Mirielle Quinn

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Revision as of 02:34, 9 April 2008 by Lamia (Talk | contribs)


Basic Information

Name: Mirielle Quinn
Alias: Lamia Von Maur
Age: 122
Appears: 23
Spouse: Vladimir Everett Quinn
Offspring: Darien Marcus Quinn (deceased)
Position: Ambassador of the Ministry of Magic to the VRR


Childhood Until Durmstrang

Mirielle was born the third child of Estella and Ciprian Von Maur, and was the result of her parents' last attempt for a boy. Ciprian loved his two daughters, but desperately wanted a boy to carry on the family name. After Mirielle however, he decided that his wife was not capable of producing a boy, for whatever reason, and stopped trying for more children.

Her relationship with her parents was fairly normal, although slightly strained. Lucretia, her eldest sister, was already proving to be very intelligent, and long before Mirielle was born, Lucretia had already been labeled: 'the smart one.' Rowena, her beautiful second eldest sister, was gifted with a very tiny waist and a buxom chest. Although her head was fairly empty, Rowena's place in the family was as: 'the beautiful one.' This left very little room for Mirielle, and she found herself labeled as: 'the weird one.' Her parents weren't entirely incorrect. While Lucretia loved to read and study languages, and Rowena fancied trying on dresses and arranging place settings, Mirielle took pleasure in reading. Mirielle read from an extremely early age, and would hide herself from the rest of the family four hours just so that she could read undisturbed. Her quiet nature lead her parents to believe that there might be something wrong with her, but as she grew, their worries faded.

Durmstrang Years

Newlywed Life

Starting a Family

Death of Darien/Her Relationship

Years of Complete Estrangement

Awkward Ministry Years

Renewed Relationship

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