
From Innovationclass

Innovative Company Idea

A company of 25 individuals can typically be looked at as a small company. Since there is a lack of individuals it is imperative that each person’s mind is used to the full extent. An innovative environment is necessary to keep the workers thinking outside the box. In my opinion, happy minds lead to open minds and I find two of the most important factors to happiness are a keeping in shape and being healthy while surrounding yourself with optimistic people. Therefore, my company is going to be based around core friendship and fitness values. Often times in a business setting, the individuals only interact as coworkers. I want my coworkers to consider each other friends. Friendship will allow the coworkers to become more comfortable with each other, in turn working better with one another and creating innovative ideas. To promote friendship there will be daily “workshops” that groups of 5 will be invited to participate in. The groups will change everyday, so that different people are able to get to know one another. I chose to keep the groups small because (a) it is still a workplace, and there is work to be done and (b) it is more intimate in smaller groups. In these groups the individuals will be asked to do a range of things. One day they may be asked to bring a close possession to them from home and share it with the group. Another day it may be a potluck lunch where each coworker is asked to make their “famous” dish. The idea of these activities is to strike conversation and get them closer to one another. Also, every Friday work will be half-day. The catch is, employees will be strongly encouraged to participate in “Fitness Friday”. The fitness activities will involve playful games of dodge ball, baseball, or even broom hockey. The “workshops” and “Fitness Friday’s” are meant to take the coworker out of the “work” environment because I believe that is when some of the most innovative ideas are created.

Innovative Company Choice

The company I have chosen to do my research on is Whole Foods. Having recently bought out Wild Oats, they are now undoubtedly the largest organic carrying grocery food chain. I do the majority of my shopping at Whole Foods, and while the food may not be any healthier than what I would buy at Safeway I still feel like I am making healthier decisions. I chose this company to discover what they are doing to make customers look at them with a different mindset.

Innovative Blogs

1. What: Posts hundreds of thousands of ideas from individuals all over the world and separates them into "Most Recent", "Most Viewed", "Most Discussed", and "Highest Overall Rating". Why: The website posts ideas all over the map that are initial idea concepts or innovative ideas currently in the works. 2. What: Business entrepreneurs post their experience with innovation from articles they’ve read, meetings they’ve attended, encounters they’ve had, etc. Why: The new ideas are bullet pointed so it gives the reader an opportunity to hear a summary then go explore more on their own 3. What: This blog is set-up by NASA to get ideas from young, inspiring minds Why: There are so many intelligent individuals out there who never get the chance to have their idea heard. This blog raises a lot of very intuitive scientific questions. 4. What: Individuals are invited to give their ideas on how to be more environmentally friendly Why: With the environment in turmoil, it is extremely important to have blogs like this that business owners and individual people can visit to make their space green. 5. What: This blog is mostly meant for individuals in the business of buying and selling homes. Why: Not all of the posts are innovative ideas, but a few of them touch on the idea of a “green building” and other innovative marketing ideas. 6. What: This is the master of all blogs. It has 34 separate categories allowing people to comment on all sorts of things. Why: The blog postings are generally attached to another website or article that they have found interest in. It helps others to see things in a different way and think more about the material they are reading. 7. What: This blog was set-up by the Toronto Star for individuals to post their ideas concerning technology, philosophy or anything else they wish to discuss. Why: It informs others on discoveries that are currently being made and gives them the opportunity to make comments or even add their ideas on. 8. What: EFF chairman, software and Internet entrepreneur Brad Templeton created this blog. He posts crazy ideas, inventions, essays, and links. Why: Some ideas may sound crazy, but with comments and constructive criticism from other individuals they may just turn out to be a great invention. 9. What: A blog of the latest innovation trends, news, technology, resources and viewpoints. Why: There are hundreds of new ideas being created each day, so it is important to keep up to date with what’s going on in the world. 10. What: This blog is just what it claims – thoughts from all over the spectrum. Why: Sometimes it is just important to hear others thoughts to spark creativity in yourself.

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