Eid j

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j (letter -) n • jota

j (letter -) n • littera j

jab n • colpo

jab v • piccar

jab v • colpar

jabber v • pronunciar indistincte e rapidemente

jabber v • blaterar

jack (car raising device) n • cric

jackal n • chacal

jackal n • chacal (sh-)

jackass n • stulto

jackass n • asino

jacket, coat n • jaco

jacket, coat n • jachetta

jacket, cover, envelope n • camisa

jacket (garment) n • jachetta, jaco

jacket (garment) n • jaco, jachetta

jacket (of book) n • camisa

jacket (of book) n • copertura de papiro

jacket (tech) n • camisa

jack-pot n • grosse premio

jack-pot n • grosse ganio

jack-up v • levar con le cric

jack-up v • criccar in alto

Jacobin (1. as in Jacobin friar; 2.</b> Fr. Hist]) adj • jacobin

Jacobin (1. Dominican friar; 2.</b> Fr. Hist]) n • jacobino

Jacobinism n • jacobinismo

Jacobitism n • jacobitismo

jaculation n • jaculation

jade n • jada

jade (the stone jade) n • jada

jaded adj • lasse

jaded adj • fatigate

jaded adj • defesso

jaded adj • jadate

jagged (coarse, toothy) adj • dentate

jagged (coarse, toothy) adj • serrate

jagged (ripped) adj • prerupte

jagged (tired) adj • fatigate

jagged (tired) adj • lasse

jaguar n • jaguar

Jah (Jehovah) n • Jah

jail (- bird) n • prisionero

jail (cage) v • incarcerar

jail (cage) v • imprisionar

jail (gaol) n • prision

jail (gaol) n • carcere

jail [Zool] n • prision

jail [Zool] n • carcere

jailer, keeper n • carcerero

jailer n • carcerero

jam (conserve) n • confectura

jam (fix) n • difficultate

jam (get stuck) vi • bloccar se

jam (obstruct) v • bloccar

jam (obstruct) v • obstruer

jam (of radio) v • bloccar con ruito

jam, preserves n • confectura

jam, preserves n • marmelada

jam (squeeze in) vt • serrar

jam (squeeze in) vt • comprimer

jam (traffic) n • paralyse del circulation

Jamaica [Geog] n • Jamaica

jamaican adj • jamaican

jamaican n • jamaicano

jambeau (armor for the leg) n • gambiera

jamboree n • jamboree

James n • Jacobo

jam-jar n • potto pro confectura

january n • januario

January n • januario

Janus [Rom. Mythol] n • Jano

Japan [Geog] n • Japon

Japan n • Japon

japanese adj/n • japonese

Japanese japonese adj • japonese

Japheth [Bib] n • Japhet (jà-)

Japheth [Bib] n • Japhet

Japhetic adj • japhetic

jar (jolt) v • choccar

jar (large earthenware) n • jarra

jar (large eartnenware) n • jarra

jar (of sound, colours) v • discordar

jar, pot n • olla

jar (small) n • potto

jardiniere, ornamental flower stand n • jardiniera

jargon (1. language regarded as barbarous; 2. technical vocabulary of aspecial group) n • jargon</b> F]

jargon (1. language regarded as barbarous; 2. technical vocabulary of aspecial group) n • jargon

jargon, galimatias, gibberish n • galimatias

jargon, galimatias, gibberish n • galimatias (-ìas)

jargon n • jargon

jargon v • jargonar

jasmine, jessamine n • jasmin

jasmine n • jasmin

jaundice n • jalnessa

jaundice n • ictero

jaundiced adj • con jalnessa

jaundiced adj • icterose

jaunt n • excursion

javelin n • javelotto

jaw [Anat] n • mandibula

jaw, jawbone n • maxilla

jaw n • mandibula

jaw n • maxilla

jawbone, jaw n • maxilla

jawbone n • maxilla

jay [Ornith] n • gaio

jazz (music) n • jazz

jazz (music) n • jazz</b> A]

jazz n • jazz

jazzy adj • brillante

jazzy adj • vivente

jazzy adj • jazzate

jealous adj • jelose

jealous adj • zelose

jealousy n • jelosia

jealousy n • jelosia (-ìa)

jealousy n • zelosia

jealousy n • zelosia (-ìa)

jeans n • blue-jeans

jeep n • jeep

jeer n • crito de derision

jeer v • derider

Jehovah (God) n • Jehovah

Jehovah (God) n • Jahveh

Jehovah n • Jehovah

Jehovah n • Jehovah (-hòva)

Jehovah (yhwh) n • jhvh

Jehovah's witnesses n • testes de Jehovah

jejunum [Anat] n • jejuno

jelly n • gelea

jelly n • gelea (-éa)

jellyfish n • medusa

jeopardize v • mitter in periculo

jeremiad n • jeremiade (-ì-)

jeremiad n • jeremiade

Jeremiah [Bib] n • Jeremia (-ìa)

Jeremiah [Bib] n • Jeremia

Jeremy n • Jeremia

Jeremy n • Jeremia (-ìa)

Jericho n • Jericho

Jericho n • Jericho (jé-)

jerk (annoying person) n • enoiante

jerk (annoying person) n • vexator

jerk (annoying person) n • persona irritante

jerk n • spasmo

jerk n • succussa

jerk v • succuter

jerk v • succuter (se)

jerk around v • calcar

jerk around v • calcar, de pede per culo

jerk around v • de pede per culo, calcar

jerky adj • spasmodic

jerky adj • que se move per sucussas

Jersey np • Jersey

Jersey (garment) n • sweater, tricot

Jersey (garment) n • tricot, sweater

Jerusalem n • Jerusalem

Jerusalem artichoke, topinambou n • tupinambà</b> Tupi]

Jerusalem artichoke, topinambou n • tupinambà

jessamine, jasmine n • jasmin

jest, joke n • burla

jest, joke n • joco

jest, joke v • burlar

jest n • burla

jest v • burlar

jester, joker n • burlator

jester n • buffon

Jesuit, Jesuitic adj • jesuita (-ì-)

Jesuit, Jesuitic adj • jesuita

Jesuit, Jesuitic adj • jesuitic

Jesuit, Jesuitic adj • jesuitic (-ì-)

Jesuit ([R.C.Ch]) n • jesuita

Jesuit ([R.C.Ch]) n • jesuita (-ì-)

Jesuitism n • jesuitismo

Jesus (- Christ) n • Jesus Christo

Jesus n • Jesus

Jesus n • Jesus (-sùs)

jet (burner) n • becco de gas

jet (mineral) n • lignite polite

jet (of liquid) n • jecto

jet (plane) n • avion a reaction

jet (plane) n • avion a jecto

jettison v • jectar

jetty n • mole

jetty n • jectata

jetty, pier, mole n • jectata

jew n • judeo

Jew n • judeo

jewel n • joiel

jeweled, gemmed adj • gemmate (pp of gemmar)

jeweled, gemmed adj • gemmate

jeweler (-eller) n • joielero

jeweler n • joielero

jeweler's shop n • joieleria

jeweler's shop n • joieleria (-ìa)

jewelry (-ellery) n • joieles

jewess n • judea

jewish adj • judee

Jewish adj • judee

Jewish adj • judee (-ée)

jib (sail) n • foc

jib v • refusar

jiffy n • momento

jiffy n • instante

jig (dance) n • jiga

jig [Dancing, Mus] n • jiga

jig [Dancing, Mus] v • jigar

jig [Techn] • patrono de montage

jig v • jigar

jilt v • abandonar

jingle, clink, tinkle v • tintinnar

jingle n • tintinno

jingle v • tintinnar

jingling, clinking, tinkling (action of) n • tintinnamento

jingoism n • chauvinismo

jiujitsu, jujitsu n • jujutsu

jiujitsu, jujitsu n • jujutsu (jù-)</b> J]

job (employment) n • empleo

job (occupation) n • occupation

job (piece of work) n • obra

job (position) n • posto

job (task) n • deber

job (task) n • carga

jockey n • jockey</b> A]

jockey n • jockey

jocose, playful adj • jocose

jocular (as in a jocular person) adj • jocular

jocular, witty, humorous adj • facetiose

jocular, witty, humorous adj • facete

jog n • sucussa

jog vi • currer lentemente

jog vt • succuter

jogging (a slow run) n • jogging

join (a club) v • facer se membro de

join (bring or put together) v • junger</b> jung-/junct-]

join (bring or put together) v • junger

join [Carp] v • indentar

join, connect, unite v • unir

join (linea de) n • junctura

join (link) v • junger (se)

join (link) v • unir

join (link) v • junger

join (link) v • unir (se)

join, unite (bring or put together) v • copular

join, unite (one thing to another) v • adjunger</b> -jung-/junct-]

join, unite (one thing to another) v • adjunger

join in v • participar in

join or unite (one thing with another) v • sociar

join up (enlist) v • inrolar se

joined, joint, attached adj • juncte

joiner n • carpentero

joining, uniting (action of) n • unimento

joint adj • juncte

joint adj • commun

joint [Anat] n • articulo

joint, articulation [Anat] n • conjunctura

joint, attached, joined adj • juncte

joint (of meat) n • pecia de carne

joint (union) n • junctura

joint (union) n • union

joint party in interest n • cointeressato

jointed adj • articulate

jointly, together, conjointly, conjunctly adv • conjunctemente

joist n • trave

joke, jest n • burla

joke, jest n • joco

joke, jest v • burlar

joke n • burla

joke v • burlar

joker, jester n • burlator

joker, wag, farceur n • farsator

jolly adj • allegre

jolly adj • gai

jolly adj • vivace

jolly adv • multo

jolly chap, blade, hefty fellow n • galliardo

jolt n • succussa

jolt n • choc

jolt v • succuter (se)

jolt v • succuter

Jonah, Jonas n • Jonas

Jonah, Jonas n • Jonas (jò-)

Jonas, Jonah n • Jonas

Jonas, Jonah n • Jonas (jò-)

Jordan [Geog] n • Jordania

Jordan (river) n • Fluvio Jordano, Jordano

Jordan (river) n • Jordano, Fluvio Jordano

jordanian adj • jordanian

jordanian n • jordaniano

Joseph n • Joseph

Josephine n • Josephina

Joshua n • Josue (-é)

Joshua n • Josue

jostle v • jocar con le cubitos

jot (- down) v • scriber rapidemente, annotar

jot (- down) v • annotar, scriber rapidemente

jot n • iota

joule [Phys] n • joule (jàul)

joule [Phys] n • joule

journal, diary n • jornal

journal n • jornal

journalism (1. profession of a journalist; 2. newspapers and magazines as a group) n • jornalismo

journalism n • jornalismo

journalist n • jornalista

journalist, publicist n • publicista

journalistic adj • jornalistic

journey n • viage

journey, trip n • viage (-aje)

journey, trip n • viage

journey v • viagiar

journey, walk along, tramp v • camminar

Jove (1.</b> Rom. Mythol]; 2.</b> Astron] (Jupiter) n • Jove

jovial adj • jovial

joviality n • jovialitate

jovially adv • jovialmente

joy, delight n • delecto

joy n • gaudio, joia

joy n • gaudio

joy n • joia, gaudio

joy, pleasure, delight n • delicia

joyful adj • gaudiose, joiose

joyful adj • joiose, gaudiose

joyful, joyous adj • gaudiose

joyous, joyful adj • gaudiose

jubilant, exultant adj • jubilante (ppr of jubilar)

jubilant, exultant adj • jubilante

jubilate, rejoice v • jubilar

jubilation n • jubilation

jubilation, rejoicing n • jubilation

jubilee (1.</b> Jewish Hist] (year of Jubilee; 2.</b> R.C.Ch] (as in extraordinary jubilee; 3. celebration of the fiftieth anniversay of an event) n • jubileo

jubilee (1.</b> Jewish Hist] (year of Jubilee; 2.</b> R.C.Ch] (as in extraordinary jubilee; 3. celebration of the fiftieth anniversay of an event) n • jubileo (-éo)

jubilee, exultant joy n • jubilo (jùbilo)

jubilee, exultant joy n • jubilo

jubilee n • jubileo

jubilee, of jubilee adj • jubilari

Judaeo-German, Yiddish adj • judeogerman

Judaeo-German, Yiddish n • judeogermano

Judah (1. one of the sons of Jacob; 2. the Tribe of Judah; 3. the Kingdom of Judah)</b> Bib] n • Juda

Judaic adj • judaic

judaic (jewish) adj • judaic, judee

judaic (jewish) adj • judee, judaic

Judaism n • judaismo

judaism n • judaismo

Judaist, Judaizer n • judaista

Judaize v • judaisar

Judaizer, Judaist n • judaista

Judas n • Juda

Judea n • Judea

Judea n • Judea (-éa)

Judeochristian adj • judeochristian

judge (arbitrate) v • judicar

judge (estimate) v • estimar

judge n • judice

judge n • judice (jù-)

judge v • judicar

judger n • judicator

judgment (1. action of judging; 2. sentence) n • judicamento

judgment (1. sentence; 2. opinion; 3. faculty of judging) n • judicio

judgment n • judicio, judicamento

judgment n • judicamento, judicio

judgment, opinion n • ariso

judicative adj • judicative

judicatory adj • judicatori

judicature (1. function of a judge; 2. judges collectively) n • judicatura

judicial adj • judicial

judicial [Law] adj • judicial

judicial [Law] adj • judiciari

judicious adj • judiciose

judo (martial art) n • judo

jug, pitcher n • urceo

jug (pitcher) n • urceo

juggle v • jocular

juggler, conjurer, prestigiaator n • prestigiator

juggler n • joculator

juggler, prestidigitator n • joculator

jugglery (skill or act of a juggler) n • joculeria (-ìa)

jugglery (skill or act of a juggler) n • joculeria

jugular jugular [Anat] adj • jugular

juice n • succo

juice, sap n • succo

juicy adj • succose

jujitsu, jiujitsu n • jujutsu

jujitsu, jiujitsu n • jujutsu (jù-)</b> J]

jujube n • jujube

jujube n • jujube</b> F]

jukebox n • phonographo automatic

Julian adj • julian

July n • julio

jumble n • confusion

jumble v • confunder

jumble-sale n • vendita de objectos (usate pro fines de caritate)

jumble-sale n • vendita de objectos

jumbo adj • elephantine

jumbo adj • jumbo

jumbo adj • grandissime

jumbo n • jumbo

jumbo n • elephante

jumbo-jet n • jumbojet

jump (1. to leap, bound; 2. to leap over) v • saltar

jump, leap, bound n • salto

jump, leap, bound v • salir

jump, leap, bound v • salir</b> sal-/salt-]

jump n • salto

jump v • saltar

jumper, knitted jumper, sweater n • sweater</b> A]

jumper, knitted jumper, sweater n • sweater

jumper n • tricot

jumper n • sweater

jumper (one who jumps) n • saltator

jumper (person) n • saltator

jumping, saltant adj • saltante (ppr of saltar)

jumping, saltant adj • saltante

jumping, saltation n • saltation

jumpy adj • nervose

junction (1. action of joining, coming together; 2. place where things join) n • junction

junction (join) n • union

junction (join) n • junction

junction (of roads) n • cruciamento

junction [Rr] • nodo ferroviari

junction [Rr] • bifurcation

juncture (1. action of joining together; 2. joint, articulation) n • junctura

juncture, conjuncture n • conjunctura

juncture n • junctura

June n • junio

jungle n • silva

jungle n • jungla

junior adj • junior

junior (minor) adj • minor

junior n • filio

junior, younger adj • junior

juniper n • junipero

juniper n • junipero (-nì-)

junk adj • sin valor

junk (rubbish) n • antiqualia

junk (rubbish) n • cosalia

junk (ship) n • junk

junk v • rejectar

junk v • jectar via

Junker n • junker

Junker n • junker</b> G]

junta [H] n • juncta

junta n • junta

Jupiter (1.</b> Rom. Mythol]; 2.</b> Astron]) n • Jupiter (jù-)

Jupiter (1.</b> Rom. Mythol]; 2.</b> Astron]) n • Jupiter

Jupiter n • Jupiter

juratory [Law] adj • juratori

juridical adj • juridic (-rì-)

juridical adj • juridic

jurisconsult, jurist n • jurisconsulto

jurisdiction n • jurisdiction

jurisdictional adj • jurisdictional

jurisprudence n • jurisprudentia

jurisprudent adj • jurisprudente

jurisprudential adj • jurisprudential

jurist, jurisconsult n • jurisconsulto

jurist n • jurista

jurist n • legista

juror, juryman n • jurato

juror n • jurato

jury n • jury

jury n • jury</b> A]

jury n • juratos

juryman, juror n • jurato

just (- barely, scarcely) adj • a pena

just adj • juste

just (equitable, fair) adj • juste

just, exactly adv • justo

just (exactly) adv • justo

just (of time) adv • justo nunc

just (scarcely) adv • solmente

just after, forthwith, immediately after adv • subinde

just as, as, how, in order that, to the end that adv • ut

just as, as, so as adv • sicut

just as, as, so as adv • sicut (sì-)

just now, at present adv • actualmente

just so, yes adv • ita

justice (1. quality of being just; 2. exercise of authority in maintenance of right) n • justitia

justice n • justitia

justice-of-the-peace n • magistrato

justifiable adj • justificabile

justification n • justification

justificative, justificatory adj • justificative

justificatory, justificative adj • justificative

justified, justifiable adj • justificate (pp of justificar)

justified, justifiable adj • justificate

justifier n • justificator

justify v • justificar

jute n • jute

jute n • jute</b> A]

jute n • mus

jut-out v • projectar

juvenile (a -) n • un juvene

juvenile adj • juvenil

juvenile, youthful adj • juvenil

juvenile-delinquency n • delinquentia de minores

juvenility, youthfulness n • juvenilitate

juxtapose v • poner in juxtaposition, juxtaponer

juxtapose v • juxtaponer</b> -pon-/-posit-]

juxtapose v • juxtaponer, poner in juxtaposition

juxtapose v • juxtaponer

juxtaposition n • juxtaposition

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