Angry Pills

From Intelligent Shit Music

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01. Scream Dream

02. Dont

03. Everyday Things

04. Prawn Crackers

05. Slimey

06. Little Animals

07. Angry Pills

08. Horse Heart Man

09. Blood On The Floor

10. Pot Heads

11. The Homeless Bar

12. Crazy Insects

13. I am The Dragon

14. Floating Little Pigeon

15. Underground (These Things I Found)

16. Nadia

17. Gloxy

18. Summer Watermelon

19. You Aint My Mother

20. Rain Station


TRT: 52 minutes

Track by track review:

So it's finally hear, I started recording way back in March and took a hiatus, felt like giving up but finished it over the last few days. I consciously wanted to continue some of the themes of Carnage but also regress back to some of the more layered stuff I'd done in the past. Anyway, let's begin,

01. Scream Dream- This almost feels like a movie soundtrack (the samples are from the great movie BLOW OUT) which really moved me, just the ending is so damn weird in a sense, but also still emotional...but here comes the vox with some meaningless lyrics I really stopped caring about how unpoppy this stuff was, like I bored myself to death almost trying to make short pop things...

The screaming is almost too much!

But it all builds to this epic climax, I really wanted to put as many atmospheric sounding things in as possible

02. DONT Sort of inspired by that fake movie trailer in Grindhouse, this is almost like my signature style these days. I was careful to have almost too much stuff going on, to almost irritate the listener! Not sure why...this ending is glitchcore to the max.

03. Everyday things-

This was a bit of a joke to make song with totally boring lyrics. I also tried to make longer songs, like in the past I always wanted to just have the song go over 2 minutes, but on this one I tried to make some plus 3 minuters as well so it could almost feel 'real'.

It's sort of fun to think of how my methods of making music changed. In the period from CN lp1 up to DLB, I was pretty much singing vocal melodies and then adding backdrops later, and there was very little percussion and a lot of multiparters. Things started to change on the first Zeppo, where I started to continue one musical idea for a song, which is such a basic thing but hard with no talent. And then as well with fruit raps I became a bit obsessed with making verse/chorus/verse music. But nowadays most of my music is built around a beat from the beginning, in fact pretty much all of it sense definitley Zeppo LP3.

Anyway, as the song goes to a more emotional outro I hoped for a sort of transcendental we all are in this life, struggling but these everyday things just need to done before you can even start thinking about bigger or more rewarding things...and also just doing simple stuff is hard enough like forget the rest almost!

04. Prawn Crackers - Oh god! This is some of the most experimental shit I've ever recorded that's for sure. Sorta like a recording version of going back to the old style of covering myself in bed clothes and screaming....I dunno if i'm getting too old to be doing this though. There's a nice breather at this point, this album is quite relentless already. But yeah about the too old thing I mean, that's not true but there IS an end point to this, like I can't be making screamo music on my own forever I mean, the more you think about it...some guy in his room alone freaking out and screaming, just imagine it it's.... but then the idea of giving up or stopping seems sad in many ways too.

05. Slimey- It takes quite a lot of patience to record a song like slimey, just all these damn things going on. This is truly broken music. I was walking to my house and I heard this cat like...screaming, so I recorded it and put that at the end of the song. As much as possible I wanted to mix electronic sounds with organic things and samples I recorded myself, just banging on stuff. Some of this glitchy stuff is like there's an insect inside yr brain wriggling around.

06. Little Animals- This was one of the first songs I recorded...I dunno originally the whole thing was gonna be REALLY dark and angry cos I was listening to so much Einsturzende at that time, but it was too dark..

07. Angry Pills - I really hated this I just added so other so much and yeah it's almost kind of annoying but I just didn't want this stuff to be one note IMy original inspiration was the Rihanna song sort of building up to the chorus...of course you can't hear that at all but whatever.

08. Horse Heart Man- You know in between just making dense stuff I needed a this is just me laying down some rhymes over a royal beat.

09. Blood on the floor- this a cover of Throbbing Gristle...again this was from the early sessions where I was inspired to make some REALLY dark thing....but now it just feels way too dark jesus! It's interesting how ISM never really goes into controversial territory, like you'd thing with all these guys making music alone there'd by some references to I dunno....more than just animals and random movies and stuff ...I guess there is this fear of going there. I mean just think how little ISM references the existence of female human beings. I often think of the movie Heavenly Creatures, or Be Kind Rewind, as representations of what ISM is like, it's totally escaping into a world of fantasy.

10. Potheads- I was really inspired listening to The Offsprings early singles with all these references to white trash culture, and yeah in lots of ways I feel kinda white trash, so I sort of wanted to document like just the feeling of being around potheads and the characters.

11. The Homeless Bar- This voice was first used on Zeppo LP4, I call it my Deakin voice... The idea of drinking with homeless bar in a bar that's just a space with vending machines with beer. How did we get here? Homeless people are pretty resourceful in many ways. I saw a homeless guy with a laptop once and it's like...what the? How did he fall down that far yet still be able to...I dont know!

12. Crazy Insects-My first grunge ISM! I've always wanted to just like...make fun Nirvanaesque songs rather than the proggy weird stuff I actually do make. A friend of mine played guitar on this and we may or may not form a band, depends on him.

13. I am The Dragon- You might recognise this one! It's a remake of actually 2 songs we made, I was listening to the stuff and was really amazed by some of the melodies and moments but sometimes I wanted to hear that stuff like...over electronics, we defo should have recorded a ton of backdrops before and then like sang over them karaoke style while doing live pots and pans stuff...but yeah.

14. Floating Little Pigeon- I tried to create the feeling of flying in musical form, like I want to be a damn bird! We're all confined by so many things, there is such a lack of freedom in life, it almost seems like only when drunk there is this illusion of possibility but that's just a mirage you could spend your whole life following. People say to me all the time, 'you are young, you can do anything!' and it is true in some ways, but then it's like, where do you start, where do you go? Who am I supposed to know? I guess when you hear stories of people it's always of tremendous risks, challenges, and self-discipline. But yeah this song is a personal one despite just repeating the line 'floating little pigeon' over and over again.

15. Underground- One of my musical obsessions, as you know, is trying to make 50s esque doo wop stuff in an experimental setting. This is almost too far guitar! But I love singing these types of melodies

16. Nadia- This is sort of about a relationship like living together, I wanted to document like all the trauma and feelings/emotions and the turbulence in a short little song.

17. Gloxy- you know this one! I performed this live and this was sort of recording I did of what that was like. It's a lot darker than the original song.

18. Summer Watermelon- All these dark songs I wanted to do one that was just like, happy at least. I dunno why but a lot of my musical influences come from Nu-metal. It's a kind of Zeppo thing to defend it, in the sense that so many look at those bands as like, the death of rock music compared to the mainstream rock of the 90s, and in some cases I can see it, but then people go too far that way and forget that the first albums of bands like ******** or Static X were awesome, experimental, original things and pushed the boundaries for mainstream bands much more than a lot of the 90s stuff. People say In Utero is dark and extreme for a number 1 in America album, but then compare it to Iowa, I don't mean qualitywise exactly but just the things the band are doing and how anti-commercial it is.

19. You Aint My Mother

moving on...

20. Rain Station It's quite rare for me to not have any emotional songs, so I threw this beast on there. I had this idea of all these people congrugating at this station and sort of connecting on a serious level, and yeah I guess this is the Zeppo so I look at misfits like Donnie and now even Mark Whalberg or Biz Markie. I played this song to a friend and they said 'that's interesting' it's like you might as well just say it sucks outright, I'd rather hear that. But that's 90% of the things people say, like you KNOW if they say that they don't damn like it.

21. APPLES - BONUS ok so I know yr thinking, why the hell did you record this? After all this time and everything. Well it IS weird. But I really wanted to do a third video, cos I saw it always as being a trilogy, but I didn't really think the original one was good enough, so I laid down this just for that reason. The music is from the Gameboy Donkey Kong Land game, that game has AMAZING music, new stuff and also 8 bit versions of the Donkey Kong Country 2 music (which I sampled on SHE on that song furmiture for example) but yeah

and that's it

see you again

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