Nesrin Berkant

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Nesrin Berkant is the Divination Professor of Hogwarts played by Meian.


The Basics

Current Age: 34
Birthday: April 15, 1970
Height: 5’2’’
Weight: 119 lbs
Wand: 12 inches, whippish nature. Willow with a tiny vial of manticore venom in the center.
School Education: She was tutored privately.
Honors: She has the Sight*
Blood: Pureblood, Turkish Royal Blood
Name Meaning: Rose
First Language: Turkish
Played By: Jenny/Meian

Early Years


Nesrin was born to Turkish Wizarding Royalty, which had yet to switch over to democracy as the muggle government had. Her father was a powerful sheik and her mother was one of his concubines. As a princess, she was always fed, fairly pampered, and trained in basic magical studies. She gained a love of expensive luxuries, like chocolate, and loved to collect gemstones. Everything she wanted was provided to her without much said, and aside from the freedom to wander around outside the parts of their palace designated for women, she had everything she could ever wish for on a whim. She rarely saw her father, but neither did any of her siblings and she had hundreds of siblings and other wives of his around her at all times that she was never lonely and never missed his presence. Rather, she felt suffocated. Her talents were limited to reading, writing, and crafting. She hadn't ever been that fond of crafting, so she took refuge in her reading and writing. Her imagination was only limited by her life experience, and the fact that she did not know of much of anything that existed outside of the palace. She thought she would be condemned to this sort of life, where she seemed to be living in a life where she was forced to take pleasure from material items. If you asked her to describe her childhood, she would find doing so to be extremely hard, as the whole time seemed strangely artificial to her.

I Swear By It

It was a rather humid day when everything changed for Nesrin. She was outside despite the fact that was humid, because it looked as if it might rain and she enjoyed the summer rain showers that frequented the area where she lived. This was why she had retreated into the Royal Gardens by herself. Being a young girl of fourteen, she was now allowed to do so without an escort, as the gardens were in a female only section of the palace. Therefore, you can imagine her surprise when a man who she'd never seen before approached her. If it had been any other girl in the palace, she would have done the appropriate thing and called the guards or for some sort of help. It being Nesrin, she instead maintained what she considered to be a safe distance and humored him for the sake of her curiosity.

What he had to tell her seemed laughable, at best. He was a vampire, and over one thousand years ago, he had been prince of Wizarding Turkey. He had been set to marry a distant relative of hers - a beautiful princess. However, this was a trap set up by the princess's father, who wanted his family to be the wizarding family of Turkey. Ultimately, the princess lead him to what was a mass execution of the current royal family where they were all slaughtered and left to rot in the middle of the desert. A passing vampire was draining the corpses of the not yet coagulated blood when he came across the prince and turned him out of pity. It sounded like something out of a Grimm Fairytale. Not something believable. To top it off, he then declared that he was also a seer by birth, and that he had Seen her marriage to an older land owner who would try to use her marriage to bring himself to the position of sheik after brutally killing her father. This, was a bit more serious, but she still found it hard to believe. She was only fourteen, and although she was aware that she was quite beautiful, she didn't think that her father would go so far as to marry her off so early. Nesrin told him so, and once again warned him that if he were discovered, he would be killed, but the vampire prince was quick to remind her that she would also be in a great deal of trouble, if discovered. He told her that he could rescue her from this fate, if she promised to perform a task (to be determined at a later time). Nesrin might have been naive, but she was not stupid by any means. She told him no, and quickly exited the garden.

Unfortunately for her, the next day went by rather strangely. Much to her shock, her father announced her engagement to a wealthy land owner, informing her that the marriage would be performed within a few months. In no place to argue, but dreadfully upset, she went back to the garden. Nesrin didn't feel ready to get married to a complete stranger (even if it was expected of her) and moped around the garden for a few days, almost wishing that the ridiculous mystery vampire would come back and offer her a way out again. As the day of her marriage drew nearer and nearer, she grew more anxious and desperate. She almost considered telling her father what she now believed to be his fate regardless of the fact that the mystery vampire seemed to be long gone, but she was also afraid that after doing so, he would come back angry for not upholding her end of the deal.

Finally, Nesrin came to the best conclusion she could: she had to run away. Never having been outside before though, she did not know how to pack for the act, and simply tried to leave with only the clothes on her back, by exiting over a wall of the garden. Much to her amazement, just as she started to climb up the wall, a voice from behind her advised her against it. Of course, it was the vampire again, and with the wedding only a few days away, he presented his offer once more. Desperate and having convinced herself that she should have listened to him in the first place, Nesrin blindly accepted his offer, sealed it with a verbal oath, and was promptly given instructions on how to proceed.

Later that night, Nesrin awoke from a 'nightmare'. She immediately told her mother that she had Seen a vision concerning her father, and thus her father was awoken. Nesrin explained to her father that she had Seen her husband to be, and that she had Seen him stealing an important family artifact in anticipation of killing her father. Her father was dubious, but because Nesrin's prediction was only two days from the present, he agreed to keep an eye out. The following night, Nesrin had another vision. She told her father that she had Seen her husband to be murder her father. Her father was now somewhat concerned, but decided to wait until Nesrin's first prophecy came true. When it inevitably did the next day, her husband to be was imprisoned. That night, Nesrin had one last vision: that she needed to go to on a journey to further her abilities as a Seer on her own, and needed to be allowed to leave. Since Nesrin's visions had been right up until that point, he took her vision seriously and allowed her to leave the next morning, giving her access to a small bank account and the knowledge that one day she would be expected to return and marry like the rest of her siblings.

It was in this way that Nesrin came into the care of Serkan Berkant.

Teen Years

To Britain

Just as Serkan had predicted, as soon as Nesrin proved that she had the Sight, her father sent her away to the UK to study. Serkan accompanied Nesrin there where they stayed in a condominium in Liverpool and he taught her more advanced magic. It was there that Nesrin quickly learned that she had made a deal with a vampire – a rather old and dangerous vampire who was not registered with any Ministry or Government in existence. The thought frightened her a bit, but more than that, she felt tricked. She wouldn’t let him know that she felt deceived though – so instead she was quiet and did as he asked, excelling in Charms and Transfiguration. Serkan had a near endless supply of money so they lived comfortably but quietly. Occasionally their peaceful existence was interrupted by aurors searching for a vampire they called '001' but by the time they arrived, Serkan was always long gone and Nesrin was able to weave an intricate but believable lie to cover him.

A Deal Is A Deal

Of course, she had friends other than Serkan. They were die-hard hippies that remembered the late sixties of their childhood and still lived to protest the government and smoke weed in the street corners. She was the most uptight of them all and despite their whining, she always refused to smoke or drink with them. Still, they were friends, and quite a few of her male friends took interest in her. Naturally, she took interest in them too, always laughing and saying that she'd like to marry a british man. Serkan noticed this one day and pulled her aside, telling her that he had lied to her all of the years they had lived together about not knowing what he wanted from her. From the day she had met him, Serkan had planned on marrying her, but not for anything nice or romantic. Her great-great (and some more greats) grandmother had been promised to him so that they could join families, but instead she decieved him and led him and his family to a place where all but he met their deaths. He told her that he was merely taking back what had been promised to him from the beginning - a princess for a wife - and that there was no romance involved and there never would be.

Needless to say, Nesrin was more than angry. She insisted that he knew nothing about her and that she was probably better off with the man she had been promised to than him. He insisted that this wasn't the truth, but she was angry with him and told him that she was not interested in marrying him. This made him furious with her, and Nesrin decided she had been too harsh with him and had hurt his feelings. Aside from that, she knew that she really had promised him and that she was duty-bound to keep her end of the deal. This was how, at the age of 18, Nesrin found herself married to Serkan Berkant.

Married Life

A Secret Life

Despite the fact that Nesrin was most definitely not in love with Serkan, Serkan proved to be a good husband in most aspects. He attempted to make her happy and tried to be romantic on occasion, and always took good care of her. Nesrin also tried to be a good wife, despite the fact that she really didn’t like the position she was in. Still, the two managed to fight fairly often, and even though each fight tended to end in laughs, the tension between them was undeniable. It was hard, because Nesrin knew that every night he was going out to kill people – a practice which she had never really liked to begin with – and that no one could know where he was because he was not only an illegal immigrant (he belonged in Turkey, technically) but also what the Ministry called a “Class A Vampire”, a vampire that killed frequently and left behind no evidence as to who he was. She couldn’t exactly disagree with his lifestyle though – as it was the only one he had, and it had also given her the freedom to choose a career and for the most part, a life of her own.

She also heavily resented the fact that she had never experienced love in her life, as far as she knew. She blamed Serkan, but not because he had married her. Many cultures believed that love could be found after marriage, and Nesrin's was one of them, but she felt that Serkan would never love her in return, and worse than that - didn't want to. She felt as if she was just a prize trophy that was only there to make Serkan feel better about the fact that he had been decieved over a hundred years ago. She constantly feared that one day Serkan would get bored of her and decide to get rid of her in whatever way was more convenient to him.

A Curse

The same year she was married Nesrin took up a job with the Ministry that no one really wanted: and that was the ambassador to the centaurs. It took a long time, but she was finally allowed into the herd and lived alongside them for a few years. However, whenever she wished to communicate with Serkan, she had to step outside of Centaur Territory. Knowing what he was, the centaurs hated and feared him, telling Nesrin that she had been cursed in marrying him. At the time, she couldn’t agree more, although her hatred and resentment towards him faded when he learned that they would be spending some time apart. By the time she applied to Hogwarts as a professor eight years later, she was strangely missing her husband’s presence. In fact, the entire reason she left her job with the centaurs, a job she honestly loved, in the first place was so that she could be near him again, although she couldn't understand why.


She took up her job at Hogwarts with little difficulty as she got along very well with the Headmistress, Keara Mckie. When the Gryffindor Head of House suddenly retired, Nesrin was the one who got the job of Head of House, as Mckie thought that if she had attended Hogwarts, she would have been sorted into Gryffindor. Nesrin actually longs to this day to try on the Sorting Hat to see what it would tell her, but is also afraid to because she knows that her past with Serkan might be enough to drag her into Slytherin. It wasn’t that she didn’t like Slytherins, but they reminded her too much of Serkan and as much as she liked, she didn’t want to be like him. However, unbeknownst to her colleagues, her job at Hogwarts was perfect for her. She had an entire tower all to herself, and at least one room where Serkan could stay all day without being disturbed. That, and he happened to get his hands on a rather nice invisibility cloak, and so as long as he was careful, he could actually roam about when he felt the need. She trusted him to be careful not to reveal his presence. Nesrin knew that he was very stealthy and that if he wanted to avoid people, he would. She spent most of her time in her tower with the excuse that she was shy, which she really was, but in reality she was simply taking care of Serkan. Eventually people took it upon themselves to try and cure Nesrin of her shyness, but it was never enough to really take her away from Serkan, who is a particularly demanding husband. She’s also, despite the fact that no one knows she’s married, managed to fend off any admirers that she’s noticed. Nesrin isn’t the best at uncovering when some one is crushing on her, but she knows that if she doesn’t do it before Serkan does, he may get dangerously jealous. Although Serkan always feeds as far away from Hogwarts as is possible for him, he might deviate from his patterns for one exception. Even though she was positive he had little if any emotional attachment to her, she was fairly certain that he would hurt anyone that tried to make a move on her… or worse. Her first year, her nephew Dante Mithra attended school during her time, and she was protective over him like a mother. Even he had no knowledge of Serkan, but Serkan certainly had knowledge of him, and watched her baby him. Up until the last day on his seventh year, Dante knew he always had some one nearby who he could always turn to and count on, even when he married Freja Verillion against her word. At first she was fiercely against the marriage, but when she saw that he was in love with her, she didn’t have the heart to force him out of it.

Current Plot Involvement

Nesrin has been invovled in many miniplots, but has yet to make an appearance in the main plots.

Other Interesting Facts

+ Nesrin is Dante Mithra's aunt on his mother's side.
+ Although she likes her family, she does not like to see them with Dante as the only exception.
+ Her best friend at the school is Professor Logan Omeul.
+ Nesrin tends to side with the Ministry in the Voldemort struggle.
+ She did not originally approve of Dante's marriage to Freja Mithra.
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