Regal the Beagle

From Intelligent Shit Music



Regal the Beagle



1) A Beagle Is Born (1:24)

2) Enter the Beagle (2:42)

3) The Beagle Has Landed (2:34)

4) Yes Barking (4:57)

5) Little Raymond (3:46)

6) Cloey You Are My Dog (5:46)

TRT - 21:10

well here we are... the final ep! ... after so many years and so many releases one can only question where things would all end... many possums or abilities were thought up but flashback about a month ago... that treasured little beagle cloey woke up one morning all messed up (ALL MESSED UP!) ... she had a doggy stroke or something and could no longer walk and refused any food or drink and it really seemed like she was going to die within a day or two... death can just sneak up like that... well i was damn depressed and through the magik of music as therapy i wanted to make a tribute to her... so i went the emotional route! ... it may not be a mind-blowing release in that sense but it is close to mein heart and i am happy to say that she can walk again and is nearly back to normal ... when tiffy died it was so sudden and so unfair the way it ended... but this time we got a second chance! ... while the subject matter was dark in one sense i wanted it to be a whimsical celebration of her life too! ... just this endearingly annoying little dog! ... you stupid beeg hell! (look at yr damn game!) ... things started with a cat (eating a whole water melon) and they end with a damn dog! such a day for a damn dog! get along with little doggies! &DOGGLES!


if you thought this was over... then you were wrong! DEAD WRONG (like little jimmy) ... while the 100th EP was a fitting, heartfelt end in my mind, i also had a few extra things that i wanted to kind of celebrate reaching the end of this whole thing... this utterly monumental beast of a project that slowed so much down and almost died... (i mean i don't like how much it got dragged out but i didn't want to rush things either... but holy hell... it was like 2 years ago and there were only about 10 or so left to be made! ... that isn't very hyper OR quicky! in the series OF...) but i DIE GRASS... i wanted a few bonus sir prizes at the end to kind of "complete" the feel of the overall scope of things... to round it out and connect all the dots of the stars that done aligned... so many moons aglow! ... so let's go!


I] the hell is this! [:12]

II] brushkava [:02]

III] charLIES [:14]

IV] man's sun [:03]

TRT - :31


ZYX <1:30>

the hell is this!

i don't think i have any logical or rational explanation for it really...

you probably should ignore this!

oh and everything here is being presented in what i think is the best way to experience things...

when you see the folders it can feel a bit confusing or muddled but just go with it!

this is key!


The Remix of EP72 Thing

An Outlawmx (5:55)

oh man... ever since 2004 there was always talk of some 100 release project where the final one would be a remix of #72... which in this case just happened to be the outlaws! ... which felt quite cosmik in the sense that that one REALLY had a more album-ish feel... so this little track is kind of the faux-doing of that idear put to action and implemented... maybe in a bit of an odd way (you'll see... they'll all see!) ... just you wait a bit more and see how ELSE i connected one-hundred and seventy-two! but don't tell abu! (it isn't TRUE!)

Tribute to the Damn Hyper Quicky Series

H.Q.S. (20:11)

this isn't nearly as epic as one would think but i still stand by it... i wanted something that would reflect or make mention of every single one of the EPs... almost like a twisted story of sorts! (i make so many strange and amazing mental connections that tie into MYTHOS and interlinktion locks that i feel i am never up to rightfully explaining... i mean at least i'll always know they are there... it really fits with the ISM ethos [!] creating these ideas that only the maker themselves can ever truly understand let alone appreciate... so it goes!) ... but any who... let's just say it all ends up where it began in a weird way... THE MOON ... BUTTON MOON... and it may seem like a weird or lame out of place choice but i have to say it hits me so damn hard... i almost can't take it? i'm really messed up like that... i always was and probably always will be... but i don't care for this right here... it all means something to me... it means a whole damn lot... i can live in fantasies and the past and never-happening futures and what ifs and delusions and moons / cabins / space / time can't erase / ball songs / shebulba / monkey in a box / MEKANOS / garga... but the serious side is that ISM really feels after all these years the thing i am truly most proud of... the music i have made and all the concepts and little moments (even with all the bad ones too!) ... that i created some amazing things... that even if no one can fathom it but me ... well at least i know in my heart... but for a time... i had found someone that lined up with my visions ... and though there were many ups and downs... there were just these magical memories and feelings and no matter what happens to me from now until the day i die... i feel happy that i existed and did these things... knowing all that i have done and thought and tried to do... ok i didn't expect to go TOO FAR like this but whatever... just whatever! ... shoot the music into space... SHOOT MY SOUL INTO OUTER SPACE... time can't erase the sparks we've made...


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