First Steps
From Inselkampf
This page aims to act as a guide to the first steps you may want to take on the way to glory in Inselkampf. You may also want familiarise yourself with the game overview at Inselkampf.
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I've logged in. What do I do next?
When you first login, you'll be asked to fill out your in-game profile. Afterwards, you'll be brought to your main island screen - this is where you'll begin your game. You are initially 500 units of the three resources; gold, stone, and lumber.
These should be used to start your islands construction. Click on "Main House" and a screen with a list of possible construction projects appear. You can choose to upgrade existing structures or build new ones. The materials required and the time it will take to complete the project are listed below the name. Click on the "Upgrade" or "Build" links to the right of the project to begin construction. Green links mean you have enough resources to begin the project; those listed in red require additional materials before you may begin.
What to expand first?
This is a good question. Starting by building and upgrading your gold mine, stone quarry, and lumber mill is a widely advocated strategy. This will allow you to increase the rate of production of your resources and allow you to build other items more quickly. At some point, you should build a stone wall and upgrade your main house; however, you typically have a period of time in the beginning to build up your resources before you need to worry about others attacking and plundering your island (as you usually are surrounded by other new players initially and attacking new players is generally frowned upon). After this, there are many strategies that can be effective.
Building strategy
A new island requires lots of stone, a resource which later on will be largely worthless. New players are advised to seek an alliance and politely request stone from their alliance mates, who are likely to be happy to oblige.
The key to rapid development is building up the resource buildings, although you will need to build up the Storehouse periodically. You may also want to build a few levels of stone wall and watchtower.
Whether you acquire further resources through means of warfare, trade or simply by a further expansion of an existing building is entirely up to you.
It will take many weeks to get to the stage when a new player can consider Colonisation colonising islands.
See Also
Games concepts
Advanced Play
Almost everything in IK uses a factor of 1.2.
- Each mine level produces 1.2 times the previous one
- Each building level costs 1.2 times the last one
- Each storehouse level can hold 1.2 times the previous level
The link to a basic spreadsheet is located below which has helped some to plan their building order. Enter the information from your island in the yellow boxes and everything else will be calculated for you. backlash's online calculator.
The DIGG alliance have made this version: File:Digglets.xls downloadable from the Wiki directly.
Guide</td> | This page is a guide to playing inselkampf. |
Attacking, Colonization, FAQ, First Steps, Geography, Inselkampf, Terminology. |