
From Innovationclass

Revision as of 18:38, 25 February 2008 by Horse whisperer (Talk | contribs)

1. Principles, not rules.

2. Encourage wild ideas.

3. Defer judgement.

4. Build on the ideas of others. (#14 is implied in this one)

5. Be visual.

6. Go for quantity.

7. Be adaptive.

8. Follow the idea, not the leader.

9. One conversation at a time.

10. Stay focused on the topic.

(Numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 & 10 are from Ideo::About Us::Methods::Brainstorming

11. Trust team members/classmates
12. Practice the Culture
13.Do not leave anyone behind (based on that cliche phrase: you are only as strong as your weakest link)
14. Identify opportunities for growth--embrace change and just let it be
15. Establish focus and generate a purpose for each idea

(I think that for our list of 10, we should take out #9 and #10. Personally, I like either #12, some variation of #13 or #15. thoughts?)

What about something like the phrase "There is no I in TEAM"? That would kind of wrap up 12 and 13 together. 9 & 10 could be replaced by the newly edited #15. Those could be our new #9 & #10.

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