Milo Hart

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Milo Hart

Milo Hart (mye-lo heart) is a successful children’s novelist, and muggle. He is a character in the RPG Incantatem.


The first thing that people tend to notice about Milo is that he has a very prominent nose. It rests in the middle of a rather thin face that is flanked on each side by two large ears. His grey eyes are set deep into his head, and almond shaped, often lined with bags. His mouth is thin, and often twists into a goofy smile that is unusually contagious. A large forehead (which has more than its fair share of worry lines) is covered by dark brown hair, that usually hangs limply- and messily- around his ears.

Milo was never one for physical fitness, but was gifted with a fast metabolism and the appetite of a small bird. The result is that the man is basically a twig- if he turns to the side, he’ll disappear. He isn’t too tall for his build, only just hitting the six-foot mark. When it comes to clothing, he’s quite a fan of fedoras and pea coats, but is most often found in a simple graphic-tee and dark jeans. Throwing a blazer over said graphic-tee and jeans is about as formal as he'll go unless he's threatened.

Milo is played by Adrian Brody.


Milo’s most profitable trait is definitely his imagination. Cultivated in a fertile mind since he was old enough to ‘explore’, Milo’s imagination is vivid and complex. Even as an adult, Milo finds himself a slave to creative impulses, so he carries a notepad wherever he goes. Sometimes, if something hits him suddenly, he has a little eureka moment where he just HAS to celebrate it, usually by reciting it out loud to no one in particular.

Obviously, Milo is quite young at heart, and it’s not only his imagination and his somewhat naïve view of the world that makes him that way. Milo has a grand sense of humor, and believes laughter is the most precious thing in the world. His laugh is often loud and slightly obnoxious, not to mention easily provoked. Seeing as he loves to be amused, Milo also tries his hardest to amuse others. Unfortunately, his efforts are most often expressed in the form of bad puns, and so they fail tragically.

Milo still enjoys the geeky pastimes of his youth- comic books, video games, cult movies, and everything science-fiction/fantasy, in addition, of course, to loud music. Unfortunately, his immature pastimes are often looked poorly upon by his peers, so Milo has taken to hiding, and even brushing off his favorite things when around those he’s trying to impress. Sometimes he’ll go as far as to downplay he motivation to write as a mere love of the money it provides. A few years ago, this statement earned him some bad press, but his diehard fans knew it must have been yellow journalism. Still, it’s not a very noble quality of his, and he knows it…but it beats a return to highschool.

If there’s one thing that gets him into more trouble than his inability to know what NOT to say, it’s his lovesickness. The poor boy is a hopeless romantic and too amorous for his own good. He falls fast and hard, sometimes at first sight, and when he does, he’s devoted. Often, he advances are rejected because most find him smothering. Usually, for him, it turns out to be a ‘nice guys finish last’ scenario. Even with the practice, he doesn’t handle heart-break well.

Those who don’t know Milo, but know of him, can say one thing for sure- the man is kind. He absolutely loves children, and adores his fans probably more then they adore him. Despite the impressive amount of money he earns as an author, his accommodations are modest- most of the money he gets is saved, and the rest is donated. As far as appearances go, he is all too happy to serve himself up to thousands of kids at a reading, but he is loath to interact with the press. He enjoys his privacy, and would rather the world see the-guy-who-wrote-those-books than see Milo Hart.

Pre-Incantatem History

Milo Hart was born on February 9th, 1957. He was raised by two loving parents- Jessie, a painter, and Ralph, an architect. Milo was an only child, but he certainly wasn’t spoiled. He had very little given to him, growing up, and not many friends before he went to school, so he was forced to cultivate an extraordinary imagination to keep himself occupied. When he wasn’t exploring the fantasy worlds in his head, Milo watched his mother paint, learning what he could.

In his early school years, Milo’s teachers worried about him. It seemed that Milo was more content to doodle on his papers, read, or just plain space-out, as opposed to paying attention to lessons or playing with other children. Sometimes, if one paid close attention, one would notice Milo talking to himself as he swung solitarily on the tire swing. You can imagine that his introversion didn’t make him too popular among the student body- he became ‘the weird kid’.

High School wasn’t entirely different. He had a few friends, the kind that traded their comic books and went to see Monty Python movies just to shout out the lines along with the actors. He generally flew under the radar, was bullied occasionally, but he didn’t care. His marks weren’t excellent, because he still had that nasty habit of doodling, or letting his attention drift to those magical places of his youth- only now, he was writing these things down.

Upon graduation, Milo packed up and moved to New York, studying to become an actor at SUNY Purchase. Even as he worked at this dream, he began writing a novel, basing a lot of it on the stories he imagined as a child. He finished only one year later, writing between papers and classes, and submitted his work to a publisher. To his surprise, the publisher’s agreed. His novel went on sale in America, where it became unexpectedly popular.

Unfortunately, Milo couldn’t stay in the states long enough to appreciate his success. His part time job hardly supported his solitary lifestyle, and his acting career was going no where. He moved back with his parents, who lived in a suburb of London, for a few months, before getting an offer from a British publisher, who wanted to purchase the rights to print his book. Milo was shocked to see that they were willing to pay him more than his salary for the entire year before.

He graciously accepted the offer, immediately moving out of his parent’s house, and into a studio flat in London. Here he set up shop- he continued with the second story in what would become a hit series. He also took up painting, often illustrating his stories. Feeling quite lonely, he adopted a dog, Simon, who was to become the his greatest companion through the years. During this time, he also published several poetry books for children, as well as picture books. Eight years later, he is still a successful author, and is currently working on the finale in his series.

Role in Incantatem Plot

Being a muggle, Milo has very little role in the overall plot so far.

Minor/Personal Plot

Milo is working on his fifth and final novel.

Other Misc./Interesting Facts

Milo’s Dog

Milo has a black and white miniature bull terrier named Simon. Simon is remarkably obedient, and Milo takes him just about everywhere that allows dogs. Milo has had Simon since he moved to London, so Simon is over eight years old. The dog has been Milo’s closest- and only- companion for the past eight years, so he and the dog are inseparable.

Milo’s Novels

Milo is currently hard at work on the fifth and final novel in his series, Betwixt. The series basically tells the story of an English girl named Nora, who is sent to live with her uncle after her parents die in a car accident of which she was the only survivor. Turns out her uncle is studying sorcery, and in particular, a world that is supposed to exist within our own, where every moment happens in between the moments in our world, balancing time out. Eventually, the girl and her uncle find a way into this world, where they discover a plot to throw everything off balance. Chaos ensues. The story takes place in the late 1880’s.

The series has taken him so long to write because he also spends time on poetry books and picture books, and he illustrates them all himself. His most popular poetry book for children is called If I Went to Wizard School… and it centers on the theme of magic. It’s become well known in the actual wizarding world because of its uncanny parallels to Hogwarts and magic in general.

Milo & the Wizarding World

Milo dosesn’t have any actual knowledge of the wizarding world, whatever he wrote about in his poetry book came straight from his imagination. The being said, Milo would have very little trouble with believing someone if they were to tell him that this stuff actually exists. He might think they were joking at first, but a quick demonstration would convince him in a heart beat. Secretly, he’s always believed in magic, since he was a child, but as an adult, it’s become harder and harder to keep that faith.

Played By

Milo Hart is played by Rachel, aka iheartar

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