Infocentral:Requests for Sysopship

From Infocentral

Revision as of 15:59, 22 May 2007 by Evilmanu (Talk | contribs)

Here, new sysops are elected; for information on sysops, and their powers, and other administrators, please see Infocentral:Administrators. Now, not all users should be administratrs, only some, otherwise the carefull balance of the administration of Infocentral could be damaged; so it is highly encouraged to vote only users which you think will use with reponsability their sysopish powers. Now, voting sessions will go for a week and may obtain extra days if results are still quite balanced between supports and opposes. Well, if a user has got more support votes than oppose votes within a week, then he/she is made sysop and if a user has got more oppose votes than support votes, then his/her session is closed without his/her requested sysopship.

If you wish to vote, then add either {{support}} or {{oppose}} and a comment, if you wish. alternatively, you may use {{Neutral}} if you are not sure or if you are exactly in the middle.

If you wish to nominate yourself, then add the following code at the bottom of the list:

{|<table border="1" style="border-collapse: collapse" align="center" bordercolor="#111111">

Nominated at '''{{Subst:CURRENTYEAR}}, {{Subst:CURRENTMONTH}}, {{Subst:CURRENTDAY}}, {{Subst:CURRENTTIME}}''' and current time is '''{{CURRENTYEAR}}, {{CURRENTMONTH}}, {{CURRENTDAY}}, {{CURRENTTIME}}'''

  • Image:Support.png i agree--Evilmanu 12:17, 10 May 2007 (EDT)
  • Image:Support.png I agree. We just desysopshipped him to get exactly ten. TomasBat (@)(Contribs)(Sign!) 12:19, 10 May 2007 (EDT)
  • Image:Support.pngI think LeanDaKiller would be a better sysop than "Juliancho".Doctors said that Juliancho may not have a brain. (we are not sure) --Juancruzrodini
  • Image:Support.pngLO voto porque kb. Realmente es muy útil para infocentral Nahuel (@)(Contribs)(Sign!) 13:05, 10 May 2007 (EDT)
  • Image:Support.pngi think he is a fair sysop And he can help.Kimki 12:29, 11 May 2007 (EDT)

I think i would be a better sysop than others that are all ready are sysop because i allready had experiences ass a sysop and because i plan to effort more in my work and on my responsabilities.

Nominated at 2007, 05, 10, 16:14 and current time is 2024, 09, 30, 12:59

  • Image:Support.png Ehhh me pa q le tienen q dar una oprotunidad si lo arriuna q se jorobe chau. --LeanDaKiller 09:27, 16 May 2007 (EDT)
  • Image:Neutral.pngImage:Oppose.png You have had a previouse history of vandalism consisiting of personal attacks and editing of other userpages, plus you have practiced sockpuppetry while you were a vandal. Now, I´m glad you´re now a contributor, but I´m not very sure if you are trustfull enough in order to to serve as a administrator right now. Also, I´ve got the impression that all you seek is power, and that maybe you might not be very useful since you might not perform any admin tasks once you gain these extra tools. But, since you call this site "wondeful" (Thanks!), since you seem to really like this project, and since we need more admins, I will not oppose completely. Tom@sBat 17:14, 16 May 2007 (EDT)
  • Image:Oppose.png Eh votado opuestamente ya que kimki no es un usuario muy activo. Sus articulos son muy pobres y aburridos. También ah vandalisado muchas páginas, insulto y molesto a los administradores. Espero que mejores, así la proxima vez te votaré para que seas sysop. Debes mejorar mucho. Nahuel (@)(Contribs)(Sign!) 17:28, 17 May 2007 (EDT)
  • Image:Oppose.png Me parece q no puede ser un sysop porque lo tiene muy chiquito (el cerevro) MANI!) Maxo (@)(Contribs)(Sign!) 18:07, 17 May 2007 (EDT)
  • Image:Support.png give him a chance if hes a bad sysop kick him. he deserves a try.Evilmanu 11:59, 22 May 2007 (EDT)

I can be a fair sysop and help the page grow. As I´m a very good user (I did a lot of edits) I think I should have a good place in this wonderful page. By the way, my creativity and intelligence may also help.

Nominated at 2007, 05, 14, 19:56 and current time is 2024, 09, 30, 12:59

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