
From Innovationclass

Revision as of 17:35, 26 February 2008 by Pineapplegirl (Talk | contribs)

1. Principles, not rules.

2. Encourage wild ideas.

3. Defer judgement.

4. Build on the ideas of others. (#14 is implied in this one)

5. Be visual.

6. Go for quantity.

7. Be adaptive.

8. Follow the idea, not the leader.

9. One conversation at a time.

10. Stay focused on the topic.

(Numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 & 10 are from Ideo::About Us::Methods::Brainstorming

11. Trust team members/classmates
12. Practice the Culture
13.Do not leave anyone behind (based on that cliche phrase: you are only as strong as your weakest link)
14. Identify opportunities for growth--embrace change and just let it be
15. Establish focus and generate a purpose for each idea

(I think that for our list of 10, we should take out #9 and #10. Personally, I like either #12, some variation of #13 or #15. thoughts?)

What about something like the phrase "There is no I in TEAM"? That would kind of wrap up 12 and 13 together. 9 & 10 could be replaced by the newly edited #15. Those could be our new #9 & #10.

16. Initiate conversation in creative ways (writing, speech, conversation, physical activities... anything that spurs thought, somewhat like #5)
17. Suspend disbelief
18. Open our minds to see all levels of opportunity
19. Don't necessarily peg one person with one particular job; all opportunities are created equally
(Other than these points, all of my other points started to be too similar to the ones already listed. Hope this helps at all. The list is looking good!)

20. Don't only start projects, but strive to finish them.

21. Imagine

22. Follow your dreams

23. Don't hesitate to make a suggestion no matter how crazy it may be

24. Be a leader as well as a listener

25. Come up with a process in order to reach an end result

26. Define your goals

27. Don't say "no"

28. Think clearly

29. Take breaks

30. Laugh

31. Embrace opportunity 32. Learn from failure 33. Grow from each others ideas 34. Immerse yourself in the culture you are studying- "Go to the Jungle" as Marilyn quoted in class. (I know that these sound similar to some of the ones above, but I feel that we have repeatedly discussed these in class)

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