The Authoritarian Personality
From Intelligent Shit Music
Hoodlum's brand spanking new band what sprung forth AFTER the 100 disk tribute 2 ADE...
A new brand of band for a new damn decade of deka ade danse!
what will hoodlum roll out with next!
1. Atavism in Transience (27 November 2010)
2. Magnet for Weirdos (7 December 2010)
3. Closed Completely 5th April 1937 (8 December 2010)
4. Streets of Indifference (10 December 2010)
5. A Female Will (10 December 2010)
6. Infinite Complexity (10 December 2010)
7. Neurosis and its Sublimation (18 December 2010)
8. Selective Misanthropy (31 December 2010)
9. The Hunter (1 January 2011)
10. Girls Without Trousers (2 January 2011)
11. Buildings, Maps and History (2 January 2011)
12. Nowhere is Safe (2 January 2011)
13. Sexual Fantasies About Crustaceans (3 January 2011)
14. England vs. West Germany in the 1990 World Cup (3 January 2011)
15. Transparency (6 January 2011)
16. Necrophilia and Human Sacrifice (7 January 2011)
17. cutiepie Noise in Night Clubs makes White Girls into cutiepie Lovers (8 January 2011)
18. Tyrants who Seek the Destruction (9 January 2011)
19. Heaven on Earth (9 January 2011)
20. The Golden Rule in the Golden Garden of Gollies made of Solid Gold Game Theory (10 January 2011)
21. Summer Evening Little Brother (11 January 2011)
22. Isn't One Sign Enough? (11 January 2011)
23. Cities by Night (11 January 2011)
24. Starts North (13 January 2011)
25. Interdependence is Emasculation (13 January 2011)
26. Circa 2010 (15 January 2011)
27. Disneyland for Khazars (16 January 2011)
28. Every Weekend Enjoy Some Small Town Fun (17 January 2011)
29. Hegelian Dialectic of Resentment (18 January 2011)
30. Infinite Regress of False Flags (20 January 2011)
31. Shut Up Hoodlum (20 January 2011)
32. Everything is Pornographic (21 January 2011)
33. Potholes & Morons (21 January 2011)
34. Genetic Cul-de-Sacs (21 January 2011)
35. Nirvana for Mice (27 January 2011)
36. Life as Window of Finite Size (27 January 2011)
37. He Was Just Completely Crazy (28 January 2011)
38. Monster (28 January 2011)
39. I Have Winnie the Poo Tattoo and Im 8 My Mum and Dad are Punks and My Dad is Gay and My Mum is a Lesbian (29 January 2011)
40. Genetic Usury (30 January 2011)
41. Too Orangey for Crows (30 January 2011)
42. The Past is Safe and Fixed but the Future's Uncertain (31 January 2011)
43. All Women Hate Sex (1 February 2011)
44. Only a Lad Could Have Such Dreams (1 February 2011)
45. Half the Day is Night (2 February 2011)
46. Bella is Lost and She Begs to be Taken Home (3 February 2011)
47. Discrimination Against Death (4 February 2011)
48. Cigarette & Alcohol Culture as Malign Encouragement (6 February 2011)
49. Cocaine Landsoftsafe (7 February 2011)
50. New Depths of Madness (8 February 2011)
51. Arena for Resonance (8 February 2011)
52. Long Journey Alone (8 February 2011)
53. The Actress Said to the Bishop Don't Hold Onto the Pointy Bit for Too Long Just Slide Down (9 February 2011)
54. Satoshi Kanazawa's Latent Inhibition (9 February 2011)
55. Atomized Cocooning for Self-Proclaimed Secretive Narcissistic Fools who Forget to Reproduce Empowered by a Technological Deity (9 February 2011)
56. Exaggerated Behaviour in Alien Culture (10 February 2011)
57. Fairies Know (11 February 2011)
58. The Innocence of the Little Ones (12 February 2011)
59. Horses for Courses (13 February 2011)
60. Freudo-Marxist Boasian Propaganda Machine (13 February 2011)
61. Arbitrary Standards of What Constitutes Pseudointellectualism (15 February 2011)
62. Organization for Losers (16 February 2011)
63. Generalizations and Individuals (16 February 2011)
64. A Right Bunch of Nutters (16 February 2011)
65. Androgyny and Starvation by Cash Machine are Incompatible (17 February 2011)
66. I Like Sonic the Hedgehog & Pokémon & Lemmings (18 February 2011)
67. Allan Park (18 February 2011)
68. nordic bird reserve buses university office room (18 February 2011)
69. Mark Knopfler's Inspiration Yeah Right (19 February 2011)
70. The Euan G. Cameron Album (20 February 2011)
71. MRSA-Infected Disembowelled Headless Torso (25 February 2011)
72. This Monstrosity Must Be Destroyed Before It Destroys Us All (26 February 2011)
73. Invincible Prepotency (26 February 2011)
74. Defeat or Retreat (27 February 2011)
75. Petty Internecine Skirmishes Swept Under the Carpet (28 February 2011)
76. Dennis Nielsen Chrischun & Grop (2 March 2011)
77. Senoritas Who Can Sway (2 March 2011)
78. Mosaic of Disharmonies and Incompatibilities (6 March 2011)
79. Hansi the Girl who Loved the Swastika (9 March 2011)
80. Eternal Evening (10 March 2011)
81. the jungle vip said to the queen of the swingers will you marry me please (14 March 2011)
82. Rhodedendron Palace of CP Plus with Fruitless Endeavours and Deeds of Disrepute where Congruence is not Required (15 March 2011)
83. Philosophy of Wheat (16 March 2011)
84. Intimate Dealings (17 March 2011)
85. P-Residents Only (18 March 2011)
86. The Unavailability of Carpet Munchers (18 March 2011)
87. Harvest the Land with Blood and Soil (19 March 2011)
88. Kasper in the Glitter (22 March 2011)
89. Two Ways of Describing the Same Thing (24 March 2011)
90. Up and Down Like a Yo-Yo (25 March 2011)
91. Gerry Rafferty's Inspiration Maybe (27 March 2011)
92. Epistemological Ambiguity (27 March 2011)
93. Permanent Irreversible Damage (27 March 2011)
94. Memetic Polyrhythms (31 March 2011)
95. Sport is Tribalistic War like Economic Competition (31 March 2011)
96. Kingdom of Ends (31 March 2011)
97. It Only Takes a Few to Exemplify... (1 April 2011)
98. If These Clowns Think They Can Get Away With This, They've Got Another Thing Coming (4 April 2011)
99. Classic Rape Anthems (5 April 2011)
100. Explosive Stoned Sex (7 April 2011)
covert tart: