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== DIA ==
Funny how we were just talking about how DIA is so innovative, yet they're limiting the internet acess for very silly reasons:
== Innovative Ad Agencies ==
== Innovative Ad Agencies ==

Revision as of 23:33, 5 March 2008



Funny how we were just talking about how DIA is so innovative, yet they're limiting the internet acess for very silly reasons:

Innovative Ad Agencies This article talks about exactly what we're looking at; why aren't ad agencies among top innovative compaines when they thrive off of innovation? The two agencies that they do list are:


February 12th, 2008 Class Notes

How did we use space and why (When rearranging the room): We thought that almost everyone could see one another. Need to use our surroundings like white boards and screens. Also, we must think about what uses we are using the room for. How will we know when we have succeeded in making the room effective when arranging the seating? (Comfort, function, a place where your body and mind can work together)

Innovative Organizations – How does it become and remain innovative without causing chaos? We will soon find innovative people and document them, and we will then find how to get our own minds innovative.

Harvard Business Review –" Breakthrough Ideas for 2008" Assignment: Go to and look at the breakthrough ideas. - Check out The Rise of the Creative Class talks about why we live the way that we do and where are we headed. Talks about how creativity is the fundamental source of economic growth. -Where does creativity occur in terms of geography? Midwest?? Probably not. -According to the book, the most creative place is San Francisco. They look at high tech, diversity, and innovation when deciding. The number two city is Austin. New York only made #9. Boulder is very innovative because of high tech it is. Denver makes the list at #13. -Check out Five Minds for the Future -John Seeley Brown; person to pay attention to

-New things are often denounced/ridiculed. We like new ideas once they're old.

-What did you discover with looking into the top 100 Innovative Companies? Did you look into a company and then change your mind? -Mission driven companies = good

What are we going to add to our manifesto? Possibilities: 1. Guidelines, not rules. 2. Have an idea and believe in it. 3. Take the risk.

Innovation Blogs

I choose #44 on the list, jetBlue. I really like jetBlue because they have positioned themselves as a high class airline when in fact they are a discount airline. JetBlue combines simplicity, class and customer service to set themselves apart from the other airlines. JetBlue also offers unique amenities such as upscale snacks, 36 free Direct TV channels and complimentary "Snooze Kits." I think that jetBlue knows how to find the small and unspoken things that travelers are looking for, making them a very interesting and innovative company.


INNOVATION BLOG What really caught my eye about this blog was the "Top Ten Reasons Your Company is not Innovative" post. I really liked it because it seemed like it was the exact opposite of what we had to do for our last assignment. That post alone could definitely help us when looking at our individual companies that we will research later.

IDEAD FLOW This blog talks about creativity and innovation in the world of business. I think this site is definitely something that our class could benefit from. I to, like another one of the students, liked the opening blog on unique Christmas trees.

UNBOUND SPIRAL I found this blog from the Idea Flow blog. Although this site seems fairly amateur, I think that the author's insights, which are written by Stuart Henshall, on personal branding are very interesting.

THE CORPORATE INOVATION BLOG This blog seemed extremely credible even though it was made for their company, Imaginatik. It has been mentioned in many articles in innovation section along with the regular sections of BusinessWeek. This blog talks about corporate businesses and the innovation that surrounds it.

OUTSIDE INNOVATION This blog's tag is "How your customers will co-design your company's future," so I think this blog will also help with our innovative company project because it will give us an insight as to how companies attempt to be innovative to their customers.

THE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY BLOG This site is run by Xerox which gives a unique spin on things. This blog focuses on the innovation of specific products which I think is very interesting to read. Rather than reading about the idea of innovation, I liked that this blog focused on the outcome of those ideas.

THE MOBILE PHONE BLOG 2007.htm This blog was different from the others I was searching because it was a specific category: cell phones. Although it seems very basic, I liked the layout and idea of the actual blog.

BROKEN BULBS This blog seems fun and light even though it is based on innovation management, something that I am not quite sure what it means even after looking through this blog. It also seems to have an emphasis on innovation in Asia.

OVO gclid=CLzcrMzzupECFRtKYQodOFVVgQ This blog shows companies how to "innovate on purpose." This blog could be especially useful for us when looking at what exactly makes a company innovative and h

Innovative Organization

In my small organization of 25, the number one thing that will promote innovation is the fact that all of the individuals will genuinely want to be there. The atmosphere will be a very pleasant and will be one that all people would want to be a part of. In order to provide this kind of atmosphere there will be sporadic events such as yoga, Wii and major Nerf gun wars that stimulate endorphins and will offer a fun environment. In addition to fun game-like activities, the idea of community will be heavily stressed. Community idea boards and daily group meetings will be put in place to keep all organization members on the same page. Also, the community mindset will help people bounce ideas off of one another rather than working on an individual basis. There won't be titles for anyone who is a part of the organization, but everyone will be an equal "organization member." While there will be superiors, they will not be distinguished by their titles. All of the organization members will communicate through an online chat system so that even while members are traveling, they will still be connected to what is going on in the office. The chat system is not solely for work related items; conversations involving jokes, the latest trends or friendly gossip are also welcome. All of the offices will be relatively the same size and will be a mix between cubicles and offices. The walls will be waist high so that everyone is able to communicate freely with each other, but there are still designated places where people's work spaces exist so that the company will not simply be a free-for-all. The actual building will have plenty of natural light versus artificial light. There will also be many balconies and gardens that the organization members will be encouraged to use frequently because most great ideas don't come to people while they are sitting at a desk. The main thing that will generate innovation in my 25 person organization will be the camaraderie between the group members. Between the sporadic games, community mindset, active chat system and open environment, all of the group members will actually have a strong will to go to work and won't see it as work because of how fun it will be. As long as work gets done in this atmosphere, the organization will run flawlessly .

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