Anthropology Field

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  • L.S.B. Leakey Foundation: General Research Grants

-- Targeted Fields: Life Sciences. Social Sciences. Specifically fields related to anthropology, archaeology, sociology, and psychology.

-- Open To Students Working on Doctoral Dissertation. Postdoctoral Scholars.

-- Citizenship: No citizenship requirements.

-- Eligibility Requirements: Must hold a PhD or equivalent qualification in anthropology or a related discipline or be enrolled in a doctoral program with all degree requirements fulfilled other than the dissertation.

-- Stipend: Grants to doctoral students are in the $3,000-$13,500 range and post-doctoral student may be funded up to $22,000.

-- Deadline: 7/15/2008 and 1/5/2009

-- Program Description: Grants available for the exploratory phase of a research project concerned with human origins, behavior, or survival.

-- For More Information: Paddy Moore, Grants Officer, The Leakey Foundation, 1003B O'Reilly Ave., San Francisco, CA 94129-1359

-- Telephone: (415) 561-4646

  • Individual Research Grants--Dissertation Fieldwork Grants:

-- Sponsor: Wenner-Gren Foundation

-- SYNOPSIS: Awards of up to $25,000 each support doctoral dissertation or thesis research in all branches of anthropology. Eligible applicants may be of any nationality and must be enrolled for a doctoral degree.

-- Deadline(s): 05/01/2008, 11/01/2008

-- E-mail:

-- Program URL:

-- DEADLINE NOTE: The May 1 application deadline is for funding to be available the following January. The November 1 application deadline is for funding to be available the following June.

-- OBJECTIVES: Support is provided to aid doctoral dissertation or thesis research in all branches of anthropology. The program contributes to the sponsor's overall mission to support basic research in anthropology and to ensure that the discipline continues to be a source of vibrant and significant work that furthers understanding of humanity's cultural and biological origins, development and variation. The sponsor supports research that demonstrates a clear link to anthropological theory and debates, and promises to make a solid contribution to advancing these ideas. The sponsor particularly welcomes proposals that employ a comparative perspective, can generate innovative approaches or ideas, and/or integrate two or more subfields.

-- ELIGIBILITY: Eligible applicants must be enrolled for a doctoral degree. Awards are contingent upon the applicant's successful completion of all requirements for the degree other than the dissertation/thesis. Applications may be submitted before such requirements have been met; however, all requirements other than the dissertation/thesis must be completed before the start date for the research given by the applicant on the application form. If the application is successful, the sponsor will request confirmation that this requirement has been met. Applications must be made jointly with a thesis advisor or other scholar who will undertake responsibility for supervising the project. Qualified students of all nationalities are eligible.

-- FUNDING: Funds must be used for expenses directly related and essential to the project, including travel, living expenses during fieldwork, research assistance, transcription costs, specialized software, gifts for informants, visa fees and other relevant expenditures.

  • Leslie A. White Award - Central States Anthropological Society

-- SYNOPSIS: The sponsor provides an award to assist graduate or undergraduate students in any subfield of anthropology with research and publishing expenses. Award amounts may be up to $500 each year.

-- Deadline: 04/11/2008

-- Contact: James H. Hamill, Chair / CSAS Awards Committee, 204 Beechpoint, Oxford, OH 45056

-- E-mail:

-- Web Site:

-- Program URL:

-- OBJECTIVES: The sponsor provides an award to assist graduate or undergraduate students in any subfield of anthropology with research and publishing expenses.

  • Beth Wilder Dillingham Award - Central States Anthropological Society

-- SYNOPSIS: The sponsor provides an award to assist graduate or undergraduate students in any subfield of anthropology who are responsible for the care of one or more children. Award amounts may be up to $500 each year.

-- Deadline: 04/11/2008

-- Contact: Dr. James F. Hamill, Chair / ATTN: CSAS Awards Committee, 204 Beechpoint, Oxford, OH 45056

-- E-mail:

-- Web Site:

-- Program URL:

-- OBJECTIVES: The sponsor provides an award to assist graduate or undergraduate students in any subfield of anthropology who are responsible for the care of one or more children.

  • Student Paper Prize Competition - Central States Anthropological Society

-- SYNOPSIS: The sponsor awards prizes each year for best undergraduate and best graduate student papers based on a presentation given at its annual meeting. The prize in each category is $300, and papers in any area of anthropology are eligible.

-- Deadline: 04/18/2008

-- Contact: Robert C. Ulin, Chair

-- Address: Western Michigan University, Department of Anthropology, Moore Hall 1005, Kalamazoo, MI 49008

-- Web Site:

-- Program URL:

-- OBJECTIVES: Entries should be potentially publishable but papers that require some editing or rewriting may still be chosen for the prize. The papers should aim for the style, format, and quality of anthropological journal articles.

  • Kenneth W. Payne Student Prize

-- Sponsor: Society of Lesbian and Gay Anthropologists

-- SYNOPSIS: The Kenneth W. Payne Student Prize is presented each year by the sponsor to a graduate or undergraduate student in acknowledgement of outstanding anthropological work on a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgendered topic, or a critical interrogation of sexualities and genders more broadly defined. Submissions are encouraged from graduate or undergraduate students in any of the four fields of anthropology.

-- Deadline: 09/15/2008

-- Contact: Ann Kakaliouras, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Whittier College, 13406 Philadelphia Street, Whittier, CA 90608, U.S.A.

-- E-mail:

-- Program URL:

-- Appl Type(s): Graduate Student, Undergraduate Student

-- OBJECTIVES: An award is presented to a graduate student in acknowledgement of outstanding anthropological work on a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgendered topic, or a critical interrogation of sexualities and genders more broadly defined.

-- ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible for consideration, work should have been completed since September 2007 while the applicant was still enrolled as a student.

-- FUNDING: The prize includes a cash award of $400.

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