From Intelligent Shit Music

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see: Muddy Buddies



because it is all me there is a strong cohesive element to the sound and i was shocked how well i was able to mimik certain elements but also do fun change-ups or weird elements that made it a bit more my own!


this was the biggie! ... the vocal performance i'm pretty happy with... esp. the 2nd voice doing the more lower registrar! backing synths nice... only element i'm sad with is the percussive element did not work out i don't know what that was!


goes great into this with that little Attak creature voice! ... lurvely vox with the growing beat!


the weird vox were a bit lemmy but the egg collecting voice so good and the shock noises pretty groovy!


god i hate that voice! ... ahh such mellow pretty sounds... when they come / work together!!


the vox are okay enough if a bit goofy near the end... you are supposed to hear water and the added noises / wurzls!


this one! ... well it has the right tone and somehow i got the more musical aspects to sound spot on! happy as hell with it!


ahh the plezzent vox and then the higher ones too! and the little chirpy stuff with the fauxcoustik geetar!


bit of an awkward transition but it was hard not to make this one fun! when the 2nd voice comes in! and the growing tronkies! and things get a bit out of control (as you can know!!~)


tried or attempted at least to make the vox a bit more musical ... the backing sounds are suitably deranged! the little swaggy to the vox at the end are a charm!


oh man... the campfire sampling into the marshmallow flaming screaming / kids screaming / the noizes so happy with this one!


how i got a noise to sound so similar i don't even know? awesome! and using an angry little dog for the growl vamp cries!


using a LION for the weird creature vocal noises! yes! and annoying damn girls and the twinkly sounds... it got so groovy with these last 3 and i like how i mimicked the originals... oh man? i'm serious!!


vocals returned to charm once more! pretty good vocal delivery and well it ends well enough but not quite as impressive as those last 3 were but hey i try!

overall it worked so much better than i expected! and i'm glad it was just me because man my vision really came to fruition!


well with 4 people not coming through i ended up doing 5 of the tracks and the ones done by others some were pretty damn mellow / minimal and i decided to beef things up a tiny bit (for better or blurst!) ... also people couldn't seem to damn follow the make things about 30 seconds maybe 45 but def. not more than 1min rule... gah! so i had to snip a bit... things strangely ended up a bit more abstrakt than one would expect for the most access table ac bum!

1 THE DANCER (me oh!)

pretty happy with this! ... the voices make it a bit goofier but whatever... the fairy sparkles! ... the key part of course the EXPLOSION! i was worried about it! but i think it kind of worked? it's fun! and the low heavy hitting thumping i pulled off!

2 MY GIRLS (dan yr the man!)

well this guy is just a magik man! ... REALLY great production and reproduction of sounds... and just a really fun jovial voice... for being the hit song he sure makes it feel like THE HIT SONG! ... so damn catchy and upbeat!

3 THE DREAMER (me oh no!)

i went more on the lines of how i remember the song from may 07... that's why they call you the dreamer! and i randomly make it dancier and haha the voices get pretty too far / annoying by the end and jiggering up but why not!

4 BEARHUG (me again!)

goes good into this one... really amusing troniks but damn far reaching annoying vox! gah! it helps when the 2nd me shows up! ... those heavy hitting slamming beats! haha! i wanted it to be a bit more rocky! ... the 2nd repetition in the lower voice of sun goes down part with just you lightly in the back ground for the outro is key!

5 DAILY ROUTINE (tables!)+me!

a more washed out droney shoegazey (?) type mellow take on this and for some damn reason i added in a bunch of annoying sounds and i feel kind of bad for that... but i had to do SOMETHING!

6 BLUISH (and tables!)_ME TOO!

him twice in a row? and he's the guy that scaped out on the first one i guess he tried to make up for it! ... he does more plezzent vox in this one but it was still pretty damn minimal / lofi and for that i tried to jazz it up a bit with some blue dish piani cover on youtube sampling / messing with and messing with the vox a tiny bit... i like it!

7 GUYS EYES (sound of science)

this guy is an ateaser who i told about the board! such a lovely sunny vibe he gave this one? oh man... and the vocal warblies are really groovy... and that outro sped up vox-out! cool!

8 TASTE! (yuck bong!)+meme

that opening sample really gets me for some reason? and it went in so good from the last one... the vox are just... barely there though... so i added in me a tiny bit! (though he got that light little loopy instrumental tone thing down good!) oh god my vox (taste!)

9 LION IN A COMA (gee oh no!!)

this is the one i originally did and thought was to be the only one! i REALLY went for it with this one! ... with really fun damn vox and constant backing change-ups when the vox change (and the style or quality of vox!) and the way it continues on a tiny bit at end and fleck out... damn i like mine!

X NO MORE RUNNING (me adamn gen!)

god that little starting beat ... i ... don't know what i was thinking for this one... those vox! ... and the background choices just crack me up and the choir shit and the thrummy thing oh lord! and that yelling part... ayup!!! ... and the AWESOME outro! which was kind of my tribute to end of jack the ripper!

11 BRUTHA SPORT (the dude!)

yes! ... another guy that is DAMN great at copying the ac backdrop (i don't mean that in a bad way i don't know how the hell they do it so spot on!) ... and i couldn't help but extend / messer with the maaaaaaaaaaat at the end!


finally we get to the one where it actually mostly worked out... the variety of the last one was kind of nice but here it REALLY shines having so many involved... and i must say this one is def. the best mixed together as one beast... best trans between songs and feeling like some epic cool thing... you'll see! (they'll all see!)

PEACE BONE (shallfish)

this guy decided to do some nice little lazy summer day strummy version... kind of avoids the wordings so i added my thing in and well it doesn't quite match up i feel a bit bad but oh well... that noise it starts with and his weird vocalings at the very end haha!


oh man! this guy really went with it with the sounds! ... the bubblies and faux choir and sparkles! ... damn impressive... once again there was a part of the song i kind of wanted so i extended things in a cool way and did it (and i like them vox!) and the way the next song randomly ALMOST blursts in supercool!

CHORES (derekcollectbone)

this has a real cool roly poly feel to it swumbling in and out! ... and when that next part comes in and the little faux animal noises what i think of them god that was well done... all sparkly and shit! and the final voice things!


love how it goes into this one! ... pretty damn minimal take on this but with a plezzent quality to it that you can't deny! ... the loud thumbles that come in is an interesting choice!

FIRE WORKS (shinsy!)

oh lordy! the way it goes into THIS one! the one female to get in on this! ... and it is hard to damn deny how magik it is! ... not just the variety of a femme voice but SO chirpy!!! ... the little vocals she does with the twinkles and the ahhh! it's magik! ... so happy with this one...

  1. 1 [sound science!]

and our at ease friend again! ... doing the weirdo oddy of the bunch and boy does he pull it off... just the weird strange backing and the warped vox! ... god the variety among all these people is so good!


well i went with the old cover from 08! ... i just had to! ... the super mellow keys combined with the little voice! and the way that other part just BURSTS in and then the ending vox manips! yes!

CUCKOO CUCKOO (G.O. + The Sound of Science)

well the guy dropped out of this (tables) and it was decided me and the sound science would collab! he was WAY too professional and didn't get that i have no idear what i'm doing haha...he gave me some groovy samples and i kept going more and more nuts adding more and more... the begin with both our vox and the ROBO VOX! oh god? and the 2nd half is where it shines with an instrumental part and well i kind of like it in a weird way... pretty far from the original but whatever!

DEREK (dantheman7480)

oh lordy... this is IT! ... this one was damn long but i just couldn't cut it... he just... NAILED IT! ... the first half is fun and chirpy enough and the nice sounds and vocal inflections... but THEN!




ends the whole she-bang on such a good upbeat note... those damn guitar thingies and the little fire-shot dumgruns!

this guy did such a damn good job!

you know they all did!


while doing all 10 (?) albums [and EPs? and b-sides / rares?] would have been utterly EPIC it could have been a bit overkill too... it was hard keeping these suckers down to 7 or 8 minutes and well i guess the plan would have been to have 2 "disks" where each were like 45min and it'd be like early era and late era and then bonus non album EP? or something!

where each album was a song! (basically the same idear as glazed in it for the monkey but planned that way!)

i guess in a weird way both this and loophole collective at least kind of gave me the FEELING or illusion or the APPEARANCE of a strange type of collab! ... communal efforts for make the good!

so in that sense i'm happy and you know 23min is a pretty satisfying run-time for how much is packed in (33 min parts to make up the 3 part whole!)

it all turned out pretty damn great and was a fun experiment and sure

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