] n • eosinophilia (-ìa)

Eozoic [Geol] adj • eozoic (-zò-)

Eozoic [Geol] adj • eozoic

eozoon [Geol] n • eozoon

eozoon [Geol] n • eozoon (-zò-)

epaulet, epaulette n • epaulette [F]

epaulet, epaulette n • epaulette

Ephedra [Bot] n • ephedra

ephedrine [Pharm] n • ephedrina

ephemeral adj • ephemere

ephemeris [Astron] n • ephemeride (-mé-)

ephemeris [Astron] n • ephemeride

ephemeron, ephemerid [Zool] n • ephemero

ephemeron, ephemerid [Zool] n • ephemero (-fé-)

epic adj • epic

epic, epic poem n • epos (é-)

epic, epic poem n • epoeia (-péya)

epic, epic poem n • epoeia

epic, epic poem n • epos

epic, epical adj • epic

epic n • epos

epicene [Gram] adj • epicen

epicentre n • epicentro

epicure, epicurean n • epicureo (-éo)

epicure, epicurean n • epicureo

epicure, gourmand n • gourmand [F]

epicure, gourmand n • gourmand

Epicurean adj • epicuree (-ée)

Epicurean adj • epicuree

Epicurean n • epicureo (-éo)

Epicurean n • epicureo

Epicureanism [Philos] n • epicureismo

Epicureanism [Philos] n • epicurismo

Epicureanism [Philos] n • epicureismo (-ìzmo)

epicurism n • epicurismo

epicurism n • epicureismo (-ìzmo)

epicurism n • epicureismo

Epicurus [Gr. Philos] n • Epicuro

epidemic adj • epidemic

epidemic, epidemical adj • epidemic

epidemic n • epidemia (-ìa)

epidemic n • epidemia

epidermis [Anat/Bot] n • epidermis

epidermis [Anat/Bot] n • epidermis (-dér-)

epigeous (growing upon the ground) [Bot] adj • epigee

epigeous (growing upon the ground) [Bot] adj • epigee (-gé-)

epiglottis [Anat] n • epiglottis (-glò-)

epiglottis [Anat] n • epiglottis

epigone (one of a succeeding and less distinguished generation) n • epigono (-pì-)

epigone (one of a succeeding and less distinguished generation) n • epigono

epigram n • epigramma

epigram n • epigramma [-ma/-mat-]

epigrammatic adj • epigrammatic

epilepsy n • epilepsia

epilepsy n • epilepsia (-ìa)

epileptic adj • epileptic

epileptic (having to do with epilepsy) adj • epileptic

epileptic n • epileptico

epilog (-gue) n • epilogo

epilogize v • opilogar

epilogue n • epilogo (-pì-)

epilogue n • epilogo

-epiped (plane surface) [occurring in compounds] n • -epipedo (-ì-)

-epiped (plane surface) [occurring in compounds] n • -epipedo

epiphyte [Bot] n • epiphyto

epiphyte [Bot] n • epiphyto (-ìphyto)

episcopal adj • episcopal

Episcopalian [Theol] n • episcopal

episcopate (1. office, territory, tenure of a bishop; 2. body of bishops) n • episcopato

episode n • episodio

episodic, episodical adj • episodic

epispastic [Med] adj • epispastic

Epistle [Eccl] n • epistola

Epistle [Eccl] n • epistola (-pìs-)

epistle, letter n • epistola

epistle, letter n • epistola (-pìs-)

epistolary adj • epistolari

epistolographer n • epistolographo

epistolographer n • epistolographo (-lò-)

epistolographic adj • epistolographic

epistolography n • epistolographia

epistolography n • epistolographia (-ìa)

epitaph n • epitaphio

epithet [Gram] n • epitheto (-ìteto)

epithet [Gram] n • epitheto

epithet n • epitheto

epithetic adj • epithetic

epitome n • epitome

epitomize v • resumer

epitomize v • epitomar

epitomize v • abbreviar

epizoon [Zool] n • epizoon (-zò-) (pl epizoa)

epizoon [Zool] n • epizoon

epoch n • epocha

epoch n • epocha (é-)

epochal adj • epochal

epode n • epodo

eponym, eponymus n • eponymo

eponym, eponymus n • eponymo (-ò-)

eponymous adj • eponyme

eponymous adj • eponyme (-ò-)

eponymy n • eponymia

eponymy n • eponymia (-ìa)

epsom (- salts) n • sulfato de magnesia

equability, evenness n • equalitate

equable adj • equabile

equable, even adj • equal

equal adj • equal

equal adj • par

equal adj/n • par

equal adj/n • equal

equal (be equal to) v • equalar

equal (consider oneself - to) phr • equalar se a

equal (one and one - two) phr • un e un equala duo

equal v • equalar

equality n • paritate

equality n • equalitate

equality, parity n • paritate

equality of weight, equiponderance n • equiponderantia

equalize v • adequar

equalize v • equalar

equalize v • equalisar

equalizer, equaller n • equalator

equaller, equalizer n • equalator

equally adv • equalmente

equals v • es

equals v • es equal a

equal-to phr • equal a

equal-to phr • al altitude de

equanimity n • equanimitate

equate v • equar

equation (1. [Math]; 2. [Astron]) n • equation

equation n • equation

equator n • equator

equatorial adj • equatorial

Equatorial-Guinea [Geog] n • Guinea Equatorial

eques [Rom. Hist] n • equite

eques [Rom. Hist] n • equite (é-)

equestrian adj • equestre

equidifferent adj • equidifferente

equidistance n • equidistantia

equidistant adj • equidistante

equilateral adj • equilateral

equilateral, of equal sides adj • equilatere

equilateral, of equal sides adj • equilateral

equilaterally adv • equilateralmente

equilibrist n • equilibrista

equilibristic adj • equilibristic

equilibrium, balance n • equilibrio

equilibrium n • equilibrio

equine adj • equin

equinoctial (pertaining to either equinox) adj • equinoctial

equinox n • equinoctio

equip v • armar

equip v • equipar

equipage, carriage (with or without horses) n • equipage (-aje)

equipage, carriage (with or without horses) n • equipage

equipment (1. action of equipping; 2. outfit) n • equipamento

equipment (field) [Mil] n • equipage (-aje)

equipment (field) [Mil] n • equipage

equipment n • equipamento

equiponderance, equality of weight n • equiponderantia

equiponderant, of equal weight adj • equiponderante

equiponderate, counterbalance v • equiponderar

equitable adj • eque

equitation n • equitation

equity, fairness n • equitate

equity n • equitate

equivalence n • equivalentia

equivalent adj • equivalente (ppr of equivaler)

equivalent adj • equivalente

equivalent n • equivalente

equivocal (1. ambiguous; 2. questionable, suspicious) adj • equivoc

equivocal adj • equivoc

equivocate v • equivocar

equivocation n • equivocation

era n • era

eradicable, extirpable adj • extirpabile

eradicate v • eradicar

eradication n • eradication

eradicative adj • eradicative

eradicator n • eradicator

erase v • rader

eraser n • eradicator

erasing n • radimento

erasing, scraping, scratching n • radimento

erasure n • rasura

erect adj • erecte

erect (build, set up) v • eriger

erect (build, set up) v • eriger [-rig-/-rect-]

erect v • eriger

erectile adj • erectile

erectility n • erectilitate

erection, building (action of building) n • edification

erection n • construction

erection n • erection

erection (of a building, statue;) n • erection

erector (1. as in erector of a cathedral, a kingdom; 2. [Anat]) n • erector

erg [Phys] n • erg

Erica n • erica

ermine (ermine fur) n • armenio

ermine (the animal ermine) n • armenio

erode v • eroder [-rod-/-ros-]

erode v • eroder

Eros n • Eros

Eros n • Eros (é-)

erosion n • erosion

erosive adj • erosive

erotic adj • erotic

eroticism n • eroticismo

erotism [Psychiatry] n • erotismo

erotomania [Pathol] n • erotomania

erotomania [Pathol] n • erotomania (-ìa)

err v • errar

errand (go on an -) v • facer un commission

errand n • commission

errant (traveling in quest of adventure) adj • errante

erratic adj • erratic

erratum n • erratum (pl errata) [NL]

erratum n • erratum

erroneous adj • erronee

erroneous adj • mendose

error, fault n • menda

error n • error

ersatz (Ger) adj/n • substituto

ersatz (Ger) adj/n • synthetic

ersatz (Ger) adj/n • ersatz

erst (first) adj • prime

erst (formerly) adv • primarimente

erst (formerly) adv • previemente

erst-while (former) adj • previe

erst-while (former) adj • primari

erst-while (formerly) adv • primarimente

erst-while (formerly) adv • previemente

ertity n • entitate

erubescence n • erubescentia

erubescent adj • erubescente

erubescent adj • erubescente (ppr of erubescer)

eruct vt/vi • eructar

eructation (belching) n • eructation

erudite adj • culte

erudite adj • erudite

erudition n • erudition

erupt, break out, burst forth v • erumper [-rump-/-rupt-]

erupt, break out, burst forth v • erumper

erupt vi • erumper

eruption n • eruption

eruptive adj • eruptive

eruptivity n • eruptivitate

erysipelas [Pathol] n • erysipela

erysipelas [Pathol] n • erysipela (-sì-)

escalade [Mil] n • scalada

escalate vi • intensificar se

escalate vi • crescer

escalate vt • intensificar

escalate vt • augmentar

escalation n • intensification

escalation n • augmentation

escalator n • scala mobile

escapade n • escappada

escapade (prankish adventure) n • escappada

escape (act of escaping) n • escappamento

escape (act of escaping) n • escappata

escape, get away v • evader

escape, get away v • evader [-vad-/-vas-]

escape (get away, out, as by flight, through a leak) v • escappar

escape, getaway n • evasion

escape n • escappata

escape v • escappar

escapement [Clockmaking] n • escappamento

escapism n • regression

escarp [Mil] v • scarpar

escarp, scarp [Mil] n • scarpa

escarpment [Mil] n • scarpamento

eschato- (last) [occurring in compounds] adj • eschat-

eschatological adj • eschatologic

eschatologist n • eschatologo

eschatologist n • eschatologo (-tò-)

eschatology n • eschatologia

eschatology n • eschatologia (-ìa)

eschew v • evitar

escort (1. [Army, Navy]; 2. person or persons accompanying another for protection or as a matter of politeness) n • escorta

escort n • escorta

escort v • escortar

escudo [Monet] n • escudo [P]

escudo [Monet] n • escudo

escutcheon, coat of arms n • scuto

Eskimo n • eschimo (és-)

eskimo n • eschimo

Eskimo n • eschimo

eso- (within, inside) [occurring in compounds] adv • eso-

esophageal, oesophageal adj • esophagee

esophageal, oesophageal adj • esophagee (-ée)

esophagus n • esophago

esophagus, oesophagus [Anat] n • esophago

esophagus, oesophagus [Anat] n • esophago (-sò-)

esoter- (inner) [occurring in derivatives] adj • esoter-

esoteric adj • esoteric

esoterism, esotericism n • esoterismo

espalier, trellis n • spalier

especial adj • special

especial, special adj • special

especially adv • super toto

especially adv • specialmente

especially, particularly, chiefly adv • presertim (-sér-)

especially, particularly, chiefly adv • presertim

especially, principally adv • maxime (màx-)

especially, principally adv • maxime

Esperantism n • esperantismo

Esperantist [Interling] n • esperantista

Esperanto (IAL) n • Esperanto

Esperanto [Interling] n • esperanto [Esp]

Esperanto [Interling] n • esperanto

espionage n • spionage

espionage, spying n • spionage (-aje)

espionage, spying n • spionage

esplanade n • esplanada

espouse (a cause) v • sposar

espouse (a cause) v • sponsar

espouse v • sposar

esprit (- de corps) n • spirito de corpore

espy v • perciper

essay, attempt n • essayo (-sà-)

essay, attempt n • essayo

essay (literary essay) n • essayo

essay (literary essay) n • essayo (-sà-)

essay n • essayo

essay v • essayar

essayist n • essayista

essence (1. absolute being; 2. intrinsic nature; 3. extract obtained by distillation) n • essentia

essence n • essentia

essential adj • essential

essential (it is - that) phr • il importa que

essential n • essential

essentiality n • essentialitate

essentially adv • essentialmente

establish (1. to make firm or stable; 2. to found, set up; 3. as in to establish someone in business) v • stabilir

establish (1. to make firm or stable; 2. to found, set up; 3. as in to establish someone in business) v • establir

establish (as a fact) v • constatar

establish (as fact) v • constatar

establish, confirm, sanction v • sancir [sanc-/sanct-]

establish, confirm, sanction v • sancir

establish, set up (a new order, method) v • instaurar

establish, set up v • eriger [-rig-/-rect-]

establish, set up v • eriger

establish (set up) v • establir

established (as in established fact) adj • constante

established price, rate n • taxa

establisher, founder (of an institution) n • instaurator

establisher n • stabilitor

establisher n • establitor

establishment (1. act of establishing, founding, or setting up; 2. institution, organization, business) n • stabilimento

establishment (1. act of establishing, founding, or setting up; 2. institution, organization, business) n • establimento

establishment, foundation (of an office)) n • erection

establishment n • establimento

establishment (of a government) n • instauration

estafette, staffette n • staffetta

estate (after death) n • succession

estate [Pol] n • stato

estate, property n • terra

estate (property) n • proprietate

estate-agency n • agentia immobiliari

esteem, hold in esteem v • estimar

esteem n • estima

esteem, think highly of v • considerar

esteem v • estimar

esteemed adj • considerate pp of considerar

esteems highly, one who appreciates n • appreciator

esthesia n • esthesia (-ìa)

esthesia n • esthesia

esthesiology n • esthesiologia (-ìa)

esthesiology n • esthesiologia

esthesiometer n • esthesiometro

esthesiometer n • esthesiometro (-ò-)

esthesioneurosis n • esthesioneurosis (-òsis)

esthesioneurosis n • esthesioneurosis

esthete, aesthete n • estheta

esthetic, aesthetic adj • esthetic

esthetics (aesthetics) n • esthetica

estimable adj • estimabile

estimate (calculate approximately) v • estimar

estimate v • estimar

estimate v • evalutar

estimation (1. act of estimating; 2. esteem) n • estimation

estimation n • evalutation

estimation n • estimation

estivage n • stivage (-aje)

estivage n • stivage

estival, summer adj • estive

Estonia [Geog] n • Estonia

Estonia n • Estonia

Estonian adj • estonian

estonian adj/n • estonian

Estonian n • estoniano

estrade, dais, platform n • estrade [F]

estrade, dais, platform n • estrade

estrange, alienate v • estraniar

estrange v • estraniar

estrange v • alienar

estrangement, alienation n • estraniamento

estrangement n • estraniamento

estrangement n • alienation

estuary n • estuario

et cetera (etc) • et cetera

et cetera (etc) • e plus altre

etch v • gravar

etch v • gravar al aqua forte

etching n • gravatura

etching n • aqua forte

eternal adj • eternal

eternal adj • eterne

eternal, sempiternal, everlasting adj • sempiterne

eternally adv • eternalmente

eternity n • eternitate

eternize (1. to make eternal) v • eternisar

ethane [Chem] n • ethano

ether (1. upper air, clear sky; 2. [Phys]; 3. [Chem]) n • ethere

ether n • ethere

ethereal adj • etheree

etherification n • etherification

etherify v • etherificar

etherization n • etherisation

etherize (1. to mix or compound with ether; 2. to anesthetize with ether) v • etherisar

ethical adj • ethic

ethical (treating of moral questions or of moral science) adj • ethic

ethically adv • ethicamente

ethicist, moralist n • ethico

ethics n • ethica

ethics (the science of morals) n • ethica

Ethiopia [Geog] n • Ethiopia

Ethiopia n • Ethiopia

ethiopian adj/n • ethiope

Ethiopic adj • ethiopic

ethnic (1. [Ch. Hist] pagan; 2. ethnological) adj • ethnic

ethnic adj • ethnic

ethnogeny n • ethnogenia

ethnogeny n • ethnogenia (-ìa)

ethnographer n • ethnographo

ethnographer n • ethnographo (-nò-)

ethnographic adj • ethnographic

ethnography n • ethnographia

ethnography n • ethnographia (-ìa)

ethnological adj • ethnologic

ethnologist n • ethnologo (-nò-)

ethnologist n • ethnologista

ethnologist n • ethnologo

ethnology n • ethnologia (-ìa)

ethnology n • ethnologia

ethnopsychology n • ethnopsychologia

ethnopsychology n • ethnopsychologia (-ìa)

ethology [Sociol] n • ethologia (-ìa)

ethology [Sociol] n • ethologia

ethopoeia [Rhet] n • ethopeia (-péya)

ethopoeia [Rhet] n • ethopeia

ethos n • ethos

ethos [Philos/Rhet] n • ethos

ethos [Philos/Rhet] n • ethos (é-)

ethyl [Chem] n • ethylo

ethylamine [Chem] n • ethylamino

ethylene [Chem] n • ethyleno

ethylic [Chem] adj • ethylic

etiquette n • etiquetta (-ké-)

etiquette n • etiquetta

Etna, Aetna n • Etna

Etruria n • Etruria

Etruscan (1. native of Etruria; 2. Etruscan language) n • etrusco

Etruscan adj • etrusc

Etruscan, Tyrrhenian n • tyrrheno

etymologic, etymological adj • etymologic

etymologist n • etymologo

etymologist n • etymologo (-mò-)

etymologist n • etymologista

etymologize v • etymologisar

etymology (1. origin or derivation of a word; 2. branch of philology concerned with etymologies) n • etymologia

etymology (1. origin or derivation of a word; 2. branch of philology concerned with etymologies) n • etymologia (-ìa)

etymology n • etymologia

etymon n • etymo

etymon n • etymo (é-)

Eucharist [Eccl] n • eucharistia (-ìa)

Eucharist [Eccl] n • eucharistia

eucharist n • eucharista

Eucharistic adj • eucharistic

Euclid [circa 300 B.C/Greek geometrician] n • Euclide

Euclidean adj • euclidian

eudaemonia n • eudemonia

eudaemonia n • eudemonia (-ìa)

eudaemonism n • eudemonismo

eugenic adj • eugenic

eugenics n • eugenica

eulogist n • elogista

eulogistic adj • elogistic

eulogistic adj • elogiose

eulogize v • elogisar

eulogy n • elogio

eunuch n • eunucho

euphemious, euphemous [occurring in derivatives] adj • eupheme-

euphemism n • euphemia (-ìa)

euphemism n • euphemia

euphemism n • euphemismo

euphemism [Rhet] n • euphemismo

euphemistic adj • euphemic

euphemistic adj • euphemistic

euphonic, euphonious adj • euphonic

euphonious, euphonic adj • euphone

euphony n • euphonia

euphony n • euphonia (-ìa)

euphoria n • euphoria

Euphrates n • Euphrate

Eurasia n • Eurasia

Eurasiatic, Eurasian adj • eurasiatic

eurhythmic adj • eurhythmic

eurhythmy n • eurhythmia

eurhythmy n • eurhythmia (-ìa)

Europa [Mythol] n • Europa

europe n • europa

Europe n • Europa

european adj • europee

European adj • europee

European adj • europee (-pée)

European n • europeo

European n • europeo (-péo)

european n • europeo

European Economic Community n • communitate economic europee

Europeanize v • europeisar

europium [Chem] n • europium (-rò-)

europium [Chem] n • europium

euthanasia n • euthanasia

evacuant, evacuative [Med] adj • evacuative

evacuate, empty, vacate v • disoccupar

evacuate v • evacuar

evacuation n • evacuation

evadable, eludible adj • eludibile

evade (practice evasion) v • evader

evade (practice evasion) v • evader [-vad-/-vas-]

evade v • evader

evade v • eluder

evaginate v • evaginar

evagination n • evagination

evaluate v • evalutar

evaluation n • evalutation

evanescence n • evanescentia

evanescent, vanishing adj • evanescente (ppr of evanescer)

evanescent, vanishing adj • evanescente

evangelic, evangelical (1. of the Gospels; 2. as in evangelical denomination) adj • evangelic

evangelical adj • evangelic

evangelism n • evangelismo

evangelist, evangel n • evangelo (-àng-)

evangelist, evangel n • evangelo

evangelist n • evangelista

Evangelist n • evangelista

evangelization n • evangelisation

evangelize v • evangelisar

evangelizer n • evangelisator

evaporable, vaporizable adj • evaporabile

evaporate (1. to vaporize; 2. to be vaporized) v • evaporar

evaporate v • evaporar

evaporating (as in evaporating process, apparatus) adj • evaporatori

evaporation n • evaporation

evaporation, vaporization n • vaporisation

evaporative adj • evaporative

evasion n • evasion

evasive adj • evasive

eve (evening) n • vespere

eve (festival) n • vigilia

evection [Astron] n • evection

even adv • mesmo

even [Arith] adj • par

even (break -) v • finir sin esser le ganiator o le perdente

even, equable adj • equal

even (equal) adj • equal

even, homaloidal, flat [Math] adj • homaloide

even (not odd) adj • par

even (notwithstanding) adv • mesmo

even (notwithstanding) adv • etiam

even, smooth adj • unite (pp of unir)

even, smooth adj • unite

even (smooth) adj • regular

even, truly, really, indeed adv • vere

even, truly, really, indeed adv • vero

even vi/vt • equalisar

eveness n • equalitate

eveness n • regularitate

even-handed adj • impartial

even-if prep • malgrado

even-if prep • in despecto de

evening (in the -) phr • le vespere

evening n • vespere

evening n • vespera

evening n • vespera (vés-)

evening-dress n • habito de ceremonia

evenly adv • regularmente

evenly adv • equalmente

evenness, equability n • equalitate

event n • evento

event (occurrence of some importance) n • evento

even-tempered adj • equanime

even-tempered adj • equanime (equà-)

eventful adj • plen de evenimentos

eventful adj • memorabile

eventual adj • final

eventual adj • eventual

eventuality n • eventualitate

eventually adv • eventualmente

eventually adv • finalmente

eventuate vi • resultar

eventuate vi • eventuar

even-yet conj • etiam

ever (always) adv • sempre

ever, at any time adv • jammais

ever, at any time adv • jammais (-màis)

ever, at any time adv • unquam

ever, at any time adv • unquam (ùnquam)

ever (at any time) adv • jammais

ever (at any time) adv • unquam

ever (for -) phr • sempre

everential, ceremonious (over) adj • reverentiose

Everest (Mount -) n • Everest

ever-green adj/n • semperverde

evergreen semperverde adj • semperverde

ever-lasting adj • sempiterne

everlasting, eternal, sempiternal adj • sempiterne

ever-more adv • per sempre

eversion (act of everting) n • eversion

eversion n • eversion

evert, turn inside out v • everter [-vert-/-vers-]

evert, turn inside out v • everter

evert v • everter

every adj/pron • tote

every adj/pron • omne

every, each adj • tote

every, each adj • omne

every now and then phr • de tempore in tempore

everybody pron • tote le mundo

everybody pron • totos

everybody pron • omne persona

everyday (all days) adj • omne die

everyday (daily) adj • quotidian

everyone pron • totos

everyone pron • tote le mundo

everything, all n • toto

everything pron • toto

every-where adv • ubique

everywhere adv • ubique

evict (1. recover by legal process; 2. to dispossess) [Law] v • evincer

evict (1. recover by legal process; 2. to dispossess) [Law] v • evincer [-vinc-/-vict-]

evict v • evincer

eviction (1. recovery by legal process; 2. dispossession) [Law] n • eviction

eviction n • eviction

evidence (circumstantial -) n • indicios

evidence n • evidentia

evidence (quality or condition of being evident) n • evidentia

evident adj • evidente

evidently adv • evidentemente

evil adj/n • mal

evil, bad adj • mal

evil deed, mischief n • maleficio

evil eye, spell, hex n • fascino

evil eye, spell, hex n • fascino (fà-)

evil spirit, demon n • demonio

evil-deed n • maleficio

evil-doing, maleficent adj • maleficente

evil-spirit n • spirito maligne

evitable adj • evitabile

evocable adj • evocabile

evocation n • evocation

evocative adj • evocatori

evocatory adj • evocatori

evoke, call forth v • evocar

evoke v • evocar

evolute [Mil/Naut] v • evolver [-volv-/-volut-]

evolute [Mil/Naut] v • evolver

evolution (1. development; 2. [Biol]; 3. [Mil/naut]) n • evolution

evolution n • evolution

evolutionism n • evolutionismo

evolutionist n • evolutionista

evolutive adj • evolutive

evolve, develop (1. to undergo an evolution or development; 2 . to cause to evolve or develop) v • evolver [-volv-/-volut-]

evolve, develop (1. to undergo an evolution or development; 2 . to cause to evolve or develop) v • evolver

evolve v • evolver

evulse, tear out, pull out v • eveller

evulse, tear out, pull out v • eveller [-vell-/-vuls-]

evulsion n • evulsion

ewe n • ove

ex- (without, outside, exo-) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] adv • exo-

ex libris, bookplate n • ex-libris

exacerbate (increase the smart or bitterness of) v • exacerbar

exacerbate v • exacerbar

exacerbation (state of being exacerbated) n • exacerbation

exact, accurate adj • juste

exact, accurate adj • exacte

exact adj • exacte

exact, demand, claim v • peter

exact, punctilious adj • punctual

exact v • exiger [-ig-/-act-]

exact v • exiger

exacting adj • exigente

exacting, exigent adj • exigente

exaction (action of exacting) n • exaction

exactitude, accuracy n • exactitude

exactitude n • exactitudine

exactly, just adv • justo

exactness, accuracy n • justessa

exactness, punctiliousness n • punctualitate

exaggerate v • exaggerar

exaggeration n • exaggeration

exaggerative adj • exaggerative

exaggerator n • exaggerator

exalt (1. to raise in rank, honor, power; 2. to extol) v • exaltar

exalt, extol, magnify v • magnificar

exalt v • exaltar

exaltation (1. act of raising to a superior rank or position; 2. act of praising, extoling; 3. overexcitement, rapture) n • exaltation

exaltation (act of exalting or extolling) n • magnification

exalted adj • elevate

examinable adj • examinabile

examination (1. investigation; 2. test) n • examine

examination n • examine

examination, test n • test</b> A]

examination, test n • test

examine, check, go through (documents, books) v • compulsar

examine (check) v • controlar

examine, interrogate v • interrogar

examine (investigate, test) v • examinar

examine, look at v • perspicer [-spic-/-spect-]

examine, look at v • perspicer

examine, scan, scrutinize v • scrutar

examine v • examinar

examine carefully, scruitinize closely v • perscrutar

examine carefully, verify, check v • respicer

examine carefully, verify, check v • respicer [-spic-/-spect-]

examine cursorily, look over v • percurrer [-curr-/-curs-]

examine cursorily, look over v • percurrer

examiner (checker) n • controlator

examiner, inspector (person who checks or verifies) n • controlator

examiner n • examinante

examiner n • examinator

examiner (tester) n • examinator

example (1. sample, specimen; 2. model, pattern; 3. instance serving to illustrate a rule or precept) n • exemplo

example (for -) phr • per exemplo

example (make an - of) v • facer un exemplo de

example n • exemplo

example (set an -) v • dar un exemplo

exarch (1.</b> Rom. Hist]; 2.</b> Gr. Orth. Ch]) n • exarcho

exarch- [occurring in derivatives] v • exarch-

exarchate n • exarchato

exasperate v • exasperar

exasperation n • exasperation

excavate (hollow out, dig) v • excavar

excavate v • excavar

excavation (action or result of hollowing out) n • excavation

excavation n • excavation

excavator (1. one who excavates; 2. machine for digging out earth) n • excavator

excavator n • excavator

exceed, surpass, excel v • superar

exceed, transcend v • transcender

exceed v • exceder [-ced-/-cess-]

exceed v • exceder

exceeding adj • multe

exceedingly adv • multo

exceedingly, much adv • plurimo (plù-)

exceedingly, much adv • plurimo

exceedingly, very adv • maxime (màx-)

exceedingly, very adv • maxime

exceedingly, very much adv • valde

excel (abounding in) v • exceller

excel (distinguished) v • exceller

excel, exceed, surpass v • superar

excel v • exceller

excel v • exceller [-cell-/-cels-]

excellence, excellency n • excellentia

excellence n • excellentia

excellency n • excellentia

excellency (your -) n • vostre dies

excellent adj • excellente (ppr of exceller)

excellent adj • excellente

except adv • for

except adv • foris (fòr-), foras (fòr-)

except adv • foras, foris

except adv • foris, foras

except adv • foras (fòr-), foris (fòr-)

except (all - him) prep • totos minus ille

except conj • a minus que

except, excepting adv • preter (pré-)

except, excepting adv • preter

except, excepting prep • excepte

except (leave out, take out) v • exceptar

except prep • excepte

except prep • preter

except, unless it be adv • non

excepting conj • preter

excepting conj • excepte

excepting, except adv • extra

exception n • exception

exception (with the - of) n • excepte

exceptionable, challengeable [Law] adj • recusabile

exceptional adj • exceptional

exceptionally adv • exceptionalmente

excerpt n • extracto

excess (1. fact of exceeding in amount or degree; 2. amount by which one thing exceeds another; 3. as in to commit excesses) n • excesso

excess, extreme n • ultrantia

excess n • excesso

excess-fare (carry to -) v • ultrar

excess-fare n • supplemento

excess-fat n • grassia de excesso

excessive adj • exorbitante

excessive adj • excessive

excessiveness n • exorbitantia

exchange (1. as in foreign or domestic exchange; 2. rate of exchange) [Fin] n • cambio

exchange (action of exchanging) n • excambio

exchange (bill -) n • littera de cambio

exchange [Fin] • cambio

exchange, interchange n • permutation

exchange, interchange, permute v • permutar

exchange, interchange v • intercambiar

exchange (rate of -) n • curso de cambio

exchange (stock -) n • bursa

exchange (swap) n • excambio

exchange (telephone -) n • central telephonic

exchange v • excambiar

exchange business, stockbroking, agiotage n • agiotage (ajotaje)

exchange business, stockbroking, agiotage n • agiotage

exchange premium, agio [Commer] n • agio

exchange premium, agio [Commer] n • agio (ajo)

exchangeable adj • excambiabile

exchanger n • excambiator

exchequer n • tresoreria

exchequer n • fisco

exchequer, treasury, fisc n • fisco

excide, cut out, cut off v • excider [-cid-/-cis-]

excide, cut out, cut off v • excider

excipient [Pharm] n • excipiente

excise n • accisia

excise n • imposto de consumo

excise [Surg] v • excisar

excise v • excisar

excision [Surg] n • excision

excision of the tongue, glossotomy [Med] n • glossotomia

excision of the tongue, glossotomy [Med] n • glossotomia (-ìa)

excitabile adj • excitabile

excitability n • excitabilitate

excitable adj • excitabile

excitant, stimulant n • excitante

excitation (1. action of exciting; 2. [Elec]) n • excitation

excitation (action of exciting) n • excitamento

excite (incite to) v • incitar

excite (stimulate) v • excitar

excite v • excitar

excited adj • agitate

excited (easily -) adj • inflammabile

excited (grow -) v • exaltar se

excitement n • excitamento

excitement n • agitation

excitement (state of being excited) n • excitation

exciter n • excitator

exciting adj • excitative

exciting, stimulating adj • excitative

exclaim, cry out v • clamar

exclaim v • exclamar

exclamation n • exclamation

exclamation mark n • puncto de exclamation

exclamatory adj • exclamative

exclude v • excluder [-clud-/-clus-]

exclude v • excluder

excluding conj • al exclusion de

exclusion n • exclusion

exclusive (1. as in exclusive right, exclusive terms; 2 . as in an exclusive club) adj • exclusive

exclusive adj • exclusive

exclusive property n • peculio

exclusively adv • exclusivemente

exclusiveness, exclusivism n • exclusivismo

exclusiveness (of rights, terms) n • exclusivitate

exclusivist n • exclusivista

excogitate, think out v • excogitar

excogitation, devising, contrivance n • excogitation

excommunicate v • excommunicar

excommunication n • excommunication

ex-communist, former communist n • ex-communista

excoriate, bark, graze v • excoriar

excoriation (abrasion of the skin) n • excoriation

excrement n • excremento

excrement n • fece

excremental adj • excrementose

excremental adj • excremental

excrementitious adj • excrementicie

excrescence (abnormal or disfiguring outgrowth) n • excrescentia

excrete v • excretar

excretion n • excretion

excretory adj • excretori

excruciating adj • cruciante

exculpate, free from blame v • disculpar

exculpate v • disculpar

excursion (1. pleasure trip; 2. digression) n • excursion

excursion n • excursion

excursion, tour, trip n • tour [F]

excursion, tour, trip n • tour

excursionist n • excursionista

excusable adj • excusabile

excuse (clear of blame) v • excusar

excuse, excusing n • excusation

excuse n • excusa

excuse v • excusar

excuse me! interj • pardono!

excusing, excuse n • excusation

execrable adj • execrabile

execrate (1. to imprecate evil upon; 2. to abhor, detest) v • execrar

execration (1. imprecation, malediction; 2. abhorrence, detestation) n • execration

execrator n • execrator

execratory adj • execratori

executable, practicable adj • executabile

execute (1. to carry out; 2. to put to death according to law) v • executar

execute, carry out v • exequer

execute, carry out v • exequer [-equ-/-ecut-]

execute, put to death v • suppliciar

execute v • executar

executed person n • suppliciato

execution (1. act of carrying out; 2. act of putting to death according to law) n • execution

execution n • execution

executioner, hangman n • carnifice

executioner, hangman n • carnifice (-nì-)

executioner n • carnefice

executive adj • executive

executive n • dirigente

executor n • executor

executor (one who carries out) n • executor

executory (as in executory decree, law) adj • executori

exegesis n • exegese

exegetic adj • exegetic

exegetics n • exegetica

exegetist n • exegeta

exellent, fine adj • brave

exemplary (1. being a good model or pattern) adj • exemplar

exemplary adj • exemplari

exemplary adj • exemplar

exemplification (act of showing by example) n • exemplification

exemplify (show by example) v • exemplificar

exemplify v • exemplificar

exempt adj • immun

exempt adj • exempte

exempt v • exemptar

exempt v • eximer

exempt v • eximer [-im-/-empt-]

exemption, dispensation n • dispensa

exemption n • exemption

exercise (1. as in the exercise of virtues; 2. as in an exercise in grammar) n • exercitio

exercise, drill, train v • exercitar

exercise, drill, training n • exercitation

exercise n • exercitio

exercise v • exercitar

exercise v • exercitar (se)

exercise foresight v • prospicer [-spic-/-spect-]

exercise foresight v • prospicer

exercise in vocalization, vocalizing [Mus] n • vocaliso

exercise-book n • quaderno

exercise-patience v • armar se de patientia

exert v • emplear

exert-influence-on v • influentiar

exertion n • effortio

exertion (of faculties) n • contention

exert-oneself v • to effortiar se a

exfoliation (process of coming off in layers or scales, peeling off) n • exfoliation

exhalation (1. exhaling, giving off as vapor; 2. that which is exhaled) n • exhalation

exhale (as in to exhale odor) v • exhalar

exhale v • exhalar

exhaust (1. to drain, use up, consume; 2. as in to exhaust a subject) v • exhaurir

exhaust (1. to drain, use up, consume; 2. as in to exhaust a subject) v • exhaurir [-haur-/haust-]

exhaust n • escappamento

exhaust (of an engine) n • escappamento

exhaust v • exhaurir

exhausted (be -) v • exhauste

exhausted (be -) v • exhaurite

exhausted (consumed, used up) adj • exhauste

exhausted (tired) adj • fatigate

exhausted (used up) adj • exhauste

exhaustible adj • exhauribile

exhaustible adj • exhaustibile

exhaustion (action of draining, using up, consuming) n • exhaustion

exhaustion, emaciation n • extenuation

exhaustion (using up) n • exhaustion

exhaust-pipe n • tubo de escappamento

exhibit (objecto de) n • exhibition

exhibit v • exhibir

exhibition n • exposition

exhibition n • exhibition

exhibitionism (tendency towards self-advertisement) n • exhibitionismo

exhibitionist n • exhibitionista

exhibitionist (ostentatious person) n • exhibitionista

exhibitor n • expositor

exhibitor n • exhibitor

exhibitory adj • exhibitori

exhilarant, exhilarating adj • exhilarante (ppr of exhilarar)

exhilarant, exhilarating adj • exhilarante

exhilarate v • exhilarar

exhilarating adj • exhilarante

exhilaration n • exhilaration

exhort v • exhortar

exhortation n • exhortation

exhortative adj • exhortative

exhortatory adj • exhortatori

exhorter n • exhortator

exhumation n • exhumation

exhume v • exhumar

ex-husband, former husband n • ex-marito

ex-husband n • ex-marito

exigency, requirement n • exigentia

exigent, exacting adj • exigente

exigible, claimable adj • exigibile

exiguity, scantiness n • exiguitate

exiguous adj • exigue

exile (banishment) n • exilio

exile (exiled person) n • exiliato

exile, outlaw n • proscripto

exile (person) n • exiliato

exile (state) n • exilio

exile v • exiliar

exist (continue to -) v • subsister

exist v • esser

exist v • esser super terra

exist v • exister

existence (come into -) n • nascer (le - )

existence (come into -) n • nascer

existence n • existentia

existence n • esser

existence n • esser (le - )

existent adj • existente

existent, existing adj • existente

existential adj • existential

existentialism n • existentialismo

existentialist n • existentialista

existing, existent adj • existente

exit, egress n • egresso

exit (theat) n • sortita

exit v • facer le sortita

exit v • sortir

exit, way out n • exito

exit, way out n • exito (éx-)

exit (way out) n • exito

ex-minister, former minister [Pol] n • ex-ministro

exo- (ex-) (without, outside) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] adv • exo-

exodic adj • exodic

exodist (one taking part in an exodus) n • exodista

exodus (book of -) n • libro del exodo

exodus n • exodo (éx-)

exodus n • exodo

ex-officio phr • de officio

exogamous [Anthropol] adj • exogame (-ògame)

exogamous [Anthropol] adj • exogame

exogamy [Anthropol] n • exogamia

exogamy [Anthropol] n • exogamia (-ìa)

exogenous adj • exogene

exonerate (free from a burden, duty, obligation) v • exonerar

exonerate v • exonerar

exoneration n • exoneration

exorable, easily moved adj • exorabile

exorbitant adj • exorbitante

exorcise v • exorcisar

exorcism n • exorcismo

exorcist n • exorcista

exorcize v • exorcisar

exordial adj • exordial

exordium n • exordio

exoskeleton [Zool] n • exoskeleto (-ské-)

exoskeleton [Zool] n • exoskeleto

exosmosis n • exosmose

exosmotic adj • exosmotic

exotic adj • exotic

exoticism n • exoticismo

expand (cause to spread out, stretch out or unfold) v • expander

expand (cause to spread out, stretch out or unfold) v • expander [-pand-/-pans-]

expand v • expander

expand v • expander (se)

expanse n • extension

expanse n • largo

expanse, wideness n • largo

expansibility n • expansibilitate

expansible adj • expansibile

expansion n • expansion

expansive (1. [Sci]; 2. showing one's feelings freely) adj • expansive

expansiveness n • expansion

expatriate (make an exile of) v • expatriar

expatriate n • expatriato

expatriate v • expatriar

expatriation (1. banishment from one's fatherland; 2. emigration) n • expatriation

expatriation n • expatriation

expect (look for mentally) v • expectar

expect v • expectar

expectant adj • expectante (ppr of expectar)

expectant adj • gravide

expectant adj • expectante

expectation (1. state of expecting; 2. [Med]) n • expectation

expectation n • expectation

expectative adj • expectative

expected, foreseen adj • provise

expectorant [Med] adj • expectorante (ppr of expectorar)

expectorant [Med] adj • expectorante

expectorant [Med] n • expectorante

expectorate, spit v • sputar

expectorate v • expectorar

expectoration n • expectoration

expectoration, spitting n • sputation

expectoration, spitting out n • exspuition

expedient adj/n • expediente

expedient n • expediente

expedient, suitable, fit adj • expediente

expedient, suitable, fit adj • expediente (ppr of expedir)

expedite v • expedir

expediting (action of) n • expedition

expedition (1. promptness; 2. as in an expedition to the North Pole) n • expedition

expedition n • expedition

expeditious adj • expeditive

expeditor n • expeditor

expel v • expeller

expel v • expeller [-pell-/-puls-]

expend n • dispender

expend n • expender

expend, spend (give out in payment) v • dispender

expend, spend (give out in payment) v • expender

expend, spend (give out in payment) v • expender [-pend-/-pens-]

expend, spend (give out in payment) v • dispender [-pend-/-pens-]

expenditure n • expensa

expenditure n • dispensa

expenditure, outlay (of money) n • dispensa

expense, cost n • sumpto

expense (great -) n • dispendio

expense n • expensa

expensive adj • car

expensive adj • costose

expensive, costly adj • dispendiose

experience (as in teaching experience) n • experientia

experience n • experientia

experience v • haber experientia de

experience v • experientiar

experienced adj • experimentate

experiment n • experimento

experiment v • experimentar

experimental adj • experimental

experimental stage phr • stato experimental

experimentally adv • experimentalmente

experimentation n • experimentation

experimenter n • experimentator

expert adj • experte

expert n • experto

expertise n • habilitate

expertise n • competentia

expiable adj • expiabile

expiate v • expiar

expiation n • expiation

expiator n • expiator

expiatory adj • expiatori

expiration (1. breathing out; 2. termination, end) n • expiration

expire (1. to breathe out; 2. to die) v • expirar

expire, become invalid, lapse v • perimer [-im-/-empt-]

expire, become invalid, lapse v • perimer

expire (exhale, die) v • expirar

expire (lapse) v • perimer

expired adj • perimite

expired adj • perempte

expired, invalid, lapsed adj • perempte

expiring adj • per expirar

expiring adj/pres part • expirante

expiry n • expiration

expiry (termination) n • termination

explain (expound, interpret) v • explanar

explain, narrate, expound v • enarrar

explain v • explicar

explainable, describable adj • enarrabile

explainable, explicable adj • explicabile

explainer, commentator n • explicator

explanation (interpretation, expounding) n • explanation

explanation n • explication

explanatory adj • explicative

expletive adj • expletive

expletive n • blasphemia

explicable, explainable adj • explicabile

explicit adj • explicite

explicit (clearly expressed) adj • explicite (-plì-)

explicit (clearly expressed) adj • explicite

explode (a theory) v • discreditar

explode (blow up) vt • facer exploder

explode (go off, or to fly in pieces, with a loud report) v • exploder

explode (go off, or to fly in pieces, with a loud report) v • exploder [-plod-/-plos-]

explode vi • exploder

exploder (device for firing an explosive charge) n • exploditor

exploit (1. as in to exploit a mine; 2. to utilize for selfish purposes) v • exploitar

exploit n • prodessa

exploit n • gesta

exploit v • exploitar

exploitable adj • exploitabile

exploitation n • exploitation

exploiter n • exploitator

explorable adj • explorabile

exploration (1. as in exploration of new countries; 2. investigation; 3. [Surg]) n • exploration

exploration n • exploration

exploratory adj • exploratori

explore (1. as in to explore new countries; 2. to investigate, examine; 3. [Surg]) v • explorar

explore v • explorar

explorer n • explorator

explosion (1. blast; 2. sudden outbreak of emotion) n • explosion

explosion n • explosion

explosive (1. tending to explode; 2. [Phonet]) adj • explosive

explosive adj • explosive

explosive (explosive substance) n • explosivo

explosive n • explosivo

exponent [Alg] adj • exponente

exponent, expositor, expounder n • expositor

exponent (interpreter) n • interprete

exponent (maths) n • exponente

exponential [Math] adj • exponential

export, exporting, exportation n • exportation

export n • exportation

export v • exportar

exportable adj • exportabile

exportation, export, exporting n • exportation

exportation n • exportation

exporter n • exportator

exporting, exportation, export n • exportation

exports n • exportation

expose (1. to show openly, display; 2. to lay open (danger)) v • exponer

expose (1. to show openly, display; 2. to lay open (danger)) v • exponer [-pon-/-posit-]

expose (display) v • exponer

expose (unmask) v • dismascar

expose the foot or roots, uncover (of a tree, tooth) v • discalcear

exposition (1. exhibition; 2. detailed explanation) n • exposition

exposition, narration n • enarration

expositive, expository adj • expositive

expositor, expounder, exponent n • expositor

expository, expositive adj • expositive

expository, giving the argument of [Lit] adj • argumentative

expostulate, protest, remonstrate v • remonstrar

exposure (1. laying open to view, action, influence, etc; 2. [Photog]; 3. position in relation to sun, wind etc.) n • exposition

exposure n • exposition

expound, explain, narrate v • enarrar

expound v • exponer [-pon-/-posit-]

expound v • exponer

expounder, exponent, expositor n • expositor

ex-president n • ex-presidente

express (1. definite, explicit; 2. as in express letter) adj • expresse

express adj • expresse

express n • rapido

express (rapid) adj • rapide

express (rr) n • expresso

express (train) n • rapido

express (train) n • rapido (rà-)

express v • exprimer [-prim-/-press-]

express v • exprimer

express joy at, congratulate v • gratular

express messenger n • expresso

express one's opinion first v • preopinar

express train. expresso n • expresso

expressible, utterable adj • exprimibile

expression (1. action of pressing or squeezing out; 2. act or fact of giving expression to; 3. significant word or phrase) n • expression

expression n • expression

expressionism n • expressionismo

expressionist n • expressionista

expressive adj • expressive

expressly adv • expressemente

expressway n • autostrata

expropriate, dispossess v • expropriar

expropriate v • expropriar

expropriation, dispossession n • expropriation

expropriator, dispossessor n • expropriator

expulsion n • expulsion

expulsive adj • expulsive

expunction n • expunction

expunge v • expunger

expunge v • expunger [-pung-/-punct-]

expurgate v • expurgar

expurgation n • expurgation

exquisite adj • exquisite

exquisiteness n • exquisitessa

exsanguine adj • exsangue

exsiccate, dry up (make quite dry) v • exsiccar

exsiccation n • exsiccation

exsiccative adj • exsiccative

exsuction n • exsuction

extant adj • ancora existante

extemporaneous, extempore adj • extemporanee

extemporaneously adv • extemporeneemente

extemporaneously adv • improvisatemente

extempore adj • extemporanee

extempore adv • ex tempore

extempore, extemporaneous adj • extemporanee

extempore (improvised) adj • improvisate

extempore (speak -) v • improvisar un discurso

extemporize (parlar) vi • extemporaneemente

extemporize vt • improvisar

extend (1. to stretch out; 2. to increase in size or scope) v • extender

extend (1. to stretch out; 2. to increase in size or scope) v • extender [-tend-/-tens-]

extend (prolong) v • prolongar

extend v • extender

extend v • extender (se)

extender (one who or that which extends) n • extensor

extendible, extensible adj • extendibile

extensibility n • extensibilitate

extensible adj • extensibile

extensible, extendible adj • extendibile

extension (1. stretching out; 2. increase in size or scope; 3. [Logic]) n • extension

extension n • extension

extensive adj • extensive

extensive (as in extensive agriculture) adj • extensive

extensive (having extension) adj • extense

extensor [Anat] n • extensor

extent n • extension

extent (space or degree to which anything is extended) n • extension

extenuate (as in to extenuate an offense) v • attenuar

extenuate, emaciate, weaken v • extenuar

extenuating adj • attenuante

exterior adj • exterior

exterior adj/n • exterior

exterior, outside n • exterior

exteriority n • exterioritate

exterminate v • exterminar

extermination n • extermination

exterminator n • exterminator

external adj • externe

externalization n • exteriorisation

externalize, make manifest v • exteriorisar

externally adv • externemente

exterritorial, extraterritorial adj • extraterritorial

exterritorial, extraterritorial adj • exterritorial

exterritoriality, extraterritoriality n • exterritorialitate

exterritoriality, extraterritoriality n • extraterritorialitate

extinct adj • extincte

extinct (as in an extinct animal) adj • extincte

extinction n • extinction

extinctive adj • extinctive

extinguish v • extinguer [-stingu-/-stinct-]

extinguish v • extinguer

extinguishable adj • extinguibile

extinguisher (fire) n • extinctor

extinguisher n • extinctor

extirpable, eradicable adj • extirpabile

extirpate (1. as in to extirpate noxious plants; 2. as in to extirpate a social evil) v • extirpar

extirpation n • extirpation

extirpator n • extirpator

extol, magnify, exalt v • magnificar

extol v • exaltar

extort v • extorquer [-torqu-/-tort-]

extort v • extorquer

extortion (illegal exaction on the part of an official) n • concussion

extortion n • extortion

extortionate v • exorbitante

extra adj • supernumerari

extra adv • extra

extra, besides, in addition adv • extra

extra (person) n • supernumerario

extra, supernumerary adj • supernumerari

extra (theat) n • comparsa

extra (thing) n • supplemento

extra (two - chairs) phr • ancora duo sedes

extract (1. extracted substance; 2. excerpt) n • extracto

extract n • extracto

extract v • extraher [-trah-/-tract-]

extract v • extraher

extraction (1. act of extracting; 2. descent, origin) n • extraction

extraction n • extraction

extractor n • extractor

extradite v • extrader

extradition n • extradition

extrados [Arch] n • extradorso

extramural adj • extramural

extraneous adj • extranee

extraordinarily adj • extraordinarimente

extraordinary (1. beyond the common order; 2. exceeding the common degree) adj • extraordinari

extraordinary adj • extraordinari

extras n • dispensas supplementari

extraterritorial, exterritorial adj • extraterritorial

extraterritorial, exterritorial adj • exterritorial

extraterritoriality, exterritoriality n • extraterritorialitate

extraterritoriality, exterritoriality n • exterritorialitate

extravagance (oddness) n • extravagantia

extravagance (wastefulness) n • prodigalitate

extravagant (odd) adj • extravagante

extravagant (wasteful) adj • prodige

extravasate [Anat] v • extravasar

extravasation [Anat] n • extravasation

extreme adj • extreme

extreme (carry to -s) v • ultrar

extreme, excess n • ultrantia

extreme n • ultrantia

extreme n • extremo

extremely adv • extrememente

extremism n • extremismo

extremist adj/n • extremista

extremist n • extremista

extremity (1. very end; 2. extreme degree; 3. extreme action) n • extremitate

extremity (point) n • extremitate

extremity (point) n • extremo

extremity (superlative degree) n • extremitate

extremity (tip) n • extremitate

extremity (tip) n • extremo

extricate v • disembarassar

extrinsic adj • extrinsec

extrinsic (not inherent or essential) adj • extrinsec

extrinsic (not inherent or essential) adj • extrinsec (-trìn-)

extroversion (1. [Med] (condition of being turned inside out; 2. [Psychol]) n • extroversion

extrovert (1. to turn outwards) v • extroverter

extrovert (1. to turn outwards) v • extroverter [-vert-/-vers-]

extrovert adj • extrovertite

extrovert n • extrovertito

extrovert [Psychol] n • extrovertito

extrude v • extruder

extruded adj • extrudite

extruding adj • extrudente

extrusion n • extrusion

extrusive adj • extrusive

exuberance (1. luxuriance; 2. effusiveness) n • exuberantia

exuberance n • exuberantia

exuberant adj • exuberante

exuberate, be exuberant v • exuberar

exudation n • exsudation

exudation, sweat n • exsudato

exude (1. as in sweat exudes from the pores; 2. to cause to exude) v • exsudar

exude v • exsudar

exuded adj • exsudate

exult v • exultar

exult v • ovar

exultant adj • exultante (ppr of exultar)

exultant adj • exultante

exultant, jubilant adj • jubilante

exultant, jubilant adj • jubilante (ppr of jubilar)

exultant joy, jubilee n • jubilo

exultant joy, jubilee n • jubilo (jùbilo)

exultation n • exultation

exulting adj • ovante (ppr of ovar)

exulting adj • ovante

ex-wife n • ex-marita

eye adj • ocular

eye, glance at v • ocular

eye (keep an - on) v • vigilar super

eye n • oculo (òc-)

eye n • oculo

eye (open someone's -s to) v • disabusar un persona super

eye (see - to - with) v • vider le cosas del mesme oculo que

eye (turn a blind - to) v • esser acec super

eye v • ocular

eye v • observar

eye specialist, ophthalmologist n • ophthalmologo (-òlogo)

eye specialist, ophthalmologist n • ophthalmologo

eye-ball n • globo del oculo

eye-bath n • bassinetto ocular

eye-brow n • supercilio

eye-catching adj • que salta al oculo

eye-lash n • cilio

eyelash n • cilio

eyelet (small round hole for the passage of a lace, cord) n • oculetto

eye-lid n • palpebra

eyelid n • palpebra

eyelid n • palpebra (pàl-)

eye-opener n • revelation

eye-shade n • visiera

eye-sight n • viso

eye-sight n • vista

eye-sore n • vista fede

eye-strain n • fatiga del oculos

eye-tooth n • dente canin

eye-witness n • teste ocular

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