
From Inselkampf

< W2
Revision as of 02:56, 22 October 2008 by Adam (Talk | contribs)
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Please add to this as needed.

Colo Ship - Colonization Ship

Stonie/Stoner - Stone Thrower

SF- Spearfighter

Cat- Catapult

igm - in game message

over-colo - an attack was made on a 0 score island, you successfully colo'd it, but someone else attacked the same isle shortly after your successful colonization, they "over-colonized" you. Typically a compensation is paid by the over-colo'er to you of 35K gold, 25K wood (cost of colo ship), however other arrangements can be made, depending on amount required to clear the isle, who you're dealing with, alliance embargos and agreements.

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