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Characteristics of living things

Feeding – Respiration – Excretion – Growth – Movement – Reproduction – Sensitivity – Cells.

Different between Animals and Plants

Animals hunt their own food and Plants reproduces their own food. Also, animal can move. And animals have different cells than Plants.

Different between animal and plant cells

Plant cells: Have tough cellulose wall Have chloroplasts not all of them) Have a large permanent vacuole containing cell sap Many have box – like shape Have a nucleus to the side of the cell

Animal cell: Do not have cellulose walls Do not have chloroplasts Only sometimes have small temporary vacuoles but never contains cell sap Shape varies Have a nucleus 9in the middle of the cell

Specialised cells

Name of cell Function Adaptation
Red blood cell Carry oxygen No nucleus, large surface area
Nerve cell (neuron) Transmit and store information Have many connecting side branches
White blood cell Engulf and destroy bacteria Cytoplasm can flow
Ciliated Windpipe cells Keep the trachea clear of dust etc. Have tiny hairs that move from side to side
Sperm Cell Fertilise egg cells Has a powerful tail


Parts of a cell

Structure Animal cell Plant cell Function
Nucleus YES YES Contains the information of the cell (D.N.A)
Cytoplasm YES YES Transfers energy, makes things, stores food and contains organelles.
Mitochondria YES YES Produces energy from food substances, Respiration
Cell Membrane YES YES Hold the cell together. Protect the cell
Ribosome YES YES Build up cell’s proteins
Vacuole YES YES Stores water. Filled with cell sop. Stores food.
Cell wall NO YES Made up of cellulose. Lets water and other substances to pass through. And is not selective. Maintain cell’s ghape and protect it.
Strach Grains NO YES Stores food
Glycogen Granules YES NO Stores food
Chloroplasts NO YES Produces photosynthesis. It absorbs the energy in sun light. These contain a green substance called chlorophy II.
Enzymes YES YES Controls rate and type of chemical reactions
Plastids YES YES Store things
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