Aevum Fidelis

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Established in 1280 by the wizard Bartholomew Olfmor Baldhild, the society Aevum Fidelis was made with the sole intention to, combat the influence the warlock Frithmil had in the government through organization of leaders loyal to the peace and equality. Over the first few hundred years of its existence, Aevum Fidelis became closely tied with the Ministry, though the organization insisted that it remains a third party. Fidelis was always a democratic organization; they had one leader called the Consul that was little more than a link between every member, and everything they did was voted on by the society as a whole.
After WWI the organization went International and also became much more open to women and lower class citizens. Even so, the organization has not gained much, if any popularity outside of Europe.


The activity of Fidelis is pretty much made up of the members’ current careers. Often the organization attracts people of high influence because of the strong values. Members will meet, discuss politics, events and policy and then apply these discussions to their day jobs (often teachers, Aurors, Ministry Officials and Healers, but not exclusively). Activity differs immensely between individuals.
About fifteen years ago, a very influential leader was killed around the same time many other families were targeted by Death Eaters. Many members backed out or stopped participating so they wouldn’t be tied to the organization. With this loss of dedication along with the ambivalence on whom to chose as a leader, the organization crumbled. The former members who survive today are slightly ashamed to have let an ancient society fall apart.

The Consul

The leader of Aevum Fidelis, the Consul acts as a spokesperson and moderator for the society. The consul is usually either the oldest member, or the most experienced, though there are no actual rules in place. All that is needed is a unanimous vote by the society as a whole.


Everyone in Aevum Fidelis falls under the category of society member, though some are more involved than others. Because Fidelis tries to be as democratic as possible, every member has a vote if they so choose, though voting on everything (except choosing a Consul) is not mandatory. Members need to be of age and need to have graduated from their respective schools.

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