
From Inselkampf

Revision as of 06:26, 7 August 2007 by (Talk)

Dis website is Great! I will recommend you to all my friends. Thank you.


Prices and listings

  • Prices are in gold unless specified.
  • If you are purchasing an item that is not never ending, remove it from the listing
  • Listing types : one time or never ending
  • Contact seller directly before sending shipments
  • Copy paste this under the server name of choice to create a new listing:

{{Market Item|listing_type=never ending|type=Stone|quantity=50|price=50|username=MyUsername|world=1|location=10:10:10}}

listing type type quantity price User world location


never ending Stone 5000 700g vnovabri 1 31:18:10
never ending Stone 250 100g Jamori 1 25:25:2
never ending Stone 250 100l Jamori 1 25:25:2
never ending Stone 200 100g jtcl 1 5:98:25
never ending Stone 200 100l jtcl 1 5:98:25
never ending Stone 10000 2000 nightstar 1 11:66:9
never ending Stone 15000 2500 nightstar 1 11:66:15
never ending Stone and Lumber 10,000 stone and 10,000 lumber 10,000g Reehad 1 13:45:18
never ending Stone 1000 250 TheMikeMiller 1 34:32:5


never ending Lumber 500 200 WesDotCool 1 6:93:10
never ending Lumber 600 200 Sgt4life 1 14:54:3
never ending Lumber 500 150 TheMikeMiller 1 34:32:5


Stone Throwers

never ending StoneThrowers 100 7500g gott 1 3:26:5


  • Not really needed since system has a built in marketplace

Dis website is Great! I will recommend you to all my friends. Thank you.

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