The Guardian Angels

From Inselkampf

Revision as of 16:37, 16 March 2007 by NeinIsNo (Talk | contribs)



Our admins are the founders of our alliance, very nice people. If you have any issues that are concerning leadership, the actions of one of our members or recruitment these people can talk to you about it. Here they are:

  • Angel_anna
  • Jayrozzer
  • Will


These are the people to talk to if you have any problems with our alliance:

  • Aja
  • Cloud
  • Deathbystoning
  • James_Bond
  • josh101uk
  • KrotanSylvania
  • Megatron466
  • Void


Angel organizes its forces by providing each ocean with its own Admiral. This allows us to deal with crises quickly and efficiently. We're currently updating our list of Admirals.


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