
From Incantatem


Lacey is 19 years old and is working toward her Nursing degree. Anyone who knows anything about nursing majors know they're super busy, but Lacey some how manages to be really active. She uses the name Aylen on acornrack, but is called Liz by most of the members on the site, and is known to create characters on a whim. She currently plays way too many characters, found here and has at least a few more on the back burners, saving them for those rainy days when no one is online. She's always up for plotting and rping, so drop her and IM or PM.

Characters Played

Lena Quinn is part of the vampiric Quinn family.

Brian Reynolds is a squib psychiatrist.

Norah Kaplan is a top attorney for the Ministry of Magic.

Keara Mckie is the Headmistress of Hogwarts.

Mikaela Harperis the Arithmancy professor at Hogwarts.

Colter Young is and Auror.

January is a professional Quidditch player and Beater for the Hollyhead Harpies.

William Ryder was an Auror. He was killed in action in 1994.

Gage Bancroft is the frontman for the band Dementor's Happiness Below, a rock band popular with both wizards and muggles.

Kathrina Laneis a professional Quidditch player and Keeper for the Appleby Arrows.

Leah Browning is a professional Quidditch player and Keeper for the Fitchburg Finches.

Genevieve Bellamontis a ? year strings at Beauxbaton.

Elizabeth Ryder is a seventh year Gryffindor.

Leyla Kovachev is a sixth year at Durmstrang.

Jesper Angelov is a sixth year at Durmstrang.

Emmeline Bancroft is a third year Ravenclaw.

006 is a secret government experiment.

Contact Lacey


AIM: Storyteller Lace

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