18th New Zealand Asian Studies Society International Conference, Victoria University of Wellington, 6-8 July 2009

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  • The 18th New Zealand Asian Studies Society International Conference, Victoria University of Wellington, 6-8 July, 2009.

-- This will be an open, multidisciplinary conference. Participants are invited to submit panel or paper proposals presenting original research on any Asia-related topic. Proposals for panels are welcome. We can accept only one paper submission per person. Emerging scholars and postgraduate students are particularly welcome.

-- For more information, please see the conference website: http://www.nzasia.org.nz/conference.html. Paper presentations will be allocated 30 minutes (20 minutes presentation and 10 minutes discussion). Shorter papers with more time for discussion are welcome. Panels will normally comprise three paper presentations.

-- Submission of Abstracts: Paper abstracts, single spaced and no longer than 200 words, must be submitted electronically as Microsoft Word email attachments before 15 March to the chair of the organising commitee: stephen.epstein@vuw.ac.nz. On your abstract please indicate the following: * Title of paper or panel, * Author(s) and/or panelists, * Contact details for the author(s) and panelists, * Three to four keywords.

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