Igloo Hats

From Intelligent Shit Music

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Igloo Hats - Cool(in) Your Head



1. Back to the Future (1:43)

2. Back to the Future Part 2 (1:01)

3. Back to the Future Part 3 (0:16)

4. The Involuntary Volunteer (2:02)

5. Whatever Happened To Ryan Parry? (2:48)

6. The Loop (0:45)

7. Igloo Hats (2:52)

8. Night Terrors (0:35)

9. Thing 8 (3:15)

X. Don't... Kill. Anyone (3:49)

TRT - 19:11


well here we are now with THE pen-ULTIMATE EP!


which cool yr head and make you feel like you are cool ... at least inside yr own head

but isn't that all that really matters?

as long as you KNOW

then they can Never Let You Go!

i have some explaining to do!



1-3] Back to the Future Trilogy

well things start off with something pretty obvious! ... the simply AMAZING song from back to the future: the game! (for the Nintendo Entertainment System... yr parents help you hook that shit up!) ... god the song is so damn repetitive... haha

part 1 starts off a bit confused and talks of marty being all shooked up (the effects of time travel!) every day a little bit closer! ... the bees! ... skate board town / bowling balls / pins! crispin glover and yr mother! i mean it is what it damn is... ever since NES Poopers 3 years ago i thought why did i never do this song

part 2 slows things downs a bit! ... talking about big dogs! (the backdrop was actually to show that slowed down the vidgam song matches up with the huey glue ish track (the power of glove! ... it's so bad!) ooh and the song also talked about that little verne kid waving to the camera to come closer to him and then he points at his crotch... and what the hell is THAT!

part 3 is just the outro the trilogy... B2TF theme on zelder ocarina! .... lurvely!


4] The Involuntary Volunteer

after back to the future we get... a visit to the past! (how ironik?)

that's right! ... on the burnt cd-r of spoon's girls can tell FROM 2001 [!!!] i found something LOST! which has never been on any ISM release whatsoever! ... i can't believe all this time later (10 years!) and i'm still finding weirdo little sound experiments that i for some odd reason decided to make and put on these damn burned compakt diskulars! ... it's crazy!

it's a pretty standard little noizy track but then it blurples around / almost plays a spoon song but then cuts into some weird WHERE'S YR HOOPTEE thing (i have no idear) ... and for no reason i couldn't help but let everything shits @ once play for just a tiny bit and sing along... oh god that just really gets to me

also! ... the band moniker was almost to be The Involuntary Volunteer but then i decided that seemed a bit too annoying (so i made a song about it!)


5] Whatever Happened to Ryan Parry?


it starts with the infamous TECHNO SONG he made... the first 30 seconds of it are SO golden... when he keeps slamming the repeat button... then it kind of just gets guitarded so i decided to add a whole bunch of really slamming beats and fun sounds bouncing all around at you!

after wondering what happened to him i reflect on how kungpowbetty actually SAW the guy but said nothing to him (what's that dude's problem?! ))) BURKLY JURKLY! so i just kind of start ranting about how betty just kinda flaked on me... no he didn't kind of he DID! (he did!) ... and i reference SOY BOMB (eels!) which it all fits! and man some final nice little sounds then it blinkers out!

i also connected many of the songs on here so it goes into the next one!


6] The Loop

i don't know what it is about this but it's just looping over and over and yet the way it repeats just sounds so delish to mine ears and like it is changing or isn't getting boring and well i just love this loop! (can't find the damn thread!)

it originally was going to be the intro to the next track but last minute i thought no let it be its own beast!


7] Igloo Hats

the bandular titular songs!

basically just some nice little troniks while i kind of explain what's going on with the miniature igloos on heads being used as hats (they cool you down in the summer! shut up! no it isn't some inflatable jesus shoes [i came up with that!] or quack powered cars with robotic spoons that hit the ducks if they stop quacking [that one i came up with too!]... but it's what i DO!)

i wanted a song that goes into a more extended instrumental tronik part... but keep it catchy...

then it just kind of blinkers out and i make pigeon noises (why am i just describing what happens?)


[oh and the noises at the end are an audio symbolik representation of arctic blasts! chilly down with buttons!]


8] Night Terrors!

ok well obviously a bit of a lemming... this is just my beagle experience some disturbing dream or something!

where she cannot get away!

oh little doggy

as the beagle barks into oblivion!


9] Thing 8

THING 8!!!

thing 1+2 powder people / 3+4 anarky astro / 5 WANDerful whiz (all 2008) 6 land lord (09) / 7 xazed (2010) / 8 igloo (2011) / 9+ ???

oh man!

after a few little mini vocal experiments of sorts it goes into what you may not realize at first is not one but two different mr pink LIVE PERFORMANCES and then i just kind of floop shit right over it... you never quite know what THE THINGS will end up being! there's that point where the trunks i added get SO nice but then cut out and yr left with whizzy chizzy sounds and then things start blinkering out and then for some reason by accident you get crispy all hyped on something [i guess i accidently went into the next vid!] ... this... says that he's innocent (behind you!) ... no clue what movie that is! haha


X] Don't... Kill. Anyone

oh god... the last track was supposed to reintroduce the idear of mr pink into ze proverbial fray... like he's not dead!

and then... THIS

i think royal made the backdrop (i forget what it was) but mr pink raps over it and it is just awesome

just great flow and words used and who the hell can deny the backdrop?

for some odd reason i kept thinking of the little voice saying don't... kill and then the background symbolizing ANYONE and i had that stuck in my head this one night over and over and couldn't fall asleep and it got in my head and didn't get out and it hit me... hard... i don't even know... what's it saying? don't get it? "don't get it... ???" ... i don't even wanna know! i will think what i think!

the adrianna lima namecheck always weirds me out... whatever!

then those weird sounds [no clue what the hell they are!!!]

and the themes of destruction and problems

and god the the little twinkles and the humbering sounds and piani all working as one

just this amazing track!

overall? yeah, i admit this was just a bunch of random little things and idears that were all kind of slammed together!

but somehow? i think it works! i like it!

all these very different types of things and ideas from back to the future vid game trilogy to noise experiments from a damn decade ago with spoon and ryan parry / kung pow betty fake techno songs and loops and igloo hats dand dances and beagle nightmares and youtube dreams and that damn rap track that just really got to me for some reason... that one is key obviously! it ends the whole thing on just this unexpected note and hits this higher level!

tryin' a find The Reason!

guy: 2enz2ae.jpg

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