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First: (feel free to alter this prose significantly. I just feel there should be more information about W2 server.)
Incoming players from server(World) 1 who have not played in the servers and other international servers will be new to the concept of, SPACE.
My stats as of: May 29, 22:44 PST
-SPACE- Space is the consumption of land occupied by the constant building/upgrading of buildings by the islands ruler. Originally islanders will start off with 1,000 space. As the construction of buildings continue, the islands SPACE with begin to decline. As you become further in reaching your goal of all resources level 20 (As was the main objective in Server 1) the user will come to realize that this is impossible, do to SPACE restrictions.  
Gold 16, Lumber 18, Stone 18, Storehouse 9, Laboratory 1 Barracks 10, Main House 10.
-THEORY- Personally I(Name:666Unit/Alliance:USS Unit) have not yet reached level 20 on anything in World 2(YET). but I've come to see that space is a factor in your island development. Here are a few things I am planning on doing if they look like they could work:
Upgrading Barracks to 10, to see if you can create Spearmen.
    -DOWNGRADE INFERIOR RESOURCE aptly named STONE. being a server 1 vet, i've learned that STONE is not used much in later advancement of your island (ie building of fleets). therefore I will downgrade my stone accordingly to fit the need of my islands resource requirement and to alleviate much needed SPACE.
    -PROJECTION OF TECHNOLOGY UPGRADING I think will cause me to build a LABORATORY only until I can upgrade my SPEAR, SHIELD, and BOW to its maximum level, and then immediately DOWNGRADE the lab once again for the much needed space.
-RUMOR- I have heard an interesting, yet feasible RUMOR that upgrading you HOUSE will allow more SPACE to be added to your island. In the description of the MAIN HOUSE, is states: "The main  house is the heart of each and every island. Here building orders are coordinated. The more it is expanded, the more buildings can be built." The more it can be expanded... the more buildings can be built... Now, the second part could mean two things: In server 1 it meant the VARIETY of buildings is expanded. Maybe in SERVER 2 it could mean both VARIETY and SPACE("...The more buildings can be built." It does not state whether VARIETY or QUANTITY/EXPANSION of a building.)
A quick note of what my intentions are by doing this...
Though technically I do realize that quantity means a value of numbers(ie multiple buildings) and the the "upgrading of building" are two different things...
If you've played an RTS before (Inselkampf, Starcraft, Age of Empires, C&C, etc)
one of the things a good player does is to automatically/continually use your
resources to retain minimal unused resources in your bank.  
I believe this is one efficient way to help maintain the space issue in W2.  
Seeing as how it is impossible to upgrade all of your resources and Storehouse
to level 20, I have come across the problem of wasted resources, meaning I've
wasted thousands of resources because of my Storehouse limits, and the precious
time it takes to downgrade (ie my level 19 stone to level 18 took 17 hours)
17 x 150~ = 2550 on each I lost because of SPACE. PLUS I was supposed to get 
1331 Stone and 1331 Lumber back from downgrading but I couldn't because I didn't
have enough space...  
So, to counter this I plan to make spearmen my "Bank". Since you islands army will consist 
of Spearmen anyway, start to create them as early as you see you will have resource/
space problems in the future. This way you will still be at 100% building efficiency
while making an army.
Summary: Don't waste resources!
Well, there it goes... I have more thoughts on this but I'm tired of writing this. If you have any information please message me in game, I'm always open for new strategy.
5-29-07 12:38 PST
(P.S. to, I(666Unit) am contributing this article to your site, and if you intend to use it I've only sculpted the basic outline of SPACE and THEORY of W2. please do not post this RAW article up as is and make me look like an ignorant fool. I've intended for you hardworking webmasters and admins to do the tedious task of cleaning my mess up. I really don't care to state all the copyright bullshit etc, I just ask for my name posted in the credits. And if somehow you make 1 billion dollars or more of my articulate and potentially Pulitzer prize winning, but messy work, you are smarter than I, and more power to you. Please feel free to contact me at:         for any questions, or just to tell me stfu you little child.)
Costs: 4000 gold, 1000 stone, 3000 lumber, 1 day
Requirements: Laboratory (5)
Still haven't gotten to Sail yet. Am upgrading my Lumber Mill, then will continue with Lab to 10 or 15 or whatever is needed for Sail.
Currently: Gmine: 17, Wood 16 (-->17), GMine 18, Storehouse 4, Lab 5, MHouse 10, WTower 1, Swall 1, Harbour 5.
Techs: Spear 1, Shield 1.
By the way, Spear costs 2000 gold, 1500 stone, 500 lumber, Shield is 2000 gold, 500 stone, 1500 lumber, and you saw Bow above. Level 2's are increases of about 300.
That's about it so far. The Units themselves don't have Stats anymore, but by doing some Calculations they appear about the same. Not quite, though, so it'll be iffy. Saving up wood now for the Bow.
This bit Provided by '''Tenletters''', gives very useful information on how to create Archers
"I just looked at your Wiki, since I was seeing if anyone has gotten Boats yet. Anyway, as far as Spearmen go:
By developing the spear and training the spearfighters, your army will be clearly reinforced. Spearfighters are good against archers.
Costs: 200 gold, 50 stone, 100 lumber, 1 hour
Requirements:Barracks (5), Spear (1), Shield (1)
I'm getting Lab up higher to check for sails currently. I'll be running out of space soon, which'll be a problem. I have to fully MAKE a spearfighter, so I don't know anything of their stats yet. Some are in making, though.
Anyway, that's it.
This, also by '''Tenletters'''  tells of Spearmen
-Gold 18: 212----100%
-Stone 14: 64-----30%
-Lumber 17: 133---60%
These figures represent a steady amount of each resource (I think) that will allow efficient upgrading without consuming much space, . Gold is '''The''' main resource of any island. Therefore it will be our "benchmark" resource, so we will say it will be operating at 100% (Percent-% equals Efficiency) all the time since it also has the highest RPH (Resource Per Hour) rate. Now, judging from the numbers it takes to generate Spearmen it will take 100% of Gold, 25% of Stone, and 50% of Lumber to create spearmen without wasting resources ie having too much of one resource once 1 Spearmen is complete.  
The biggest problem starting out on a new island was, to upgrade your Resource buildings it required an efficiency level of 100% Gold, 100% Stone, and 100% Lumber. Later as you notice space is a bitch, You are stuck with this rate of resource production once you begin to find out that creating armies and technology have significantly different Efficiency rate needs (Refer to Spearmen). To counter this I believe the Previous stated rates will help in the later evolution of you islands. But don't follow the exact same rates as above. create your own to fit your playing style, so if you are going to create More Archers than Spearmen, you may need to raise the Efficiency level of your lumber.
Hope this helps.
5-29-07 15:00 PST
The spear is the weapon of the spearfighter. The more it is developed, the greater the spearfighter�s<br> strength.
Costs: 2000 gold, 1500 stone, 500 lumber, 11 hours<br>
Requirements: Laboratory (1)<br>
The shield serves to protect the spearfighter. The more it is developed, the greater the <Br>spearfighter�s strength.
Costs: 2000 gold, 500 stone, 1500 lumber, 16 hours<br>
Requirements: Laboratory (1)<br>
Level 1<br>
Each island strives to invent new technology. Without a laboratory, the invention of new weapons<br> would be impossible. The more the laboratory is expanded, the more the more research you can do.<br> Moreover, the periods of time spent on research are reduced.<br>
Technologies: Spear, Shield<br>
Weapons: None<br>
Costs: 240 gold, 300 stone, 240 lumber, 3 space, 1½ hours<Br>
Costs: 200 gold, -250 stone, -200 lumber, -2 space, 1 hour<br>
Requirements: Main House (10)<br>
The harbor is your connection to the outside world. Here you can build merchant ships and warships<br> and send them out into the world. The more the harbor is expanded, the better the ships<br> that are built. Moreover, construction time is reduced.<br>
Ships: None<br>
Costs: 200 gold, 200 stone, 200 lumber, 2 space, 1 hour<Br>
Costs: 166 gold, -166 stone, -166 lumber, -2 space, 1 hour<Br>
Requirements: Main House (10)<Br>
The sail is the motor of your ships. The more research you do on your sail, the more rapid each ship<br> will become.
Costs: 8000 gold, 1000 stone, 6000 lumber, 2 days<br>
Requirements: Laboratory (10)<br>
0 units<br>
Catapults are mighty weapons which are able to destroy entire islands.<br>
Costs: 2000 gold, 3000 stone, 2000 lumber, 18 hours<br>
Requirements:Laboratory (10)<br>
One month later...
*''Small Warship''<br>
0 units<br>
Wars are won with warships. They carry your armies to the island of destination, but are unable to<br> transport resources.
Loading space: 0 units<br>
Speed: 5 knots<br>
Costs: 400 gold, 300 lumber, 3 hours<br>
Requirements: Sail (1), Harbor (1)<br>
*''Small Merchant Ship''<Br>
0 units<br>
Merchant ships have extremely large load rooms for the transport of resources. For successful<br>attacks, you should also bring some merchant ships with you to bring your loot home<Br> safely.
Loading space: 0 units<Br>
Speed: 4 knots<br>
Costs: 300 gold, 450 lumber, 3 hours<br>
Requirements: Sail (1), Harbor (1)<br>
0 units<br>
Wars are won with warships. They carry your armies to the island of destination, but are unable to<br> transport resources.
Loading space: 0 units<br>
Speed: 4 knots<br>
Costs: 900 gold, 800 lumber, 8 hours<br>
Requirements: Sail (1), Harbor (5)<br>
*''Merchant Ship''
0 units<Br>
Merchant ships have extremely large load rooms for the transport of resources. For successful<br> attacks, you should also bring some merchant ships with you to bring your loot home safely.<br>
Loading space: 0 units<br>
Speed: 3 knots<br>
Costs: 600 gold, 850 lumber, 9 hours<Br>
Requirements: Sail (1), Harbor (5)<br>
Ships do not have Offensive or Defensive stats, they only exist to transport your units.
I've just found out that in order to Downgrade something that requires a level X Main House to Upgrade, You need that Level X Main House to Downgrade it also. Example:
"Steve" wants to downgrade his level 7 Harbor because he hates the number 7. Just recently, he Downgraded his Level 10 Main House to level 9 to make more room for his level 19 Gold mine. To his dismay, he found out that in order to downgrade his harbor he needs a level 10 Main House to do so, just as if he needed to upgrade it. This made "Steve" very frustrated, and unfortunately for "Steve" he happened to be emo, so he slit his wrists, and everyone else in the world lived happily ever after. The End.

Current revision as of 23:33, 7 September 2007


My stats as of: May 29, 22:44 PST

Gold 16, Lumber 18, Stone 18, Storehouse 9, Laboratory 1 Barracks 10, Main House 10.

Upgrading Barracks to 10, to see if you can create Spearmen.

A quick note of what my intentions are by doing this... If you've played an RTS before (Inselkampf, Starcraft, Age of Empires, C&C, etc) one of the things a good player does is to automatically/continually use your resources to retain minimal unused resources in your bank. I believe this is one efficient way to help maintain the space issue in W2. Seeing as how it is impossible to upgrade all of your resources and Storehouse to level 20, I have come across the problem of wasted resources, meaning I've wasted thousands of resources because of my Storehouse limits, and the precious time it takes to downgrade (ie my level 19 stone to level 18 took 17 hours) 17 x 150~ = 2550 on each I lost because of SPACE. PLUS I was supposed to get 1331 Stone and 1331 Lumber back from downgrading but I couldn't because I didn't have enough space... So, to counter this I plan to make spearmen my "Bank". Since you islands army will consist of Spearmen anyway, start to create them as early as you see you will have resource/ space problems in the future. This way you will still be at 100% building efficiency while making an army. Summary: Don't waste resources!

5-29-07 12:38 PST


Bow: Costs: 4000 gold, 1000 stone, 3000 lumber, 1 day Requirements: Laboratory (5)

Still haven't gotten to Sail yet. Am upgrading my Lumber Mill, then will continue with Lab to 10 or 15 or whatever is needed for Sail.

Currently: Gmine: 17, Wood 16 (-->17), GMine 18, Storehouse 4, Lab 5, MHouse 10, WTower 1, Swall 1, Harbour 5.

Techs: Spear 1, Shield 1.

By the way, Spear costs 2000 gold, 1500 stone, 500 lumber, Shield is 2000 gold, 500 stone, 1500 lumber, and you saw Bow above. Level 2's are increases of about 300.

That's about it so far. The Units themselves don't have Stats anymore, but by doing some Calculations they appear about the same. Not quite, though, so it'll be iffy. Saving up wood now for the Bow.


This bit Provided by Tenletters, gives very useful information on how to create Archers

"I just looked at your Wiki, since I was seeing if anyone has gotten Boats yet. Anyway, as far as Spearmen go:

By developing the spear and training the spearfighters, your army will be clearly reinforced. Spearfighters are good against archers. Costs: 200 gold, 50 stone, 100 lumber, 1 hour Requirements:Barracks (5), Spear (1), Shield (1)

I'm getting Lab up higher to check for sails currently. I'll be running out of space soon, which'll be a problem. I have to fully MAKE a spearfighter, so I don't know anything of their stats yet. Some are in making, though.

Anyway, that's it.


This, also by Tenletters tells of Spearmen

-Gold 18: 212----100%

-Stone 14: 64-----30%

-Lumber 17: 133---60%

These figures represent a steady amount of each resource (I think) that will allow efficient upgrading without consuming much space, . Gold is The main resource of any island. Therefore it will be our "benchmark" resource, so we will say it will be operating at 100% (Percent-% equals Efficiency) all the time since it also has the highest RPH (Resource Per Hour) rate. Now, judging from the numbers it takes to generate Spearmen it will take 100% of Gold, 25% of Stone, and 50% of Lumber to create spearmen without wasting resources ie having too much of one resource once 1 Spearmen is complete.

The biggest problem starting out on a new island was, to upgrade your Resource buildings it required an efficiency level of 100% Gold, 100% Stone, and 100% Lumber. Later as you notice space is a bitch, You are stuck with this rate of resource production once you begin to find out that creating armies and technology have significantly different Efficiency rate needs (Refer to Spearmen). To counter this I believe the Previous stated rates will help in the later evolution of you islands. But don't follow the exact same rates as above. create your own to fit your playing style, so if you are going to create More Archers than Spearmen, you may need to raise the Efficiency level of your lumber.

Hope this helps.

5-29-07 15:00 PST

  • Spear

The spear is the weapon of the spearfighter. The more it is developed, the greater the spearfighter�s
strength. Costs: 2000 gold, 1500 stone, 500 lumber, 11 hours
Requirements: Laboratory (1)

  • Shield

The shield serves to protect the spearfighter. The more it is developed, the greater the
spearfighter�s strength. Costs: 2000 gold, 500 stone, 1500 lumber, 16 hours
Requirements: Laboratory (1)

  • Laboratory

Level 1
Each island strives to invent new technology. Without a laboratory, the invention of new weapons
would be impossible. The more the laboratory is expanded, the more the more research you can do.
Moreover, the periods of time spent on research are reduced.
Technologies: Spear, Shield
Weapons: None
Costs: 240 gold, 300 stone, 240 lumber, 3 space, 1½ hours
Costs: 200 gold, -250 stone, -200 lumber, -2 space, 1 hour
Requirements: Main House (10)

  • Harbor

The harbor is your connection to the outside world. Here you can build merchant ships and warships
and send them out into the world. The more the harbor is expanded, the better the ships
that are built. Moreover, construction time is reduced.
Ships: None
Costs: 200 gold, 200 stone, 200 lumber, 2 space, 1 hour
Costs: 166 gold, -166 stone, -166 lumber, -2 space, 1 hour
Requirements: Main House (10)

  • Sail

The sail is the motor of your ships. The more research you do on your sail, the more rapid each ship
will become. Costs: 8000 gold, 1000 stone, 6000 lumber, 2 days
Requirements: Laboratory (10)

  • Catapult

0 units
Catapults are mighty weapons which are able to destroy entire islands.
Costs: 2000 gold, 3000 stone, 2000 lumber, 18 hours
Requirements:Laboratory (10)


One month later...

  • Small Warship

0 units
Wars are won with warships. They carry your armies to the island of destination, but are unable to
transport resources. Loading space: 0 units
Speed: 5 knots
Costs: 400 gold, 300 lumber, 3 hours
Requirements: Sail (1), Harbor (1)

  • Small Merchant Ship

0 units
Merchant ships have extremely large load rooms for the transport of resources. For successful
attacks, you should also bring some merchant ships with you to bring your loot home
safely. Loading space: 0 units
Speed: 4 knots
Costs: 300 gold, 450 lumber, 3 hours
Requirements: Sail (1), Harbor (1)

  • Warship

0 units
Wars are won with warships. They carry your armies to the island of destination, but are unable to
transport resources. Loading space: 0 units
Speed: 4 knots
Costs: 900 gold, 800 lumber, 8 hours
Requirements: Sail (1), Harbor (5)

  • Merchant Ship

0 units
Merchant ships have extremely large load rooms for the transport of resources. For successful
attacks, you should also bring some merchant ships with you to bring your loot home safely.
Loading space: 0 units
Speed: 3 knots
Costs: 600 gold, 850 lumber, 9 hours
Requirements: Sail (1), Harbor (5)

Ships do not have Offensive or Defensive stats, they only exist to transport your units.


I've just found out that in order to Downgrade something that requires a level X Main House to Upgrade, You need that Level X Main House to Downgrade it also. Example:

"Steve" wants to downgrade his level 7 Harbor because he hates the number 7. Just recently, he Downgraded his Level 10 Main House to level 9 to make more room for his level 19 Gold mine. To his dismay, he found out that in order to downgrade his harbor he needs a level 10 Main House to do so, just as if he needed to upgrade it. This made "Steve" very frustrated, and unfortunately for "Steve" he happened to be emo, so he slit his wrists, and everyone else in the world lived happily ever after. The End.

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